Chapter 59: Fusions Of War Pt. 1
Your POV
Me and Steven decided to surprise the whole gang with our fusion. We are practicing at the beach and memorizing the plan.
Steven: You pull of a Moonwalk and I'll do a spin and I'll jump then catch me, then BAM! Turquoise in the house!
Y/N: Sounds good enough. Wanna give it a shot now?
Steven: Yeah, let's show em'.
Steven ran towards the house, he's doing some sort of run where you go really low and you put your head forward and your hands at your sides. Like a Naruto run. I just smiled and walked towards the beach house with my hands inside my pockets.
We both reached the house and saw that all of the Gems are there including Fable.
Steven: Guys, me and Y/N have something to show you.
Pearl: What is it, Steven?
Y/N: Me and Steven had an idea and we've been practicing all morning, you're in for a good one. Steven? Hit it!
Steven played the song and the song is a hip-hop. Steven started spinning and shaking his hands like he was holding maracas, I did a few spins and I did a quick spin and a flip, then I started Moonwalking and then Steven jumped and I caught him while I was doing a pose. Then we both started glowing and then we are fusing. Our height is similar to what Steven is saying "Opal". Then the light faded showing Turquoise.
Turquoise: G'day, girls.
Garnet: *has a wide grin across her face with her hands clapped in front of her*
Amethyst: *laughs at Garnet's reaction*
Peridot: *stars in her eyes* OH MY STARS!!!
Yellow Zircon: *keeps admiring the fusion's muscles and drooling*
Blue Zircon: *does the same as Yellow Zircon*
Lonely Pearl: *having thoughts of Turquoise giving her a bouquet of flowers and kissing him*
Fable: Oh, such a majestic fusion!
Turquoise (Steven): Wait 'til you see our weapon.
The fusion summoned his mace and swinged it and itbturned into a flail and the chain got longer also making a ranged weapon, he rested the weapon on his shoulder.
Turquoise: Name's Turquoise, pleasure to meet you.
Pearl: Since when did you two fuse?!
Turquoise (Y/N): Ah, Pearl we fused when we were in Homeworld, bit of a pain in the arse those Shattering Robonoids are.
Garnet: Such a powerful fusion too, your weapon is a mace but inside it has a chain attached to it making a flail also and it can also extend making it a ranged weapon, impressive!
Turquoise (Steven): Very outstanding, ain't it?
Amethyst: Yo, dude, what else can you do?
Turquoise : A lot of things, luv. I have Steven's shield, ability to heal, Painite's wings and his ability to clone himself and the ability to summon crystal spikes and that's about it luv. I don't know about the Power of the Sun, though it might be possible that I have it.
Lonely Pearl: Power of the what?
Turquoise (Y/N): Nothing, I'll tell you about it later.
Then we both unfused and we are now back to normal.
Pearl: What other gems did you fuse with?
Y/N: None, Steven is the first I fused with.
Garnet: I believe this calls for an experiment. Peridot? If you please?
Peridot: Oh, yes. We need to see your fusion with the Crystal Gems and test their abilities and their weapons.
Y/N: I'm down. Let's go up front.
The whole place was set up for the demonstrations. All I have to do now I fuse with someone and see what they can do.
Y/N: Alright, who's up first?
Pearl: I do!
Y/N: Of course you are, come!
Then I offered my hand and she took it, we started dancing like we are in a ball, I had my right hand on her hips while we were holding each other's hands. She had her left hand on my shoulder as we dance.
I gave her a twirl and I kept her from falling using my right hand as a support while we were still holding hands, she blushed and she laughed, an adorable laugh.
So I laughed along and we both started glowing and Pearl's gem was on the forhead, obviously and my gem on the chest. The light faded and we are the same height as Jasper.
??? (Pearl): It feels good to be with you, Painite.
??? (Y/N): I agree.
Steven: GIANT WOMAN!!!
???: *chuckles* You must be Steven. Greetings child, I am Paraíba Tourmaline. You may call me Paraíba.
The fusion turn around and saw that Garnet has a wide ass grin plastered on her face, Amethyst laughs at her reaction. Both Yellow and Blue Zircon admired the fusion. Lonely Pearl was sketching the fusion while Fable also had a wide grin. Peridot has stars in her eyes.
Peridot: D-do something! Anything!
The fusion nodded and closed her eyes and five Tridents materialized behind her and was it aimed at the giant boulder in the way causing it to break. She aimed the head of the Trident towards the ocean and she was.shooting at the water. The Trident was shooting like an Assault-Rifle, but instead of bullets, it's shooting Napalm. The fusion dug it's Trident in the sand and the ground started shaking and a crystal pillar popped up the ground.
Then she pulled her weapon out of the ground and aimed it towards the pillar, it's head started glowing a yellowish light and she lifted the weapon and slashed the air, sending a wave of yellow flame cutting through air,the pillar blew up and reduced to a million pieces.
The fusion saw two more boulders and summoned two Tridents and summoned it's wings, it's bigger than Y/N's. She flew up and her other Trident was glowing and she threw it in between the two boulder and when it collided into the ground, it blew up making a blinding light and made a small mushroom cloud. All of the gems were awestruck. Then Connie arrived and she also had stars in her eyes.
The fusion flew down and she had a smile across her face, it must be Pearl that's smiling.
Peridot: Let's see how far you can throw your weapon. Test that in that region of the ocean, it has no wildlife within a ten mile radius so it's fine to test your power there.
Paraíba Tourmaline: You got it, love.
She lifted the Trident it glowed even brighter than before and reared her hand back, she breathe deeply and pulled her hand back further and at the end of the Trident was a burst of flame acting as a boost to reach the indicated target.
The Trident was sent flying to the sky and it was now impossible to see, a few seconds later, it sent a shockwave strong enough to be felt for two miles, there was a huge mushroom cloud, it was even taller than the cloud that the Tsar Bomba that the Soviets made.
Paraíba Tourmaline (Y/N): It seems that the Government might be onto us this time.
Then we unfused and both me and Pearl stood on the ground shocked at what just happened, she looked at me and I looked at her back, she smiled and she wrapped her arms around my neck and I spin myself around while Pearl was still with me, Steven and Connie ran towards us and had stars in their eyes.
Connie: Y/N WHO WAS THAT?!?!
Y/N: That, Connie is Paraíba Tourmaline. A fusion of me and Pearl. Pretty strong huh?
Yellow Zircon: PRETTY STRONG?!
Amethyst: Dude.......that was......AWESOME!!!
Bismarck: A very powerful fusion.
Garnet: Very powerful fusion indeed.
Y/N: Alright! Now who's next?
Then I saw Peridot raised her hand and she walked closer towards me. She didn't have her Limb Enhancer on, she really doesn't need them anymore, but she would still prefer to have them just in case.
Peridot: *clears throat* Y/N? I would like to fuse with you. Because you are the only one who has a...uhhhh...strong relationship with me so...I would like to see our fusion.
Y/N: I would love to, Peri.
Then she smiled brightly that it can melt even the heart of stone, I grabbed her hand and I gave her a twirl and I lifted her up as we were spinning around, both of our gems started glowing and our bodies are merging into one and we are surrounded by a blinding light.
As the light faded, one being stood in the spot where me and Peridot was standing, and our height is the same as "Opal" maybe I should meet her sooner.
She pulled up two green colored holographic screen and starts typing a few things that looks like some sort of code.
??? (Y/N): This is......impressive!
??? (Peridot): This requires further testing.
She swiped her screens and both of them de-materialized. The fusion focused her mind and she summoned a Minigun.
And two hanguns in the other pair of arms.
The Minigun fires Heated Plasma and Live Rounds rounds making it useful for neutralising targets. The handgun on the other hand fires High Voltage and HE rounds useful for intercepting a target.
She aimed the Minigun towards the boulder using the Heated Plasma and pressed the trigger, as it spits Heated Plasma the boulder can be seen having visible cracks. She removed her finger from the trigger and she used both of the handguns and loaded the HE Rounds and fired at the boulder causing it to blow up leaving a thick smoke in the area.
As the smike settles, the fusion was wondering:
???: What else can I do? *smiles and materializes a holographic screen* Perhaps I can.....
She typed in a few codes and numbers and all sorts of symbols and letters on her screen. She finished typing and she looked at the button and pressed it and waiting for something to happen.
A few seconds of silence there was still nothing.
Amethyst: Come on....what the-
She was interrupted by the glowing light just a meter away from the fusion. There were twelve of the strange light, in a Phalanx formation. Then it started taking shape and we saw what it was. She materialized...
A T-34...a Soviet Tank. All of them took shape and it was a magnificent view, she typed in her screen again symbols, numbers, codes, and there another Phalanx of the strange light, there were three of them. They all started taking shape and we all saw that it was...
A KV-2 which is another Soviet Tank, a powerful heavy tank. And the other row was...
A row of IS-2's. Very powerful heavy tank, and the other one is....
SU-122-44. A powerful Tank Destroyer. All of the Gems including Bismarck is in awe.
Then she started typing more things in her screen.
Blue Zircon: You can summon more?!
???: Yes, but I have a limit. I can only summon a total count of 70. 70 is my limit in summoning any powerful and devastating weapons.
All of the tanks lined up together and aimed their barrels towards the ocean. The fusion still typed more things in her screen and this time there were only four strange lights, and those strange light took shape of...
A Howitzer Tank, it positioned itself behind the rows of the heavy tanks and aimed at the ocean also. She lifted her right hand and she shouted a word.
Then she brought down her hand and all at once, the tanks fired, making a loud explosion, shells flying across the sky and explosions booming in the sky. Steven and Connie covered their ears from the loud shooting. All of the tanks stopped and they all de-materialized. The fusion put her hand on her chin and thinks, then a smile managed to creep it's way to her face.
She typed in her screen again all sorts of symbols and letters, codes can be seen being written in the screen. And when she finished, the strange light...appeared in the ocean...a loud siren or horn was that moment, ont thing that suprised all of them...was...
And Finished.
My GOD!!! I have been wanting to write this chapter in a long time. I fpund a lot of fusion fan arts in Google and I used them here in the story.
Have a great and loveable, Space Dorito.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter,because I certainly did. This is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you the next.....CHAPTER!
Mcfly signing off
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