Chapter 34: The Cool Lars
Your POV
Me and Steven are heading to the Big Donut. I was thinking of trying a new flavor while Steven was getting the same thing.
I checked Funland last night......and there was sign of activity. Who was that? Maybe another bully chasing Onion. Speaking of Onion I haven't seen him.
We entered the shop and we both saw Lars and Sadie at the counter.
Y/N: Hey Sadie, can I have four Bavarian flavored donut?
Sadie: Sure thing Y/N. Oh and Steven, we want you to try someething.
Steven: What is it?
Then Lars put the four donuts in the bag and Sadie handed it to me and I paid for the food. Sadie presents a plate of an orange pumpkin-shaped bread to Steven on the counter. He cuts a small slice from the bread and eats it, while Lars glances away nearby.
Sadie: How is it?
Lars: Be honest, but not too honest.
Steven:It's pumpkin bread! And it's pumpkin-shaped, like a pumpkin! This is the best idea anybody has ever had!
Sadie:See? I told you. It's really good.
Lars: Of course Steven likes it. He likes everything.
Y/N: Wait a sec...
Steven:Lars, did you make this?
Lars: No! Well, yes, but it's no big deal.
Y/N: *takes a bite* Geez Lars, this is good!
Sadie:Secret's out, Lars. Feels good, doesn't it?
Lars:*blushes* Ah, stop.
Steven:Oh, this is amazing! How'd you get it to look like a pumpkin?
Lars: I just made seven small crescent-shaped cakes and used cream cheese icing to hold them together. Anyone with two hands and half a brain could do it. And, you know, a recipe.
Sadie:That's his way of saying thanks.
Steven:I know. I speak Lars.
Just then, the doorbell chimes and Buck Dewey walks in.
Lars: B-B-B-Buck Dewey!
Panicking, Lars quickly grabbed the plate from my hand and hides his pumpkin bread behind the counter and leans onto the counter, sweating and smiling anxiously.
Steven:Hi, Buck.
Buck:Hey, Steven. Y/N, my man
Then we did our signature handshake.
( You make up your handshake, I'm not thinking about it. )
Buck: Hey, donut kids.
Lars: *hastily* Hi, Buck, what's up?! How's it going!? What'll it be?!
Buck:I want to order... you to come to dinner. Me, Jenny, and Sour Cream are having a potluck. You know, like parents do. Except we'll be doing it. All four of you should come. You should bring some food, because that's what you do at a potluck. It's so funny.
Y/N: Thanks Buck.
Lars:*laughs anxiously* That is funny, Buck! It sounds great! *make thumbs-ups* Super cool! Can't wait! *makes gun hands* Bingo, bongo!
Buck:Cool. *leaves the shop*
Lars: *puts face in his hands and groans loudly* "Bingo, bongo"!? Where did I even learn that?
Y/N: You were a panicky mess.
Lars: Thanks Captain Obvious.
Steven:Yeah! *imitates Lars* Bingo, bongo! This is gonna be great.
Sadie:Hey, yeah, this is perfect. You won't believe us when we say we like your cooking, but you'll have to believe it when it's coming from Buck.
Lars groans and plants his face onto the counter.
Sadie:Uh, Lars?
Lars:I'm not going.
Sadie:What?! You just got invited to a party with the Cool Kids! Isn't that what you've always wanted? If anyone shouldn't go, it's me. But they know you; they like you!
Lars:Nah-ah. Nobody knows me. And nobody knows I can bake.
Y/N: Lars this is an oopportunity to hang out with them do you want in or not?
Sadie:Well, I do, and he does.
Y/N: And so do I.
Steven:Yeah, Lars, you should make this your big debut.
Lars: Well... then, it has to be perfect.
Lars paces around his room contemplating, while Steven lays on his bed and Sadie sits on a chair. While I was resting against the wall by the door.
Steven:How about a pie?
Sadie:Uh, baked Alaska?
Lars: Mmm... It might look like I'm trying too hard.
Y/N: How about.....okay I got nothing.
Lars, Steven & SadieHmm... *ponders*
Lars: Yeah, something cream-filled. A bundt? A cannoli? Maybe some rugelach? *puts his hands in his face* Gah! I don't know!
Sadie:Maybe we could make a cake with your face on it.
Steven:That's a great idea! You should make something that represents you.
Y/N: Seems good to me.
Lars gazes at himself in the mirror. He then lifts up the edge of his bed and pulls out a cookbook.
Steven:*gasps* Secret cookbook.
Lars: Maybe this'll work. *sits on his bed and opens up his cookbook* I used to eat this as a kid all the time.
Steven:Wow. What's... uby?
Lars: It's ube.
Sadie:What's that?
Lars: *blushes* Uh, like, you know, it's like a sweet potato.
Steven:Potatoes can be sweet?
Lars: I mean, it's technically a yam.
Sadie:This sounds perfect!
Lars goes downstairs and peeks from the staircase. Once he sees his parents are not around, he signals Sadie and Steven follow him downstairs.
A montage begins as Lars explains the recipe procedures to Sadie and Steven. The trio gathers various ingredients such as flour, eggs, milk, and ube, and they begin to bake.
Lars separates an egg yolk from the egg white using the egg shells. Steven attempts the procedure but accidentally drops the egg.
Sadie uses a mixer to mix the ingredients together, but accidentally sends some of the paste flying everywhere.
I then attempted to pour the ube mix out of its bag and into the paste, accidentally splashing some of the paste out of the bowl too.
Lars takes over the rest of the procedures: mixing the ube with the paste, laying wax paper into a pan, pouring the ube mix onto it and baking it.
Once the ube cake is baked, Lars spreads cream onto it and rolls it up. It was glorious. He finally tops the cake with three dollops of cream and present the cake on a plate on the table in front of Sadie, Steven and me.
Lars: It's done. *wipes sweat off his forehead*
Steven and Sadie look at each other before taking a small piece from the ube cake and eating it. I took a small piece and ate it. It was so damn good!
Lars: So, how is it?
Steven/Sadie: Amazing!
Sadie: This is delicious.
Steven: You're an amazing baker, Lars.
Y/N: You should open up your own pastry establishment.
Lars: Well, yeah, of course I am.
Y/N: Is that cockiness I hear?
Lars looks down and finds that Steven and Sadie have almost instantaneously devoured the whole ube cake.
Steven:Sorry, Lars. It's really good.
Lars: Guess I have to take your word for it.
Y/N: Uh-huh.
Timeskip evening
Sadie:I'm gonna head out and get my stuff for the party. This is it! It's all happening! Lars and the Cool Kids! See ya there!
Sadie leaves Lars' house, as he places another baked ube cake on the table.
Steven:Bye, Sadie. *sighs* Everything is so good.
Y/N: Yup.
Lars: Yeah, too good. *begins spreading cream on the ube cake*
Steven:What do you mean?
Lars: *blushes* Uhh... Never mind.
Steven:Aw, come on. You can tell me anything. I spent a day in your body.
Y/N: Wait you did what?
Lars:It's nothing. Forget about it.
Lars continues to spread cream on the ube cake in silence, when Steven reaches out and places his hand on Lars' shoulder.
Steven:*whispers* Open up about your feelings.
Lars:*sighs* I'm not worried about the cake. The cake is gonna rule. I'm worried about showing up with a cake.
Steven:What do you mean?
Lars: There's a reason I don't like telling anybody I like baking.
Steven:And... What's that?
Lars: Because... It's lame, Steven! If I show up to this party with my family's weird purple cake and with Sadie, everybody's gonna know I love baking and everybody's gonna know I love... *blushes* This isn't gonna be an ironic potluck! It's gonna be, like, family, couple, neighbor, actual potluck, and I'm gonna be there being all... "bingo, bongo".
StevenThese are your friends. They want you to come. That's why they invited you, so they'll get to know you better. If they like you, they like you. If they don't, then it's their loss. Right?
Y/N: Lars there are people out there that likes you for who you are. You may not have met them yet but there are. Back when I was still in Homeworld I never thought that someone actually likes me. So grab onto that opportunity. Forget about what you lose, just remember what you have gained.
Lars: *lays his head onto the table* That's pretty smart. Thanks Y/N. And Steven when did you get so mature?
Steven:Somewhere in between learning to summon my shield and finding out my mom is a war criminal.
Lars: *slams the table and stands up in determination* Okay! I'll do it.
Y/N: That's the spirit!
Steven:Lars! It's going to go so good! I got to get going and make my thing, but I'll see you there, right?
Lars: Yeah. Yeah! I'll see you two later.
Scene change Sour Cream's house
Steven is waiting outside of Sour Cream's house, as the front door is shortly opened by Sour Cream.
Sour Cream: Hey, man.
Y/N: What's up? I brought two buckets of fried chicken and a bowl gravy.
Steven: Who's feeling lucky?! *holds up a plate of sushi*
Steven enters into the living room and places his plate of sushi on the table, next to the other food items.
Steven:My, my. What a feast.
Y/N: Oh Stars that's a lot!
Sour Cream: *sits on the couch* I brought the soda.
Jenny: *sits on the couch too* I brought the pizza.
Buck:*sits on the couch three* I brought the assorted fruit.
Steven:I can't wait for Lars to get here. He made a- Wait, wait, I shouldn't tell you. It's a surprise.
Buck:That Lars is full of surprises. The other day, he did this thing. What was it? *makes gun hands* Bingo, bongo. It was transcendent.
Jenny:That is so creative.
Sour Cream:*makes gun hands too* Bingo, bongo.
Y/N: *chuckles* He thought it was weird that he did that.
Jenny: Really?
Y/N: Yup.
Just then, the doorbell rings.
Steven: That's him! *runs and opens the door, only to find Sadie*
Steven: Oh, Sadie. Where's Lars?
Sadie: He's not here yet?
Steven: He's probably still working on the cake. This is his ube debut, after all. *chuckles* Why don't you come on in?
Sadie: Oh, uh...
Steven and Sadie walk into the living room, where the cool kids are chatting and laughing among themselves.
Jenny: I love me some cheese.
Buck: You and your fancy cheese plates.
Y/N: Here! Have some chicken!
Jenny: *notices Sadie* Oh, hey, it's donut girl.
Steven: Everybody, this is Sadie.
Sadie: Uh, hi. I'm Lars'... friend.
Jenny: What's up? I'm Jenny.
Buck: Hey again.
Sour Cream: I'm Sour Cream. Welcome to my house!
Buck: So, tell us, Sadie, what did you bring to our very cool potluck?
Sadie:Sorry, I didn't bring any food. Just these paper plates. It's just, uhh... They're for Lars' thing, and he's not even here. Actually, I probably should just show myself-
Sour Cream: Did you say plates? *turns off the lights and throws some glow sticks onto the floor* Hooray! *switches on the lights* Now I don't have to do the dishes.
Sadie:Wow, I never thought anyone could get excited over paper plates. I guess they are biodegradable. But I'm still worried about Lars.
Y/N: Where is he? He's taking long......way too long.
Steven:I'll go find him, don't you worry about it. Hang out, have fun!
Sour Cream: You can sit on the bean bag. *holds up a bean bag*
Jenny: Yeah, that bean bag is sick. You got to try it.
Sadie:Oh, all right. *sits on the bean bag* What do you know? I fit.
The cool kids and Sadie laugh together while I just gave a subtle laugh.
Jenny: Told ya.
Steven's POV
Where could Lars be? I thought he really wanted to come.
Steven:*exits the house* I'll be right back with Lars. *closes the door* Now, where could he be?
Steven begins running all around town to look for Lars. He first goes to Lars' house and speaks with his parents, who also do not know where Lars is.
He stops by the Big Donut which closed for the night, asks Peedee by the Beach Citywalk Fries, and asks Mr. Smiley at the Funland Arcade, all with no luck. He then leaps high up into the sky, above Beach City.
Steven:*shouting* LLAAAAAAAARRRSS!! *lands back on the ground* Laaaars! If only there was some way to contact him, with my mind... Oh, wait, or with my phone! *calls Lars on his cellphone*
Lars (Voicemail):"This is Lars. Leave a message." *beeps*
Steven:Laaaaars!- I-I mean, Lars, hi. This is Steven. Uhh... I was just wondering where you were. The potluck is going really great. Everyone's having a nice time, and we're all excited for you to come join the fun. *begins walking back to Sour Cream's house* Or maybe I just missed you and you're already back at the party... And that's the sound of you enjoying music with all our friends. Or...
Steven checks the garbage bin outside of Sour Cream's house and sees Lars' ube cake inside.
Steven:...Maybe you decided not to go inside. Th-That's okay, though. Guess I'll... see you later.
Steven hangs out, sighs in dismay, and closes the garbage bin. He then heads back inside and finds the cool kids and Sadie singing and playing music together.
Your POV
I was listening to the song that they made up about pizza potluck. It's catchy and I like it.
Buck:♪ Pizza potluck ♪ Potluck, potluck ♪
Sadie:♪ Potlu-u-uck ♪ Po-o-otlu-u-uck ♪ Po-ot-lu-u-u-u-uck ♪ Po-o-otluck ♪ Potluck ♪
Y/N: Everone give it up for
Sadie Miller!
Sour Cream: All right! *claps*
Jenny: Nice! Hey, nice ending.
Sour Cream: Yeah, whoo!
Buck:Yeah, Sadie. That was fresh. Oh, hey, it's Steven.
Sadie:Hey, Steven, we've been having such a blast over here. Did you find Lars?
Steven:Uh, yeah. He- he can't make it tonight. Something came up.
Sadie:Ah, bummer, huh? *sighs* Well, that's okay. Let's keep playing music.
Y/N: Heck yeah!
Jenny: Yeah!
Sour Cream: Right on.
Timeskip Sour Cream's house, Night-time
Cool Kids:Bye, guys. See ya. Bye.
Sadie:Later, guys. *exits the house with Steven* So... He decided not to come, huh?
Steven shows Sadie the discarded ube cake inside the garbage bin. I took a closer look and it it's been through hell. It looks beaten up.
Sadie:Aw, geez. Lars.
Steven:Maybe we should've tried harder to get him to come?
Sadie:Guess so. *closes the garbage bin*
Y/N: No wait.
I opened the trash bin again and both Sadie and Steven stopped.
Y/N: Look at the cake. It shows signs that it had conflict and struggle. Something jumped Lars...or someone.
Then I looked up seeing the two have worried faces.
Y/N: Or I'm just being paranoid and maybe that Lars threw the cake so hard.
Me, Steven and Sadie begin walking home. I looked back at the trash bin once again wether it really was just me being a paranoid.
Sadie:Ughh. He wants to be in with them so much. Huh, it's funny. I never thought I'd be the one hanging out with them. You know, they really are cool. Like, not like he thinks, but, like- like, they're actually cool people. How's he going to realize that if he doesn't give them a chance? I wish I could just force him to be happy. Oh, no. I sound like my mother. Maybe I should be trying to fix my life instead of his.
Y/N: Calm down Sadie. Give him some time. He'll come around eventually.
Steven:*somberly* Bingo, bongo...
Steven and Sadie then stop at a crossroad.
Sadie:Goodnight, Steven, Y/N.
Y/N: Goodnight.
Steven:Goodnight, Sadie.
Me and Steven went to the opposite direction and Sadie went in opposite way from the crossroad.
As Sadie continues walking home, a large shadow appears behind her. A smaller, winged shadow appears beside it, as eerie music plays
And Finished.
Another chapter done. It wasn't easy but I still did it.
And the Lemons in this story had more views than my normal chapter. WTF!
Hope tou liked the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.
Mcfly signing off.
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