Chapter 17: New Life, Old Threat

Author: I am going to give you the intel about the Typhon. I am not talking about Prey.

The Typhons in this story are different.

Appearance: Whatever pleases you.

Weapon: The same retractable claws like Black Panther's but it is embedded in the hands.

Classes: 1-10 Classes

Can multiply itself without mating.

That's the info you needed to know about the Typhons in this story. Thank you for your understanding.

Yellow Diamond's POV

I was inside my chamber taking a rest. It has been two days since Painite had been managing here in homeworld.

He assisted the Peridots in doing a maintenance in my ship and Blue's. He leaded a scouting mission with some of the Rubies to look for another suitable colony. And he help me and Blue managing the Kindergartens. It was a huge help.

I sat there on my chamber bed and thinking of what to do today.

Yellow Diamond: Let's see...check the progress of the Kindergartens, send more scouts to find more suitable colonies, and-

I was interrupted by an alarm and a screen popped up saying.

"Entity Detected Inboud Homeworld"

Then it flashed another sentence saying:

"Specimen Identified:

Name: Typhon

Class: 8

Tally: 1

Threat Level: Very High

Recommend immediate evacuation and full assault on the Typhon.

I saw the warning and I shot up from my bed and ran outside. I was running towards the main hall and White and Blue is already there.

Yellow Diamond: Blue! White! Have you seen the warning?

Blue Diamond: We did. We need to evacuate the gems immediately.

White Diamond: Where's Painite? He should be here. This is a matter of life and death.

Then all of us heard loud steps running towards the door. The Typhon is already here? As it went nearer, and the steps becoming louder. It opened the door revealing......Painite? He's as big as White. No......even taller than White by 4 feet.

Y/N: Yellow! Blue! White! What's happening?

White Diamond: An invasion. There is an Class 8 Typhon. A large one too. We need to

We then went to the main balcony where we announce to the gems. As we got outside millions of gems are talking about what is happening.

Your POV

White is trying to get the attention and the gems won't pay attention. This kept going for five minutes and I was already losing my patience. The Typhon is getting closer by the minute and they still won't listen.

White Diamond: Excuse me? Hello? Everyone-

Y/N: White it's no use. Let me talk to them

Then White nodded and let me speak.

Y/N: Everyone? Hello?

They still won't listen and this pissed me off


Everything went silent and they all gave their attention to me.

Y/N: White Diamond has something to say. And you better listen carefully.

Then White went to the mic

White Diamond: Everyone, a Class 8 Typhon is about to enter Homeworld in about an hour. So we need you to evacuate and we must remain calm and head to the nearest shelter you can find.

And suddenly one gem asked a question.

Gem: What happens if the Typhon arrived here?

White Diamond: Painite will be the one who will get rid of the Typhon.

Gem: But what if he-

Y/N: Just go! Now! I'll take care of this.

After that they all went to the underground shelter. Hoping that this will end sooner. I was preparing my self to fight the Typhon.

I was still in my largest size and as I was preparing, White was with me.

White Diamond: Be alert you hear? I don't want you getting hurt.

Y/N: Why are you so concerned all of a sudden?

White Diamond: N-nothing. It's just you are a big help to the empire and we can't afford to lose you.

Y/N: Understood. I have to go.

I was about to leave and I felt something grab my hand. It was White.

White Diamond: Just.......please......return safely.

I was so confused and she took me by suprise. She hugged me, not wanting to be rude I hugged back. As we were still locked with each other I said:

Y/N: Don't worry White. I'll come back in one piece. I promise.

White Diamond: Be safe Painite. We are all counting on you.

I then broke the hug and made my way to where the Typhon will land. I left White to herself.

Suddenly Yellow and Blue came in.

Blue Diamond: Did you tell him yet?

White Diamond: What do you mean?

Yellow Diamond: Ugh, your feelings White. Have you told Painite your feeling yet?

White just blushed a shade of grey as she cups her left hand on her cheek.

White Diamond: N-no. Not yet. But I will tell him. I-I just need time.

Back to you

I was walking towards where the Typhon will land. Strange that White never acted like that before. I paid no mind to it as the Typhon already arrived. I was in my normal size and I only had my wrist blades on my right hand. There was still smoke everywhere. Then I saw a movement........a large one. And as the smokes cleared it revealed............the Typhon.

( Imagine that it's the Typhon that you imagined)

Damn!!! I know that Class 8's are big. But I didn't expect it to be as big as Yellow. The Typhon turned it's attention towards me and tried to squish me like a fly.

Luckily I ran as fast as I could and hid behind a large building. This bought me enough time and I shapeshifted into the same size as Yellow. And then I summoned my wrist blade on my left hand.

Suddenly it's hands went through the wall and it grabbed me. It threw me to another building making it collapse.

I felt pain in my back. It almost slashed me with it's sharp claws. And then I shifted to my gauntlets and hit the Typhon right on the head. I got on top of it and started hitting it's head a few times. 

Then the Typhon eventually caught my hand and slashed my side with it's claws.


I then broke free from the Typhon's grip I puched it in the gut. I gave it a jab, then a right hook and then a left uppercut sending the Typhon flying a few feet back. Then it regained it's balance and rushed to me. I caught both of it's hands and we are on a power struggle. I was clearly losing. Then it roared. An ear piercing roar. Then it quickly moved my hand to the left and let go quickly to sucker punch me.

After that hit, it launched me a few feet back and sent me crashing to an underground shelter. As I stood up I turned around to see.....five Rubies under the shelter along with Amethysts and Topazes.

I looked behind myself and saw the Typhon running towards me. I had to think fast I can't just leave the gems in the shelter unguarded. Then the Rubies spoke:

Ruby Guard 1: It's running towards you!!!

Ruby Guard 2: Move out of the way!

Ruby Guard 3: We can take care of ourselves, now move out of the way.

Ruby Guard 4: Come on!!!

Ruby Guard 5: Are you listening?

Y/N: I can't leave you unguarded.

Ruby Guard 1: Why? We're just Rubies.


Then the Typhon jumped on me and started to slash my back. I paid no attention to the pain. My concern is the gems inside the shelter. I then tried to get the Typhon off but no luck. Suddenly crystal spikes came out of my back impaling the Class 8 Typhon.

And as it let go of me, I gave it another hook sending the Typhon flying again. I looked at my back and I saw very sharp pointed crystal spikes on my back. I focused my mind and the spikes retracted.

Then the Typhon gave another ear piercing roar and started running towatds me again. I then had an idea. If I can summon crystal spikes in my body maybe I can summon one when I pound my fist or foot to the ground.

I wasn't entirely sure wether it will work or not but it's worth a try. As the Typhon is getting nearer, I waited for the right time to do it. As the Typhon got close enough I puched the ground revealing a crystal pillar impaling the Typhon.

The Typhon was immobilized and I shifted to my blades and decapitated the Typhon. I stood there panting and a few seconds has passed the Typhon's body just turned into black dust and faded.

I made my way to the broken shelter and made sure the gems were fine. Then suddenly one of the Rubies cried

Ruby Guard 1: Why? (*sob*) Why are you so desperate in protecting us?

I knelt down so I could reach her.
I then reached my hand towards her and I gently patted her head. And she is holding my giant index finger while she's crying.

Y/N: Why you ask?

Ruby Guard 1: (*sniff*) Y-yes.

I then shapeshifted back to my normal size. This time the Ruby was resting on my palm while crying.

Y/N: Because I care.

She then kept crying while resting against my palm. She cried knowing that someone actually care about them.
Suddenly she gave me a hug and the other Rubies joined in too. Other gems are touched because of what we are doing.

I then looked at the damage done outside.

Y/N: Oh boy. Looks like were gonna need repairs.

Ruby Guard 1: Well it's your fault.

Y/N: Excuse me? How is it my fault that I fought the Typhon to save your lives?

Ruby Guard 1: Ehehehehe.......uhhhhmm.....

Y/N: Hey I'm kidding. Ok, I have to go and check the situation. See you guys later.

I then went to the Peridots for a situation report and as I got there, I saw Taylor.

Y/N: Taylor?

Taylor: Painite?

We then run towards each other and we hugged.

Taylor: I missed you so much.

Y/N: Hey, I've been gone for only two days and you already miss me?

Taylor: It's lonely that I don't get to see my boyfriend you know.

I gave her a kiss and she just blushed.

Y/N: Well I'm happy to see you too. What are you doing here? I thought that you are supposed to be at the zoo doing maintenance.

Taylor: Well, after we got rid of the Typhon. My manager reported the recent events to Yellow Diamond. Including the time we fought the Class 3. So Yellow Diamond decided to promote me to do maintenance around Homeworld.

Y/N: That's awesome! Oh and can you tell me the situation report?

Taylor: Sure. What do you need?

Y/N: Are there any casualties in the attack?

Taylor: Calculating...........None so far.

Y/N: (*sighs in relief*) Thank the Stars.  What about the Typhon? Is there another one?

Taylor: No. There are none so far.

Y/N: Great. Now I can take a rest. Bye Taylor.

I gave her a gentle kiss on her gem and went to the main hall where Yellow, Blue, and White are. And then I shapeshifted into my largest size. As I got there White ran towards me and hugged me very tight.

White Diamond: Oh Painite, I'm so glad you're safe.

Y/N: (*in pain*)Ok that's sweet but........this is getting........painful.

White Diamond: Oh my Stars I'm so sorry.

She then let go of me and it was getting less painful. I looked to see White that she is blushing a shade of grey. She is acting very odd these days.

Y/N: Ok, I got the sit rep. And there are no casualties in the attack and no Typhons are detected inbound Homeworld.

White Diamond: Excellent, take a rest Painite. You deserve it.

Suddenly a Peridot came inside the hall. Her limb enhancers are more.........advanced. Must be another manager.

After she took a few gasps for air. She immediately saluted.

Manager: My Diamond, the Folgan Kindergarten is overrun by Typhons.

White Diamond: Folgan? Isn't that F-56121? The Typhon's home planet?

Y/N: Yes. It is.

Yellow Diamond: We'll send 5,000 combatants to fight the Typhons. Thank you Peridot.

The manager then saluted and went outside we were left the main hall.

White Diamond: Return to your chambers, Painite. You deserve to rest.

Y/N: Thank you White. I'll see you three in 8 hours.

I then left the room and proceeded to my chambers as I was walking back I bumped into someone.

???: Oh my Stars, I am so sorry.

Y/N: It's okay it's my-'s you.

I finally recognized the face. It was the same Ruby earlier along with the other four.

Y/N: Hi Ruby.

Ruby Guard 1: H-hello

Y/N: I didn't see you there. Are you ok?

Ruby Guard 1: Y-yes. O-oh by the way. We have to ask you something.

Y/N: Ok, hit it.

Ruby Guard 1: D-do you really c-care about us?

Y/N:  Of course I do, Ruby. A lot of gems ask me why I care about others. I may have been mistreated, but that doesn't mean I do it to others. Besides, who would bully such cute gems.

My compliment made all the Rubies blush. I knew that they were flattered because where thy were standing was now on fire. And then they gave me a hug. They thanked me that someone actually cares about them

After that I left and said my goodbyes to them. And I reached my chamber. And then I thought about the Folgan being overrun.

I knew matter how many things I have finished........I will always have something to do.

And I believe that the 5,000 gems won't be enough. There will be a big fight.......I can feel it.

And finished

Thank you so much for the 30 K reads. And I really appreciate that I have over a hundred followers. Stay tuned for the next chapter. This is YoBoyMcfly and I will see you all in the next chapter.

Mcfly Signing off

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