🔺 Chapter 48🔻
Wishing all my Muslim readers a blessed Sallah!!!!
It's a long Chapter guys!!!
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Chapter 48
Tacha walked out of Osaze's door, she leaned against the door then she busted into tears. Her phone rang then she cleared her throat before answering the call. "Hey" "Hey" KC replied. "I thought you're distant from your family, what then are you doing with them?" He asked then she rolled her eyes.
"It's complicated. Osas invited me for the trial, it just went there to showy support. I didn't want to be the bad sister in law." She explained and he scoffed inaudibly. "Can we see?"
"Yes" he replied and she nodded. "Okay.... I could really use some of the good stuff"
Osas walked into the guest room after Tacha left. Chike quickly wiped his tears off and she squat in front of him. "I saw how Tacha left, is everything okay?" She asked then she scoffed, "Of course everything is not okay. Wetin happen?" She asked and Chile sniffled.
"She broke up with me"
"Again?" She asked and he nodded. "You just need to understand her" "What part? The unstable side or her indeciveness? which?" "The part that got raped, its not easy"
"She was indecisive before the rape, we broke up and then we got together before the rape"
"Or maybe na the pregnancy hormones"
Chike busted into tears, "I don't know sis.... I'm tired of the heart break" "he complained and she hugged him slowly patting his back. "It's going to be fine'
Obinna and Omo walked down the stairs, "I don't even know why I'm escorting you back to your car" "You're trying to be romantic" "Romantic what? You don ever see Romantic warri girl before?Now Mr Romantic, who will now escort me back?" She asked and he laughed.
"Wait... can't you be romantic?"
"To who?"
"To me"
"As my what?" She asked and he slapped his chest in hurt. "Ouch, see me thinking we're already dating" he replied and she dating. "Dating as how? Did you ask me out? Everyone is just making their assumption"
"But Mummy said"
"Mummy said..." She mimicked him, "I spoke to your mom, I forgave you and I made an arrangement with her but I clearly can't remember you formally asking me out. And you say I'm not romantic"
Obi laughed. "You want a formal proposal?" "Yes" "How do you do it?" "Are you kidding me?" "I'm serious," "Do it like you did the other day in the car. You can start with a speech" "I already told you, I've never had any girlfriend, you're the first girl I've ever been interested in, in that manner. I know my mother is my woman my everything, I treasure and love her but I'm promising to do better and make you my priority. Do you want to be my girlfriend?"
Omo rolled her eyes playfully in thought, "Let me think about it" "What? You're supposed to answer" "Well my answer is no" she replied and he moved his lips closer to hers, "Are you sure?" he asked and she shook her head and they both kissed; slowly at first, then it began more urgent.
Then Omo cleared her throat, "We're outside" she whispered now biting her lower lips and a wide smiled curved his lips as he seductively licked his lips. "I wish the kiss doesn't have to end"
"Me too"
"Admit it, the reason why you followed me down here is because of it"
"Come on! You're not even a good..." Before she completed her sentence, Obinna had already planted another kiss on her lips and she leaned against a wall passionately kissing him too.
Tacha walked by and they both withdrew clearing their throats. Omo laughed at the sight of lipstick on Obi's lips. "Are you free tonight?" "We have this celebrity thing to attend, aren't you coming? I already planned with this girls already, we're going. You can be my date"
"Are you asking me out?" He asked and they both laughed.
"I'll be going too. See you tonight sweet Momo" he winked at her and she chuckled, "See you tonight Bim"
Folabi pulled over beside the building then he turned towards Eniola. "You didn't have to follow me here. You virtually did everything with me today, my interview with those folks from Benin, even when I was speaking in languages you don't understand. You were still there"
Eniola shrugged.
"Things we do for love and besides, I'm still very much jobless" she replied and he chuckled. "You could have followed Osas, instead of wasting your time" "Osas isn't leaving anytime soon is she?" She snapped looking out the window then she rolled her eyes looking at him.
"Will you go?"
"I.... I don't know. My pay here as a freelancer is different from my pay in Benin, I'm not going to marry a wife with it. I just..... I don't know" "You don't have to worry about the money, I'll marry me for the two of us"
Folabi laughed. "What are you saying?" He asked and she chuckled. "My point is the money isn't the issue" "Let's avoid this topic before it bursts into a major argument cause I'm not really liking the sound of it"
"My parents can help you"
Folabi scoffed, "Okay. That's it, he handed the keys to her, "See you later dear" "Wait" she dragged his hands back then she pouted. "I just want to know so I'll know if there's any use going back to Briggs law Firm or I better start making preparations for another firm." She replied then she rolled her eyes.
"Look at me, speaking as if we're already getting married. I'm sorry"
She gave him a quick kiss then she withdrew looking at his face. "See you later" she added and he nodded walking out of the car and she exhaled.
Edo connection spot
Dickson entered into the beer parlour with two bouncers, Mathias sighted him from the door then cleaned a glass. There were two men leisurely drinking in there.
He walked up to him and Mathias cleared his throat. "Long time no see" "Long time no see ke? For your mind you go pretend like say you dey see me, all the times way you don secretly come my club to come see my wife"
Mathias cleared his throat, "She no hide before now, shebi na everybody dey look her, who go see fine woman throway face?" He asked and Dickson scoffed.
"You dey try me?"
"Dickson, whenever I come here territory you dey always send me commot. This na my territory come dey do go" "Is that how you're going to play it"
"That's how you've always played it"
"I thought we had some sort of agreement"
"What agreement, abeg remind me again?"
"To stay away from my woman but you've refused. You dey prove sturbborn shey?" "Dickson, abeg leave my shop for me before you start to pursue customers go"
Dickson scoffed, "You think say I no know you and Davina parole, I know wetin the two of una dey do behind my back? You think say I no know say you don't rent house as meeting point between you and my wife"
"Lisa" he muttered tightening his fist. "Wrong guess cause it wasn't her. How stupid do you two think I am? You think she can be popping in and out and I won't have someone follow her. I ask again, how stupid do you think I am. Today I go treat your fuck up, for your next life, you no go try that rubbish again you hear?"
Briggs' resident
The house line rang and the maid rushed to pick it up. "Good afternoon, you've reached the Brigg's resident, who am I speaking to?" "Opeyemi, its me" Osifo replied and she gasped. "Good afternoon Sir" "Where is Morenike?"
"Sir, she's in the kitchen"
"I'll like to speak to her, her number is switched off" "I'm sorry, she's not taking calls or visitors for today, those are her orders Sir. Even Mrs Badmus stopped by a while ago but she bluntly refused meeting with her"
"Tell her I'm at the gate and I'm waiting for some sort of approval to get in. If I leave, she should forget about having me as a visitor" he hung up then she rolled her eyes walking into the kitchen.
Morenike was boiling rice.
"What is it?" She snapped and she shook her head walking away. "What is it?" She shouted more calmly this time and she walked in. "I already told you all, I'm in a bad mood, I don't want visitors"
"It's your husband Ma"
"Him too"
"He said he's at the gate and he needs approval to get in. If he leaves, you won't hear from him again and he sounded really serious Ma" she added and then she exhaled walking into the sitting room where she puts a call through to the Chief Guard to let her husband in.
She returned back to the kitchen she began rinsing vegetables.
Osifo walked into the kitchen, he was angry about not being allowed in but at the same time, on walking in, he was shocked to find her cooking. "What are you doing?" he asked and she shrugged. "Good evening Sifo"
"Are you cooking?"
"Yes. Is anything bad about that?"
"I've never seen you boil water in the kitchen, much less cook" "Well, I had my lessons growing up with Nana, I just..... I grew too busy to do all this. You can't be a lawyer and be a full time housewife or so I thought....." She exhaled.
"What are you doing here Sifo"
"I've been at the door for almost fifteen minutes. I called Nana, she said she's on her way. Who are those people at the gate and why do you have them?"
Morenike raised her brow, "Your questions are silly but I'll answer anyways. They are security guards, for my security. Well, decisions like this doesn't come without consequences so taking precaution"
"Oh" he said with a paused then he scoffed. "You weren't going to let me into the house?" he asked and she looked up rolling her eyes. "Yes" she replied in all honesty. "Why?" "Because I needed some time to think"
"Of what exactly? The money you've lost from being on your son's side?" He asked and she scoffed bringing out the leaves from the water into a sieve. "That's what you think right?"
"Isn't that all you've ever cared about?" He asked and she blinked her tears in then she exhaled tiredly, "Sifo, what do you want?" She asked and he exhaled, "I just...wanted to say that what you did in there in the court despite the financial loss you must have faced. I think it's exceptional"
It was a compliment but his emphasis on money made it lose value. This time she turned towards him, "Excuse you Sifo, money is not everything I care about" "Really? Please humour me cause the woman I've spent 36 years of my life with loves money and will do anything to obtain it even though it means going against her own son in court"
Morenike nodded placing her leaves on a tray, her hands trembled as she picked up a knife to slice so she dropped everything. "What else do want to add to it? I'm pretty sure you have many more spiteful words to say" "Thirty six years Morenike and I've lived with one of the most selfish, egocentric, obnoxious woman in the world but today in court I saw a woman I hoped for you to be. The woman I waited years for you to be, your first selfless act"
Morenike scoffed.
"What changed your mind?" "I know I've had my share of bad mothering day and I'm not the best mother in the world or the best wife in the world but for the first time I just wanted to make things right. She cried, I wanted to redeem myself, do something right for the second time in my life"
"Second time?" He asked and she nodded.
"What's the first?" He asked and she exhaled "Getting married to you" she confessed and a smile crept through his cheeks. "Did you intentionally say that to make me smile?" He asked and she shook her head.
"Are you sure? It felt like you were trying to bribe me"
"No! I'm serious, getting married to you was the best thing I ever did, I wouldn't have found a better father for my children. You're the best thing that ever happened to me, you walking into that office that day.... I knew, you asked me why I chose you. Osifo, I chose you because, for the first time in my life I was captivated by a man, for the first time I was attracted to a man and it was just beyond physical attraction, I wanted more and deep within I was convinced beyond doubt that I could do so much with you. I was in love with you Osifo"
Osifo scoffed. "That's a lie, you've never acted like it! Our marriage has been filled with bitterness and frustration. For Thirty six years, I felt like I was married to the contract we made and not you. You made me feel inferior, I never felt like a man and I'm not even speaking sexually!"
Tears ran down her eyes, "I am sorry Osifo, I just couldn't bring myself to look weak. Dad said I'm not supposed to be weak" "What are you saying Morenike? You couldn't bring yourself to look weak like how? So I'm the one who's deem fit to be weak, I'm your husband for crying out loud! I had no say our decision making, you made me look like a joke every time in front of the employees, in front of our own children"
She clasped her hands feeling sorry, "I'm sorry, the first therapy I went through. I needed to put up this wall, this super woman complex to get over what.... To just get over it. I didn't want anyone making me feel weak, I was in love but I didn't want to be like the average woman that subjects to her husband. I saw it as sign of weakness, my father wasn't weak, he said the world is the survival of the fittest, only the toughest and richest survives"
"Come on Morenike! The man died even before I came into this company. Just because he said something shouldn't make you follow it." "I followed it Osifo, every one of his advice, every one of his insane suggestions. I did everything he asked me to, I went on every damn irritating date he asked me to go. I didn't say no to him when he asked me study law, no, I didn't. I wanted something else but I followed his passion because he knew what was best for me."
Osifo shook his head, "That shouldn't give you the right to control the lives of your children" "Joke calls it a psychological disorder, she thinks I'm mental" "Dr. Joke? Wait.... You've been going for therapy and I don't know"
"Like I said, I don't like looking weak" she replied as the smell of burning rice filled the entire kitchen. She turned off the gas.
"Is that why you always have to... When I came into the company, I heard a lot about your father, I heard he was ruthless, selfish, greedy and all, people were like, you get luck say him no dey again. When I got married to you, even though I've never met him in person, I felt like I had married the same person. Morenike I needed someone to show me love, someone to show concern, a few times you're sweet, most of of the time, you're inconsiderate. I can't believe you suffered me over a principle you learnt from your father"
Morenike turned towards him, shakinh her head in tears, "No" "What then? Morenike can you still remember the last time we were intimate?The last time we had good love making was when you were pregnant with Tacha, that's the only time I ever enjoy making love because somehow all your pregnancy usually make you frisky. Ever since Tacha, it's been ten times oe less a year, This year is even the worst, not at all! I've been patient and I've never complained, I was like maybe you didn't like it, but I wanted my wife to love me, even if we can't be intimate, kiss me an tell me you love me but no, you've.... Morenike you've never said those words to be and it hurts! To think all this is because of what one man said to you, you made your life all about what one man said to you"
"It wasn't about what a man said it was about what a man did to me" she revealed in tears, "Sifo, I was raped when I was thirteen years old. I was raped and.... And I got pregnant and my father had to take for abortion. I'm sorry Sifo but It just ruined everything for me" she gritted her teeth as the painstaking memories breezed through her mind. "It ruined everything, it ruined my life, it ruined my marriage, it ruined sex for me. I just never forgot the ..... the whole scene, the force, the pain I felt, the shame"
Osifo shut his eyes angrily then he opened them, "God! I didn't .... I didn't know, you could have told me, I could have understood you more. God! Did your father....?" "No. It was someone else. Then he was Hon, Lawrence Falola" "Wait..... Lawrence Falola?... Jesus!" "He paid my father to keep the while thing buried and it worked. He didn't go to jail as much as I would have loved for him to when I was 13. As year grew, I started to accommodate the ideology and I felt it was better that way, everyone would have known the truth and I would have been defaced as that girl who got raped as a child"
"He should be arrested"
"I can't do that. According to him, he was being stupid" "You've spoken to him?" "Yes I have. He made my father rich and he has made me influential. It has been a symbiotic relationship for years now and I'm okay with that"
"How can you say you're okay when the very thought of what happened still irritates you! You're not fine" "I am" "You sound like Tacha right now" he stated and she chuckled. "You all say the same thing, I hate that she had to experience the same thing I did" she busted into the tears and its all my fault he raped her"
"Who did, she didn't want to open up to us yesterday"
"The same man I wanted her to marry"
Osifo tightened his fist, "I swear to God, I'll kill him" "I had him and his father arrested already but I just feel like it doesn't change a thing, if I just let me be, this wouldn't have happened, its all my fault" she cried and he hugged her.
"Shhhh" he muttered running his hands through her hair. Suddenly she withdrew looking up at his face then she cleared her throat and wiped her tears. "HuH.... That reminds me. I have something you wanted." "And what's that?" He asked and she quickly went into her study and he followed her in.
She picked up a brown envelope then handed it to him to open. He pulled the divorce papers out, his brow arced in confusion as though waiting for some sort of explanation from her. "I already signed it.... You're free Sifo, you're free to start a life away from me, a life with your girlfriend"
"Is that what you want?" He asked and she shook her head. "What am I supposed to do? I don't want you suffering again, and that's all I've caused you and its not fair on you" she wiped the tears off. "The deeds are in that envelope, I um.... I already paid compensation for all damages made and you have your compensation from enduring me for 36 years"
Osifo scoffed, "I don't want it" "What do you want then?" She asked, "Isn't it obvious? Morenike, I'm still very much in love with you, the question is do you still love me? If you don't, I'll accept this paper" "And if I do?"
"I'll tears them apart right now and we'll start all over again"
Morenike cried, "I never stopped loving you, not even once. That was why I rejected the divorce, I couldn't imagine living in a world without you in it. The house has been quite lonely and I miss your presence, your smell" she confessed and he moved close to her.
"Morenike we can start all over again"
"I'm a mess!"
"It'll be different now. At least now I understand where the mess is coming from, we can work it out together" he moved his lips closer to hers kissing her and she stopped running her finger over his lips "What about your girlfriend?"
"What girlfriend"
"The one you're with"
"First, I'm not in any intimate relationship with her. We just kiss, fine she's young and attractive but I find you even more attractive than she is" he confessed and she laughed in disbelief. "Its a lie"
"I'm day as serious Morenike, till today, even when you're clothe, you attract me in ways Nkoyo didn't even when she was naked" he confessed and she raised her brow. "Yes" "You saw her naked, what did you do?"
"I told her to cover up"
"That's mean" she answered and he laughed. "There's only one woman's nakedness that thrills me and you know it" he confessed and her lips slowly parted his in a long kiss.
"I miss this" she confessed and he smiled. "Are you coming back? I promise to do better, be a better mother and .... a better wife, to be submissive" she added and he smiled. "I'll have my full rights as a father, I'll have all the respect I deserve from you"
"Everything" she replied and he held the document tearing it apart and she chuckled kissing him on the lips then she withdrew. "I'll be in the shower"
"Why?" He asked and she giving him a naughty smile, "No. You must be exhausted" He replied, "Who said I am?" "Morenike, see... it wasn't never about the sex. I don't want the sex"
"You don't?"
"No..." he answered and she laughed. "I thought so too, I'll be in the shower, if you're not there in the next 10 minutes, deal closed" she replied and he nodded laughing to himself. "Talk about being submissive" "Do I seriously have to beg you huh?" She asked he smiled.
"I'll be with you shortly" he replied and she chuckled leaving the study.
Philip laughed on listening to Vera complain about her mother not wanting to pick her calls. " I mean, her number still isn't reachable. Whenever she turns off her phone, it means she wants to be alone, she does that occasionally. Why are you even laughing? This isn't funny " "Wait, are you worried about your mom or Mrs Briggs?" He asked and she rolled her eyes.
"Be serious Philip"
"I am being serious. Three days ago, you still hated the woman's guts and now you want to talk to her" he laughed again, "Honey, I'm sorry but its funny, to think your mind suddenly changed because she finally did the right thing"
"That was all we ever wanted. For once in her life we wanted her to be a mother and now i just want to thank her for it and maybe talk to her"
"Ah han!" He pointed at him, "I knew it!" "Knew what?" "All the gra gra you were just fronting, you still love her" he laughed and she hissed rolling her eyes.
Morenike laid there in her husband's arms, she cried and he brushed his finger against her arm, "Are you okay?" He asked and she chuckled. "Sorry" "Is it the memories?" "Yes and no" "Wanna talk about it?" He asked.
"I'm not a psychologist but I believe a problem shared is half solved."
She leaned her head against his chest, "Joke said it would be better If I actually open up to you about how I feel about sex for better cohabitation" "Do you want to" "No but I want to get better for you. I don't want to jump back into making you suffer"
"How do you hate it? Do you see his face in my face when.."
Morenike shook her head, "No. Just the memories, the whole idea of having to sleep with a man again. I hated it. To be truthful, i thought it would feel different with you but it was the same, I had that idea stucked in my head that all men were scum and sex was dirty"
"And now?" He asked and she laughed. "It feels different maybe it's because you know" "I feel like a newly wed, we haven't done this since you were pregnant wiry Tacha"
Morenike laughed. "I know. I'm going to miss this" she blurted out and he laughed. "Why? Are you going to sink back into your shell?" "No! When I die" "What? Is it the heart attack?"
"I just leaked a secret, they must be out for my life already. I don't even know if my children are safe but I'll prefer they kill me first" "What will happen to me?"
"I.... I don't know Sifo, I really don't want anything happening to you or my children"
"Nothing will happen okay? We'll be fine, the only thing we should worry about is our big family reunion, apologising to the children for everything. We're expecting our grandchild and there'll be many more and you Morenike will leave to see them all"
She smiled looking at the wall clock,it was a minute before five . "Is that really the time? I forgot my vegetables, I was going to make efo (vegetable) sauce with fresh fish in the freezer. Do you.... Do you want?" "Thirty six years, you've never cooked for me not once"
"I made Osaze, Vera and Tacha's meal when they were babies"
Osifo laughed, "Three times" "Seriously Sifo, I'm sure I did it up to ten times" "Maybe five" she answered tapping his arm and he laughed. "You breast fed them, you were never interested in cooking. If not for Nana, I don't know how our children would have looked like" "I already said it, cooking was.... I had a law firm to take care of and I know I was a bad wife and a bad mother but since I'm trying to be one, will you love to eat some vegetable fish sauce"
"As long as it tastes great, trust me if it doesn't, i won't sugar coat it"
"Even if it doesn't, I'll force you" she replied and they both laughed. "This is sweet, it's really nice" she admitted afterwards and he smiled, "Like I said, it feels like we just got married".
"Maybe we should get married, renew our vows. I won't be Morenike Briggs but Morenike Ighodaro," she suggested and his eyes widened in shock, "You hate the name" "I know but its the right thing to do"
Osifo smiled, he was already getting emotional. He wiped his tears off and Morenike laughed, "Are you crying?" She asked, "It seems like a dream, all in one day,I feel like I'll wake up only to find out it's all a dream. This is all I ever wanted"
Morenike pinched his arm, "Its real" she kissed him then she got out of bed wearing a robe. "Let me get dinner, maybe we can continue from where she stopped from" she gave him a naughty look leaving the room.
Nana walked into the sitting room where she found the maid. "What's going on here? There are strange faces around" "They are the guards that came with that man" "Which man?" She asked and she slapped her hands to denote oblivion.
"Where is Morenike?"
"She's in the kitchen"
"Huh?" She asked in surprise and the maid shrugged. "She just went into the kitchen, I followed her in but she sent me out"
Nana walked into the kitchen to the sound of onion sizzling then she laughed. "What's going on here?" She asked and Morenike smiled pouring in the grinded pepper and tomato paste into the frying pan. "What does it look like?" "It looks like you're cooking"
She laughed, "I can't believe you just said that"
"I can't believe my own eyes. You haven't cooked in ages"
Morenike scoffed pouring the fish broth in it. "Don't exaggerate it, its been....." She gave it a long thought, "Let me help you, since you were eighteen or was it seventeen" " I cooked when I was in the university and after I gave birth to my children"
"Baby food, is that one food?" She asked, "You just called it Baby food so technically and legally, its still food"
"So its me that you want to use all those legal gimmicks for?" Nana asked and Morenike laughed stirring the sauce then she poured the sliced leaves into it. "Its smelling nice already "This one that you're in a good mood bayii, ki lo wa de? And who are those people outside?"
"General sent guards in case someone tries to kill me"
"God forbid! They'll have to go through me first! I was so proud of you today, the way you just embarrassed that stupid man! I hope they'll really go through with the sentence?"
"Yes. I'm sure Justice Lateefa will see to it!"
Morenike smiled. "Good afternoon Mom" "Good afternoon Morenike mi, you're in a good mood oh" "Sifo is around" she revealed, hiding her smile. "Where is he? He wasn't in the sitting room when I came"
"He's..." She cleared her throat, "In the room" she answered and Nana carefully observed what she had on. "Wait....So..." She laughed, "As in you two....Abajo! (No wonder). So you decided to cook for him"
"No. I was just cooking randomly because I needed something to get my head off everything and I didn't want to dive into work.... Then he came and we talked about everything." She sniffled and Nana knelt down waving her hands.
"Mom, what are you doing?"
"Olorun e seun, Olorun e seun, Olorun e seun (God I thank you))"
Dr. Awolowo glared at his lawyer, a man who had a grey suit on, "I don't understand why I'm still here, I said you should make calls now. Call Morenike for me, Abi kini gbogbo rada rada yii? (what's all this rubbish)" "You don't know?" "Know what? How can I know anything when I'm locked up in jail." "It's Morenike herself that pushed for your arrest"
"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! They have no proof" "I believe she does. Every transaction you've made with her is proof enough" "She can't betray me like that" "Your son raped her daughter, I think this is a personal vendetta against you and your son and she won't let it go"
"This is the time for my friends in higher places to help me out. Call Chief Kolade Michael"
"Ah.... He has been arrested too"/
"The court case today was ruled in favour of that woman and.... As it is right now, they said he is in a ritual cult and they've been apprehended" "All of them?"
"Well...." The lawyer shrugged. "See, i heard that even the governor's wife has a hand directly in this your matter. You know that her programme against rape. From her tweet an hour ago, she's ready to make sure you spend time like every rapist deserves" "How? Morenike is high and mighty but knowing the governor and his wife for them to make such decision within such a small period of time?"
The lawyer exhaled, "I dont know how the connection happened but even if you come out, you won't be heading any important position again"
Dr. Awolowo hissed, "In this Nigeria, Pa pa (even) if I want to be President still I'll still go! Who will stop me? Will I be the first minister to do bad? Some self are doing worst" "No offense Sor, but not all of them put their dirty laundries out there Sir."
Dr. Awolowo batted his eyes at the lawyer and he looked away from his burning gaze. "My point is, we can't fight it, you'll have to spend time, we can appeal for a reduction of years that's if you're willing to accept being guilty of the charge"
"How many years?"
"Depending on the evidence presented, if there are witness account to back it up,we might be looking at a life imprisonment sentence, we can appeal for 20 years"
Dr Awolowo nodded, "How old do you think I am?" "Maybe 78 but your sworn age should be 60 or so" "And you want me to stay for 20 years, so I would die in prison just because of I slept with ordinary asewo that presented herself cheap, you're very stupid!"
The moment Tacha parked her car in the slum, Kubiat called her phone. "Where are you?" He asked, "I'm going to meet KC" "Why?" "He called me" "You're not suppose to go there Tacha, it's the the D Day. Leave that place, come with a lie"
"What lie? These guys have their eyes on me, if I leave, how will it look like"
"Tell them you're on your period"
"I'm pregnant"
"He doesn't know that does he?" "It might be an information to help you guys" "You've helped enough, stop being stubborn, your work is over, you've helped enough" he snapped. This was followed by a short silence, "Except you're going for the booze"
Tacha cried. "I broke up with Chike" "You guys can patch up things later like you always do. How many times did you say you broke up with him again?" "I'll call you when I get out"
Tacha hung up. She got out of the car then she walked into the street, down to the house where she passed the back door knocking on a door. "Its me KC" she shouted walking into the small room where Kelechi was seated on a chair smoking weed.
"Hey" she said and he looked up at her. "Why did you take long to get here?"
"The traffic was crazy" she answered, "Hm" Kelechi raised his nose in disbelief and she scoffed, "And its not because of Chike right?" He asked "What the...." She trailed off.
"I know you're following me but do you have some sort of camera on me? Did you see me when I was alone with him"
"So you were alone with him"
Tacha scoffed, "This is crazy! I mean I just had an argument with Chike, the last thing I want is another one with you" "I thought you said you're no longer with him"
"I'm not! For crying out loud, I said yes to you didn't I? What's all this jealousy, you know what? I only cane for the drugs, I'm not up for some bickering, If this is what you want to do, I'd rather go somewhere" she turned her back leaving when he rose up dropping the remains of the cigarette stick, "What game are you playing at Tacha?"
She scoffed now turning towards him, "What do you mean?" "You and Chike?" "We broke up"
"Don't lie to me Tacha!" He yelled moving close to her and she flinched. "I'm not.....I we broke up, you can ask him yourself" she placed her palm against his cheek. "I'm not cheating on you"
"I don't know whether to trust you. We're not even sure, are you working with the police?" He asked and she shook her head, "No! I'm not, you have to believe me" she moved her lips closer to his now kissing him and he kissed her back.
"I really want to trust you Tach, but they don't" he replied looking at Mouse who had just walked in. "Who?" She asked, Mouse placed a handkerchief containing chloroform against her nose, hence knocking her out.
Club High
"Uyi, have you heard from Mathias?" Lisa asked on storming into Madam Davina's office. "No, why?" "Someone called me , they said they saw him being pushed into a car by some men. Before they could call for street back up, they zoomed off with him"
Madam Davina stood up, "Who took him?" "They said a man came in with bouncers, he looks important, my best guess is"
"Dickson" Davina completed. Lisa nodded in agreement.
"This is the second time Uyi and they're going to kill him for real this time"
"The first time was your fault, how am I sure you're not the one who told Dickson"
"I didn't! I swear, I'm older than that. Mathias can never like me and I'm ready to accept it. I just don't want him dead, Dickson is your husband. You can either talk to him or at least, you know where Mathias can be"
Madam Davina immediately put a call through to her husband. "Hello Davina" "Where are you?" "I already told you today, it's a busy day. I'm just like the devil, going to and fro. Getting things done"
"Where is Mathy?"
"You know what I mean Dickson, where is Mathias?"
"Don't you worry your cheating head about where he is. Don't worry, after I'm done with him, I'll have his body sent back to the village"
"Dickson is you touch a single hair on his body, I swear to God, I'll kill you."
"I'm scared already" he hissed then he hung up.
Madam Davina walked up to Ochuko, "Can we talk?" She whispered, "Wetin happen?" "If Dickson catches his enemies, if he wants to punish or kill them, where does he take them to?" She asked and Ochuko raised his brow.
Kubiat looked into his phone while the police moved into the car, "Boss, are you okay?" Theo asked, he noticed he was worried and Kubiat shrugged dipping his phone into his bag. "I'm just waiting for Tacha's call, she hasn't called me back. I've been calling her but she doesn't want to pick up"
"You think she has been caught?"
"I don't know what to think"
"We'll be catching them unaware and it'll end today. You don't have to worry about it"
"What if it's a diversion. I already told Kenneth, I don't trust this plan"
"Are you ladies going to stay there gossiping or move into the van? We have an operation to interrupt."
Kubiat's phone rang and he answered it. "Good evening" "Good evening Detective, this is" "Madam Davina, I recognize the voice, what I don't understand is why you're calling"
"A deal will be going down tonight but I don't know where exactly. A man's life is in danger, Dickson needs to be locked up in jail. If we find Mathias alive, I'll testify against him, his drug activities, every damn thing"
6: 05 pm
Omo stood in front of the mirror in her weaves, slowly, she wore her wig. While combing through it, Mrs Nwosu walked in. "Someone looks dashing" "Good evening Ma'am" "Good evening dear"
"Going somewhere?" She asked and Omo dropped the comb turning towards her, "Yes, the party these celebrities are throwing on behalf of the Justice we got today and I also have a date tonight"
"With your boyfriend?"
Omo chuckled. "Yes Ma" "Will you be staying out?" "No. I'll be back, but I might be a little late" "Awwwn. I'm just glad you all are happy, you should invite him home for dinner one of these days"
"I can?" She asked and Mrs Nwosu placed her hands on her waist, "What do you mean? We're not that bad are we?" She asked and Omo rose up. "No, not at all, I'm just shocked. I wouldn't have thought it would be okay to invite him here since you're not"
"Not what?"
"Omosé" she called out her full name and she shrugged, "Have we ever been harsh to you, even once?" "No" she shook her head, "No. On the contrary, you and your husband have been really nice and accommodating. Ever since my parents died, I've never seen people so welcoming. I really don't want to overstep my boundaries by inviting him over and I don't even know if its going to grow into a serious relationship"
Mrs Nwosu moved closer to her, "I know your fears and I think its okay to feel that way, but we all have to take that leap one day and I'm sure you'll do just fine" "Thank you" "Your parents are resting in peace in heaven but I want to assure you that if you need advice from parents, my husband and I are more than willing to help you and if you'll need someone to walk you down the aisle, my husband will gladly do it and I'll gladly stand in for you as a mother" she volunteered and Omo hugged her.
"God bless you Ma"
Folabi got out of the bathroom, in a singlet and boxers wiping his hair dry with a towel when his phone rang. He rushed to pick up the call from his father. "Nibo lo fi phone si? (Where did you keep your phone?)"
"I was bathing" he answered dropping the towel on the bed.
"Oh. One of my students showed me the news, I heard Adetutu's killer has been sentenced" "Yes Sir" "And you didn't see it fit to tell me"
"I.... I'm sorry Dad, I forgot. He was sentenced to death"
"Exactly what I heard, he showed me the sight on twitter, I am most happy that the criminals have been brought to book" "Yes Sir"
"Your mother hasn't stopped crying, to top it with her illness"
"She's ill? How come no one informed me?"
"She didn't want to worry you"
"Where is she?"
"She's in the room. She wants to come back, since the investigation is over, you should come back to Benin, resume your work and continue your life. When should we be expecting you?"
"Huh... on ... I'll be there on Monday"
"We'll be expecting you my son"
"Yes Sir. Take care"
"You too" his father hung up. This was followed by a knocked on the door. He opened the door to find Eniola posing by the door, she had a stylish white shirt on, paired with a stone wash blue jean short on one of those reflective shades.
Folabi laughed. "Ah han, is there a photographer out there taking pictures?" He asked and she chuckled taking off the shades. "No" "You're looking all sexy" "All for you" she walked in dropping the glasses on the drawer close to a lamp.
"You're not dressed up"
"I just had my bath, sorry. You can wait for me"
"Or I can watch you dress up"
Folabi laughed, "What's there to watch? I'm wearing boxers and singlet" he asked and she chuckled taking her seat on the bed then he groaned out loud remembering he has to travel back to Benin on Monday.
"What?" Eniola asked and he exhaled sitting with her.
"Dad called me, he heard about the whole..." "Oh.... How are they taking it?" "Mom has been crying.... She's ill" "Is it serious?" She placed her hands over his in concern.
"I'll be going back to Benin on Monday" he blurted out and she scoffed, "What? When did you make that decision?"
"Some minutes before you walked in. I'm sorry, Mom is ill and I just... I left some things in Benin and I need to go back to them, check them out. You have to understand" he chipped in and she kept quiet for a minute.
"Say something"
"Say what?"
"Are you going to go back to your job?"
"Eniola it's just"
"Yes or No, are you going to go back to your job?"
Folabi's lips moved inaudibly, "I don't know. I really don't know" he replied and she busted into tears. "Baby, It's a new relationship and I don't want a long distance relationship. I've always hated it, to think I'll be stucked in it." "You won't be"
"What if you go back and you realize you don't really like me that way or you find another hard working respectful Benin woman for a wife?"
Folabi laughed, "I won't" "How sure are you?" "Because I don't think they can be a little bit of everything like you, most importantly, you're Eniola Badmus and I'm so so I'm crazy over you" he wrapping his hands across her waist, a wide smile on his face.
"Why are you acting as though I've gone off Benin already" "Because it feels that way and I'm missing you already" she pouted and he pulled his lips closer to hers. "I just haven't made a decision about staying in Benin yet Eniola, you have to understand. I won't use just a day to make a big decision as this. I need time and your understanding okay?"
"Or maybe I should just meet Omo to pray a dangerous prayer that will keep you here" she replied and Folabi laughed. He kissed her and she reciprocated the kiss.
After a long kiss, Eniola mounted on him, she flung her arms across his neck and they both resumed kissing. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in against him. He began to deepen the kiss, nipping at the corner of her mouth as much as she willingly opened up for him. He knew that he was going too far, especially when he had already stated he doesn't want sex yet.
He groaned as he pulled back from her, seeing the burning passion in her eyes. "We..." Folabi cleared his throat, "We need to be at the beach party" he answered watching her unbutton her shirt.
"What are you doing?"
"What does it look like" she asked nibbling on her lower lip, "Is it like a send off thing? Eniola" "It's not a send off thing, I want you Folabi Badmus, and i want you so badly. If you'll be gone for months, you'll need to do some major satisfaction"
Folabi smiled. "How e dey do you?" He asked and she smiled, "Its doing me like I should lock the doors, throw away our phones and be here with you till Monday"
"We already told Osas we'll be present at the beach party?"
"What beach party?" She asked throwing the shirt off to reveal the red lacy bra she wore underneathe, she could feel his erection already. "I... I don't even remember anymore" he answered and they both laughed diving into another round of passionate kiss. She reached back to unhook her bra but he volunteered to help her instead.
"Do you still remember how to?" She asked and he put his hand on her back and she crushed her lips upon his, and all hooks were unhooked and her bra was off.
"Someone still remembers" she teased as he smiled caressing her neck then lowered his mouth to one of her breasts, taking the hard nipple into his mouth. She shut her eyes, stiffling a moan.
Tacha slowly recover from the chloroform, she opened her two eyes only to find her hands tied in front of her. There was a find a strange man in front of her. His hands and legs were tied too, face bruised up from being beaten.
"Hey" Mathias said to her. "Hey" she replied feeling tipsy, she wasn't sure if it was an after effect of the chloroform or her pregnancy.
"Oh my God!" She muttered. "Are you okay?" He asked and she raised her brow.
"Sorry about that stupid question. You're obviously not fine. My name is Mathias, you?" "Natasha, you can call me Tacha. What are you doing here?" She asked, "I should be asking you, what have you done to Dickson to have you tied here?"
"The owner of Club High, you know him?"
"Yes. I supposed you do too. What did you do to him?"
"I didn't do anything, I was having a discussion with his nephew then someone nabbed me. How do you know him?" "He's married to the love of my life. Have you ever been in love?" He asked, "Yes. I am in love"
"Well I'm here because of it. I'm a victim for being in love and the truth is, I don't mind dying as long as I'm dying for her" "That's sweet" she commented then Kelechi walked in.
"KC what's going on? Why am I being tied up?"
"I'm sorry Tach but it's necessary"
"It's all a plan, we just want to confirm if we can trust you or not. If you pass the test, they'll let you go. If you don't, they'll kill you"
"What's this.... Test?"
"The deal I told you of, I lied, it's not going down at that warehouse, it's not even happening at the same time, it's happening in a place called Ma Kani place close to the warehouse"
Tacha refrained from shutting her eye. "You decieved me" "It was the boss' plan. If you pass the test, they'll make you live. We're just waiting to hear some news."
At the beach
"We've all seen a lot of shit happen in world, a lot of ritualism a lot crimes and we've also seen the perpertrators go scot free. We all saw this court case begin and we're been honest with ourselves, we were like, okay it's going to be like the other cases, swept under the rug. I don't know about you but I felt that way. It's been a while I've seen this kind of agitation for justice. Today we're here to celebrate one victory, one among many others. Let's welcome one person I'm growing to admire, I heard her story and I'm amazed at how a woman can still be strong after all those experiences. With a clap and a standing ovation, of course you're all on your feet, welcome the woman of today, trending on all social media, Osas!" An MC Clinton announced and every hands engaged in a round of applause until Osas took to the stage while Falz talk played.
MC Clinton shook her hands then she hugged him, "You look beautiful" he commented and she smiled moving away, "Thank you" she replied getting the microphone from her.
Osas took a look at the crowd then she exhaled looking up. "I just dey try compose myself before I faint for here" she replied and everyone chuckled. "Uh..... Wow, I can't believe this kind of crowd showed up, wow" she wiped her tears and everyone clapped again.
"E come be like say I dey American movie." She added and laughter erupt from different corners, "Na only for American movie I dey see say dem go host impromptu programme like this and people go show up. I sure say if na church programme them hold for church like this, plenty people for no show up. Abeg who say naija no get love? Abeg make una celebrate una self, you all are too much" She added and everyone clapped.
"God bless you all. I.... I'm nervous right now. Before I speak I just want to say a big thank you to God, a big thank you to the sponsors of this service, I was planning on holding a vigil service for every family that has lost their children one way or the other in this mess but when I came here I was informed that we'll be doing that which is fine. A big thank you to my family and friends too. It wasn't easy. Wetin my eyes see, the experience, it's not something I wish upon my worst enemy" she cried.
"Adetutu was my best friend's sister, she had brothers and parents." She shut her eyes, she could hear Adetutu's scream in her head after being shot. The image of her head getting cut off by the native doctor tainted her thought.
"I'm sure Uche and UD had their family, they had friends in respective of their jobs. Ezekiel died right in front being shot to death by Chief himself. His last words were Justice for me. I didn't get to know him well enough but the few minutes I got to know him, he was a good person, he didn't deserve to die that way. None of those girls did. I would like to round up a I round off with three advice, I don't even know which is correct. One, make Government dey try provide better employment opportunities for citizens them so that we no go run enter wetin we no supposed enter. Two, make our policemen dey try discharge their duties well, no dey take bribe anyhow, e no make sense. Na una supposed protect us yet we no even feel safe with una, police check point they around the corner way that building dey but una go collect blood money use am buy una conscience, its not fair! Make una do una job so that we see go feel safe. When we report case to una make una dey do better investigation on top, no just sweep the matter throw away. And to us girls, make una dey careful for this life, things are happening and we just have to be very careful. I almost died because of twenty thousand naira ushering job. I know say una go call am hustle but I'm pleading that we should be careful about our hustle in life, who we follow and the places we go to. Many have lost their lives because of these, many we don't even know about but I'm grateful to God for being alive to talk about it. I can still remember Adetutu's last word before she died, she said to me; If you make it out of this place Osas, please make this blood sucking mother fuckers pay. Sorry say I use swear word but that was exactly what she said and I'm standing here with so much mixed feelings to say yes Adetutu, we have won and those motherfucker must pay!" She added and everyone busted into a round of applause.
Osas lited up her candle and others followed suit.
"For Naija and for Justice"
"For Naija and for justice"
Shortly after, Osas left the stage and MC Clinton got back up. "I'm really emotional right now. That's a strong lady right there, now give it up for .... Falz the bahd guy and Demmie vie"
🎶Uh-uh uh yeah People just dey do like say dem no dey shit, People just dey do like say dem no dey breathe o People just dey do like say dem get superpower dem People just dey do like say dem no dey weak o (Uh uh) Nobody wan dey sow where he no dey reap o Everybody is a motherfuckin' hypocrite o (Yeah) Everybody is a motherfuckin' hypocrite o (Ooh you and I) Everybody is a motherfuckin' hypocrite o People just dey do like say na dem be Jesus People so wicked, but they so religious Who dey calculate, he no dey show the figures Who dey demonstrate, wey dey run leave us People too complain, but dey fear to speak up You don't want to die, but nothing to leave Christain and corrupt no suppose be mixture Real musulumi no suppose dey thief joor Real talk no be fight rara Everybody getty fault for inside matter We dey talk human right, we no respect am🎶
Osas walked up to Osaze, "Are you okay?" He asked and she nodded hugging him. "You did great" he answered kissing her forehead then she smiled turning towards the stage now nodding her head.
"Can we go now?" Obinna asked after sighting one of his lovers then he turned off his candle and Omo raised her brow. "Let's stay a while" "Our date" "We have all the time in the world"
"No we don't. I just want us to go elsewhere where the only face I'll have to look at his your face" he confessed and she bit her lips. "That's sweet but" she turned to the left, "But I noticed you look towards that direction before..." She trailed off as the ladies approached them.
"Obim?" She called out.
"Fuck" he cussed under his breathe.
"Still fucking everything in skirt huh? Asewo"
"Its not blessing"
"It's not Cynthia"
"Linda?" He asked again and the lady scoffed, "You've forgotten my name, wow" "That's the point, I've forgotten your name but I know her name, this is Omo, my girlfriend and future wife"
The lady broke into laughter, "Is that what you do now? You call them girlfriend and future wives so that they can believe you, wow..." She scoffed looking at Omo.
"Run while you can, you see this one? Na chop and run. Obim doesn't keep girlfriends" "Well that was the Obim you knew, the Obim before my existence. My Bim bim is different now"
The lady scoffed again, "Are you sure? This guy na asewo way dey follow asewo, he doesn't count women as important except his mother. I'm sure he has STD" "Not my Bim Bim, he's different, at least he knows my name. If you don't mind, we were engaged in a conversation" "Babe, no hard feelings. I'm just trying to stick up for my fellow Babe here,to save your heart from being broken by this guy here"
"Thank you" Omo replied and the lady walked away.
She turned towards Obinna, whose hands were clasped in plea. "I'm so sorry about that. What she said is not entirely a lie but it was the old me before I met you. A lot have changed there past few months and"
Omo pulled him closer kissing him on the lips and he kissed her too. "Should I be worried?" "Remember the promise I made to you If you break my heart" "You'll break my prick" "Exactly" she tapped his cheek.
"Can we go now?"
The police team approached busted into the warehouse finding absolutely nothing. "Fuck" Kubiat cussed bringing out his phone. "I said it! It's a fucking diversion!" He shouted.
"Maybe..." Detective Ken trailed. "Maybe what?" He asked dialing Tacha's number. "Please pick up, please pick up...." He waited then he groaned in anger. "Argh!"
Tacha's phone rings, Kelechi glanced at the number. "This Big bro has been calling you for a while" he announced and she exhaled in relief from changing Kubiat's name. "Can I talk to him, just to let him know I'm alright? Please, I promise I won't say anything stupid. I was supposed to be at the beach, maybe they're worried".
He hesitated.
"You have to trust me KC" she bit her lips seductively, "I swear once this is done when we've gotten over this, I'm going to have a hot sex with no one other than you. I'm not deceiving you, I promise " she added opening her laps slightly and Mathias cleared hia throat.
Kelechi rubbed his nose, he picked up the call placing it on her ears so she raised her tied hands up to get the phone. "Thank God you're safe. I thought you won't pick up" "Sorry about that. I couldn't reach my phone"
"I was held up but I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me. I know I was supposed to be at the beach but now I'm not and you must be wondering, what's wrong"
Kubiat immediately sensed something was off. "Where are you?" "You were right all along. I'm chilling with friends at Ma Kani's place" "What?" Kelechi asked, "It's a set up, check Ma Kani's"
Kelechi got the phone from her hanging up then he scoffed knowing their location has already been compromised. "You can feel free to kill me now and I'll die happily"
He punched her on the face and Tacha cried out. "Hey! Didn't your mother teach you never to raise hands on women" Mathias cautioned and he punched him on the nose.
"No one asked for your stupid opinion" he snapped staring at Tacha. "I'm not going to kill you, no! I'll let him do it by himself."
He answered a call from Mouse, "How far?" "The police don show for the fake location. I was right all along, your babe is snitch" "I just figured It out"
"How?" He asked and Kelechi kept quiet.
"What happened?"
"Nothing" he replied hanging up then he pointed at her. "I trusted you God damnit and is this how you repay me? Working with the police? My uncle will kill me" Tacha could see the naked pain etched into his eyes.
"I'm sorry KC but I don't care. The police now knows the real location, my work is done here"
Kelechi laughed. "What's your deal? What do you stand to gain?" "It's the right thing to do. Doing drug is bad" "Ah, I see the same fucking drugs you want!" "Do you think I chose it?"
"Shut the fuck up, you did. Did anyone force it down your nose? No! You chose it!" "Then it leaves you choiceless! It makes you feel like without it you can't live. No one deserves to live that way"
"So you went for rehab and then you started working with the damn police. You think you're some super hero right? I think this wonder woman name is getting into your damn head"
He brought out cocaine sealed in a nylon now pouring it on the table. "How much drugs have you ever used Tacha?" He asked and she shrugged, "What are you doing?" She asked in worry.
He dragged her by the neck moving he to the table then he pressed her head against the table and she screamed inhaling the drugs. "Hey!" Mathias yelled. "Guy calm down, please!"
Chike played on his guitar;
🎶Soldier, oh soldier
Soldier, oh soldier
Na mama pikin you be o
Oh soldier
Soldier come o
Please don't go to war
Mama dey for house
She's been crying for so long
She say why do you play with bullets?
Don't go to war
She say why do you play with your life?
Don't go to war
Don't go fight another man's battles
Don't go to war
Don't go fight your country's battles
Don't go to war
She say I born you
I carry you for nine months o
And I love you boo
And when I'm old, I want you to be here to take care of me
Soldier please o
Please don't go to war
And if they lose you o
They only lost one soldier
But if I lose you
I lost my whole damn world🎶
Tacha laid on the floor trembling from overdose, her hands and legs still tied. "That girl needs hospital care." "Shut up! Your own matter na for my Uncle hand e dey" "Make e dey him hand, just help that girl. At least for the sake of the feelings you once had for her. Which kain feeling be that, na so person dey get feelings?"
Dickson walked in with two of his bouncers. "What's going on?" he asked looking at Tacha then his gaze fell upon the table.
"See as you waste good stuff"
"I just needed to teach her a lesson"
"I don't warn you already, I don tell you say any more fuck up from you, o go kill you"
Kelechi knelt down, "I promise you Uncle, no more fuck up" "I know" he replied giving the bouncer a look and he instantly shot Kelechi in the head.
Mathias shut his eyes then he opened them now shaking his head. "You just killed your own nephew" "Was i the one who killed him? Abeg waste them!"
"Not so fast" Madam Davina replied walking in with Kubiat and some policemen in uniform all pointing guns at them. Kubiat's eyes fell on Tacha's body, his heart raced in fear and worry.
He was happy he accepted to follow Madam Davina while the others followed the trail Tacha gave them.
"What the hell did you guys do to her?" He asked and Dickson scoffed, "Davina, na so you want run am abi with police?" He paused staring at his Bouncers who shot towards their direction. With one of the police men down, Kubiat aimed the gun and shot twice at one of bouncers while another police man dealt with the other.
With Dickson about pulling his trigger at Mathias, Madam Davina shot him in the arm. "We need him alive" "We can't keep him alive, he'll kill me whether he's in prison or not" she screeched. Then he saw him slowly pull out another gun from his pocket now aiming at her.
Kubiat shot him, this time in the chest then he fell to the floor, dead.
Kubiat put his gun back into his shoulder holster before walking over to Tacha. "Tacha?" He called out, "What happened?" "The KC guy overdosed her on drugs" Mathias replied as the policemen untied him.
"She must have gone into shock.or heart attack. We need to rush her to the clinic"
Kubiat checked for pulse, it was faint. Tears ran down his eyes, "Hang in there Tacha, you're gonna be fine" he carried her in his arms, "Hang in there"
Osaze stood behind Osas his arms wrapped around her as they both watched Chike perform on stage. His phone rang and he picked it up. "Kubi, i won't be able to hear you clearly! Please drop a message" he requested hanging up.
The text came in shortly after and the smile on is face immediately wiped off, "What's up?" Osas asked and Osaze handed the phone to her. "It's Tacha"
🎶If she lose you, she's lost her whole damn world, soldier please, oh, please don't go to war, if she lose you, she's lost her whole damn world. Uh uh, uh uh uh🎶
What do you guys think about today's update?
Kudos to those who guessed that it was Tacha
Can it be a tragedy ? Is Tacha dead?
Till the next Chapter 😏
Thank you for reading!
Love you guys 😍
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