Chapter I: What Hurts The Most.

-3rd POV Bullhead 4:45 p.m.
Glynda along with Y/n we're flying back to Beacon, after a failed mission that Y/n participated. During the flight back Y/n didn't respond, or moved. She just looked at the floor, with lifeless eyes, filled with sadness all while whispering. "I cudent do anything. I'm a failure as a leader." She told her self trying to forget about the incident.

Glynda then touched her shoulder which snapped her out of her train of thought. Y/n looked at her and she noticed that she had tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry Y/n. No one should have gone through, what you went through. But all we can do is move on." Glynda responded trying to comfort her, but Y/n then looked away, and nodded as she frowned.


As we were arriving at Beacon. I started to feel sick, and I just wanted to be alone. But I cudent just because I lost my team it didn't mean I had to shoulder the burden alone. After all I have a girlfriend, Ruby. As I called her I didn't get a response. I then tried again but was met with the same thing no respond. I guess she was busy with her team, or maybe she was training with her weapon.

When the Bullhead landed I looked up at the tower. "Ms.Y/n?" I looked at Glynda and I smiled even though I didn't want to smile. "Sorry Ms.Glynda but I have to go somewhere." And I just walked away leaving her alone.

As I was making my way to Ruby's dorm. I took a turn and I got surprised as I walked into Yang, Blake, & Weiss.

"Y/n your back?" Yang said with he usual smile.

"Y/n?" And Blake, and Weiss responded in unison. I nodded as I noticed that Ruby wasent with them.

"Ruby's not with you?" I said as I looked at Yang.

Yang smiled as she responded. " she's probably in our dorm eating cookies or sleeping. Come on will go with you?" I nodded.

On our way back we started talking. And at least they were helping me forget about the mission. Blake then responded with a smile on her face. "I bet Ruby will be thrilled knowing that your back."

I noticed that Weiss kept looking at me, so I responded at her. "Is something wrong Princess?" I smiled as I looked at her. I put up a fake smile but as I looked at her, and I noticed her face turned red.

She then looked away. "No of course not. It's not like I was worried about you, or anything."

I smiled knowing that she hadn't changed what's so ever. As we were getting close to the dorm. I noticed that in the hallway Pyrrha was looking around, she looked desperate so I responded first. "Hey Pyrrha?"

She then looked at me. "Oh Y/n your back. Sorry but I can't talk right now. But have you seen Jaune?" I shook my head. She then sigh. "I see... oh well talk later." She then waved at me as she walked away. As she left we continued walking, as we're getting close to the dorm. Before I could even touch the door knob Me, Yang, Blake, & Weiss started hearing noises coming from inside the room.

We looked at each other for a moment and we put our ears to the door. As I focused my hearing I could hear that it was Ruby, & it started to hear like she was moaning. A part of me wanted to think that it wasn't, what I think it was. Blake then looked at me. "Maybe she's just waking up?" She gave me some hope. But Yang being Yang got angry, her eyes turned red and she busted the door down. As all of us got inside my eyes started to tear up, as I saw Ruby on the bed with Jaune without clothes. I didn't know what to feel but one thing was certain she was more then cheating on me.

Ruby then got up as she covered her self with the bedsheets. "Y/n! I can explain." As she said that Yang walked passed her, and she started beating the crap out of Jaune.

I looked at Ruby but I was getting agitated just by looking at her. "How long?" I responded with a simple question.

She then looked away from me. "H-How long what?"

Now she thinks I'm stupid. "Fine." I looked at Jaune how was getting beaten up by Yang so I walked past her. I got close to Yang, as she looked at me she stepped aside. Good thing I had my rapier with me. As I took out my rapier, I pointed it at his neck. "How long has this been going on?" As she looked at me, I could tell that she didn't want to answer.

"Y/n Please no!" She tried to change the subject but I wasn't going to let her.

I was getting more agitated. "HOW LONG!?"

"Three Weeks!" She said as she closed her eyes, and started to cry.

"Three Weeks! Hehe! So you were cheating on me for three weeks!"

She then turned her attention back to me as she felt disgusted with her self. "I-I'm sorry."

Hearing her apologize was making me sick. "You're sorry! You're sorry!" I took my rapier away from Jaune's neck. And I raised my voice at her. "I lost my team, and you're sorry! The people that I was supposed to protect died, and you're sorry!" I started to cry as I started to remember why I went here. But the more I looked at her the more I started to cry. The tears weren't stopping. Everyone looked at me surprised, and shocked. "Yeah that's right! My team, the village that we were protecting! EVERYONE IS DEAD! ALL of them! And yet YOUR sorry! Hehe! FUCK YOU!" I then walked passed her.

"Y/n I'm sorry! I didn't know!"

I didn't want to look at her. "Like I give a damn. Just stay the hell away from me, you whore."

-3rd POV
As Y/n passed beside Yang, she looked at Y/n with a worried expression. "You going to be okay?"

Y/n smiled with tears in her eyes. And responded in a shaky tone. "Hehe. I-It doesn't matter. I just want to be alone." Blake, & Weiss remained silent as she walked away. Ruby was going to run after her but Blake, & Weiss pushed her, and she fell on the floor.

Weiss then looked at her with anger, and disgust. She cudent believe that she called her a leader. "Leave her alone. YOU have cost to much trouble."

Blake walked towards Jaune as she cracked her knuckles. "I hope you're ready for your punishment! You scumbag!" Yang walked at her side as she did the same.

Jaune curled up in a ball, and started to cry, and got scared. "Please don't hurt me."

Meanwhile as Y/n made it to her dorm. She was overwhelmed with grief, anger, and sadness. As she looked at the room she leaned on the door, and she seat on the floor. She then curled up into a ball and started crying. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I cudent protect anyone." She said as tears ran down to her shirt.

"HEY Y/n! Hehe. Come on no moping." A male voice responded with great enthusiasm.

"That's right! You can do better." A female respond with a respectable tone.

"Come on guys leave her alone. She's trying her best." A female responded in a calm voice.

She quickly raised her head and she noticed that her team, where looking at her. She got up, and tried to reach for them. Only for them to disappear, and she feel on all four. She then bowed her head. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I... wasn't strong enough... If only I was stronger."

Outside of Y/n dorm Glynda was hearing Y/n crying. She then stepped away from the door and walked away, with a sad expression on her face. "Y/n saving one person means not being able... To save others." She told her self in her mind.

Later... 12:30 a.m.
As all the students were sleeping. Ruby was contemplating what she did today, and was crying. Over the fact that Y/n was truly alone. Meanwhile Yang, Blake, & Weiss we're keeping an eye out for Jaune.

In team JNPR dorm. Jaune wasent even looking or talking to his team. And Pyrrha, Nora, & Ren didn't even want to look at him, talk to him and they felt disgusted that he was their leader. More Pyrrha then anyone.

And Y/n after sometime had passed she cried her self to sleep. As she was sleeping Glynda walked in without her noticing and she walked towards Y/n. She then noticed that Y/n was fast asleep, she then gently stroked Y/n head. Unbenounced to Glynda, Y/n had several cuts on her wrist self inflicted, and wrapped in bandages. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, but for now rest up Y/n." She then walked back to the door and she looked at Y/n before walking and closing the door. "Sleep well Y/n." She then closed the door, and walked away.

As the moon shined over the sky, with pure beauty. At Ozpin's office he was looking at some papers that were on his desk, and he sigh. He leaned back on his seat, and he took out his scroll, and he called a particular number. "Hello?" The person at the end of the line responded.

"Hello it's Ozpin. I was wandering if I cude ask for a favor?"

"Certainly ask away, I'm all ears."

Ozpin nodded. "Okay thank you. Well you see." As they continued talking everything faded to black.

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