Chapter 55: One Lonely Pearl

Your POV

I can be seen thrown outside of the edge of the floor onto the pool surroinding the chamber.


Then everything stopped and there was a rewind sound made.

Y/N: Yup...that's me, alright. You're probably wondering how I got into this situation. Well, it all started when I came here in Arcane Acropolis. It's rewind time.

Earlier this morning

I was preparing for the rescue of whoever is still in Arcane Acropolis. The ship is just outside and Fable was giving me heads up in the upcoming puzzles to keep intruders away.

Fable: There are many more obstacles as you get deeper into the Facility, there are many corrupted. Be careful.

Y/N: I will.

I pulled Fable closer and gave her a quick kiss on the lips, she just blushed and giggled and she started flirting with me.Then Steven came in.

Steven: Am I supposed to know what both of you are doing?

Y/N: You're still too young, Steven. You'll know when you get older.

Steven just sighed and gave me rations, I don't need to eat but I just can't refuse some things from him. I gently took the rations and gave him a pat on the head, I entered the ship and I looked back and saw half of the gang in the balcony and the other half just right behind the ship. I gave all of them a wave and I closed the ship's main door, I went to the console and started up the ship, I took off and blasted to space. I turned on the rear camera and I was already at the atmosphere, the whole city is getting smaller and smaller as I ascend to space.

I finally reached space and I set the ship's course to Arcan Acropolis. I turned on the overdrive and I blasted through space at a fast speed. A few minutes later, I reached the planet where Arcane Acropolis and where the facility is, I went back to the console and I flew it down to the planet's surface.


I finally arrived at the Arcane Acropolis, I looked back and saw the ship where I landed it, I made sure the door was shut and locked tight so no one or nothing can get in. Nothing seems to have changed here except for the mosses and lilypads here. I started walking around following the path. Then I was walking along the path, I saw a Pearl, is she...the one who...I'm looking for? She's......crying...poor Pearl.

I started walking closer to her and then she noticed me.

Y/N: Hi.

She immediately shot up and started running away.

Y/N: No, wait! Stop!

I ran after her and she was already gone. I went back to where I first saw her and I went to the next area. Then I encountered a blockage. I noticed a crystal right beside it but it's surrounded by water and it's too far for me to reach, I used War Smith and materialized a spear,

I threw it and the spear collided into the crystal making it glow, the stones blocking the way was pulled down and I can finally go through. I materialized another spear just in case. I saw a crystal slug and it rolled into a ball and launched itself towards me.

I moved out of the way and I pierced it and the spear went through making it poof. I proceeded to walk again and I saw another pair of stones blocking the way. But this time I didn't see any crystal around, but I did see a diamond shaped slot.

So I decided to take a walk around. I kept walking taking left and right turns, until I reached an area where I can see a chest. There was a corrupted in front of me, or it might be a a spawn from the main corrupted. Without any effort I threw the spear towards it, making it explode as it made contact with the spawn.

I then again materialized another spear, I put the spear behind me and I opened the chest, I opened it and I saw that there was some sort of Diamond Line. I grabbed it and I closely inspected it. I tried turning it sideways and it didn't budge.

I tried the other way and didn't budge too. I went back to where I saw the slot and I immediately put the thing in the slot and the two pair of stones went down allowing a path for me to take.
I entered the next area and the path was knowhere to be found, but there is a crystal. I threw the spear and as the spear collided with the crystal the path went up and I materialized another spear.

I started walking and I saw two paths, a straight path and a path that takes you left. I took the left, and I saw a chest surrounded with stones. I saw three slugs and all of them launched themselves at me. I just swing the spear cutting all three of them in half.

And right after they were all gone the stones went down, I walked towards the chest and I opned it, and it was containing a cereal box? Crying Breakfast Friends? How the hell did this get here? I just shrugged it off and stored it in my gem. I went back to the main path and I turned right, I encountered a spawn but I immediately got rid of it by cutting it in half.

I saw another corrupted and I grabbed it by it's wings and tore them away from the corrupted. The corrupted poofed leaving a diamond shaoed gem. I immediately bubbled it and I saw another crystal, I materialized another spear and threw it to the crystal and the hidden path went up.

I crossed it and I entered the next area, I saw two crystals this time. The one on my right was exposed but the one in front of me is covered by a pair of stones. I'm guessing that the one on my right is the one that activates the pistons that pulls down the stones.

I summoned a Yautja Blade in my left arm and I aimed the spear at the crystal in front of me. I shot the blades sending the blade towarss the crystal and the pistons pulled down the stones and I immediately threw the spear, the spear collided with the crystal and the hidden path was revealed. The stones in front of me went down again but the path remained.

I took the path and entered the next area. I saw another pair of stones blocking the way but there isn't a slot to be found or a crystal. Then I saw that not all of the torches are lit, I'm guessing that the stones will be pulled down when all of the torches are lit.

I materialized another spear, I threw it to one of the lit torches and the spear went past the torch igniting the spear, the spear hit the torch without the flame, then the pistons pulled down the stones making the path accessible. I started walking again and proceeded to the next area.

I saw a crystal slug and and a lesser corrupted, I slashed the crystal slug and I impaled the lesser corrupted, the corrupted poofed and I bubbled it's gem and sent it away. Another pair of stones were blocking the way and I see a path on my right, I turned right and I kept walking until I saw lots and lots of stones, I have to activate all of the torches, I'm getting tired of using a spear to light up torches, so I materialized a flamethrower and lit up all the torches in need of lighting up. The stones went down allowing a path for me to reach the chest, I opened the chest and I saw one of those strange Diamond Keys, I immediately went back to where I saw the slot and I inserted it and the stones went down, I entered the nect area and I saw the Pearl earlier.

???: They said that they'll come back for me, I've already lost track of when that was.

Y/N: Hey!

She turned her head lighting fast towards me, she immediately stood up and bolted.

Y/N: Why are you running? Stop!

Then I realized where she entered, it was Library Nine, I followed her and I entered the facility.


Fable wasn't lying, there are a lot of lesser corrupteds,corrupteds, and spawn here. I kept walking around the facility and I did a few puzzles, later I came across a station, there's a lot of books lying around, and I noticed that there was a log entry. It was in Gem Writing so it was easy for me to read.

Y/N: "Research outpost Nine, head Epistolary. Progress on last Tome has been halted until further notice by the order of Painite and the Authority."

"I don't understand. Perhaps the Diamonds and Painite are concerned about the Tome's apparent...willfulness"

"But how did Painite and the Authority find out about the Tome still being produced in the first place? If there's a traitor among the Pearls, I will be very displeased"

Y/N: That's what you get for going against us and kept on making the Tomes, if it wasn't for whoever told me that they were still making Tomes, we would be in big trouble. To be honest, I don't know who told me about the Tomes still being produced.

I just shook my head and forgot about the thought about whoever told me about the Tomes still being produced. I proceeded to the next area and I noticed that this one particular area is dark. I kept walking and the light eventually faded, then the water started glowing, I kept walking until I heared sobbing, I turned my attention towards the water and I saw...her, the Pearl.

She already noticed me and she stood up, I jumped on the water and tried to chase her.

Y/N: No! Stop!

???: Leave me alone.

Then I was about to tackle her when she was covered by a strange light and she was gone. I hit the water instead making a loud splash.

Y/N: She has teleportation? That' odd power for a Pearl. Wait a sec.

I noticed the water was kind of, blurrier, I smelled the water and it smelled fine, but when I tasted it, it tastes like...

Y/N: Salt? Did......did she....cry all of this?

I can't believe it, she cried all of this? I jumped out of the pool and I started walking again, I encountered a few corrupted and a few puzzles along the way but it was nothing hard. Then I went across another station. I saw another Log Entry and I read it.

Y/N: "We are abandoning this facility. Work on the Tomes has been halted indefinitely"

"I believe this has to be the cause of one of the servants, who has poisoned Painite and the Authoruty against the research"

"An example must be made"

"She will be left here, sweeping dust and swatting moths, awaiting a return that will never come"

"A traitor deserves nothing less"

I kept reading it over and over, I read it about 20 times now. I summoned my gauntlets and punched the log entry, I tore it off the ground and threw it across the whole facility making a distant explosion making a small mushroom cloud.

Y/N: Poison me and the Authority against the research?! Fucking piece of shit! She told us the truth dumbass! And she is the one you're calling traitor?! I will fucking kill who ever was in charge here!

Then I started walking again as I left flaming footprints in the floor, my body was letting off heat due to my anger, just like a Ruby's. I reached the end of the facility and there was nowhere else to go. Just then there was a light coming off my body and I was transported to a chamber, the light was too bright so I closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes and saw that the Pearl I was chasing was here. I tried to get closer to her without making any sound. I was about to give her a tap on the shoulder when there was a sudden burst of electricity coming from her sending me off the edge and onto the pool.


A pause sound was made and everything stopped.

Y/N: And that's how I got here, now on with the show.

Then everything started moving again and I dove into the water, I immediately surfaced and went back to the floor. And I saw...something....majestic.

Suddenly she turned into the same Courrupted Moth back in the book. I can't get near her since she can send me flying with her electricity bursts. So I materialized a spear and the torches lit up.

I dodged one of it's attempts to hit me and I alligned my aiming towards the torches and I threw it, the spear caught fire and it hit the corrupted damaging it. Then it flapped it's wings making strong winds to send me off the edge again. I materialized another spear and dug it to the floor, I hold on to the spear as the strong winds kept raging on.

The strong winds have stopped and I ran to the side and threw the spear, the spear went throught the fire and it hit the corrupted again, this time she did another burts of electricity sending me flying, I immediately shot up and I summoned my gauntlets and I grabbed it by the neck, I was losing control of myself again and my eyes were bloodshot red, I was losing my vision.

But my eyes widened when I saw the corrupted turn back into the Pearl I was chasing. I let go of her and I backed away, my vision was back to normal, my eyes are no longer bloodshot and I have full control. I stared at my hands and stared back to her, she looked up and she kept staring at me.

???: Heh, you finally came back for me................

Then she was covered by another light indicating that she will teleport again.


I ran towards her only for her to teleport away. I dropped to my knees and I was panting heavily, I looked around and saw that there wasn't an exit or an entrance, so I'll make one.

I summoned my gauntlets and I punched a hole into the wall, I sent a barrage of punches to the wall. After a few seconds of punching the wall finally gave up and there was a large hole, I went through it and I kept walking in absolute darkness.


A few minutes of walking in the dark I finally see a light, I entered a room, then I heard sobbing in the room, I looked around and scanned the room, no one was there, I entered the next rokm and there she was, I saw the Pearl I have been chasing this whole time, all this time she was the reason I'm here.

I walked closer to her and I knew she already saw me but she didn't do a thing. I walked closer to her and I sat crossed legged in front of her.

Y/N: Hi.

???: What do you want?

Y/N: I came here to get you. What's your name?

???: I am called Lonely Pearl by the others. And why did you come here? I don't have to be taken away here, I am where I belong.

Y/N: Look, you've been suffering in silence for too long. You've been stuck here waiting for a return thag will never come.

Lonely Pearl: What do you know about being alone? I've been alone her for thousands of years while you were back on Homeworld. I didn't have friends and I'm alone all the time.

Y/N: Actually, to tell you the truth, I do know what it feels like being alone and lonely. The reason why we feel lonely even though we're bot alone. It's because loneliness is not about how many friends we have or how many people are in the room with's the disconnection from other people. Being social doesn't cure loneliness, many people socialize when they really don't feel like it just to keep up appearances. We all have layers and we all pretend we're okay when we're not, but loneliness comes hen there is not a single person close enough to see past those illusions to who we really are and what we're really feelung inside. Loneliness is not being alone, it's the feeling that no one cares.

Lonely Pearl: But I don't have friends, I didn't make any here in the facility and I have none in Homeworld. How am I supposed to feel happy when I don't have someone by my side?

Y/N: Then I'll be your first friend.

Lonely Pearl: What?

Y/N: I said I'll be your first friend, you don't have to suffer like this anymore.

Lonely Pearl: But I'm not exactly the best at friendships, I don't even know what's the first thing to do. W-what if I messed it up? I'll only end up getting hated for what happened.

Y/N: Always remember, that in some way or another, you're somebody's angel, even if you don't know it. They love you and think of you even if you don't hear it everyday. Trust that there is love all around you even if you cannot feel it. You are not alone.

Lonely Pearl: What if I made problems? Will you handle them all?

Y/N: I can't promise to fix all of your problems, but I can promise you, you won't face them alone.

I stood up and held my hand out, she wiped awag her tears and she was still hesitant to take it. She eventually took it and I pulled her up helping her regain her balance, then I pulled her in for a hug surprising her.

Y/N: To me, I care about you.

Then she started crying again and she hugged back, she held onto me in fear of me leaving her behind. I hugged her even tighter and she kept crying while she buried her face in my chest.

Then we are both covered by a bright light, I closed my eyes and I let her take me wherever she had in mind. The light faded and I opened my eyes and I saw that we are back outside. I looked down and saw that she still is holding onto me, I gave her a tap on the shoulder and she didn't budge, I cleared my throat and she immediately let go of me and she blushed. I lead the way but before I started walking I felt her hand hold mine. I looked back and saw that she was blushing and was looking the other way.

Lonely Pearl: C-can I h-hold your hand? I-I feel safer when I'm with you.

Y/N: *chuckles* Sure LP.

Lonely Pearl: *blushes deeper* W-what? LP?

Y/N: It's your initials. Your name is kind of long so I'll just call you by your initials. Is it ok?

Lonely Pearl: It's fine.

Then we started walking and she walked beside me, I held her hand and she restes her head on my shoulder.


The ship blasted through space, the overdrive is still in cooldown too. Lonely Pearl or LP was sitting right beside me, in the corner of my eye I can see her staring at me and she keeps blushing.

Lonely Pearl: Y/N?

Y/N: What is it LP?

Lonely Pearl: Is it...scary...of being not loved?

Y/N: It depends, if you are new and you want to try and find out what it's like being loved, it is scary. But if you have felt love but you ended up getting hurt from love because the one you love made you dependent to him or her and they ended up hurting you, you would rather be not love than get hurt again.

Lonely Pearl: I see.

Y/N: But, one remedy of not being loved is to remember how good it feels to love someone. If you're feeling unloved and you want to feel better, go love someone, and see what happens.

She just looked at me and she didn't move an inch, a few seconds later she stood up and walked towards me. I sat properly and she was towering over me.

I was about to say something when she put her finger on my lips shutting me up. She just whispered to my ear:

Lonely Pearl: Let me do this.

Then she gently cupped her hands on my cheeks and she pulled her face closer to mine. And then I started moving closer too. I grabbed her hip using my left hand and I gently pulled her closer and in instict, I pulled her head closer to me using my right hand and our lips collided with each other, we both melted into the kiss, this is not one of those with the tounge stuff and there aren't any of those things (yet), just a passionate kiss.

I caressed her smooth hair and she wrapped her arms around my neck, I kept caressing her hair, it feels so smooth. She looks so pretty too. The ship blasted through space as we kept kissing each other, she needs to be lives then I'll give her love. She's not alone anymore.

And Finished.

This is another chapter that I enjoyed writing, Lonely Pearl is a very relatble character, I can actually relate to her. And me writing a chapter where she is not alone anymore and she is shown love, is just a great feeling.

Keep in mind that Painite or Y/N wears armor, you don't expect us to fight the Great Reclaim wearing no protection do you?
The Great Reclaim is the time when Y/N reclaimed the colonies taken by the rebels. In fact, there is a set of armor just sitting in his gem right now. You'll see what they look like.

By the way, I am going to take a break from this book, and I'll work on my other stories, it might be a month or two before I work on this again.

Also, I was scrolling down my new feed and saw this masterpiece.

This is so damn adorable.

I  W I L L  P R O T E C T  T H A T
S M I L E !!!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter because I did, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter. Stay safe ya'll.

Mcfly signing off

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