Chap. II: I Hate You.
-3rd POV, Glynda's Class 11:34 a.m.
During the event's from two days ago. Y/n locked herself away, not wanting to look at anyone. Her friends we're starting to get worried about her. As all the students walked inside Glynda's Class she looked at her students. "So she's not here."
In Y/n dorm she got up from her bed and she looked at a photo with her blue eyes, from when Y/n, & Ruby became friends. "....." She then started to rip the photo in several pieces.
Meanwhile in Glynda's Class. Pyrrha stopped talking to Jaune, she didn't even care what would happen to him. "Um Pyrrha?" Jaune responded but she didn't respond back, or even looked at him.
Glynda then sigh just as she was about to start class the door open, and she got surprised as Y/n walked in and closed the door. Several students we're glad to see that she was okay, but Ruby was still feeling guilty for what she did, and Jaune looked away. Glynda, along with several of her friends we're glad to see her. As she started to walk to a seat Ruby smiled and moved to the side leaving an open seat hopping for her to seat next to her. But Y/n simply walked passed her, without a word. Ruby then lowered her head in shame. As Y/n seat down she looked at Jaune, as she clenched her arms, and her eyes turned red.
-Time skip 11:57 a.m.
After Glynda finished explaining what she was saying, she looked at her tablet. And she looked at Y/n, who was staring at Jaune with dead eyes.
"Y/n your the only one that hasn't participated in class today." Glynda responded as she looked at her.
Y/n turned her attention towards Glynda. She then got up and walked to the middle of the Arena. Every student was silent as they felt this terrifying sense to kill. "I challenge Jaune Arc."
Glynda quickly shook her head, trying to avoid a scene. "Sorry but Jaune has already-"
"I know that he hasn't participated." Y/n was quick to respond, as she looked at Jaune. Glynda then looked at Jaune how was quivering in his seat. Jaune then looked at Y/n, how was looking at him with a serious look. "Get down?" She said in a series tone.
Jaune then shook his head with great fear. "Either come down. Or I'll grab you, and bring you down by force."
Glynda tried to control the situation. "Y/n please let's just relax and calm down. I don't know what happened between the two of you, but you have to relax." She said but Y/n didn't break eye contact with Jaune.
"Come down or else." Y/n said in a threatening tone. Hesitantly he nodded, with great fear.
Later... As Jaune was making his way to the arena after getting his gear, he noticed that Y/n was still without her battle gear and only holding her briefcase that held Blooming Snow. "A-Aren't you going to get your gear?"
Y/n simply opened her briefcase and took out Blooming Snow, and throw the briefcase to the side away from her. "Don't have to. This will be enough."
"Are the two of you ready?" Glynda said as Jaune nodded, and Y/n gripped her rapier.
I looked at Jaune and the only thing that went throw my mind was. Kill. Kill. Kill! Kill! I then took a Deep breath and glared at him. But on the inside I was smiling. First my team was taken away, & know he took Ruby. My life has no meaning besides his punishment. Hehe. Eyes. Collarbone. Heart. Abdomen. Forehead. Spine. Throat. Solar plexus. Ribs. Knees. Shins. So where should I aim first, so many vital spots so little time. I'll make you pay Jaune.
I looked at Ruby from the corner of my eye, and I noticed that she keeps looking at me. Not like that's going to stop me.
-Jaune POV
I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm so dead. Out of all the people why Y/n... Why did I do that... I know she's still my friend, I'm sure that if I tell her, it was a mistake Maybe. I looked at her eyes, and sure enough they were saying otherwise.
-Ruby POV
I just wanted this to STOP. But Y/n won't even talk to me, or even look at me. Please Y/n don't hurt him. But I don't want you to get hurt. I started crying as I looked at Y/n, but she didn't even looked at me.
-3rd POV
Jaune, & Ruby told themselves in unison. "Please Y/n don't hurt me/him." Glynda looked at them. "3!" Jaune raised his guard. "2!" Ruby looked and she clasped her arms together. "1!" Y/n gripped her rapier with enough strength that she was bleeding. All the students remained silent awaiting the start of the battle. "Begin!"
In less then a second an object was slammed with enough force to the wall. As the smoke cleared all the students noticed that it was Jaune. As he was about to fall to the floor, Y/n quickly grabbed his shirt, and slammed him to the ground. Y/n then looked at him. "Get up? We're not done here." As he got up he almost fell down.
Nora looked at Ren. "Hey what happened. It only just started and he was thrown to the wall, and slammed to the ground like nothing?"
Before he could respond Pyrrha spoke up. "Y/n close the gap. At Great speed and slammed him to the floor." Nora was left speechless.
As Jaune didn't move, Y/n walked up to him and slashes Jaune face leaving a minor scar. "Y/n-" He then got on guard, and Y/n continued her attack in quick succession.
(I take no credit for the gift)
He couldn't even keep up with her. As he was backed to a wall, Y/n continued her flurry of attacks without stopping over, and over, and over, and over again. Jaune's aura was reaching 34.
At that moment he was starting to feel the cold air of death, as she continued her assault. When he blocked one of her attacks, he got passed her. But she quickly imbued her rapier with fire, as her eyes turned red, and slashed his back causing a small explosion. But he got his balance before falling.
He then tried to attack Y/n but She quickly ducked under his attack. She then grabbed her rapier with both arms and she charged her rapier with more fire. She then leaned the rapier back and she attacked him, as he blocked her attack, with his shield. The rapier pierced through the shield and it caused and explosion upon impact, as the smoke cleared Jaune fell on the floor. With his stomach facing down. He then noticed that hes right arm was limping. As he reached for his sword, Y/n stepped on it and kicked it away.
Y/n then calmed her breathing as she looked at him with cold red eyes. "Don't worry you're going to feel that arm later. I just hit a pressure point, so it doesn't get in the way."
He then started to crawl away but Y/n hit a pressure point on his other arm. "Please Y/n! I know I made a mistake. But please we're still friends. Right?" Y/n didn't respond she simply looked at him with cold red eyes.
He then tried to crawl away with his back legs. But she walked towards him and she stepped on his back with her left leg. "Don't worry what you're going to feel soon, will hurt like hell." She said in a sarcastic tone.
Jaune tried to look at her, as he started to tremble. "Y/n please I regret what I did. I promise to leave Beacon."
She then grabbed her rapier upside down. "Don't worry Jaune. I won't kill you, that would be too good for you." She said as she proceeded to hit several pressure points on his legs, as he was going to scream. Her eyes turned yellow, and the rapier was imbued with lightning. She then stabbed a spot on his back, and as the electricity ran through his body it stopped him from screaming. "No.No.No. We're not done yet."
Ruby and several others we're looking in horror. As one's the kindest student in the school was know just toying with Jaune.
Pyrrha on the other hand got up and walked away, with a sad expression. And without a care in the world.
Back to Y/n her eye's turned red, and she imbued her rapier with fire. She then attacked the floor and it cost an explosion. And the smoke covered her along with Jaune and the arena. "You won't have to worry about leaving Jaune. Because I'll make sure you never become a Huntsman EVER."
Since Jaune couldn't move, her eyes turned yellow, she then got on one knee. She then grabbed the back of Jaune's head, and she raised his head. "But I can tell you that one thing is certain." Jaune then open his eyes wide open, and Y/n placed her rapier close to his eyes. He saw as it was covered in electricity. "Just as you took something from me. I'll take something from you." She then lightly smiled. "Don't worry this won't hurt. It will hurt like hell."
As Y/n got her rapier closer to his eyes, he started to tear up. "P-Please! Y/n Please. NOOOOoooooo!"
As the dust covering the area continued. All the students couldn't hear or see anything. All they could hear was the sound of electricity subsiding. When the smoke cleared Y/n was seen standing, and Jaune was on the floor. Every student looked in shock, and disbelief. As they noticed that Jaune was on the ground with a slash across both his eyes.
Glynda quickly responded. "Hurry get him to the Infirmary!" As they took Jaune away. Y/n walked away. Ruby was left with disbelief at what Y/n just did.
-Locker Room
Later at the locker rooms, Y/n was seen putting her weapon away in the locker. When she closed the locker she heard footsteps, approaching her. She turned around to look at the person hopping that it was Glynda, but as she did she was slapped in the face, by a pissed off Ruby. She then proceeded to raise her voice.
"How could you! You didn't have to-" Y/n got agitated and then didn't hesitate to slap Ruby back. Ruby looked at her as she held her cheek surprised. "Y/n?"
"What thought that I was just going to stand there and take it."
Meanwhile Yang, Blake, & Weiss we're listening in on the conversation. "So tell me why did you do it? Why go out of your way to make my life hell." Ruby didn't respond. "What made you so desperate that you had to cheat on me? Especially for a guy that only cheated his way to this school." No respond. Y/n then started to tear up, along with her.
"Y/n... I-I'm sorry I just don't know, what came over me." She then made eye contact with Y/n. "But I made a mistake, & I hurt you. But please don't break up with me." As her tears ran down her face, Y/n sigh out of irritation.
"First I lost my team, & then I lost you. So to me I couldn't careless what you want. Because I just don't love you."
Ruby held her chest. "Please I don't want to be without you. I don't want to lose you."
Y/n rolled her eyes. "Then you shouldn't have done what you did." As Y/n walked passed her, Ruby reached out to her and she grabbed her wrist. Y/n then pulled away as her bandages came off. As she put her bandages back, Ruby noticed that Y/n had several cuts on her wrist. And bandages covered in blood, she then put two, & two together. "Y/n what did?"
Y/n simply looked away. "Leave me alone." As Ruby was about to say something the intercom sounded. "Attention will Y/n, L/n come to the office."
"It's about time." Y/n said with a smirk.
Ruby still confused responds to her. "What do you mean by that?" Y/n didn't respond and simply walked away, leaving Ruby alone. As she walked outside of the locker room, she glance at the rest of her friends, before smiling back at them. She then turns away and started to leave them.
-Tume skip Ozpin's Office
When Y/n made it to the office Ruby was right after her. But before Ruby could get out of the elevator, Y/n grabbed her and tossed her back in and the doors closed.
Ozpin smiled as he looked at Y/n. "So Y/n. What did you want to talk about?"
She without a wink of hesitation responded. "Ozpin I want to leave Beacon."
That one question caught Ozpin off guard. "What! But Y/n your one of our greatest mind's in this school." She lowered her head. "I'm sorry but I can't stomach this place anymore."
"... If I may ask. Can you tell me what happened?" She looked away. "I'm sorry professor."
"... How about this. Do you still want to be a Huntress?" Hesitantly she nodded. "Okay then." He then took out a flyer and handed it to her. "Read this and if you still feel like becoming a huntress. I'll talk to the school and have you enroll. Trust me I know the person of the school." As she put the flyer away she nodded. "I'll wait for your answer tomorrow at 12:00." She nodded as she walked away.
-Later at 7:00 p.m.
Y/n was walking to the front of the gates of the school with her motorcycle.
She then seat on it and turned it on. "Y/n!" Before she cued put on her helmet she turned her head to the side, and she noticed that Nora, & Ren we're approaching her. Nora then responded with her energetic tone. "Hey Y/n."
Y/n nodded and looked away. But Ren responded before she cued put her helmet. "Y/n Don't you think you took it too far?" He responded without knowing the reason of what happened between Jaune, Ruby, & Y/n. But Y/n looked at him with a pissed off look, and her eyes turned red. And she raised her voice. "To far my ass! He had sex with my girlfriend! He should be grateful I didn't kill him!" Nora, & Ren got surprised because Jaune, or Pyrrha didn't told them that.
"I-I'm sorry." Ren said as he lowered his head. "I didn't know."
Y/n then calmed down and relaxed as her eyes went back to normal. "It's okay Ren it's not your fault. And neither is yours Nora."
Nora then looked at her with a serious yet gentle look. "Well don't worry. If he thinks he's coming back that easily well don't worry cuz." She cracked her knuckles. "I'll break his legs." Ren sigh. "Nora."
"Haha. Thanks Nora but that won't be necessary." She the put on her helmet, but before she cued leave Ren responded.
"Sorry but before you go. Have you seen Pyrrha?" Y/n shook her head. "I see... If you see her. Can you let us know? We're getting worried." Y/n nodded. She then waved at them as she left.
-Time skip 7:41 p.m.
As she was riding throw the City she stopped and she removed her helmet, and turned off her bike. And she went inside a club. On the inside there were a bunch of people dancing to the music. And having the time of their lives.
(Replace Yang, with Y/n.)
But Y/n simply walked towards the bar, and ordered a non-alcoholic drink. As she waited for her drink a man wearing black vest over a white dress shirt, a red tie, black gloves and black dress pants, walked up to her. "Aren't you a little too young to be here?" The man smiled as he gave her the drink.
(I take no credit for the photo)
Y/n got serious. "That's funny aren't you a little too old to be called Junior." They both stared at each other for a moment, and then started to laugh.
Junior smiled as he looked at her. "So what are you doing here?"
"Just wanted to clear my head." She said as she took a sip of her drink.
Junior stared at her and he sigh. "...Come on something happened didn't it? You can tell me." He smiled.
She then scratched the back of her head, and have an awkward smiled. "I can't hide anything from you can I?" He then chuckle and smiled as he took a sip of a drink, he was holding. "Nope." She didn't want to tell him but she trusted him along with the twins.
- Short Time skip
After Y/n explained what happened in the mission, and what happened with Ruby. He sigh as he shook his head. "Kids these days. You're the second person from your school, that had her heart broken."
Y/n got confused and she looked at him, as her eyes turned green. "What do you mean by that?"
He called two of his henchman. "Is she still here?" Both henchmen nodded. He then walked passed them and he looked at Y/n. "Follow me?"
They then made their way to one of the rooms in the back. "So what's going on? Did something happen?"
He shook his head. "No. But a red head from your school got here." He sigh. "And by accident she drank one of the alcoholic drinks we were serving." Y/n got annoyed thinking that it was going to be HER (Ruby). "Here we are." He then opened the door.
-Y/n POV
As I walked inside the room, I was hoping that it wasn't her. But when I looked I noticed a sleeping girl with red long hair. She was wearing a red long dress. As she started to wake up, I noticed who it was. "Pyrrha!?"
(I take no credit for the photo)
"Y/n!?" She looked at me, and she looked at her surrounding. "This isn't Beacon?"
I looked at Junior. "Sorry but can you leave us alone." He nodded as he closed the door. I then seat next to her, but I had to admit she looked fine in that dress. "Pyrrha what are you doing here?" She didn't respond, she just looked to the floor as she twiddle her thumbs. I then noticed that she frowned. I looked away. "Is it about Jaune?"
-3rd POV
Pyrrha didn't respond as she simply looked at the floor, with a sad expression. "I-I'm sorry."
Y/n was quick to stop her. "It's not you're fault. So don't worry about it."
Y/n sigh. "Pyrrha what happened with Jaune wasn't your fault. So let's just relax. Okay?" Pyrrha nodded and smiled at her.
Later... "Hahaha!! And remember when she fell off the bird?" Pyrrha said while trying to control her laughter. "So Y/n what are you going to do. Now that well you know."
Y/n leaned forward. "Well I was thinking of heading to a different School." She then leaned back again.
"WHAT! But couldn't you stay?" Pyrrha put a sad expression.
"I would love to stay. But you know I can't... Not with HER around." Y/n sigh. Pyrrha looked away. "I see."
Y/n looked at her and smiled. "But don't worry it's not like we won't meet again." Pyrrha smiled and looked at her. "Yeah you're right."
Y/n then took out her scroll and looked at the time. "Come on let's go back to Beacon? It's getting late." Pyrrha nodded as her mind started to feel dizzy because of the atmosphere. "Okay."
On the road back to Beacon, Pyrrha was holding on tightly to Y/n. Pyrrha wasn't scared for Y/n, she was terrified because Y/n was going even faster, with a smile on her face. "Y-Y/n! Can you please slow down!" She said while panicking.
"Haha! What you want me to go faster! Okay!" And so she did. When they made it to Beacon. Pyrrha was never so glad to be on the floor.
-Much later...
When Pyrrha was left with her team. Y/n was making her way to her dorm. As she was getting close, she noticed that Ruby was curled up on the floor, with her head touching her knees and sleeping. Y/n then stopped in front of her. As Ruby woke up she noticed Y/n, and she started to cry. "Y/n." She then quickly got on her knees and wrapped her arms around Y/n's waist. With tears in her eyes, but that only annoyed Y/n. "Please Y/n I'm begging you! Take me back! I promise that I won't ever do it again! I'll stay faithful only to you!"
"Let go of me!" Y/n said as she tried to get Ruby's arms off her. "No! Not until you take me back!"
When Y/n got free, Ruby was pushed to the floor. Ruby then looked at her. "Please-"
"SHUT UP! Just get out of my life! You cheating whore!" She then walked inside her dorm and slammed the door in her face, and left Ruby outside.
-Time skip 12:30 a.m.
After some time Ruby had left, & Y/n was left alone. She was on her bed facing the ceiling, with both her arms in her stomach. "What am I going to do." As she was about to sleep. Someone knock on her door. She got annoyed thinking that it was HER. "I swear to Ohm Ruby! That if-" When she opened the door, she was surprised. Because the one on the door was Pyrrha wearing a sleeping gown, and short pants.
Pyrrha smiled and blushed. "Hey Y/n. Can I come in?" Y/n nodded as she invited Pyrrha in her dorm. She then looked outside and she noticed that Ruby was gone, she then gave a sigh of relief.
-Later 1:01 a.m.
As the room was dark with only the light from the lamp Illuminating the room. Both of them smiled and talked for a bit. Y/n was seating on the edge of her bed, with her left leg close to her chest, her arms wrapped around it, and her right leg dangling from the edge of her bed. Meanwhile Pyrrha was seating close to her, with her legs close to her chest, and her arms on her knees. "So have you decided?" Y/n nodded. "I have. I'll be going to that school."
"Now that I think about it. What school are you going to?" Y/n handed her a flyer. As she looked at the name she got surprised. "NO WAY! That's a promising School! Congratulations!" She said with a smile on her face.
Y/n blushed, & scratched the back of her head. "Hehe. Thanks..." They then remained silent with only the light from the lamp on. Y/n then looked away while lowering her eyes. "I'm not going to apologize, for what I did to Jaune."
Pyrrha relaxed her eyes, and she lightly smiled. "He had it coming... I just wished he would have loved me." Y/n didn't respond.
Warning 18+ minor lemon, & smut if you are a minor don't read.
Pyrrha then looked at Y/n, and Y/n looked at her. There was silence between them. As their eyes meet, Y/n stretched her left leg. Meanwhile Pyrrha got on all fours and she slowly got close to Y/n. "I know that I'm not Ruby. But maybe." She touched her fourhead, with Y/n's fourhead. And they leaned closer, and closer feeling each other's breath.
Y/n then softly touched Pyrrha's cheek. Pyrrha closed her eyes as she felt Y/n soft skin. "Pyrrha." She slowly opened her eyes, and Y/n started kissing her. Pyrrha then started kissing back. As they continued kissing Pyrrha got close to her, and she seat in front of her. They then broke the kiss to catch each other's breath. As they looked at each other they started to blush. As Y/n got close to Pyrrha.
Pyrrha laid down on the bed, and Y/n got on top of her, and they started french kissing. Y/n then started to kiss her neck, which cost Pyrrha to let out a moan. As Y/n continued she started massaging Pyrrha's breast, she then slowly started lifting her sleeping gown, revealing that Pyrrha wasn't wearing a bra. Pyrrha's face turned even redder, and she looked away feeling embarrassed. But Y/n touched her left cheek, and made her look at her. Y/n then started to bite her neck softly leaving several hickeys. As Pyrrha outstretched her arms, Y/n pulled away.
As Y/n looked at Pyrrha she got even more excited, she then removed her shirt as they started kissing again. Y/n firmly grabbed Pyrrha's ass, and Pyrrha wrapped her legs around Y/n waist. They then held each other's hands as they continued french kissing. They then took a moment to breathe.
Pyrrha then responded trying to control her womanly urges. "Y/n please if it's just for now." Y/n looked at her. "Please only think of me. Even if it's just for this moment."
Y/n smiled with pure excitement and she touched her cheek. "Don't worry you are the one person, that is on my mind Pyrrha." Both of them stick their tongues out and kissed again.
Pyrrha then flipped Y/n and got on top of Y/n. She then started kissing Y/n nipples, and Y/n started moaning. "Pyrrha." Y/n said trying to control her tone. Pyrrha smiled. "Y/n you're the only one in my mind." Pyrrha then started making her way down to Y/n's legs, as she licked her stomach.
-Time skip 3:56 a.m.
Meanwhile in team RWBY's dorm. As Weiss, Blake, & Yang we're sleeping. Runy was still crying over the fact that she went behind Y/n's back, and cheated on her for three weeks. "Y/n I'm sorry." She whisper to herself.
In Y/n dorm. As a naked Pyrrha was sleeping, with a blanket covering her and a smile in her face. Y/n was looking at the flyer, and she looked at Pyrrha. She then smiled as she petted Pyrrha. "Goodnight Pyrrha." She then turned her attention to the flyer and looked at it with a series look. "U.A. High School." And just like that everything faded to Black.
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