❤ 6 ❤
HII! SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO UPDATE! i just butted in to tell y'all a important piece of info - we will NOT be following the original OUAT plot. Sure, there's the heart of the truest believer thingies, but after that, we won't be following OUAT. as for the HP plot, Evelynn's gonna return for the war, yes, but after that, cursed child will NOT be included, bc it would have already finished by the time we turn back to wizarding world. And 'Radioactive' by Imagine Dragons is perfect for this chapter, would recommend listening to it while reading <3. OK, read on, happy reading lovelies!
"Then, she just disappeared? She can't know about magic!" Peter pressed on, but the Shadow just shook its head.
"You misunderstand her. She clearly knows about magic, since she is able to disappear and appear. Pan, she has much more potential than you think." The shadow answered in its usual mysterious tone.
"That's exactly why I need her." Pan countered, turned on his heels and stomped away to the camp as the shadow flew back to its little abode.
"What is it, Pan?" Felix asked as he approached him.
"Apparently, she disappeared into thin air." Pan snapped as he sat down on the log and picked up his pan-flute and fiddled with it.
"Disappeared? I thought she didn't know magic." Felix pointed out, as Peter dipped his head down in annoyance.
"Yes, Felix, I'm aware of that fact." Peter said, trying to keep his calm and not lash out on his second-in-command. "I just don't know how-"
Peter cut himself off as he lifted his head, his forest-green eyes gleaming with newfound realization.
"Of course... How did I not think about that?" Pan breathed.
"What? What is it?" Felix asked impatiently and sat alongside Peter.
"What if she didn't disappear, but Disapparated?" Peter asked, a tiny smirk ghosting his lips.
"You mean, you think she's a witch from Hogwarts?" Felix carefully chose his words - it was touchy subject.
"Yes, exactly." Peter affirmed.
"Pan, I don't think it wise to bring her here, when she could so easily overpower you." Felix said carefully.
"Felix," Peter said silkily, chuckling. "Girls are the easiest to manipulate. Guilt-trap them, and they'll do whatever you want."
Felix, however, remained unconvinced.
"Pan, are you sure?" Felix asked uncertainly.
"Yes, Felix." Peter said firmly. Felix opened his mouth to say something, but thought the better of it and closed it.
Peter put his pan-flute to his lips, and started playing a riveting tune to which all the boys were immediately charmed by. Felix, however, didn't join them and went into his treehouse.
Evelynn landed on the outskirts of a pretty little town. She sighed and found some shade under a tree.
"This is the one time I will ever regret dyeing my hair purple." She muttered under her breath as she tied her hair up in a bun. "Oh wait, this is Wonderland. People lose their shit here."
She didn't even remember how she managed to convince good ol' Paris Hilton to let her dye her hair. Purple, that too.
She pulled out a cloak she managed to stitch from rags she'd found on roadsides to make her look like a poor town girl who somehow ended up in Wonderland.
Perfect for deceiving the Queen of Hearts.
She smirked madly as she thought of her perfect little plan. A bit cliché, but it'll work just as fine. Act innocent, fit in, steal the crown, warn herself to not go to Regina's and tell her to go to the Time Room. She knew exactly how herself would react, so one thing - do not take off her charm necklace at all costs.
She paced the little trail, the hood of her cloak covering her hair and face, her dainty fingers clutching her backpack tightly. Everyone turned to look at her, and she put on a scared face, clutching her backpack tighter.
"Hey, little girl! Where are you off to?" Someone asked.
Evelynn turned around to see the Cheshire Cat standing there, her little eyes gleaming with curiosity.
She immediately raised walls in her head, not allowing her to read her mind.
She could've sworn she saw a flicker of disappointment flashing on the Cheshire Cat's pretty face. She smirked inside her head, but her face still stood the same.
"Hello, miss. I am going to the castle, to look for jobs." Evelynn said, her voice slightly more high-pitched than usual.
Cheshire eyed her carefully, and Evelynn maintained her expression, careful not to give anything away.
"I can lead you there, if you'd like?" Cheshire suggested with a sweet smile. Evelynn returned it and nodded.
"Thank you so much, kind miss." She said as sweetly as she could, and Cheshire gestured for her to follow her.
"So, what's your name? Where are you from?" Cheshire asked.
"I'm Evelynn Malfoy, miss. I come from Little Hangleton." She replied. She wasn't entirely lying - her so-called father's master's family died there.
Amazing, right? If you don't get the sarcasm, right this way to the exit. ←
"Little Hangleton? Never heard of it." Cheshire said, her tone screaming dangerous, but Evelynn wasn't one to run away because of a silly little cat that has a bad reputation.
"It's a small town, miss. Not too many people. Everyone knows everyone else. Well, except for the Riddles." Evelynn said, fake-shivering, hoping to get Cheshire's attention on that, to keep her engrossed in the Riddle family's history so she doesn't ask about Evelynn's family history.
Talk about a genius.
"The Riddles? Who are they?" Cheshire walked in right into the rat race.
"Nasty people. They are millionaires, but snobby little brats no one like." Evelynn said, in a village-gossip tone. Cheshire seemed interested, so Evelynn went on.
"They have many servants. Live like the royals, they do. But, they sure don't look like one, they are ugly as a toad. Even the missus looks like a hog! And she has the best make-up in the country!" Evelynn scrunched up her nose, and so did Cheshire.
"They ought to reduce their cockiness." Cheshire said.
"But, one day, the maid came to tell them that supper was ready, when they were lying on the ground, lifeless. Cold as ice. She alerted many people as she could, and the police found out their gardener was guilty. Did a favor, that man. But, there was no evidence it was the gardener, so they couldn't put him in jail. He should be honoured with a title, if you ask me. They once slapped me across the face because I stood with my back facing them! I beat them up so bad, they wouldn't look at me without thinking twice. Ha! Serves them right!" Evelynn finished as Cheshire looked proud of her.
"Aye, as you should." Cheshire said with a big smile as they reached the palace gates.
"Here we are. Good luck on getting a job, Evelynn." Cheshire said, as she walked away. Evelynn breathed a sigh of relief.
"Oi, girl. What do you want?" A guard piped up, holding his sword up. Evelynn backed away a little, saying, "I just wanted to find jobs, please don't hurt me." shrilly.
The guards looked at each other, and nodded, as one went scurrying inside and the other kept a close watch on Evelynn, almost undressing her with his eyes. She squirmed uncomfortably as she balled her hands into fists.
'If he comes any closer, whoop his sorry arse, girlie.' The best-friend voice in her mind said.
'But, you're holding the bag.' The Ravenclaw part of her spoke up.
'DON'T! Drop. Your. Hands. You know it's your coping mechanism! Just smack him with your backpack or something!' The Hufflepuff fretted.
'Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.' The best-friend chimed in.
'And stop squirming. Stay still for a minute, let's see if you can do that.' Her Slytherin snapped.
'She can't. Oh no, what if she has ADHD?' The overthinker had officially planted a nightmare into Evelynn's head.
She slowly backed away from the guard as he approached her, a sort of lust in his eyes. He was triggering her fight-or-flight mode.
Evelynn did not like that.
"It'll take some time, how about a fun little game?" He asked as he bit his mustache. Evelynn shook her head no, throwing up inside her mind.
"No, thank you." She said innocently.
"Come on, it'll be fun." He continued, coming closer to her.
Evelynn gritted her teeth and steadied herself to deliver a punch right on the pervert's already screwed up face, when the first guard came scampering back.
"Her Highness wishes to see you, miss...?" He trailed off.
"Malfoy." Evelynn answered as she shot the pervert a death glare. He looked taken aback.
"Miss Malfoy, please follow me." He said, not seeming to have noticed the glares Evelynn was sending to his friend.
Evelynn nodded and followed him, a victorious smile creeping onto her face.
The guard led through the castle gates, and into the majestic building. She looked around at the palace, and decided that she would pretend to be a maid, to clean out the rooms.
Why, you ask? Well, use your braincells, if you even have any!
She would be cleaning out the rooms, and can look out for the crown, while she's at it.
Cliché? Maybe.
Genius? Definitely not.
Evelynn-like? Absolutely.
The fact that a plan so simple can plant so much hate into a heart was almost spine-chilling. Then again, Cora never really had a heart, did she?
She finally reached the courtroom, and curtsied before the infamous Queen of Hearts.
"Your reason for visiting the palace?" She asked curtly.
"I- I was looking for jobs, your Highness. I was wondering if you'd be so kind as to offer me a job." Evelynn said, her tone child-like and innocent.
But, of course, she was far from innocent. Oh well, what Cora doesn't know, won't hurt her.
Actually, scratch that. It most certainly will hurt her.
"Your name, girl?" She asked, her tone icy.
"Evelynn, your Highness." Eve answered, bowing down to her once more.
She didn't like how she had to bow down to someone whom she barely knew and, for all she knew, didn't deserve respect, but she reminded herself : she bows down to her now, she'll bow down to her later.
The queen scrutinized her suspiciously, not looking convinced at all. Evelynn frowned and let her wand down from up her sleeve slowly, so no one noticed.
"Imperio." She muttered, and the queen immediately closed her eyes and took a sharp intake of her breath - she was officially under the Imperius Curse.
Cora clapped her hands and a maid came scarpering forwards.
"Get her the maids' clothing, she shall clean the palace rooms." She said, watching Evelynn like a hawk.
"Yes, your Majesty." She answered, and ran off into a dusty-looking room, which she assumed must be the maids' room.
Cora clapped her hands again, and this time, a guard came running to her side.
"Get Cheshire. Tell her I want her here right now." She whispered, and the guard ran away. Evelynn mentally fist-bumped herself, knowing that Cheshire would trust her, and Cora would believe her.
She was, after all, under Evelynn's control.
The maid came back from the room, and handed Evelynn the clothes. It was a white gown that reached her knees, a small woolen blue coat for the winter, and wooden ballerina shoes.
Evelynn muttered a small "Thank you, your Highness." and bowed. Again. Cora waved her off and the maid that handed her the clothes, led her into the maids' room.
Once they had reached the room and shut the door, the maid spoke up.
"Do you have a death wish?!" She snapped, her voice low.
"What do you mean?" asked Evelynn curiously.
"She executes you if you don't do a perfect job! You're too young to die!" She exclaimed, brushing her silky brown hair out of her face.
"I'll do a good job!" Evelynn protested.
"We'll see! I am the only one left! Everyone else was executed!" She said, her voice starting to shake.
"It's OK, we'll get through this." Evelynn assured, more to herself than the maid.
"Your name's Evelynn? Uncommon but pretty. I'm Rivera." She said, sticking out a hand and Evelynn shook it, not wanting to pull a Harry on this one.
"Pretty name." Evelynn returned the compliment.
"Thank you! Now, let me show you the beds!" Rivera said, obviously trying to change the topic from the dead people.
Evelynn smiled warmly and followed her to a clump of lousy mattresses laid out on the floor, pillows and blankets littered everywhere.
"I know it may be a little dirty, but it's cozy." She commented, lighting a candle in the dark room. Only in the candle light, Evelynn observed how Rivera really looked. She had straight, silky brown hair that seemed to fly everywhere, big blue eyes that reminded her of Ron, her eyebags prominent above her pink, freckled cheeks, and a round face.
Her way of talking reminded her of little Ginny, and how excited she would be when she told her stories of Hogwarts, her brown eyes wide with awe.
Evelynn shook the thought out of her head, knowing that she'll never shut her brain up if she stays on that thought.
"Come on, now. Take your hood off." Rivera encouraged, nudging her slightly.
"Yeah, I'll pass." said Evelynn, not wanting to show that she has purple hair as soon as she'd learnt that people haven't dyed their hair here.
"Oh, come on! I promise, it won't change your reputation here!" said Rivera.
"Alright.." Evelynn mumbled as she took off her hood and Rivera gasped.
"Your hair's so pretty! How did you get it to change into that color?!" She danced on the spot, her gaze fixated on her messy hair.
Evelynn chuckled and said, "Long story, you don't wanna hear it."
lol what up evillies? (wtf was that) anyways, sorry it took so long, i changed the WHOLE HOOVER DAM STORY now imma change the sneak peek in the description. and I HATE THIS CHAPTER but i kept y'all waiting long enough so whatchu think? and I am glad to tell you that in a few chapters, EVELYNN AND PETER WILL BE MEETING AHH I'M SO EXCITEDD. So, the next chap's gonna be a filler one (sorry lol), and the one after that will have some ✨ drama ✨. and after that one, they shall meet <3333 so anyways that's it, love y'all and stay safe, byee!
~ Skylar
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