Chapter 47: What About The Promise?
Your POV
Me and Bismarck was at the barn with Peridot and Lapis hanging out with both of them. Peridot had her Limb Enhancers on and she was comparing her height with Lapis
I kept laughing at Lapis' reaction and she looked at me.
Lapis: How about you compare your height with her?
Y/N: Aight, step aside.
I stood up and walked towards Peridot, she stood upright but she still barely meet me eye toeye making Peridot sweat.
I laughed at her again and she crossed her arms while pouting and Lapis was laughing.
Lapis: HA! Take that Peri!
Bismarck: It seems that your physical form has grown. It must be your frequent change of form.
Y/N: Seems like it. Me and Peridot are supposed to be the same height when she had her Limb Enhancer on.
Peridot: How did the Diamonds make you? Exactly?
Y/N: was impossible for me to be created without the Diamonds. They had all the materials, but they need their powers to create me. If they didn't I would come out wrong. Yellow's power results in my incredible strength and reaction time. Blue's power results in my ability to feel emotions and feel empathy for others. Pink's power results in my kindness and the ability to shapeshift without wearing myself out. And White's power results in my mindset and determination to help others and those in need and her powers allowed me to exist in the first place. If it wasn't for her I am nothing. They say I might have even obtained a few powers they had, but it's only a thought.
Bismarck: Do you have the power to heal like the Diamonds?
Y/N: Well that's...........what...I don't know. No I don't know actually.
Peridot took off her Limb Enhancers and she grabbed her tablet and started dialing Steven.
Steven's POV
Steven is seen looking in despair at a photo of Connie on the shelf in his room. He slumps against the wall and lies onto his bed, sighing in remorse.
Steven: She'll call when she's ready. For now, you just have to let go.
Steven lifts himself up and keeps his phone. He then hops off his bed and glances at his ukulele by his bed.
Scene change
Steven makes his way to the beach, dragging his ukulele across the sand. He approaches the hand statue sticking out in the sand and sits in the shade under it. He then look up into the sky and start strumming his ukulele.
Steven: *sighs deeply* ♪ I wish I could tell you that I-
Steven's phone suddenly starts buzzing, interrupting his song, and Steven, startled, screams as he fumbles to take his phone out of his pocket.
Steven: Okay, Universe. This is it! Connie's finally ready to talk. No expectations. Just let her say what she needs to say!
Steven looks down at his phone, only to realize that it is actually Peridot who is video-calling him. Steven sighs in dismay and answers her call.
Peridot: Steven! *chuckles* It's us!
Lapis, Y/N, and Bismarck comes into frame.
Steven: Oh, hi, Peridot. Hi, Lapis. Hi Bismarck, Hi Y/N
Peridot: Don't forget Pumpkin!
Peridot holds up Pumpkin and she barks excitedly. She jumped on Y/N's arms and she snuggled herself
Steven: *chuckles* Hi, Pumpkin!
Peridot: *turns to Lapis* I told you he'd answer.
Lapis: It's so good to see you. I'm glad you're okay.
Peridot: Lapis was worried you lost your phone on Homeworld, but I said, "No way! He's probably just ignoring us."
Then Y/N looked at Peridot with a raised eyebrow
Steven: *blushes* Sorry, guys. There's been... a lot going on.
Peridot: Like what? Tell us!
Steven: Well, Connie's really mad at me-
Peridot: No, no, no, no. Tell us about space!
Lapis: And start from the beginning.
Steven: Uhh, ok. I was trying to protect Beach City, so I surrendered myself to Homeworld, and I was put in a big, empty room, and I ended up on trial in front of the Diamonds!
Lapis: On trial?!
Peridot: What?
Lapis: In front of the Diamonds?!
Steven: Yeah, me and Y/N actually, and...
Lapis: Both of you were in front of Blue Diamond?!
Y/N:And Yellow!
Steven: But it's okay. I escaped in a palanquin and went underground and...
Lapis: You ran from Blue and Yellow Diamond!?
Steven: Yes.
Lapis: Peridot, We have to leave Earth, now!
Lapis quickly hangs up the video call.
Steven: Uh-oh...
Scene change
Your POV
Peridot, Lapis, and Pumpkin are seen standing outside the barn, while Pumpkin is barking frantically.
Peridot: Wait. We can't leave. What about all our crops?
Steven comes running in towards Lapis and Peridot from behind.
Steven: Guys?
Lapis: Ughh. The vegetables will have to deal.
Peridot: Okay, okay, but, uhh... We're only half-way through our rewatch of "CPH" Season four. *chuckles nervosuly*
Lapis: We'll bring the box set with us.
Peridot:...But, how are we gonna watch it without the TV?
Lapis: We'll bring the TV.
Y/N: Calm down you two!
Steven: Uhh, Lapis?
Lapis: Huh?
Steven: Peridot?
Lapis: Oh, Steven. Good. Let's go.
Steven: Wait, what?
Lapis: We'll find some remote spot in the universe to hide out in. The Diamonds will never find us.
Steven: Lapis, don't worry. They're looking for me on Homeworld. They don't know I'm here. We're safe.
Peridot: Yeah! Come on, we've gotten away with worse. They've never been able to hunt me down for my many crimes against them.
Lapis: This is different! Steven is important, and our transgressions are piling up! *puts her hand on Peridot's shoulder* They're going to take their anger out on this planet, just like they did before. I can't. *grasps Peridot's shoulder tightly* I won't let myself get caught up in another war.
Pumpkin hides behind Peridot, whimpering anxiously.
Steven: I don't want you to leave, but, I won't ask you guys to stay if you don't feel safe. If you have to go... I understand.
Lapis:...Right. Peridot, if you want the TV, levitate it over here.
Peridot:Hey, umm-
Peridot runs inside the barn and returns, struggling to carry a "meep morp" in her arms.
Peridot: What about our meep morps we've made? We can't leave them behind.
Peridot loses her balance and drops the meep morp. I ran towards her and helped her up.
Lapis: We can bring them, too.
Peridot: *gasps* But they're installations! They need the context of the barn! If- If-if we move them, they'll become... performance pieces.
Lapis: There's no need to get so emotional!
Peridot steps back in shock.
Peridot: You're right. I'm sorry.
Steven: It's okay. Performance art isn't bad, just misunderstood.
Lapis: Hmm... Maybe I can do something.
Lapis walks out past Steven and Peridot and turns towards the barn. She begins using her water abilities to seemingly drain the water from the pool outside of the barn.
Peridot: Ga-hah! Our smaller-than-average lake! Guh!
A water wall begins to emerge from the ground around the barn, as Lapis uses the water to separate the barn away from the ground and raises it in the air.
Steven & Peridot: Whoa.
Lapis: There! Now we can bring our whole life with us: You, me, and all of our things!
Peridot: Right... Right!
Lapis: Well, let's get going.
Steven: You're leaving right now? I thought that- I-I don't know what to say.
Lapis' expression saddens and she walks towards Steven to give him a hug.
LapisGoodbye, Steven.
Steven sniffles as he starts sobbing. I was looking at Lapis with a look of disbelief
Lapis: Good luck. *turns to Peridot* Peridot, don't you want to say bye?
Peridot: Uhh...
Peridot starts tearing up, and Steven whimpers in sadness. While I couldn't help to tear up myself. What happened to the promise?
Peridot: Umm... *gasps* Wait! Where's Pumpkin?
Lapis: She's not inside?
Peridot: She was just standing next to me! We have to find her.
Lapis lowers the barn back onto the ground and refills the pool with water again.
Lapis: I'll check from above. Peridot, you search the ground. *flies off*
Steven: I'll help, too!
Me, Steven and Peridot start running towards the farm field.
Steven: Pumpkin!?
Peridot: Pumpkin?
Lapis: Pumpkin! Pumpkin!
Y/N: Pumpkin? Pumpkin!
Steven: Pumpkin?
Peridot: Pumpkin?
Y/N: Pumpkin?
Peridot: *softly* Pumpkin.
Me and Steven walk slowly to the top of a hill.
Steven: Pumpkin! Where are you, buddy?
Peridot runs frantically up the hill and passes me and Steven.
Peridot: Pumpkin!
Peridot turns back to Steven, looking distressed. The pair then begins searching through a wooded area.
Steven: You know, I'm really gonna miss you guys when you're in space.
Peridot: Well, that's a given. I'm a very precious Gem. Without me, you would've crumbled under The Cluster's destructive force or have been smushed by Jasper. I'm --
Y/N: Peridot, There!
I pointed to an orange unidentified object on the ground and Peridot runs towards it.
Peridot: Pumpkin! *grumbles uncomfortably*
Peridot picks up the object, but quickly realizes is a basketball. How can I be so fucking stupid?
Steven: Is she okay?
Peridot: Umm...
Peridot, me, and Steven continue walking and searching for Pumpkin, while Steven dribbles the basketball.
Peridot: Pumpkin!
Steven: Pumpkin!
Y/N: Pumpkin!
Steven: Pumpkin!
As Peridot begins to speak, Steven stops dribbling the basketball.
Peridot: You know, I can probably still help you when I'm out in space. I'll just video-chat from my tablet!
Steven: Uhh, t-there's no Wi-Fi in space.
Peridot:...Well, maybe it's best if we can't reach you. If the Diamonds do show up and destroy the planet, we'll never know!
Peridot looks to Steven with uncertainty, as he looks back with unknowing concern.
Peridot: Lapis was very agitated when she heard you were on Homeworld. I was bending over backwards to make her feel better. Watch this.
Peridot proceeds to literally bend over backwards in a very unnatural way. I lightly chuckled at this.
Steven: *laughs* That is good.
Peridot: Oh, yeah. She loves this. *groans uncomfortably*
Steven and Peridot walks out of the woods.
Peridot: Maybe it's good that we'll be away from everything where nothing can change, no surprises or developments. She's been through so much. She needs consistency.
Steven: *stops walking* But what about you?
Peridot looks down, questioning in uncertainty, when she jumps and clings onto Steven, causing him to drop the basketball.
Peridot: *gasps in shock* Another Kindergartener!
Steven notices a produce stand in front of them and reads the sign at the stand.
Steven: "Fresh produce"? Pumpkin is fresh produce!
Peridot and Steven run towards the stand, breathing and gasping heavily in fear.
Steven: It's just... onions?
Peridot: Pumpkin would never associate with this inferior sphere.
Onion suddenly pops out from behind the stand, frightening Steven and Peridot as they scream loudly. I jumped a bit and almost fell over my ass.
Steven: Uhh... Onion? What are y- Hey, is that my hat?
Onion ducks back and hides behind the stand.
Scene change
Steven, Peridot, and myself return back to the barn in disappointment.
Steven: Well, that was a bust.
Peridot" We'll never find Pumpkin.
Y/N: Peridot...
Rustling is suddenly heard from the cornfield, causing Peridot to look towards it, and she notices Pumpkin's tail sticking out from the corn stalks. She's been here the whole time?
Peridot: Pumpkin?
Pumpkin whimpers as she runs into the cornfield.
Peridot: Have you been here the whole time?!
Steven: She was hiding?
Peridot: Come on, Pumpkin. We need to leave.
Y/N: *whistles* Pumpkin! Come her girl!
Pumpkin whimpers in response.
Peridot: Pumpkin! *runs into the cornfield* Don't you walk away while I'm talking to you!
Pumpkin whimpers loudly as Peridot drags her out of the cornfield by her tail.
Peridot: *grunting loudly* Sometimes, you have to do things you don't want to do, like get jettisoned into space to live forever on a floating rock with a barn, and just us as for as long as time exists! Lapis needs us!
Pumpkin whimpers and struggles to get away from Peridot.
Y/N: Peridot let her go!
Steven: Peridot, give her a second!
Peridot: She's doing it to herself! Pumpkin, Do as you're told!
Peridot loses grip of Pumpkin's tail and falls backwards onto the ground.
Peridot: Gah!
Once freed, Pumpkin runs up to me and jump into my arms whimpering.
Steven: Whoa, Peridot. It sounds like you don't really want to go.
Peridot picks herself up off the ground and walks toward Steven and Pumpkin.
Peridot: I'm sorry, Pumpkin. I didn't mean to yank you around. It's just... *retrieves Pumpkin from my hands* We don't have a choice in this.
Y/N: What do you mean you "don't have a choice"? Peridot, you should really talk to Lapis about this.
Peridot: *kisses Pumpkin on the forehead* I can't.
Peridot walks away and Steven follows after her.
Y/N: What? Why not?
Lapis flies back down from the sky and lands in front of me, Peridot, and Steven.
Lapis: Oh, great! You found her!
Steven and Peridot both stare blankly at her. While I was trying to think of what to say.
Lapis: Now, let's go!
Lapis, Peridot, and Steven walk towards the barn as Lapis once again raises the barn into the air. Peridot turns to Steven and looks at him nervously, only to get a similar response from him in return. Peridot glances at Lapis and anxiously gathers up her thoughts.
Peridot: Wait... Lapis? Pumpkin doesn't want to go.
Lapis turns her head back towards Peridot with a confused look on her face.
Lapis: Pumpkin doesn't know better. We do.
Lapis turns her head back around and continues focusing on the barn.
Peridot: Actually, I... I don't want to go either.
Lapis: What?!
Paralyzed with shock, Lapis turns back towards Peridot and the barn crashes back onto the ground. Causing the ground to shake.
Steven & Peridot: Aah!
Y/N: Ooh-whoa!
Pumpkin yelps in fright and runs to hide behind me. Steven looks concernedly back to Peridot and Lapis.
Lapis: Peridot, what are you trying to say?
Peridot: It's just, if something happens on Earth, I want to be here for it!
Lapis: But- No! Why are you telling me this now ?!
Peridot: Because... we're about to leave!
Lapis: Isn't that the worst time?
Peridot raises her index finger into the air with a static, blank expression.
Peridot: Yes.
Steven looks to them with quiet fear in his eyes while mumbling nervously.
Lapis: Then why didn't you tell me sooner?
Peridot: Well, there are many things I should say, but they would upset you, so in general, I don't say those things...?
Lapis: Peridot, that's lying!
Steven groans in increasing anxiety.
Peridot: Okay, then! The truth is... I think that we should stay, and if- and if the time comes, if the Diamonds do come to wipe this planet off the star maps, I think we should fight for this life we've built instead of tearing it up out of the ground! I think we can win. I think you can win! Earth is our home now. Isn't it worth fighting for?
Y/N: And what about the promise?
Lapis: What?
Y/N: You......forgot.....the promise I, we made. When we were on the flower field? When we were stargazing? I told you that we would be there for you when the Diamonds really come. We promised each other that we would be there for each other........Was it all a lie? Of all the people who broke promises........I never are willing do it. Please......stay here with us
I said as tears are running down my face. Peridot reaches her hand out to Lapis.
Steven: What do ya say, Lapis?
Lapis lowers her head in sorrow and turns her back on Peridot, walking away towards the barn.
Lapis: I am not getting caught in the middle of another war.
Lapis sprouts her water wings and begins to lift the barn into the air again for a final time.
Peridot: Wait! No! You're supposed to reward me for my emotional honesty!
Lapis flies in the air as she lifts the barn higher, breaking it away from the plumbing. She looks back at Peridot, Steven, and Pumpkin's fretting faces, and my teary face before taking off into the sky, taking the barn along with her. Steven walks up to Peridot as she stands frozen in place and places his hand on her back.
Steven: Come on. Let's go.
Timeskip; Night-time
Steven's Bathroom
Steven sets up a mattress in his bathtub for Peridot and Pumpkin, while Peridot sits in a daze on the toilet. I was resting against the sink. Peridot placed her Limb Enhancers in the corner.
Steven: Okay. You're all set up, and you can stay here as long as you need.
Peridot gets off the toilet and walks towards the mattress.
Peridot: Wow... *groans and climbs onto the mattress* Thanks...
Steven and Pumpkin sit down next to the tub as Peridot lies face down on the mattress. I sat beside Peridot and then Pumpkin stood up from her spot and walked towards me and she snuggled herself while she sleeps.Steven pulls out his phone and checks it. He sighs in remorse as he finds there is still no response from Connie.
Peridot: What do we do now?...
Me, Steven, Peridot, and Pumpkin gaze off in silence, as they sit together in the bathroom.
And Finished
Whoo! This was one long chapter. I finally had an idea for Painite's wings. I try drawing it tommorow.
And I just want to say, a friend of mine said that there was a shootout in their place. Their were cops there and she heared
at least five gunshots.
Stay safe ya'll and wash tour hands always.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next one.
Mcfly signing off.
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