Chapter 54: Real? Or Just a Fable?
Your POV
Me and the Zircons along with Bismarck are at the kitchen drinking something to get us ready for the day. I was drinking black coffee. Blue Zircon was drinking brown coffee and Yellow Zircon was drinking tea.
Yellow Zircon: I must say that drinking this "tea" is soothing.
Y/N: Told you you'd like it. How's the brown coffee Blue?
Blue Zircon: This is fantastic!
Bismarck: If only the Diamonds knew how nice these are, they would spare the planet right away.
Y/N: I agree. But they don't so maybe in the future they'll come here. And if they did, we are going to protect Earth. Those who will protect Earth, say aye.
Bismarck: Aye.
Blue Zircon: Aye.
Yellow Zircon: I can't believe I'm doing this. If they'll punish both of us for being rebels, might as well be one. Aye.
???: Aye
I immediately bolted my head side to side looking for the source of that mysterious voice.
Y/N: Did........did you hear that?
Yellow Zircon: Hear what?
Blue Zircon: We heard nothing.
Y/N: What did I put in my coffee?
???: Over here.
I turned mt head again and I saw something glowing in the bookshelf. I started walking towards it and I inspected it.
Y/N: Are you seeing this?
Yellow Zircon: Y/N, I love you, but your scaring me.
Blue Zircon: We're seeing nothing.
Y/N: Are you sure? Because this glowing book says so otherwise.
Bismarck: The book isn't glowing Y/N. There's nothing glowing in the shelf. Lay off the coffee.
I ignored what Bismarck said and I reached my hand towards the glowing book. As I touched it, the light faded and all I see was just a normal book with a leather cover.
I took the book and it had some sort of eye symbol in the middle which lets off some strange and familiar vibes. The symbol is so familiar like I've seen it before. Then I realised, it was the
Era One Tome. Realising what I was holding, I dropped it in the ground and backed away from it.
Yellow Zircon: Y/N? What is it?
Y/N: No, no, no, no, no. What is that doing here? I though we all got rid of all the Tomes and halted the production?
Blue Zircon: Y/N?
Y/N: Can't you see? It's the Era One Tome!
Blue Zircon: What is that?
Suddenly the book flipped over in it's own and started glowing again. Then it shut it self.
Yelllow Zircon: What is that?
Y/N: It's a tome where you can write all of the events that occurred throughout the course of history and it can show you the written event. I'm the one who proposed the idea and the Diamonds agree to make these. I only wanted to make just one and that's it, there will be no more than one.
Blue Zircon: What did they do wrong?
Y/N: They went behind my back and the Authority's. The original Tome's process of showing the written events is like photokinesis, which allows gems to project real life events, dreams, and thoughts or imaginations. The facility, however used a different method of showing them the written events. They suck in the person who possess the Tome, when I found out what happened, I shut the whole facility and the production was halted indefinitely.
Then the Tome opened in it's own again and it started glowing. I was being sucked in and I was holding onto the table. Yellow and Blue Zircon tried to pull me but the suction was too strong and I lost my grip.
I was swallowed by the book and I was falling and falling until I hit something. I opened my eyes and I was underwater. I started swimming upwards and I surfaced from the water, I was scanning my surroundings and I saw.......I was in Arcane Acropolis.Fuck!
I entered the facility and I was walking around the empty, dusty halls, there was a lot of books lying around. The facility used to make the Tome is called Library Nine. What a lazy way to name a library. I solved a few puzzles as I was walking around, gotta admit those are pretty hard. I swear I keep hearing something running around. I encountered a few log dates, but I didn't bother reading them, I have one thing on my mind and that's to get out of this place in one piece. The whole facility is covered by corrupted gems and some Cluster Gems, some Roadrunner corrupted but nothing serious, really.
Tis' but a scratch
I encountered a few Cluster Gems, and a few Corrupted Gems, all of them look like moths.
I entered a large chamber and saw a giant moth, must be a corrupted. I was about to rush forward when I felt that something was stopping me. I couldn't move and suddenly I saw a glowing diamond shaped light coming from my stomach.
I was taken away again and this time I was sent to......the Delta Kindergarten. I started walking around, all I hear is my crunchy footsteps in the snow. I encountered two Amethyst Guards one had a spear, but one just uses a spindash attack.
I summoned my gauntlets and the one with the spear tried to impale me, instead I evaded the attack, disarmed her of the weapon, I used it instead and went for her head decapitating her, her body hit the ground hard before poofing.
I bubbled the gem and sent it away. I turned around and got hit my the other Amethyst Guard sending me flying to a wall. I teared myself away from the wall and the Amethyst Guard was about to hit me again but I caught her head and gave her a headbutt. She was stunned and she held her head due to the pain. I saw her gem and I grabbed onto it and pulled it away from her, making her poof. I bubbled the gem.
I proceeded with caution and without any conflict, only a few puzzles, I reached the Abandoned Ward
I finally reached the end of this God forsaken place, fucking dammit, I've been through a lot of puzzles, I even had to carry rocks to do it, and if I mean by rocks, I mean by boulders.
I reached an ice chamber and I saw a Jasper with it's gem on it's left eye. We stared at each other and we started circling each other,I summoned my gauntlets and I cracked my knuckles, and oh boy am I itching for a fight.
Jasper: How did you get past the guards?
Y/N: I have my ways of getting rid of them. You shattered gems who just popped out of the ground. You sick fuck, I'm not going to watch you do this to anyone anymore.
Then I started walking towards her and she was holding her arms out.
Jasper: Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away?
Y/N: Well I can't beat the living shit out of you if I don't get closer.
Jasper: Then come at me with all you got!
I rushed at her and she summoned her crash helmet, I was about to hit her in the head when I came to a stop again.
I was then transported to another location, where will this take me next? I opened my eyes and I felt strong winds smashing against me. I opened my eyes and I saw that I was in the Buried Bastion, oh what the hell am I even doing here?
I stood up and I started walking and oh boy are there a lot of puzzles, this is going to be a fucking joy solving all of these, I fucking hate this shit.
I finally got to the entrance of the Lost Labyrinth. I saw a Ruby Sqaud consisting of five Rubies, Doc, Eyeball, Army, Navy, and Leggy, but all of them had This must be their first mission together.
Then they all entered the Labyrinth and I made my move, I need to be quiet, I entered the place and I saw lots and lots of Ancient Gem tech. I know how to use them but they're all...busted. Like someone broke them on purpose.
I kept walking along the empty pathways until I encountered a strange green orb. I picked it up and when I inspected it. The spot where I picked up the green orb was taken by another orb, it seems that it can generate more of these.
I inspected it and I didn't know what chemical this is, and I made the biggest mistake of the day, I dropped the orb making it blow up sending me to a wall. I was stuck and I regret the fucking decision I made to drop the orb.
Y/N: I...fucking...hate...this...PLACE!!!
My demonic voice got out making the whole place shake, after the shaking stop I teared myself away from the wall and cracked my neck making a satisfying pop. I did the same to my back making another satisfying pop, it was a pleasant feeling.
I finally reached a large chamber after I've been through a lot of puzzles, my God, you won't believe how many times I got exploded by the green orb,fucking dammit. I entered the chamber and I saw all five Rubies.
Doc: Intruder!
Army: Huh? Where?
Eyeball: Where is he?
Y/N: I'm over here.
Navy: I don't know. He kinda looks......cute.
Leggy: What are we doing again?
Doc: Doesn't matter, No witnesses. Rubies, Combine!
Then they all stacked up and they all fused forming a Giant Ruby.
Y/N: Ok, I don't wanna hurt you guys, can we talk this out?
Then the Giant Ruby just cracked her knuckles and she was getting ready for an attack. I just sighed and I summoneed my gauntlets.
Y/N: Evidently, not.
The Giant Ruby ran towards me and she was about to throw me a straight punch, I crossed my arms and expected my self to be sent flying. But nothing came, I opened my eyes and I saw that the Giant Ruby stopped and there was another diamond shaped light in my stomach.
I just sighed and I was taken into another location, where will this take me this time? I can only know if I get there.
As I got there, I saw that I was in some strange forest with strange substances all over the place, crystals sticking out of the ground. I poked the black substance and I smelled it, smells like nothing but burnt paper, I tasted it, tastes like ash.
I was walking through the thick vegetation, there are even more black substances and crystals as I get deeper into the forest. As I was walking into the forest, I heard.........sobbing? In the forest? I noticed a hidden path in the tree line and I followed it, I kept walking until I reached a large open area, and then I saw the......person? The source of the crying.
I was looking at her and I leaned closer to examine her, and by accident, the brach I was holding on snapped and I fell to the ground face first. Fuck! I tried standing up and I shook my head, then I looked up and saw that it or she was looking at me.
Y/N: Uhhhhhhhhhhhh................Hi?
???: You're finally here. I am glad, you are safe.
I stood up and sat the same position as the person in front of me.
Y/N: Wait, are you the one that's been sending me around places?
???: Correct, and your name must be Painite, correct?
Y/N: Y-yeah, my friends call me
Y/N. Who....are you?
???: I am Fable, the book itself. I have been here for thousands of years, only seeeing the same stories over and over. I am the magic that lives inside the Tome, without me the Tome would be rendered useless, I cannot leave this place even if I wanted. Everything I see, it always repeats itself, over and over. None of this is real, this is only a written story by those who once used me.
Y/N: I........*sigh* I'm sorry. You have to go through this. Trust me, I know what it's like, you feel like everything around you isn't real, like it's all a lie, made up, too good to be true. You have been alone here for thousands of years and the same thing happened to me.
Fable: I never thought that someone could actually relate to my pain. I have stories about you, in the book. Some say you are a brave, intelligent, powerful, and cunning do I put this? Good looking?
Y/N: *blushes and chuckles* Well that's one way. What did the others say?
Fable: Some say they had feelings for you, but too afraid to confess it. Some say that you have the potential to be a great Diamond, you might be even more powerful than the Diamonds, you can also be a King in Homeworld, others say.
Y/N: If there's one thing I wonvt and will not be, it's a king.
Fable: Why not?
Y/N: I have my reasons. But those things aside, I can get you out of here.
Fable: What?
Y/N: You don't have to be stuck in one place anymore, you have been stuck here, watching the past over and over. It's time you get out and walk with us to the future. What do you say?
Fable: Even if I did wanted to do it, I couldn't. I can only send back those who are in here.
Y/N: Well maybe you don't need to be sent. But I can take you there. Do you trust me?
I stood up and I held my hand out to her. She was still hesitant to take it but eventually took it and she stood up. I just gave her an assuring look and I nodded. Then I started glowing and I held onto Fable.
The world around us is tearing apart, literally like paper. Strong winds are smashing against us. I grabbed her back and I held her close, she was holding onto me tightly while she buried her face to my chest.
The whole world around us was torn apart, and a few moments later, the only thing I see is darkness. We were both floating in an empty space, then I saw bright light ahead of me. I summoned my wings and flew towards it.
The light turned brighter as we got nearer, I closed my eyes and Fable did the same thing. Then we were both covered in a bright light.
I opened my eyes and saw...we're back in the real world. I looked down and saw Fable still holding onto me. I cleared my throat and she immediately pulled away while blushing a deep shade of purple.
I looked outside and it was already night time. I've been gone for a whole day. Then thwe whole gang came inside.
Yellow Zircon: He was just in front of us and then he was......
Blue Zircon: Sucked the book.
Pearl: This is bad. Who knows what's happening to him?
Y/N: Hey Pearl.
Pearl: Yes hello Y/N. How can we-
Then Pearl stopped talking and she gave me a hug.
Pearl: Are you hurt?
Steven: What did Fable do to you?
Y/N: I'm fine, and as for Fable she helped me through the whole book. And she is now a new member of the Crystal Gems.
Fable showed herself and walked towards Steven and she knelt down to his level.
Fable: Greetings young one.
Steven didn't say a word, but gave her a hug instead. Without any hesitation, Fable hugged back the young hybrid.
Steven: I'm sorry Fable, I'm sorry that I stopped writing to you, it's just some things got up and I was too busy.
Fable: It's alright young one, at least I am here now. Y/N helped me get out of the Tome. It's because of him that I am free now. Now that I am here, I will help you, all of you protect this planet.
Steven: Yay! New Crystal Gem!
Garnet: Welcome to the Crystal Gems. It's a pleasure to have you here Fable.
Fable: Thank you, for having me.
Amethyst: Oh yeah! More buddies!
Pearl: I agree, Y/N is gathering more allies.
Fable: Y/N? I need to tell you something.
Y/N: What is it?
Fable: Back in Arcane Acropolis. Someone is still there.
Y/N: Like in the book, I didn't know that.
Fable: No, I mean in the real Arcane Acropolis. Someone is still there...waiting.
Y/N: I will have to find them then. I know the location of Arcan Acropolis, I'll leave tommorow.
And then all of the gang went to their rooms, Yellow and Blue Zircon are living with Amethyst. They must hate the mess in there. I took a quick peek and saw that it was actually organized. Steven went to bed, Peridot might be already asleep in my bed.
Pearl and Garnet went to their rooms leaving me and Fable, I grabbed a bottle of cold water in the fridge and I opened it, I walked out and headed for the balcony, enjoying the peace and quiet, admiring the ocean at night time. The moon was bright so it was easy to see things around you.
Fable walked out of the house and joined me in the balcony. She stared into the distance admiring the ocean's beauty. A few seconds of staring, she gave a relaxed sigh.
Fable: I never thought that I would get to see the real world. It's so...beautiful. Can reality get dissapointing?
Y/N: Reality can often be dissapointing. The world today is suffering from a lot of things, global warming, deforestation, anarchy, riots, and conflict. I swear if there's a pandemic that broke out, Me and the Crystal Gems are leaving this planet and stay in Homeworld and wait until this is over. But that's why we get our minds off of it, through watching, reading books and listening to music. We use our minds to think of something that can make us happy and content. But to be honest, being in fantasy can be bad. You will lose yourself in there and you will think that the Fantasy has become your Reality. I can't stand seeing you suffering alone in that Tome.
Fable: For that I thank you, for releasing me. I feel so much better being in the real world than being in that Tome. Because in reality, you cab tell that, everything around you, is real. Wether it may be bad or good or great. It's reality. Sometimes there is nothing better than being in reality with the ones you love.
Y/N: I couldn't agree more...Hey Fable?
Fable: Yes, Y/N?
I stood upright and I left the bottle on the armrest. I walked closer to her, while towering over her, I noticed that she was blushing, I bet she's going to blush even more when I kiss her.
I was inching closer to her face and I closed my eyes, then I was stopped when Fable put her finger in my lips.
Fable: No, I don't understand. Why would you pick me? I don't deserve you. There are many more girls out there who are better than me, even more good looking. I mean, look at me. I don't even have a nose.
I just pulled her closer and kissed her on the lips shutting her up. I broke the kiss and I stared into her eyes, they may not have any pupils or irises, but they look damn beautiful.
Y/N: Love doesn't focus on looks, Fable. You can love someone by their personality, their kindness, looks doesn't matter and I don't care if you don't have a nose. You look beautiful even if you don't have one. I love you for who you are, I don't focus on one's looks to like them, no. I try to find out what kind of person they really are and then,and only then, will I be able to say that they are not my type. I love you Fable.
Fable just stared at my face with an intense blush on her face, she looked down and suddenly without any warning she kissed me back, she immediately pulled back.
Fable: I love you too.
Then I cupped her cheeks and I kissed her again. She wrapped her arms around my neck. A shooting star passed by and I noticed it. Then suddenly a meteor shower was happening, Steven bursted out of the door and we both immediately broke the kiss and looked away like nothing happened.
Then Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Peridot, Blue and Yellow Zircon got out inlcuding Lion and Tyson.
Amethyst: THAT'S TONIGHT?!?!
Garnet: Calm down Pearl.
Peridot: You're getting too loud, clod!
Yellow Zircon: This is.....
Blue Zircon: Nice?
Yellow Zircon: Yeah.
Fable: It's so beautiful.
Y/N: Yeah, *looks at Fable* beautiful.
Then Tyson howled since it was full moon while the meteor shower continues. Lion attempted to howl only ending up making a wierd Lion sound.
Peridot: Quiet clods!
Then Tyson shot a glare at Peridot and she shot back, Tyson was growling and he pounced Peridot. Peridot was growling, demanding Tyson to let her go.
Peridot: Release me clod!
Tyson: *ignores her and used his paw to push her head down*
Y/N: Alright, let her go Tyson.
Then Tyson stood up and crawled beside Lion. I carried Peridot and she was sitting on my shoulder, she looked down and she gave me a kiss on the forehead. Then we went back to watching the meteor shower. This is one of the greatest things I have seen here in Earth. Just hold on, whoever is still in Arcane Acropolis. I'll come and get you. I promise.
And Finished.
Ok so Demonfire_Dagger said that he was marked for death by toxic Connverse fans............WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?!?!
I mean sure, some of you don't like Stevinel, but for Christ's sake leave the man alone! That's just a ship!
Some Connverse fans just straight up ignore the Stevinel, and some Connverse like the Stevinel even if they go against Connverse, that's the kind of Steven Universe Fandom I would like to see. But NOOOOOO I always hear about some TOXIC FUCKERS complaining about a ship that goes against theirs.
WHAT THE FUCK?!?! From telling the man to kill himself, to sending death threats or some idiots saying that they're going to kill him themselves. Well go ahead, I FUCKING DARE YOU!!! You don't even know where he is, fucking idiots.
Don't send death threats, it's not cool! I've been sent death threats before as a joke but I took it too seriously.
People, always remember. When you are in a Fandom, you're opinion isn't the only valid one, there are many more valid opinions out there.
I can't help but think that these are retarted kids with accounts in Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, etc. that are fucking obsessed with the Connverse ship. Or these are just straight up Phsycopaths.
I may be a 14 year old but I've already seen way too many shit in my life that can make a person break down.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter, stay safe ya'll.
Mcfly signing off
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