🔺 Chapter 47🔻

Yay!!!! There's an update


I'm sure someone is saying, "Issa lie!" 🤣😂

I was motivated guys!!!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!!!!

Enjoy and Vote!

Chapter 47


Four hours earlier

5:03 am

Osas woke up from having a dream about Ezekiel. She exhaled turning towards Osaze who was still sleeping then she went into the bathroom to ease herself. She turned on the shower then washed her face in the sink. She looked into the mirror then she walked back into the room.

"Good morning" Osaze said to her so she laid on top of him, her head along his belly while her hands put pressure against his crotch, causing a reaction and she did not noticed.

"Did you even sleep?"

"I did. A bit"

"Let's get ready"

"No, I'm feeling.... What's that word...."

"What word?"

"Like you want to do something but you don't feel like it"




"Exactly! I'm feeling reluctant. Let's just stay here, this might be the only joy I get today so ...just let me be. Good morning" she replied kissing his navel and he laughed shutting running his fingers along her all back weaves.

There was a knock on the door, this was followed by Chika's voice, she and Omo were left after everyone went their separate ways.  "Babe, if you are not busy, check your Instagram, it's like going mad!"

Osas quickly picked up her phone, she turned on her phone then went on Instagram. She checked her notifications only to find videos she was tagged to. "Osas, come 7 am, we the Benin community go march go that court to show you full support. Babes, we've got your back oh, whether the judge like am or not, this meeting no go extend pass today.  We go show them say the warri na from warrior them carry am from and we no dey ever carry last!"

Tears ran down Osas face, "I can't believe this is happening"


Different persons lift up placards with words like;

Justice for Osas

Justice for Adetutu

They were all people's family members, they didn't deserve to die!

Chief Akinola must pay

Justice must be served

No Audio Justice

Life imprisonment for Chief Akinola

We can't stay quiet any longer!

Stop ritualism!

We no gree chorus resounded at the background.

🎶We no gree oh, we no go gree🎶

"So we are live here outside the court room in anticipation of this case. How is this event going to play out?" Another reporter said facing her camera. "Is it going to be in favour of Osas or in favour of Chief Akinola Bello. I'm sure the average Nigerian interested in this case will probably be at the edge of their chair in dire expectation of the results. Well, my name is Loveth Uchemba from Eagle's eyes, reporting live from Lagos"

Chief Akinola grinned in his car on seeing the crowd, "The more crowd the bigger the disgrace!" He muttered to himself then he laughed to himself and his P.A laughed too. "I can't wait to see everything just play out as planned." He looked out the window at the crowd.

"How will she even leave the court room. Shame will not even allow her, but what if....they now double cross you?" 

Chief scoffed, "Wo o ni fe te! Even though they do, they have no proof whatsoever but I will she deal with them"

Morenike's car couldn't get through the crowd so her driver parked the car away from the parking lot.  She got out from her car, she had a black shades on a red pencil gown. Her drover opened the car for her, so she got out, walked through the crowd where she sighted Tiffany with  Osifo.

Tiffany's eyes met with Morenike then she brushed an invisible stain from his shirt, "Baby. We shouldn't have been here this early"  "The court session will begin in..." He glanced at his wrist watch, "40 minutes from now, I already told you the gravity of the situation. I am here to support my son and his fiancé, I don't know about you Tiffany, what are you here for?" He asked and she kept quiet.

"What other reason? I mean, obviously for the same thing. To support your son and his fiance and you" she poked his nose and Aunt Avia rolled her eyes walking towards them.
"You guys are in public"

"Soon we'll be married and I'll be doing a lot of this Ma"

"I suggest you wait till then, for crying out loud, he's still very much a married man Tiffany, respect yourself"

Two hours ago

6:15 am

Tiffany knocked on Aunt Avia's door and she opened up. "What do you want so early in the morning" "I want to see my Baby" "Excuse me?" "Your brother" "We're preparing to head out right now"

"To court?"

"Yes. If you don't mind, I'll like to get back to what I was doing"

"I want to talk to him"

Tiffany walked into Osifo's room, he had a singlet and a black trousers on. "Morning Baby" she greeted and he turned to her in surprise, "What...." "Surprised?" "You didn't knock?"

"You knock when you're entering into a stranger's room not someone intimate like you" she kissed him on the lips, he kissed her back but he soon withdrew.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was missing you, the night was cold and I felt the need to hold you, have you inside of me" she ran her long artificial fingers on his chest. She bit her lips leaning into him.

"Why don't we skip this whole thing and make me treat you right huh?" She placed her hands on his belt and he pulled back. "I can't Nkoyo, what has gotten over you? I already told you what happened to my son and the disgraceful situation they are to face today and all you can think of is... Sex"

Tiffany looked away, "That's not it and you know" "What is it then?" "I feel like you're going for her" "For who?" "Your ex-wife" "Why will you think that way? I'm still very much disappointed at her" "Are you sure Baby cause deep down I'm beginning to feel like you still like her and you're going for her"

"You're jealous"

"Yes I'm jealous. Forgive me if I am"

"Osaze and Osas needs that support, I won't be found wanting"  "I won't be found wanting too. I'm coming with you guys"


Court room

"Persecution should move to the witness stand"

Osas walked to the witness stand, after repeating the oath, Osaze approached her. "Are you ready?" He asked and she shook her head, "No. But what choice do I have?" She whispered and Osaze cleared his throat and she did too.

"Your honour before anything I just want to take my time to apologise to everyone that has supported me. I never knew I could have so much supporters."

"Why are you apologizing?" Justice Lateefa asked and Osas cried giving Chief Akinola a look. "I lied about the whole story, everything I said, they were all lies" she lied and the Judge scoffed in disbelief.

The whole court room murmured loudly and some people started shouting. "Na lie!" "Connect them enter!" "Them don't threaten am!"

Justice Lateefa slammed the gavel on the block, "Order!" She shouted all to no avail but she kept on slamming it until silence was obtained.

"How is that possible? The evidences produced, the witnesses that spoke on your behalf"

"All lies, all fake"

"It's incredible to think you'll lie about this"

"I did it for the fame. I want to be famous on Instagram and twitter"

"There were other ways to achieve that. I'm sure if anyone wanted to do that, you have tried other means not try to accuse a politician of something so serious!" "Well, I did it and I got the fame I wanted"

Justice Lateefa scoffed, "So the rape wasn't through" "Yes" "And there was no ritual, no death of anyone named Adetutu, no Uche?" She asked and Osss blinked her tears in. "Who be Uche? I don't know such a person"

"Its a lie!" Favour yelled and Osas looked away from her.

"Olorun e seun, Olorun E seun" Mrs Bello muttered to herself.

"Are you sure you're not going this out of duress?"

"Duress? That means force right? No, I'm not. Who will force me? Chief Akinola Bello is ..... is innocent of the charges against him and I just want to that I'm sorry for lying and wasting everyone's time"

Chief grinned.

Justice Lateefa shook her head, she could feel it in her guts that Osss wa lying but what right does she have to counter her own testimony?

"Prosecution, what do you say of Miss Osas' testimony, are they true or made out of duress?" She asked and Osaze turned towards the Judge. "She has said it all, Your honour" he replied and she exhaled disappointingly.

There was another round of murmur and the Judge once again slammed the gavel on the block. "The witness be excused"  Osaze said and Osas shamefully walked back to her seat.

"Will defense like to add anything to this before the court makes a final judgement on this case?"

Morenike rose up, "Your honour, I believe the Defense, Chief Akinola Bello has a few word to say" she gave Chief a look and the judge permitted him to move to the witness stand.

Chief smiled. "There is this saying that one day for the thief, and another day for the owner. I am most grateful to God for a day like this because the enemies thought they could shame me, make me wallow in shame, make me lose a chance of winning the coming election but God proved himself!"

Osas batted her eyes at him. "You must be excited Sir" Morenike grinned and he laughed. "Excited is an understatement"

I'm glad you are cause I'm about to turn those smile upside down, she said within with a smirk.

"I'm glad. Your honour, members of this jury, distinguished ladies and gentlemen of the court; it is my pleasure to announce to you all that this man you see right here, this mab standing in the witness stand with a big smile on his face is ....." She trailed off with a grin.

The previous day

"I want Denrele to get Justice for his crime, I'm just worried about what people will say about me"

"He's just like his father and he will get Justice for this, I swear, please just let me do this, please?" She begged and her phone rang. 

She looked at the caller's ID then she wiped her face. It was General......

She stared at her phone before and answering the call, "Do you have it?" She asked, "Yes I do but if you can give me another day. I can arrange a plan"  "I don't have another day. Where are you?"

Morenike entered into a tinted car and General took off the black shades he had on. "Is that for movie effect?" She asked and he laughed. "You know that I'm never far from my black shades, even when I die, I'll make it mandatory for them to put a black shades on my corpse" he joked and she laughed.

"I hope you wear them to heaven"

"Hopefully" he replied and they both chuckled.  Then he passed the sealed brow file to her, it had top secret and a red ink slashed on it. "I wonder where you dug this from?"

"What you should wonder is what I had to sell to get this"

"Your kidney or liver, which?" She asked and he smiled. "What's in it?" "What you wanted, Chief Akinola Bello is indeed a ritualist, your daughter in law was right"

"Daughter in law right?"

General laughed, "Woman, the sooner you start to adjust to the idea, the better" "Shey?" She asked and he smiled. "Yeah. The name is Kings Cult, its leader is Chief Kolade Michael, it has been running for eight years now. Over the years they've only  had limited number of nine members, they don't accept that way that's why they've been able to survive this long"

"Thank you for this"

General exhaled. "Morenike, whatever stunt you're planning to pull, don't do it. If you do, you might not survive for long. They'll kill you. Let's just strategize another day or two, and we'll make the government responsible for this, no one had to get the blame, neither will anyone point their fingers at you. You have the upper hand"

"They won't point their fingers at me but they'll do at my Osaze and.... my daughter in law. People are going to get hurt if I don't do the right thing for the first time" "They'll kill you"

"So be it then" Morenike cried, "At least, they'll know I did it for them"

"I've never seen you so selfless"

Morenike laughed then she wiped her tears, "I don't want to die but the truth is, I don't have a day or two to wait. It's tomorrow or never" 


Back in court, Chief flashed a wide smile at her and she laughed.

"Chief Akinola ....Is guilty of every crime Miss Osarieme accused him off" she completed and everyone gasped in shock.

No one expected it, not even Chief! In his wildest nightmare, he wouldn't have believe such a thing could spew out of her lips.

"What?" Chief Akinola asked and Morenike moved closer to him. "You heard me right Akinola" she replied now turning to everyone. "Your honour, permit me to change sides" she requested and Justice Lateefa grinned in interest.

"Permission granted"

"Thank you your honour. Chief Akinola Bello is a shameless rapist, Osas attempt was his sixth. There has been five other that were reported but deleted. Permit me get the.." She moved toward her table to get the documents then she handed it to the judge and other copies to the jury.

"There you'll see five cases of actual rape but he usually ends up using his money to buy the police system, Osas was the sixth case and I have proof right here" she picked up a USB drive, "In this USB in my hands"

She inserted the USB into a laptop then a guy had the video of Osas running out of the hotel room with towel.

"A normal person wouldn't have left the room the manner she did. She was obviously running away from someone who was trying to rape her"

The next footage of Chief coming out in towel while touching his crotch played. "If we remember in Osarieme's testimony, she said she kicked him in the crotch. This only proved it, this video got in the hands of Miss Eniola Badmus and Osas saving team to be used as evidence"

"Morenike" Chief called out.

"An unfortunate fellow named Olumide played smart, stole the video and sold it to Chief Akinola" "We were in this together"

"He was supposed to pay the man a sum of two million naira but he instead murdered him and I'm not just speaking out of turns, I have evidences to back up my claims" he gave the guy a look and he played the vide of Chief shooting Olumide.

More gun shots was heard  and Wunmi's whimpering.

Chief Akinola suddenly felt uncomfortably hot, he started to regret why he wore the lacy white agbada, it was beginning to itch all over. Abi was it the effect from what was happening.

"This must be photoshop. This woman is rich, maybe she did Photoshop from Americans" he answered and the audience laughed mockingly at him. Even as they laughed, he was still shamelessly objecting the authencity of the videos.

"Chief Akinola here is an initiate in a club called Egbe Awon Oba, the Kings Club or the the Kings Cult. Currently its consisting of nine members of which their names are written in that document handed to you. If you don't mind flipping to the next page"

Chief shut his eyes, "It's a ritual group. I never knew until I had my investigation done."

"It's a lie. The woman that accused me has already taken everything back"

"Because she was under duress! Chief Akinola here, cornered her and had her threatened at gun point while using her sister as an hostage. I was a witness to this, of course I didn't do anything. I needed to play smart and I have the whole thing on record. Miss Osarieme wanted a way out so she went to the building yesterday where she found proof of dead bodies. A picture was taken but I couldn't have access to it but I have the entire discussion on tape and how he with his own hands killed a young photographer who escorted Osas to place. If you need to listen to the"

Justice Lateefa raised her hands, "There is no point for that, we have seen enough already" she replied and Osas smiled at Osaze.

In the whole uproar, he glanced at the jurors perceptibly knowing the hit had found its mark - there was no form of doubts in their eyes. They were just seated there shaking their heads, who wouldn't from all the evidence presented.

He was convinced Osas will win the case- Talk about the last minute miracle they prayed for.

"That's not all Ma"

"What else is left? All the evidences presented here are enough to pronounce a judgement already"

"Is it my honour to announce that three members of the Kings Cult are in this room and should be arrested before they escape. Chief Oloyede, Mr Sani " she trailed off and all three of them rose up running towards the door and people from the audience blocked them.

"Stop them!" Justice  Lateefa yelled but the men already stopped them.

"We are innocent" they struggled to break free from the people's grip then the judge pronounced slammed her gavel again. "Order in the court of law!"  She continued until silence was regained.

"What will happen to the the other five initiates?"

"Currently there's an arrest going on to catch them and many others"

"Many others?" Justice Lateefa asked more curious. "Many other offenders, your honour"

"Ah! Morenike Briggs!" Chief Akinola yelled taking off his cap! "Asepe (Unknown to me) you were pretending to be for me when you were against me slowly finding evidence to bury me in. You are making a big mistake and you will regret it"

The judge slammed her gavel now facing him with anger on her face. "You dare threaten someone right in my presence, you have no shame for the crimes you've committed. With all the evidences placed before me, it is quite evident from all this that Chief Akinola Bello is one the one of this authors of all this atrocious occurrence. He is guilty of rape and murder and ive come to realize that he did so intentionally and with full knowledge of his actions and I believe he should be quite aware that all actions have their repercussions. All men shall reap what they sow so I hereby sentence Chief Akinola Bello to death by hanging"

"Ah!" Mrs Bello placed hands over her head and her head tie got ruined. "Temi Bami, Your honour, Jo nitori Olorun"

"Court dismissed"

National Youth Political Oranization

Branch office

Denrele sat in his office with his campaign manager, a fair complexioned man in his forties and a woman, a fellow candidate contesting for the position of councillorship in town. "Look at me Mrs Gloria Akande, we can do this thing together, all you just have to do Is drop your ambition and follow mine"

"You mean drop my cross and lift yours?"

"I meant to say let us cooperate and make things work between ourselves, you know, you scratch my back and I scratch yours"  "Funny that's the same word your father uses and if you can remember, I work for him for five years you're growing up to be the kind of person he was."

"Oh please! This is politics we're talking about, there's no space for women"  "That's sexist"

"Sexist or not. That's how politics should run, women are too emotional, too attached... Too.." "Too what Denrele? Let me shock you Denrele, I am very much from this town and I deserve that post just as any one those. I already bought the form and I'm contesting fairly, except you're scared"

Denrele scoffed. "I'm not scared of a woman. I don't want any competition, I just want to be declared the winner since the last election was cancelled and the seat has being vacant for a while. If I win, I'll definitely give you a spot in the office"

"As what?" She asked then she hissed, "Let me shock you the more my dear Denrele, I am not backing down from this election, in fact"

There was a quick knock on the door then his secretary walked in. "Sir the police are here to.." Before she completed her sentence, two policemen walked into the office and Denrele rose up.

"Good morning officers, I hope there's no problem?"

"Mr Denrele Awolowo, you are under arrested for the rape of Tacha Briggs, you have the right to remain silent for anything you do or say will be used against you in the court of law". One of the policemen moved towards him so Denrele picked up his phone, "This can't be! I must call my father"

"Mister man, kindly follow us to the station"

"God forbid" he replied then he turned his hands cuffing them up. "Do you know who I am? Do you know who my father is?" He yelled as they pushed him away. "Amina, Please call my father, call him, he'll know what to do" he continued yelling.

"He'll know what to do!"

Gloria clapped her hands in wonder, "Wonders will never cease, like father like son" she hissed picked up her bag  efroe zooming out of the office.

The secretary put a call through to Dr. Awolowo, it rang but no one picked up, not until the fifth time a strange voice picked up. "Hello"  the voice said and she creased her brow in thoughts.

"Can you please give the phone to Dr. Awolowo?"

"Ah, I don't think that will be possible for now"

"Why? His son was just arrested, I'm sure he won't be too busy to hear that"

"Did you just say his son was arrested?"

"Yes two policemen came in to arrest him just now"

"Ah.... Dr Awolowo was just arrested like maybe twenty minutes ago as we are speaking bayii. They've taken him to the police station"

Outside the court

🎶Winner oh oh oh
Osas you don't win oh, winner, I say you go win forever winner🎶 Imade raised a song and everyone sang along.

"You honour, you just exerted a death sentence to Chief Akinola, I mean death sentence is no longer common in the judicial system"  Magarette asked,  "I have already pronounced my judgement already because the defense here is highly guilty, let's think of the number of ladies or men that has died in his hands, the atrocities he has mercilessly committed; I always hold on to this quote and I say it often that there should no mercy for the merciless, it is only Allah that can forgive him"

🎶Winner oh oh oh
Osas you don't win oh, winner, I say you go win forever winner🎶

Osas smiled walking out of the court room and everyone screamed in joy. All reporters from every corner approached her. "Miss Osas, how do you feel about Chief Akinola being apprehended by the police?"

"Frankly, I am happy not for myself but because of this is justice for everyone that has lost their lives one way or the other because of these people" she almost broke in tears and Osaze patted her.

"I am just so emotional, I don't even know what to say. These guys are singing Osas you don't win, but it wasn't me, it was God cause quite honestly, yesterday..." She turned towards Osaze, "We had no hope at all, we just prayed to God for a miracle and I'm happy God answered everyone of our prayers. Justice has been served finally and I just want to thank everyone for their support,my family and friends, for their prayers. Prayers move mountains oh, I'm a believer!  My followers on Instagram, twitter, I didn't know they'll be here. My home people, Benin i love you guys, the love is so real and lastly I want to thank Mrs Morenike Briggs for the surprise package. We didn't expect it, it just came as a surprise, she came through for us, without her, this wouldn't have happened. Thank you Ma"

"What next after this? Do you think life will be safe after this, cause there are cases where?"

"I can't answer that question because no we get life. We are not worried if life will be safe after this cause an God get our life. This enough has proven that God is Chief Judge here, he alone has the final say, not any man"

Vera's eyes scattered around in search of her mother, "Have you see your mother?" Osifo asked, "Seriously Baby, she's the one you're looking for?" Tiffany asked then she scoffed walking away.

"Your girlfriend is jealous" she muttered and he lets out a frustrated sigh. 'Have you seen your mom?" "I was also looking for her too"

Eniola ran up to Morenike when she was about to leave. "Good morning Ma" she greeted holding on to the door before she closed it. "Shouldn't you be celebrating with the others?" "Yes. But I came here to... I knew you'll speed out so I trailed you."

"What do you want Eniola?"

"Two things, one, why did you do it?"

Morenike chuckled, "Do what? Change sides? Even politicians cross carpet every now and then, why shouldn't I? Remember you said that to me?" She asked and Eniola smiled. "I'm trying to make remission for everything I did wrongly. I realized that Sometimes you just have to put family first despite the past and experiences"

  "I guess you found that amazing grace" 

"I did"

"Well, the second part is that, I'm kind of still jobless" she chipped in and Morenike chuckled, "You're an amazing lawyer, you can have a job withn seconds" "I know that" she nodded and Morenike smiled.

"Briggs law firm is open to you my dear. All my years of working as a lawyer, you've been one of the most brilliant one and it was great working with you"

Eniola scoffed, "Why does that sound like a death speech?" She asked, "You're scared you're going to die" "Good day Eniola" "You'll survive" "Good day" she closed the door herself and the driver driving off. 

Her phone rang, it was Osifo so she ignored it, she didn't want to commit to speaking to anyone yet. The phone rang again, this time it was General so she answered the call. "Don't make any stop, go home directly" he informed and she nodded.

"Okay" she answered and he ended the call.

Dr. Joke called in afterwards, "I heard what happened, Morenike my dear, I am so proud of you. I've never been so proud of you in my entire life. Weldone dear"

Osas sighted Mr Eddie with Imade and other people she recognized so she walked up to them. "Imade"  she called out, "Osas see levels, I being see you when you come, I almost no recognise you. Levels down change, even Omo don fresh"

"How you dey?"

"E be like I go come stay for this Lagos, you get room for me?"

Osas raised her brow, "Na just joke, see as all your muscle come out" she added and Mr Eddie laughed.  "Aunty Uyi dey back oh" "Where that Old witch dey?" "She dey back, na she were black gown"  she pointed and Mr Eddie tapped her.

"Mr Eddie. How are you?" "I'm fine my dear, I'm just happy you won"

"Thank you for coming Sir, how is Alice? She still dey frown face?"
"Osas" other familiar face called out and she gasped. "Jesus!!!! Mama Joseph!"

Nana folded her hands looking at Tacha, "I thought I was more than a stranger to you Tacha, someone raped and you couldn't tell me" "Nana, this is not the right place to have this discussion"

"When else will I see you?"

Vera walked up to Nana and Tacha, "Where is Mom?" "She left already?" Nana replied "Why?" "Because she knew she had no reason to wait behind." "Why?" "You all hate her" "Nana, this changes everything"

"You think so?"

"Yes. All we ever wanted was her to be a mother, a mother who will protect her children no matter what and she proved it. Yesterday at that.... creepy place, I felt it deep within me that she had a plan. Nana, this changes a lot. It changes everything."

Nana cried then she hugged Vera, "You have no idea how relieved I feel to hear that" 

Madam Davina folded her arms staring at Obianuju, "What do you want?" Obianuju groaned, "I'm supposed to be with my friends" "I want your forgiveness, you and Uwa." "Is this the right place to discuss this?"

"No. I'm only saying this now because this is the only time I'll get to see you in person"
"Aunty Uyi" Imade called out and Madam Davina gave her a strange look. "You no go remember me now, Mama Osaretin pikin, the fourth one, the one way marry Uncle Jerom for your Mama side"


"Yes na me, I being be sabi body small that year when you carry them Edosa and Uwa go.  You just disappear like that, even your own sister burial, you no show face."

"I wasn't aware of it."

"Why you abandon her at first?"

Madam Davina rolled her eyes, "I have already explained it to them. Because I adopted Efe at that time and I didn't want my sister to take him away from me. I know I'm a horrible person and all but I'm trying to make up for everything. Edosa I'm trying my best, I can't change everything but my apology should count, I'll keep on apologizing till you all forgive me"

Imade turned towards Obianuju, "Edosa?"

Madam Davina's phone rang and she excused herself to pick up the call. "What is it Dickson?" "You better leave that court back to where you should be right now cause I don't have the time to be here. Who's going to run the club?"

She scoffed looking around, "I didn't realise I was being followed"  "Come back now"  "You're doing another one right? Another deal? When are you going to stop? Is it until I get arrested?" "You had better come back cause I don't have the time for this." He snapped hanging up.

Omo watched Osas taking pictures with Chike and some celebrities while holding placards that read. "Justice has been served"  "I can't believe celebrities are here"  Ejiro pointed out and Chika scoffed.

"Some celebrities are that kind hearted while some just do to attract more attention because they are trying to get some organisation to notice them so that they can be brand ambassadors" she analysed and the guys turned towards him.

"I'm just saying my mind but whh are we arguing about that, Chief Akinola has been arrested and our Babe is okay"

"Abi? Who say prayer doesn't work?" Omo asked, Chika smiled, "As in, Omo is a prayer warrior, na one of the things way being attract me to am the first time way I meet am" Obinna answered and Omo laughed.

"See him head"

"Wetin remain na make she  just go start one church now call am, Captivity Breakers ministry" Chike teased and Ejiro agreed. "Along side Pastor Obinna"  Kubiat added and everyone laughed.

It felt nice to laugh so freely without worries, Kubiat's only worries was his fear about something going wrong in the evening.

"Pastor who? Me, Obinna? Una don miss road. I no mind having a prayer warrior as back bone oh, at least I know say I get who go dey help me fight my village people"  he chipped and everyone broke into another round of laughter.

"Mehn I'm just so elated about everything that just happened right now" Ejiro exhaled. "Thank God I have the day off, I just need to take a break and just be with Osas, celebrate this, this calls for celebration"

"I swear down!" Chika agreed. "Thank God it's Friday and guess who's hosting an impromptu Justice party?" she asked and everyone laughed.  "I'm serious guys, guess the artiste?"

Then Obi leaned towards Omo, "Now that this is over, we should make separate plans for tonight" he whispered and Raymond cleared his throat. "You had better not fall for him yet" he chipped in and Omo bit her lips.

"Market spoilers everywhere! Ray, you too dey like pour sand sand for my garri" 

"Abeg make I hear word"

Tacha sent Chike a text message; "I'll be going to Osaze's place from here, will you be there? Let's talk" she dipped her phone in her hand bag now looking at Chike who was now looking at his phone.

Wunmi tuned in to the news channel, "Another plate of Justice has been served hot as Chief Akinola and some of his cohorts were rounded up and apprehended by the police.  Chief Akinola on the other hand has been sentenced to death by hanging, in the judge's word, there should be no mercy for the merciless"

Tears ran down her eyes as she watched the news, she nodded. "Finally" she swiped her phone looking into a picture of Olumide and her. "Rest in peace my love"

Osaze's house

2:30 pm

"Instagram, twitter is literally on fire right now." Chika said sitting on the chair close to Osas. "Confessions are spewing out, those people that Chief raped are like coming out from the dark."

Ejiro hissed raising her nose in disbelief. "Is it not Nigeria? Why didn't they come out since? It's now they'll come out, its now you'll hear stories, both fake and real" 

"At least people now have the moral now. "My phone is literally hot from the heat, I'm scared it will explode. I don't even think I'll drop this my phone today. I can't drop my phone, look at this tweet. "Justice has been served, who's hungry for more?" She read out loud, "It's even Folabi that tweeted it oh. Let me retweet it sef"

Osas walked up to Osaze he forced a smile, "Don't you think we should we meet your Mom? We should be thanking her" "She turned off her phone, which clearly means, she doesn't want to see anyone. Let's wait huh? See, this arrest and all is still going on, we need to be safe first. Tomorrow we'll figure something out okay? For now, let's just dwell in this moment" he lifted her chin planting a soft kiss on it and she chuckled.

"The nightmare is over"

"It is."

"Kubiat just informed Ezekiel's parents about the death of their son....." He trailed off and she shut her eyes, tears pouring out. "Osarieme..." "I'm sorry... I'm sorry, I'm just really...." She sniffled and he wiped the tears off.

"What do you think if we hold like a vigil candle night one of these days for everyone that has lost their lives? Anyone can come"

Osaze smiled, "Sounds great"

Tacha and Chike walked into the guest room and she leaned against the door. "Hey" "Hey" "I've sent you dozens of messages, you've just been ignoring it and it's unfair" "Unfair? Unfair is you being sturbborn and risking your life against everyone's advise."

"It's what I want"

"To die?"

"I'm not going to die, you just have to believe in me" 

"I get worried every now and then, the only thing I use as distraction is music. I don't want to have a relationship where I need something as an escape from my hurt. You did it the first time, the second, the third and the fourth, each time I keep using my music as an escape from all of it. It's not fair"

Tacha blinked her tears in, "Wow, look who's counting. You say it like it's my fault" "Whose fault is it? Tacha you're the most inconsistent and unstable character I've ever met, one minute you're this agile and ready to face the world and your fears and your mother and the next, you're scared throwing break up sms."

"And the one time, this one time that I'm trying to be consistent about something, you all don't want to support me"

"We don't want to lose you that's why. I don't know what I'll do if anything happens to you. You need to stop this madness. You're not Lara Croft" "I'll prove you guys wrong. You know what Chike, maybe we should end this"

"Wait, what?"

"Yes. Let's break up, since the only thing I've ever done is bring you sadness"

Chike scoffed, "That wasn't what...." "I know what I heard, I'm not as stupid as I look okay?" Tears ran down her eyes and she quickly wiped then off. 

"Good bye Chike and have a nice life and PS, I'm not dying, I'm making a difference" she snapped leaving the room and he sat on the bed busting into tears.

General walked into Morenike's home with a security guard to find her in the sitting room. "My intel says, Chief Kolade Michael has been apprehended although it took powerful forces to stop him judging from he had charms" he scoffed. 

"And the rest?"

"Two more to go, they left Lagos state but as long as they're still in Nigeria, we'll get them. I'll have my eyes on them"

"Good day Ma" the man greeted with a  thick voice. "Hey General" "Hey. This is Dwayne Moore, one of a Nigel secret security agency in Nigeria. He is a special agent, skilled and trained, he will be taking care of you henceforth"

"General" she called out stretching the document to him and he flipped through it.

The previous night

Nana flipped through it the content made her look at Morenike in shock. "How come?" She asked and Morenike leaned back against the  chair. "Your last will and testament? Morenike? Are you planning to kill yourself?"

"No. Nana, if I do what I am set to do tomorrow, there's a big possibility of me ending up dead and I don't want to do that without giving my children what rightfully belongs to them"

"You can't end up dead"

"What if..."

"Gbenu dake jare!(shut your mouth) or else I'll just sound you!" Nana shouted and she sobbed. "You will not die, I will not bury you. Olorun ma be! Iwo yóò fo wo e mejeji sin mí, (God forbid! You will use my two hands to bury me), not the other way round. I forbid it!"

"What is it that you want to do that will take your life?"


"You're already leaving a will?"

"Yes I ha e to make preparations and"

"Keep quiet and listen to me Morenike."


"Keep quiet Morenike! You're my best friend, I know you can be more a bitch but still, I care about you like I would have cared about my own sister. She died but I'm not going to let you die without getting a second chance with your family. As from today, there'll be security guards stationed by the gate"

Morenike nodded in tears, "Thank you"

What do you guys think about the update?

Finally, e don choke for Chief 💃💃

Justice finally! And it's not just Audio!

I don't know about you guys but I sure pity Morenike

Prepare for the next episode

Something tragic incoming oh

Best guess?

Two episodes or so to go😣😞😖

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