Chapter 63: Truth be Told
Steven's POV
Steven is sitting on the couch in the living room, deep in contemplation and having several flashbacks.
Flashback - "Back to the Moon"
Eyeball: I watched the leader of the Crystal Gems, Rose Quartz, shatter Pink Diamond!
Flashback - "Jungle Moon"
Back in Steven's dream, Pink Diamond punched the glass in Yellow Diamond's Jungle Moon Base in anger, smashing it.
Flashback - "The Trial"
Blue Zircon: So how did a Rose Quartz, with no business being anywhere near Pink Diamond, get so close in the first place?
Flashback - "Can't Go Back"
Back in Steven's dream again, a silhouette of Pearl held up Rose's Sword behind Pink Diamond and glared at Steven intimidatingly.
Trans. Int. Beach House
Steven gasps in fright from Pearl's glare in his dream, snapping him out of his thoughts, when Y/N, Pearl and Amethyst walk into the house. The Zircons and Lonely Pearl were cleaning around the house and Fable was having a chat with Bismarck.
Amethyst: I can't believe you've had your phone for a month, and you haven't used it at all!
Pearl: That's not true! I use it to tell the time!
Y/N: There are much more functions than that, Pearl. You should try it.
Steven groans in anxiety, as Y/N, Pearl and Amethyst sit by the kitchen counter.
Amethyst: Sigh... Come here, P. Huh, let's change your wallpaper.
Amethyst takes Pearl's cellphone and takes a selfie, setting it as the wallpaper.
Amethys: Looks great. Okay, now texting is in the messages. Just click on this screen icon-
Steven: *panicking* PEARL, CAN I ASK YOU SOM-
Amethyst: Hold on, Stevo. I'm in the middle of a demonstration. Hey, anyway... Then you can type pretty much anything you want.
Steven receives a text from Pearl, reading "Dear Steven, Hello. Love, Pearl".
Amethyst: You should get a case for that thing.
Pearl: I do. *pulls out a suitcase from her gem*
Y/ that supposed to be a joke?
Amethyst: Okay. I have a whole bunch of actual phone cases in my room. Don't go and throw that thing against a rock or anything until I'm back.
Amethyst enter the Temple Gate into her room. With Pearl now alone, Steven approaches her nervously.
Steven: Pearl?
Pearl: What is it, Steven?
Steven:...You remember how Mom shattered Pink Diamond? Well, I was just wondering, if maybe... You shattered Pink Diamond.
Pearl: *shocked* I-
Pearl quickly covers her hands over her mouth involuntarily, dropping her phone onto the floor.
Y/N: Pearl? You alright?
Steven: It's okay. You can tell me.
Pearl struggles to speak, with her hands still covering her mouth, it's as if she was being told to not talk at all.
Steven: Why can't you just talk to me about this!?
Amethyst returns, holding a phone case in her hand, and quickly senses the uneasiness in the room.
Amethyst: I got the... phone... case...
Pearl slowly uncovers her mouth and begins shouting hysterically.
Pearl: AH YES, THE PHONE CASE! THANK YOU AMETHYST! Whoops, so clumsy, it's probably safer if I just keep it in here. *chuckles nervously*
Pearl picks up her phone and stores it into her gem. She then grabs the suitcase and marches into the Temple.
Amethyst: Wait, come on, just, put it in this, then put in in your head.
Pearl walks through the Temple Gate and it closes.
Amethyst: What was that?
Y/N: Something...odd.
Steven sighs in great dismay.
Change Scene; Beach Citywalk Fries
Steven is eating fry bits by the fries shop, when he receives a text from Pearl on his phone.
Steven: *reading* "I want to tell you, but I can't"?
Change Scene; Beach House
Your POV
Steven quickly rushes back home, where Pearl is vacuuming the Warp Pad.
Pearl: *stops vacuuming* Uh- What?
Steven: I got your text! "I want to tell you, but I can't"? With a monkey (🙊) emoji?
Pearl: Steven, I didn't send that. I haven't used my phone since I put it away this morning.
Y/N: She's not lying, Steven.
Steven: Maybe you butt-dialed me? With your gem?
Pearl: No, that's impossible! Hang on, I'll pull it out and we'll get to the bottom of this. See, here- *pulls out a remote control, and drops it* See, I-
Pearl proceeds to pull several items out of her gem, such a violin, an aerodynamic book, Steven's shirt and a bundle of cash, but no phone.
Pearl: Maybe this? No. Maybe this? No! Maybe- Ma-May this? NO!
Steven: Pearl, are you okay?
Pearl: *pulls up a film roll* Where could I've put it!? I know it's in there somewhere!
Y/N: Okay, Pearl? Calm down, that's just a phone.
Steven: *gasps* You just sent another one!
Steven shows me and Pearl his phone, this time a text of a single hibiscus flower (🌺) emoji. Pearl suddenly comes to a horrific realization.
Pearl: Steven, I need you to go inside my gem and find my phone.
Steven: What?! I-Is it stuck in there or something?
Pearl: There are certain things I can't tell you, but I CAN tell you that I need my phone. Please. I can bring you back out once you find what you're looking for. Y/N, go with him, this is also something you have to do.
Steven:...Your phone?
Pearl: Exactly! I'll keep your phone, text me with mine when you find it.
Steven nods and Pearl offers me him her hand. Me and Steven accepts it and Pearl's gem begins glowing, levitating us up and pulling us inside.
Change Scene; Pearl's Dimension
I opened my eyes and Steven opens his' and found ourselves in a white room, with a Pearl humming and arranging an array of spears.
Steven: There's a Pearl, inside Pearl's pearl? *runs up to the Pearl*
Pearl #1: Oh, Steven! *picks Steven up* Where should I put you? Certainly not with the spears. Human paraphernalia? Personal items? Let's just go alphabetical. "S"... "S-t"...
Pearl #1 begins scrolling an array of neatly-arranged items and is about to slot Steven in between the stethoscope and the sticker.
Steven: Wait! No, don't file me! You sent me in here for your cellphone.
Pearl #1: My phone? Well, alright. *sets Steven down* Let's see...
Pearl #1 scrolls through the items, towards the ones categorized under "P", such as a potted plant and various phone numbers.
Pearl #1: "P-h-o"... Hmm... Nothing. *gasps* Oh, it's a cellular phone! I must have put it under "C" *scrolls again* It should be right... here.
Pearl #1 scrolls to the "C" category and points at an empty slot in between a roll of cellophane and a cleaver, which shocked Pearl.
Pearl #1: It should be right here! Unless... some other me took it.
Steven: There's more of you in here?
Pearl #1: Oh no, not here. I made sure of that. I am very good at compartmentalizing everything. That's why I get to be surface, and they have to be put away.
Y/N: Well if one of those Pearls has the phone, can you tell us how to find her?
Pearl #1: Oh, you don't want to go back where they are. It's a mess. Let's just stay here, where everything is alphabetized!
Steven: Come on, we can handle it!
Pearl #1:*sighs* Alright. Don't say I didn't warn you both.
Pearl #1 holds my hand and Steven's hand and her gem glows, pulling both of us inside again.
Change Scene; Crystal Temple (Pearl's Memory)
Me and Steven looked around and found ourselves on the beach, right in front of the Crystal Temple.
Steven: This doesn't look like a mess. It looks like... the past.
Me and Steven then heard sobbing behind the hand of the Temple statue on the beach. We looked over and finds another Pearl crying in distress.
Steven: Oh... That kind of mess.
Steven runs up to Pearl #2 and sits down besides her.
Steven: Hey, Pearl inside Pearl inside Pearl's pearl. You upset about the whole missing phone situation too?
Pearl #2: *sobbing* No, it's Rose. What was she thinking? She can't have a baby.
Y/N: Well... This is awkward.
Pearl #2: What am I going to do when she disappears? I'm going to lose her! Just like I lost my- *turns to Steven* What was it you said?
Steven: Your cellphone?
Pearl #2: My cellphone! *sobs loudly*
Y/N: It's going to be okay. *hugs her* That's why you sent us in here, we're gonna help you find it.
Pearl #2: *looks up* I think I know where it is. It's probably where I lost everything else.
Pearl #2 takes my hand and Steven's hand and her gem glows, pulling us inside again.
Change Scene; Gem Battlefield (Pearl's Memory)
Me and Steven arrived in the middle of the Gem Battlefield at its aftermath. We walked around and Steven accidentally trips over, noticing several gems on the ground. He gasps and jumps back in fright while I went wide eyed for a brief moment.
Steven: It's better not turn out her phone was in her pocket. *continues walking around* Or she left it on the dresser or dropped it in the toilet. Seems about as likely as putting it in your repressed war memories!
Steven finds yet another Pearl standing alone in the battlefield, staring out into the distance in a daze.
Steven Pearl? I mean, Pearl inside Pearl inside Pearl inside Pearl's pearl? Is this really about your phone or what?!
Pearl #3: *dazed* We're the only ones left... Homeworld... They were all leaving... *drops to her knees* We thought we'd won.... There was a bright light and everyone was- ...Why did I do it?
Y/N: What do you mean? Just tell us!
Pearl #3 shakes her head and takes my hand and Steven's hand. Her gem glows and me and Steven is pulled inside again.
Change Scene; Pink Diamond's Palanquin (Pearl's Memory)
Steven and myself find ourselves kneeling on the ground, in front of several pink gem shards and hibiscus flowers on the ground. Loud voices and weapon clashing are heard in the background.
Steven picks up a shard and looks up, spotting Rose in a cloud of pink dust, having swung her sword at whatever was there. Tears then stream down her face. I gritted my teeth and summoned my blades but was stopped by Steven.
Steven: Mom?
Steven gets up, holding the shard and walks towards Rose.
Steven: I thought this was Pearl's- What are you doing here?
Rose looks up, revealing she has Pearl's eyes.
Steven: W-What?!
A scream is heard, presumably Jasper's, causing "Rose" to turn her head and reveal Pearl's gem on her forehead.
Y/N: It was you who shattered her?!
Pearl, shapeshifted as Rose, opens her fist and reveals a pink diamond gem in her hand to Steven.
Y/N: Pink... Diamond? But... I don't understand.
Pearl's gem glows again, pulling me and Steven in one last time.
Change Scene; Pink Diamond's Palanquin (Pearl's Memory)
Me and Steven this time found ourselves sitting on the throne inside the palanquin, and we got off of it.
Steven: The palanquin?
Steven and myself then heard voices behind the throne. We walked around the throne and spotted Rose conversing with another Pearl inside the palanquin.
Rose: And then we'll be done. It's going to be easy!
Pearl #4: There's got to be another way. I mean, maybe-
Rose: Blue and Yellow don't care; they never have. This is Pink Diamond's colony. We can end it all right here, right now.
Pearl #4: *clutching Rose's sword* You know this is crazy, right? *Rose nods* Your status, my purpose. None of it will matter anymore. *Rose nods more excitedly.*This will change
Rose: I know! Isn't it exciting?!
Pearl #4: *sighs and blushes* It is.
Rose: We can leave our old lives behind. If this is really my world, I want to give it to the Crystal Gems. I want to live here with human beings! I wanna live here with you! We'll both finally be free!
Pearl #4: *smiles and looks at Rose determinedly* Okay. I'm ready.
Rose: *excitedly* Peeearl!
Steven continues watching intently as Rose holds Pearl's hands, as I was clenching my fist.
Pearl #4: I can't believe I'm going to do this.
Rose: I can't exactly shatter myself.
Rose and Pearl hug each other and Rose begins shapeshifting. I watched and went wide eyed in shock as Rose turns back into her normal self: Pink Diamond. Steven presses himself against the throne as I went wide eyewd with tears in my eyes, I was filled with anger, as Pink Diamond and Pearl #4 walk past.
Pink Diamond steps out of the palanquin and returns with a single hibiscus flower and a pile of dirt in her hand. Pearl takes the flower and puts it in her hair. Pink Diamond blows into the dust pile and tightly squeezes it, compressing it into fake gem shards, surprising Steven.
Pink Diamond: Convincing?
Pearl #4: *gets uncomfortable* Very much so, my Diamond.
Pink Diamond: Soon, it will be just Rose.
Pink Diamond pops the shards into her mouth and swallows them. Pearl begins to unsheathe the sword but Pink Diamond halts her.
Pink Diamond: Wait! There's one last thing I need to do.
Pearl #4: *puts the sword on the floor* Yes?
Pink Diamond: No one can ever find out we did this. I never want to look back. *folds Pearl's hands to cover her mouth* So, for my last order to you as a Diamond, please, let's never speak of this again. No one can know. Not even Painite.
Pink Diamond stands up and proceeds to step outside her palanquin. Steven gasps in shock as Pearl #4 turns to look at me and him, having noticing us behind the throne.
Pearl #4: Sorry to make you come all this way.
Y/N: ..................................................................................................................
Pearl #4 holds out her cellphone to Steven, and he takes it, looking surprised. Pearl #4 then shapeshifts into Rose in front of him, picks up the sword and heads outside. Steven proceeds to text Pearl that he has found her phone, and we were being pulled out.
Change Scene; Pink Diamond's Palanquin (Pearl's Memory)
A sequence of flashbacks plays by as me and Steven gets pulled down. Outside the palanquin, Pearl poofed and "shattered" Pink Diamond with Rose's sword. Several other Gems witnessed the event unraveling, not knowing Pearl was hiding Pink Diamond's gem in her hand.
Change Scene; Gem Battlefield (Pearl's Memory)
In the battlefield, Garnet and Pearl fought against other Gems, when a bright light engulfed the sky and the entire field, presumingly ending the war.
Change Scene; Crystal Temple (Pearl's Memory)
In front of the Crystal Temple, Pearl placed her hands on Rose Quartz's pregnant tummy. Slipping into depression, Pearl got comforted by Garnet and Amethyst in the temple.
Change Scene; Beach House
Me and Steven falls out of Pearl's gem onto the floor and looks at Pearl. I stood up and I was clenching my fist too hard and I was letting off literal flames.
Steven: I know...
Pearl: *tearing up* I wanted to tell you for so long.
Steven Mom was Pink-
Y/N: Diamond....Pink Diamond!
The Zircons, Lonely Pearl, Fable, Amethyst and Garnet are then seen standing right behind me and Steven, all in shock and surprise.
Amethyst: WHAAAAAAT?!
And Finished
OOh snap! The cursing is about to get down, I've beem wanting to write this for ages now. But I didn't get to erite it sooner because we have been doing some things in our home.
Have a Coffin Dance Doom Version.
Not gonna lie, Khan Maykr looking hot tho.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.
Mcfly signing off.
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