Chapter 61: Big Show

Your POV

Steven is video-recording while Sadie Killer and the Suspects performs "The Working Dead".

Sadie: ♪ But I'd really rather be, ♪ Eating your brain! ♪

Steven: Whoo-hoo!

Jenny: Just another hot track from Sadie Killer and the Suspects.

Y/N: I agree, you guys are getting better as time pass by.

Sadie: How's it sound, Sour Cream?

Sour Cream: Here, check it out. *shows Sadie his laptop screen*

Buck: Hey, Steven. How's the footage coming?

Steven: *chuckles* Great!

Buck: Your documentation of our humble beginnings will be important when we become a pop-culture phenomenon.

Jenny: Okay, but why are you recording it on that giant shoe box?

Steven: It's my dad's old camcorder. These are your early days. The footage has to look old.

Sadie: I think I could get a more guttural scream on the chorus if I rest my voice a little.

Footsteps are then heard upstairs, and Sadie quickly closes Sour Cream's laptop.

Barbara: Sadie! *enters downstairs* Could you give me a hand with the gro- Oooh! Didn't realize you had practice today. Hey, kids!

Cool Kids: Hi, Ms. Miller.

Steven: Hi, Barb!

Y/N: Hello, Ms. Miller.

Barbara: Uh-oh. There's a film crew! Good thing us Millers only have good angles, huh? *poses*

Sadie: *blushing* Mooooom!

Barbara: Okay, okay. I know the rule. I'll stay out of your hair.

Sadie: It's okay. We're done for the night.

Barbara: You know you can play while I'm in the house. It won't bother me. I'm old; I can't hear anything!

Sadie: Heh! Okay. Thanks, Mom.

Barbara: *cups her hand around her ear* What?! Huh?! Can't hear a thing! *walks upstairs* Let me know if you kids want to stick around for dinner. I'm making a salad that's mostly cheese.

Sadie: Okay! Thanks, Mom!

Change Scene; Beach House

The video flickers and transitions to Greg inside Steven's house, listening to one of Sadie Killer and the Suspects' songs on a laptop with headphones on.

Greg: *air-guitars* You said this is Sadie singing?

Steven: Uh-huh.

Greg: This is good stuff!

Y/N: Might even be as good as yours, Greg.

Steven: You should see them live. Sadie has this alter ego, and-

Greg: Huh?

Steven: Uh, you should see them live!

Greg: *raises his headphones slightly* What?!

Y/N: See them live! It's awesome!

Change Scene; Sadie's Room

The video flickers and transitions back to Sadie's room, where Sadie Killer and the Suspects, in costume, are doing a live performance for Greg, singing their theme song.

Sadie: *shining a flashlight under her face* ♪ Teens by day, we're all right. ♪ Teens by day, but every night we're... ♪

Sadie & Cool Kids: ♪ Sadie Killer and the Suspects! ♪

Sadie: ♪ Whoa-oh-oh! ♪

Sadie & Cool Kids: ♪ Sadie Killer and the Suspects! ♪

Sadie: ♪ Don't be scared, it's the afternoon! ♪ Don't be scared, but pretty soon we'll be... ♪

Sadie & Cool Kids: ♪ Sadie Killer and the Suspects! ♪

Sadie: ♪ Whoa-oh-oh! ♪

Sadie & Cool Kids: ♪ Sadie Killer and the Suspects! ♪

Sadie: ♪ The moon is out, I'm feeling strange. ♪ *covers her face with a cape* ♪ It's making me shout, it's making me change. ♪ You better watch out, it's going to get loud. ♪ I'm killing the stage, I'm killing the crowd! ♪

Sadie turns around and holds up her cape, revealing a skeleton on her back, as Sour Cream throws in a smoke bomb.

Buck: And you're next.

Greg: *clapping* Whoa! That was great! Sadie, you transform into a totally different person.

Steven: Yeah. No more Sadie Miller. She's Sadie Killer.

Y/N: Yeah! That's my girl!

Sadie: *blushes* Heh heh. Yeah. It feels... kind of freeing.

Greg: I can tell! And this whole look you guys have going is really fun! Nice wolf man, Buck.

Buck: I'm a witch's cat.

Jenny: We know our costumes look cheap. But when we make it big, we're going to have the finest tombstone hats money can buy.

Sadie: But that's a long ways off. We're still mostly playing, uh, well, basements.

Greg: That's where everyone starts. Now you just got to work on the stuff that isn't music: booking shows, making merch, getting the word out.

Steven: Dad! You know how to do all that stuff! You could help them!

Greg: What, like, be their manager?

Steven & Y/N: Yeah!

Buck: You taught me everything I know, Mr. U. I think you'd be a great manager.

Sadie: Yeah!

Jenny: Yeah, come on!

Greg: Ha! I'll take the job!

Sadie & Cool Kids: Yeah!

Sadie: Thanks, Mr. Universe!

Buck: And so it begins: our rise to stardom, followed by the inevitable infighting and creative disagreements that will tear us apart in a beautiful explosion of emotions.

Y/N:.............Don't give us thoughts about that.

Greg: Don't worry. That won't happen.

Buck: Ah, shoot.

Change Scene; Greg's Van

The video flickers and transitions to Steven walking toward Greg's van, while Greg is inside talking on his phone.

Greg: Hey, Sunshine! It's your old friend, Mr. Universe.

Steven knocks on the van door, with a sign reading "Greg Universe: Professional Band Manager" pasted on it, and Greg opens the door with his foot.

Greg: Are you still booking all the coolest bands at your club? Well, listen to this!

Greg plays Sadie's song on his laptop and holds the phone up to it. Steven gives a thumbs-up and Greg returns the thumbs-up. Shortly, Greg pulls back the phone and speaks into it again.

Greg: Oh, sorry. It's probably hard to hear over the phone. I'll e-mail you a link. Yeah. *laughs* Talk to you soon!

Greg hangs up and begins typing an email, while Steven and I climb inside Greg's van.

Steven: Who was that?

Greg: *sends the e-mail* Oh, Sunshine Justice. She's an old music buddy that owns a venue in Empire City.

Greg's laptop chimes shortly.

Greg: Oh! She replied. *reads the e-mail* "This is the absolute worst recording I've ever heard. It's a shame because I love the song. Let's get these kids on stage with some decent equipment"? They've got a gig!

Y/N: Heck Yeah!

Steven: *high-fives Greg* Whoo!

Greg: I'll e-mail her back right away! *begins typing*

Steven: Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Change Scene; Beach House

Transition effects wipe across the video, and it transitions to Steven drawing posters for Sadie Killer and the Suspects at home. Greg is talking to Sadie, Buck, and Sour Cream in the kitchen.

Greg: It's a big stage, so you're gonna have a lot of space we can fill up.

Sadie: Isn't that fog machine really expensive?

Y/N: The Fog Of War is one of the best units out there. Go big! It's on my tab.

Sour Cream: When you say, "Big", you mean, like, glow sticks in every color?

Greg: Bigger! I'm talking lasers!

Sour Cream: Lasers?!

Change Scene; It's a Wash

The video transitions to outside of Greg's car wash, where Jenny and Buck arrive with packages to show to the rest of the band.

Jenny: Special delivery.

Y/N: I think this will get us through the show tomorrow and then some.

Jenny: *shows off her Sadie Killer and the Suspects shirt* Check it.

Steven: Oh-ho-ho!

Sour Cream: Nice!

Jenny*poses* Scary and stylish.

Just then, Barbara arrives with some more packages.

Sour Cream: Huh? The Fog Of War and our lasers... and Barb! *lifts up the Fog Of War*

Barbara: These all got your name on them, Greg. You building a new car wash or something?

Greg: *chuckles* It's all for Sadie Killer and the Suspects.

Barbara: Huh?

Greg: Your daughter's band? I'm their manager.

Barbara: What are you talking about? An old duffer like you managing a band?

Greg: *chuckles* Well, I may be old, but that didn't stop me from getting them a gig in-

Sadie: *interrupts nervously* In some no-name city. It's not a big deal.

Sadie accidentally knocks over a poster and the poster unrolls in front of Barbara.

Barbara: *reading the poster* "Sadie Killer and the Suspects, live at Empire Ci--" *gasps* My girl is playing in Empire City?! This is a huge deal! Oh, my gosh. Geez. If you need to carry all this stuff and your instruments, I-I can probably use the mail truck if I ask nice. And I can definitely use it if I don't ask. Oh! And you'll need snacks for the road, and-

Sadie: Mom! We've talked about this!

Steven: Uhh... Sadie?

Sadie: The band is my thing, and I just want to be able to do it on my own.

Barbara: ...Right, right. You need your space. I understand. You kids be safe and have a good show, huh?

Sadie watches on as Barbara drives away in her mail truck. The video transitions again to the Cool Kids testing out the Fog Of War in front of the car wash.

Sour Cream: Ready the cords.

Buck: Here I go.

Buck plugs the power cord in and Sour Cream turns the fog machine on, causing it to produce a prodigious amount of fog and engulfing me and Jenny in it.

Jenny: Whoa!

Y/N: Nice.

Jenny and Sour Cream laugh in delight, as Steven pans the camcorder towards Sadie and Greg by the van.

Sadie: Ohh. Ugh. *pulls her face* My mom used to be so into my life, it was suffocating. But now I get to be Sadie Killer, and it's something that's totally mine, and I know she's just waiting to get her hands on it.

Greg: Wow. That's so funny.

SadieHow is it funny? It drives me nuts!

Greg: Oh, no. It's just back in the day, my parents didn't want anything to do with my music. They thought I was throwing my life away. They never came to one of my shows. They never even wanted to hear about them.

Sadie: Really?

Greg: It's kind of amazing that your mom is excited about your band. It's just... really nice to see.

Sadie: Yeah. Yeah... I-I guess you're right.

Change Scene; Greg's Van

The video transitions to Greg driving, me, Steven, Sadie and the Cool Kids to Empire City in his van.

Jenny: Are you ready, Sadie Killer?

Sadie: Yeah!

Jenny: *hugs Sadie* Aah! I'm so excited! It's our first big show!

Y/N: Make sure not to mess up. But it's fine if it isn't as good as they expected, it's our first try. And have fun!

Sour Cream: Yeah!

Buck: Me, too.

The band holds hands and raises them excitedly.

Sadie & Jenny: The venue!

Sour Cream: Yeah!

Buck: I love enthusiasm.

Change Scene; Empire City

The video transitions to Sadie Killer and the Suspects at the concert venue preparing for their show. Backstage, Greg is instructing some roadies while the Cool Kids get dressed into black suits.

Greg: And we got about six more cameras in the back of the van.

Jenny:*to Buck* What do you mean, you don't know how to tie a tie?

Sour Cream: Yeah. Like, didn't your dad teach you? He used to wear them every day.

Buck: *wearing a tie like a scarf* They were clip-ons.

Steven pans the camcorder towards me and Sadie, who is putting on a ghostly makeup in front of a mirror and I am helping her put it on.

Steven: Sadie! What's up? Are you nervous?

Sadie: No, no. I'm just, umm... *gets up* Just getting ready.

Sadie and Steven walk to the stage curtain and peek out at the audience.

Steven: Sounds like a big crowd out there. Wait. Is that...

Steven zooms in towards a woman in the audience who strongly resembles Barbara, and Sadie notices too.

Sadie: Mom?! *gets agitated* Does she think she can just show up in some wacky disguise and I won't know it's her?! It's so obvious!

Steven: Maybe she should have gotten some costume tips from you.

Y/N: Sadie, you have nothing to be ashamed of your mom. She's your mom. She will not make fun of you if you fail, instead she will support you and push you to the very best that you can be. Like Greg said you are lucky to have a mother like Barb.

Sadie: You're right. Thanks, Y/N.

Greg: Okay, guys. You're on in 5.

Timeskip; Showtime

The video transitions again, Steven is filming Sadie Killer and the Suspects from the audience. Jenny, Buck, and Sour Cream are already onstage, as a coffin prop rises out of the stage. Sadie bursts out of the coffin, and the band begins to perform "G-G-G-Ghost"

Sadie: ♪ I used to be sick, sick and tired. ♪ Delirious, dizzy, terrified. ♪ But I'm suddenly up and out of bed. ♪ You'd never believe I was almost... ♪

Sadie begins walking up to each of the Cool Kids, as they act that they are unable not to see her.

Sadie: ♪ Why can't you see me? ♪ Why can't you see me?' ♪ I think I might be, ♪ A g-g-g-ghost. ♪

Sadie walks back to the coffin and knocks it over.

Sadie: ♪ Awww-aahhh! ♪ Can't you see that I exist? ♪ And I don't need an exorcist, ♪ To let~ me~ out?~ ♪

Sadie begins throwing confetti from the coffin everywhere.

Sadie: ♪ Look at me, and I'll appear. ♪ Why can't you see that I'm right here? ♪ That I'm~ right~ here.~ ♪

Sadie points and winks at the woman who resembles Barbara in the audience, and begins throwing confetti at each of the Cool Kids, who reacts like they sense her presence.

Sadie: ♪ Why can't you see me? ♪ Why can't you see me? ♪ I think I might be... ♪ A g-g-g-ghost... ♪

Sadie sits in front of the coffin, slumps over and drops her microphone. The Cool Kids walk over and place their hands on Sadie, as she "levitates" into the air.

Sadie (Pre-recorded): ♪ I'm calling you from the other side... ♪

Sadie is raised into the air by a rope, lifting up her arms briefly before going slack. The song concludes, and the audience cheers and applauds. Sadie smiled and she went to the mic.

Sadie: Hi everyone. I just want to say that this is a dream come true that we get to play here in front of all of you. It wouldn't jave been possible if it wasn't for our manager. But befpre we leave, we have one last song that we'll play and the one who will sing it is a very special person to me. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here, he changed me and he changed a lot of people more. Please give it up, for Y/N!

I walked out of the stage and I was wearing a jacket and with a guitar, I gave Sadie a quick hug and went to the mic.

Y/N: Good evening, to you all. I have to say it's a nice feeling of being up here, playing for you all. It's an honor for the the Sadie Killer and The Suspects and an honor for me. Now are you ready?

The crowd cheered and I smiled, I went closer tk the mic and I stared into the crowd for a moment, and I started playing the song "Dead Memories" by Slipknot.

Song starts

Sitting in the dark, I can't forget
Even now, I realize the time I'll never get
Another story of the bitter pills of fate
I can't go back again
I can't go back again

But you asked me to love you and I did
Traded my emotions for a contract to commit
And when I got away, I only got so far
The other me is dead
I hear his voice inside my head

We were never alive
And we won't be born again
But I'll never survive
With dead memories in my heart
Dead memories in my heart
Dead memories in my heart

You told me to love you, and I did
Tied my soul into a knot
And got me to submit
So when I got away,
I only kept my scars
The other me is gone
Now I don't know where I belong

We were never alive,
And we won't be born again
But I'll never survive
With dead memories in my heart
Dead memories in my heart
Dead memories in my heart
Dead memories in my heart

Dead visions in your name
Dead fingers in my veins
Dead memories in my heart
Dead memories in my heart
Dead memories in my heart
Dead memories in my heart

Song emds

As I finish the song, the crowd clapped snd I smiled one last time before the lights on the stage turned off completely.


The video transitions to Sadie Killer and the Suspects backstage, as Greg congratulates them.

Greg: You were all so amazing!

Jenny: Yeah, we were!

Sour Cream: Sadie, you nailed that ending.

Just then, the woman who resembled Barbara walks backstage towards the group.

Sadie: Oh! Hey, Ma-

Greg: Sunshine Justice! *hugs the woman*

Sunshine: How you been, Greg? *raises her sunglasses* Where'd you find these kids? Reminds me of your old space gimmick, except people actually like it.

Greg: Hey! *smiles*

Sunshine:*chuckles* I'm just kidding. You were very ahead of your time. But Sadie Killer and the Suspects? That crowd was going crazy. You're really something. You kids are welcome to play at the venue anytime.

Cool Kids: *briefly dumbstruck, and get excited* Aah!

Sadie: Oh, yeah!

[Trans. Int. Greg's Van]

The video transitions to Greg driving Steven and the band back home. The Cool Kids are fast sleeping while me and Sadie are sitting together while she was resting against me, Sadie is looking out the window. Steven turns to Sadie and begins whispering, to not wake the Cool Kids.

Steven: You did great tonight!

Sadie: Thanks.

Y/N: So, how does it feel to be a rock star?

Sadie: Weird. I mean, good. It's just... I went all out thinking my mom was at the show. I can't believe I kind of wanted her to be there. Well, not even kind of. I did.

Y/N: It is one of the greatest feelings that countless singers and artists have felt. Maybe in the next gig you have, tell her to come.

Steven: Yeah! There'll be other shows. Why don't you tell her about the next one?

Sadie: Hey, Mr. Universe, let's play our next show in Beach City.

Greg: I'll make it happen.

Steven: *points the camcorder to himself* That's all, folks! Thanks for watching!

Y/N: Wait, you're going to upload the video? If so, make sure to like and subscribe. Oh who am I kidding? That's all, folks.

Steven makes a peace sign and I did a two finger salute as the star iris closes on our face.

And Finished

We are back on track baby! Hell yeah! Do you remember when I asked you if you remember the Cluster's concelt art?

Do you know what it looks like? If not, here.

That thing is tall!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.

Mcfly signing off

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