Chapter 57: Lars of The Stars
Steven's POV
Connie and Lion are seen on the porch of the Beach House. Lion is lounging around, and Connie is standing beside him, carrying a backpack, Rose's Sword, and wearing her father's jacket.
Connie: *calling out* Steven, come on!
Steven emerges out of the house, carrying a white package with a pink bow.
Steven: Sorry. I just had to make sure I had everything.
Steven grabs one of his teddy bears off-screen and places it on top of the package.
Steven: *walks out of the house* I bet Lars will really appreciate this package his parents put together for him. And MC Bear Bear! To hug if he gets scared.
Steven puts the package in Connie's backpack.
Connie: I'm so excited we're finally going to have a space adventure together. *closes her backpack* Steven and Connie in space!
Steven: I'm not so sure this is gonna be an adventure. Last time I saw Lars, he was huddled up in a dark cave with some other Homeworld fugitives.
Connie: *looks down* Oh. Yeah. *puts back on her backpack* Well, I'm ready for anything.
Steven: Lion. You ready?
Lion stands up and rolls over, exposing his belly and making a purr-like noise. Steven and Connie gazes in admiration of his cuteness.
Connie: Eee!
Steven: Oh, my gah.
Steven and Connie compose themselves and look at each other seriously.
Steven: We have to stay on task.
Connie: Mm.
Lion rolls upright, and Steven and Connie enters his mane.
Scene Change; Pink Dimension
Steven and Connie emerge from the pink savannah, holding their breaths. They spot "Lars' tree" in the distance and nod at each other.
Scene Change; Unknown Spaceship
Steven and Connie, holding hands, fall out of Lars' hair and land on the floor.
Steven: Aah!
Connie: Waah!
Steven and Connie turn over and notice Lars is sitting in a chair, wearing a uniform.
Lars : *surprised*Steven?
Steven: *confused* Lars?
Steven and Connie look to their side as they hear someone speaking on a live video feed in the ship: a green Gem with a green, square, faceted gem where her right eye would be.
Green Gem: *yelling angrily at Lars* It's over! I've got you now, you miserable Off Colors!
Lars : *gets up and points at the Gem* You'll never take us alive, Emerald!
Steven: W-What is... going on?
Steven and Connie look around the green interior of the spaceship they are currently in, and spot the Off-Colors controlling the control panels of the ship.
Padparadscha: *looks up and raises her hands* Captain, I'm having a vision. We're about to be discovered... by Emerald!
Steven & Connie: W-Wait. Captain?!
Steven and Connie look at Lars in sheer awe, seeing he is in command of a Gem spaceship.
Lars: Thanks Padparadscha. Fluorite, how are the engines looking?
Fluorite: *from the staircase to the lower floor*
Fluorite descends down to the lower floor to inspect on the ship engine.
Lars: Twins, fire up the nova thrusters!
Rutile Twins: Yes, captain! Right away, captain!
Emerald: No! No! Those are my nova thrusters! That is my ship!
Lars: Rhodonite, everything clear up ahead?
Rhodonite: For now.
Emerald: It was a minor inconvenience when you stole my personal shuttle and crashed it on Upsilon 9. It was an insult when you impersonated imperial officers during a cosmic jubilee.
Lars smiles smugly, and the Rutile Twins and Rhodonite start laughing as Emerald describes her shortcomings.
Emerald: But to steal my Sun Incinerator is unacceptable!
Lars : *smugly* If this ship means so much to you, maybe you shouldn't have left it unguarded in the docking bay of Klavius 7.
Emerald: *furiously* There were 67 elite Citrines guarding it!
Lars: Oh. I didn't see them. No, wait. I did. *crosses his arms smugly* They didn't see us!
Emerald: I'll... get you! I'll get you myself! I'll do it right now. *chuckling* I'll blow you up to smithereens!
Lars : Good luck catching us. We stole your fastest ship!
Fluorite: *emerges from the lower floor* The engines...are all...set...
Lars : Twins, hyperspeed us out of here.
Rutile Twins: Right!
Emerald: You will not go at hyperspeed!
Lars: *makes finger-guns* Bingo, bongo.
Emerald: OFF COLORS!!
Emerald's transmission is cut and the ship blasts off at hyperspeed.
Lars: Man, she's been on my tail since Sector 4. That's like three sectors ago. Get over it, right?
Steven: Lars! I have so many questions! *hugs Lars* Uh, where'd you get this ship? And more importantly, where'd you get that cape?
???:*chuckles* Stole 'em.
Your POV
Steven and Connie turned towards the dark room I was in, this is a perfect show them. I walked out of the shadows and revealed myself wearing an armor.
Steven & Connie: WHO ARE YOU?!?!
I smiled under my helmet and took it off, revealing my face. Both youngsters have a wide grin across their faces and stars in their eyes.
Y/N: Hey, kids.
Steven: Y/N?!
Connie: How did you get here?
Y/N: I went through Lar's head. Long story, short, I also have healing powers like Steven, turns out, I can go through Lion's mane like Steven can, and the reason I have healing powers is because of Pink Diamond, I obtained her powers. Rose Quartz have healing powers which makes sense because Rose belonged to Pink's court and here we are now.
Connie: But you know what's cooler?
Y/N & Steven: What is it?
Connie: His armor! That looks so cool!
Y/N: Aww, thanks Connie. I had it with me since Era 1.
Fluorite: *emerges from the lower floor* Ste...ven... Is that...another...human friend?...
Connie: Yeah, I'm Connie. *salutes* Happy to be aboard. You must all be Lars' crew.
Lars: Heh, they're more than that. Without them, I'd still be stuck in a cave on the Gem Homeworld. They were able to figure out a way off that lame old planet.
Rhodonite: But we never would have been able to steal a ship without Lars. He can slip past all the scanners undetected.
Padparadscha: Her name is Connie.
Lars : And now a few stolen ships and a couple of space crimes later, we're finally on a course toward Earth.
Connie: Hey, you know, speaking of Earth, your parents put this together for you. *gives Lars the package from her backpack*
Lars : Oh! *opens the package* Oh-ho, finally! Clean jeans! *holds up the pair of jeans* Oh, man! And my skull gauges! These are perfect!
Steven and Connie watch on as Lars puts on the gauges on his ears. Lars then hands up Steven's teddy bear and sighs.
Lars: They didn't have to do all this. I'll be back on Earth soon.
Rutile Twins: We are excited about your Beach City. I look forward to a planet of sand and water.
Lars: Yeah! And my house. And my trampoline. The Big Donut! And... Sadie. How is Sadie?
Steven: Oh! Really really good!
Lars *surprised* Oh. Yeah?
Steven: Now she's Sadie Killer and the Suspects. Her band is awesome!
Steven hands Lars his phone and he looks at a photo of Steven and Sadie hanging with the Cool Kids.
Lars: She looks... really happy... without me...
Suddenly, an alarm begins blaring and warning alerts pop up all around the ship.
Connie: What's going on?
Steven: Lars? Lars! Lars!
Lars scrolls through the photos of Sadie, ignoring Steven.
Rhodonite: Captain Lars, a huge battleship is approaching fast. It'll be here in just five quads. What are your orders?
Lars: *still staring at Steven's phone* I don't believe this. *inhales deeply, and yells angrily* How is she having such a good time without me?! Does she even know I died out here?! *zooms in on Sadie on a photo*
Steven: Of course she does! She's been worried sick!
Rhodonite: *observing her screen nervously* Already three quads away.
Connie: *walks up beside Rhodonite* What should we do?
Rhodonite: We could drop out of warp and ambush them, but that might be too risky. Or maybe we find a nearby planet to hide on? I'm not sure!
Connie: What do you usually do?
Rhodonite: Usually? Usually we just follow Captain Lars' orders!
Rutile Twins: Captain Lars has taken so many risks on our behalf. We need him!
Padparadscha: Oh no! The warning alarm! We're in danger!
Steven: Do you hear that? Your crew needs you!
Lars: *staring intently at Steven's phone* You don't get it, do you, Steven? *begins tearing up and sniffles* It should be me. *starts crying* I'm the one that should be hanging out with the Cool Kids! She's getting back at me for everything I've done!
I walked closer to him and removed my glove, after it was off. I slapped Lars, I don't care if it hurt him, I need to knock some sense in him.
Y/N: Do you really think Sadie is living her life just to get back at you?!
Lars: Why else would she be having so much fun without me?!
I reared my hand back again and slapped Lars again in the same spot.
Y/N: Because life goes on, no matter what happens! She was so upset when she found out you'd be stuck in space, Lars! She really misses you, but, she can't stay sad forever! She started hanging out with the Cool Kids! She quit the Big Donut, all because she needed to do something to feel better!
Lars looks up at me in surprise.
Connie: And look at you! Steven said you'd be hiding in some cave on Homeworld, but you're not!
Y/N: She's right! You're out here fighting for freedom with all your new friends in tow! Are you doing any of this to hurt Sadie?
Lars: No! I'm doing this because I have to. *tears up* I'd never do this to hurt Sadie because-
Steven: Because!
Connie Because!
Steven and Connie grasp each other's hands and Steven's gem begins to glow.
Steven & Connie: Because you're best friends!
Lars watches in shock as Steven and Connie fuse.
Stevonnie: And best friends wouldn't do anything to hurt each other.
[Title Introduction: "STEVONNIE: AN EXPERIENCE"]
Lars: Whoa...
Rhodonite: It's here... An imperial warship has just caught up to us!
Lars: What?
Stevonnie: An imperial warship?
A larger ship catches up to the Sun Incinerator, dropping it out of hyperspeed, and turns toward the Incinerator, charging its beams towards it. I put my glove back on and I did the same to my helmet.
Rhodonite: The Destiny Destroyer! Their main weapons are pointed right at us!
Lars : *looks at a photo of Sadie, and smiles* Hmm, pulling out the big guns just for us, huh? *gets off his chair* With a ship like that, Emerald could wipe us out in an instant, if she really wanted to. *hands Stevonnie back Steven's phone*
Rhodonite: *panicking* Of course she wants to!
Rutile Twins: Incoming message from the Destiny Destroyer.
Lars : Onscreen.
A transmission from Emerald appears onscreen.
Emerald: *laughs menacingly* Did you really think I wasn't going to be able to track my own ship? The Sun Incinerator's specialized nova thrusters give off an energy signature I could recognize from the other side of the galaxy. Now, surrender to me, or be destroyed...! *looks at you* Who are you?
Y/N: Just a nobody with an Era 1 Armor made out of Nebular Fragments and Solar Fragments combined together using the force of a dying sun. Nothing special, really.
Lars: *laughs back* I'd never surrender to you! *turns away* Blow us into stardust like you've always dreamed of.
Emerald: *pauses briefly in surprise* Very well. Prepare yourselves for destruction!
The transmission ends, all while Lars is smiling smugly.
Stevonnie: Lars, what are you doing?!
Lars: Drop the shields, Rhodonite.
Rhodonite But that would leave us open to their attack! We wouldn't stand a chance!
Lars Trust me, we'll be just fine. Now lower the shields.
Rhodonite But-!
Y/N: Trust him on this one.
Rutile Twins: The destroyer's weapons are charged at 90%. They're preparing to open fire!
Lars: Lower the shields! That's an order!
Y/N: As High Captain, I order you to lower the shields!
Rhodonite: *gulps* L-Lowering shields...
Rhodonite reluctantly lowers the ship shields, just as the Destiny Destroyer opens fire. The laser beams graze the Sun Incinerator, causing the ship to shake and the crew to scream in panic.
Lars: Twins, what's our status?
Rutile Twins: Our weapons and shields have been knocked offline, but otherwise... We're fine?
Rhodonite: We're still... alive! The lasers barely grazed us!
Padparadscha: Emerald is about to attack, but... She's going to miss on purpose.
Lars: *chuckles* Bingo, bongo!
A furious Emerald appears on the ship's screen again.
Lars :*laughs hysterically* You really do have a heart, don't you, Emerald?
Emerald: W-WHAT?!
Lars: *turns around and points triumphantly at Emerald* You're not going to hurt the ship! You love this ship! It's your... best friend. You'd much rather let it get away than destroy it. *poses smugly and giggles*
Stevonnie: Wow, Lars, I missed you.
Emerald: You're right about that. I won't destroy my beautiful ship. But I will make it so you can't get away! Aim for their nova thrusters!
The Destiny Destroyer fires at the Sun Incinerator again. The smaller ship shudders and the crew shouts in fright.
Y/N: Evasive maneuvers! If only our weapons and shields were online.
Rutile Twins: I think she has us this time.
Lars : Unless we use... that.
Rhodonite: That?!
A video message from Fluorite pops up on Rhodonite's screen.
Fluorite: Not...that...
Y/N: Are you sure? That might not be fully operational yet.
Stevonnie: What's "that"?
Rhodonite: The captain's experimental fighter jet that only he knows how to drive. It's too risky!
Lars : We're out of options. *returns to his chair*
Stevonnie: But Lars, your crew needs you here on the ship.
Lars: You got a better idea?
Stevonnie: *salutes* Captain Lars, permission to go in your place! If it's anything like driving a car, I should be fine!
Lars: *blushes* Permission... granted! Take out the enemy's main cannons while we get our weapons system and shield back online.
Lars presses a button on his chair, and Stevonnie crouches down as a green blob engulfs them from the floor, pulling them into a chute. As Stevonnie falls through the chute, screens of the crew appear around them.
Lars: Fluorite, how long before we have full power to shields and weapons?
Fluorite: Give me five...minutes...
Rhodonite: Can they really fly it?!
Rutile Twins: If anyone can fly it, I'm sure it's friends of our captain.
Stevonnie falls into the cockpit of the fighter jet.
Stevonnie: Whoa! It is like a car!
Lars: *pops up on a screen on the windshield* We'll watch your back while you take out those guns. Now launch!
Padparadscha: *pops up on screen too* Captain Lars is about to give the order to launch.
Stevonnie: Okay. Launching.
Stevonnie shifts the gear of the jet from "P" to "D3". A hatch opens on the Sun Incinerator, and the jet launches out of it.
[Title Introduction: "THE STAR SKIPPER"]
Stevonnie begins piloting the Star Skipper towards the Destiny Destroyer, which begins firing on the fighter jet.
Lars: Get in close! They can't aim at themselves.
Stevonnie: Roger. Target within range. Targeting!
Stevonnie begins destroy the Destiny Destroyer's main guns in quick succession.
Lars: One down! That's two! Yes! All right! Everything's almost fixed here. Come on back.
Several missiles are then launched from the Destiny Destroyer towards the Star Skipper.
Lars: Incoming missiles straight ahead!
Y/N: Deploy the flares and engage evasive maneuvers!
Stevonnie quickly shifts the gear of the jet to "R". The jet's thrusters flip around to the front and blast off, sending the craft in reverse. As Stevonnie tries to evade the missiles, they realize the last missile will catch up to the Star Skipper.
Stevonnie It's too late, Lars. I can't... No! *screams*
The Star Skipper is caught in the last missile's blast radius and sustains critical damage. The smoking jet begins spiraling towards a distant planet.
Lars: Steven?! Connie?! NOOOOO!!
Then Emerald came back in the transmission.
Emerald: Look what you did! First you stole my Sun Incinerator, now you damaged my Destiny Destroyer?
Y/N: Come on, Emerald. That's just a ship.
Emerald: Excuse me?!
I took off my helmet and it revealed my face.
Emerald: P-Painite? What are you doing with them?
Y/N: I am to assist them until they reach Earth.
Emerald: But they're Off Colors and they stole my ship and broke my other one!
Y/N: Emerald, I order you to stop the chase for the Off Colors and return to Homeworld. That's an order from a Diamond.
Emerald: *growls* Ughh, fine!
Y/N: Don't worry, I'll cover for their damages. I'll provide you another Sun Incinerator and a brand new Destiny Destroyer as soon as I get back. Maybe I even give you a better ship than those two ship, what do you say?
Emerald: *mumbles*
Y/N: I'll let you pilot my ship when I get back for a whole year, deal?
Emerald: *growls again* Ughh, fine deal. *whispers and twiddles her fingers* You know I love that ship.........and I love you.
Y/N: What was that?
Emerald: AH! N-nothing. Emerald out! Safe travels, Painite.
Y/N: Same goes to you too, Emerald. Stay safe.
Then her transmission cut and her ship started flying away.
Lars: Finally! Thanks for saving our butts, Y/N.
Padparadscha: Painite will negotiate with Emerald, and he will succeed in convincing her!
Y/N: No time to waste, start a search for Stevonnie!
Lars: Right!
Then the alarm sounded again and Rhodonite was freaking out again.
Rhodonite: H-high Captain! An Imperial Drone Dropship arrived! What should we do?
High Captain?
I was screaming internally and I was panicking inside. I snapped back to reality and regained my composure.
Y/N: Open the airlock! I'll fend them off. You keep searching, I'll take care of them.
Rhodonite: Wha?! Are you crazy? You will get killed-I mean it's your choice, just...
Then she walked towards me and held my hands, I've never seen her like this before.
Rhodonite: Just be safe, we don't know what to do without you, I don't know what to do.
I smiled under my armor and cupped my hand on her cheek.
Y/N: I'll come back, I promise. Besides I have the power of a Sun.
( Another power that I didn't mention, this is a power that you have never used in a long period of time that it rendered unusable because of your fear of getting out of control and getting others hurt, all of your armor helps you control your powers because of the materials they were made helps regulate and control the power, but now his power has awakened once again. More explanation in the future. )
Then I let go of her and I started walking towards the door, the secondary Airlock went down and I summoned my wings, I've been upset lately, and I want to get them out, and it's been a while since I've used this power.
I've stopped using this since I did the Great Reclaim.
I flew to the outside of the ship, and the dropship arrived.
The dropship is a remote controlled ship, meaning there isn't anyone in there, looks like I have a punching bag of the day.
The it sent drones towards me and then I felt a powerful force inside me, I smiled and I clenched my fist and I curled up into a ball, then as the drones got closer, I sent a powerful surge in over a 80 yard radius.
My eyes were glowing a bright flaming orange, and my body was emtting the same aura and flares were all over my body. My wings are also covered with the same orange aura and flares. One of the drones shot their blaster toeards me and I easily evaded it and flew towards it leaving a trace of light blue flame.
I punched one of it's wing causing it to crash to another drone making them explode. I caught a drone and I started spinning and let go of it and it crashed right into five other drones.
I started flying around and kept blasting every drone I see. My hands shoots a very hot fire, like it was the flames from the Sun itself , I mean it is supposed to be hot because I do have the power of the Sun.
A drone was chasing me and kept blasting me, I kept flying away from it and I guided it to another drone making them blow up, I looked to my left and blasted another drone.
Then I saw another drone coming straight at me, I kept flying towards it until I put my hands against each other making a large blast coming out of my hand. I looked back and saw it's remains scattered all over the empty space.
I started flying after the remaining drones, I caught up to one and blasted it.
I chased after the remaining drones and blasted all of them leaving their remains floating fof all eternity in space. I saw one last drone and it was flying towards me with full speed.
I smiled under my mask and I flew towards it too, I kept flying at a fast pace and my hand was covered by a bright blue light. It got nearer and nearer and I just punched it's wing.
I chased after it and I tore the drone, piece by piece, literally. Then I turned towards the dropship and I smiled like a maniac. I flew towards it and my whole body was covered with bright flames. Then I penetrated the ship's hull.
I kept punching through everything I see. A ship, a wall, a warhead, another fleet of drones, steel wall, 5 inch steel walls and titanium, no matter what it is I kept punching.
I went throught the far side of the dropship and I observed the ship as it explodes and get swallowed by the flames of inferno. I looked at my hands and I smiled and I sent another surge of flames covering a total radius of 500 yards.
Y/N: YEAAAAAHHHH HAHAHAHAHA I FEEL SO ALIVE!!! God, I missed this power and adrenaline. But that aside, I need to help The Off Colors find Stevonnie.
I blasted through space and chased after the Sun Incinerator, sit tight Stevonnie. We're coming to get you.
And Finished.
Another chapter done in just a day.
What do ya'll rhink about the last.......uhhhhh...chapter? Ominous enough?
And yes, Painite hid this power from the gems, that would explain the sudden bursts of flames like back in "Chapter 5: Race Night" and "One Lonely Pearl". But in the future, he'll explain the full defail about how he REALLY is made.
I also found this.
You gotta love her even when she says that she loves people screaming, I mean come on, who wouldn't love her when you see this smile? I love her and she needs love and nothing will stop me.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you the next chapter.
Mcfly signing off
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