Chapter 38: 1st Trial....

Your POV

I was guided to one of the waiting room for those who will face a trial. Wonder why I'm here? I just went inside and stayes silent. Then suddenly Yellow Pearl came in holding a panel

Yellow Pearl: This is bad Painite!

Y/N: Why? What is it?

Yellow Pearl: You were put in trial along with Rose Quartz! You are going to trial because it was reported that you helped Rose Quartz.

Y/N: Rose Quartz? You mean a short human with a red clothing with a star on the middle?

Yellow Pearl: Yes.

Y/N: Shit! How am I supposed to convince the Diamonds that he isn't Rose Quartz. Wait. What will be my punishment if I am found guilty too?

Yellow Diamond: Your ranking will be taken away and you will be shattered. I don't want to lose you! We don't want to lose you!

Y/N: You won't. I'll make sure that I'll win. I'm telling you, that isn't Rose Quartz. And if I were to go to trial, I will need to dress formaly like a Diamond.

Then I was changing my outfit into a more formal outfit for a Diamond.

I was wearing a Black German Trench Coat

and Black Gloves

and German Combat Boots

and a Black Cargo Pants

And my hair is more fixed than last time. It still looks the same but fixed

Y/N: How do I look?

Yellow Pearl: Like a formal Diamond already. Let us go.

Y/N: We shall

Steven's POV

Steven is seen alone in a room, as he begins to speak to himself out loud.

Steven: I know my mom did something bad. Whatever Homeworld has in store for me... I'm ready!

Silence in the room ensues.

Steven: I said, I'm ready! It's me, Rose Quartz! Hello? Anybody? Lars? You there? Is this the punishment? Come on! I know it's going to be worse than this! So whatever you're going to do... Would you just do it already?

Steven slumps against a wall in the room in misery, when a door opens in the wall and a blue Gem walks in, with panels floating around her and appearing extremely nervous.

Blue Zircon: This is ridiculous! 4,000 years of loyal service to the court, and this is what I get? Oh, I'm the unluckiest Zircon in the galaxy!

Steven tries to run out of the door the Zircon entered from, but it closes before he can reach it. He then turns towards the Zircon, who gasps in surprise as she notices him.

Blue Zircon: Wait, are you... Rose Quartz?

Steven: Yeah...

Blue Zircon:...Really?

Steven: It's a long story.

Blue Zircon: Then I don't have time for it! Ugh! We only have this brief moment to prepare your case.

Steven: Case?

Blue Zircon: Ugh! Who am I kidding? This is pointless! We've all heard the rumors about the demise of Pink Diamond, but I can't believe these files-* scrolls through the floating panels* Shattered by one of her own soldiers- Ugh! In front of her entire entourage!? *turns to Steven* And look at you now! That ridiculous disguise is only going to make you look more guilty! *curls up in fear*

Steven: That's fine, because I am!

Blue Zircon: Whoa! Wha- Don't say that! Especially when you're out there!

Steven: Out where?! What's going to happen!?

Blue Zircon: What did you think was going to happen, Rose Quartz!? As soon as that door opens, you're going on trial!!

At that moment, the door opens behind Blue Zircon, who freezes in shock.

Steven *glances at the door* Umm.

Then Painit came in with a formal look. Almost like a Diamond's. He stood in front of us and he put his hands behind his back.

Y/N: Come on. They're waiting

Steven: Y/N? You're going to trial too.

Y/N: Yes, I will. Stay quiet and let me and her do the talking.

Scene Change

Your POV

Steven is sitting in the middle of a triangle shaped platform, along with the nervous-looking Blue Zircon and a determined Painite beside her, without Painite's knowledge, Blue Zircon kept looking at Painite and blushes. Three pathways light up in blue, white, and yellow, and another Yellow Zircon warps into the room, acting as the prosecutor.

Yellow Zircon: Defending a rebel? Isn't that... treason? *chuckles*

Blue Zircon: I was assigned to this!

Y/N: Shut it, Prosecutor!

Yellow Zircon: And who are you-know-what *notices who I am* O-oh Stars! It's you!

Y/N: It's me so what? Leave her alone.

Two lights, blue and yellow, emerges in the room, and Blue and Yellow Pearl warp in.

Yellow Pearl: All rise for the luminous Yellow Diamond! *poses*

Blue Pearl: And the lustrous Blue Diamond. *bows*

Another light beams in behind the Pearls, and Yellow and Blue Diamond warp in, with Blue Diamond resting on Yellow Diamond's shoulders. They both gaze down towards Steven and me, as both Zircons make the Gem salute.

Blue Diamond: *looks around* Where is... the accused?

Yellow Diamond: *looks at Steven* Is that Rose Quartz? Look at this hideous form she's taken. Forget the trial. We should shatter her just for looking like that!

Blue Diamond: No. I want to hear her make her case. I want to know what she thinks we're going to do with her. Because I want to do something worse.

Steven gulps in fright while I just gave him a tap and looked at him with an assuring look.

Yellow Diamond: Fine.

A yellow and a blue throne appear behind the Diamonds, and they sit on their respective thrones.

Yellow Diamond: Let's just get on with it, shall we?

Blue and Yellow Pearl begin recording the case on their respective screens.

Yellow Zircon: My Diamond. My brilliant, opulent, radiant, glimmering-

Yellow Diamond: "My Diamond" will suffice, or we'll never get through this.

Yellow Zircon: Of course, My Diamond. *clears her throat* Rose Quartz committed a crime, so unprecedented that one can't help but wonder "why"? Exhibit A.

Yellow Zircon snaps her finger and Lars is warped into the room.

Steven: *gasps* Lars!

Lars : Steven, what's going on here?! Where are we? * Yellow Zircon snaps an air bubble over his head, muffling his voice. Who are those huge giant ladies!?

Yellow Zircon: As we can see from this specimen, humans are loud, absolutely hideous creatures that serve no purpose whatsoever. What sort of Gem would turn on her own kind for this? I'll tell you what kind. *points to Steven* A that kind-

Y/N: Objection! My Diamond!

Then all of then turned their head to me.

Blue Zircon: What are you doing?

Y/N: You'll see. I'll show them a reason why Rose Quartz likes humans.

Then the two Diamonds looked at me closely and both of them are all ears to what I have to say.

Y/N: What the prosecution is saying is true and solid-

Yellow Zircon: Thank you-

Y/N: LET ME FINISH! *clears throat* As I was saying, the humans are loud, abnoxious, and downright fucking annoying. But I know the answer why Rose Quartz *points to Steven* likes humans.

Steven: Is it because they're friendly and generous?

Y/N: One of those yes, but I know the main reason Quartz. Observe, Prosecution, care to remove the bubble please.

Yellow Zircon sighed frustratedly and snapped her fingers and removed the bubble around the loud Lars. I went closer to Lars and whispered that this will only be a roleplay. And then he nodded and started being loud again.

Lars: Het let me go freaks! What am I even doing here! Hey! Listen to me!

Then I grabbed Lars by the shirt and I held him close to my face


Lars: A-alright man. L-let go. Put me down.

Y/N: That's better.

Then I put him down and Lars looked pale as hell.

Y/N: As you can see My Diamond. That is the reason why Rose Quartz liked the humans.

Yellow Diamond: Which is?

Blue Diamond: I didn't quite see anything special. All I saw was that you threatend him, Painite.

Y/N: And that is the reason why, if humans are being threatened they become well behaved, obedient, and kind creatures. Either it is their loved ones being threatened or themselves.

Blue Diamond: I see

Steven Just let him go! He's got nothing to do with this!

Yellow Zircon: There it is! The passion, the fury, that caused the diabolical Rose Quartz to... shatter her own Diamond!

Silence ensues in the room.

Yellow Zircon: But I know what you're thinking. *kneels down next to Steven* "This thing doesn't look like a Rose Quartz". And for that, I'd like to call an eyewitness!

A platform rises in the room with Eyeball standing on top, and she growls angrily at Steven.

Steven: Oh, Eyeball!

Eyeball: Do not address me, war criminal!

Y/N: Calm down eye witness! Count to ten.

Eyeball: What?

Y/N: Just do it!

Then she just sighed and she started counting.

Eyeball: Now what?

Y/N: Again

Then she counted again and this time she was a bit calmer.

Y/N: Better?

Eyeball: Y-yeah

Steven: I'm just glad you're okay.

Eyeball: I heard it straight from her. She said- *mockingly* "I'm the mighty Rose Quartz! I've got her shield and everything!" And then she threw me... into space!

Steven: I tried to help you! I healed your gem!

Eyeball: And who else has the ability to heal Gems, other than the villainous Rose Quartz?!

Yellow Zircon: And there you have it. Rose Quartz did it and that's Rose Quartz. I rest my case.

Blue Zircon*to herself* Oh, she's good.

Y/N: Damn good.

Yellow Pearl closes her records and Blue Pearl draws a big cross over an illustration of Steven's face.

Yellow Diamond: Well, I'm convinced. Time to execute!

Y/N: Not yet, Yellow

Blue Diamond: The defense still has to speak.

Blue Zircon: Right! *nervously* Well uh-

Y/N: Hey.

Blue Zircon: Huh?

I then put my hand on her shoulder and I gave her a assuring look.

Y/N: Don't be nervous. You can do it.

She nods and she regained her composure.

Blue Zircon: Before I start my very....uh, thought-out defense, I'd like to remind the court that Rose Quartz did turn herself in.

Yellow Diamond: The court remembers, and the court does not care.

Blue Zircon: Uh, of course! *picks up a panel* Uh, innocent! Uh, the word innocent can mean, oh- many different things.

Steven: I did it! *stands up*

Y/N: Steven stay down.

Blue Zircon: Wha-what, what! Stop!

Blue Diamond: No! I want to hear what she has to say.

Blue Diamond raises her hand, raising the floor beneath Steven and elevating him up to her height.

Lars : *muffled* Get us out of here, Steven!

Y/N: Shut the hell up, Lars!

Steven *shields his eyes from the light* Uh...

Yellow Pearl : State your name for the record, please!

Steven: I, um... I'm Rose Quartz. *reveals his gem* And... I'm guilty.

Yellow Diamond reacts in shock, while Blue Diamond keeps glaring at Steven. While I am rubbing temples while breathing stressfuly.

Blue Zircon: Wait! No, don't say that!

Steven: Everything you guys said I did, I did. And I did it by myself. And I'm sorry. I'll accept any punishment you want to give me. *points to Lars* Just let him go! And leave the Earth alone.

Yellow Diamond: Ha! Sounds like a solid confession to me!

Blue Diamond:...How? *inches towards Steven* How did you do it?

Y/N: Oh no!

Steven: Huh?

Blue Diamond: How did you shatter Pink Diamond?

Steven: Um... Well... I did it on Earth, in front of Pink Diamond's palanquin. I was probably like, "Stop!" and she was all like, "No!", so we fought, I think.

Blue Zircon bangs her head against the elevated platform while Yellow Zircon keeps smiling smugly, I stopped her from banging her head and I told her to stay calm.

Steven: And she probably did some cool moves. I probably did some cool moves too, some jump kicks and stuff.

Yellow Pearl looks up at Steven in confusion, while Blue Pearl draws an illustration of Steven jump-kicking. She can draw?

Steven:But I was most likely deeply conflicted about deciding to shatter her. Definitely crying. I probably had to use the Breaking Point to do it.

Y/N: *facepalms* Fuck.

Blue Diamond: IT WAS A SWORD!!!

Blue Diamond covers her eyes as she begins to cry, enveloping the room in a blue aura which causes everyone in the room, except Lars, to tear up. I was standing with my hands behind my back while tears are running down my face while I am keeping a straight face.

Blue Diamond: You... shattered her... with a sword..

Blue Diamond slumps back on her throne and sobs, and Yellow Diamond walks up to comfort her.

Yellow Diamond: That's quite enough testimony from you! We shall take a short recess. Next trial will be yours Painite. Be ready.

Y/N: I will, My Diamond.

Then they both walkes out and both Me and Zircon went to my waiting room while Steven was sent to his.

And Finished

What will Painite do when it's his time in the trial. Will he be found not guilty and help Steven with his case? Or will he be found guilty and shattered? Find out more in the next one.

This is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.

Mcfly signing off

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