Chapter 4: My Best Day Sometimes had Bad Parts
Steven's POV
Me and Amethyst was watching with Lapis and Peridot some Camp Pining Hearts along with Painite. He's really amused at the show. The plot of the show really interests him. As I noticed that Peridot kept looking at him. Every time he turned his head towards her. She looked away like nothing happened. I have never seen Peridot like this, maybe because she could study him. Maybe that's it.
Peridot's POV
Every time I look at Painite's face I can't help but blush. Lapis said that he took on two corrupted gems and barely breaking a sweat. He is very good looking too.
Y/N: Peridot? You ok? Looks like something is bothering you.
Peridot: No, I'm fine. It's just.......I'm sorry about calling you a clod.
Y/N: It's fine. I did deserve that insult since I did try to take you back to homeworld. So I'm the one that's supposed to be sorry.
( He then pats my head. I couldn't stop blushing. Is this what Steven was saying? Affection to another individual? It feels...nice. I cuddled his arm.)
Peridot: Still I'm sorry for calling you a clod.
( I then let go of his arm and then proceeded to wrap my arms around his chest startling him. I blushed heavily, then I felt some thing wrap around me. It was Painite, accepting my apology.
Y/N: Apology accepted.
Peridot: Thank you, it feels good to get that out of my senses.
Your POV
As we finished watching the show. I summoned my wings and flew straight to the boardwalk so I could find Buck and ask him to hang out tommorow, because I promised to hang out with him the other day but I couldn't. On my way there I noticed that there's a "raffle draw". It says get the right number I get to choose two prizes out of five different prizes. I entered and I was given an ticket with numbers saying :
1 9 4 0 6 8. An hour later the raffle started and few numbers no one called up to the stage until my number is mentioned:
MC: Now who has No. 1 9 4 0 6 8
( I raised my hand and the person on the stage invited me over to walk up the stage. But the place was too crowded and I hate cramped places, so I jumped off the ground and summoned my wings and flew over to the stage. People stared at me with awe and started clapping as I retracted my wings.)
MC: Alright, young man choose your prize.
As 5 mysteriously covered prizes are open for me to choose. I thought of what I am going to choose as people started whispering about what the prizes are. I decided to choose the crate that's as big as Greg's van but longer by 10 or 15 inches at the left. And the crate at the middle. Then the crates lifted up the ground to see a sports car and a motorcyle. Greg taught me about sports car and motorcycles and I find it very awesome that I actually wanted one of those.
The sports car was a
Koeniggseg One:1.
Greg told me that there were only seven of these made. Did they make another one and decided to give it away? Wow, I am really lucky to have this. Then the motorcyle was a Harley Davidson.
I really loved the design of these and my eyes actually widen and I actually started to glow with my excitement. People congratulated me that I won the prize.
Y/N: Um...excuse me?
MC: Yes, what is it?
Y/N: Who funded this raffle draw?
MC: Why my good sir.
It's Eelon Musk he wanted to get a few cash out of his hands since he can't decide what to do with it. So he decided to do a raffle draw here in Beach City.
Y/N: Wow, Steven told me so much about him. Well tell him I said thanks for the raffle draw.
???: It's no problem.
( I turned around to see the "meme"loving billionare behind me. Steven told me so much about him and he loves the dude so much.)
Y/N: Nice to finally meet you, Eelon Musk.
Eelon: Nice to meet you too. You don't have to thank me with the raffle. I really needed to loose a few cash.
Y/N: But still thank you. Oh can you wait here for a second. I know someone who would really like to meet you.
Eelon: Sure, I still have to sign a lot of autographs.
Y/N: Sweet, (*summons wings*) I'll be right back.
Steven's POV
Me and Connie are heading to the house to watch Under the Knife.
Connie: I'm really excited to see what happens in the next episode. Oh my Gosh I can't help but scream.
Steven: Ok Connie calm down I still have to introduce you to Pai-
( Then Painite landed in front of us with an urgent matter. He then ran towards us.)
Connie: Who is that?
Steven: That Connie is Painite. The very first male gem to exist before me.
Connie: Wow, that's so cool.
Y/N: STEVEN YOU HAVE TO COME WITH ME!!! THIS IS IMPORTANT!!! Oh, hello who is this Steven?
Connie: Connie Maheswaran. It's nice to meet you Painite.
Y/N: It's nice to meet you too Connie. Now where was I? Oh right. WE HAVE TO GO NOW!!!
Steven: Woah, where are we going anyway?
Y/N: No time, let's just go. You too Connie.
Connie: O-ok
( I was holding on tightly on Painite's hand and Connie jumped on Painite's back while admiring his angelic crystal wings with starry eyes.)
Y/N: Also close your eyes.
( We did what we are told. As we lift off the ground, we can feel the fast winds smashing in our faces and a minute later we landed with our eyes still closed. As we stood still, we whispered to each other.)
Connie: What do you think this is all about?
Steven: I don't know. Let me ask Painite. Hey Painite.
Y/N: Yeah Steven?
Steven: What's this about? Is Cookie Cat real?
Y/N: No
Connie: Is an Archimicarus mascot standing in front of us?
Y/N: I don't know who that is but no. It's someone way better. You can open your eyes now.
( As we slowly open our eyes, we saw a figure in front of us kneeling down in our level. As our eyes finally adjusted we look up to see............EELON MUSK??!!
Me and Connie stood on our position shaking and with starry eyes. I couln't beleive that we are satnding before the mighty meme loving billionare.)
Eelon: Nice to finally meet you two. Painite told me you were such big fans.
Steven: Oh my gosh. Can we get an autograph.
Eelon: Sure I don't see why not.
( He pulled a picture of himself and signed it saying: Here's to a big fan of mine. Then his signature.)
Connie: Can we take a selfie with you?
Eelon: Go ahead.
Steven: Come on Painite, get in here.
( I dragged Painite within the selfie and took three of them. The first one was just us smiling. The second one was us making goofy faces. The third one is when we are trying to look cool. And the rest of the day we hang around in Beach City. What's funny is that Eelon keeps beating Painite at every game at Funland.It was already getting dark and Eelon already left. Painite asked me to call dad since he doesn't know how to drive the car yet. When dad arrived he was overwhelmed to see the car. Dad drove the car to an empty storage unit since he had a spare one. But Painite decided to ride the motorcyle since he learned how to drive one in YouTube.)
Your POV
Y/N: Ok, did you guys have fun?
( They responded by giving me a hug. I smiled and hugged
Steven: It was the best.
Connie: Yeah. And we actually get to meet "the" meme lord.
Y/N: What is a meme anyway? You're gonna have to tell me later. It's getting late, Connie I should give you a lift.
Connie: Oh, thank you.
Y/N: No problem.
Steven: Why do you want a motorcycle anyway? You can fly.
Y/N: I just find it awesome that I actually get to have one of these, so why fly when you can ride this baby?
Steven: Ok you have a point. See you later and be careful.
(As I saw Steven walk towards the temple. I started the Harley and Connie got on. I gave her the helmet just to be sure that she's safe. As we moved she held on to me very tightly. Since I didn't know where she lives, she tells me where to go. And found her house eventually. And I saw her parents.)
Connie: Hi Mom, Hi Dad.
Mr. Maheswaran: How's my little angel. Did you guys have fun?
Mrs. Maheswaran: Ummm...Connie who is this person?
( They turned their head to look at me.)
Connie: That's Painite, Steven's friend. He's a male gem too.
Y/N: Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Maheswaran.
Mr. Maheswaran: Nice to meet you too. You have a really nice ride.
Y/N: Thank you, can you believe that I actually won that in a raffle draw.
Mr. Maheswaran: (*laughs*)
Wait, you are being ssrious?
Mrs. Maheswaran: Nice to meet you too. Connie can you tell us what you did in Beach City?
Connie: Oh right. Dad, Painite introduced me and Steven to Eelon Musk in the raffle draw. He's the one who funded it.
Mr. Maheswaran: You got to meet the meme lord himself. That's awesome Connie
Mrs. Maheswaran: What's......a meme?
Y/N: Same question over here.
Timeskip of what memes are.
Y/N: Ok, I got it. It's nice meeting all of you, but I have to go.
Mrs. Maheswaran: I don't get it. Wait you should stay here a storm is about to hit in about thirty minutes. It's a one hour drive back to Beach City.
Y/N: I think the forecast was wrong because it's already pouring outside.
( They all looked outside to see heavy raining.)
Y/N: Can I put my Harley in your garage? I don't want it getting wet in the morning.
Mr. Maheswaran: Sure thing
( Connie's dad ran to the garage and opened the door as I was pushing the Harley inside. It was already wet.)
Y/N: At least it'll dry in the morning.
( We went inside and saw that they are preparing something to eat. And they sat on the table.)
Mrs. Maheswaran: Aren't you going to join us.
Connie: Mom, gems don't have to eat.
Y/N: It's ok Connie, I've tried eating before. Beside I don't want to be rude.
( We then proceeded, the meal looks like a flesh that has grill marks over it. Probably steaks. I took a bite and it was very good!)
Another Timeskip after eating with the Maheswarans.
( I was doing the dishes as a thanks for the good meal. After I finished they were all sitting in the living room talking to each other and then noticed as I walked in.)
Mr. Maheswaran: Oh, Painite since we don't have anything to do. Care to tell us more about yourself?
Y/N: Are you sure you wanna listen to my story?
Connie: Yeah.
Mrs. Maheswaran: I would like to.
Y/N: Ok then get comfy.
( I sat on the couch and cleared my throat as I was about tell them my whole story.)
Y/N: Thousands of years ago......
One day the Diamond Authority decided to create the very first Painite. Since it's rarity surpassed the Diamonds themselves
Yellow Diamond: Are you sure you want to do this White? It could be catastrophic.
White Diaomond: We have no other choice. We need all the help we can get to keep the empire from collapsing. (* looks into a colony full of rebels*)
Pink Diamond: Is this going to be messy?
Blue Diamond: It will be a holocaust. But we have to do it still, Painite is our empire's only hope.
Then they proceeded to work. The first attempt, seemed like it worked......but it failed miserabley. On and on and on the same result kept going like a loop.
Yellow Diamond: Why are we even doing this? Already 2 of my colonies, 3 of Blue's and 4 of White's colony are already taken by the rebels. While we are here trying to make something clearly
Blue Diamond: Like White said, for the sake of the empire.
Pink Diamond: Have hope Yellow, things will get better.
Yellow Diamond: It better be.
They kept doing the same experiment for the last 5,000 years. Until a faithful day their hope emerged.
Pink Diamond: YELLOW!!! BLUE!!! WHITE!!! IT'S EMERGING!!!
Yellow Diamond: Well, better see this then.
Blue Diamond: Pink, it might be another failed experiment so slow dow-
Then they Pink is looking at me with starry eyes, Yellow's eyes widen. And Blue fainted but luckily I rushed over to catch her.
Y/N: Are you alright my Diamond?
The Diamonds look at me with admiration on how fast I reacted on what just happened. They noticed that I shapeshifted into the same size as them.
Blue Diamond: Y-yes thank you. (*blushes deeply as she looks at my face.*)'re a male.
Yellow Diamond: Great, now that we have a Painite it's a male. Just great.
Pink Diamond: Come on Yellow, at least greet him. Besides I am curious on what he can do.
White Diamond: Pink's right. We have to work with what we have.
( I then shifted back to normal)
Y/N: Yes my Diamond?
White Diamond: Do you see that fortress? It's full of rebels. We want you to retake the that fortress. And lead the army to victor-
( I cut her off by walking to the edge and jumped off.)
Yellow Diamond: Seems that he has a mental proble-
( Then I cut off Yellow by summoning my wings and fly up to them.)
Y/N: I won't fail you My Diamonds.
Pink Diamond: Be safe.
Half a day later the fort was reclaimed......But then 2 months later, all the colonies overrun by rebels are now reclaimed.
Painite was also oredered to capture the rebels if possible, and terminate if neesscesary. After the counter attack of homeworld. Painite was given the assignments of the unfinished missions to be completed. He impressed the Diamonds that he finished missions that were on hold for the last few centuries matter of days.
But things didn't go too well for him. Other gems see him as a mistake.....a flawed gem.
Gem 1: You are nothing but a defective.
Gem 2: Why is there even a male here?
Gem 3: You don't belong here.
Other gems treat him like dirt. Some gems provoked and angered him for decades he couldn't retaliate and fight back sice he had no permission to do so.....until he finally snapped. He went berserk...
( Shows an image of a part of homeworld clearly destroyed with Painite in the surrounding laughing maniacally.)
And from that day forward gemkind saw Painite is the most dangerous gem that gemkind has seen. But the Diamonds gave him a chance,
since he had the reason to be mad.
But he never wanted it to be like this. All he wanted was for people to treat him as one of their own. Painite found nothing good on homeworld except for Pink Diamond. Sure the other Diamonds are kind towards me but Pink's kindness is like no other. She always tell the gems to back off and leave him alone. She would always acompany him when he is feeling terrible at times when he cries himself about the outburst he did. She was the only person he could call a true friend......A part of him died in the day he found her shattering.
End of Flashback
Connie's POV
I didn't notice that tears are forming in my eyes. I then quickly wiped them off so no one notices. I saw dad's face with sadness and regreting asking Painite his story as we saw that there are tears falling down.
Mr. Maheswaran: I-I'm so sorry Painite. I shouln't have asked.
Y/N: No it's fine. You wanted to know.
Mrs. Maheswaran: But still we are sorry to hear. You fought for your world and they repay you by treating you like a mistake.
Y/N: Me trying to shatter myself was the best way to end it all.
( My eyes suddenly widened. I couldn't believe what I heard.)
Y/N: It seems like the best thing to do at that time since no one
wanted to see me.
Mr. and Mrs. Maheswaran: What's shattering?
Connie: It's how gems die.
Your POV
Connies mom covered her mouth and her dad's eyes widen. And Connie walked up and sat next to me.
Connie: We are so sorry about what happened to you.
Y/N: It's ok. At least here in Earth I can change. Sure I have been here before a thousand years back then but this is the first time I saw it's beauty.
Mrs. Maheswaran: Connie, it's time to sleep.
Connie: Ok, good night mom, good night dad, goodnight Painite.
Y/N: Goodnight Connie.
(As Connie went to bed and so did her mom and dad. They gave me a matress so I could sleep. I thought about what wonderful thing will happen next. And an hour later I dozed off to sleep.)
(Then I woke up in a dark void.)
Y/N: Connie? Mr. And Mrs. Maheswaran?
( Then suddenly there was a light. The day that I emerged. Then showed me all the wars I fought in as I was carrying the flag of the Diamond authority as I was leading the army and my clones to victory with my wings tattered. Suddenly an explosion. Then it showed me when I went berserk. Gems were screaming. Some are crying. Some tried to fight me, but they end up getting poofed. Then the Diamonds looked at me with dissapointment. Then butterfly started to swarm around me. Then they formed into Pink. Looking at me with disgust.
Pink Diamond: Why did I ever be so kind to you? You freak.
( Then I fell to my knees as tears are falling from my eyes...I summoned my blades and...slowly pushed the blade against my gem. Then It all went black and a cracking was heared. Then I bolted up. Gasping for air as I was holding onto my G/S shaped gem. Then I looked to see Connie crying beside me.)
Y/N: What are you doing here? You're supposed to be asleep.
Connie: Painite......I saw your dream. Your gem projected it and...I saw all of it.
Y/N: Guess you finally saw that I'm a bad gem.
Connie: Don't say that. Your not a bad person. They are. The reason why thet treat you like this is are different. Yet your difference is beautiful, they just haven't seen it yet. And your not a bad gem. Just remember what you did for me and Steven. It was the best
( She then pulled me into a hug. I returned the hug as I grabbed Connie's face to wipe off her tears.)
Y/N: Your parents are really lucky to have a good kid like you. Now, go to sleep.
Connie: Thank you Painite. And mind if I stay with you? I kinda want to talk to you more and I don't feel like sleeping.
Y/N: Sure. If it doesn't bother your parents of you not sleeping.
What do you want to talk about?
Connie: What about music?
Y/N: Sure.
( As we were talking about 3 hours later, Connie fell asleep. Heh, so much for not sleeping. And I dozed off too.)
And Finished
Hope you like that I chose Eelon Musk to be the one who funded the raffle. I might not publish in a while but keep in touch.
Mcfly signing off
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