Chapter 32 - 'Big threat for a tiny woman.'

Danny Torent's POV

"Why are you here?" Her tone is coated in venom as she looks me up and down.

I lock the door to the spacious office behind me and walk deeper into the office. I settle into the seat before her desk and pin her with a firm look.

She growls, "If you plan on staring at me all day, might as well put a bullet into my head."

I tilt my head to the side to annoy her further. The pen in her hand snaps in two as her eyes narrow. She breaks eye contact to look at the security camera hidden on the shelf and scoffs.

"If I knew you were such a pain in the ass, I won't have allowed Caleb to let you stay in the Penthouse."

I finally grace her with my voice, "Big threat for a tiny woman."

Her jaw clenches. "If that's how you want it, what deal are you offering?"

I straighten my head and allow my facials to remain neutral. "You could tell me the connection between you and Charlie, and I'll stop Peyton from poising you."

"The Griffin knows her place and she wouldn't dare to jeopardise her relationship with Caleb. Besides, if Charlie refused to tell you anything, then I'd be damned if you get it out of me," she replies calmly, but the tick in her jaw tells me otherwise.

I conceal a rising smirk. "So, you two know each other?"

"Fucking hell!" she curses as she realises her mistake. She slams her palms onto the table and rises to make herself appear bigger than her original size.

Rookie mistake.

"Let's get one thing straight, Torent. The British Empire and I have no ties to each other. Take that information and shove it up your ass."

"You claim to be from a place similar, so you must know how we operate. After all, you know the Sandels on a personal level."

She scoffs, but I continue, "I hate to break it to you, Taryn, but when your demons dance with mine, it will only end in disaster."

I lean closer to her face as my voice drops an octave, "I will find out what it is you and Charlie are hiding. Even if I have to turn the people you love against you, so be it."

I allow my RBF mask to drop and smirk at the same time a loud banging comes from the door, along with Jack's voice.

"Babe, I'm here, mind opening the door?" he says.

Taryn's eyes narrow a fraction further as she realises how this situation would have looked like if I hadn't locked the door.

I did her a favour by locking that door.

"Then you'd be well aware that I can play this game better than anyone." She says and gets up from her chair.

I eye her moving figure as she leaves her spot behind the table. She heads over to the door and opens it.

"Hello, Jack," I say.

Jack's eyes narrow as he looks from me to his girlfriend, piecing the puzzle in his head together.

He scoffs and walks into the room. Taryn places her hand on his chest to stop him from walking to me and ripping me out of my chair.

I'd like to see him try.

"Danny, why are you obsessed with knowing the connection between Charlie and Taryn?" he says, while breathing deeply through his nose.

Charlie is in danger, courtesy of her late stepfather. Mr. Li left many enemies before he died. My guess is that they couldn't get to Shane, so the next best thing was her.

I promised to keep her safe and I need to know what lurks in the shadow so I will know how much light needs to be shined.

"Classified information," I say.

Crossing my hands on my torso and glaring at the duo, I stand up from the chair. "I will know what bullshit you people are hiding and if it hurts her, I will come for you."

Her chocolate eyes turn a darker shade and she clenches her fists. The glares from her and Jack are hot enough to send me six feet under. I try my best to hold down the shit-eating grin threatening on my face.

"Sometimes, friends have to become enemies to get what you want." Sam's voice says in my head.

I wouldn't know who should prevent who from attacking me among the duo, but I'll take my chance.

In all honesty, I never wanted to resort to drastic measures. I would have never played the game this way if I knew it will come back to bite me in the ass.

Taryn inhales deeply before speaking. "Your concern might be from a good place, but I wouldn't reckon to piss us off. We are not the bad guys, and we sure as hell are not a threat to Charlie's safety. I'll make a deal with you."

One thing many people don't realize is that emotions are the weakest thing a person can possess. Despite acquiring a disease that helps me subdue my emotions, I'm happy I don't show my true intentions to people I don't trust.

"I won't tell you how Charlie and I know each other because it's none of your business." A glare crawls up her face as she speaks. "If you can keep Charlie and her mom from leaving the British Empire, I'll help you find Shane."



The white smoke grows thinner as it joins the dark clouds above. Thunders lashes around, creating a melody that reminds me of a song. A song I thought I'd forgotten. Flashes of lightning cross the sky in seconds and provide light for the rush hour traffic below me.

"Thank you for staying awake."

I take one more drag before throwing the cigarette off the balcony.

"I stayed awake for Penny, not you."

She sighs, walks onto the balcony, and closes the door behind her. "You know, I was hoping you would offer me a deal."

I turn my head and study her side profile. Dinah Wellington has always been a sight for sore eyes. Before she found models for her clothing line, she wore her own clothes to expose her talent to the world. She still puts her models to shame with her looks.

"What do you want Dinah?"

She rubs her hands and shivers. "I need you to protect my daughter."

"Am I protecting her from your lies, or from the Empire?"

"I did not lie to her." She glares at me. "I did what I did to keep her safe."

Mothers refuse to see the fault in their actions until their children pay the price.

I scoff. "Dinah, you claim to do what you could, but you and I know you could have handled the situation better."

"Do you know the Lealtads?" she asks.


"When Sam banished Marcel from the Empire, Marcel took a one-way bus to Miami. A Hispanic family found him and raised him as one of their own."

It explains why Marcel survived all these years, but what does that have to do with the situation at hand?

"The Lealtads have a habit of taking in strangers and helping them back to their feet. One of those strangers was a runaway sixteen-year-old named Valentiá Duenas. She was a refugee from the El Salvador civil war. They took her in and she was like a sister to Marcel until she went out with some friends and landed in Joey's bed."

The missing part of the report.

"Kasie used her as a pawn after that." I complete her story.

Valentiá was a victim of circumstance, but what happens when the victim is tired of their role?

"Danny, some people play their parts in life with a mindset. Some of them accept the hand life has given them and refuse to work for something better. A minority of the few work for another life. Another role to fulfill that will take away their pain."

She brings out a cigarette, lights it, and inhales. "In the early years of our marriage, Valentiá played the role of a caring sister-in-law while her hatred festered deep. I pointed out her hatred towards the father of her abandoned child and his mother. She couldn't pour her anger out on them, so she did the next best thing. Do you know what she did?"

"She came after you and your family, hoping to draw the attention of the Empire. Maybe if we captured her and took her back with us, we will lead her to Joey. Then she could have her revenge."

I take a deep breath.

This is bigger than I thought it was. A supposed extraction mission to protect the ones we love, to bring peace where chaos has made itself a home. It has turned into a court show of settling family feuds.

"That's one reason. I believe she wants to destroy every form of happiness around her, starting from her closest sibling."

Silence envelopes us, and I think about my options.

Valentiá wants only one thing.


I know she will stop at nothing to get it. No matter how many toes she will step on or the fingers she will bite, she will get what she wants.

But what does she really want?

Revenge for her missing child? Closure for the family members she lost in the war? Destruction of every form of happiness around her to suit her sadistic desires?

"I need your help, Danny. I need you to please protect Marci, from Valentiá, from the British Empire, hell from even me if I pose as a threat." Her voice breaks as she speaks. "I never wanted to leave my husband and destroy my little girl, but I will do everything in my power to save her."

"I will protect her and your husband because of the information you have shared with me tonight."

If Sam wants Penny to rule the Empire, he has to allow Marcel to return. He has to allow Charlie to take her place as the fourth in command and finally; he has to allow us to find a Reynold to restart their bloodline.

It's the only way to keep the place under firm control.

To keep the peace and drive away chaos.

"What if I tell Marci the truth?" I say.

"What truth?"

"Her origin."

Dinah's eyes widen. "No. No. No... You can't." Her hands grip the railing with so much force that her knuckles turn white. She trembles not from the cold, but from the realization of what I'm about to do.

"Danny, you can't be serious."

I turn to face her and take the cigarette stick from between her lips, "Dealers can only protect their own if the person knows the danger. Sending off a sheep to be slaughtered by wolves is a rookie mistake. One I refuse to make." I throw the cigarette off the balcony and walk away.


High school locker rooms have a particular scent. BO, testosterone, and hierarchy. No matter what country it is, these three smells have to be present.

I walk up to the man in charge and allow my RBF mask to fall into place.

"I assume you are the coach," I say.

The crowd of a middle-aged man with two footballers stops talking to look at me.

"Yes, I am. How may I help you?" The older man says.

"I'm here to see Diego and Mateo Lealtad. I was told that they were in football practice. If it isn't much of a hassle, I'd like to speak with them."

The old man exchanges eye contact with the boys, particularly the older one.

"You won't take long?" he asks.

I nod. "I won't."

He turns to the footballers beside him. "You've got five minutes, lads. If you don't finish before then, you will give a fifty round the track."

The coach walks away with his threat hanging in the air like a bad omen.

The older one speaks up, "How may we help you?"

Little do they know it's the other way around.

"I need to know more about your family, especially your grandparents."

"Abuelo and Abuela are-" The older one slaps his hand on his brother's mouth with a glare.

"Who are you?" The older one asks.

"I'm Danny Torent."

The older one eyes me. "Why should we tell you anything?"

Blessed are those who aren't quick enough to hand their trust on a silver platter, for I shall outwit them.

"Boys!" the coach calls in warning from across the room. He goes back out through the double doors that lead to the field.

They turn away and walk towards their coach, but I grip the older one's shoulder. "You should trust me."

"Why should we?"

The younger one coughs. "I hate to break this up, but the coach will have our asses if we don't back there."

I eye the football helmet across the room. "If I show you a few pointers, would you be willing to listen to me?"

The older one smirks. "That's if you can keep up."

I follow the two outside to the field and join the rest of their team. It's a good thing I wore sweats.

The teammates snicker at my intrusion, and the coach sends a questioning brow my way.

"I'm trying to prove a point," I explain.

Football was always more than a sport to me. It wasn't an outlet if that's what you're thinking. I was fond of the sport because of the privileges it came with. The fame, the popularity, the immunity against school authority, and the likes. It made me into an asshole and I took joy in being the biggest asshole I could be.

As the game progressed, I sidestep the play the coach set out for the team and score three touchdowns.

The older one is the star quarterback and the team captain removes his helmet and walks up to me. "I take it back. You could pass off as a player."

I ignore his dig, grab his shoulder, and lead him away from his teammates.

"Now, will you agree to talk to me?" I ask.

His eyes sweep me from top to bottom, considering it. "Fine. Why are you here?"

"As I said before, I am Danny. I take it you aren't aware of your uncle's past?"

"Which one? I've got plenty."

Dinah wasn't joking when she said they help strangers.

"The music producer, Marcel Wellington."

Recognition flashes across his eyes before they harden. "You're the one that shot him."

"No dumbass. I'm trying to find who did."

He scoffs, "Why should I believe anything you say?"

I run my hands through my hair, trying not to show my frustration. "Because I talked to Dinah last night. I know what the hell is going on and if you don't give me the answers I need, your cousin is the next person to get shot."

His eyes narrow in irritation. "You've got some nerve to show up here and-"

A fresh voice joins the conversation, "Allow me."

I do a double take at the quiet man who protects Caleb most of the time.

Did he follow me?

"Shawn, now is not the time to-"

Shawn interrupts the boy's rant. "Diego, I can assure you that what he tells you is true. You must help him and tell him what he needs to know. Unless you want something bad to happen to Marci."

Diego's internal struggle is comical as his features change within two seconds. After a while he sighs, clearly not over the moon, by spilling family secrets to a complete stranger.

"Fine." He says through clenched teeth. "I'm doing this because of Marci."

I roll my eyes but hold the insult back. "Why do your grandparents help total strangers?"

"I don't know. Something about morals or some riddle Abuelo says half of the time."

"Okay, do you know a woman named Valentiá?"

"She's among the people they took in. Aunt Valentiá is a nurse working to save Uncle Marcel at the central hospital."

A Nurse.


Save Marcel.

The last part of my thought rings in my head like a cringe-worthy Christmas jingle.

"Thank you. I gotta go." I say to them and quickly put an AirPod in my ear.

I take off from the field and run to the motorcycle I rented. Kicking off the stand, I drive out of the school parking lot and onto the busy roads of Miami.

'Hey Siri, I need directions to the Central hospital.'

'You are ten minutes away. Follow the highway and make a right to get to the freeway.'

Cold sweat breaks out on my skin as traffic builds up. The vehicles crawling at a snail's pace despite the traffic lights set up to make things move swiftly. I rev my engine and overtake a moving truck. Horns blare up at my move, but I continue driving. Dodging cars and passers-by alike.

My breathing becomes uneven and my heart rate picks up. They stack the odds against me if I don't make it to the hospital on time. Chances of Marcel living to see his little girl grow up, get slimmer by the second with the presence of his stepsister.

I will protect your daughter and husband.

I tighten my grip on the handlebars and take a turn at the exit of the highway and find the road under construction.

"Fucking hell!" I curse and look around.

I eye a wooden ramp in the middle of the road and flip the pedal in reverse. The distance from here to the paved road is about 100ft of wet cement. Neglecting the workmen standing ankle-deep inside the cement to set it properly, I do the math in my head and harden my resolve.

My legs connect with the ground as I move backward. The engine groans as I press down on the pedal and head straight for the ramp. I climb it and fly across a ground of wet cement, over the heads of workmen.

The workmen hurl insults at me, some even resort to throwing their tools at me. Trash cans fall to the ground as I struggle to control the fast-moving motorcycle whilst dodging construction tools and wet cement patches.

I take a left down a narrow road and join the freeway. The traffic lights glare at me in red hues as I drive past the cars stopped in front of me and almost collide with a moving school bus.

A little girl in pig-tails waves at me as I allow the bike to skid under the bus while I jump and roll on the top. I land on it and continue driving towards the salvation of the British Empire.

'You are five minutes away from your destination.' Siri rings in my ear.

Police sirens ring in the distance and I make a split-second decision to drive across a zebra crossing. Successfully scattering pedestrians on the road to slow them down.

I thought the fuzzes would never show up.

I hasten the speed of the motorcycle. The more time I spend on the road, the more time Valentiá has to take Marcel out. It would lead to nothing more than doom, especially for Marci.

'When you reach the end of the freeway, you must take the next exit to reach your destination.'

That's if the police don't catch me first.

If Valentiá works in that same hospital that has Marcel in it, she's only there for one reason. To finish her job.

I give it more gas and zip past cars. The harsh sunlight and police sirens make it hard to see the road, but I push through.

"Pull over or I will shoot." A copper says.

I use the side mirror to gauge where he is. The man screaming for my surrender is in the passenger seat whilst his co-workers focus on catching up with me.

I veer left and right to lose them. Two more cars join the freeway from the other lane and try to cut me off. One of them successfully overtakes me and drives me forward. The driver underestimates me and turns around, heading straight for me. He drives towards me head-on, thinking I will stop and allow them to lead me to the slammer.

One advantage of being a popular high schooler is knowing how to outsmart cops in speed chases. It's not always about the speed of the vehicles or the model. It's how you can use it to your advantage.

Instinct takes over my body as I rev the engine again and raise the handles, making the front tire raise into the air. The back tires hiss as they leave tire marks on the road. The copper doesn't back down and increases his speed, heading straight for me. I climb his vehicle and land on the ground with more force than necessary.

The cop cars behind me are neither not lucky nor not that smart.

I use my side mirror to watch the scene play out.

A series of chain events happen. The one that came at me bumps into the two other cop cars and sends one flying across the road divider. It lands upside down in the next lane, and another car crashes into it.

Adrenaline running through my veins doubles in momentum as the next exit of the freeway appears.

"Attention all units! The motorcyclist is heading towards the central hospital. Regroup-" The copper stops talking to flip away from the crash site.

I turned into the exit as the cars exploded behind me. Black smoke and ashes waft into the air and edge me on towards my destination. The destructions bring fond memories into my head; like the time the football team and I teepee a nerd's house because he refused to do our homework.

'You have reached your destination.' Siri tells me as I drive into the hospital parking lot.

I park the motorcycle haphazardly, throw off my helmet, and storm into the hospital.

I run into the elevator whilst ignoring the receptionist.

"You can't be in here!"

"Too late, Love," I tell her and close the doors.

If I was a big-shot producer who got shot in his own home, which floor would my family members put my room in?

You can never go wrong with private floors. And what floor is more private than the top floor?

Cue the horrible elevator music as I press the button and think of the worst-case scenarios.

When the doors open, I see Marci talking to a petite woman in a nurse's uniform. Marci was facing the elevator doors, so she didn't know why the nurse's features darkened.

That's a scenario that didn't cross my mind.

I pull out my gun, "Marci, get down!"

Valentiá was faster than the teenager because she used her notepad to hit Marci's head. Marci falls limp on the floor unconscious.

"We meet again, Danny Torent." Her voice was unmistakable.

The snobby assistant.

My grip tightens on my gun as I eye Valentiá's physical qualities and engrave them into my brain; to ensure I can recognize her in the future.

People possess a kind of glint when they are about to do something drastic and have nothing to lose. The glint was distinct in her eyes as she looks around to ensure that we were alone.

She wrapped her chocolate hair into a tight bun, allowing her golden eyes to sparkle with evil intent. Lips curled into a smirk, she takes one step back to the only other door on this floor.

Without thinking, I press my hand on the trigger. The bullet soars through the distance between us and lands on the keyhole, specifically the key in it. It flicks the key to the side, successfully locking it.

If she wants to get to Marcel, she'd have to open the door first.

"That was a warning shot. If you surrender now, I'm sure Sam will let you keep your tongue." I cock my head to the side to observe her stance.

Her hands tighten on her notepad, making her knuckles turn white. A small trail of sweat leaves her brows, and lands on the smirk that doesn't waver.

The clock above the elevator doors ticks. None of us move as we observe each other, waiting for who will make the first move.

"You surprise me, Danny. I thought it would take you at least a month to find me." She says and reaches down towards Marci.

I take a step forward and align my gun with her forehead. "Touch her and I'll blow your brains out."

She snickers. "She is almost half of your age. The reports didn't say that you were a pedophile along with deranged."

I control my breathing and filter my thoughts. She's using the oldest tactic in the book to get to me. My authentic emotions are something that isn't easily seen on my face. I doubt she realizes this, and I use it to my full advantage.

I cock my head to the side. "You're one to talk. You plan on killing off your family members. What happens after you kill off the Wellingtons?"

I take another step forward, hoping to intimidate her and back her into the corner, but she stands her ground.

"Your thirst for revenge is being directed at the wrong people."

"You can't judge me because you are just like me." She says. "Our family turned their backs on us to fight for a selfish goal. You and I have a goal of our own; to hurt those close to us."

"What are you getting at?"

She cocks her head to the side. "Didn't spend most of your adolescent years, fucking redheads to get over Charlie?"

My RBF falters as I frown. "We are nothing alike."

"Oh, so does Peyton know you plan on using her as leverage to make Caleb tell you the connection between Charlie and Taryn?"

It's like she's in my head.

The familiar tune that causes dread to overcome my sense plays in my head, making it hard for me to focus on the task at hand.

She takes a step away from Marci and towards me. "You want to know everything. All the things that were kept from you. They kept you in the dark because you were unstable. Just like me."

Breathe Danny, breathe. You are nothing like her.

The song grows louder, along with the frantic beating of my heart. Hysterical laughter and muffled sobs play in the background of my mind. Numbness controls my body, making it hard for me to move from my defensive position.

I thought I was past this demon.

She stands in line with my gun and presses her forehead to the opening. Her golden eyes shine with malice and victory.

She has me where she wants me, and she knows it.

I hate to admit it, but I was going to use Penny against Caleb to know about Charlie's past.

Was it a dick move? Yes.

Will I still do it? Yes.

No one but Shane understands how dangerous his father's enemies are. There is no way Charlie will survive another encounter with them. Chloe knows this, and that is why they came back to the Empire.

Sometimes you can't fight your demons, you can only run from them.

Valentiá notices my hesitation to end her once and for all. Her golden eyes sparkle with her teeth as she smiles, "You don't even have the balls to kill me, do you?"

Suddenly, she brings up her arm and wraps it around the nuzzle of the gun. The movement brings me out of my temporary paralysis, but it was too late.

With inhuman speed, Valentiá rips the gun away from my hand and pushes me into the wall.

She punches my nose and knees my balls. My knees buckle and collapse from my weight, but she wraps her fingers around my throat and pulls me to eye level.

She taps the gun on her chin. "Let's get something straight, Danny. My revenge is bigger than what you or the rest of the Empire can imagine. I will get what I want. If you stand in my way again, this won't be a warning shot."

She taps my cheek with the gun and points it at Marci.

"No!" I reach for her, but she headbutts me and I see stars for a split second.

The shot goes off and I fall into a growing pool of blood that isn't mine.

Vulnerability crumbles me as I speak, "I'm so sorry, Marci."

"Sweet dreams Danny. We will meet again." Valentiá whispers into my ear and walks away after pinching the pressure point on my neck.


"You had one job to do, and you blew it," Penny says as she paces around the room.

I play with an IV drip on my left hand and ignore her rant.

The defenseless feeling that enveloped me during my meeting with Valentiá isn't foreign to me.

The song from the club fades as the group of boys surround me in the alleyway under the rain.

"When you get back home, tell Joey to either fess up our drugs or we will burn down your house." The Ringleader says.

I smirk, "What makes you think that it's raining cocaine?"

"You'd think smartasses have brains as well." He grabs my chin and squeezes my cheeks. "Be sure to deliver our message."

He brings out a knife and examines it in the moonlight. The gangster closest to him brings out a lighter and flips it open, and they position the knife on top of the open flame.

"Gag him."

My eyes widen when I see the cloth inches away from my mouth. The Ringleader grins and drags my hand away from my body, and brings the bright red knife closer to my hand.

"Wait! Please!" The gag drowns out my cries.

"Next time, you'll hold your tongue." The Ringleaders' grin gets wider as the space between my hand and the knife gets smaller.

He places the knife on the back of my palm and keeps it there to ensure the branding occurs. The gangsters burst into manic laughter as I struggle against their hold in vain.

The outburst of pain overrides the cockiness inside of me and my heart stills for a moment. Pain shoots up my arm and into my system, awakening sensations I never knew I could feel. The smell of burning flesh covers my senses and I struggle to free myself from their grasp. Tears fall from my eyes as their laughter drowned my sobs.

He continues to inflict damage on me, and I hold eye contact with the fucker and promise to kill him by myself.

"Are you even listening to me?" Penny grumbles.

Her displeasure drags my attention from the drip where the knife brand is. I run my thumb over it and ghost my wrist where my red band should be.

I sigh, "Technically, protecting Marci isn't in our job description. We are here to grab Valentiá and go home."

"How's that working out for you?"

"Your sarcasm won't get us anywhere."

She walks closer to me and holds my head in place. "When we got here after seeing the headlines... fucking hell, I don't even know what I felt. Seeing you in a pool of blood wasn't part of the plan, Pumba."

I rest my hand on hers. "I'm fine now and that's all that matters."

Silence envelopes us as we enjoy the comfort we bring each other. A type of comfort that isn't anywhere else in the world.

"Penny, you need to go home."

She raises her head from mine and glares. "Your concussion is getting worse because you are delusional."

"Hear me out. Valentiá wants her revenge, but we don't know what it is."

"She wants Joey to pay for making her give away Caleb; it is that obvious."

"If it were, she would have come for Caleb and told him herself," I say and wait for the blanks to arrange in her head.

Caleb is already an adult and it won't make much difference if his parents wanted to get close to him. I highly doubt he'd want to associate himself with them after he heard about the vile things they have done.

She scoffs, "Even if her agenda is unknown to us; I'd be damned to leave you here."

"Why can't you leave?"

She walks away from me and rests on the wall. "I can't go back there, Danny. Not after all I saw and what Sam told me. I can't live the rest of my life killing people off and taking sick pleasure in it." A tear falls from her eye.

"It's one thing to kill a person. It's another thing to derive pleasure from doing it." A second one falls.

"I'm willing to sacrifice many things to make sure you, Lola, and Charlie are safe and have your happy endings. At the cost of thousands of lives is not a price I am ready to pay."

A third tear leaves her eyes, and she breaks down. She holds her hands to her face to shield herself from me as her body convulses. I curse Sam in my head for breaking her, for turning her to this. He knows how much she suffered in her earlier years and still puts her through more hell for reasons unknown to me.

I sigh and hold my hands to her. "Come here."

She pushes herself off the wall and walks to me with uncertainty. I pick her off the floor, cradling her in my chest, and place my chin on top of her head.

"I'd be damned if I let anything happen to you, Penny." Kissing her forehead, I continue. "I'm trying my best to keep all of us safe and I can't do that if you are in the crossfire. We don't know everything, and I can't promise you, we will be the same after this is over."

She sighs, but I continue to speak. "But I can promise you one thing."


"I will protect you and your sister and the love of my life. No matter what happens, I need to know that you won't stop fighting for what we believe in. Family is our greatest weakness, but it is also our greatest strength."

There you have it, folks! Please check out my IG @justnere_ for a new video for Danny. I believe it explains him perfectly.

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