Chapter 50: My Sweet Space Dorito ( Lemon )
Your POV
I was inside my room and I was with Pumpkin, I kept on rubbing her stomach and she always barks excitedly. It's been a few days that Peridot has been living with me in my room. Good thing she got the painiting of her out of the barn before Lapis left.
She's been doing a lot of gardening lately and she seems to be doing the "green thumb" that Steven and Amethyst are saying.
Pumpkin jumped down and lay down in the bed I made just for her. I stood up and noticed that Pumpkin was already asleep. I gave her a rub on the head and I headed to the other room that was supposed to be for Peridot. She uses the room to do her gardening.
Peridot likes sleeping with me and I don't mind actually. I entered the room and saw that she was working on one of her plants.
She's been getting the hang of it lately. She finally got over Lapis leaving Earth and she found a new hobby. And the plants are in a very good condition too.
She noticed me and she stood up and walked towards me. I gave her a towel from the nearby chair and she wiped her face with it.
Y/N: How's gardening?
Peridot: Oh you
Y/N: How about we head to Funland? Have some fun.
Peridot: I agree, maybe a little break from gardening will suffice.
Then I gave Peridot a pat on the head making her growl in return. I just laughed at her reaction to head pats and I gave her a kiss on her gem.
Both of us walked out of my room and went outside and headed for Funland. When we arrived there a lot of people was seen.
Peridot was dragging me through the crowd and she saw one of the rides. It was the roller coaster. We bought the tickets and entered the ride and we buckled up in our seats, but there's a problem. Peridot's strap broke and the ride already started. I held her close to me and she wrapped her arms around my body.
The ride started rising slowly and at the peak of the ride it slowly descended and Peridot tightened her grasp around me. The ride started going faster and the G-Force was already having an effect on my face.
G-force is the force of gravity on a particular extraterrestrial body. We feel this force daily, as it determines the weight of a body.
In the sports cars like Koenigsegg Agera R & Buggati Chiron you will surely be able to feel the
G-force on the road as you take your car above 400km/hr
(if legal).
So if I am driving a car without a hood, and the speed is over 400km/hr, my face would look like a stretchy dough with teeth and holes without me wearing a helmet.
We went through a loopy loop and the ride turned upside down and I held Peridot tighter. I feel something in my stomach, it feels wrong. That coffee ain't sitting right.
After the ride ended, I immediately got off and ran to one of the trash cans and threw up the coffee I drank this morning.
Then after I felt better, I was being dragged by Peridot through the large crowd, leading me to one of the stands. It was a pitching game where you throw a baseball and knock down the cans.
The one in the stand wasn't Smiley though, just a punk looking kid. A jerk.
Y/N: Hey man, how much for one try?
Punk: Five bucks, three throws.
Peridot: Y/N can I try? I want that teddy bear.
Y/N: Sure.
Punk: You're gonna need a certain height to knock them cans down, shorty.
He laughed his ass off and I was clenching my fist. I gave the punk five dollars and he gave Peridot three balls. She threw the first one and she missed the first one making the teen snicker.
Peridot threw another ball this time hitting the stack of cans but barely moving. Then she threw another but this time she put more power but the cans didn't even budge. It's rigged, attached together with glue.
Peridot: What?! That's impossible! I threw the ball with more power and that didn't even budge?
Punk: Well you're gonna need more than that shorty. Because you're weak!
The teen once again snickered and I already want to hit him. Peridot ran back to the Temple as I saw tears dripping from her face. I turned to the punk and he was wiping some tears of his eyes from laughing too hard.
Y/N: Give me a try.
Punk: If that half-pint friend of yours couldn't do it. What makes you think you can?
Y/N: That's why I'll try.
I gave the punk five dollars and he gave me three balls. I grabbed a ball and threw the ball as hard as I can, knocking the glued together cans. I grabbed another ball and threw it and I noticed that the ball was smoking. The ball collided with the cans knocking them over.
I grabbed the last ball and threw it with my strongest throw and the ball literally set on fire and it went throughtl the cans leaving a flaming ring around the cans. The punk immediately sweat dropped.
Y/N: I want that teddy bear.
The punk immediately grabbed the teddy bear and handed me the stuffed animal. I put the bear on the counter and I leaned over to the teen.
Y/N: Come here for a sec. I gotta say something.
The teen leaned over and I immediately grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and I looked at him dead in the eyes with my bloodshot eyes.
Y/N: You can fucking insult me all you want, but if you insult my friends I will fucking tear you apart limb from limb. If I find out that you make fun of my friends, no if you make fun anyone at all, or anyone in this town. I will find you, and I will fucking kill you. I will tear off your arms, and then both of your legs, and then I will rip your face off, do you understand?
Punk: N-no. Please-
Y/N: Yes, and you will be this armless, legless, faceless, thing won't you? Rolling down the street. Like a the wind.
Do you feel me?
Punk: What the hell are you?
Y/N: Death...given form.
I let go of the punk and my eyes went to normal. Suddenly he grabbed a bat under the counter and swing it at me. Only for it to break when it came in contact with my head. I didn't even feel a damn thing. I gave him a chance to change and this is the moment that he knew...he fucked up.
I cracked my knuckles and he was backing away slowly. He was about to fucking bolt when I jumped over the the coumter and grabbed his head and I brutally punched him in the face breaking his nose.
I grabbed his dominant arm and dislocated his wrist making him scream in pain. I let go of him and I jumped over the counter again and headed for Smiley. I told him what he keeps doing to the customers and what he attempted to do to me and few minutes later, he fired the teen and sent him to the hospital. Then a police car arrived. The cop that arrived was a female officer.
Officer: What happened here?
Y/N: I took care of a teen who tried to hit me with a bat in the head.
Officer: Jesus, are you hurt? Is it the same kid who keeps on insulting people, carrying a bat around?
Y/N: Yes, that's the teen, and no, I'm fine. Do I have to do some jail time? I mean I beat up that kid pretty bad.
Officer: No no no. You won't get any. The kid is known to be a trouble maker in both Beach City and Empire City. Plus, you only defended yourself.
Y/N: What will happen to the teen?
Officer: He'll be sent to jail for a few days and he'll get straightened out.
Y/N: Well I did give him a warning so I guess he had it coming.
Officer: Well he did. But next time take it easy. And the way you fight reminds me of someone. A mercenary actually.
Y/N: You mean the mercenary that took down corrupt politicians? I heared about him, the government say that it's just a myth. The last place he was seen was in a place called......Mount.....Ebbot?
Officer: Well it was nice meeting you...what's your name?
Y/N: Painite ma'am, friends call me Y/N.
Officer: And I can see that your not human. I knew it as soon as I saw that gem on your chest. I actually heared about you guys. What can you do?
Y/N: Oh...hehe...I can summon some wings. I can change my physical appearance, clone myself. I actually stopped the loose tank a few weeks ago.
Officer: Woah! You are the Crystal Winged Angel?
( Name made by LegendaryMegaNerd )
Y/N: I'm sorry, what?
Officer: You're well known in Empire City, Steel City, Ocean City and many more. I can't believe I met you! Can I get a picture with you?
Y/N: Sure, why not?
She pulled out her phone and she pulled me close for a selfie, she smiled doing a victory sign and I did a Rock and Roll sign. She took at least five pictures, must be a fan.
She then told me to stand in front of her for a solo picture.
Y/N: Why do you need a picture of me? Isn't the selfie enough?
Officer: Oh uuhh...i-it's for your files. W-we don't exactly have a clear picture of you back in the station at Empire City. All we got is a blurred image.
Officer Mind: And I'm going to play with myself tonight while looking at your picture. I already feel hot just in front of him.
Y/N: Alright then. Should I do a pose? Or should I just stand still?
Officer: Look to the distance and cross your arms while smiling.
I did what I was told and looled to the distance while crossing my arms and I smiled. I noticed that she was using a Polaroid instead of her phone. She took the picture and I walked her back to her car.
I took the teddy bear and walked back to the temple and as I got there, I saw Peridot crying on the couch. I sighed and sat next to her and she gave me a hug.
Y/N:'s okay Peri. I took care of him.
Peridot: Y-Y/N? *sniff*
Y/N: Yes, Peri?
Peridot: D-do you think I'm really weak?
Y/N: No-no-no-no-no-no. Don't think about that. You are a strong girl Peridot. You're strong in your own way, don't mind what the others are saying about you.
Peridot: I couldn't even knock down a stack of cans. It's like I went back to my old self where I felt so...weak...helpless.
Y/N: Don't let those things stop you. Instead of wallowing, use their hatred as a motivation to keep moving forward, it will make your stronger. You gotta focus on what ahead of you instead of staying in your past. You are strong Peridot. Life doesn't get easier, but you become stronger.
Peridot then gave me a hug and I hugged back she was crying.
Peridot: You are the best person that came into my life. Thank you.
I hugged her back as she was crying while holding onto me.
I was in my room painting another portrait and I was painting an image of Pink. I remembered the time when she went down to Earth and she took me with her as her bodyguard, we stumbled across a beautiful field of roses.
I finally finished it after a few hours and I let it dry and hanged it on my wall. Peridot came inside my room and she was wearing her Limb Enhancers, she finally came back from a mission.
She proceeded to throw herself on the soft bed and she took a break.
Y/N: How'd the missiom go? Are the defense systems on those dropships still usable?
Peridot: They're busted, we can't fix them, they're too ancient.
Y/N: Well at least Centi still has her ship and her crew. She seems happy with them.
Peridot: I know how to make you happy.
Y/N: Please, show me how.
She stood up and she suddenly was covered by a bright green light. I closed my eyes and as the light faded, I slowly opened them, I saw Peridot with a different hairstyle
I was looking at her new look while having a hard blush, she look so beautiful. She giggled at my reaction and I smiled.
Peridot: Do you like it?
Y/N: I love it babe. Bur if you're going to ask me if I want you to stay in that form, stay in your original one. I love it more.
She gave me a quick kiss on the lips and she was covered by another green light. I closes my eyes and after the light faded she was back to her original hairstyle.
She walked over to the bed and she lay down and she had a smirk on her face, just looking at her actions, it's obvious that she wants to do it.
Lemon starts
I stood up and walked slowly towards Peridot, I helped her take off her Limb Enhancers and I gave her a kiss, we both fought for dominance, she was exploring my mouth leaving no spot untouched. She won and we pulled back making a string of saliva.
I gently grabbed her breasts and she softly moaned. I started massaging her breasts in a circular motion causing her body to heat up crazy. She was heating up quickly even though I'm only massaging her breasts. Am I that good with my hands?
I traced my finger down her body until it reached her soaked entrance. I started rubbing her entrance while it was still covered with her pants making her moan. I slid my hand under her pants and I started rubbing her clit.
Peridot: S-s-stop. *gasp* Stop t-teasing m-me- *gasp*Clod.
Y/N: *chuckles* Alright, Peri.
I pulled my hand back and I stood up and positioned myself in front of her entrance, I stick my tounge out and licked her clit clean making her moan crazy. I dug my tounge deeper into her warm insides while Peridot was pushing my head down as an attempt to make my tounge go deeper.
I was playing with her soft breasts. I was massaging her left breast while I was pinching her right nipple. I kept eating her out and I can already tell that she'll reach her limit. I let go of her left breast and I fingered her asshole making her moan in surprise making cum while my face was still in front of her entrance covering my face in the liquid she released.
I wiped my face clean and I started taking off my top. As I finally for it off, Peridot was already naked, indicating me to hurry up.
I crawled over towards her and I started undoing my pants. As I finished, I took of my shoes, I pulled down my pants, revealing my member.She crawled towards me and then she slowly sucked my member and she moved her head slowly.
I felt her tounge touch the tip of my member and feel my member down her throat. She then started to move faster and the warmth that I can feel on my member started to spread throughout my body.
She is playing with herself and inserted her finger in her entrance. I grabbed the back of her head and I am reaching my limit. And at the same time we both came and I pulled out my member leaving a few of my load on her face.
She laid on her back and she spreaded her legs while she was playing with her tits and her clit.
Link to Lewd Image:
I gently inserted my member inside her making me feel her tight walls, her warm insides blanketing my entire member, it almost feels like the warmth has traveled all over my body.
I started thrusting my self back and forth, my hard member grinding her tight walls, making her moan loud in pleasure. As I was thrusting, her soft breasts jumping up and down due to me pounding her. I felt the tip of my member hit her womb.
I held her hand and with her other hand she was holding onto my back while moaning loudly. I felt her breasts press against my chest. She kept kissing me while I kept on thrusting back and forth, pleasuring her.
I broke the kiss and I looked at her in the eyes. Her beautiful green eyes. I can feel my body against her sexy body. I turn over and she was on top of me and she was moving up and down and I felt my member hit her womb harder than last time.
I massaged her left breast while i was rubbing her clitoris making her moan crazy. She was sticking her tounge out and her eyes rolled back. I couldn't hold it anumore so without any warning, I came inside her making her noan even louder..
She kissed me to supress her moaning and some of my load oozed out of her entrance. We were both panting heavily and I pulles my member out making a pop sound. I grabbed the sheets of my bed and I cuddled Peridot.
Lemon ends
I wrapped my left hand around Peridot and I held her head close to me as I stay in my position and I dozed off to sleep for the night. You have come far, my Space Dorito.
And Finished.
This is one long chapter to write but I still got it done. I finally drew Painite's wings. Here.
So some idiot won't stop reporting my story which causes the removal of the images in Lemons, come on man, stop. I put a warning on the Lemon chapters and the story is already rated " Mature ". Why does bigblue564 Steven Universe story have images but it didn't even get reported once? Good thing I always have back up images.
In five chapters there will be a new Crystal Gem joining Painite. She has a sad story and she needs company and comforting. She is...
Lonely Pearl
If some of you don't know who she is, she is a character from Steven Universe: Phantom Fable.
I really feel bad for her so she will be escorted by the one and only out of that place and comfort her.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you the next chapter.
Mcfly signing off.
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