Chapter 36: That Pint-Sized Bitch!

Steven's POV

Follmowing the events in the last chapter, after Steven regained consciousness, he quickly announces the latest crisis to the Crystal Gems at his home.

Steven: This is an emergency!

Pearl: Why is Homeworld stealing humans from the boardwalk?

Steven: I don't know, but they're only taking my friends! They even got Connie! If we don't do something, they're going to take them into space!

Amethyst: And our spaceship got jacked, so if they leave Earth...

Garnet: They'll be gone for good.

Y/N: We still have my ship but we can't let them leave.

Amethyst: Ugh! Who were these guys?

Steven: That little Gem I saw before, her name's-

Y/N: Aquamarine.

Pearl: What?!

steven: How do you know her?

Y/N: One of the main reasons why I went rampant is because of her.

Steven: She's got a big friend- a fusion, named... Topaz.

Pearl: A Topaz fusion... And an Aquamarine?

Amethyst: Are they a big deal?

Pearl: Uhh, yes! Blue and Yellow Diamond must have sent them personally.

Y/N: Oh no.

Steven: The Diamonds? Oh no! They must be collecting more humans for the zoo!

Amethyst: But there's loads of humans on Earth. Why are they only grabbing your friends?

Steven: Maybe... Because my friends are the best!

The Gems look away in uneasy, while Y/N just gave me a deadpan expression, when Steven's phone starts buzzing.

Steven: *gasps* It's from Connie! I know where they are!

Change scene Beach City Funland

Your POV

A photo is sent to Steven's phone, revealing the entrance of Funland, me and the Crystal Gems head there immediately.

Garnet: Stay alert. They could be anywhere.

Y/N: Noted!

Amethyst: Did Connie send you any more pictures?

Steven: No, nothing.

Pearl: We know they're here somewhere.

The Gems run on ahead, leaving Steven behind, as he begins whisper-yelling for his friends. I braced myself for what will happen

Steven: Connie? Lars? Sadie? Onion? *sighs* Why them?

Steven tries calling Connie's cellphone, and "Alone Together" is heard in the distance. Steven runs towards the source of the music and finds Connie's phone on the ground. The Crystal Gems also come walking in too, after hearing the music. I summoned my gauntlets.

Pearl: *gasps* W-Was that Connie's pho-

Heavy footsteps is then heard from behind Steven. He peeks behind from the corner of his eyes and spots Topaz peeking out from behind the merry-go-round. Fuck.

Aquamarine: *pops out* Oh, no! ♪ You found us. ♪

Onion and Sadie peeks out too, mumbling frantically.

Jamie: *pops out* Help!

Steven: Give it up, Aquamarine! There's nowhere to run!

Aquamarine: Oh, what's this, now? Did you think we were running away?

Jamie: Steven, save yourself...

Y/N: Can it Jamie! We're not-

Jamie: After you save us!


Aquamarine: Huh. *pulls out her wand* You know, now that I think about it, this Steven does seem to know everyone on our list. The list did come from a Steven, after all. Maybe you can help us out.

Garnet: Just let the humans go!

Aquamarine: Uhh, no! Who are these dullards?

Y/N: Excuse me?

Amethyst: We're the Crystal Gems, you chump!

Aquamarine: Yeah, yeah. Rose Quartz's old lackeys. That was in the report, too. We're not here for any of you rogue Gems. We'll leave you totally alone... If! You tell us where we can find my dad.

Y/N: Can you be more specific?

Steven: I don't know what you're talking about!

Aquamarine: Let's see. Yellow Diamond asked for, uh, my dad, a Connie, a Lars, a Sadie, a mailman, and an Onion, I think. Six human variations specified in a report by Peridot 5XG.

Steven gasps in shock as he flashes back to the time of when he was back at the Kindergarten, when he was talking to Peridot for the first time.


Past Steven:"Oh no, there's lots of humans, there's my dad, Connie, Lars and Sadie, Jamie the mailman, Onion... I think."

Flashback ends

The brief flashback ends, leaving Steven morbidly horrified.

Steven: The list. I gave them the list.

Y/N: List of what?

Pearl: What are you talking about?

Steven: Aquamarine doesn't have a dad. She's looking for someone named "my dad"!. This is all my fault.

Garnet: Don't worry about that now. Our objective's still the same: beat the Gems...

Steven:...Save our friends!

Aquamarine: Hey Topaz, look! They want to lose another fight.

Garnet charges forth, preparing to make the first strike, when Topaz moves Jamie, merged in her body, right in Garnet's trajectory, causing her to flinch.

Jamie: No, Garnet, I've moved on, I swear!

Garnet quickly halts herself to avoid hurting Jamie, which however, also allows Topaz to grab her by her head and throws her away, slamming right into a game booth.

Steven: Garnet!

Amethyst: That's dirty!

Pearl: *leaps up* My spear can reach her without hurting the hostages!

Aquamarine: Oh, you're so smart. *fires a zero-point energy beam with her wand at Pearl* Goodbye!

Pearl: Whoa!

Aquamarine hurls Pearl high up into the sky, causing her to disappear into it with a blink. Amethyst then coils her whip around Connie's hand and attempts to pull her out of Topaz's body.

Topaz, however, stops her by stomping on the whip with her foot. Garnet emerges from inside the game booth. I used War Smith and materialized a spear and threw it to Aquamarine. Only for ths Topaz fusion to catxh it and snap it in half.

Pearl lands back from the sky, and the Crystal Gems regroup. I tried to hit the  Topaz fusion but I was stopped by Aquamarine by slamming me non-stop on the ground. Until she finally stopped slamming me but she still didn't let fo of me. She was crushing me using her wand.

Amethyst: *Grunting*

Aquamarine: This is getting annoying. Hey, Topaz, can you remind me? I mean, my memory is perfect, but our orders were to bring back these six humans. I'm just not sure. Did they specify... alive?

Y/N: No don't you dare!

Aquamarine makes a sinister look at the Crystal Gems, startled by her remark. Aquamarine then quickly takes on an overjoyed expression. I was trying to break free only for the constriction to get tighter and more painful.

Aquamarine: You know, I don't think they did!

Jamie: Huh?

At Aquamarine's comment, Topaz grips Jamie's head in her hand.

Steven: Jamie.

Jamie: *whimpering* Steven?

Aquamarine: I just think, if you care about your "friends" or whatever, you should tell me where "my dad" is, all right?

Pearl: What are we going to do?! Steven!

Steven: *runs towards Aquamarine* Stop! I know where you can find "my dad".

Aquamarine: Ooh! Where? Where!?

Steven: Right here. I'm the one you're looking for. I am "my dad"!

Y/N: No! Steven!

Aquamarine: Shut it Painite!

She made the constriction tighter again and I grunted in pain.

Pearl: What?

Amethyst: Huh?

Aquamarine: I know what you're thinking, Topaz. It seems a little suspicious that "my dad" is also a "Steven". But you know... If it means getting out of here, I'll believe it.

Topaz instantly unfuses into two Topazes, holding hands while carrying the other humans.

Connie: Steven!

Pearl: Steven, do you know what you're doing?

Steven glances at Pearl and gives a thumbs-up, as the Topazes fuse together with Steven in between, merging him and the other humans in Topaz's body.

Only Steven's head is visible from the surface of Topaz's back, along with Lars' half-submerged head and arm.

Steven: Oh! Hi, Lars.

Lars shouts in anger, but is muffled, due to his mouth merged in Topaz's body.

Steven: Don't worry, I'm gonna bust us all out with my bubble power!

Steven begins straining, while Onion, merged on Topaz's shoulder, murmurs something to Topaz.

Steven: Her body's... so thick. *grunts* This... might be... a little difficult.

Lars muffle-shouts in anger again, banging on Topaz's back with his free arm.

Aquamarine: Time to go!

Aquamarine raises her wand, and a spaceship, disguised as the top of a merry-go-around, activates, floating into the air and opening a door into it. She still haven't let me go. She'll bring me back to Homeworld if I don't get out of here.

Amethyst: Uh, Steven, di-did you actually have a plan or-

Steven: Just need... a minute...

Topaz leaps onto the ship's door and Aquamarine threw me towards Topaz and she caught me. But I noticed that she look.....sad. Aquamarine flies in front of the Crystal Gems to taunt them.

Aquamarine: Very nice meeting you all, and your compliance is appreciated, but!- *dodges a stab from Pearl's spear* Our job here is done, so...

Aquamarine blows a raspberry as she flies into her ship. Steven stops straining as he looks around the interior of the ship.

Aquamarine: *sighs* Let's get back to Homeworld already.

Jamie: But I'm already on my home world. I haven't even delivered all the mail today.

Y/N: Not that Homeworld Jamie.

Steven: Don't worry. I can do this.

Y/N: You better be.

Sadie, Lars and Connie, with their mouths merged in Topaz's body, begin muffle-shouting in panic and anger.

Jamie: Ohh! You might want to hurry, Steven. The threat of us perishing in this quagmire of yellow feels very real; a real encompassing kind of real. A neon death trap, which has imprisoned us so tightly, like a winter coat that's too big in the sleeves.

Lars flails his hand in Steven's face in his anger.

Steven: Lars, stop! I need to concentrate!

Aquamarine: Ughh. If I never get sent on another mission to Earth, it'll be too soon. What an ordeal. But the Diamonds needed me. That's the burden of being the best.

Jamie: What justice is there in such a gross tangling of symbols?!

Aquamarine: Will you stop?! You're ruining my moment!

Y/N: Well someone's mad.

Jamie: *whimpering* Steven.

Steven: I almost got it! *grunts loudly*

Jamie: Huh?

Topaz starts sweating and begins expanding like a balloon. She eventually pops and I was free, forcefully separated back into two Topazes, as Steven successfully summons his bubble shield. Everyone screams as they are freed from Topaz's imprisonment and scattered around the ship.

Aquamarine: What?! Topaz! Get this mess cleaned up. And, Topaz, help her out. I'm setting a course.

Steven: The door! Huh?

A Topaz approaches Steven, summons her mace from her gem and swings it at Steven, who quickly blocks it with his shield.

She was about to swing again but I caught her mace and I gave her an unsuspecting uppercut.At that moment, Lars and Sadie slowly get up.

Sadie: Lars! Lars?!

Lars whimpers and shivers in fear, as he watches Connie and Steven engaging one Topaze in battle. While I fight the other

Connie: Steven, let's fuse!

Steven: We're already in the air.How are we going to get back?

Topaz twirls her mace and swings it with immerse speed and strength at Connie and Steven, who manages to endure the attack inside his bubble shield.

The Topaz I was fighting slipped past me and was about to hit Steven's bubble.

Connie: *gasps* Watch out!

Topaz swings her mace again hits Steven's bubble away. I gave one Topaz a dropkick and the other one swinged her mace at me only for me to duck and give her a straight punch in the gut. At that moment, Aquamarine taps on a button on the ship's control panel.

Aquamarine: I'd really appreciate you wrapping it up down there before we exit the atmosphere?

Steven and Connie, after being knocked back, slowly gets up, as Steven spots Sadie trying to drag Lars on his foot.

Sadie: Come on! Lars, you gotta get up! We gotta move! *gasps*

A Topaz swings her mace at Lars, and I quickly rammed Lars out of the way. The Topaz then got past me and grabs Sadie and grasps her in her hand.

Sadie: Lars! Come on! Help me! Lars! *Grunts*

Lars, paralyzed with fear, gets up, only to run away in cowardice, and hides in the basement of the ship.

Sadie: Lars...

The Topaz suddenly turns around, blocking an attack from Connie with her mace. At that moment, Sadie bites Topaz's finger, causing her to release her, and Sadie runs towards Connie.

I jumped and gave the Topaz a hook. Which I instantly regret hitting her.

Sadie: Hey, thanks! Get to the door!

Aquamarine: Topaz, pull it together and finish this!

The two Topaz look at each other and approach each other.

Connie: Steven?

The two Topaz fuses together back into a big Topaz, in turns fusing their maces together into a pugil stick, and engages Steven and Connie in battle again.

I went in front of the Topaz and was about to give a devastating blow only for her to block it with her weapon. Connie engaged the Topaz while I checked on the others.

Steven: Connie, I'm sorry!

Connie: What are you- *blocks Topaz's attack* -talking about?!

Steven: It's my fault you were abducted... *gets knocked back by Topaz* Why everyone was taken. If it weren't for me, the Diamonds wouldn't have come for my friends. If it weren't for my mom, they wouldn't even be trying to destroy the Earth!

Y/N: Steven focus!

Connie: Steven! *defends Steven against one of Topaz's attacks* Focus!

Just now, the entire ship begins to tremble. I was losing my balanace and the sudden movement launched me towards Topaz and I landed in front of her. She was about to hit me but I moved out of the way and rolled over to the side and gave her a leg sweep causing her to hit the ground.

Aquamarine: What now?

Steven: The door.

Connie: Right.

Steven runs up to the door switch and opens, revealing Alexandrite outside, holding the ship down.

Connie: Alexandrite!

Steven: Take us close to the water. We're gonna jump!

Sadie: What?!

Jamie: Huh?

Alexandrite pushes the ship down towards the ocean.

Steven: Okay-

Onion immediately runs out of the door and plunges into the ocean. I jumped from the ship and dived right in the water.

Steven: Uhh, go! Go.

Jamie: Steven, I-I seem to be paralyzed with fear.


Jamie: Whoa!

Steven lifts Jamie up and throws him overboard, as Sadie and Connie jumps off the ship as well.

However, Aquamarine then fires her tractor beam, halting Jamie, Sadie, Connie, Onion and Alexandrite and mysleff in our tracks.

Aquamarine: Nice try. But it's hopeless, "my dad". I can't go back to Homeworld without getting what the Diamonds want.

Steven glances down at his friends in peril and begins to confess in defeat.

Steven: I'm... not my dad.

Aquamarine: What?!

Steven: I'm not my dad!

Aquamarine: How much longer is this mission going to take?

Steven: Well, I can end it for you, right now.

Aquamarine: Oh, really?

Steven: I'm someone the Diamonds will want more than any of these humans: the leader of the Crystal Gem rebellion; the Gem that shattered Pink Diamond.


Steven: I'm not my dad. I'm my mom. *lifts his shirt* I'm Rose Quartz!

Aquamarine: *gasps* No way.

Aquamarine retracts her zero-point energy beam, causing Alexandrite to unfuse, and everyone to drop into the ocean.

Y/N: Steven what are you doing?

Connie: Steven?

Pearl: No, don't! Steven!

Amethyst: What are you doing?!

Steven: I get it now. I'm the only one who can stop what she started. I can stop all of it!

Garnet: You're wrong! Steven, get down here!

Y/N: Steven get down here we'll think of something else!

Steven: She wouldn't have wanted this. But I do.

Amethyst: I'm gonna kick your butt if you don't come down here right now!


Steven turns and walks back into the ship, surrendering himself to Aquamarine and Topaz.

Pearl: Steven... *tears up and covers her mouth*

Connie:No! Don't you dare!

Steven: I love you.

Y/N:No! Stooop!

I summoned my wings and flew as fast as I can. The ship's door was closing and luckily I slipped through still. The door of the ship closes, and the ship blasts off, disappearing into the evening sky.


Back to you

I landed inside the ship and I retracted my wings. Topaz turned around and so did Aquamarine.

Aquamarine: Ugh! Such a stubborn gem are you Painite?

Y/N: Let him go Aquamarine!

Aquamarine: How about.....No

She looked at me and she had a smug look on her face. I lunged at her but Topaz hit me with her mace right in the chest launching me back. I looked down and my gem had a small crack.

Aquamarine: Awwww is brave Painite going to stop now?

Y/N: You wish!

I was about to lunge at her again but she used her wand and started slamming me to the floor and ceiling of the ship. I felt the crack get worse in every collision.

Then she dispersed her wand and I was in immense pain. My holo-chassis was glitching madly and I looked up Topaz doesn't even want to fight. I still stood up and I was holding my gem.

Aquamarine: S-stop!

Y/N: No! *grunt* let...Steven...Go!

Aquamarine: T-Topaz! Do something!

The fusion went in front of me and I tries to hit her as my holo-chassis kept on glitching. She only kept dodging.

Topaz: Please stop.

Y/N: No!

Topaz: Your gem will get worse if you don't.

Y/N: No!

Topaz: Please

She caught my fist and she just looked at me.

Topaz: If you don't stop you will shatter. You don't have to do it because we tell you to, but beecause you have to. Your friends and loved ones will feel devastated. Who will help Homeworld? Who will help us with our duties in Homeworld? Who will protect and uphold?

I stopped what I was doing. She was right, I was blinded by rage again and my task to help Steven out of here can kill me. I don't want my friends to cry over me. Especially White.

Topaz: Now will you stop?

I just stood in silence and I put my gauntlets away. I was about to walk towards Steven when Aquamarine kept puahing me away using her wand. But it was a gentle push.

Strong enough to keep me from reaching Steven but not that strong to send me flying.As I was about to walk into the corner but I was in too much pain. I was about to collapse but Topaz caught me.

Y/N: Thank you.

Topaz: Your welcome.

Aquamarine: Put him in the room in the back. I'll check on him later.

She leaded me to the room and we just kept walking along the halls. All we hear is the ambience of the engine. Then I decided to speak.

Y/N: You like each other don't you?

Topaz: Huh?

Y/N: The two of you. When you fuse you love the feeling that you are together, am I right?

Topaz: Yes...but we're only allowed to fuse when we're on missions together.

Y/N: When we get on Homeworld I'll assign both of you as partners.

Topaz: Oh! Stars you don't have to do that!

Y/N: Yes I will. It's the least I could do. Thank you.

Topaz: For what?

Y/N: Knocking some sense in me. I was blinded with rage that I forgot about the other people I care about. I don't want them crying over me. I thank you. And when you are already assigned with each other, you take good care of each other.

Topaz just gave me  a hug and I hugged back. We both reached the back of the ship and I went inside. The door closed and I looked at the window and we are travelling in a normal speed.

I just sat and wondered what I'll do. I have to get out and Steven need to heal me. Maybe sooner or later I'll slip past Aquamarine when she comes in here.

And Finished.

Okay so next chapter is a Lemon and I am expecting that it'll have more views than this. But meh I don't care as long as people like my story.

Hope you liked the chapter this is YoBoyMcFl and I will see you all in the next chapter.

Mcfly signing off

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