Chapter 46: Gemcation
Your POV
Steven is sitting on a chair outside of the car wash, reading his own texts while texting on his phone. I was washing my car plistening to my tunes.
Steven: "Hey, Connie. How are you today?" "Hope everything's going okay." "It'd be cool if you told me it was..." "I guess I miss you." "I know yesterday I said, "I guess" but I mean," "I do miss you..." "Hope you didn't get your phone mixed up with a tennis ball. Ha ha." A tennis ball? Really, Universe?! *sighs*
Greg: Help! Ah! Yah! Back!
Greg is then seen struggling to remove a water hose that is tangled around himself.
Greg: Ugh! Hey, uh, Steve-aroni, ughh, want to help your old Pa over here?
Steven: Uh, yeah, Dad, one sec.
Steven reluctantly sends a final text to Connie, reading "Please talk to me."
Steven: Sorry. Sorry. I'm on it.
Steven runs up to Greg and bites off a piece of the hose, freeing Greg.
Steven: *grunts* Are you good? Are you safe? Do you still love me?
Y/N: Woah! Calm down.
Greg: Yeah, of- of course, buddy. It's just some hoses. I can buy new ones. I still have like... 9 million dollars left, and what better way to spend that than on some hoses, right, kiddo?
Steven: Yeah, Dad.
Steven's cellphone vibrates and gasps in shock. He holds out his phone and reluctantly checks it, only to see a text from Ronaldo. He's much attached to his phone lately. Wonder why?
Ronaldo (Voiceover): "STEVEEEN! So. Did you ever get around to watching the "Koala Princess" box set I lent you three months ago?"
Steven sighs in dismay.
Greg: Hey, is... everything okay? You're looking a little glum.
Steven: I am a little glum.
Greg: Do you want to talk about it?
Steven: Umm... It's just... space lag... from when I went to space. *walks off*
Greg: Hmm...*looks to my direction*
Y/N: *shrugs*
Scene change
Steven's POV
Back home, Steven is absentmindedly wiping a plate with a soap bottle, still sighing in disappointment, when his cellphone starts vibrating again.
Steven: Ah! *throws the plate and soap bottle away in surprise* Waahh!
Steven reaches for his phone but then pauses himself.
Steven: Wait. No. I need to play it cool.
Steven casually flips over his phone and eagerly checks his phone screen.
Ronaldo (Voiceover): "I'm just gonna assume by your silence that you're entangled within the immersive koala lore of the show." "Did you get to the part where Koala Princess and Kanga-Roofus kiss?"
Disappointed, Steven puts down his phone, when he hears Greg's voice from outside.
Greg: Steven, you want to help us with these... groceries?
Steven: Coming.
Your POV
Greg, me and the Crystal Gems walk in,each carrying some groceries.
I was carrying a bag full of Chaaps.
Greg: Eh? Eh?
Amethyst*muffled*: Check this out, Steven. *spits out an egg, with normal voice again* It's farm fresh.
Y/N: It's farm fresh and you put that in your mouth?
Steven: Uhh... Thanks guys, but the fridge is full.
Greg: Not the fridge at our vacation house!
Greg pulls a confetti popper as the Gems clap and cheer.
The Gems: Whoo! Vacation!
Y/N: Yeah!
Greg: I thought, "Why spend money on hoses when I can spend it on houses?" So I found a place we could rent for the weekend by searching online.
Greg holds up his phone, displaying an image of their vacation house with a four star rating. Why not a five star?
Greg: Back in the old days, we just went door-to-door hoping one was unlocked. But, this is the new days!
Y/N: Wait you used to do break and entering?
Steven: Okay. Well, have fun.
Y/N: Ah ah ah! You're coming with us.
Greg: Steven, you're going on vacation, too. *coughs and glances at Pearl*
Pearl: Oh, yes. This is the perfect time for a vacation- I mean, how often are we on the same planet together?
Amethyst: Yeah. And you'll be with your favorite Gems, and your favorite dad. And you can also be with your favourite brother.
Garnet: Agree with Amethyst. Turn to Steven. Steven, you should go. No, with more enthusiasm. Steven, it's a vacation! *gives a thumbs-up*
Y/N: You've been through tough times Steven. It's time to take a break once and a while, you know?
Steven: I mean, I would, but I'm really tied up with something important.
Steven checks his phone again, as more texts keep appearing from Ronaldo.
Ronaldo (Voiceover): "In the end, the wombats were for naught." "But it really makes you think-"
Steven: I'll go.
Garnet: Aced it!
Scene change Cool Ranch
Greg drives Steven and the Gems in his van up to the front of their vacation house, I parked my car and I used a car cover to keep it from getring damaged by the weather, while Steven's eyes is fixated onto his phone.
Greg: Here it is, temporary home sweet temporary home.
Everyone gets out and begins unloading the van; Steven observes Garnet and Amethyst carrying a mattress in the house.
Steven: Is that my bed?
Greg: Yeah. I want you to be as comfortable as possible, finally have some family time. I feel... like you haven't had that in a while.
Steven: *looking down at his phone* Yeah, maybe.
Greg: This place is great! They have one of those refrigerators that dispense water, not to mention four windows, and an analog clock!
Pearl: *reading off a piece of memo* Hmm, says here we can't use the water dispenser or the clock. Windows must be kept closed at all times, and remove all shoes before entering. Hmm.
Pearl notices a pair of shoes outside the house. She picks them up and throws them away, before walking inside the house. Amethyst then peeks out through the doorway.
Amethyst: Hey, Greg, did you invite anyone else? Party guy, about three feet long, hissing, reptilian?
Greg: No...?
AmethystWell... You might want to factor in a plus-one.
Pearl: Oh! Party guy! No!
Y/N: Nuh uh! *summons gauntlets* I'm not having a trashy Party Guy in my vacation!
Hissing and clashing noises are heard from within the house.
Greg: I promise. It's gonna be a really good time.
Steven: *keeps looking down at his phone* It's a great place, Dad.
Time-Skip; Dusk
Steven, Greg, and the Gems are gathered outside, lounging and barbecuing.
Amethyst: It only bit Pearl once, but, like, we're Gems. She'll be okay.
Pearl: *groans* It isn't the pain. It's the surprise.
Y/N: Yeaaah....the surprise....
Me, Greg and Amethyst glance over to Steven, who is still engrossed on his phone.
Greg: Hey, Amethyst, do you think you could...
Amethyst: Yeah! *walks over and sits down beside Steven* Hey, Steven.
Steven: Hi, Amethyst.
Amethyst: Man, you can see the stars so clearly out here. It's pretty, huh?
Steven: Huh? Uh, I don't know. *shrugs* It's... okay.
Amethyst: Hey, hey. It's okay, if it isn't okay.
Steven: The sky?
Amethyst: Yeah.
Steven: What?
Amethyst: *shrugs* I don't know. So, uh, you really into phones now?
Steven: No.
Steven nervously puts his phone away. Amethyst looks at me and Greg and shrugs.
Time-Skip; Night-time
Still staring at his phone, Steven bumps into the door inside the house, and opens it to walk outside, when Greg and Garnet, sitting in a hot tub, greet him. I just got in the tub and started enjoying the temperature of the water.
Greg: Hey, Schtu-ball! Won't you take my place? I've been in here way too long. I'm gonna become a raisin.
Greg winks at Garnet before climbing out and walking away.
Garnetl: Steven, you should join me and Y/N. Become a raisin.
Steven: Okay, but one sec.
Steven walks away and returns with his phone in a ziplock bag, and climbs into the tub with his clothes still on.
Garnet: Steven, I know what's troubling you.
Steven: You do? *smiles in a sense of relief* Gosh. I really messed up, didn't I?
Garnet: You didn't do anything wrong. Pink Diamond was a villain.
Y/N: I'm sorry what?
Steven's relief quickly fades, as Garnet attempts to weave another epic tale, cuing a flashback of the Crystal Gems facing off a massive Gem, presumably Pink Diamond.
Garnet: It was 5,750 years ago. Pink Diamond was ravishing the planet-
Steven: Yeah, I know.
The flashback abruptly ends. I stood up and got off the rub. I don't want to hear the conversation about Pink if Garnet is the one telling.
Garnet: Oh.
Steven: Pink Diamond was bad. Everything bad had to happen so good things could kind of happen.
Even he said that she's bad l. Did everything I say about her being a kind person a waste of time?
Garnet: Uh, good. You understand.
Time-Skip; The Next Day
Steven's POV
Steven is rocking back and forth on a chair outside the house, still fixated on his phone.
Steven: Buzz. Buzz. At least wiggle a little.
Greg: Come on. Can't you give it another shot?
Overhearing the others inside the house, Steven approaches the door and peeks inside.
Amethyst: What are we supposed to do? He just doesn't want to talk about it.
Greg: But... I know it's not space lag. This is some Gem thing he knows I won't understand. I don't know anything about Homeworld. I don't know anything about your society. Whatever horrible things he saw out there, you guys have to put it into context.
Garnet: If Steven won't talk to us, then the help we can give him is limited. We've all tried to coax it out of him, except for... *turns to Pearl and Y/N*
Pearl: Me? But I have no idea what Homeworld is like now.
Y/N: I don't even know what's bothering him. I'm not going to help him if I don't know what his problem is. I might give the wrong advice.
Greg: Pearl, please.
Amethyst: He knows you know about space stuff.
Garnet: It can't hurt to try.
Pearl walks toward the door, prompting Steven to quickly move away.
Steven: Mmm!
Steven sits down on the porch, pretending to stare at his phone, as Pearl steps outside.
Pearl: Heh, it sure is quiet out here, huh?
Steven: Yeah.
Pearl: So... Homeworld... I always hoped you'd see it some day, but I thought I'd be there with you. Being taken there... as a prisoner, I suppose it was something of a... traumatic experience...?
Pearl glances down at Steven, still on his phone.
Pearl: It's just... *sits down*next to Steven* Steven, I'm sure you have a lot of questions you'd like answers to, like about the Diamonds, for instance? There are things that are... impossible for me to explain. But I want to. I-
Pearl almost instantly, seemingly involuntarily, covers her mouth before she can speak, as Steven grows increasingly distressed. Pearl tries to pull her hand off her hands with her other hand.
Pearl: Steven, I- *covers mouth again and doubles over*
Steven: Connie hates me!
Pearl... Wha?
Your POV
I went theough the back door and climbed the roof to listen to the conversation of Pearl and Steven. When the momentI heared that Steven said that Connie hate me I slipped.
Greg, Garnet, and Amethyst suddenly burst through the door.I fell from the roof and hit the ground face first.
Y/N: We're not here.
Greg: We weren't listening.
Garnet: Also continue, Steven.
Steven: I'm not upset about what happened on Homeworld although, yeah, a lot of that was really messed up. But my relationship with Connie is even more messed up. I left her behind to go to Homeworld after promising we'd face everything together. I'm sure I really hurt her. I've been calling and texting her for a week, but she hasn't responded once. *tears up* Connie might never talk to me again.
Steven runs away crying.
Garnet: Steven!
Greg: I'll go get him. I don't know anything about Homeworld, but I know about this.
Y/N: I'm coming with you.
Greg begins searching for Steven, who is seen cowering behind a pair of barrels.
Greg: Steven? Steven?
Steven:Steven's not here.
Y/N: Oh, that's too bad. So, I guess I'll just talk to this Steven-shaped barrel instead.
Steven: If you must.
Greg: Schtu-ball, if this was about Connie, why didn't you say anything sooner?
Steven: I was... embarra... *hesitates to continue*
Y/N: You were... embroidered? Embroiled?
Greg: Emboldened to talk to your old man about your problems?
Steven: I was embarrassed, okay!? You and the Gems all like Connie, and I was worried that if you heard what happened then... You'd be mad at me too.
Greg: Oh, Steven, of course we're not mad. And I'm sure Connie's not mad, either. Well, at least I'm sure she doesn't hate you. That whole handing-yourself-over-to-Homeworld thing was definitely a high-stress situation. It really scared all of us. I'm not exactly over it either, but I guess carting you off to the middle of nowhere to spend time with you is my way of dealing with it. Maybe having some distance from you is Connie's way.
Y/NF Steven, you made a promise thaf you will fight with her till the end. Connie was shook at what you did that you can just give yourself like that easily.
Steven: But the last thing I did was send her a bunch of dumb texts. I made some weird joke about tennis, and I don't even know if it makes sense, an-
Greg: Tennis?
Steven: *hands Greg his phone* See? No wonder she hasn't responded.
Greg: Uhh, Steven? You don't get any service out here.
Steven: ...What are you even telling me? Maybe she's been trying to get in touch with me this whole time, and I haven't seen it! What if she thinks I'm ignoring her? Dad! We have to find cell service.
Greg: Right!
Time-Skip; Dusk
Steven gets into Greg's van and signals the Gems to get in. I followed them by flying after them
Steven: Go, go, go!
Pearl: Okay.
Steven buckles his seat belt and holds out his phone.
Steven: Floor it!
Greg steps on the accelerator panel and begins driving away from Cool Ranch.
Greg: How we doing?
Steven: *observing the signal bars on his phone* Take a right!
Greg turns the van right, driving it off-road. I flew and followed wherever they are going.
Steven: Nah, back up. No, wait! Keep going!
The signal begins to improve.
Greg: We're heading for a cliff, buddy.
Steven: Just a little further.
Greg: Gonna have to stop soon.
Steven: Almost got it!
Greg: Ahh!
Greg stops the van just before the edge of the cliff. I was flying too fast and I hit the back of the van's door face first. He sighs in relief as Steven climbs onto the roof of the van.
Steven: Come on. Come on. Come on. *Steven's phone finally receives full reception.* Yes! We've got service!
A new message pops up on Steven's phone and Steven gasps in surprise. He opens it only to find...
Ronaldo (Voiceover): "Steven! When I didn't hear back from you, I was sure a nefarious plot was afoot-"
Greg: *peeks up at the roof of the van* Well?
Steven: *disappointed* ...No. No messages from Connie.
Me and Greg climbed up onto the roof and sits down beside Steven, who quickly falls over onto Greg's lap in remorse.
Greg: Aww. You'll get through this, buddy. I know it hurts now, but... give it time.
Steven: I know. I need to let it go.
Y/N: Steven I know that you like Connie but give her some space for now. This scenario you've been through is like, Even if you did the right choice for everyone, doesn't mean it's not gping to hurt for them. Give Connie some space for now. But the way she acts and her ignoring you is kind of unacceptable. But I'll let it slide for now.
The Gems then peeks up at the roof too.
Pearl: Got room for three more?
Steven: Always.
The Gems climb atop and join Steven and Greg on the roof.
Amethyst: Nice night, isn't it?
Then we all stared into the sky filled with stars. Pearl rested her head against my shoulder and smiled. I smiled back and gaveher a kiss on the forehead.
And Finished.
Okay I am so I am going to say this once.
Disclaimer: I don't hate Connie. I was only mad at her when this episode came
You can't imagine my anger when this episode first came out. I am so mad at Connie for ignoring Steven for what? A whole week? What the hell?
I can't even do a whole when I am ignoring someone and she managed to do it for a week? What the hell?
Sure she can be mad but COME ON!!! At least be happy that Steven came home in ONE PIECE CONNIE!!! He could've come back in pieces literally.
He did the right thing in handing himself over to Homeworld just to save your ass and YOU are the one that gets mad?
Not only did she had the nerve to ghost Steven she didn't even apologize for what she did to Steven in Kevin Party.
She did all of that which could potentially destroy her friendship with...Oh I don't know...THE ONLY FRIEND SHE HAD AT THAT TIME!!!
I get being mad at Steven for leaving his family behind, but this could've wait!!!
Again I don't hate Connie, I was only mad at her when she acted like this through the show.
I actually like Connie and I support the Connverse Ship.
Hope you like the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.
Mcfly signing off
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