execution by the blood eagle
Okay now, warning and I mean WARNING! There is gore here, there is also character death.
So please if you do not want to see this I suggest clicking off now.
execution by the blood eagle
Hiccup after being brought to the killer's ring the guards force him to walk the rest of the way.
The guards had tossed him onto the hard Stone ground and hiccup had to keep Moving or the guards would kick him.
Hiccup was moving towards where they want him to go and as he did, everyone from above was yelling and throwing rotten cabbage at him.
Once he made it the guards grabbed his arms again and kept them behind his back.
Stoick had come forward towards the small boy, he saw nothing more but a traitor, hiccup looked even smaller than usual, barefoot and missing his vest, He didn't even dare make a sound near the chief.
Hiccup saw a large boulder carved into a rectangle in the center of the Ring next to his formal father.
Stoick started to speak in his official voice, "Hiccup Formerly once known as Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, you are here before your tribe to answer for your crimes, For your treason against your people, the most proper punishment for doing such a crime of befriending a dragon there is no proper punishment other than the Blood Eagle, it shall be your punishment," Hiccup lost what little color was left in his face when he heard those last words.
Hiccup couldn't believe it, did Stoick really feel this betrayed and made the decision to execute him, he wasn't even a man yet but he guess he is now if he was given a traitor death.
"Remove his tunic and tied down on the boulder," Stoick order his guards.
Hiccup felt the rough hands of the guards grabbing onto his tunic and tearing it off exposing his upper body.
He truly did look like fish bones as he was only around 85 pounds, it was very embarrassing for hiccup to be seen like this as he was very self-conscious about his body being seen.
The guards tied him down to the boulder as hiccup look around and saw very few people were unhappy with this, gubber, Astrid, the twins, Fishlegs, and his own cousin were the only ones that didn't seem happy about this but the rest began a cheer.
This wasn't much of a surprise, Vikings really do love seeing violence, and watching an execution most bitterly would be the Viking Way.
Hiccup just couldn't believe it have come to this, he was 15 and sent to die by Blood Eagle and no one else was going to do this but his own chief as it was tradition for the chief to do it.
'I guess this will be our last bonding together,' hiccup thought as there was no point, nobody will listen to him and there was no way to stop this now.
"Tell me hiccup was it worth it? That you sided with dragons?" Stoick asks in a cold voice.
Hiccup decided to give his last words to the crowd, "I never sided with them, I wanted to bring peace and end this pointless 300-year war, believe me, if I could go back and do it all over again, I would do it in a heartbeat, toothless was my best friend and my only friend I truly ever had and accept me as who I was, none of you could because I was different if you all truly believe I'm a traitor because I don't believe in your ways as I used to THEN FINE! SENT ME TO HELHEIM!"
The crowd of Vikings throw insults at the traitor as that's what they wanted to see his blood be spilled, only a very few didn't though as a few didn't look happy about this.
"So be it then," Stoick said as he grab the blade he had with him on his belt and brought it up as he lowered it to Hiccup's bare back, just to the side of the spine, where it bit into the hiccup flesh, He could feel him tense beneath, Hiccup would not cry out in pain at least not yet, as the chief cut parallel to the spine, from the uppermost rib to the lowest one.
hiccup would try not to cry out pain, apart from the occasional sharp intake of a breath.
Stoick made two more cuts, one each along the highest and lowest rib, Then he peeled the flesh from hiccup's back, Hiccup finally causing him to scream as it was too much feeling all the flesh from his back being torn right off was painful.
Hiccup still couldn't believe it, his former father the chief was truly willing to do this to him, with no signs of regret, No signs of remorse, no signs that he had sympathy for him, hiccup truly knew his chief truly wanted to rid of him from this world, it broke his heart as he tried to hold back his tears as the pain would only get worse.
Stoick grabs the first rib and pulls it out and bent it from hiccup back.
Stoick then does the other side, hiccup knew if he was able to live through this he reached the end he would have a pair bloody wings.
Soon the next ribs from either side were pulled and bent into place next to the other one.
Hiccup was yelling from the top of his lungs in pain.
Hiccup Felt his heartbreaking that life was being taken away from him so soon.
The screaming got worse with the pain of each rib being broken apart.
Next, the third and fourth ribs were pulled and bent into place.
Hiccup look down and can see the blood dripping onto the ground, the pain was still great but he had no sign of passing out yet.
He look up to see only a few people had to look away as a sign that they had sympathy for him.
One of that course being gubber, Astrid, and Fishlegs too besides a few other tribe members he could see his cousins Snotlout and the twins looking away too.
Snotlout truly did not look all that happy, to hiccup it was a surprise because he thought Snotlout would be cheering for this as this of course means spitloud and his cousin would be the next heirs of Berk and would one day be chief.
'maybe he does care about me?' hiccup thought as maybe there was a chance his cousin had come to regret all the things that he did.
But it won't matter because the fifth and sixth ribs were broken.
There were only just a few more ribs ago on either side.
Hiccup let out his tears and cry so loud as he was calling out for help to stop this, "TOOTHLESS!"
That was definitely the wrong word to say, Stoick had grabbed onto both of the boy's seven ribs and violently rip them both at the same time.
"TOOTHLESS!" hiccup cried out even louder as many were yelling at him for calling out for help to a dragon.
He heard the dragons wanted to get out, maybe it was toothless, hiccup thought but Stoick's voice surprise him, "that devil of yours cannot save you from this boy, it's already Dead!"
Finally the last of the ribs were broken.
Hiccup was setting tears for his dragon, "toothless."
his own friend and best friend is dead and these were the last words he heard from his formal father.
It was even more heartbreaking knowing what was about to happen to him.
All his ribs were Now opened up to a pair of Blood Eagle wings.
Hiccup knew what must be done as he look around the last time, seeing his people, his tribe, bark it would be the last time he would ever see this place.
Hiccup wanted this to be over with now so he would go to Helheim and maybe be with toothless there.
"FINISH!... ME!..." Hiccup yelled to stoick as the boy was crying at him, hiccup wanted this to end now and be done with so the pain would stop and agony would finally be gone.
Stoick without saying a word put his hands into the holes he had made in hiccup back.
Stoick had pulled put the two lungs out and drop them onto the ground, hiccup could feel how painful it was with those large hands just grabbing onto his lungs and being torn right out.
now Hiccup started panicking, not being able to breathe the oxygen he needed in his lungs, it was a horrible sight to be seen, Then he relaxed and lower his head, and finally, death took him.
Hiccup's eyes then opened up to see he was now standing in the ring and what he saw was his own dead body.
he saw his formal father standing there with his hands covered in his blood.
Everyone stopped cheering for a moment as stoick said, "May he never reaches Valhalla and feast with the gods," after that speech he had just turned away from what he had done.
Everyone once again started cheering except for the teens and gubber, hiccup was looking all around and couldn't understand.
Why was he still here, he could still hear the dragon roaring as hiccup went and put his hands on the gate and then realize he could go through it.
He went right through the gate and was now in the cage to find toothless was still alive.
Hiccup couldn't believe it, Stoick had lied to him before he died, this was just horrible knowing the painful truth now.
Stoick totally wanted him to suffer for his last moments by saying those awful words to him.
Hiccup would now remain with toothless now as he couldn't go anywhere else not until toothless could.
To be continued
Like I said at the end of the last chapter depending on how long this one will be we might have one or two more.
The way It looks like we have one more to go and it will finish everything up.
I hope you all enjoy this and please leave me reviews and tell me what you think.
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