🔺 Chapter 6🔻
Chapter 6
"No. I'm sorry I can't do that. I'd rather be a cleaner than sell my body for cash. Any honest job better pass than one"
"But the job legit na, I no dey steal guys money. I give pleasure and they give me money in return"
Osas shook her head, "Body no be wetin person dey use play anyhow. Thank you for the offer but I no want" "Okay.... But since you say you prefer to be cleaner, I fit know one dry cleaning shop way you fit work for the time being"
Osas smiled, "You serious so?" "I go con lie for you before? No worry, I go show you tomorrow. Wetin be your name?" "Osas, you?" "Uche"
Pillars Hospital
"Come back Benin" Omo sounded to Osas again as she walked through the hospital. "I can't" "Wetin you want still wait for Lagos do?"
Osas groaned then she sighted the doctor that attended to Helen and her baby. "Omo, we go talk later. Bye bye" she ended the call. She then walked towards him.
"Doctor good morning" she greeted and he smiled at her.
"Hey there.... I didn't get your name from the other time"
"Yes, Osas! What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to.... to see Helen and her baby"
"Oh. The woman whom you help, I'm sorry, she left yesterday morning. She had to move to her original hospital" "Do you know the hospital?"
"I didn't ask. I'm sorry" he answered, "You can call her"
"I don't have her number"
"Sorry I can't help much" he apologized and Osas shrugged. "You don try" she replied and he walked away.
Osas scurried back to the lobby where she found Favour already asleep with her mouth opened. She tapped her and favor opened her eyes then she groaned.
"Sorry for stressing you, you for don dey sleep for house"
"Sleep where?" She scoffed then she hissed. "I'm comfortable here than that house! Shebi you've seen what we experience every night. People look at us and think we are fire fire Christians and we have no fault therefore nothing can touch us. They don't know what we experience"
Osas sat close to her, "How long Justice don dey experience that thing?" "Five years, after them rusticate am for University. It's been annoying! Nothing seems to work and Mom doesn't want anyone to know. I feel sorry for Brother Justice"
Osaze entered his office with brief case and Obianuju walked in looking into her iPad. "You have an interview with those government officials from the other day. They want to talk about sponsorship, I'm not supposed to tell you this but I got the scoop from my bestie that works there"
Osaze settled in his seat opening up his laptop then he turned it on. "What else?" "Your meeting with cool FM, tomorrow, remember we still have to go on air. You have an interview with that reporter from Real TV. They're doing a documentary on rape and it's adverse effects."
"This week?"
"We shifted it from last week because of how strenous your week was so...." She answered clearing her throat. "I had reports trooping in," she dropped a file on the desk. "I already tipped off the investigating teams to check them out"
"Thank you. What will I do without you?"
Obianuju laughed, "It's part of my job. How are you today Sir?" "I'm fine, are you worried about the eyebags? Do you think the sponsors will mind?" He asked and she shrugged.
"Just let them know you're an excellent Boss who stays up all night to see that his dreams and aspirations are accomplished" she replied and he chuckled, "Are you indirectly giving me a lie?"
"It's part of my job description and besides, that's what I tell people when they ask. They think our Boss is working too hard, they don't know he hasn't been getting enough sleep" she snapped leaving and Osaze exhaled.
He only slept two hours the previous night, the rest night was spent writing a speech for his interview and also wondering how Osas might be faring.
Obianuju walked back in, "Your witchy friend Eniola is here" she announced loud enough for her to hear. Eniola stormed in glaring at her, while she rolled her eyes leaving the office.
"You should fire that woman"
"What other reason? For incompetence! Why will she refer to me as a witch. It's wrong!" She snapped taking a seat opposite him, she waited for him say something but he didn't.
"Good morning Osaze" she greeted, not comfortable with his silence. They haven't spoken since the dinner where she lied about the both of them dating.
She was pretty angry about the way he spoke that day. She knew she was at fault but had stayed back from apologizing hoping he will but he didn't.
Her mother advised her of the need to apologize to him. Maybe it could lead to something.
"Good morning Enny" he replied, "How was your night?" "It was fine, thank you and yours?" "It wasn't too good"
Osaze almost rolled his eyes, he wasn't interested in starting topics. "What happened?" "I couldn't stop thinking about you and how angry you've been" "Eniola....." "Don't even say you've not been angry, I know you've been"
"I wasn't going to say that. Yes, I've been angry"
"At me? Or the fact Mom said what she did" She pouted and Osaze rubbed his forehead. "Everything. Why will you do that Eniola?"
"Because of the obvious! I like you Osaze and it's just not in the colleague to colleague way. I really really do like you and I just wish we could be more than colleagues and friend"
Osaze exhaled, "Shouldn't that be my decision?" "Yes it should but..... I've been waiting but you haven't done anything and I obviously haven't seen you with any woman."
"I'm not exactly the best man in the world Eniola, the reason I'm still single is that I want whoever will end up with me to get to know me better. I can be annoying, sturbborn and disturbed. There might be someone out there for you Enny"
"It's You Osaze, not any other guy." She responded with a smile. "Have you forgiven me?" She asked and he gave a nod.
"Super! Let's crown it with dinner, I already made a reservation already, just the two of us"
"Great!" He replied sarcastically then she kissed him on his cheek. "Look your best. I'll call you"
Morenike knocked on her daughter's room and Tacha opened up slightly. "Mom, what's up?" "Wear something nice, my future son-in-law inms down the stairs, if you do well enough. You can get him to like you"
Tacha faked a smile, "Sure Mom, I'll be downstairs in a minute" she replied and her mother walked away and she shut the door letting out a low groan as her phone rang in bed.
She wore a navy blue gown in to the living room where the commissioner and his son were seated laughing over a joke with her parents.
"Good evening Sir" she greeted the Senator slightly bowing her knees. "Good evening" she waved at the young man close to him.
"Tacha, I believe you've met with the commissioner for special duties and intergovernmental relations, Dr. Awolowo but you haven't met his son, Denrele. Denrele meet my daughter Natasha"
Denrele rose up stretching his hands and she received it and he lifted her hands now kissing the back of her palm. "It's a pleasure to meet you. She's a pretty one Ma'am"
"Thank you" Tacha smiled, "I told you he has a sight for sore eyes" Dr Awolowo chipped in and everyone laughed.
"I hope you all don't mind me having a private discussion with Natasha"
"Oh please!" Morenike replied while they made way outside the house.
"They look good together. My son loves beautiful women, I hope you won't mind if they go out and don't come back in. If I know my son so well, he won't waste time in wooing your daughter" He commented giving Morenike a look she understood so well. "Commissioner!" she dragged while Osifo shook his head clearly irritated by the Senator's word. He tried his best to conceal his anger.
"Eh en, I have a problem oh" Senator Awolowo added and Morenike raised her brow, "What problem?" "It's something that has been bothering me. You know whenever i come to you, I always end up having joy and my problems solved"
"What is it again?"
"Is it not all these small girls again that are accusing me of rape? What did I do? I paid for the girl handsomely and I had what I paid for and now she wants to sue me for a crime i am innocent of. Can you imagine such attrocity? One does not go to bed while a snake is on the roof. That is why I came this night to your house Morenike Briggs cause I'm hearing something that they are going to seek redress tomorrow as we are looking at it and where they are seeking redress is no more than your son's foundation and me I know that if my case goes there, that your boy will finish me"
Morenike exhaled, "Are you innocent of the crime?" She asked and he shrugged, "Of course I am, they're are just looking out to ruin my reputation in the government! My political enemies are at work!"
"That's all I need to know Sir, you can be rest assured Sir, there'll be no problem"
"Mo gba ẹ gbọ! Is it not you again?" He chanted handing a black briefcase to her and she opened seeing wads of naira notes in it, "That is just a token for the job I'm sorry you'll deliver"
"When Dad called me for a meeting, I thought it'll be one of those boring meetings but I'm surprise it didn't turn out to be boring. I met a princess"
"Thank you"
"You're very pretty, I hope you know that"
"What do you do for a living?"
"I...." She cleared her throat, "I'm a lawyer, following the steps of my mother"
"Yes and you?"
"I'm following my father's footstep. I'm a politician and I've been into for a while now" "Wow" "Yeah...... I'm running for a post of councilor in my local government and I'm certain I'll win"
"You seem really sure. Aren't there other competitors?"
"Who cares about them? Who cares stand against Denrele Awolowo? Come on, it's a sure election already and my party has the winning flag so..... I'll definitely win, either by hook or crook" he replied moving closer to her.
"Isn't that wrong?"
"It's politics Tacha, like my dad will say, is there anything ever right about politics? You're very pretty" he commented now looking into her cleavage.
He pushed his lips closer to hers and she moved away. "We just met" "So what? I like you already, we could leave this place. What if I take you out to somewhere expensive and we eat out and just have a good time"
Her phone rang and she gazed upon it, "I.... I'm sorry, I kind of had somewhere I had to be in before Mom called me" "Maybe some other time then?" "Maybe" she replied and he kissed her on the cheek then he quickly planted a kiss on her lips and she pulled back laughing nervously.
She felt like giving him a slap on the cheek but Mommy dearest wouldn't subscribe to it, will he?
"I need to get my bag and leave"
8:30 pm
Osaze drove into Tasha's compound and she pouted her lips in disappointment. "I was actually hoping we'll stop over at your house" "Sorry" was the only thing he could say.
Eniola had no idea how scattered his house was, not like he had plans of arranging it yet. "Maybe next time" she added and he shrugged parking at a particular spot.
"Do you want to go in and see my parents? I'm sure they'll love to see you"
"No. Good night Enny"
"Good night Osaze" she leaned in closer kissing him on the lips, she wasn't sure of what his response will be but it made her happy when she felt him kissing her back.
She placed her hands on his cheek pulling away. "We could go over to your place" "No. Good night" he chipped in abruptly and she sucked his lower lips, "Good night. In case you have a change of mind, I'm one call away" she answered walking out of the car and a call came in from Raymond.
"Guys night out" he announced, before Osaze could open his mouth to speak against it, he added, "It wasn't already planned, We just clashed here and don't worry, Goriola isn't here so you're free to come"
"Where else now? The usual , club High. Guess what? Brymo is around"
"Who's Brymo?"
"Brymo the music artiste. I'm not talking about your gate man. That's if you have sef" he said laughing.
Morenike walked back into the house after escorting the commissioner and his son out of the house. She returned to find her husband frowning.
"Aren't you the least bit irritated by him cause I am. It's so obvious that man is guilty of rape" "He said he's innocent" "That's what you want to believe and it's none of my business. What's my business is
that i don't want such a man's son as my son -in-law. He clearly has womanizer written all over him!"
Morenike quietly walked towards him then she scoffed, "What right do you have to make such decision" "I have rights as her father! Morenike dear, this is sick! Tacha has the right to make her own choice, fall in love! Stop trying to control everyone's life, this God complex, you have going on, it's not going to lead anywhere good"
"You think so? That same God complex actually put you on the high side of life, if not for me, you would have been nothing Sifo, absolutely nothing! I made you and I'll make my children too"
"Make them do whatever they want for their life! Don't impose on them, have you ever cared to find out what Tacha wants for herself? Have you? You need to start getting your priorities checked"
Morenike laughed, "He just said I need to..... I know what's best for my children. Tacha is actually the only obedient child I have. Each day I see myself in her and I'm sure with her ability to do all I want, she's going to end up being successful like me. So, yes, I do know what Tacha likes and I'm working towards helping her get it" she slapped his cheeks softly walking past him then she turned back.
"And Oh, Eniola called, she's dating Osaze already. See why I always say I know what's best for my children, maybe it's you who needs to get his priorities checked!"
Tasha entered into a room in silver masquerade ball room mask and both her manager, Kemi Adelaide and Brymo gave her a look.
"You came in with a mask" Brymo complained, "I thought you might be someone" she replied taking off the mask.
"I was, he just left. He's another musician but that doesn't matter" he replied now raising his hands. "How far? I've been calling you all evening. I'm just five minutes away from going on stage. Where were you?"
"At home. I had a little issue, I already explained to Kemi"
"Don't drag me in. You were supposed to be here by 8"
Brymo exhaled, "Let me guess, Mummy issues?" "Yes. She made me talk to the son of one commissioner like that"
He scoffed at her excuse, "How long are you going to keep up with this your Wonder woman charade? You should let your mother know once and for all" "That I'm what? The popular video vixen called Wonder woman? No! I still don't have a clue who's behind the lagbaja mask and I'm not interested in finding out so, I'd rather have that than my mother ruining my chances of having a dancing career"
Chike walked in and she turned back almost immediately now covering her face with the mask. "Wait....." He smiled, "Is that wonderwoman? Like seriously?" He asked and Tacha rolled her eyes underneath the mask.
"Please can you leave Brymo and I alone, we were actually having a discussion" she snapped and he exhaled feeling embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to inform Brymo that.... It's time"
"Thanks Man" Brymo answered and Chile turned to leave then he returned back at her. "I'm sorry for interrupting for real, I just want you to know that..... I'm a fan and I think you're an excellent dancer" he commented leaving and a small smile curved her lips.
This was followed by guilt.
"That was rude" Brymo noted and Tacha turned to him, "I know. I wasn't really in a good mood. Who is he?"
"The son of the owner of this club, Chike, he's a musician too"
Rara rira beat played and Brymo sang on stage and Tasha in mask dances behind him.
Obinna frowned resting his cheek against his palm while Raymond and Kubiat nodded to the music. Osaze entered into the club making way to the where they seated.
"Hey guys" he shook hands with Raymond, Kubiat and Obinna then Obinna returned back to his pathetic position while Raymond signaled the bartenders to bring the same thing they're drinking.
"What's up with Obinna?" He asked and Obinna pointed at him, "Chukwu gozie gị (God bless you!) The rest ewu (goat) seated here didn't notice the look on my face, someone that I didn't even expect just walked in and noticed that I am not fine. Osaze, Chukwu gozie gị. If I have offended you, forgive me. You are the only friend I have at the moment"
Kubiat laughed while Ejiro who was dressed in a white shirt with Club High logo in it and black trousers dropped a drink on the table walking away.
"I think you should actually apologize in advance cause you'll definitely end up offend me" Osaze replied and everyone laughed.
"So what's up?" Raymond asked, "What's up?" Obinna mimicked, "It's now that your day just break" "I was listening to Brymo" "Who is Brymo? How many hit has he produced? After the long break he took, what hit did he bring out?"
"No allow me vex with you Obinna, Brymo is my guy"
"Let me honest with you, If I want to watch anything, is that babe that's dancing with him that'll watch not him" Obinna hissed and Kubiat tapped Raymond not to argue anymore with him. "Okay what's bitting your ass?" He asked and Obinna hissed looking away.
"Is it not my mother!" "What did your woman, your everything do this time?" "I got back from work oh, play-play play-play I saw a woman in my house. One village girl like that, my mother had the mind to introduce her as my wife"
Everyone busted into laughter, "Didn't you tell her you don't have marriage in your mind till 2044?" Raymond asked covering his lips while trying to withhold his laughter and Obinna hissed.
"I don't know how I'll tell her that I'm not interested"
"Ehya Mommy's boy" Kubiat commented and Obinna batted his eyes at him. "What does Mommy's boy have to do with anything?" He hissed, "You that she wants me to marry an Igbo girl? And the truth is I don't even want to marry at all. I don't think I'll be returning to that house this year"
"Just tell her you're not interested" Raymond suggested and Obinna gulped the whole drink in his glass.
"I sure say na somebody like Osaze go understand wetin e mean to get Mama wey dey use remote control on top you" he answered and Osaze raised a glass at him.
"The difference between you and Osaze is that Osaze is trying is possible best to pull out of the shackle of his mother, you no even dey try."
"Village girls are not that bad.... My Mom did say something about bringing in a village girl from Akwa Ibom by the end of this year, that's if I don't get married" Kubiat said and behold God sent me the perfect person only to take her away"
Raymond rolled his eyes, "You're still fantasizing about this girl" "Not fantasizing, If you guys actually see this girl, you'll know why I'm this disturbed" Kubiat explained, "The way she smiles, she's sweet. It's so obvious, you can ask Osaze"
"Huh?" Osaze asked and everyone looked at him.
"You sat close to her all through the journey. She's sweet right?"
"She's..... I don't know..."
Obinna laughed, "Osaze way no dey send for girls. This guy would have been a monk if he didn't lose his virginity decades ago!" He joked and everyone laughed still looking at him.
"Why are you all looking at me"
"We are still expecting you to say something" Kubiat reminded and Osaze shrugged, "Like?" "She's pretty, anything"
"She's a talkative, that's for sure" Osaze replied and everyone laughed.
Kubiat hissed, "Not what I expected but, come on. She's black and she's beautiful." "So your love at first sight is with a village girl?" Raymond pointed out and Kubiat laughed.
"She's not a village girl. She has that village, perfect girl vibe"
"What if underneath is another human being entirely?" Raymondd asked and Kubiat chuckled, "That's why it's necessary to study a woman and I probably would have loved to know her better"
"Know her better or the other biblical know?" Obinna asked and everyone busted into laughter except Osaze.
"So what's on your mind?" Raymond asked, "Maybe another village girl" Obinna replied and they all laughed.
"That chick hot oh, the other day way I see her for tennis club. Mehn.... That's my definition of wife material" Obinna stalled, "She has bad character" Raymond revealed and Obinna leaned against his seat.
"That's why I keep advising guys to stay single!"
"We kissed" Osaze blurted out and Raymond scratched his brow, "She kissed you or you both kissed on impulse?" "She kissed me and I kissed her back."
"You do know she's probably going to take it the other way around. Did you explain to her......" "No" Osaze explained and everyone nodded.
"Does that mean you're ready to start a relationship?" Kubiat asked and he shrugged.
"I don't know. I'll never know if I don't try"
"With that dump you call a sitting room? Osaze, is that the kind of room you want to use in starting a relationship? You for get mind!"
After the show, Tacha sat in a make up room with her mask on when Chike knocked on the door. "I hope it's safe for me to enter" he shouted and she walked towards the door opening it up.
"Don't be silly"
"I won't want to be burnt the second time"
Tacha nodded returning back to her seat. "Yeah.... About that, I'm very sorry. I'm not usually that way. I'm just a bit cranky" "I can't help but notice your use of present tense. The lady who danced her heart out in there obviously didn't look that way"
"Right? When I'm doing something i love, it's hard to pretend" she confessed and he smiled.
"Dancing?" He asked and she raised her brow at him then he laughed, "Ignore the stupid question. Even though I can't see your full face, I'm pretty sure you're giving me the whole, 'what else would I be doing?' look" he answered and she chuckled.
"You're amazing when you dance" he commented then he cleared his throat. He had no idea why he said, maybe he was speaking out of impulse, "Huh..... If you won't mind signing me an autograph?" He removed a jotter from his back pocket now stretching it at her.
"You're not serious"
"I'm dead serious, told you already, I'm a fan"
Tacha laughed, "Wow...." She shrugged collecting the jotter from him then she bit her lower lip. "It's not everyday I meet a fan who wants my autograph" she confessed flipping through the jotter, she realized it was his music book. It had lyrics in it.
Chilke took out a pen from his pocket passing it to her and she signed on it.
With ❤️ from Tacha
PS: I'm sorry for being rude
She scribbled while Chike stood behind her, "Apology accepted." He muttered and a small smile crept through her cheeks. "Who's the lady behind one of naija's amazing video vixen?" He added and she looked up at him smiling.
"It's a secret?"
"Why ?"
"Why does lagbaja keep his mask on everytime?"
"Because it's his brand"
"This is my Brand too"
"I'll like to see your face, I'm sure it's going to be mind blowing?" "Are you sure? What if I have a big scar on my face that I'm hiding?" "I'm sure you'll still look beautiful"
"What if I'm ugly?"
"Who cares if you're ugly? It won't stop me from crushing on you" "Oh you fantasizing, that's basically all the guys do. That's the only thing you all care about, my gorgeous body"
"I won't deny the fact you have a ... gorgeous body" he commented and she chuckled, "But seriously, I've been crushing on you since your first music video."
"How can you crush on someone whose face you've never seen?"
Chike shrugged, "It's crazy right? I've always pictured you dancing someday in my music video, well that's after I blow" he explained and they both laughed.
Kemi walked in, "Tacha, let's go" she said and Tacha smiled. "Give me a minute" she said and Kemi walked out. "What do you say about lunch sometime?"
"I don't reveal my identity to people that way"
"I totally get it, that's the life of every super hero right? The fate of the world depends on you and telling your secret can be bad"
Tacha chuckled, "Something like that" she replied bitting her lips, "You can keep your mask on, as long I'm speaking to you, I don't care"
She shrugged then she quickly scribbled her phone number underneath her autograph and he smiled. "Thank you... Wonder woman or Tacha if that's even your real name"
"It's Natasha but I prefer Tacha"
"I'll call you" he promised and she smiled walking out of the room.
12:15 am
"Blood of Jesus! Blood of Jesus!!!" Justice yelled again and everyone rose up shouting the same thing except for Osas.
Mama Justice and her husband got out staring at them.
"Wetin be your problem?" Osas asked looking towards a direction and everyone looked towards that same direction finding no one there. "Na only you dey? How many nights I never sleep because of you? Which one sef? For where una come from, una no dey sleep? Abi night no dey for una place?" She snapped walking towards the door, "Person go dey sleep una go dey carry nonsense disturb person" she opened up the door wide.
"Alele, come dey go" she snapped then she shut the door returning back to sleep while everyone watched her in horror.
"I say na witch you don carry come from village" Baba Justice whispered to his wife just before leaving for work the following morning.
"Na me carry her come?"
"You no see as she take drive her fellow witch commot for parlor. Make we find one way send her commot oh. I no want witch under my roof"
Favour entered letting out a scoff, "Daddy, you can't be serious. You don't want a witch under your roof, meanwhile the house gets flooded by witches at night so much that we can't sleep. For the first time, I'm grateful for Osas being here! I haven't slept like this in a long time. How she did it is none of my business! Osas can help us have peaceful night, whether she's a witch or not, as long as it's not my blood she's sucking and I get to sleep. It's fine by me"
Mama Justice nodded, "Your daughter has a point sha"
Tacha walked into the her mother's office dressed in a white shirt and a black skirt. "Good morning Mom, you wanted to see me" "Yes. You didn't come home last night" "I told Dad"
"Where were you?"
"I had to attend a friend's birthday party, I slept over at her house"
Morenike scoffed, "The same excuse you've been giving for months now. How many birthday parties are there in a year?" She asked and Tacha opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out.
"Mom, are you doubting me?"
"Yes. You had better not be having a relationship with someone insignificant cause It'll fail. It's not a threat Tacha, see it as a warning. I'm not even trying to investigate my doubt because I trust you to make the right decision."
"Yes Ma" she nodded.
"I'm not even dating"
"Good. Have you considered giving Denrele a call?"
Tacha shrugged, "I.... I think the guy should do the calling" "And who dropped those ridiculous rules that a man must do everything? Sometimes, a woman has to take the bull by the horn and besides, he seemed pretty fascinated" her mother comceived then she smiled.
"I know it seems ridiculous but it really isn't. Do you know how I met you father? No, I don't think I've ever told you the story. Well, your father was the newly employed lawyer in my father's firm. So that particular day, I was with my colleagues, an older colleague in the office, I can't really recall what we were talking about. From the moment Sifo walked in....."
"He took your breath away?"
Morenike laughed, "Well.... Not exactly in that sense but I knew exactly the kind of man I wanted and I took the chance. A man as ambitious as Denrele should be considered as an asset. I'll suggest you give him a call"
"Yes Mom"
Favor walked up to Osas while she swept the entire surrounding. "Will you go to the dry cleaning shop?" "Yes" "I already served your breakfast" she announced and Osas smiled. "Thank you"
Just as Favor turned her back to leave, Osas gave a troubled sigh, "I no be witch, if na wetin una dey think be that. Justice no even talk to me, Joy just carry nonsense eyes look me this morning. Maybe I for no do anything at all"
"Don't say that. I'm glad you did what you did. They're just being ungrateful.
"I can't remember the last time I had a good night rest. What kind of power do you have? Marine powers?" "No" Osas laughed shaking her head.
"You know how you go dey hear rumors say some people dey way sabi feel when ghost dey around. Na the kind thing way I get." "Are there ghost walking around now?"
Osas laughed, "No be so e dey work" "Wow. How did you drive it away?" "I just transfer my vex give am. I no even know say e go work. Me sef wan sleep" She confessed and they both laughed.
"You're going to be stay a while shey?"
"Till I find my Aunty and siblings"
Favor smiled, "I don't want to sound selfish but I'm glad you're here" she hugged her and Osas smiled. "The day you came in, those things I said in Yoruba, I said Lagos will eat you raw. Maybe you're the one that might end up eating Lagos raw" she joked leaving and Osas chuckled to herself.
A white cat passed by and Osas' gaze trailed it to the backyard. After a while an old woman walked out of the backyard now walking towards Osas.
"Osas shebi?" She asked and Osas moved back slightly. "You don know who I be shebI?" She asked and her heart began to race.
"No fear. I no come to harm"
"Even if you want harm me, you for don do am since! Wetin you want?"
"That thing way you try yesterday, we just come warn you make you no try am again" "What if I no stop?"
"I no say you brave but I sure say you no stupid reach that level. We no get problem with you, our problem na with Mama Justice, we get score to settle with her"
"Settle am on top her, no use that poor pikin"
The woman clicked her tongue, "E no dey work that way oh. Sins of the mother, na pikin head go carry am" "I dey beg you, wetin I fit do? I go do anything even na to carry sacrifice for head"
The woman scoffed, "For people way you no know. Well, this matter don pass that one, Osas, we just come warn you make you mind your business" "What if I no mind my business?"
"You go just die like that before you enjoy your future. Well, like I say, we no get anything against you oh. You fit either dey wise or....... " She trailed off.
Favour got out again, "The yam will get cold. There's nothing as worst as eating cold yam, it becomes stronger. Except you want to eat strong yam, fine but if you want the yam soft, you should come in now"
Osas quickly looked towards her direction, before she could turn back she saw the cat run off. "All these cats running around this compound like they're paying rent!' Favour complained chuckling to himself then she smiled at Osas.
"Are you going to eat now or not?"
7:45 pm
Eniola walked towards Osaze's door holding a bottle of champagne. She was all dressed in a blue gown that exposed a little cleavage knocked on Osaze's door. After waiting for what seemed like five minutes, Osaze opened up slightly.
"Hello Babe" she waved at him and he scratched his head. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to celebrate" she raised the drink up and he chuckled nervously. "Are you going to let me in or not?"
"I'm sorry Enny, I can't do that. Goodnight" he chipped in shutting the door to her surprise.
8:16 pm
Osas got back from work in the evening only to find her luggage outside and she pulled it back towards the house only to hear arguments.
"Dad it's not fair, we can't just throw her out that way. Where will she stay?"
"She'll survive like everyone does! Does it look like I care? She's not my daughter, neither is she a relative or your mom's relative!"
"It's still unfair! Throwing her bag outside, how do you think she'll feel like when she comes back?"
"Favor, don't make me slap you!"
"Favor, no folllow your Papa argue. Honey, calm down first, make we talk this out. You know say na Imade connect her come here, I no wan appear like the bad person. Make she just stay for the night, tomorrow, I go carry her go park"
"That witch no dey spend one day for this house. Na my final say be that! Choose one, Mama Justice, me or her"
Osas entered into the house and everyone kept quiet. "I just want to say, goodbye. Una no need to fight over my matter, I go sort myself out"
"Dad, it's late!"
"It's as if you will follow her too"
Osas shook her head, "Favor, your Mama right, no folllow your Papa argue." She begged, "Where will you spend the night?"
"No worry about me, I go sort myself out"
Mama Justice walked towards her, "Abeg no tell Imade say I send you commot before she start spread fake news give the whole of Benin" "Is that all you have to say?" Favor asked gazing at Osas in pity, she knew she had nowhere to go to.
"Before you know, she'll give our children witchcraft, if she hasn't given Favour already"
"Thank you for the hospitality" Osas had to leave to prevent herself from getting angry. She didn't want to speak out of turn. She pulled the luggage out of the house to Uche's apartment hoping to spend the night there and then sort herself out the following morning but the door was locked.
She busted into silent tears, she didn't want to pitied by anyone.
An hour later, she finally reached her by borrowed a phone from one of the neighbors. "Sorry about wetin happen" she apologized after Osas explained her ordeal to her, "But...." She picked up from where she stopped, "I no go reach house today"
"Yes. Sorry, me and my colleagues, we get major plans"
"What?" "Yes. Major plans, you fit join in oh"
Osas shut her eyes, "I don tell you already, I no go fit" "Oya enter road, I go tell you where you fit meet me and I go show you where you fit spend the night" "Thank you" She exhaled in relief.
"For where make I meet you?"
"Where you sabi for Lagos?"
"You go shock"
Uche dropped the phone staring into her reflection in the mirror. "Who be that?" "One babe like that way dey find somewhere to sleep. She no wan do asewo work but she want make asewo help her" she replied putting a red lipstick on her lips and the two girls in the room busted into laughter.
"I know those kind of girls, all they need is one night and their destiny go change. Them think say na by choice we become asewo?" Another prostitute laughed shaking her head.
"Bring her come make she receive small lesson. Na that time she go know say na asewo naim dey pay bills"
Oh my God! 😲😲😲😱😱
Is Osas in trouble
Do you think she'll get lucky and escape this?
Find out in the next chapter!
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