Chapter 18: Preparing
Your POV
I am in Sector F-56121. I am heading for the camps where the Homeworld military stays. The Peridots calculated the arrival of the natives of the sector.
ETA 30 HOURS. The camp was set up in the Folgan kindergarten.
Yesterday it was reclaimed....but at great cost. 5,000 gems were sent and only 1,500 came back damaged, 2,500 are missing. And 1,000 were confirmed shattered. The organics of this sector are non other.........than theTyphons. Gemkind has feared the Typhons for centuries.
I was heading to the camps with the Diamonds. Even White Diamond herself came too. The Diamonds arrived in their respected Palanquins. I am in White's Palanquin on my normal size.
The Palanquin itself was bigger than Steven's beach house. As we arrived. Thousands of Jaspers, Amethysts,Carnelians, Topazes, can be seen. Including hundreds of Lapis Lazulis and Citrine Guards. We arrived and we could hear murmurs outside.
White Diamond: Sapphire, of all the gems here in this camp, how many will survive?
Sapphire: Out of 800,000 gems. Only..........5,000 will return. My Diamond.
White Diamond: Thank you Sapphire you may leave.
Sapphire: (*salutes*) Thank you, My Diamond.
Sapphire walked out leaving only White, her Pearl, and myself alone. She suddenly stood up and looked through her window. She stared at it for a few seconds then she made her way back to her seat. My eyes widened when I saw a tear falling from her eyes. I ran outside to see if Blue was crying. But she isn't. I slowly turned around and saw that she had her hands on her mouth. I can't believe it.
The most powerful matriarch of the Diamond Authority is in a state that no gem has lived to tell. I then shapeshifted into my largest size. I went closer to her and slightly bent down. She suddenly spreaded her arms and jumped on me.
Then I was kneeling down with White hanging onto me and crying on my chest.
Y/N: White, what's the matter?
White Diamond: Everything Painite. (*sob*) This colony, the entire empire, the Gemkind and the gems just outside this Palanquin. If only few combatants are left we don't stand a chance against the Typhons. Even if only one Typhon reached Homeworld again. It can multiply itself to large numbers. I'm scared Painite (*sob*) I'm scared to lose the empire. For the gemkind to perish.
I then stood up while she was still crying on my chest.
Y/N: Then let's finish this. Here and now. Make sure no Typhon survives
White Diamond: But we're out numbered. And even if we did eradicate the Typhons. It will come with a price. Thousands of gems will be shattered serving us.
I then pulled her into a hug and said:
Y/N: Back on Earth, I read a story from Rome.
White Diamond: Rome? What is it?
Y/N: It was one of the most powerful empire like this and one of the largest empires known to Earth.
White Diamond: Does it still stand today?
Y/N: The city? Yes
The citizens and leaders? No
White Diamond: That's a shame
Y/N: It is. There was a human male, a brave warrior willing to do anything for the good cause. He is Horatius. He was holding off an army on the bridge connected to Rome.
White Diamond: He sounds great.
Y/N: He is. Then he said while holding off the army: "How can a man die better while serving under his gods"
White Diamond: He is a wise human.
Y/N: He is.
White Diamond: What does it mean?
Y/N: What?
White Diamond: What he said, what does it mean?
Y/N: It means it is better to die doing what it means for the greater good. It is better to die while serving under the Authority knowing that your sacrifice is for the good cause.
Sacrificing one life is worth saving millions.
She then looked at me and she cupped her hands on my cheek and she just smiled.
White Diamond: We are really lucky to have you, Painite.
I then broke the hug and proceeded to go outside. Suddenly I heard a gasp. It was White's Sapphire. I saw her running back inside the Palanquin.
White Diamond's POV
I finally calmed down and went back to my seat. But I still feel sorry for the gems who will be shattered. Then suddenly Sapphire came inside tha Palanquin.
Sapphire: MY DIAMOND!!! I have news!!!
White Diamond: What is it Sapphire?
Sapphire: My vision, it changed.
From endless agony to a sign of hope.
My eyes suddenly widened. I stood up from my seat and walked out of the Palanquin. Then I saw Yellow giving a speech with Blue and Painite beside her. Then I turned my attention to the combatants. Thay had fear in their eyes. Suddenly one gem objected about the idea of fivhting the Typhons, and then all of the combatants are protesting. I then made my way beside Yellow.
Your POV
I was still in my largest size just right beside a worried Yellow. Right now combatants are protesting. I heard one of the gems saying:
Gem 1: You can't let us fight these things.
Gem 2: Yeah, you know what these things can do.
Yellow Diamond: Yes we can and we will.
Blue Diamond: Please everyone we have to do this. This is for the sake of the colony. Or better yet the whole Gemkind.
Gem 3: You don't care about us, you only care about yourselves.
White Diamonf: How dare you speak those words? You will be shattered for this.
Gem 1: Oh yeah, then do it.
At this very moment, Blue was crying and Yellow is trying to comfort her. While White is still arguing with the combatants.
I couldn't take it anymore so I made my way beside White.
For some reason, my voice became demonic and it sounded like it had multiple individuals.
Everything went silent. I turned my attention to White and noticed that she was on the verge of tears again.
I told her to go with Yellow and Blue while I am the one who will convimce the combatants.
Gem 1: You can't tell us what to do.
Gem 2: You don't have the authority to do so.
Gem 3: If the Diamonds can't convince us, what makes you think you can-
Whoops. My voice bacame demonic again and everything went silent for ten seconds.
Y/N: How dare you speak to the Diamonds like that? (*sigh*)
Look.....I know that you're scared of the threat we're going to face. But we have to fight them. It is for the sake of the survival of the Gemkind. You will die yes. But your name will be known for centuries because of your sacrifices, us Gemkind has suvived. Do this for your friends....your leaders.......your home......and especially yourself.
The whole camp went silent for a moment. Then the three gems who were protesting came up and kneeled.
Gem 1: We're sorry for our arrogance.
Gem 2: We didn't mean to do it.
Gem 3: We understand if you have to shatter us.
Y/N: WOAH!!! Ok no one is getting shattered. I understand you were scared.
White Diamond: I'll let you pass off this time.
Gem 1, 2, 3: Thank you. My Diamond
As they got back to the crowd, Yellow came to me.
Yellow Diamond: Tell me Painite, how do we defeat the Typhons?
Y/N: Well, one word Yellow:
Strategy. The Battle of Thermopylae. I found out the strategy on Earth on how the Spartans held off the Persian army for three days.
Blue Diamond: Three days? Even an army Jasper couldn't do that.
How do they do that?
Y/N: They would keep reserves of rejuvenated soldiers. Because if the first division of the Spartans are tired. They would shift into the rejuvenated soldiers. They also had the advantage of the surroundings. They were fighting on the beach and beside a cliff. If we just keep the fight between the two cliffs here in the Kindergarten, we can win this.
Yellow Diamond: That's ridiculous.........actually, that might work.
Blue Diamond: What about while we are changing division? Won't the Typhons attack while we are changing?
Y/N: And that Blue, is where the Lapis Lazuli's come in. They keep the Typhons abay while we are changing.
Yellow Diamond: But we are still short of combatants who uses spears.
Y/N: Got it covered.
Then, I closed my eyes and I focused my mind. Everything around me fell silent and went dark, then I opened my eyes and I snapped my fingers.
The entire camp fell silent, but then, loud marching can be heared. All of the combatants looked to where it was coming from and they was my clones. There was about 100,000 of them, all heavily armored, using shields and 8ft spears. All of my clones went to formation in front of the combatants and the Diamonds.
Y/N: I have an army of my own.
White Diamond: What happens when the formation breaks?
Y/N: We scatter and kill every Typhon we see. It will be genocide.
White Diamond: For the sake of the empire, it has to be done.
The gems went back to the camp. My clones went with the other gems to the camps. I saw one of the gems run up to one of my clones asking something.
Yellow and Blue went to their Palanquins and I went inside White's.
As I got in I felt a pair of lips against mine. It was White. She kissed me. Oh my Stars she kissed me. She broke off the kiss and she was blushing a shade of pink.
White Diamond: F-forgive me. It's just.......those were the words that I wanted to hear. You have a decent plan and you convinced the combatants.
Y/N: It''s fine. You just took me by suprise. Oh shoot I have to go.
Before I left I kissed White back. And she was suprised by this. I broke the kiss and saw that White is blushing a deeper shade of pink. Then she was surrounded by a pink aura.
As I went outside I left White to herself.
White Diamond: (*sigh*) I really am in love with him.
Back to you and Timeskip
A day has passed and we were still preparing. I was in my largest size and I was walking towards where the Peridot's ships are to get the situation report. As I reached the ship almost all Peridots are looking at me, and at the left side I spotted Taylor.
She just waved at me and I waved back. I then made my way near the center.
Y/N: Who's the manager here?
No one answered until a commanding voice boomed.
???: I am. who's asking Clod?
After that insult all of the Peridots began to sweatdrop. Either that they're manager is a jerk or I got insulted. After she revealed herself. It was the same Peridot manager with the advanced limb enhancers.
She took a second to look at me. And when she finally recognized me she began to sweatdrop.
Y/N: Easy there, you gotta lay off the insults. It's gonna get you shattered.
Manager: N-noted. F-forgive me, My Painite.
Y/N: me only by my name.
Manager: As you wish, My Pai-I mean, Painite.
Y/N: Ok, since that's out of the way. Can you give me the ETA of the Typhons?
Manager: R-right. Estimation of the arrival of the Typhons......uuuuuuuhhhhmm........
Y/N: It's alright take your time. I don't rush people, it' mistakes are made.
Manager:...........ETA 5 hours. Anything else?
Y/N: Are there any other entrance to the Kindergarten?
Manager: None. The terrain surrounding the Kindergarten is way too rough, the Typhons can't go through there.
Y/N: Great, we keep the fight between the trench. Thank you so much.
I was about to leave and talk to Yellow and Blue. But before I could leave, I felt something tug my foot. It was Taylor.
I shapeshifted into my normal size.
Y/N: Yes?
Taylor: A-are you sure you want to fight them?
Y/N:.........(*sigh*) I have to fight. I need to fight to keep you safe. All of you safe. And don't worry, I won't get shattered.
She then gave me a peck on the cheek and she blushed.
Taylor: You better not, you dolt.
I just smiled and I kissed her back. She blushed even harder and as she got back she got a few teases from other Peridots. I shapeshifted back into my largest size. I then walked out and continued to where Yellow and Blue are.
Yellow Diamond: Hello Painite, where have you been?
Y/N: At the Peridot's. I asked for the ETA of the Typhons. They'll arrive in 5 Hours.
Blue Diamond: Checking the situation is a smart way to win a war. Good job, Painite.
Y/N: Don't mention it.
I then looked in the direction where one of my clones were surrounded by gems. Listenung to what he says.
Y/N: Uuuuuuuuuhhhhh.........what's he doing?
Yellow Diamond: He's telling the stories about the time you fought to take back the colonies. And some information about you. Since some of the gems don't know who you are.
Blue Diamond: But-
Y/N: Is this what I think it is?
Blue Diamond: Yes, he's also telling them about the funny events you have been through.
I just facepalmed and returned to my normal size and made my way to where the clone is, behind me is Yellow and Blue.
Clone: And he has been stuck like that for six weeks.
Y/N: You better not tell the overheating incident.
Clone: Sorry.....just did.
Amethyst Guard 1: Hehehehe, oh man. It's so funny that you've been stuck like thag for six weeks doing that face.
I turned my head towards the clone and shot a glare.
Y/N: You motherfucker.
Clone: Wait, if I'm a motherfucker.....doesn't that make you one too? AHAHAHAHAHA.
The gems then broke out a laugh. I smiled that I had an idea. I am going to keep the joke going.
Y/N: Ok, you know what? If I were you......which I..sort of am I would shut up.
Then another laugh broke out and Blue just giggled.
Amethyst Guard 2: Oh come on! Let him tell more stories.
Y/N: Uum. Excuse me, but do mind? I'm talkin' to myself here.
Then one final laugh broke out and this time Yellow laughed with them.
Y/N: Ok, you can tell them more stories. Just not the private ones.
Clone: Oh I will.
Y/N: Please don't.
Clone: There was this one time when-
I suddenly summoned my blades and shot the blades towards him. Then he dodged it. It then retracted it back. I ran towards him and he ran away. I started chasing him around the camp while I was shouting:
Y/N: Come back here you piece of shit!!! I don't know why making a clone like you was a good idea.
As we were running around gems were laughing while looking at us admiring our goofiness.
After that I decided to look around, as I was walking around I got a few greets. I then decided to have a look at the entrance. I got there and it was still dark. The darkness covered the whole entrance.
I looked at the horizon and the beautiful stars are up. I kept staring at the sky for a few minutes and then I decided to head back. But before I could leave I was almost met by a spear in the face. I looked at it and a few seconds later it dispersed. Then I looked up to see two Lapis Lazulis.
The other one sent a circular saw towards me. I summoned my blades and shot it towards the wall and launching me away dodging the saw. The other one sent another spear. This time it was an inch closer. Then they both did a synchronized attack.
One of them made the sky rain spears. While I was dodging I another circular saw was headed towards me. I had to choice. I decided to face the saw head on. Then a loud explosion happened, the smoke revealed me catching the circular saw and then it dispersed. Then they just floated there dumbfounded.
???: Wait, you're a gem?
???: Sorry
???: We couldn't see you, it's so dark on where you stand. we thought you were a Typhon.
Y/N: It's ok. Just......come here for a sec.
Then they both flew down and I fot a better view of their features. The one on the right has a curly hair which definitely suits her. And the one on the left had freckles and a hair that looks like a short ponytail.
???: It's him.
???: Wait, that's him? That's Painite?
Y/N: Yeah, why'd you ask?
???: Oh my stars we're so sorry
???: We thought you were a Typhon and we tried to kill you and-
Y/N: Hey hey hey hey hey, calm down it's okay. You didn't mean to do it.
Then the Curly haired one took a step forward and examines me. Then she looked back to the freckled one and just shrugged.
???: We don't know what the other gems see in you.
Y/N: Excuse me?
???: Yeah, you don't look bad, you don't sound bad, you don't do bad either. Insteaf you're very nice.
Y/N: Y-oh....well thank you.
Then there was an awkward silence.
???: Sooooo, what are you doing here?
Y/N: Oh I was just walking around and then I decided to stargaze. What about you? Were you ordered to have a patrol?
???: No
???: We just came here because we want to see the view from here, and you're right. It is nice to stargaze.
Y/N: I know right? How come we don't have this tyoe of thing in homeworld.
Then I looked at the stars again it was even more beautiful than a few minutes ago.
Curly's POV
Oh my Stars. It's actually him. Painite, the one who fought to reclaim overrun colonies. Now that I got a closer look, he's even more attractive in person.
Your POV
I then stopped stargazing and decided that I had things to do. I was about to say goodbye but I didn't catch their names.
Y/N: By the way what are your names?
???: N-name?
???: Uuuuuhhhh...
Y/N: you don't have one?
Then they just looked at each other and looked to the ground dissapointed.
Y/N: Ok, since you don't have names. I'll give you one.
Then they just looked up suprised.
Y/N:Hmmmmmmmmm...............I got it.
Y/N: I'll call you Curly (*points to the Curly haired Lapis*)
Y/N: And you are Freckles (*points to the Freckled Lapis*)
Suddenly I was tackled to the ground by the two Lapis. And they gave me a very painful hug. Geez they're strong.
Freckles: Thank you thank you thank you!!!
Y/N: Ok I appreciate the hug but can you let go? This is getting painful.
Then they let go and stood up very fast. Curly is blushing while holding her left shoulder. And Freckles is blushing while rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly.
Freckles:'s just That we never have been given names before.
Y/N: (*chuckles*) Glad you like it.
I then stood up and dusted myself and I finally regained balance.
Then both Curly and Freckles gave me a peck on the cheek on both sides. Then they flew away blushing really hard. I smiled knowing that they have a crush on me.
I then made my way back to the camp and prepared for the fight. In only a few hours, the fight to reclaim the Folgan and the eraducation of the Typhons will begin.
And Finished
Everyone, I am goin to make a chapter which takes place in the 2 Year Timskip in Steven Universe. Because there is no way that I am going to make a story that has such a large timeskip without knowing what the main character has done during the timeskip. Also this is a great oppurtunity for Painite to discover his
"Portal to Another Dimension" Ability. Can you guess which is it?
???:Ruby cut that out.
???: Awwwww but I want to eat more. C'mon sis.
Author: Oh shit gotta go. Bye
Mcfly signing off
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