Chapter 30: I'm Not That Kind Of Person
WWE fans reading this get ready cause this will take place in the WWE! This is another bonding opportunity with Amethyst.
Your POV
I was walking back to the temple carrying eight tickets. Tickets to tommorow's Royal Rumble. I bursted through the door and saw that everyone was in the living room.
Y/N: Heck yeah! Everyone get ready cause we are going to hit the road for a day!
Then everyone looked at me confused and they kept silent.
Amethyst: Dude. Straight to the point.
Y/N: We're going to WWE.
Then everyone's expression changed, Steven had stars in his eyes. Greg and Garnet just smiled, Amethyst and Peridot are so hyped. Lapis and Pearl are kind of interested in it.
Greg: Where did you even buy these? This was sold out weeks ago!
Y/N: I have a reliable source.
I then looked out the window and saw the author and gave a thumbs up and jumped through a portal back to his office.
Y/N: Are we gonna go?
Amethyst: Yeah!
Steven: Let's do it!
Y/N: Alright then. Let's hit the road.
Timeskip one day
As we were about to reach the place where the event was hold I was in my car and driving it and listening to music. Amethyst and Peridot was with me since there aren't anymore spaces in Greg's van.
Peridot was in the passenger seat while Amethyst shapeshifted into a cat and was lying down on my lap taking a shut eye. I didn't mind her sleeping. I looked to my left and Peridot was also asleep. She looks so cute when she's asleep.
We reached the center and I gently shook Amethyst.
Y/N: Wake up Amethyst.
Amethyst: Nngg..few more minute Y/N.
Y/N: I'll buy you five pizza boxes when we get home.
Amethyst: Sure. (*jumps on my head and lay down*) Now go.
Y/N: (*chuckles*) Alright. But when I tell you to get off, get off okay?
She didn't even respond and was already asleep. I went out of the car and went to the side and opened the door where Peridot was. I gently shook her and she yawned, a cute yawn.
Then I saw Greg's van pull over and Lapis landed right beside my car. Greg, Steven, Garnet, and Pearl got out of the van.
Peridot: What are we waiting for? Let's go!
Steven: Yeah!
Greg: You guys go ahead. I'll catch up.
I just nodded and Amethyst finally got off me and stretched for a bit.
Y/N: Had a good sleep?
Amethyst: Yeah. How are you so hot?
Y/N: Uuuhhhhhh....what?
Amethyst: How is your body warm?
Y/N: Come to think of might be because I have the same heat output of a Ruby. Rubies are known to have warm bodies.
We then headed for the entrance and bought something to eat. We gave the tickets to the usher and good thing I bought front row. The event was Royal Rumble where you have to fight 29 other people to win and you have to throw them over the top rope and when both of the wrestler's feet hit the floor, he is eliminated.
This should be quite entertaining. I looked over to my right and saw Amethyst right beside Steven. Garnet and Pearl was just right behind me and to my left I had Lapis by my side. Peridot didn't have her limb enhancers on so she couldn't see.
I decided to give her a boost and she sat on my shoulder, she looked down and I looked back and smiled. She gave me a kiss on the forehead and I did the same thing to Lapis when Steven wasn't looking.
Then the event was starting and Brock Lesnar's theme played
Now a person that I don't like. He uses his strength to hurt others and do bad things. He's hurt way too many people. Paul Heyman made a long ass speech and asked Brock something.
Paul: So Brock what do you think about these people?
Brock: I think these people don't appreciate entertainment from violence.
Then people started booing and he just smiled like a crazy person.
Then Brock got off the ring and headed to where we were and tried to grab Peridot. Luckily I moved out of the way.
Y/N: Hey! What the hell?!
Brock: Come here freak!
Steven: Hey leave her alone!
Brock: Shit it pipsqueak!
Y/N: Hey! No on insults the kid!
Brock: You gonna do something about it?
Y/N: Yeah.
Brock: Yeah?
Y/N: Yeah!
Brock: Yeah?
He grabbed me by the collar and dragged me to the ring. Good thing Lapis grabbed Peridot so she won't get dragged into this. He went to the other side of the corner and noticed that the camera panned towards me. I shouted at the commentators:
Y/N: Hey! I didn't sign up for this!
Michael Cole: You have to do it. Shelton chickened out so we're one wrestler short.
( Shelton Benjamin was such a gullible idiot back at Royal Rumble )
Corey Graves: Just keep fighting and do your best.
JBL: Good luck!
Then the bell rang and Brock ran towards me and kept parrying his attacks. I got hit by one of his punches and was about to hit me again but I caught his fist twisting it. I gave him a karate chop to the neck leaving him vulnerable.
I was about to give him a kick in the face when he got up grabbed me and threw me to a corner. But I jumped over the top rope grabbed onto the top of the post making a bootleg turn drop kicking Brock incapacitating him.
Michael Cole: Oh yeah that was one of the most deadly and smart moves I have seen.
JBL: Let's see that again.
Then a replay of the move I did was on the jumbotron and when the others saw it, the crowd went wild.
Then the count down started and the timer hit zero and the next wwrrestler that entered was Elias...carrying a guitar? He made a few words for him and sang a song about Brock being a dumbass.
And then he said something about me:
Elias: And this dude, is just a side show. He just got in and he already thinks that he can win.
Then he sang a song about me infuriating me. He then got to the ring and tried to hit me with his guitar but I caught it and gave him a headbutt.
I snapped the guitar in half and I gave him a punch in the gut and when he was back against the ropes I gave him a sweet chin music launching him over the ropes eliminating him.
The crowd once again went wild and started cheering as the counter hit zero and another wrestler entered and his name is Erick Rowan. And why the hell is he carrying a bag?
He left the bag in the steel steps and climbed the ring and Brock hit me from behind. Stunning me, my vision went black suddenly and then I was being carried by him in attempt for an F5 but I countered it and carried him instead and made the move Tombstone.
Then Erick punched me in the face and I retaliated. We kept trading punches and then I caught his hand and gave him an unsuspecting uppercut sending him flying over the ropes.
Corey Graves: Jesus! How strong is he?!
Micheal Cole: I don't know but he is definitely making the crowd go wild!
JBL: Oh here comes another wrestler!
Then the timer hit zero and another wrestler approaches and this one is Robert Roode
Brock got up as Robert went inside the ring and started trading punches with him, then Brock kicked him in the midsection and threw him to the corner. He was about to ram Roode but he countered by kicking him in the face.
Then Roode was about to hit Brock when he gave him a brutal clothesline. Brock lifted Roode and gave him an F5 making him unconscious. Then he threw him out of the ring eliminating him and he started showing off again.
He turned his attention to me as I was thinking of what to do. I then felt something in my pocket. It was a tissue that was supposed to use to wipe off the cheese in the popcorn.
First,distract target, then block his blind jab, counter with a hook to the left cheek.
Discombobulate, dazed, he'll attempt wild hay maker, employ elbow block and body shot.
Block feral left, weaken right jaw, now fracture, break cracked ribs, traumatize, solar plexus, dislocate jaw entirely, heel kick to the diaphragm.
In summary: Ears ringing, jaw fractured, three ribs cracked, four broken, diaphragm haemorrhaging.
Physical Recovery: Six weeks
Full Psychological Recovery: Six months.
After that combo Brock was sent flying over the top rope eliminating him and I looked to where the gems are and they were in awe.
John Morrison entered and he was showing off.
He instanly went on top off the ropes and jumped on me and kept hitting me in my head. I grabbed him and started slamming him in the floor.
He let go and went to the top rope to jump on me again, but this time I caught him and suplexed him out of the ring eliminating him. The crowd once again went wild.
JBL: This person right here has what it takes to fight multiple guys single handed.
Corey Grave: I couldn't agree with you more.
Then in ten seconds another wrestler will enter and fight. And that wrestler was Kofi Kingston.
I was about to give him a hook when he ducked and kept on hitting me with his punches. I blocked my gem so it doesn't get damaged and I saw the chance to hit him.
I gave him a left hook and grabbed him and threw him towards the ropes and kicked him in the head making him unconscious. As his unconscious body lays, the counter hit zero and the wrestler that entered was Rey Mysterio.
He went inside the ring and I was about to punch him when he kicked me in the midsection making me immobilized with pain. He ran across the ring to build up enough momentum for an attack.
He went in front of me and I was about to broad kick him when he slided down and punched me in the back of my head stunning me. I was on the vision is ears are ringing...I am feeling pain in my abdomen...and in that crowd I saw Amethyst....cheering for me....shouting at me to stand up and fight.
I smiled and got up when I was about to get splashed by a somersault. I quickly shook the blurriness of my eyes and Mysterio was about to hit me when I parried his attack. Another attempt to hit me I parried it, then another one, and another one, I evaded the last one and pulled my arm back for a devastating clothesline.
And when I delivered it, Rey Mysterio was launched a few feet back and was on the ground taking a breathe.
Corey Graves: Ok I have to say that he is one of the most brutal and greatest fighter I have seen.
The crowd went wild and the timer once again hit zero. And this wrestler is named Big E
He then pulled Kofi and Rey out of the ring and told them to takd him on together and eliminate me. I smiled and taunted them. Then they all got inside the ring at the same time and started hitting me with barrages of punches. I had my hands over my head. Then I felt immense pain in my chest. They hit my gem and it fucking hurts like hell. Good thing it isn't cracked.
Then I was backed up against the ropes and Rey gave me a 619. Then Big E pulled me into a corner and went to the other side and rammed me. Kofi knelt down to boost Rey for a flying attack but I caught him and power bombed him. I ran to Big E and clotheslined him.
I grabbed Kofi amd Rey Mysterio and slammed their heads together and they fell to the ground. I looked back to Big E anf he was about to kick me but I caught his leg twisted it and elbowed it making him scream in pain.
I went on top of him and started to punch him. As every collision of my fist connects with Big E, the crowd keeps on cheering and it keeps getting louder and louder.
I decided to stop and he was on the ground panting heavily. I lifted both Big E and Rey Mysterio and chokeslammed them on the ropes and they went over it.
I then grabbed Kofi by the hair and lifted him and threw him off the ring eliminating him as the crowed started cheering again.
JBL: Look at him he even man handled three champions at the same time!
I pumped up my hands and the crowd cheered. The timer then hit zero and Cesaro showed up.
Timeskip since my hands hurts like hell.
I was panting heavily as there are more wrestlers that were inside the ring. I have eliminated Elias, Erick Rowan, Brock Lesnar, John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio, Big E, Cesaro.
Then Nakamura came along and kept on he kept on kicking me in the gut and kicked me in the head. But I caught him and threw him off the ring resulting in his elimination when he was about to give me a pant kick.
When MVP came he almost eliminated me, I quickly got back inside the ring. He attempted to give me a punch but I caught it but I was faced with a nose breaking headbutt. He's a good fighter......but not good enough. I threw him off the ring and I eliminated over 10 wrestler and the crowd is getting hyped.
Timskip again
I now have eliminated a total of 16 wrestlers. That's a new record, the one that held the title was Braun Strowman. He was a pain in the ass when we fought. He kept punching me in the face and kept on attempting to throw me off the ropes, along with Ricochet, Drew, Miz, and AJ Styles they were a big pain. Countless times they tried to eliminate me. Drew was the one that almost eliminated me. I like Drew, he's such a great fighter.
I eliminated all of them except for Drew and then Dolph Ziggler and Karl Anderson came in as soon as I eliminated the other four that came here before them.
I was on the ground heavily panting and taking my time to catch my breathe like Undertaker does. Then I saw the timer at ten. I wonder who the next will be I thought as I stood up. Then as the timer hit zero, and the theme starts playing. I finally knew who it is.........the R-Rated's Edge himself
As I stood up I smiled and screamed in excitement. After nine long years, triple fusion neck surgery. He's back...Edge is back....
As he got inside he delivered viscious spears. I was in the corner as he approached me and he stared at me, exmining me. Then he smiled and offered his hand and I took it and we shook hands. I quickly let go of his hands as I saw that AJ Styles was about to kick him. I caught his leg and started slamming him side to side.
And then Edge delivered a viscous spear to Dolph then he carried Dolph and I carried AJ and we both threw them off the ring same time. We passed each other and gave each other a high five as I was about to throw Karl off the ring
A few wrestlers came and one of them was Randy Orton and we all helped each other. Edge eliminated King Corbin and Matt Riddle, Randy eliminated Luke Gallows and Kevin Owens. I eliminated no one since I am getting tired.
Suddenly Aleister Black entered and kicked me in the face and put me in a lock. I am currently in an anaconda vice and my vision is fading. I stood up and carried Aleister and Randy RKO'ed him. Drew gave him a spear as he was in a corner then he threw Aleister out of the ring.
Then Samoa Joe came in running and the crowd went crazy as hell.
Then he speared Edge and gave him a suplex and did the same thing to Randy. I was about to hit him but he ducked under the attack and gave me a suplex. He was about to put me in a hold but I quickly gave him a headbutt and punched his gut and then his side then his head making him unconscious.
Then Seth Rollins' theme started playing as the timer hits zero. And he brought some company, I was getting ready but I was grabbed from behind and was suplexed by Joe. I went over the ropes and I landed on my feet.
As I looked up I saw Joe smiling and I just gave him a thumbs up as I wipe off the sweat off my face and as I got back to where the others are, I was congratulated by a few people and took a picture with me.
Steven: Y/N that was awesome!
Amethyst: Yeah! You showed Brock who's boss!
Peridot: You were like (*imitates my sweet chin music*) and then (*imitates the uppercut I gave to Erick Rowan*) that was awesome!
Y/N: Thanks guys! It was fun fighting the wrestlers!
As we kept watching the fight go on Drew seems to be the one who has the highest win rate. And at the end I was right, he did won and we started clapping. Then Corey Graves said:
Corey Graves: But this night was made more interesting because of this person right there!
Th camera once again panned towards me and the crowd applaused while I just smiled and shrugged it off.
Michael Cole: You are right Corey! He did make it intersting!
JBL: One of the best fighters I have seen!
Then something else happened. Suddenly the CEO of WWE Vince McMahon entered and the crowd started booing. He had a mic in his hand and started asking where I was. As he kept asking I climbed back to the ring and I was given a mic.
Vince: You fought great kid. You fought great. How about I make an offer?
Y/N: I'm listening.
Vince: How about you fight for me and be a champion?
Y/N: Hmmmmm.....well let me think-No.
Vince: Fight for me and you will br famous, rich, powerful, and a lot of people will like you.
Y/N: A lot of people already likes me for who I am right now thank you very much. I have my friends. And I know what your into. I don't fight for fame, money, glory or title. I fight because I want things to be right. I'm sorry but I can see through your bullshit excuse. You are only going to use me to bring back wwe's former glory. To make more profit again. To have more ratings again. Well its your mistake since Punk did leave WWE because he was already fed up with your shit. So no thanks, I'd rather be with my friends than workibg for a prick like you.
Vince: Your friends? They're more like freaks.
I immediately gave him a punch but he evaded and was about tonkick me in the midsection when I caught his leg and lifted him and slammed him on the floor and threw him off the ring. He is currently at the commentators table backing away when suddenly a theme starts playing and it's the theme....of.......The Best Since Day One......CM Punk
The crowd was even louder than the theme song. He walked in carrying a mic and he climbed the stage as he stood right beside me.
Punk: Well looks like you tried your best Vince. But no avail.
Y/N: Welcome back.
Punk: It's good to be back. Finally someone who actually thinks like me!
Vince: What do you mean?
Punk: It means there really is still some people out there who don't fight for fame and glory. He fight because he wanted to help others. And the way that he stood up for the kid it was like looking at a mirror.
And the crowd started booing
Punk: You don't care but we do!
He is the manifestation of what my mind is thinking. Vince he may not be human, but to me he is just another version of me. No, even better than me. In my whole life he is the first great fighter that only cares about others. And I like him for that. He even knew it and he saw through your lies Vince. And this is a miracle, he is the very being I wanted to see! the one close to a god!
Then the crowd kept on booing at Vince as he goes backstage and me and Punk shook hands. I left the ring and headed back to my friends. It was a great night. I was driving back to Beach City while Peridot is asleep by my side and Amethyst turned into a cat.
Amethyst: Why did you do it?
Y/N: Hm?
Amethyst: Why didn't you accept the offer?
Y/N: Well I knew that he was going to use me as a tool to make WWE great again. But I didn't accept it because I don't need money, I don't need fame, glory, and recognition. I only want people to be happy. I only wanted to be respected, not as a star, but as a person. And when I said that I want other people to be happy that means you too. All of you.
Amethyst: Thanks Y/N. You're the best.
She stretches a bit and slept on my lap as I drove through the silent roads of the cold night. It has been a pleasure WWE but I'd like to go back and stay with my friends...forever.
And Finished
Phew...this is quite a long chapter. How are all of you doing? Is everybody safe from the Coronavirus? Remember to wash your hands thoroughly using soap for twenty seconds? And if y'all are going out make sure to wear a mask. Or better yet don't go out unless you have to buy food. Avoid large crowds and always use alcohol.
Saty safe everyone and pray that things will get better. This is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.
Mcfly signing off
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