Chapter 51: The Gem Shredder

Steven's POV

Steven enters the Big Donut, where a tired Sadie is seen greeting farewell to some customers.

Sadie: Thanks for coming.

Sadie, almost unconsciously, begins to mop the floor.

Steven: Hey, Sadie!

Sadie: Hey, Steven. What'll it be?

Steven: Sorry to be a pain, but I got kind of a long order. I hope it's not too much trouble.

Sadie: What trouble? *chuckles* I'm a professional donut girl. *walks behind the counter*

Then Y/N entered the shop and gave Steven a pat on the head, while Sadie was getting restless and she keeps on blushing. She shook her head and she regained her composure.

Your POV

Y/N: Hey Sadie.

Sadie: H-hey, Y/N. Do you need anything?

Y/N: Nah, just checking up on Steven here.

Sadie: Okay, what will it be, Steven?

Steven:Okay... I'll have one jelly donut with powdered sugar on the side, three chocolate frosted, one frosted chocolate, two chocolate-frosted chocolate, one dog-nut; medium well, one coffee with milk and sugar, hold the coffee. I also have several methods of payment I'd like you to split this order across evenly.

Sadie: Uh, what's all this for?

Steven: Band practice!

Sadie/ Y/N: You're in a band?!

Steven: Kinda. I started jamming with Jenny, Buck, and Sour Cream!

Y/N: That's awesome.

Sadie: Whoa! That's so cool! Aww man! I bet you guys sound amazing!

Steven: We're still trying to figure out our sound, but it's been fun just playing music with other people. It's also nice to have an outlet that doesn't involve space and Gem stuff and everything else going on. Um... You doing okay?

Sadie: Well, I worry about Lars being in space, and I hope he's safe and all, but... Ughh... Working all these shifts by myself has been a huge drag. I'm totally used to doing his work, but I'm used to at least having him here to talk to. Now, I gotta do that myself, too. "Oh, come on, Sadie, you missed a spot!" Oh, no, sorry. *mops the floor*

Steven: Well, we'll all be practicing at Sour Cream's place tonight. Feel free to stop by if you have time. Y/N you coming?

Y/N: Yeah.

Sadie: I'll try! Hopefully, I can finish restocking napkins early. We're always running out for some reason.

Steven: *takes a whole stack of napkins* Hmm, weird. Well, see ya, Sadie! *leaves the shop, leaving a trail of napkins*

Y/N: Oi! Wait up! Bye, Sadie.

Sadie: Bye, Steven. Bye *sigh* my shining knight.

Y/N: What was that?

Sadie: N-nothing!

Scene change, Sour Cream's house

Steven, Jenny and Sour Cream are seen hanging outside of the garage, while Sour Cream is experimenting with his Launchpad. I was drinking soda while watching them play.

Steven: What do ya call that style?

Sour Cream: Beachcore.

Buck arrives, running in with a guitar case on his back. I stood up and did our handshake.

Buck: Hey.

Jenny: What's up, Buck?

Buck: Guess who's got a gig at Delmarva's number-two music and seafood festival this weekend?!

Jenny: Chugi and the Woo Woos?

Sour: Cream Jack and the Frosted Tips?

Steven: 7-Force?

Y/N: Those are weird ass names for a band except for 7-Force.

Buck:... No, us!

Steven, Buck & Jenny: What?!

Y/N: Huh, well ya'll better start practicing.

Steven: We don't even have a name yet!

Jenny: Or a set list!

Sour Cream: Or even one single song to put on a set list!

Jenny: *sighs* Guess we got a lot of work to do.

Time-Skip; Night-time

The group continues to brainstorm ideas for their band.

Sour Cream: What if we went for a more of a rap-a-billy style?

Jenny: No, thanks.

Steven: How about something like... *begins playing his electric guitar* ♪ Here we are, our hearts combining. Music and friends, our souls aligning. ♪

Buck: Hold on, Steven. You got a really cool sentiment going on that can resonate with a wide audience. I just feel like this seafood festival needs to hear something challenging and provocative. Check this out. *strums his guitar* ♪ Doo-doo. *strumming* ♪ Butt. *strumming* ♪ The government. *strumming* ♪ Corrupts.

Jenny: Hold on there, Bucky D. I'm all for being socially conscious and waking people up inside, but people are gonna be at this seafood fest to have fun! Let's give them something they can dance to! Sour Cream, give me a beat!

Sour Cream: A what?

Jenny: A beat!

With her voice captured, Sour Cream uses the Launchpad to create a beat with Jenny's voice.

Jenny: Oh, yeah! Let's spice it up!

Jenny begins playing a funky riff on her bass.

Steven: Cool.

Sour Cream: Yeah! And then how about some...

Sour Cream makes some screeching tones on the Launchpad, startling Jenny.


Sour Cream: What? Can't let your audience get too comfortable.

Y/N: In order to make a proper song you have to work on things one at a time, if you keep working on multiple things it'll get messy.

Steven: Y/N's right. Maybe we should just call it a night, and try again tomorrow.

Jenny: Agreed.

Just then, Sadie arrives.

Sadie: Oh, hey, guys! Sorry, I'm so late. Took longer to close up than I thought it would. Ya'll still practicing?

Y/N:................About that.....

Jenny: Oh sorry, Sadie, we just wrapped up. We were getting nowhere.

Y/N: Yeah....

Sadie: Aww shoot! I really wanted to hear you guys. Well, let me know if you have another band practice when I'm not working. See ya, guys. *walks off*

Jenny: Bye, Sadie!

Buck: Bye, Sadie!

Sour Cream: Later.

Jenny: See ya, girl.

Steven looks on with pity as Sadie leaves while I did the same.

Scene Change; The Next Afternoon

Sadie returns home one afternoon, holding a bag of donuts, and is about to enter her house, when...

Steven: Hi, Sadie!

Sour Cream: Hey, how's it goin'?

Buck: S'up?

Jenny: Hey, girl.

Y/N: Knock, knock.

Sadie *startled* Whoa! Hey, guys! I just got home from work. *chuckles*

Steven: We know. We followed you. Sorry if that's weird.

Buck: We know how busy your schedule is, so, we decided to bring the jam to you.

Sadie: Aw, shucks, guys! But... *groans nervously* My room is such a mess right now. Okay, ah- okay, just give me a moment to tidy up!


Sadie puts away a pile of clothes, as the group enters her room.

Jenny: Dang, Sadie! You've got so much space in here!

Y/N: Your mom is so cool to let you have this room.

Sour Cream Yo, Sadie, do you have any free outlets to plug into?

Sadie: *hides her movies under her blanket* Oh, yeah, check over by the TV.

The group begins setting up their music instruments. I sat on the bed while watching the whole group set up.

Jenny: Let's get serious now. The show is this weekend!

Buck: Wait... I can't really... feel the music in this... cramped spot. *walks over to Sadie's bed* This looks comfy.

Sadie: No, wait!

Buck sits on Sadie's bed, and crunching noise are heard underneath the blanket. Oh shit.

Buck: Aw, doo-doo. I think I broke your bed.

Sadie: Gah!

Sadie shoves Buck off her bed and lifts the blanket to see if her video cassettes are okay. These are Bulgarian horror movies? Bulgarian horror is cliche and terrible.

Sour Cream: Whoa! Scary movies! Hey, Sadie, you've got a dark side.

Sadie: It's more of a... dork side.

Y/N: Ha! Dork, good one.

Jenny: Hey, is that "The Lurch"?

Sadie: You know this one?

Jenny: Yeah! It's a classic! I can't believe you have a copy! Guys, we have to watch this.


The group watches the movie on Sadie's TV with the lights off. On-screen, groaning gray zombies approach a man and woman huddled in fear.

Zombie (TV) : Brains... *groans*

The woman in the movie then screams in fear. I'm not even doing anything but yawn almost all the time.

Sadie: I can't believe you like this one. Not everyone appreciates Bulgarian horror.

Steven: *covers his eyes in fear* Uh, guys, don't we need to find our sound?

Sour Cream: I kinda like this sound.

Sour Cream walks over to his laptop and adds a dark electronic beat over the eerie music from the movie.

Jenny: Ooh. I like that.

Jenny picks up her bass and adds a rhythmic tune to the music.

Steven: And then, we can do this.

Steven begins strumming his electric guitar in short rhythms.

Buck: Now, we just need some provocative lyrics.

Sadie:...♪ Tired... from work.

Buck: Nice.

Y/N: Now you're getting it.

Sadie: *chuckles* ♪ Hate... my job.

Buck adds an acoustic solo to the music, and Sadie begins to sing.

Sadie: ♪ I really oughta be in mourning, / But I've got another shift this morning. / Every day feels like it's never-ending. / What's the point of all this time I'm spending, / Here... / At this, / Dead-end job! / Ooh! / We are the Working Dead. / And we lurch for minimum wage. / But I'd really rather be... / Eating your brain! ♪

Sadie starts to roam the room more intensely, intimidatingly taunting each of the band members with her song lyrics.

Sadie: ♪ Look at you - You seem so bright and healthy. / ♪ And your minds are full of joy and wonder. / Stay a thousand miles from the condition, / That I've got from all the stress I'm under. / Don't come near me or you might encourage, / All these terrifying sudden urges. ♪

Sadie begins rummaging through her closet while the others look on anxiously. She then puts a jacket and smudges a red lipstick over her eyes, creating a gothic appearance.

Sadie: ♪ Seeing you makes skipping work so tempting. / Don't you know that in the night, I'm temping, / Here... / At this, / Dead-end job! / Ooh! / We are the Working Dead. / And we lurch for minimum wage. / But I'd really rather be... / Eating your brain! ♪

Sadie chomps into a jelly-filled donut, squirting the red jelly out like blood, as the woman from the movie screams in terror.

Steven, Buck, Jenny & Sour Cream: Whoa!

Steven: Sadie, that was awesome!

Jenny: Yeah, girl, yeah!

Sour Cream: That was so rad!

Y/N: Yeah Sadie!

Buck: You're not Sadie Miller. You're Sadie Killer.

Jenny: This is it! This is our sound! Sadie, you should be our frontman! Y/N you play too right?

Y/N: Yeah?

Jenny: Play us something. We need all the help we can get.

I just chuckles and I pulled out the guitar from my gem. I sat on the bed and connected it to the amplifier. I had one song on mind. "Smells like Teen Spirit" By Nirvana. Rest in Peace Kurt Cobain.

Song Starts

Load up on guns, bring your friends

It's fun to lose and to pretend

She's over-bored and self-assured

Oh no, I know a dirty word

Hello, hello, hello, how low
Hello, hello, hello, how low
Hello, hello, hello, how low
Hello, hello, hello

With the lights out, it's less dangerous

Here we are now, entertain us

I feel stupid and contagious

Here we are now, entertain us

A mulatto, an albino, a mosquito, my libido

Yeah, hey

I'm worse at what I do best

And for this gift I feel blessed

Our little group has always been

And always will until the end

Hello, hello, hello, how low
Hello, hello, hello, how low
Hello, hello, hello, how low
Hello, hello, hello

With the lights out, it's less dangerous

Here we are now, entertain us

I feel stupid and contagious

Here we are now, entertain us

A mulatto, an albino, a mosquito, my libido

Yeah, hey

And I forget just why I taste

Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile

I found it hard, it's hard to find

Oh well, whatever, never mind

Hello, hello, hello, how low
Hello, hello, hello, how low
Hello, hello, hello, how low
Hello, hello, hello

With the lights out, it's less dangerous

Here we are now, entertain us

I feel stupid and contagious

Here we are now, entertain us

A mulatto, an albino, a mosquito, my libido

A denial, a denial, a denial, a denial, a denial

A denial, a denial, a denial, a denial

Song ends

Jenny: Whoo! That's awesome. You should be our lead guitarist. And vocalist too.

Y/N: *chuckles* Thanks, I'll think about it. Maybe Sadie should too.

Sadie: Really?! *chuckles* Wow, I... Uhh, wait, no, I can't. Ugh, I've got to work tomorrow. Actually, you guys should probably pack up. I got to get some rest before my shift.

The groups stare at Sadie in somber.

Buck: Aww, doo-doo.

The Next Day

Sadie is wiping the glass donut cabinet, when me and Steven enter and Steven idles excitedly.

Sadie: Hey. What're you doing here?

Steven: I was just wondering if I could get some advice. We've been trying to write some more spooky songs without you, but... They sound so phony coming from me. "Rawr, I'm a bad, bad boy!" Yeesh... I don't know. I can't do it like you. You got any tips?

Sadie: Let's see. First, lose your youth to your boring job. Then, lose the only person you've ever felt truly close to. And then, lose your mind working all his shifts.

Y/N: I don't think he can do all that before the show tomorrow. *chuckles nervously* Are you sure you can't come?

Sadie: I'm the only employee at the shop. I can't just leave. Singing is fun, and-and being in the band would be really fun, like the most fun ever. Bu-But a lot of things could be a lot of things. This job is a drag, but at least I know it's a drag. It's normal. There's something nice about that, you know? Hanging out, singing and stuff, it feels so not normal. It's like- You ever feel so bad that you feel good? Like, when you get so cold that it burns. Sometimes, I just want to scream my guts out. Well, no, not my guts, but whatever thing is squirming in my guts.

Y/N: *slow claps* Bravo.

Steven: *scribbling notes* Wow! Tha-that's poetry! You're such a natural at this! All right, I'll try my best. How's this? ♪ Hate my job! Hate my job! Obligations! No vacations! Kinda saaaaad! ♪

Sadie: Do I really sound like that?

Steven: No, no, y-you sing it like it's really a problem for you. Don't worry, I'll get it, I promise. *singing to himself* ♪ Squirming in my guts, "I got to sell donuts." Big Donut! ♪ *humming*

Steven grabs some napkins, scattering a few on the floor, before leaving, and Sadie looks down, contemplating. I went outside and headed back to the temple. I need to talk to Sadie later.


I went back to the shop and Sadie was still working. I walked towards her and she noticed me.

Sadie: Hey Y/N. Can I get you anything?

Y/N: No, we need to talk.

I sat on one of the empty seats and I indicated Sadie to sit with me. She stopped what she was doing and sat in front of me.

Y/N: Why do you keep turning down these chances? Hmm?

Sadie: I-I don't know what you're saying

Y/N: Don't make a fool out of me Sadie, I know when a person is lying.

Sadie: I......I just can't. What if the world turns me down when I took the chance to be a singer. What if I made a mistake? I don't want to be a laughing stock in front of a crowd.

Y/N: Look, that's why practice nakes perfect. And your voice is already close to it.

Sadie: Close to what?

Y/N: Close to perfection.

She couldn't help but blush and she didn't even mind to hide it, she pulled back her hair behind her ear.

Y/N: Look, you don't have to be afraid. This is your chance to get out of this dead end job you're saying. And if the world turned their back on you, you turn your back on them and come back and hit it harder than ever. That's the point of opportunities. You have to take all of them because you may never know that it will give you something great.

She looked at the floor and I looked at her worried I tried to reach for her when she suddenly grabbed me by the collar and kissed me. It was a deep kiss and when she let go I felt dazed.

Y/N: So you finally took the chance to tell me.

Sadie: *giggles* What can I say? You give people good advice.

Then I kissed her back and she melted into it immediately. Then she pulled back realising something.


Y/N: So you changed your mind?

Sadie: Duh. Come on.

She ran outside and I followed her, we were running after Jenny's car. We were already getting left behind so I carried Sadie bridal style and started sprinting.

I ran as fast as I could and I finally caught up to the car. The car went to a stop, I set Sadie down and I fell to the ground due to exhaustion.

Scene change; Dusk

Steven's POV

The Cool Kids are waiting by Jenny's Car at the parking lot behind the pizzeria.

Sour Cream: I can't believe your car can hold all these amps.
Steven Hey, guys.

Buck: Hey~ It's Steven Universe. Is that the scariest jacket you could find?

Steven: Mmhmm. Hope it doesn't scare anyone too much.

Jenny: So... No Sadie Killer, huh?

Steven: 'Fraid not. She's just... too busy with work.

Jenny: Aww, man!

Sour Cream: This gig won't be the same without her.

Buck: All right, Steven, you're gonna have to up your scary game to fill Sadie's shoes.

Steven: Got it! *tries to be scary* Rawr!

Buck: You can't help being cute, no more than I can help being cool. Let's go.

Steven: Okay...

The group gets into Jenny's car and she begins to drive off.

Jenny: Buckle up, ya'll.

Sour Cream: Hope the seafood at this thing is good.

Jenny:So, where is this place exactly?

Buck: I gave you the directions.

Jenny: Oh, that tiny piece of paper? *stops the car* Where'd I put it?

Steven: Did it fall under the seat?

Sour Cream: I don't see it back here.

Buck: Yo, what if this... was all a dream?

Jenny: *scoffs* This is not-

Sadie: Hey!

Just then, Y/N carrying Sadie is seen running from behind up to the car.

Y/N: Wait up! *panting*

Steven & Jenny: *excitedly* Sadie! Y/N!

Y/N: *catches up to the car, and catches his breath* I can do it! She can do it! We can do the show! We can come!

Jenny: All right! Yeah!

Steven: *in relief* Oh, thank goodness!

Sadie: *hops onto the car* And I can come to practice, and I can come to the next show, and the show after that!

Y/N: I already tild the gems and I'm allowed to go.

Jenny: But there isnvt anymore spaces in the car.

I then materialized my Harley Davidson and started it up.

Y/N: I got my own ride.

Steven: But Sadie, don't you have work?

Sadie: Heh! I QUIT!

Sadie takes off her Big Donut uniform, as the star iris closes in on her smug face.

And Finished.

Sadie finally confessed to Y/N ina form of a kiss. Next chapter will be Y/N talking to Connie about what she did to Steven. Here's a random pic I found.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. This is YoBoyMcFly amd I will see you all in the next chapter.

Mcfly signing off

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