Chapter 100: A Chance
Man, I love this song. Armstrong is one of the best Villains out there, don't change my mind.
Your POV
I was in my ship, talking to the Diamonds through the Dimensional Communicator. It's currently midnight still and everyone was asleep, except for my troops of course. All three Diamonds can be seen in the screen and we just kept talking for hours...I miss them, so so much.
Y/N: How are things back home? H-how are you? How are all of you?
White Diamond: We're fine, Y/N. All of us are. We took over some of your duties until you return.
Y/N: *sigh* That's good to hear.
White Diamond: When will you be able to return?
Y/N: It won't be long, I promise, love. Don't worry.
Yellow Diamond: You better come back, Y/N! Or I won't forgive you!
Y/N: I will...but there's...something I'd like to ask...
White Diamond: What is it?
Y/N: Did you really have to make another Painite?
White Diamond: Why yes! Do you like her? She's very energetic is she not?
Y/N: White, I feel like I'm being fucking replaced.
White Diamond: W-what?
Y/N: She can do what I do, White. She has War Smith, she has Crystal Pillars and Petrification Ability, which I HAVE. And she has wings! The most noticeable part has to be the wings!
Blue Diamond: Y/N, sweetie, calm down. The reason why we made her is so you...can finally have someone you can relate to.
Y/N: Then...then why does it feel like I'm the copy of her? Your original plans were to make a Female Painite in the first place, and I'm just an that you had what you want...I feel like I'm a defective.
White Diamond: Y/N, sweetheart, you're not an accident, nor would we ever replace you. We love you, Y/N. And we'll do everything to keep you happy, because we know you'll do the same to us.
Y/N: I.....*sigh* I have to go. I still have some things to do. I'll talk to you later.
White Diamond: Goodbye, my love. Stay safe.
I gently smiled as I cut off the connection. I sat back on my chair and I rubbed my temples. I stood from my chair and walked out of the cockpit and was about to head into my quarters when I suddenly heard sobbing in the other room. I investigated it and I opened the door, and saw...Painite....she was the one who's crying? She looked up and she noticed me.
Painite: O-oh! Sir! Y-you're here. *sniff* I-I was just-
Y/N: Were you listening on our conversation just now? Is that why you're crying?
She stood up and she wiped away her tears and she recomposed herself.
Painite: Look I'm...I-I'm sorry t-that I *sniff* made you feel that way. I-I'll stay out of your way if you want to-
I cut her off by walking closer to her and wrapping my arms around her, widening her eyes, with tears still in them.
Y/N: Me and the Diamonds talked it's fine.
Painite: B-but what about what you said? A-about you feeling replaced when I came? I-isn't that what you said?
Y/N: I know what I said. But what I said is my problem. Look, you're a nice person, I know. But if someone hates or dislikes you for your mistakes or flaws, then that's their problem...
Painite: Do...d-do you hate me?
Y/N: No...I don't hate you. Nor will I ever wish harm upon you. Besides...
I gently held her by the shoulder and I looked at her and she looked back, she was still sniffling and teary eyed, I wiped away her tears and I smiled softly.
Y/N: It's good to see someone who's the same as me. Because it reminds me that I'm never truly alone in this universe. Or universes in this case.
She let out a laugh and she wiped away her remaining tears. She looked back up at me and she smiled.
Painite: That's very kind of you to look at me like that. Thank you.
Y/N: For what?
Painite: For treating me like a person...unlike back in Homeworld. Ugh. They keep nagging me and say that I'm just a knock off of you.
Y/N: *groan* Tell me about it.
She let out a cute laugh while I just looked at her. I then let go of her and she smiled at me.
Painite: Thanks again. I feel so much better now that I know that I'm not making you feel bad or anything.
Y/N: No problem! Just come to me when you need help, Painite. Damn, it feels so weird that I keep saying my name since it's what I was called back then.
Painite: How about you call me...Vana?
Y/N: Huh. Gemnetic for "Beauty"...I like it. Fits your description.
She let out a giggle while I just smiled.
Vana: You're a nice person yourself, sir Y/N.
Y/N: Please, just Y/N is enough.
Painite: Well then, Y/N. I will leave you to yourself now-
Suddenly I heard an explosion at the distance, and it shook the entire city. I hit against the wall while Vana hit the floor. I pried myself away from the wall and I groaned.
Vana: What the heck was that?!
Y/N: The sounded like the Northern Wall of Vale! Come on! We gotta go!
I pulled Vana back up to her feet and she recomposed herself. I ran to the nearest elevator and Vana followed me. We went to the lowest floor of the ship and we ran to the ramp and we lowered it down, and both of us summoned our wings and we flew to the Northern Coast of Vale. Something tells me that this ain't just an ordinary Grimm we'll be fighting.
Change Scene; Outskirts of Vale
We arrived just on top of the wall and we saw...Grimm. Hundreds...if not, hundreds of thousands, Hell even millions of Grimm. Beowoulves, Nevermores, Deathstalker, Leviathans and Grimm Dragons were there's in fact all types of Grimm were ther. There were even new types of Grimm, and some that were thought to be extinct, The Typhoon Behemoth that was only thought to be a legend.
And lastly...Salem herself. She was there, ordering the Grimm for one last assault on Vale. She's sick and tired of these games, mad she wants to end it. Now. I looked behind me and I saw Bullheads coming close to the walls, even Rebel!Rebel itself was there too. Emma's ship landed outside the walls and 5he ramps went down and the Astartes, the Custodes and Dreadnoughts came out and are at the ready to fight and die.
I then jumped down from the wall and Vana followed. We saw Emma and Amazonite walking towards us and Emma had her sword out and itching for a fight. I then turned back to the Grimm army, not just 500 yards away from us. Hunters and Huntresses were showing up left and right, Atlesian Knights moving in, Atlesian Marauders were there too, Hell even Ironwood and Winter was there.
I saw another Bullhead and the sides opened up to reveal team RWBY. Ruby used her Semblance to jump off of the Bullhead, Yang used her flames to propel herself down to the ground and land right next to me, Blake used her Gambol Shroud to lower herself and Weiss used glyphs to soften her fall. And followed Team JNPR and CFVY, all students in Beacon were there. Even Cardin's gang was there.
Y/N: I was thinking you'd chickened out.
Cardin: Hell no. This place is my home too, and I'm gonna fight for it...I got nothing left to loose, right? Might as well do something with my last moments.
I just smiled as I then looked back to the army of Grimm in front of us. I saw Winter, Glynda, Grow, Ironwood and Ozpin walk towards me. The teachers were there too to join the fight as well.
Y/N: This is it...if we win'll finally achieve the one goal you've been fighting for...
Ozpin: And that is?
I smiled and I turned to Ozpin.
Y/N: Salvation...of this world.
I turned to my army and I went in front of the Astartes, the Custodes and the Dreadnoughts standing with all their might, their fears removed and thirst for fighting remains unquenched.
Y/N: It's an see you all here. Fighting for a world we barely even know...yet very eager to save it. We stand here today and together, we fight for the Gemkind...and the Human race. ALL of the Human Race. As your leader, I will fight alongside with all of you...because there is no way that I will stay behind the lines and see you all die while I do nothing. Kings and Emperors declare war but it is the soldiers who must fight and die....well I am to put a stop to that. Today...we fight for the survival and safety of this planet. We may lose one of our own...maybe even lose a part of ourselves...but if it's the right thing to do...then we will do everything to achieve it. As of right now...we are currently facing of what could possibly b3millions of opposition. But we will stay...and we will fight. We WILL win this, and give this world a chance. No questions asked, and we will begin...because she won't wait.
I turned back to the Grimm army and I saw Salem just staring at me, filled with seriousness and anger. I turned back to my army.
Y/N: Remember; We are the Bastions of Homeworld. The Bulwark Against the Terror. We will fight for what's right and we will find a way to win. And if they think we can't? We'll prove them wrong. That's why the people of our Universe believe in us. And most importantly...we...
I formed a smirk on my face and I summoned my gauntlets and it was engulfed in flames. My entire started glowing a bright light and I started changing. Until the light faded, it revealed that I was in another form. It was non other than the Mighty Astartes.
Y/N: Rip and Tear their bone and blood!
Y/N: Rip and Tear fight to the death!
Y/N: To the death, no surrender!
Astartes/Custodes: TO THE DEATH NO SURRENDER!!!
I turned back to the Army of Grimm in front of us and I then lifted up my spear and I flew up into the air. I held my spear and aimed it towards the army of Grimm just in front of us. Then a bright orb formed on the top of the spear and it shot out a bright beam of light and I drew it across the layers of Grimms. The beam faded and nothing happens, shortly after, an explosion happened in where I drew the beam of light. Grimms exploding and scattering all over the area.
I turned my attention back to my army and all of the fighters in my side. The Hunters, Huntresses, the Students of Beacon, the teachers, Ironwood, Write, Winter, Ozpin all Hunter Teams and my army at the ready to fight. I lifted my spear and let out a war cry.
And so all of them let out a battle cry, as all of them charged at the army of Grimm. I flew forward and I started to dive down, descending as fast as a bullet. I collided with the ground and left a powerful impact on the ground, sending Grimms flying. I stood back up again and I noticed some humanoid figures in the distance. Apathy. Horses of them. I saw a charging Beringle heading towards me and so I reared my hand back and threw the spear right at the Beringle's chest, causing it to fall over.
I walked over to it and I pulled my spear off its chest and it disintegrated into nothing as soon as I removed the spear. I saw the horde of Apathy coming right towards me and I materialized a round shield in my left hand and I had my spear in my right hand. I heard footsteps right behind me and I knew it was the Custodes charging with me.
I saw the nearest Apathy and I stabbed it with my spear on the head and I pulled my spear with the head still on. I kicked away the dead body of the Apathy and I cut off the torso of one Apathy that was about to hit me from behind. I then saw an Apathy to my left and I did a quick spin and bashed the Apathy away with my shield, sending it away while inflicting great damage to it.
I then saw another Apathy heading for me and I went a bit lower and I lifted the Apathy with my shield as it was close enough to me and sent it flying to the Custodes, and they brutally beater the Apathy to death, leaving a bloody paste on where it used to be. I saw another one charging at me and it lifted it's weapon up for an attack but I used my shield to block it and I used my spear and attacked it by the neck as a counter attack.
My men were brutally fighting off the Grimm they see, may it be Beowoulves or Grimm Dragons, they managed to take it down using their sheer power and their numbers. I then sliced the incoming Apathy by the neck and I parried away the attack of another Apathy and did a quick turn and cut the Apathy by the gut, causing it to fall over and it's inside to fall out and die.I delivered a backhanded slice to another incoming Apathy and I walked closer to another Apathy and cut off it's head in one swift swing with my spear, and it fell to the ground dead, before dying and disintegrated afterwards.
All of my Space Marines and Custodes killed off all of the Horde of Apathy that was charging at us. I then turned to one last Apathy and I walked closer to it and I put my foot on it's chest and it started snarling and growling at me. I held my spear up and the spear started glowing and it was getting hotter as the seconds pass.
I stabbed it by the chest and it started glowing as bright as the spear I am holding. The Apathy then disintegrated and I turned back to the remaining Grimm Army. There were still more....many many more. But we were just getting started. I then noticed an incoming Leviathan and was apprehended by Amazonite who was at the same size of the Leviathan. He caught the Leviathan's hand and he snapped it in half and blood started pouring out of where it's hand was.
He then went closer and grabbed it's jaw and started forcing the jaws apart. He then did one final push of force and the Leviathan's jaw snapped, killing it. He threw the dead Leviathan back at the Grimm army crushing large numbers of Grimm in the process. I then noticed something flying right at him, it was bigger than a Grimm Dragon and I knew it was the Typhoon Behemoth.
Y/N: Behind you, Amazonite!
He quickly turn around behind him and he charged at the Behemoth that was flying right at him. He stopped when he was close enough and he reared back his hand and he delivered a powerful left punch to the Behemoth's face, sending it down on the ground.
Y/N: Impressive. But save some for me.
I said as I was holding a Beowolf by the neck without looking at it. I snapped it's neck with a simple jolt to the side and I threw away it's dead body before it even desintegrated. Then I heard loud footsteps, lots of them. I turned to my back and I saw a Grimm Horse infused with the Apathy. A Nuckelavee Horde.
I saw one of the Nuckelavee charge at me to run me over. I was about to retaliate when I suddenly started feeling weak. I fell to one knee as I groaned in pain and I went back to my normal form. I immediately rolled to the side to avoid being trampled over and I noticed that the my spear, Solarion, didn't disappear.
And so I immediately stepped to the side by instinct and I stabbed the Nuckelavee underside and I lifted the spear with the Nuckelavee still on the blade of the spear. I then removed the spear and stabbed the Nuckelavee by the neck, and then proceeded to kill the infused Apathy.
The rest of my men teared down every single Grimm they can see. No matter how fast the Grimm are, or how big they can be. Not even the fact that they outnumber us thousands to millions. We keep fighting no matter the situation or odds. After killing off all of the Nucklavee that came after us, my men went back to formation and their weapons at the ready.
Suddenly, a loud roar can be heard at the distance. The Grimm army made way for the beast that attempted to challenge me. It was a Balrog. The Balrog roared and it stood it's ground and indicated me for a challenge.
And so I stabbed my spear to the ground and left it there to make things more fun and fair for the Balrog. The Balrog charged at me and I stepped to the side and immediately grabbed it by the horns and drove it down to the ground. I noticed it reaching it's hand for me and I jumped off before it even managed to grab me. It then delivered a backhanded attack but I managed o block the attack when I crossed my arms in front of me. It sent me few feet back but it didn't inflict that much damage.
I then dodged it's attempt to land a hit on me with it's claws and I delivered a powerful knee attack to it's head. I backed away a few feet and then started building up power inside me, as if a sudden surge of adrenaline shot throughout my entire body and felt stronger and faster. I then looked up and let out a battle cry and I charged at the Balrog.
I jumped and I delivered a powerful elbow attack to the Balrog by the head, causing it's left horn to break off. I then grabbed it by the head and got on top of it and I delivered two powerful punches to the Balrog by the head, both causing great damage to the Balrog, causing the Balrog to go down to one knee. I than jumped and grabbed the Balrog's head, and slamming it to the ground causing it's right horn to break off as well. I grabbed it by the head one last time and it roared at me before I finally snapped it's neck.
I then walked back in front of my army and I turned back to Salem. She was just getting started because the Grimm just keep on coming and coming. I then noticed at least a hundred Glyphs, all of different types of color. I looked behind and saw Weiss and Glynda and more teachers and Hunters using their Glyphs to hold the Grimm Army back.
I then noticed Atlesian Warships flying above us and the guns started firing at the Grimm Army, wiping off large numbers of Grimm in the process. Ruby can be seen decapitating a Nevermore. Nora can be seen riding an Ursa while using her Grenade Launcher to kill Grimms in large numbers. Yang can be seen taking down two Beowolves, Blake was busy killing a Deathstalker. Jaune can be seen running away from a Manticore while Pyrrha can be seen on top of it trying to kill it.
A Blood Angel Terminator can be seen firing his Auto Cannon killing every Grimm around him. He used the Power Fist to kill an Ursa, and he used the end of the barrel of the Auto Cannon and lifted the Beowolf and slammed it to the ground, and he stomped on the head, crushing it's skull, splattering brain matter all over the place.
Another Blood Angel with a Flight Pack can be seen falling from above and using a Chai sword to kill a Beowolf. Death from Above. I like it.
Another Blood Angel, a male Carnelian can be seen fighting off an Ursa. He used his Power Sword to fend off the Ursa, he delivered a backhanded slice to the Ursa and did a quick turn around and stabbed the Ursa by the gut.
I noticed another Blood Angel Devastator emptying the belt fed Heavy Bolter (I guess this just makes it redundant since Heavy Bolters are belt fed, right?) at hordes of Grimm. Mowing down every monster that he can see, shooting them down before they can even get the chance to stand.
Ironwood was shooting left and right, killing every Beowulves he can see. A Beowolf can be seen lunging at him but he stepped to the side and he grabbed it by the head and he slammed it to the ground. He then crushed the Grimm's skull with his bare fist and he kept shooting. Winter can be seen cutting down every Grimm in sight with her sabers and Qrow can be seen taking a sip from his flask with one hand and in the other hand fighting off Grimm with his weapon.
I then saw Coco using her mini-gun to shoot down the Nevermore attempting to grab away any fighter that they can see. I then saw Vana flying above us and she started descending as fast as a bullet and she hit the ground hard and delivered a powerful collision to the ground, sending Grimms few feet back. She then summoned two dual sword using War Smith and she started going on a killing spree.
I ran forward with the Marines, Custodes and the Dreadnoughts by my side as we fight and kill every single Grimm that we see. Along with the Hunters and Teachers of Beacon, and the students that was training to fight off this threat. I was killing Beowolves left and right and I didn't notice an Ursa manage to sneak behind me and was about to hit me with it's paws when suddenly someone killed the Ursa. And that someone was Cardin. He can be seen knocking down the Ursa with his mace and he lifted up his mace and crushed the Ursa's skull with it. He then turned to me.
Cardin: Now we're even, asshole.
He then ran off and kept killing every Grimm he can see with his team. I just smiled and went back to killing Grimm. Eventually I ran into Vana who was still using dual swords to kill these monsters. Both of us back up against each other and we were surrounded by a pack of Beowoulves.
Vana: I was wondering where you went.
Y/N: I didn't go far don't worry.
I then stepped to the side and put Vana behind me as I saw a Beowolf lunge at us. Vana then immediately summoned her crystal wings and she used the sharp edges to impale another incoming Beowolf. I dispersed Solarion and then transformed my hand into claws and I started cutting my way through the horde of Grimm, like cutting a butter with a hot knife. I noticed another Beringle charging at me and so I transformed my hand using the Biomass and my hands turned into Hammerfists.
Vana then stomped her foot on the ground and suddenly crystal spikes shot out of the ground, impaling Grimms from below. I then looked at her and I just smiled and she noticed me and she smiled back. I then caught an Apathy with one hand by the neck without looking and snapped it's neck. I then materialized a long sword at my hand and started advancing towards Salem.
Y/N: Salem! Face me, woman! We need to talk!
I then noticed the area where clouds suddenly started surrounding one area, as if a storm was being conjured. I then saw lighting and rain pouring down on the battlefield, and I closed my eyes as I felt the cold rain smash against my face. I looked down and I saw Salem in front of me.
Ruby: Y/N wait-
Ruby was about to run after me but was then immediately stopped by Ironwood and Qrow.
Ruby: No please! Uncle Qrow, let me go! I wanna help him!
Qrow: Don't even think about it, Red!
Qrow then turned his attention towards me who was still walking towards Salem.
Qrow: He's the only one that can stop her now.
At the distance, Ozpin and Glynda can be seen back to back against each other, still fighting the Grimm Army. But they managed to get a glance of what was happening.
Ozpin: It has begun...
Glynda: It's just like you said, Ozpin.
Ozpin: Correct. Two Titans it was written.
I then summoned my wings as I saw Salem send fireballs towards me. I retaliated with a Sunlight Spear and threw it towards he but she immediately flew up and I flew after her. I then noticed a number of Shadow Ball forming behind her and it started coming after me in high speed.
I used my sword and started cutting every orb that was sent after me. I then formed seven Sunlight Spears behind me and sent them towards Salem at the speed of a bullet. Salem pulled up a force field in front of her and blocked all of the spears. But the Sunlight Spears combusts and clouded the entire area, blinding Salem.
I took this chance and flew towards her and I broke her forcefield and I grabbed her by the neck and threw her down. I dove down and she sent lightning strikes towards me and I kept evading. I dove down even faster and used my flames and propelled myself faster and I got a hold of Salem. She grabbed my by the head and she delivered a punch to my face. She then formed another Shadow Orb in her hand and was about to hit me with it by the stomach but I caught her hand and delivered a headbutt to her.
I grabbed her by the head again and threw her down to the ground, leaving a crater in the ground. I landed just outside the crater and suddenly I felt a powerful tremor coming from the crater. I looked back and saw Salem. She looked different. She had her hair down and there was a black diamond marking on her forehead. Her pupils were red and her eyes were jet black. She climbed out of the crater using her wings and when she landed a few feet in front of me we started circling each other.
Y/N: Stand down, Salem. There's been enough suffering in this world. You're just contributing to it.
Salem: You have no idea what suffering is, Abomination!
She then raised her hand and she sent three Grimm Wyverns after me. I stood my ground as they kept getting closer and closer. When they were close enough, I dropped my sword and delivered a devastating punch to the ground, causing crystal spikes to shoot out of the ground and impale all three Wyvern. Salem snarled at me as the storm continues to rage on.
I stood back up and I materialized my gauntlets and I started walking closer to her. She's throwing everything she has at me. Beowoulves, Beringles, Nevermores, Echo Minotaurs, Deathstalkers, and more. But it wasn't much of a challenge to me. What my concern is, is to stop her. Only one thing came to my mind...break her. Make her realize what she's doing....but in order for that....
Y/N: What is it that you want, Salem?
Salem: Excuse me?!
Y/N: All this bloodshed, this killing...why go through all of it? You use other people and manipulate them...take advantage of a coward.
Salem: How dare you?! You don't know what happened to me, which made me into what I am! It's because of the Gods that I am like this! And now they will pay the price with blood! This entire world will fall before me!
Y/N: But for what?! Why are you doing this?! WHAT IS IT THAT YOU WANT?!
At this point tears were falling down her eyes. She broke. Gotcha Bitch!
Salem: How would you know my suffering, abomination?! For millions of years I have wandered this planet alone and broken! I tried killing myself many many times but I could not! No one can! I am angry and I am in pain! So so much pain! Pain that has been plaguing me for so long! And when Ozpin returned I thought it was all over! We started a family...for what?! They all died by my hand and I hated myself for it and I hated the Gods and Ozpin even more! You think I wanted this war?! I never did!
Y/N: I know what it feels like because I myself have suffered before, Salem! I know what you really need! It doesn't involve killing nor suffering!
Y/N: I don't need to know you just to know what you need...
I then dropped my sword and it collided in the dirt, making a faint sound of metal hitting the dirt. I started walking slowly towards Salem, head down and still walking toward.
Salem: No! Stay away from me!
Y/N: Sometimes...what you need is a person who would care.
She then conjured a flame around us. A black flame. I kept walking, feeling my skin burning and enduring the pain. As I was close enough to Salem I immediately wrapped both of my arms around her and locked her in my hold. I tightened my hug around her and I put my left hand at the back of her head, and my right hand at her side.
At this point she was in shock. I tightened my hug around her and I leaned in closer to her ear and whispered.
Y/N: I understand your me...I really do. The only thing you have to do let all of it out.
She stayed silent for at least 5 seconds. Then she summoned a sword and she impaled me with the sword by my stomach, but I kept my hold. She pulled the sword out as I silently grunt in pain and endure. She angrily impales me with the sword in her hand while tears pours out of her eyes. Letting out all of the anger that built up inside her for millions of years.
Due to the pain and amount of times I was already impaled, I fell on my back, writhing in pain. Salem got on top of me and she aimed the sword at my gem and she was panting heavily while tears pour out. She tried holding in her tears but miserably failed, causing her to break down and cry. She dropped the sword and she looked at her hands...filled with blood. Suddenly all the fighting has stopped. The Grimm froze and they all started running away, whimpering.
Then...she cried. She cried her heart out, she screamed out what she was really feeling. She let out all of it. The pain. The anger...all of it. She started crying and I just let her cry it out. Eventually she stopped and she passed out due to exhaustion. I stood back up with a grunt and I carried her bridal style. I noticed that the storm also started to lift, and so I kept walking forward. I saw RWBY, JNPR, and CFVY running towards me, and Ironwood, Ozpin, Winter and Glynda followed.
Ruby: that it? That's what you have to do to stop her?!
Y/N: At least she stopped now...that's what matters.
Ironwood: Right, we'll take her off your hands.
Atlesian Knights were about to take Salem away from me but I refused. I backed away from them, emanating a dangerous and menacing aura.
Y/N: You will NOT touch a single strand of her hair....understand?
Winter: This is completely absurd! She's a danger to us and every other-
Ironwood: Winter. That's enough.
Ironwood then walked beside me and he spoke without making any eye contact with me.
Ironwood: You better not make me regret my decision, Y/N. You better be right about her.
Then he walked away, presumably back towards his ship. Winter gave me a stern look and she walked away. I started walking back to my ship so I could examine her, figure out what damages she may have obtained.
Dream Sequence
Everything was dark, and the silence was deafening. I was walking in the darkness up until I heard voices. Salem's voice...and another voice that I don't know of.
Salem: Please! I beg of you! I just want my lover back!
??? 1: I cannot allow you to do that. Nor will I bring him back either. It will disrupt the Balance of Life and Death...and chaos will ensue.
Then another can be heard after the other voice finished talking.
??? 2: Since you came to me like this...I will bring your lover back.
Suddenly a blinding light can be seen and it engulfs the entire darkness that surrounded me, and the voices of the two mysterious voices can be heard screaming at each other, arguing.
??? 1: Listen to me, Brother! If you do this you will break the Balance!
??? 2: Why can't you just leave me alone?!
Then...darkness settles in once again. And this time the voices can't be heard anymore. But I noticed footsteps behind me. I turn around and saw...Salem. It was her state when she jumped into the Grimm Pools as an attempt for suicide.
Salem: I never wanted any of this...I just wanted Ozma that too much to ask?
Suddenly I was then blinded by the light once again, and from that light I saw a figure....a God?
Real World
I opened my eyes to see myself asleep on the table beside the bed that Salem was in. I sat up and I rubbed my eyes to see Salem sitting on the Infirmary Bed, looking out the window of my ship. I groaned and she turned her attention towards me.
Salem: You're awake...
Y/N: How long was I out?
Salem: A day and a half. You were pretty tired when you brought me here.
I then stood up from my set and walked to the bed where Salem was. I sat at the edge of the bed and she was avoiding eye contact with me.
Y/N: So how are you feeling?
Salem: I...I don't know...
She then looked back outside again and she kept talking.
Salem: For so long I have been so angry and wanted to end it all...but when....wh-when you appeared...everything started going different.
She turned back to me and her eyes were filled with tears, already rolling down her cheeks.
Salem: Y-you came to me in hope to help me...not to harm me or inflict anymore pain. You accepted me when non one else did. You reminded of what it's like to have someone care about me again. torment.
Y/N: I just did what had to be done. But I am glad that you're feeling a bit better now.
Salem: You know what's funny, abomination? I feel like I am what's wrong....a-and there's nothing I could do about it *sob* if I'm not hurting myself I'm hurting everyone around me and I can't do anything about it...I'm sorry.
Y/N: Look, I need you to calm down.
Salem: No, no, no I can't! I can't, it hurts! Just make it stop, please make it stop! I just need the pain to be gone!
I then scoot over closer to her and wrapped my arms around her again for a hug, she held onto me tightly in fear of me leaving her as well.
Salem: I-it hurts so bad I can't breathe. *sob* I can't do worse. I-I just can't okay? I shouldn't have to...I don't need to....I don't want to.
Y/N: look, I know you're angry-
Salem: I am not angry , I am in pain, and Ozpin put me here! The person who was supposed to love me more than anything!
Y/N: Look, I know Ozpin fucked up with his decisions, trust me I'm pissed off as well when I found out what he did to you. But...if you dwell on this too much it's only going to hurt you more and more up until the point where you can't come back from it anymore. Shit happens, alright? if that person doesn't love you anymore...and if really love gotta learn to let go.
I then looked at her in the eyes and she sniffled and I wiped away her teas with my fingers.
Y/N: We aren't so and I. Both of us yearned for a normal life...but we were denied that life and is treated as monsters...weapons....I've lost people close to me...and you have as well...both of us are immortal. even if we are both whom change is not natural...we can't just expect that everything will be with us always. We gotta learn to heal...both of us...and I'd be honored...if you let me help you in this time of need...we will heal, together. We may remain as monsters....but we won't be their monsters anymore.
I used right thumb and I wiped away more tears that were rolling down her cheeks. I looked at her dead in the eyes. Her bloodshot red pupils staring at me.
Y/N: Back then...Hell I still say it to this day. I have a saying; "ꡍꡎꡱꡌꡀꡓꡓꡄꡑꡱꡇꡎꡖꡱꡂꡑꡔꡄꡋꡱꡓꡇꡎꡔꡱꡅꡀꡓꡄꡱꡌꡀꡘꡱꡁꡄ,ꡱꡓꡇꡄꡑꡄꡱꡖꡈꡋꡋꡱꡁꡄꡱꡎꡍꡄꡱꡒꡎꡔꡋꡱꡖꡇꡎꡒꡄꡱꡅꡀꡓꡄꡱꡈꡒꡱꡌꡔꡂꡇꡱꡌꡎꡑꡄꡱꡂꡑꡔꡄꡋ."(For pronounciation; Lala erma manen nwalca lye umbart- lótesse n-, tar indóme n- er fea whose umbart- na- limbe tare nwalca.)
Translation: No matter how cruel thou fate may be, there will be one soul whose fate is much more cruel.
Salem: I apologize but...I do not speak this tongue.
Y/N: It means that no matter how terrible your experience was...there will always be another person whose history was much worse.
I hugged her again and she just froze, letting more tears flow out of her eyes at this point.
Y/n: I'm sorry that you haver to go through all of that. You have suffered longer than I have...and I'm sorry that you suffered for God knows how long. But you're here now...that's what matters.
This time, Salem returned the hug, lightly sobbing. She held onto me tightly and she sobbed on my chest, while I rub her back and telling her to let all of it out. She's been hurt for too long now...and I intend to get her out of the suffering she's in. She stopped crying after ten minutes and she looked at me dead in the eyes. Without warning, she slammed her lips against mine. A surprise but a welcome one. She took quick breaks to catch her breathe. She then broke the kiss and she looked at me.
Salem: I'm sorry.
Then she kissed me again, she wrapped her arms around my neck and I put my hand at her side and used my other hand to cup her cheeks as we deepen the kiss. Moments passed we still kept making out. She deserves to be happy after for so long.
Few Days Later
I was starting up the engine of the B.H. Destroyer and I had Vana, Emma and Amazonite beside me. I had my fingers crossed hoping that the engine would start. Or better yet, the Dark Matter Warp Drive doesn't explode and kill this planet and everyone on it. A few worrying sounds were heard but turned out well.
Y/N: YES! It worked! HAHA!
Vana: Good job! Now we can go home!
Amazonite: Well done, sir.
Y/N: Drop the formalities damn it.
Emma: So...I guess we can go home now...right?
Y/N: I can go see Pearl again. Don't get me wrong I want to come back to this place, probably even learn more of it. But we've been here long's come home. But I gotta say my farewells first.
Emma: We can wait, my ship is already to go and we're only waiting on it.
Y/N: Who's piloting your ship by the way?
Emma: It ain't important, Panini. Just go.
Y/N: You know how much I hate being called a Panini. But I'll let this one slide.
Emma snickered as I then rolled my eyes and smiled. I went to the elevator and I went down to the ground floor of the ship and I exited the ship, and I headed towards the school. On my way there, I saw...all of them. Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Blake. Team JNPR, CFVY, Ozpin and Ironwood and even Glynda. Ruby and Yang ran towards me and tackled me into a hug. I chuckled and I hugged both of them back, Ruby looked at me in the eyes and I knew she was worried about me.
Ruby: You'll come back to us, right?
Y/N: Of course I will, Red. I will never forget about you.
Yang: You better come back, Y/N. Or else I'll punch you!
Y/N: You wouldn't do that........right?
Yang: *giggles* I'm just messing with ya. But for real, I'm gonna miss you.
She then gave me a kiss on the cheek and I just smiled. They broke the hug and walked towards Weiss and Blake who looked like they wanted to give me something. I walked in front of them and I just softly smiled. Blake was the first to talk and she gave me a smile while handing me a book.
Blake: I-I want you to have this. It's one of my favorite books I've read.
I took the book and I examined it. I read the title "Ninja's of Love: Hardcore Edition". Not gonna lie this one took me by surprise. I smiled and I looked at Blake who had a faint blush on her face while having a cute smile on her face. I stored the book inside my gem and I wrapped my arms around her for a hug. I broke the hug and I faced Weiss who was holding up a gift.
Weiss: T-this is my gift to you. A reminder that no matter where you go....I will be here...f-for you.
I raised an eyebrow and I opened the gift. I saw an amulet. It was made out of silver with jet black paint spiraling over the chain. I then decided to put it on and I looked at Weiss. She softly smiled and came forward to me and hugged me. I was about to walk towards the rest of the Teams but was suddenly overwhelmed by Pyrrha, Velvet, Coco tackling me to the ground for a hug. Nora followed and she jumped and landed on me, making me let out a grunt of pain. Glynda and Winter giggled while Ozpin and Ironwood merely smiled.
Y/N: Jesus. *groan* I was gonna come to you, you didn't have to do a Takedown on me.
Nora: It's just that we're gonna miss you! Who will be my pancake buddy?!
Pyrrha: Who will take me out on dates and talk with each other for hours?
Velvet: Who will help feed the bunnies with me?
I then stood back up with a groan and they recomposed themselves.
Y/N: I promise you, I will come back to this place. And when I come back, I can be your date, your helper, and your pancake buddy, okay? I will never forget about you.
They all smiled at the same time and they gave me a hug one last time. I saw Coco heading towards me and she was carrying a scarf with her.
Coco:'s nice meeting you, Y/N. As a sendoff, I give you this scarf.
Y/N: I don't really need one, Coco.
Coco: B-but this is a limited edition scarf! I had to fight off a mob of girls just to get this! I even had conflicts whether I should give it you because this looks sooooo good!
Y/N: *sigh* Fine. I'll take it off your hands.
She smiled brightly and she walked closer to me and she wrapped the scarf around my neck. I managed to get a sniff and the scarf smells like Coco's perfume. Coco then gave me a hug and I smiled under my scarf, but not before she managed to sneak in a kiss to the cheek for me. I then walked towards where Glynda, Winter, Ozpin and Ironwood was. Glynda was the first to walk towards me and she wrapped her arms around my neck.
Glynda: We're gonna miss you, Y/N.
Y/N: I know you will. But everything will be okay, you'll see.
Ozpin: I'm impressed, Y/N.
I turned to Ozpin while Glynda still had her arms around me, he offered his hand for a handshake and I took it.
Ozpin: You managed to do something that even I myself could not do...thank you.
Y/N: Now that this is over...what will you do?
Ozpin: I....I don't know....for the first time in millennia I don't know what to do. But I do still have my coffee.
Y/N: Jesus Christ, Ozpin. If Salem isn't gonna kill you, the coffee will.
Ironwood: You saved this world from an imminent danger that would have doomed us all, we are grateful for your services.
Y/N: I guess the only problem for now is the Grimm, correct?
Ironwood: That we can handle. Unless Salem turns, then we are doomed again.
Salem: Don't worry, Ironwood. I won't. Me and Y/N made a vow with each other.
I turned to my side and saw Salem. She was...different. She kept her hair down and there were no more, dark linings on her face, she still looks pale but other than that....she looks better than last time. I walked closer to her and she wrapped her arms around me for a hug, she then put her forehead against mine and she had both of her hands cupped to my cheeks.
Salem: You come back as soon as you can...okay? I can't lose you too.
Y/n: You won't I promise.
I then smiled and I gave her a quick kiss on the lips, which made her smile a bit. I pulled out a communicator from my Gem, it was a prototype Interdimensional Communicator which I used to talk with Pearl. I have one at the ship, and I'm giving this to Salem to assure her that I will be with her always.
Y/N: This is an Interdimensional Communicator, this will beep furiously meaning that I am calling you from the other side. As a reminder that wherever I go...I will always be with you, okay?
Salem: Promise?
Y/N: Promise.
I then gave her one last kiss and I gave her the communicator. I broke the hug and I started walking back to my ship, still facing the group I kept waving my hand to them as a goodbye and they kept waving back.
Yang: When you come back take me out on a date, hot stuff! I wanna know who's a stronger drinker than us!
I just smiled as I kept waving at the group. I then ran back to my ship and I entered through the ramp. The ramp went up and I ran to the elevator. I went to the main controls of my ship and I started up the engine. From the window of the cockpit, I can still see them waving at me. I smiled and shed a small tear and I kept waving back at them.
Emma: So, are we set?
Y/N: Wait, are all of my men in this ship?
Emma: Yup. All of them, the Adeptus Astartes, the Custodes and the Dreadnoughts. I also brought along a handful of my men, if that doesn't bother you.
Y/N: It's fine. I just gotta check up on them first.
I then walked out of the cockpit and I walked to the main deck to see all of my men and Emma's men talking and having fun with each other. One Astartes, a Blood Angel Captain noticed me and he stood upstraight and saluted.
Blood Angel Captain : ATTENTION ON DECK!
All Gems suddenly scrambled to their positions and they all saluted tome, making me let out a light chuckle.
Y/N: At ease. I just wanted to check up on all of you, that's all. Please, go back to what you're doing. Dismissed.
They all went back to what they were doing, talking with each other, bonding with each other, making new friends and having fun. I then noticed to my side that one of Emma's soldiers, a Combat Pearl was hitting on one of my Blood Angels, a Carnelian. The Combat Pearl was standing in front of the Carnelian flustered as her friends watch from afar, and the Carnelian frozen in place.
He then signaled the Combat Pearl to wait for a moment and he started looking around the area. He then locked his attention towards me and he walked towards me and he saluted.
Carnelian: My Emperor.
Y/N: At ease, soldier. What do you need?
Carnelian: I wish to court this Combat Pearl who confessed to me her feelings at the method using a paper, shall I have your permission?
Y/N: *smiles* Soldier, when it comes to this type of stuff, you need not my permission, you should just grab that opportunity. But for the sake of your question, Yes, you may. Go get her, Tiger.
He nodded and he went back towards the Combat Pearl. I just smiled as I saw the Combat Pearl give a kiss to the Carnelian's helmet and see how flustered she is. I walked back to the cockpit and I started up the engine and we lifted off of the ground.
Y/N: Engine's good and stable, now for the Warp Drive. See you later, Remnant. Earth and Homeworld here I come!
I activated the Warp drive and a portal the size of my ship appeared and it sucked my ship in later Emma's ship followed and both ships started flying at light speed. I'm coming Pearl. The portal closed behind us and we started flying back to where we belong.
In the Warp Dimension
Y/N: Holy fuck! It worked! Ahahahhahaha!
Emma: I knew you could do it! Good job! Now I can finally get back on the old rock. *sigh* It must be really nice there now.
Y/N: Heh, yeah.
Suddenly alarms started blasting in every corner of the room, warning appearing in the screens.
Y/N: Okay, this is not good!
Emma: I thought you said the Warp Drive was done?!
Y/N: It is! I don't know what the fuck this is!
Suddenly the ship shook violently and it started going off course. I can see Emma's ship leaving us behind as we leave the Warp Dimension through another portal, oh great, what the fuck is the problem now?! Through the window of the cockpit, I can see that we went through the portal and the landscapes of Earth can be seen. We then crash landed at the dirt and it caused the ship to shake violently again, sending me up and down the ceiling and the floor. I stood back up and I groaned again.
Y/N: Now what the Hell is wrong!
Emma: *groan*Are you really sure that the Warp Drive was really finished?!
Y/N: Yes! All of the components and parts were there! I don't know what the Hell is causing this!
I then walked towards one of the screens and I checked all the possible damages the ship obtained. Everything was okay, the landing of this ship was so much better than what happened last time.
Y/N: *sigh* The damages aren't too great, but it'll hold.
Amazonite: Have you checked the compressor?
Y/N: I......
I then scrambled to the compressor and I opened the compartment of where it was. Smoke came out and the entire mainframe was burnt.
Y/N: Of course, it had to be the Compressor...FUCK!
Emma: A ship this size, and the need to travel from one dimension to another, it's gonna need a new Compressor, a bigger one and an improved one too.
Y/N: I know that Emma, don't remind me of my fuck up.
Amazonite: Look, yes you fucked up, no offense, but at least we're home now...right?
I groaned and I went outside the cockpit and down to the docking area, I exit the ship and I saw that the entire area was at least crushed by the ship alone, good thing this crashed AGAIN in the forest without any people in it. Now that I'm home, I only have one thing in mind at the get back home to my wife.
And Finished
Sorry it took a while to write, had to finish some of my module, and got one Hell of an ass whooping from my dad too lol. Hope you enjoyed the chapter cause I had fun writing this, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter
Buh bye!
McFly signing off
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