Chapter 31: You're The Only Good Thing That Came Out ( Lemon )


Your POV

I was taking a stroll around the boardwalk greeting other people along the road including Onion. Onion's a bit strange. And when I say a bit I mean a lot. I decided to buy five pizza boxes. As I entered the shop, Kiki was busy watching the counter.

Y/N: Hey Kiki.

Kiki: Hey Y/N. I like your nickname by the way. It's nice.

Y/N: Thanks, and you're a nice person. And you'll be nicer if you give me five pizza boxes.

Kiki: But you'll have to pay first.

Y/N: (*chuckles*) I know, I know

I pulled out 150 dollars from my gem. She was about to give me change but I interrupted her.

Y/N: Keep the change Kiki. (*pulls out a 50 dollar bill*) And here's a tip for you.

Kiki: Wow! Thanks!

Suddenly Jenny came bursting through the door panting.

Jenny: Kiki! Y/N! You gotta see this!

Y/N: What is it?

Kiki: This better be good.

She then showed her phone to us and she was reading an article about.........A STOLEN TANK?!?! How the hell did they even manage to steal one? Stealing one tank is already hard. But an Ambrams Tank? No no no no no. This is too much.

This is an Abrams Tank

The tank is said to be around an abandoned town just outside the borders of Beach City. The town is also located near where Amethyst's Kindergarten are. Prime Kindergarten.

Kiki: What?! How did they even steal one?!

Y/N: One answer. Incompetent idiots who calls themselves soldiers.

Jenny: They say that the tank has been stolen over a week ago.

Y/N: I'll head and tell the others about this.

I walked out of the shop and went to The Big Donut. As I got there both Sadie and Lars are watching their phones.

Y/N: Hey guys! Did you hear?

Sadie: Oh, hey Y/N. And yes we did. How did they even manage to get a tank?

Lars: I don't know how but it's awesome!

Y/N: Lars this is serious! People could get hurt. You know what. Loose tank aside, can I get two bags of donuts please? One bag is vanilla and the other is chocolate.

Sadie: Coming right up!

Lars took the donuts and Sadie put them in the bag. I pulled out hundred dollar bill to pay for the food. I pulled out two 50 dollar bills as a tip. I went outside and headed back to the temple as I already ate a chocolate donut as I walk.

Amethyst's POV

Me and Steven are sitting on the couch as we read the article about a loose tank. Steven was so worried at the fact that it could be rampaging. I'm only after the tank cause I wanna ride it.

Then Y/N came inside and was carrying two bags of donuts and a five pizza boxes. I was about to tackle him and take the pizza but he already stopped me when he gave it to me. I opened one box and shoved the whole pizza in my mouth.

He stored the two bags and grabbed two vannila flavored and one chocolate. He gave the chocolate and the other vanilla to Steven while he only took the last vanilla.

Amethsyt: Hey. Have you heard?

Y/N: Yeah. I did.

Steven: We need to look for it! It could be rampaging right now!

At the same moment Pearl and Garnet came back to the temple from another mission. I stood up and let them sit down the couch to rest.

Y/N: Guys. We need to do something.

Garnet: What is it Y/N?

I showed them the article about the tank and Garnet looked worried. Not because it's rampaging. But because that this is a problem that the authorities should handle.

Garnet: We're not going.

Pearl: What? Why not?

Garnet: This is something that the military should handle.

Y/N: Garnet we need to act now. If not maybe it'll move to an populated area and rampage there. We need to go! Now!

Garnet: Y/N listen! It's good that you always help others. But this is something that authorities should handle.

Garnet walked out while Painite was clenching his fist. He walked towards the temple door and it opened and entered his room.

Your POV

I went inside my room and headed for the console and typed in the report and sightings of the loose tank. I hacked the mainframe of the government's satellite.

The tank was last seen around the abandoned town 5 miles south of the Prime Kindergarten. I saw reports that the possible suspect was a tanker crew that went rouge.

I closed the console and headed out of my room. I saw Amethyst by herself and was asleep. I am heading out on my own. Just then Amethyst woke up.

Amethyst: You're going?

Y/N: Yeah. And no one is stopping me. If the government is going to wait for it to attack, I'm not. I'm not taking any chances. Go ahead. Tell the others.

Amethyst: I'm coming with you.

Y/N: Why?

Amethyst: I wanna see the tank for myself. Maybe even ride it.

Y/N: Okay One: You can come
Two: Don't even think about using it.

As she just rolled her eyes she stood up and stretched and we both headed for the warp pad. We were taken away by ths cyan light to where Amethyst was made....Prime Kindergarten

We got off the warp pad and we started walking along the abandoned Kindergarten. There was a lot of hole here. It makes sence since this is a Kindergarten. There are a lot of injectors here. Some are even hanging from the walls. Some even fell down and broke.

We kept walking along the looming trenches. As we kept walking Amethyst stopped at here tracks and looked to her side. Might be where she popped up. Then she started walking again like nothing happened.

As I look at her whole, an image flashed in my head. I held my head in pain. The image was when there were still gems being produced here. Some gems are waiting for Amethyst's emerging

As she kept on walking without making a sound, I knew that she thinks that the gems think of her as a bad gem. I got my mind off it and kept on walking. We found a way up to the top and we climbed it.

As we reached the top we still have a long way to go. I materialized my bike and started it up. She climbed on and we headed for the town.

Timeskip night time

We finnaly arrived and it was already nigh time. We set up camp for the night and I was sharpening my blades. And a few minutes later I was testing the feature of my weapon. Turns out I can shoot the blades without the chain making it also a ranged weapon.

Amethyst: So how are we going to stop the tank?

Y/N: We can try to take the commander and the crew from the tank without damaging the tank if they comply. But if they attack and  is being a pain in the ass. We have no choice to get rid of them.

Amethyst: What about the tank when we get rid of them? Can we keep it?

Y/N: Well......if we can.....we can keep it. But you have to ask permission to me first before you use it!

Amethyst: Awesome!

Then suddenly we heard an explosion. We ran to where the explosion happened and saw that it was the tank. We quickly hid behind a building.

Amethyst: When I get that tank, I will ride it around Beach City!

Y/N: What?! I told you that only if we can we can take it. We aren't sure! We need a plan!

Amethyst: I have a plan, kick the general's butt. Take the tank and use it. Boom! Easy.

She summoned her whip and was about to run after the tank but I grabbed her wrist and she keeps trying to break free.

Y/N: AMETHYST LISTEN TO ME!!! If you're going after the tank yourself without a plan you will kill yourself! Listen to me!

Amethyst: I'm not listening to anyone! Especially to a guy who is just an experiment made by the Diamonds!

Then she brought down her whip hitting me in the face. I held my face as I looked at Amethyst with a shocked face....and fear. I let go of her wrist and started walking away. I looked back and saw that Amethyst was looking down in shame.

I decided to fly around and take a look at what the tank is doing. As I kept flying it was already morning. I flew across the town to look for the tank, surveying it's activity. It only keeps destroying buildings.

A few minutes later it started moving to another area and suddenly Amethyst was in front of the tank attempting to catch one of it's shells and throw them back. What the hell is she thinking?!

The tank fired an explosive shell and luckily she dodged it. And then another shell was loaded and this time it almost hit her. She was going to use her whip to catch the shell but it won't work.

I flew as fast as I could and caught Amethyst and put her behind a building.

Y/N: I told you we need a plan! Stay here!

I retracted my wings then I went in front of the tank and it's turret is aligned towards me. It shoots abother explosive shell and it was coming towards me fast. I caught the shell and was taken back by the impact.

I moved back a bit to build up momentum and threw the shell with all my strength and it hit right above the driver's cockpit leaving it immobilized. I used my War Smith and summoned a spiked shield.

I ran around the tank and used the shield to ram the tank in attempt to tip it over. As I made contact with the tank. The side of the tank went up and was almost on the edge of tipping over when the crew moved to the other side and used their weight to put the tank back down.

I was about to get squashed by the tank but I moved out of the way and ran back. I
dematerialized the shield and summoned my wings. As I was flying around distracting it, I summoned my blades.

I kept on shooting the tank with the blades but all it does was either bounce off or ricochet to another building or it just sits on the tank. Then I retracted my blades and flew away and rethink my approach. But the tank didn't give me any chance. And shot me down

As I climbed out of the crater I panted heavily. Good thing it only hit me on the shoulder. And Goddammit she just won't listen. Amethyst was about to attack the tank and she set her two whips on purple flames.

The tank shot another explosive shell and I immediately went in front of Amethyst to take the hit. And as the shell collided with me, I launched back by the impact and I flew a few meters back along with Amethyst.

I realized where it hit me. I looked down in my gem and saw that it had a small crack in it. I held my gem as my holo-chassis
( holo-chasis: a gem's body ) started glitching out and I kept on saying things in reverse and Amethyst right beside me and with my strength I grabbes her and threw her to the building where she's safe.

I stood up slowly and I ignored the pain. My body was glitching crazy and I held my gem in pain. Then I saw the tank was getting ready to shoot me again with another explosive shell. The tank shoots the shell and I evaded and the shell went zooming past me and the building behind crumbled.

I retracted my blades and shot the blades without the chain and the blade went right inside the turret. As I was walking away from the crater it took the tank a few seconds and finally it exploded into nothing but scrap.

I was limping away from the crater everything around me started moving slowly. Amethyst was running towards me. I saw Greg's van pull over at the corner of my eye. Suddenly my vision was tilting. And then I realized...I was falling to the ground.

The last thing I saw before I passsed out is that I was being carried into the van. And then everything went to black as soon as I was put in the van.


I woke up with immense pain all over my body. I felt my body laying against something soft. It was the couch.

Then I saw Pearl and Amethyst arguing. Garnet crying and Steven was trying to heal me with his saliva while crying while Peridot was crying uncontrollably with Lapis.

Steven kept on using his healing powers but it won't work. I saw Greg talking in the phone.

Greg: His gem won't heal! Something's wrong with his gem! There might be something stuck between it!

Amethyst: I'm sorry ok! It was my fault!

Pearl: It is your fault! You could have at least stopped him!

Steven: Come on! Why won't this work?!

Then Steven directly spit on my gem to heal it only making it worse. The pain was even worse and it was a seering pain. I screamed in pain as Steven stopped using his powers and he was backing away.

Y/N: Steven!

Steven: Yes Painite?!

Y/N: Call Connie's mom! Now! There is something stuck between my gem!

Then my vision started fading once again in too much pain. Then Pearl ran over to me crying as she held me close to her as I passed out again.


I woke up again from the sudden slam of the door. It was Connie and Dr. Priyanka. Priyanka immediately went right beside me and opened her bag. She pulled out a pair of small tweezers.

Small enough to fit through the crack of my gem.

Priyanka: Hold him down!

Then Greg, Garnet, and Pearl held me down as I was biting on a stick. I felt the pain get worse as I felt the tweezers move the shrapnel. I kept thrashing around and eventually I broke free and Pearl, Garnet, and Greg let go.


She used her powers to hold me down again by the arms and legs as Priyanka started to work again. This time I resisted longer and I feel the shrapnel moving out of my gem.

But it was extremely painful and I started thrashing again and I kept screaming as I kept on biting the stick resulting it to snap in half.

Garnet pulled Priyanka away as I bursted in flames making the water holding me down evaporate.

I panted heavily as I still feel the shrapnel in my gem. I summoned fours clones to hold me down and I was biting down a steel pipe.

Priyanka went on top of me and put the tweezers between the cracks of my gem as I kept on screaming in immense pain as I dented the pipe with bite marks. Then the clone on my left let go and punched me in the face.

Clone: Shut up! Be a man!

Y/N: HOW ABOUT YOU DO THIS YOU (*punches him in the face launching him back*) IDIOT?!?!

The clone was sent flying as I summoned another clone to hold me down. I kept on biting the pipe and it dented.

The clones were doing a good job at holding me down and at the last moment the shrapnel was removed. I spit the pipe away and panted heavily.

Steven went beside me and used his spit to heal me. But it was painful when applied.

Steven: Why is this still not working?!

Y/N: It is healing but the damage is too bad and it is painful for me! I need to be in Rose's pool!

Steven: But won't it hurt?!

Y/N: I can take it.

Then Garnet carried me as we walked to the warp pad along with Connie while Priyanka and Greg stayed behind.

As we were taken to the pool my gem was slowly cracking. We need to move fast. As soon as we arrived at the pool I jumped on the pool.

I felt pain all over my body and I screamed at the bottom of the pool as bubbles containing my scream filled with agony and pain surfaced to the pool.

Then one last time I punched the bottom floor of the pool and my gem was healed. I went out of the pool and fell on my knees and I looked up and saw that Steven was running towards me.

I closed my eyes and and fell to the ground unconscious. I felt my body hit the ground and everything went silent and all I hear was a poof


Your POV

I was currently laying in the couch where Boron is playing Doom Eternal.

Boron: You should have listened.

Y/N: And what? Wait for the tank to move to a populated area? No thank you.

Boron: Amethyst was really worried about you. She's sulking in her hole in the Kindergarten. Thinking that it's her fault. Go talk to her.

And at that moment I started reforming and a blinding light appeared. I opened my eyes and I was in the living room and both Connie and Steven was asleep keeping an eye on me. I looked at my gem and it's crack is gone.

I looked at the warp pad and walked towards it slowly. I had one location in mind...the Prime Kindergarten. As the cyan colored beam take me away, I finally reached the Kindergarten. I started walking to where Amethyst popped out of. As I kept walking the whole place was quite. Like you can hear your own mucsles moving, it was deafening.

I saw her hole amd I saw that she blocked it with a boulder. I pushed the boulder out of the way and she was facing the wall while crying.

Amethyst: Go away Y/N! Leave me alone!

Y/N: Amethyst I know that it wasn't your fault. You were only helping me.

Amethyst: It was my fault! You almost died because of me! If I didn't went in front of the tank you wouldn't have to fight it. Stop acting like it didn't happened! Of all the gems that came out of here I'm the only one that was a mistake! A bad one. And I deserve to be alone!

Y/N: Amethyst let me tell you something. Of all the gems that came out of here you are the only one that came out late. And you are lucky because right at the moment you emerged you are already free. And you may not think about it but you are the only good thing that came out of here. And if you think that you are alone, you're not. We will be right by your side...I...will be right by your matter what.

I knelt down and reached my hand towards her.She wiped her tears away and instead that she too it, she tackled me. And we rolled in the ground and then we came to a stop.

She was on top of me and we had our faces close to each other. She had a blush on her face while I also do. Then she just laughes and I also did. Then we got up and we dusted ourselves.

I sat on a rock and I indicated that she can sit right beside me. We were looking at the silent Kindergarten and enjoying the peace and quite.

Amethyst: Hey Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah?

Amethyst: Close your eyes and turn your head to me.

I just stared at her and shrugged it off and did what I wad told. I turned my head to her and I felt something soft against my lips. It was Amethyst. She kissed me, I melted into the kiss and I was enjoying it.

I gently cupped my hands on her cheeks and she flinched at the sudden touch. Then we broke off and she gave me a hug.

Amethyst: You really are the best.

Y/N: I know I am. Now let's go back to the temple.

We stood up and she was sitting on my shoulders as we walk back to the temple. She deserves to be happy. I know that she's been suffering, thinking that she is a bad thing. But she isn't, and it's good thag she doesn't think that anymore. As we reached the warp pad I set her down and then cyan beam of light took us back to the temple.

She went to the kitchen and ate the pizza I bought her yesterday. Then Pearl, Garnet, Steven, Peridot, Lapis, Connie came inside and tackled me to the ground and they all gave me a tight hug.

Y/N: Geez! Are painful hugs common in these parts?!

Then they let go and Pearl helped me up...and slapped me on the face. I rubbed the part where I was slapped and Pearl hugged me again. Garnet went closer to me and flicked me in the forehead and joined in the hug.

Then they both let go and Peridot kept on pounding on my abdomen since she isn't tall enough and didn't have her limb enhancers. I lifted her up and hugged her and Lapis went closer to me and grabbed my ear.

Y/N: OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW!

Lapis: That's for scaring me!

She joined in the hug and then Connie and Steven hugged me too. I set Peridot down and gave both youngsters a pat on the head.

Steven: Don't fight a tank next time!

Y/N: Yeah yeah.

Garnet: Don't you "yeah yeah" him Y/N. You almost got killed and you scared us.

Y/N: Look I'm sorry. I can't risk the tank moving to a populated area.

Then Bismarck and Greg came in.

Bismarck: I see that you have recovered, Painite.

Y/N: Bismarck! I haven't seen you in a while! Where have you been?

Greg: Oh I taught him a few things about Earth and it's history and culture.

Y/N: That's great! Now I have to go to my room, I need to sleep.

Then I went to the temple door and I went inside my room and plopped on the bed.

Timeskip night time

I woke up and stretched a bit. I had a good sleep. Then I stood up and turned the console on. I saw reports that the tank has been neutralized and they saw the one that took care of the tank.

A video played of me fighting the tank and the views on this thing sky rocketed. There are comments saying: "This has to be CGI!" and another saying: "This is possible! I've heard about one of these people! They are said to be magical entities that took residence in Beach City!" and the last one I saw was: "THAT'S PAINITE!!!"

Then I turned off the console and went outside of my room and the temple door opened. And I sas Amethyst on the couch.

Amethsyt: Hey Y/N.

Y/N: Hello Amethyst! Where are the others?

Amethyst: Yeah about that, they went on a mission.

Y/N: Ok. So you wanna watch a movie in my room? I have Deadpool.

Amethyst: Oh sweet! Pearl never let me watch it since Steven isn't allowed.

Y/N: Wait here I gotta grab it.

I went back inside my room and
took the CD then Amethyst had two buckets of popcorn and we went inside her room. Her room is filled with so much stuff. I can see a WWI and WWII gas masks. Swords, furnitures, probably even a damn fossil of a T.REX I kept looking around and saw a large plank I lefted it and.......there is a damn T.REX.

I put the cover back and we both headed for her TV. We played the movie and we kept on eating popcorn while watching the 4th wall breaker idiot.

Deadpool: What did you call me?

Author: Oh Geez. Come on! Get! Out!

The author shooed Deadpool away while wimpering like a dog.

Timeskip after the movie ended

As the movie ended and the credits rolled we decided to watch one more movie. She kept on rummaging the pile of junk. She's looking for a movie and one specific movie. And then she got it and the movie was called.......Fifty Shades of Gray.

Amethyst: I've never watch this before! Wanna see it?

Y/N: I am curious. The title is the one that caught my attention. Yeah let's do it.

Then Amethyst set the plate in the player and the movie started. At first it was a nice start...but then came....the sex scenes. We were not expecting this. There was one scene where the male tied the female to the table and started playing with her.

I looked away and blushed while I saw that Amethyst was getting restless. She pulled the collar of her top letting some heat out.

Y/N: Whay are you doing?

Amethyst: It's getting hot ok!

Y/N: You can literally withstand over 100°C! The heat in this room is shit compared to what you can withstand.

Amethyst:.........Can it with me......please?

Y/N:........Why am I not suprised that you want to do it? Ok wanna start or?

Lemon starts here

I was interrupted by her kissing me roughly, she explored all over my mouth leaving no spot untouched. Then we pulled away making a string of saliva. She wiped it away and she started to move down slowly.

She pulled down my pants and she started teasing me by rubbing my covered member. I just grunted in pleasure. She then pulled my boxers down slowly and my member rose and she blushed at this sight.

Amethyst: Dude! How big are you?

Y/N: I's eight inches?

Amethyst: Nope! It's nine!

Y/N: Well it got bigger.

Amethyst: I know how to make it even bigger!

She gently grabbed onto my member and she started stroking it. I felt her soft hands go up and down my sensitive shaft. I took off my top as she kept on stroking my member.

Then she started stroking faster as moments pass by. Then she put my member in between her soft breasts and started moving. She kept licking the tip of my member making ot more sensitive.

Then by instinct I grabbed onto the back of her head and made her take the whole thing in my mouth. I felt my member go down her throat as she starts to gag a bit. But she kept on going while my member was still in between her breasts.

As I kept on pushing her head down, her eyes rolled back and she started to move her tounge. I was holding myself from reaching my climax but I couldn't hold it anymore.

Then without warning I pushed her head deeper and I blew the load inside her. Some of my cum got out of her mouth and she coughed a bit from the load I released. Then she stood up and she pulled down her pants revealing me her areas

Link to Lewd Image:

She gently grabbed my member and she slid it inside her gently. She moaned softly as  she started moving. Her walls are tight and warm and it was pleasant. She was moaning loud and I gave her a spank on her ass making her moan crazy.

I played with her clit while massaging her breast. Her moans are synchronized with every clapping sound made. The once silent room was filled with moans and clapping sounds.

She put my hand on her mouth and she started sucking it. Then I started thrusting even faster and I kept on rubbing her clit and her moans are getting even louder.

Her walls are getting tighter and a few minutes later I gently put her on the couch and I was thrusting inside her. I could feel my member hit her womb. Her eyes rolled back and she had her tounge out and she had tears coming out of her eyes. I grabbed her hips and I started pounding roughly.

She was gripping the leather of the couch while I was reaching my limit. I kept holding the release a few moments now. Then one final thrust I came inside of her making her moan loudly.

Lemon ends here

Then we both put our clothes back on and slept on the couch.

Amethyst: Can we do this again?

Y/N: Sure. It won't hurt.

Then she went on top of me and slept while I just dozed off to sleep. I wonder what tommorow will bring?

And Finished

Whew this is one long chapter but I still managed to finish it. And as for the total number of chapters in this book. I added all the chapters that I am going to write.....and it is over a hundred chapter.

This is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter

Mcfly signing off

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