Chapter 27: Navy?

Your POV

Me, Garnet and Steven were watching the stars and waiting for shooting stars  and making a wish. This is actually nice. Very nice. just seeing a ball of gas and making a wish is pretty nice.

Steven: Ooh! There's one! Garnet, you gotta make a wish!

Garnet: All right.

Steven: Close your eyes!

Garnet: (*closes her eyes under her visor*)

Steven: All of them.

Garnet: Ok, ok.

Steven: Now make your wish. But don't tell me what it is. *pauses for a bit, and whispers* Garnet, what did you wish for?

Garnet: I wished... for another shooting star so that you could make a wish.

Steven:  Oh my gosh.

At the same moment we saw a red shooting star. Huh, it's red. Wait a second is it....screaming?

Steven: Garnet! It worked!

Y/N: that a star?

Steven: Hey is that star....screaming?

Y/N: Yes. It is.

Then the "star" crashed in the sand making the surrounding sand turn into glass because of the heat. When we got there we saw....a ruby. she had her gem in her navel.

Steven: It's Navy!

Garnet: That's a Ruby.

Y/N: Don't you remember. He gave them all names. And this Ruby is called Navy since she had her gem on her navel.

Garnet: Oh, I finally get it.

Then Navy climbed out of the hole and jumped to where we were. I caught her and I was carrying her like a baby.

For some reason she has a pleading look on her face. And when we made eye contact she immediately looked away with a blush on her face.

Navy: Oh please! Oh please! Don't make me go back to Homeworld! Oh, I wanna stay here with you.

Garnet: a suprise.

Y/N: Actually to me it isn't. Since Homeworld shatters Rubies that came back from a failed mission so yeah. It's not that much of a surprise that she wants to stay here with us. (* I put her down*)

Steven: You... wanna live on Earth?

Navy: Yeah. All the other Rubies are mean to me. I just want to be somewhere where I can be myself.

Steven: You're not mad at us from before?

Navy: What do you mean?

Steven: You know, about tricking you into playing baseball?

Navy: That was fun!

Steven: Or, when Amethyst pretended to be Jasper?

Navy: I've got to admit, that was pretty clever.

Steven: Or when we blasted you all out into space and stole your ship so you'd be stranded forever?

Navy: Well, we were fighting so it's understandable.

Garnet: I don't know about this. She tried to stab you in space.

Steven: That was Eyeball . This is Navy. She... always seemed really nice, actually.

Navy: Hey thanks.

Steven: And you know, a Ruby falling from the sky, discovering this beautiful world. Sounds a lot like a you told me once.

Garnet: *blushes* Oh stop!

Steven: Let me take it from here! I know exactly where she'll fit in.

Garnet: All right, Steven Universe. Go work your magic.

Steven: Ok. Let's start with Painite. Navy meet Painite. Painite meet Navy.

I knelt down to her level and she held her hand out.

Navy: H-hi. It's nice to m-meet you. (*blushes*)

Y/N: (*chuckles*) Nice to meet you too Navy. Welcome to Earth.

We then headed for the temple while Navy was just walking right behind me. We went up the warp pad and activated it taking us to the barn where Peridot and Lapis are. Suddenly Pumpkin ran towards me and I just chuckled and carried him. She's such a cute pumpkin.

Peridot: Finally! There's a star to wish on. *points to the rising sun*

Steven: Peridot! Lapis!

Lapis/Peridot: Steven!

Then Pumpkin jumped onto Steven catching her in his arms.

Steven: And Pumpkin. I can't forget about you.

Peridot: Well well, back again. You should just move in with us at this point.

Steven: Actually, maybe not me. But I know someone else who might be interested.

Y/N: Peridot, Lapis, Pumpkin. Meet Navy.

Navy: *walks out of the corn field* Hi! I'm Navy, a refugee from Homeworld. Just like you guys. *giggles*

After she made her appearance Peridot and Lapis stares at Navy in shock and revolt respectively. She can live here since there aren't any more spaces back in the  temple.

Peridot: So uhh... when did you show up on Earth?

Navy: Today.

Peridot: *excitedly* New barnie!

Lapis: What?! No! Hold on. Can we... talk about this first?

Peridot: Yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah. Of course. I love talking.

Y/N: Awww. I thought you love me?

After that Peridot blushed and Lapis summoned a water bubble encasing navy and sending her away.

Lapis: Steven, this makes no sense. Why would she wanna live here? We've been awful to her. She must hate us.

Steven: She doesn't, though. Give her a chance. She's on our side now.

Peridot: Just like that? Wow.

Lapis: There's no way!

Steven: Well, you guys wanted to start a new life here too. It can totally happen.

Lapis: Even if she wants to be here, she doesn't know what she's getting into. Life on Earth is really confusing. It took me a long time to get used to it. I'm still getting used to it.

Steven: Hmmmmmm....

Peridot: But! We can show her the way. I mean, we've been through the wringer on all this stuff. It'd be cool to share what we've learned. And, you know, I think we'll be really good at it.

Y/N: Yeah at least give her a shot.

Lapis: Ok... Ok. I'll give it a try. But we'll have to take it slow.

Peridot: Yeah!

Steven:  This will be great! I just know it!

I just smiled and looked back to Navy still encased in the bubble. Lapis used her powers to disperse the bubble and Navy landed on the dirt.

Navy: Thank you.

Peridot starts lecturing Navy by using a chalkboard while I just watch the progress.

Peridot: So you're an Earthling. But what does that mean? Well, the answer is... (Lapis flips the board, revealing a drawing of a shrugging alien.) Who knows?! *chuckles* And that's the beauty of Earth. Nothing here makes sense, but that's why you have us now.

Lapis: It might be hard to like Earth at first. It is where, a bunch of bad stuff happened.

Navy: I love it! It's so... sunny.

Peridot: Ah, yes! The sun! Ever burning. Until it's not.

Lapis: This planet has weather, which can be confusing and alarming. It's sunny now, but it can always rain later.

Navy: What is... rain?

Lapis: It's like- Oh wait! I can just show you.

Lapis used her powers again and made a bubble over our head, then the bubble started dripping simulating a rain.

I Just smiled as I watched the the young Hybrid and the Ruby have fun under the mini rain.

Lapis: I know it's a bit strange, but-

Navy: *squealing* Oh ah ha ha, the sky is crying!

Steven: She likes it! Navy likes it!

Navy: Oh, a planet that's not always sunny. It's almost like, it's always... changing! Oh-ho-ho! It's so beautiful!

Y/N: She's already getting the hang of it!

Steven: Yeah! Exactly!

Peridot: Wow! That's like... chapter ninety-seven of Earth stuff! *levitates an umbrella over her and Lapis* Looks like we have an advanced student on our hands.

Lapis: *annoyed* Yeah. No kidding.

After a few more lectures later we gave Navy a tour around the barn. She keeps looking at all the meep morps that both Lapis and Peridot made. But the one she liked the most is the painting of Peridot that I made.

Peridot: This is our... Gem Cave. Lapis hates it when I call it that. So I don't. The barn's pretty big so you can have one of the corners. *chuckles* Make it your own.

Navy: That sounds so nice. Any corner would be lovely.

Steven: You should have a look around.

Y/N: I'll show you. Come on.

Then she followed me and she inspects the toilets. Where did they even get these stuff? When she saw the hammock she curiously approached it.

Navy: Ooohh. What's this for?

Peridot: That's a hammock. It's a bed you fall out of.

Lapis: It's where I like to sleep. I don't have to do it, but I like to do it. You know, turn off for a bit and-

Peridot: Snore! Like this! *pretends to sleep and snores loudly, and Lapis blushes* Snore!

Navy: Wow! Sounds groovy! How do I start?

Lapis: That one is really hard to explain. You lie down somewhere and close your eyes. And think about nothing, or everything. But it may take you a little while feel comfortable enough to-

Suddenly Navy laid on the floor and slept and started snoring. Seeing her sleep in a cute position I smiled. While Lapis on the other hand starts to look more annoyed.

Lapis: *annoyed* Looks like you've got it.

After that we showed Navy in the farmland. She even loves nature.

Peridot: And here is our organic Earth farm. The ground around here is teeming with resources which feed the growing crops around us. Don't bother talking to the corn. It can't hear you. 

Lapis: Plants may seem strange to you at first. But don't worry, you don't have to love everything right away.

Navy:  I love plants! *throws carrots in the air* Ooohh.

Y/N: Cute!

Lapis: *slightly irritated* Well, what about Pumpkin? Do you love Pumpkin too? *picks up Pumpkin*

Navy: *cheery* I! Love! Pumpkin! *leaps over, and Pumpkin licks her face*

Steven: Ewwww Pumpkin kisses *laughs*

Lapis: *gets annoyed* Well, what about dirt? Do you love the dirt too?

Navy: What's dirt?

I gave her a tap on the shoulder and she looked at me and I pointed to the ground. But she is acting weird, it's kind of like she's....faking it.

Navy: Ah! I do love the dirt!

Navy begins rolling on the ground, laughing. Steven and Peridot joins in the rolling too. While I just look at Navy with a curious look. Something's off. And I just noticed it now. 

Lapis: So, what about us? How do you feel about us?

Navy: You guys are the best! Thank you, thank you. Thank you all for taking me in. *hugs Peridot and Steven* Oh, we're gonna be the best of friends.

Lapis: But we were just enemies! Don't you remember? *gets flustered* Why don't you get mad?!

Navy: I think even if I really tried, that's the one thing I can't do.

Lapis: ..Oh come on! *flies away in anger*

Navy: Did I do something?

Steven: I think it might be more complicated than that. Why don't you stay here and admire more of the plants?

Then both Peridot and Steven chased after Lapis leaving only me and Navy. I looked at her and she feels bad for whatever happened.

Navy: Painite?

Y/N: Yes Navy?

Navy: Did I do something wrong? I feel......bad.

Y/N: You didn't do anything bad Navy. Lapis is's just she had taken so much time to like this planet, while you accept it. Without fear. You embrace it. You didn't do anything wrong.

Then Navy jumped on me and gave me a hug. She looked up and she smiled, the sweetest smile you'll ever see while I hugged her back. When she let go she had an intense blush on her face. Then Peridot, Steven, Lapis finnaly came back and Navy broke the hug and went behind me fearing what they will do to her.

Navy: I-I didn't mean to make anyone upset! Oh! Maybe I just should go!

Steven: Ah...Navy!

Lapis: No, no. It's my problem. I didn't mean to make you feel like you don't belong here.

Y/N: See! I told you.

Peridot: Yeah. You should stay.

Navy: Oh! You guys! I'm so glad! I don't know where I'd go anyway. Can't go anywhere without my ship. That's the only place I ever really belonged anyways. I miss it so much. 

Steven: Navy! We have your ship! It's right over there!

Navy:  You do?

I pointed to the Roaming Eye decorated with a few Christmas lights and potter lights.

Navy: Wow! I didn't even notice it there!

Steven: Maybe you could uh... show us the ropes?

Y/N: I've never piloted a Roaming Eye before so why not?

Navy: *gasps* I would love that.

Timeskip to the Roaming Eye taking to the skies

As the ship kept soaring through the wind I get to learn a few things from Navy. I was right beside a seat that was too small for me so I just held onto it.

Steven: This is perfect! The Crystal Gems finally have a pilot!

Y/N: Hey I'm pilot

Peridot: hings are going ok now, huh?

Lapis: Yeah. Yeah they are.

Navy: Hey Steven. Hit that button behind you and I'll show you what this baby can really do.

Steven: Uh, you mean the one right here?

Navy: Yeah, that's the one!

Steven: I 'm gonna press it!

I then took a quick look at the button he was going to press and i realised what it was. It was an airtight seal button to keep the rubies from flying off into space when there's a stowaway in the ship.

Steven presses the button and the lights in the ship go out. Navy's seat is encased in a light tube and the hatch of the ship open up, causing everybody else fly out and hang onto the edge of the door. I summoned a kusarigama using my War Smith and dug the weapon into the hard metal floor.

Steven: Navy! Hello! Navy! I think something went wrong with the ship!

Navy: The only thing wrong... is that you're still holding on. *laughs*


Steven: Wait. This whole time, all you wanted was your ship? You could've just stolen it to begin with!

Navy: I could have done that, but then I would've never have gotten to see the look on your face, when you were tricked by your favourite little Ruby! *laughs again*

Lapis: What?!

Peridot: Hey! I can't hear what's happening! Is Navy showing us the ocean? 'Cause this is a heck of a way to do it!

Lapis: You dirty little-

Before Lapis attempts to climb back in Navy manoeuvred the ship throwing everyone out except for me. I look up and saw that Navy had a smirk on her face

Y/N: All this time you just wanted your ship. You only cared about yourself.

I started moving towards her and she was about to manoeuvre the ship again but I used the other end of the kusarigama to hit the button. The ship stopped in midair and the hatch closed and the tube encasing Navy was gone. The sudden stop of the ship launched me towards her.....face to face.

Y/N: Did all the things you said about earth was just a lie? The things you said about me? The way you look at me? I know you have something to tell me, spit it out!

Navy: I...............I..I-


I said as I grabbed both of her shoulders. She kept silent for a few seconds while looking at the metal floor. The only thing heard is the ambience of the Roaming Eye's engine. I just stood there in front of her while she still keeps quiet.

Y/N: Tell me!

Navy: What I said was true! All of it! I only needed the ship to find my friends. I-I tricked your friends since they won't just give it to me because of what we did! I only want my friends to be back! They are the only thing I want to have until the end of this universe.

Y/N:.................At least you told me the real reason. I don't like liars and you told me the truth. You can go. Are you going back to Homeworld?

Navy: No, they will shatter me and my friends. I am done doing their work.

Y/N: It's your choice. But remember (* gives her a hug*) Earth will always be open. You can come with your friends anytime.

Then she hugged back and she started crying. 

Y/N: Why are you crying?

Navy: Because after what we did, you still want us to be happy.  (*sob*)Thank you so much. You are the nicest friend a person can have.

Y/N: All gems are important. Including Rubies, including you

I broke the hug and then she took me by surprise. She kissed me on the lips. I melted into the kiss and she was surprised that I didn't break away. I knew that she liked me.I broke the kiss and gave her one last hug. 

Navy: I love you Painite!

Y/N: I know you do. It's so obvious back at the barn. Now go find your friends. Be safe.

Navy: See you later

Y/N: Goodbye.

Then I opened the hatch and I jumped on the water. When I hit the water i quickly ascended, I saw the ship enter hyperspeed and travel to God knows where. See you later Navy. I'll be waiting.

After that I swim towards where Peridot, Steven, and Lapis are. i cloned myself and flew back to shore . As we reached the shore Garnet was holding two balloons. She popped the one that says "Welcome" and kept theone saying "Sorry for your Loss"

Garnet: It was worth a shot.

Y/N: Yeah, it was.

I'll be right here Navy. Earth isn't going anywhere. Goodbye for now. Go find your friends and when you're ready we'll gladly accept you.

And Finished

Another chapter done. I need to study since tomorrow is our final exam. Wish me good luck and I wish I pass the test. This is YoboyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter

Mcfly signing off

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