Chapter 53: Too Cool For School
Notice: Everyone hold on to your dear butt cheeks because this will be a 8,000 word chapter. This will be a long one. Enjoy.
Your POV
I was walking around the Beach City Boardwalk minding my own business. I was planning on buying pizza at the Fish Stew Pizza when I saw Jenny carrying two stacks of pizza. It almost fell over and luckily I ran towards her and caught her and the pizza boxes. I then put down all of the boxes and I helped Jenny up.
Jenny: Whew! Thanks Y/N. You saved me back there.
Y/N: No problem. Why do you have this much pizza?
Jenny: I'm supposed to bring these to my friends and hang out. I don't have the car. It broke down from the last trip and it's in the shop.
Y/N: I can give you a ride.
Jenny: REALLY?!?! Thank you so much, you're a life saver.
Y/N: Okay, okay. Where exactly are we going?
Jenny: You'll see.
I carried some of the pizza boxes and headed to the container unit. I started up the car and I helped Jenny put the pizza boxes in the back. She strapped in and I put my seat belt on. Then we're off to wherever Jenny's friends are.
Y/N: So how's the Suspects holding up?
Jenny: We're doing great, we were invited again to play this Saturday night.
Y/N: That's awesome, good luck.
Jenny: Thanks, okay turn right.
I signaled my car and turned right. I stepped on the throttle making the car go faster. As we arrived at the destination, I realized where we's a school.
Y/N: am I doing here?
Jenny: I haven't actually beem honest to you. The pizza boxes are empty.
I grabbed one of the boxes in the back and opened it and she wasn't lying.
Y/N: What am I doing here?
Jenny: Well I wanted to show my friends that I wasn't lying about you. They won't believe me so I'll show them that I'm telling the truth.
Y/N: Why didn't you just tell me?
Jenny: Because you might turn it down.
Y/N: I've got nothing to do so might as well be here. Is there a parking space here?
Jenny: Yeah, just up front.
I drove the car in front of the parking space. I stepped out of the car while Jenny did the same thing. I saw kids eyeing my car and I even saw some of them take a selfie.
I followed Jenny through the whole crowd of students, they all had their eyes on me, and I just ignored the fact that I'm towering over all of them.
I followed Jenny until I saw Steven and Connie and they waved at me. This might be high-school.
Y/N: Hey Jenny, what grade are you again?
Jenny: 10th Grade.
Y/N: Ok just asking.
Then we arrived at her classroom and I entered and the whole room was filled with lively students, and I also saw the teacher. The teacher turned her attention to both of us. Jenny walked towards the teacher and gave her a hug. They must be close
Teacher: How's the band, Jenny?
Jenny: We're doing great, we'll play again this Saturday.
Teacher: I see. *turns to me* And who is this young man?
Jenny: Oh that's the one I kept talking about, he's one of those aliens that attract other aliens.
Y/N: We're not a homing beacon Jenny. Hi my name's Painite, friemds call me Y/N.
Teacher: It's nice to meet you too, Y/N. I've heared a lot about you, mostly from Jenny. Say hello to the class.
I turned my head towards the whole class. I stood properly and I smiled.
Y/N: Hello everyone, my name is Painite but you can call me Y/N. If all of you are wondering what this thing is on my chest*points to the gem* I'll tell you all later.
???: Nobody cares!
Then all of the class turned their attention to one person. It was a blond male that looks like a pimp. Jenny whispered to me thaf his name is Chester and he's the school bully.
Chester: No one would care because you're just a phony. Everyone knows I'm the Crystal Winged Angel.
Y/N: *chuckles* Whoever said that, your mom is a fucking hoe.
Then the class just laughed at Chester along with the teacher.
Chester: What did you say?
Y/N: I said whoever said that, your mom is a fucking hoe.
Teacher: Alright, alright. Settle down and let's get the lesson started. Y/N you can sit in the back.
I did what I was told and I sat in the spare seat and I just listned to the whole class for an hour.
Two hours passed and the lesson is taking even longer than expected. There are a few teachers not entering due to some faculty meeting. So the teacher decided to take the extra time and teach.
Teacher: Now who here can tell me the Earth's rate of gravity? Anyone?
Y/N: 9.8 meters per second squared.
Teacher: That's correct. I thought you weren't paying attention.
Y/N: I wasn't. I only know this because it's the same gravitational rate back in Homeworld.
Teacher: Homeworld?
Y/N: Right, you don't know what that is. You're done teaching the lesson now right? Because I'm feeling really bad for the students. I saw one of them banging their head in the table.
Teacher: Yes, I'm finished. And please, I would also like to listen to what you know about your kind.
I stood up and walked in front of the whole class. I then cleared my throat because this is going to be a long explanation.
Y/N: Gems are an extraterrestrial species of "magical" (generally) humanoid beings. 5,750 years ago, the Gem Homeworld maintained several outposts on Earth, with plans to completely colonize the planet, but were driven off by Rose Quartz's rebellion, leaving the Crystal Gems and various Corrupted Gems as the only remaining Gems on the planet.
Then a female student raised her hand she had a peach skintone and she was blonde.
???: What are the gem's appearance?
Y/N: What's your name?
???: Madeline.
Y/N: Well Madeline. Gems tend to appear human-like in appearance (some more so than others) and come in a wide array of colors, appearances, sizes, and structures based on their gemstone type. While most Gems seen have two eyes, some Gems or types of Gems only have one eye like Nephrites, Sapphires, Bixbite. Their bodies seem to be made up of doll-joint like segments in their base forms although this isn't always apparent. A feature consistent to all seen-thus-far Gems (different from that of humans) is their lack of ears or ear-like structures in their default forms
Then another female raised her hand. She had brown long hair and she had a light brown skintone.
???: Hi my name is Ela, and can you tell us some descriptions about your kind?
Y/N: Gems are characterized by the gemstone embedded somewhere on their body, which is analogous to a brain. Gems' physical forms are projections from their gemstone which can be changed at will, described as being "like a hologram, but with mass," with their only constant feature being their gemstone and color scheme shapeshifting is not permanent, and Gems will return to their "default" form eventually. There are a variety of gemstones, each of which imbues the Gem in question with specific abilities, and there are multiple Gems with the same gemstone. The gemstone can be located in many different parts of the body, regardless of Gem. Typical Gem abilities include extreme physical strength and durability, weapon-summoning, fusion, the power to store material in their gemstones, the ability to use their gemstones like a flashlight, and bubble creation. Note that these are not ubiquitous; some Gems, such as Lapis Lazuli, are not able to summon a personal weapon, and Gems created in sub-optimal conditions like second era Peridots lack strength. So far, all Gems with their own weapons have the ability to direct energy through their weapons, such as a Garnet using her gauntlets to charge electricity, a Pearl firing an energy blast from the tip of her spear and an Amethyst sending bursts of energy through her whips. Gems are engineered to adapt to a variety of conditions and cannot die by natural causes. Gems do not have to breathe, eat, drink, or sleep to survive, and they do not age, making them effectively immortal. They can, however, still eat and sleep if they so desire. Their bodies will also automatically alter themselves to fit the conditions of whatever celestial body or spacecraft they are on, such as adjusting mass for gravity. The only way to destroy or "kill" a Gem is to destroy their gemstone.
Ela: What happens if a gem's physical form is damaged?
Y/N: When the physical body of a Gem is seriously injured, they will retreat into their gemstone to regenerate. This is one of the only times Gems can make permanent changes to their physical form. The length of the regeneration process can range from minutes to weeks, but a "rushed" regeneration can suffer from physical deformities. Regeneration can be prevented if a gemstone is bubbled or otherwise constricted, such as within a mirror.
Madeline: What if a gem's gemstone is damaged?
Y/N: If a Gem's gemstone is damaged, their physical form will deteriorate and render them incoherent. A Gem's gemstone can be used as an energy source, even if damaged. Gem Shards, the remnants of a shattered gemstone, possess a "powerful partial consciousness" which can grant sentience to their containers and have been used to create drone soldiers.Gem Shards have also been forced to fuse together over time to form Cluster Gems.
Then a male with a dark brown skintone and has a black hair raised his hand.
???: My name is Erik and why are a gem's physical form able to heal and not their gemstone.
Y/N: Because Gems are created to regenerate from bodily damage, but cannot heal their gemstone on their own, a Corrupted Gem will simply regenerate into a Gem Monster, while a damaged Gem will retain their original form, albeit with some slight differences. Shattered Gems similarly will also attempt to regenerate but will only produce seemingly random appendages.
Another male raised his hand, he had a chestnut brown hair and he had a light brown skintone too.
???: My name is Wyatt, can you tell us about the gems abilities?
Y/N: In fact I can. Most, if not all Gems share the following abilities and traits:
Enhanced Condition: Gems can have greater strength, speed, and durability than humans. They can jump longer and higher than even the most athletic humans. The amount varies depending on the Gem type and production quality of the individual Gem - Peridot, a cheaply produced technician, is tough but physically weak, while Jasper, an "ultimate" soldier, can lift an Injector and survive a Gem Warship's explosion.
Non-Senescence: Gems do not age, and thus do not die of natural causes like humans. However, they can still be killed if their gemstone is shattered.
Bubbling: Gems have the ability to encase an object inside a bubble. The color of the bubble depends on the Gem. The bubbles can be sent to wherever their creator considers "home". If a Gem is inside, it is kept in a form of stasis. These bubbles are entirely independent of their creator's state and seem to be able to exist indefinitely if undisturbed The various bubbled Corrupted Gems in the Temple have remained stable regardless of the instances when the Crystal Gems have been poofed, and bubbles created by Rose Quartz.
Shapeshifting: Gems can temporarily alter their physical forms. The more mass the altered form has relative to the Gem's normal form, the harder it is to maintain. Sufficiently skilled Gems can shapeshift into forms with additional functions. Gems produced with fewer resources during the Gem Homeworld's Era 2 appear to lack this ability.
Regeneration: When a Gem suffers a fatal injury, they "poof," releasing their physical form and retreating into their gemstone in order to create a new, undamaged form. The amount of time this process takes depends on a number of factors, including whether or not they are changing the appearance of their form. It is possible for a Gem to rush their regeneration process, but doing so may lead to a number of problems, such as deformed body parts. Regeneration time can range from several seconds, to a few weeks, such as in Pearl's case.
Gravity Shifting: Gems' bodies will automatically adjust to different levels of gravity. Our forms are dependent on the local gravity and air pressure.
Weapon-Summoning: Most Gems can summon a tangible weapon from their gemstones. Gems can summon multiple weapons at once, but each non-fusion Gem has only one type of weapon that they can summon.
Fusion: Gems can combine their bodies and minds to form a larger and more powerful Gem with all of their components' gemstones on their bodies. Fusion Gems can unfuse willingly or fall apart for a number of reasons, and they can fuse further without unfusing first. Fusions inherit all of their components' weapons, and may combine multiple weapons into new forms - for instance, Opal can combine Pearl's spear and Amethyst's whip to form a bow. Humans can also fuse with half-Gems.
Gem Storage: Gems can store and withdraw objects from their Gemstones.
Photokinesis: Gems can project light from their Gemstones to light up dark places.
Unique Abilities: Gems have a wide range of abilities that are exclusive to certain Gem types or individual Gems. These range from Rubies' pyrokinetic touch to Sapphires' future vision to Rose's healing abilities, to Peridot's "metal powers".
Erik: Can you tell us about the Caste Sytem?
Y/N: Gem Homeworld maintained a strict Caste System with gemstones having predetermined roles, places, privileges and ordained purposes in the social pyramid, and Gems who deviated from this were considered defective. Since penalties were severe, disgruntled Homeworld Gems kept to themselves or went into hiding. Because there were so many of each Gem-type (except Diamonds), all Gems normally distinguished themselves via serial numbers. The Caste System was divided under the rule of the Diamonds and other Homeworld elites; if Gems were to greet or refer to others in higher sections of the Caste System, they normally prefaced their Gem name with "My" to show they were their superior(s).
Wyatt: What is the highest ranking and what is your rank?
Y/N: Diamonds were the highest-ranking Gems, similar to royalty and referred to as the matriarchs of society. They made up The Great Diamond Authority. Most Diamonds are massive, towering over other Gems and most Fusion Gems seen. They have diamond-shaped pupils in their eyes.
Most Homeworld Gems were fanatically loyal to them and appeared to be categorized under their respective Diamonds as Blue Diamond once referred to Sapphire as being "of [her] court" and Peridot 5XG said she "was made for" Yellow Diamond. Infidelity displayed towards the Diamonds was considered punishable by death at the worst. Their honorific was "My Diamond".
There appeared to be rankings within the Diamonds themselves as White Diamond was superior to the other Diamonds and the leader of the Authority. Conversely, Pink Diamond was below the other Diamonds and had to obey their orders; this relationship resembled a dysfunctional family more than a hierarchy.
Each of the Diamonds had her own aspects of the Empire to govern: White Diamond created the government and held complete control; Yellow Diamond was in charge of the military; Blue Diamond oversaw diplomacy and rule enforcement; and Pink Diamond hosted celebrations for the accomplishments of the other Diamonds. I'm close friends to all of them actually. But sadly we lost one of the Diamonds. Pink Diamon. But if you're asking about my rank, my rank three months ago was just as same as a Jasper. And after that, I am now as high as a Diamond.
Jenny: Do gems reproduce?
Y/N: In the short "How Are Gems Made?", it is explained that Gems "aren't born, they are made when some Gems from outer space came here with these big machines! They put the machines on Earth and shot this junk into the ground, and then boom, you pop right out!" In addition, it is revealed that Gems are formed fully developed: "being a weak baby would be a pain, so, they suck up all the good stuff from the ground so we pop out all big and strong." However, this process is not entirely flawless; if a Gem is incubated for too long referred as being "overcooked" it will result in the Gem's humanoid form being inherently abnormal, as in the case of Amethyst, who is much shorter than the typical Quartz. If not enough resources are present during the incubation process, the resulting Gems will be underdeveloped, as in the case of Era 2 Peridots, who are shorter and lack most standard Gem abilities.
In addition to being fully developed physically, they are also fully developed mentally. When they come out of the ground, they already know all that they need to know to do their job, up to and including their initial, immediate orders. When a Gem is made, it is for a reason. They burst out of the ground with the knowledge of what they are supposed to be, and that is what they generally believe they will be for life.
Homeworld Gems invaded Earth several thousand years ago and used the Kindergarten to create new Gems using the method described in "How Are Gems Made?"; and that Amethyst is one such Gem. This process is very harmful to the environment to the point where, if it were allowed to continue, it would lead to "the destruction of all life on Earth,"
While biological reproduction is an alien concept to Gems, it is not impossible for them; while Gems cannot reproduce with each other, they can create Gem-hybrid offspring. Through shape-shifting, they can perfectly replicate the reproductive organs of organic beings for their "human constructs" in order to reproduce.Rose Quartz is the only known Gem to have done this, and her son, Steven, inherited her gemstone, without which she could not project a physical form and subsequently "died".
Madeline: Are there any male gems? At all?
Y/N: There are three actually, now there's only two left. That would be me, and Steven.
Ela: Who's the other one?
Y/N: That would be Boron. Boron is an important component in my creation. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here. He's actually like a brother to me.
Teacher: Can you tell us more about yourself? A Painite is actually rarer than a Diamond
Y/N: Well......that's true. The weapons that I can summon are the Yautja Blades *summons blades* and my gauntlets. *shifts into gauntlets and immediately dispersed the weapon* but I have an ability that allows me to materialize any weapon. I only use it when really needed or I just feel like using it. I can actually summon a pair of wings, and unlike the other gems, I can shapeshift without wearing myself out.
Then the bell rang and I just sighed.
Y/N: Well that's all for now. See you all after the break.
It was recess and I was walking around the Outdoor Dining Area and I saw Steven and Connie, I walked towards them and saIPt in the table with them.
Connie: Y/N what are you doing here?
Y/N: Jenny brought me here in the first place. Speaking of which, what's Steven doing here too?
Steven: I got nothing to do, the Gems aren't doing any missions so I figured I might wanna go with Connie to school.
Y/N: That's great! This is your chance to make more friends, while I'm teaching them about what gems are.
Suddenly at the corner of my eye, I saw Chester throw a bat towards us. Without any further delay, I stood up and caught the bat and snapped it in half.
Connie: Woah! Nice reflexes.
Y/N: Go inside. Both of you. Now.
Then they immediately stood up and ran inside as the whole crowd of students watch me and Chester.
Y/N: What the hell is wrong with you?!
Chester: Fight me! Here and now! I can take you on! After all I'm the Crystal Winged Angel!
The crowd was just silent and I was just looking at him. Silence was the only thing present. He had a cocky grin in his ugly, ugly face. Then I started laughing, a laugh of a maniac. Something like this:
Y/N: I accept your challenge. You can use any weapon. After all:
"Showing off, is a fool's way for glory".
Then he grabbed a bat from one of the athletes and rushed towards me. I dodged it, grabbed his hand, and pulled him closer and hit his abdomen with my palm sending him flying across the area.
Some students were in shock of what just happened. Then Chester's lackeys showed up. There were five of them. Two of them are carrying steel bats, only one was carrying a wooden bat, one was carrying a nunchuck. How the hell did he get that in here? And the last one was carrying a knife.
The one with the nunchuck dashed forward me and I kept evading his attacks, I grabbed his hand and disarmed him the weapon and kicked him to the head sending him flying.
I used the nunchuck and the one with the knife tried to hit me with his weapon. I hit him on the head immobilizing him. I swing the nunchuck upwards launching him to the air, and then I swing it again and I managed to land the hit on him sending him to the same spot where the last one went.
I dropped the nunchuck and I summoned my gauntlets, I turned around and I was hit in the head with the steel bat.
Lackey: HA! TAKE THAT!
I grabbed the bat, and saw that it had a dent on it. I did much more damage to it more than it damaged me. I crushed the bat and shaped it into a sphere. I looked at the lackey and I smiled like a maniac. He started running and I threw the steel sphere hitting him in the back knocking him down.
The other one with the steel bat was about to hit me from behind but I backhanded him hitting him in the face knocking him out. The one with the wooden bat swung his bat at me and just like the last time, I didn't feel a thing and the bat is the one that broke instead. I grabbed him by the nech and chokeslammed him to the ground and I said to him.
Y/N: Tsk, tsk, tsk. Useless, useless, useless, useless, useless!
I turned around and scanned the area and looked for Chester.
Y/N: Where you at, Chester? Chickened out?
Chester: Hey dumbass!
I turned around and saw that Chester was mixing chemicals, he's making a makeshift high explosive chemical. He threw it towards me and I summoned my wings, as the chemical blew up, it left smoke covering a wide area.
The smoke was too thick to see through, then I dashed towards Chester and grabbed him by the neck, as the smokes cleared, they saw the wings on me and almost all of the students watching us, gasped.
Chester: Who are you?
Y/N: the real...Crystal Winged Angel. If I ever found out that you keep lying about who you really are, I will find you. Got that?
He just nodded rapidly and I gave him a headbutt knocking him ro the ground unconscious. The cops arrived and arrested all of them. Turns out the principal wanted to get rid of them for a long time. I was given thanks by the police and when they realized who I am, they freaked out. They all took pictures with me.
I summoned my clones and cleaned up the mess we made, more like the mess I made. After they arrested Chester and his lackeys, the students went back to class. Turns out Chester and his lackeys are wanted for assault, attempted rape, and battery.
Timeskip; Lunch-time
It was recess time and I was walking around the halls, I was greeted by a few jocks, a few girls that look bitchy, and I even saw my Fanclub. I HAVE A DAMN FAN CLUB?!?! As I was walking around, I heared a familiar voise, scream in the distance. It was Connie.
Connie: *in the distance* AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Y/N: Connie?!
I started running through the halls, passing through students and sliding down to get pass the crossing workers carrying a cabinet. I reached her classroom and I kicked the door open, and I summoned my blades, I ran towards Connie and grabbed her by the shoulder.
Y/N: Connie, what is it? Are you hurt?
Connie: *giggles* It's nothing,
Y/N. Me and Steven just wanted to introduce you to my classmates.
I turned my head and saw that all of Connie's classmates are looking at me with stars in their eyes.
Y/N: Uuuuuuuuhhhh..........Hello?
Students: Hi Y/N.
Y/N: Guess you already know who I am.
Steven: Yeah, me and Connie told all of them the missions we did, the day you trained us, the trial, and the time when you stopped a tank.
Y/N: You told them that?
Connie: They're actually more surprised about the fact that it was you who stopped it. It was all over the news but it was unknown who really stopped the tank.
Then I felt something tug my pants, I looked down to see a small kid behind me. I knelt down to his level.
Y/N: What is it?
Boy: Is it true that you stopped a tank? Fight monsters? And came from outer space?
Y/N: Yes, I did.
Boy: That's so cool!
Then almost all of Connie's classmates surrounded me and I was being bombarded by a lot of questions. I can answer all of them but one at a time. I felf like I was being swallowed by the whole classroom.
Timeskip; Afternoon
I was with Jenny waiting for her to get back to class.Turns out, Madeline, Ela, Erik, and Wyatt are also great friends with Jenny.
Y/N: You just leave your bag in your locker? What about your homework?
Jenny: I always do them early so I don't get interrupted with the stuff I do.
Then both of us heared a girl shouting at another person. It was the same bitchy girl that looked at me this Lunch-break. Jenny said that her name is Jessica. Her name already sounds like a name for a slut.
Jessica: You're a worthless piece of trash! You are a whore!
How the hell did she becoms Homecoming Queen? She then walked towards me. And she's not stopping in bothering me.
Jessica: Hey baby~would you like to go on a date with me?~
Y/N: No thank you.
Jessica: Come on~ I know you want~
Y/N: Okay, let me stop you right there. One the reason I don't want to date you is because Do you even look at yourself in the mirror? Who the hell wears that much make up? You are such a loud and annoying person, are you sure you're not deaf. And Two, you keep calling those girls around you a whore, well let me ask you something, who did I see this morning kissing someone at the front of the school? Who did I see kissing another boy in recess this morning? And who did I see kssing another boy this Lunch-break? If I am the one to be asked you are the slut. But that aside, I want to tell you something. If you want me, I will have to show you a token of our relationship.
I knelt down and I pretended to take a box with a ring inside, I made sure that she didn't see it. She looks so pleased.
Y/N: This, is a token of our relationship. *uncovers hand and hold uo middle finger* there.
All of the students watching couldn't believe what just happened. I just roasted the most bitchy girl in school. Wyatt and Erik ran towards me and kept on giving me a playful punch on the shoulder while I was still holding up the middle finger.
Y/N: And three, the reason I don't want to date you, because I don't like people who prey on those who are weaker than them. If you want someone to like you, you better change tourself because someday you will regret the things you've done. Get the fuck out of my face.
She immediately ran to the bathroom stall. All of the students were calling my name. But all of that was cut short when a scream was heared. They kept shouting that there's a wolf, but there aren't any areas around here that has a wolf except for the mountain. It must have come down from the mountain or it must be being transported but somehow broke out.
The students scattered and went inside the classroom and Jenny entered the room while I was left outside. And then I saw the wolf, and holy shit! It's half my height! Maybe even 70% of my height. I realized what kind of wolf it was. It was a Mackenzie Valley Wolf.
How the hell did it get thag big? Their largest size is supposed to be 41 inches. Then I saw a few injection marks on it's thigh and I realized it must have been genetically modified to be this large or they've been using steroids to rapidly increase the size and kept on overfeeding it.
I slowly walked towards the wolf and it was growling.
Y/N: Okay, okay. Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you. It's okay, you're safe from those who are hurting you.
Then the wolf crawled closer to me and I held out my hand. I closed my eyes expecting a bite from him. Instead I felt it's head touch my hand. I rubbed his head and he just sat down while enjoying the rub.
Y/N: You are one big wolf. It's okay now, you're safe. I won't let anyone hurt you.
Then the wolf somehow felt safer and it even whimpered a bit. Then I heared a gunshot and I heared the wolf growl. Then the wolf hit the ground as blood was oozing out of him.
Y/N: No-no-no-no-no-no! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!
And at that very moment the wolf died from the gunshot, he was hit in the lungs, a lung shot is very lethat to an animal. I saw the one who fired the gun and it was a hunter. He was about to drag me away from the wolf but I punched him just below the chest, cracking his ribs. I was crying while my tears are dripping down from my face, a few droplets got on the wolf as I kept crying.
Suddenly the wolf was covered by a bright light and I covered my teary eyes. I opened them and I saw the wolf change hue. It was light red color and he had light linings of a fading orange coming down his back up to his tail. Just like the color of my gem. The middle of my gem is red and at the edges it looks like a light orange.
The wolf stood on it's fours and crawled closer to me. I stared at his now red eyes and he lowered his head and I gave him a rub again. How the hell did I get resurrection powers? The only one who can heal gems are Pink and........Rose. I must have aquired the same ability that Pink had.
The students came out of the classrooms watching me pet the wolf. I stood up and the wolf followed me. Steven went behind the wolf startling him. The wolf just looked at Steven and lowered his head and rubbed his head too. Connie showed up and she did the same thing.
After that we all went back to the classrooms and proceeded through the afternoon. I followed Jenny and the wolf followed me. I entered the classroom and the wolf slept beside my seat the whole afternoon.
Wyatt: So Y/N. Mind telling us more about yourself?
Erik: Yeah! I wanna know more!
Madeline and Ela: Us too!
The whole class: And us too!
Y/N:............Alright, get comfy.
I cleared my throat and went in front again. I sat on the table and I started talking.
Y/N: 20,000 years ago, a rebel alliance was on the verge of destroying the empire. We lost a lot of gems at that time, so I was created by the Diamonds 5,000 years later. Right after I emerged I went straight to battle.
I used my gem to project a video of me fighting the rebels.
Ela: Are the one's your fighting are Crystal Gems?
Y/N: No, they're a different one. The Crystal Gems fight and protect their freedom and Earth. While the other one, they called themselves High Rebellion. Their name speaks for them selves, they are Gems who think highly of themselves, they even think that they're higher than the Diamonds. These are the gems that commited treason, and uncooperative gems, they are very cocky and they were led by The Fallen.
Madeline: Who is this "The Fallen"
Y/N: *sigh* Hearing that name brings me back to my past self. The Fallen, is the original idea of making a warrior like me. The Fallen is an Onyx, but the day he emerged, the hole he was in was oozing a black substance, their half corrupted but their powers.
Ela: Is it a male or female?
Y/N: We do not know, it's hard to determine because their physice looks like a male or female's. Their voice is distorted and you can hear multiple voices when speaking. For eight months I have been fighting to reclaim all the colonies taken by the High Rebellion. After I took all the colonies back, we never heard of the High Rebellion ever since, rhey all went into hiding. And to be honest, I wasn't actually proud of myself at that time.
Erik: Why?
Y/N:..............*sigh* I've shattered way too many gems back then. It's one if the reasons why I was feared among Homeworld. I may have killed gems who are threatening the empire, but I feel...nothing when I shattered them. And that's the point, I feel no remorse at all when i shattered them. I was tasked that if I can capture those gems in High Rebellion they can still be reset and given another purpose. But if they are being a pain. I'm allowed to kill them. Their shards can be reused to power some of Homeworld's technology. I never actually fought Onyx, but if I did, I'm will not hesitate to kill him. He's killed as many gems like I did.
Y/N: I was given the name
"The Gem Slayer" due to my kill count. And after I finished reclaiming all of the colonies, I was given the assignment to finish all the missions that were on hold for a few centuries. It was my chance ti change myself, I stopped shattering, I only poofed them and bubbled them. It wasn't all going nicely for me, no. I was treated a defective back in Homeworld, I was treated dirt. For thousands of years I've been angered, provoked, and attacked by other gems, and finally, I snapped. I went back to to being the person I wished I never was and never knew, good thing no one was shattered that time. I was then sent to Earth to find Jasper and Peridot and I ended up finding it's beauty. I also found love.
Then all of the students teased me and I just lightly chuckled. I showed them a video projection showing me and Steven hanging out, and the video cut to Pearl, having her hand cupping my cheeks and I was holding her hands. She inched closer to my face and I did the same thing. Good thing I immediately stopped the video on time and some of the students felt down.
Wyatt: Oh come on! It was getting good!
Y/N: Nope, that's something I don't want you to see.
Ela: Did you get laid?
Y/N: What the hell? Why you asking me that? How old are all of you?
Jenny: Some of us are 19, and others are 20.
Y/N: Ok............this stays in this class got it? As a matter of fact......I did.
Then the students just ooo'ed at me while I just chuckled. The wolf suddenly woke up due to the noise and jumped me knocking me off the table. The students laughed at what just happened and I laughed it off too.
School's over for today and I was walking out of the school with Jenny, Steven and Connie will take the bus because ther isn't anymore spaces in th car. The wolf loves Jenny's way of giving love to him.
Jenny: Oh my god he's so cute.
Y/N: Yeah, I feel really bad for him. Needles were being stick inside him and he was being overfed. He need some rest. *whistles* Come on Tyson, get in the car.
I named the wolf Tyson, and he's very obedient for a wolf. He climed in the car, went to the back crushing all of the empty pizza boxes in the back. He didn't even bother moving. He just lay there. Suddenly I heared another person shout. What is it now?
I looked up and saw that a girl was on the third floor, getting ready to jump. I summoned my wings and I flew to the suicidal girl. As I reached the girl, I carefully walked towards her, I retracted my wings and I started inching closer to her.
???: Don't move or I'll jump!
Y/N: Woah! Okay, okay. Calm down. Just please don't jump. What's your name?
???: May.
Y/N: Okay, May. My anme is Painite but you can call me Y/N. Do not jump okay? Let's talk this out. Can you tell me why are you doing this?
May: It's because I'm sick of everyone in this school! Especially Jessica! I didn't even do anything ro her and she won't stop making fun of me evryday for the last 5 years! My friends are trying to help but I don't want them getting dragged into this. Especially my parents, they are working hard everyday to feed me and educate me. I don't eant to make anymore problems for them. I though I can handle the situation of me being bullied and tortured everyday by Jessica but I was wrong! Dead wrong! I don't want to bother anyone so I'm doing this! I might as well kill myself than being a problem-
Y/N: Shut the hell up May! There are many more who cares about you. Your mom...your dad...your friends...and me. If there is something wrong don't hide it. It will only get worse, trust me. That's the reason why there is a parent, they help your grow and make you happy because there is no better feeling than seeing your kid be happy. And the point of having friends is so that you have someone by your side. Friends help each other out. They make each other happy. They don't let you do stupif things....alone. Never be afraid that you'll be a problem. There will always be someone who will help you. Every person in this world matters, and if they say:
"Who cares if one more light goes out, in a sky of a million stars? Who care if someone's time runs out, if a moment is all we are"
Your parents do, your frends do, and I do. Never be afraid to tell those you love your problems. They will alwys help you through your life. Ignore the people who make fun of you and what they say about you. Stop those who takes advantage of you because you're not alone. None of us are, you'e come so far in your life, it would be a shame to give up now. If you felt happy when you were a kid, don't be upset that you are facing too many problems, life doesn't get easier, you just get stronger and you keep moving forward. And if there is too much problems, or one problem is too tough to handle, you can always ask for assistance. Doing things yourself is good, but sometimes you just have to ask for help. And if God puts a Goliath in your path, then he must be seeing a David in you.
When life seems tough, carry on...if things go wrong, move in. Bear in mind that we all need to build stepping stones out of stumbling rocks. We are tested, at times, in love and life. These are not meant to make us brittle snd burdened, but to make us STRONG and WISE.
Then I noticed that she was sobbing as she look down. I told her to come closer and she tackled me hitting the floor. She kept crying as she was holding onto me.
Y/N: It's okay. Let it all out, all of it.
May: *sob* T-thank you. For helping m-me. You really are and angel.
A few minutes has passed and she fell asleep crying while holding onto me. I summoned my wings and I flew down to the ground. The police arrived and she woke up and made sure she wasn't hurt.
Three days later
I pulled up the car in front of the school and I dropped of Jenny.
Y/N: You have a band practice after school. I'll pick you up later.
Jenny: Okay, Bye.
I went out of the car and I stretched for a bit. Then I felt a light tap on my shoulder and I turn my head to see no one there, I felt another tap and this time I saw who it was. It was Jessica.
She looks so different, she wears less revealing clothes, she doesn't wear make up.
Y/N: Jessica?
Jessica: Hi Y/N
Y/N: Oh my God......look at look so much better!
Jessica: *giggles* I've been thinking about what you said and....yoi were right. I am the one who was acting a slut and I'm a jerk to everyone. So I changed. I changed my attitude, I stopped wearing make up. I stopped being loud and annoying. Just be myself. Do you...still want to go on a date?
Y/N: I'm sorry. But I really don't. But we can still be friends right?
Jessica: It's okay. And sure. *holds up hand* Friends?
Y/N: *shakes hands* Friends.
I shook her hands and she sudddnly pulled me in a hug startling me. I just smiled and hugged her back, it's nice seeing her like this.
Jessica: Thank you so much for helping me see. But I am sad that I can't date you.
Y/N: I know someone who wants to date you.
Jessica: Really? Who is it?
Y/N: Him.
I pointed to one of the jocks that was eyeing Jessica and she looked at the jisck making him look the other way.
Y/N: Go get him, tiger.
She walked towards the jock and she held her hand out. She then asked him if he wants to go on a date and he immediately said yes. How do I know what they're saying? I can read their lips. Jessica pulled out a piece of paper and she wrote down her number and gave it to the jock. He took it and Jessica gave him a kiss on the cheek making him blush.
Jessica ran inside the classroom and the jock looked at me and he held up the piece of paper he was given. I smiled and gave him a thumbs uo and he started celebrating and some of his friends decided to tease him.
I went back to the car and started it up and drove back to Beach City. I'm picking Jenny up this afternoon.
I was waiting outside of the school for Jenny. I was greeted by a few students along with a few teachers, I brouvh Tyson along with me and he was sleeping in the grass. Geez he likes to sleep like Lion.
Then I was approached by two adults, both at their forties. One was a male and the other was a female.
??? Male: Do you happen to be
??? Female: We are looking for him?
Y/N: Yes that would be me, hello. How can I help you? Are you looking for someone?
??? Male: I'm May's Dad.
??? Female: And I am her mother.
Y/N: Oh....hello. How's May doing? Is she okay?
May's Dad: She's doing better. Because of you.
May's Mom: She has been acting strange these day, even her friends noticed it. She won't open up and we didn't expect her that she'll be doing that kind of stuff.
She then reached for her purse and she pull out five thousand dollars.
May's Mom: Please, take this. This is all we have and it's not much.
Y/N: No stop. I don't want ypur money.
May's Mom: But you helped my baby girl. There must be something we can do to help you.
Y/N: The reason I help people is because I want to and they need help. I didn't help her because I eanted a reward. I helped her, because she was in need of help. I never expected any reward from helping people because I only wanted to help and nothing else, I didn't expect anything else. Not money, fame, power or anything. And I can never take your money. You said that it's what you havr left, I'm not taking anyone's money.
I gently pushed the mother's hand back to her. I lifted my arm and I made spikes pop out of them. I snapped the sharp tip of the crystals and I snapped it away from my hand and gathered all of them iusing my other hand. I held my hand out and the mother was still hesitant to take it.
May's Mom: No, I can't take that.
Y/N: Helping people is my business, so I'm doing it. You said that it's the only cash you have left. Sell these crystals to the pawn shop. They should be worth over 20-30 thousand dollars...each piece.
May's Dad: We can't sell that. It belongs to you.
Y/N: Helping people is the least I can do after what I have done. And besides, I can still make more of these. Don't worry about me, worry about yourself.
The mother then took it and she put it in her purse. The mother then gave me a hug and I hugged her back.
May's Mom: Are you an angel?
Y/N: A Crystal Winged one.
May's Dad: Thank you so much for your help. How can we ever repay you?
Y/N: You don't. Seeing the people I help form a smile on their face is a great feeling. You don't need to repay me. Say hi to May for me. Goodbye. Stay safe.
Then they entered their car and they drove off, I waved at them and they ledt the school. I then saw Jenny and I opned the car door and Tyson woke up and went inside the car. Jenny went inside the car put her seat belt on while I did the same thing and I started up the car.
Jenny: Hey did you see Jessica today?
Y/N: Yeah, she looks s difderent, it's nice.
Jenny: Yeah, she even apologized this Lunch Break in front of the whol school for the things she did.
Y/N: Did they forgive her?
Jenny: Well Duh. They can't stay mad at a person who changed herself. And it really is nice to see her not shouting.
Y/N: I know. Buckle up.
I drove the car out of the school and I stepped on the throttle making it go faster, a few minutes later, I can already see the temple. School is fun and all...but I am....TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL.
And Finished.
This was a long chapter to write. This is also the longest chapter I wrote too. Goddammit my hands hurt. But seeing ya'll enjoy the story is the one thag males the pain go away.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.
This shit is fucking accurate!
Mcfly signing off
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