🔺 Chapter 45🔻
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Chapter 45
"Mehn I don't taya for this trial upon trail oh" Omo complained and Osas folded her hands. "The same thing every time! Still the same wahala, no evidence, no evidence" She snapped. "The day way evidence go dey, I shoot gun for up"
Osas gave a faint chuckle, "She say she go shoot gun for up" she repeated then she watched Chief stepped out of the court with his wife. He had a grin on his face confident of his victory in the next trial. Two of his friends shook hands with him as though he had already won the battle and Omo who was also watching shook her head pointing at him.
"Baba dey feel like Boss, see as him dey happy like say him don win already"
Osas and Osaze turned back at him and he flashed a smile at him, "All of them as them dey so, I sure say na ritualist them be!" Osas muttered and Chief walked towards them to rub salt upon their wounds, his friends held him back but he adamantly walked up to them.
"Justice will always prevail I hope you know that" Chief said and Osas scoffed while he continued from where he left off. "No matter what the wicked does, justice will always prevail"
"Una get mind talk that kain thing. Na who wicked out of the two of us, you way dey use girls do ritual or me way you almost use do ritual?" "Whatever method you want to use so that I'll say something incriminating, it will not work because I am innocent and you all will see that play out in the next trial when the Judge pronounces me innocent of the charges"
"Are you sure?" Osaze asked folding her hands, "Yes. Abi do you guys have anything you can use against me? There is no evidence"
"You'll be shocked" Osaze replied making Chief flinch a bit, he raised his nose in disbelief then he hissed, "You are lying, you would have used it already" "Trust me Chief, you'll be blown away by the evidence we have against you" he replied and he kept mute, "Are you scared already?" Osaze asked, "You're scared for someone who's innocent?" He added then he sniggered finding joy from his silence.
"Chief, just sit down ehn, we dey cook your justice soup for hand, very soon we go serve you make you for chop" Omo laughed and Osas picked up from where she left off, "Like you said, justice will always prevail, I know say God no dey sleep and i I sure say them still dey iron your prison uniform for hand"
"The only worry way na if him belle go gree make e size am" Omo waved at his belle laughing at him then he scoffed. "You don't know who you're laughing at
" "Who are you? Who you be sef?"
"Soon, I'll be laughing"
"Inside prison" Osas and Omo replied in unison, "We'll see about that" he replied walking away and Eniola moved close to them in curiousity, "What did he say?"
Chief and his two friend got into a relaxation clu then they all settled in a corner and then Chief took off the cap he had on. "What happened? We're suppose to rest after the court session and the long drive down here? I hope you have girls for us" "Simone is in hiding"
"Can't he still arrange babes for us or organize someone else to do it"
Chief hissed, "That's not what I'm even thinking now" "What is it you're thinking about? You have already won the case if you don't know.
"The way I'm looking at this people bayii (like this), they have something up their sleeves. They will just use it to attack me sharp sharp in court"
"If they had any evidence, they would have used it against you latekan! (since)"
"You didn't hear them when they were talking. The confidence they spoke with, even that Osas had the guts to tell me that they're already ironing my prison cloth. Emi, Chief Akinola Bello wearing prison cloth, God forbid!" He snapped his fingers and he gave it a thought as Judas approached them.
"You think they are saving their best evidence for last?"
"I know they are, let's work towards our plan"
"Good afternoon Sir" he bowed his head and they all answered in their own way.
"Why is Judas here?" "I called him" Chief Akinola replied. "I think it's time to set this plan in motion. I have already proposed the idea to him in case anything goes wrong"
"What's the plan?"
Judas cleared his throat, "We'll need to capture Osas, we get her in tight corner and get her without raising suspicion, at the same time, we'll also capture someone dear to the her, a friend or family. We have information she can do anything for her friends and family, all we have to do is catch one of them. I think It'll be more effective to catch one of the new found family? Like Eniola Badmus"
"Ah! Omo Badmus? You want that one to do were for you (get mad at). Choose another person, how many new found families does she have?"
Judas cleared hos throat again, "Three, namely; Obianuju, Eniola and Chike, I heard she has two young brothers"
"Those young ones will be effective. It's school season, all we just have to do is lay in wait for after school or catch them when they're going to school. Abi Judas, what do you think?"
"Children will scream and attract attention and we have just tomorrow"
Osaze called for a general meeting in his house after the court session. Folabi, Eniola and Osas were present for it. " You guys didn't tell me Folabi will be coming " Eniola said out loud and Folabi scoffed, "Would you have stayed back?" He asked and she shrugged, "I would have prepared myself emotionally"
"Uwa please! Can we just have one peaceful meeting?" Osas snapped. Osaze cleared his throat while Folabi scoffed loudly, "I thought you made things clear, you didn't want to talk to me because according to you, it's for the best and I'm keeping things that way. What wrong have I committed?"
Osaze cleared his throat again, "Guys, can we go back to the drawing board? We came here for Osas case so we can rub minds and debate on alternatives then make conclusions as to what path to tread if we want to have a winning chance" "Today's case was like a revelation of how next week's case is going to look like" Folabi answered and Osaze nodded in agreement.
"It's obvious next week's case is going to end with the judge waiving the case. Our efforts, all the publicity, will be wasted"
"Mom is smartly trying to make it look like chief wasn't involved and you're right; with this, the judge will just sweep the whole thing under the rug." He stated and Osas walked towards the window looking at the drizzling drops of rain.
She would rather hear the rain drop on the roof than listen to everyone go back and forth over the turn out of the case. "Are you okay?" Eniola asked and Osas rolled her eyes. "When una don finish with the recap, make una come call me" she replied. Osaze opened his mouth in awe while Folabi laughed.
"She's right" Eniola agreed. "The big elephant in the room is how we're going to get solid evidence to pin against Chief? That's the only thing that can make us win, something that'll prove that Chief Akinola has some sort of involvement with this Oyetunji Lateef" Eniola asked and Osaze agreed.
His phone rang and Osaze smiled on seeing the caller ID. "Talking about evidence...." He trailed off answering the call. Osas quickly moved away from the window in interest.
"Hey Segz, how far" "I dey, so I missed your call. What's up?"
"Remember when I called you concerning information about this Chief Akinola rape matter?" He asked, "I remember also telling you not to take the matter to court. Oga there's nothing substantial here, na just say we know the truth, but no facts or record to back it up, all deleted"
"Okay then can you.."
"You never even hear wetin I wan talk"
"To be witness on top the case, no. I love my life, una don think of how life go be for una after this case?" "We are not scared"
"Oga good for you but me, I love life and I'm not going to risk it over a case without substantial evidence. I'm sorry" he apologized and Osaze kept quiet. That retort was like a blow on his face, "I'm sorry for coming off as rude but it is what is it, I no fit do am" he exhaled loudly.
"Segz ..."
"Dude, okay, at least I do small law, me just coming to court to say, I'm quite aware of Chief Akinola's habit of raping girls, won't that constitute to hear say? It will now"
"You work in the records department, your word will count"
"Ah... Wo, no be my mouth them go hear say gutter dey smell"
"Dude, you can count on me on any other thing, not anything involving crazy politicians! I'm sorry"
"Its okay" he replied and Segz hung up.
All eyes turned towards him. "That was Segz, all information has been deleted and he can't help us testify" "That Oyetunji man being sabi me when we go that house that day. There has to be something that proves Chief knows Oyetunji"
"Maybe a picture" Eniola suggested, "That'll be impossible, you can't get into Chief's house" Folabi replied, "What about if we go back to the house or the ritual room?"
"You guys and the police already did a round up check on the place" Folabi answered, "And we couldn't find anything because they were expecting us" Osaze smirked, "Think about what we can possible find when we catch them unaware"
Eniola smiled, "I love where this is going. We'll get a warrant . They won't even know what hit them"
Folabi's phone beeped then he glanced at it, "I'm sorry i have to go guys, my attention is needed at the office." He stretched his hands to Osaze who shook his hands. "No wahala now" "You guys let me in on any additional information" he chipped in and Osaze gave a nod.
"No problem Folabi, we go let you know" Osas replied now looking at Eniola. "At least say goodbye" "He can actually hear you, you know and it doesn't make sense when you put it that way"
"Good bye Eniola" Folabi added, "Goodbye" she waved and Osas watched him leave.
"You two should sort this out, I don't know whether you're friends or enemies, pick a side"
Justice Lateefat walked grudgingly into her living room and her husband raised his brow in concern "What happened?" "I had two cases to oversee and the most difficult one was this Osas case" she collapsed on the chair and he laughed.
"What's funny? This isn't funny my dear"
"Have you delivered it into Allah's hands?"
"I have"
"You always trust your guts" "That's where the issue lies, I don't want to have to pick guts over the truth" "You always follow your guts my dear"
"This man Chief Akinola Bello has been charged with murder and rape and no proper evidence has been provided to support these claims. Not even one! How do i follow my guts and sentence a man for life imprisonment without a single evidence proving he actually was responsible for it. With what was presented today, I might have to waved the case off in the next trial for lack of evidence, if I do that when he's really guilty, then a guilty man will roam free. I don't want to jump into hasty conclusions"
She exhaled.
"Do you want something to drink or eat?"
Osaze walked into the kitchen while Osas made dinner, he had a yellow and blue strip polo top on. "Raymond just called me, the guys are having a drink at Club High and they invited me. Are you okay with it?" He asked and she laughed.
"You're already dressed up for it"
"If you're not okay with it...."
Osas moved closer to him, "I was making dinner but it's fine, It'll be lonely but I'll be fine. You should meet the guys, you need it to clear your head" "I do need it. See you later, let's say in two hours plus traffic" He answered kissing her on the lips and she kissed him too, "Don't drink too much and drive safely"
"Don't forget the umbrella"
"Its already in the car" he replied planting a kiss on her lips and she kissed him too.
Eniola held a customers bag from exquisite kitchen, she had banana bread and ice cream in it. She knocked on the door and Folabi opened up surprised to see her. "What are you doing here?" "Whenever I make Jemmy angry, I get her banana bread and ice cream for peace offering. I don't know your preference but It's worth the try" she answered staring at the blank expression on his face.
"Its fine if you don't want it, I just wanted to say, I was hurt by what happened and but the little maturity in me is just telling me, it's not his fault, he doesn't like you" she shrugged, "Move on and you can't force love right?"
Folabi chuckled, "Ema gba mi, did I say anything?"
"You just kept quiet and I couldnt even read your facial expressions"
"I was just thinking how Banana bread will taste like" "Oh. It taste great, I'm sure you'll love it" she stretched it out to him and he received it.
"Come in" he replied and she raised her brow in surprise, "Seriously?" "If its not sweet, you're definitely eating it" he replied and she chuckled walking in. " "If Osas' case ends in two days time, will you go back to Benin?"
Folabi laughed placing the nylon on the drawer, "Why are you interested in knowing?" "Well of course, I'm just curious" "I don't know any longer" "Why? Don't you miss Benin?" "I do. Very much but I do have a lot of people I'll miss here"
Eniola smiled, "Osas, Omo, Osaze, and your colleagues at work" "And you're forgetting one person" "Who?" "Let me give you a clue, one big headed young lady like that, she's extremely rude, stubborn" he answered and she scoffed.
"I don't have a big head and you forgot to mention pretty." She chipped in and they both chuckled then she bit her lips, "You'll miss me? Its hard to believe" "Why?" "Well, for starters, I'm extremely annoying, I'm a spoilt brat, I really don't have the qualities of someone anyone will miss" she replied folding her hands then he scoffed.
"You think that lowly of yourself now?"
"Whose fault is it? I mean i remember you saying a man wants a woman who can cook, a woman who has good training and I'm not all of that, I'm just good at one thing, insulting people and being a bad ass lawyer"
"Those words were supposed to make you develop yourself not reduce your self esteem"
"No one has ever succeeded in doing that, I would have completely destroyed the person's life but unfortunately I fell in love with this one" Eniola blinked back her tears, "Unfortunately, ouch"
"Well there's nothing more unfortunate that a one sided love and I get it, you don't like me and I'm trying to adjust to the idea" "What idea?"
"Urgh!" Eniola groaned, "You're making me repeat myself? I like you Folabi and I already told you the last date" "Let's talk it" "I don't want to." "Why were you angry?" "I completely embarrassed myself in front of you. I had high sexual expectations after you chose the hotel and when we kissed, it felt so good, I thought you felt the same way and...." She paused breaking into tears.
He guessed he had offended her by his impertinence and he felt bad for it! "I'm sorry i made you feel that way" "And when you said you wanted a wife but I wasn't wife enough," "Hey, I didn't say that" "Then what did you mean, no tell me, it just made me realize that I was just wasting my time that was why I just thought maybe staying away from you was the best"
Folabi moved closer to her, "The best for who?" He asked and she wiped her tears, "For me, to get over you" she replied and he laughed, "Now I'm hurt, its me you want to get over shey?" He asked and she nodded. "What do you expect? You want me to be hung up on someone who doesn't love me"
"How are you sure that I don't like you?"
"I actually thought we had the chemistry at first but then"
Before she had any chance to register what was happening, Folabi was already kissing her. She leaned in as her lips gently moved under the pressure of his own lips. He withdrew staring deeply at her, his eyes filled with passion and his hands gently holding her face.
"Now I'm confused. That was how you were the other night, you kissed me then you started giving all those confession about wanting a wife"
He shut her lips with another kiss and she smile, "Are you trying to send me a message?" She asked, "What do you think?" "But I can't cook, I'm not even wife material, I'm still yet to work on my attitude problem"
"As long as we can work on it together"
"You think I can?"
Folabi chuckled, "Do you think I would have given this a try if I didn't see that we can actually work on it. I can see your effort." "I signed up for cooking tutorials, I know being wife material might take forever but.. I'm going to try my best, I'm not promising to be Osas"
"I don't want you to be Osas, I want you to be a better Eniola Badmus"
She slowly gave a sensuous smile. Her teeth were slightly apart then she leaned in to kiss his lips again. He sat on the bed and she climbed on him biting her lower lips then he shook his head.
"Sex can wait, let's not rush in. Let's take our time"
"Okay, we'll take our time" she nodded hovering her lips over his and they both kissed.
Club High
Raymond bumped into Tacha leaving the club then he smiled nervously. "Hey Tacha" "Good evening" she greeted flipping her hair. "What are you doing here?" He asked and she smiled. "I came looking for my boyfriend...." "Oh.....where is he?" "He didn't show up" "Didn't you call him?" He asked and she hesitated.
"I just wanted to see his face, not talk to him, its complicated"
"A lot has really changed huh?" He asked and she shrugged unsure of what he meant. "I heard you're expecting a baby, congratulations" "Thank you" "I should be leaving, good night and greetings to wifey' " Definitely " he answered watching her leave then he walked in sightng Kubiat who was pouring a beer from it's bottle into a glass.
He drank it and Raymond walked up to him, "Already drinking without the guys?" "I was getting bored, why are you guys late? Where's Osaze, where's Obi?" "Sorry for being late, Osaze is on his way, Obi said he has a date with Omo"
Kubiat chuckled, "Is it just me or Obi likes that girl!" He asked and Raymond laughed, "You think? I mean, the guy is unconsciously falling in love and he doesn't even know" "It'll shock him when he realizes what's going on" He replied and they both laughed.
"Did you see Tacha? I just bumped into her"
"Yes I did"
"Did you talk to her?"
"I cant do that. It'll ruin our plan, she's our eyes on the inside" he whispered and Raymond scoffed, "Who would have thought ehn, Tacha playing James Bond, Tacha doing drugs, getting pregnant and...." He trailed off, "Can you believe Tacha was raped." He exhaled and Kubiat glanced at him, "You know?" "Of course I... You also know?"
"Ejiro told me"
"Obianuju did.... How are you able to hide it from Osaze? I've been feeling uncomfortable about hiding it, I just want to tell him but I really don't think it's my place to do so"
"To do what?" Osaze asked behind and Raymond laughed nervously, "Osaze, I didn't even realized you're here. "What are you guys hiding from Osaze and what has been making you feel uncomfortable?" He asked and Kubiat cleared his throat.
"Guy, why are you now calling my name?"
"He heard you saying it now" "Will you guys cut the crap and tell me what the hell is going on?" He snapped and Kubiat glanced at Raymond again. "Guy, why are you looking at me"
"Osaze.... I think Osas should be in a better position to tell you"
"To tell me what?"
"Baba you gatz calm down, as I dey look you like this...."
Raymond lowered his head exhaling loudly, "Osas told Obianuju that Tacha was raped" "What? When?" "Maybe you should ask Tacha or Osas for that part of the information" he answered and Osaze tightened his fist. He couldn't believe Osas could hide such a thing from him.
He turned his back to leave but Raymond held him back, "Guy, you're not in the state of mind to drive, just calm down first" he pleaded but Osaze freed himself from his grip storming out of the club.
"Wahala" Kubiat muttered. "Osas won't be happy he got to find out from you" "Guy which one is your own?" He asked then he hissed, "He was meant to find out one way or the other"
"I think we should give Osas an head start" Kubiat suggested and Raymond agreed. "I better call Nuju, she'll help me with it"
Omo laughed to Obinna's joke as he escorted her out of the restaurant; at the close of their date. "I love a good pounded yam and oha soup" "I pity your girlfriend, I'm serious about that" "Pity yourself" "Mr man, don't start having ideas, I mean, I hate pounding yam. Don't get me wrong, I can cook but you all those yam pounding, it's hard work, Osas is the wife material for that."
"I go marry another man wife put for my house?"
Omo laughed, "My Mom makes the best Oha soup, her cooking is spectacular." "That's one thing about Mommy's boys, their mother's cooking will always be the best" Omo noted and he chuckled.
"I didn't mean to sound that way"
"Whatever! Find yourself a village girl, someone to prepare Oha for you. I'm a Benin girl" "I don't like village girls, it's you I'm liking these days" "You don't mean it" "I can still manage starch and melon soup or groundnut soup and poundo yam. Benin have the weirdest food ever!"
She chuckled, "Don't you dare insult my native food. Don't worry, I'll cook you a sweet omisagwe soup, that's groundnut soup and I might just have to pound that stupid yam for you" "That's a sight I'll like to see" "I said I don't like pounding, doesn't mean I can't pound"
Obi smiled, opening the door of his car and she chuckled again, "Now you're just over doing it" "Babe, flow with the romance, you no dey watch American film? Na only for Nigeria nan dey try dey romantic, woman go dey complain" he answered and she chuckled entering into the car.
He slammed the door turning to the other side, he got in with a smile on his face. "So.... How was the date? Will I get another chance?" He asked and she moved her lips closer to his kissing him on the lips and he kissed her back wrapping his arms around her waist. The kiss got deeper and Omo pulled away looking into his face, "Is that a yes?" He asked and she scoffed.
"What else?"
"Let's go home"
Omo raised her brow feeling insulted, "Say what?" She asked then she hissed, "Just because I kissed you, you think I'm that easy right?" "No! That wasn't what I meant" he replied laughing. "What else did you mean? What are we suppose to do when we get to your house" "We can study the bible all night long" he responded, making her glare at him.
"This isn't funny Obi.... Just drop me home"
"I just thought maybe you'd like to see my mother" Obi answered and she creased her brow in thought, "I don't understand" "My mom is at home, I just want her to meet my girlfriend"
Omo scoffed, "Oga slow down, who said anything about us dating? Did you ask me out? Did I even say yes?" She asked and he seized the opportunity to kiss her again, she kissed him back and he withdrew biting his lips, "Well I didn't need to" he winked at her and she smiled.
"Can we just be adults and admit that we like each other?" He asked and she giggled. "Let's just say I'm willing to manage you" "Women have always been good managers. See, I'm not Mr perfect, I don't even know where I'm even going with this speech sef"
Omo giggled again.
"I've never liked a girl till the point of making her meet my mother"
"80% of guys use that trick to make a girl feel special, especially when the girl's a tough one to crack. Maybe you're trying to impress me" She replied and Obinna rollled his eyes, "God help me. For where I see this one from?"
"Just know you're not smelling my pant anytime soon"
"Why are you so....."
"Defensive, protective?"
Omo exhaled, "Guys, I feel you all are the same everywhere. There are only a few good ones, I love easily so I hate opening up to people so i don't get my heart broken. Forgive me if I'm trying too hard to protect my heart!" "I like you Omo, I don't think I've ever come close to liking any girl as much as I like you. The only person I've loved this much was Beyonce but she broke my heart after she got married to Jay-Z"
Omo rolled her eye chuckling then he looked into his eyes, "I swear to God Obi, If you break my heart, I go break your prick" she replied and he swallowed hard then he cleared his throat. "Can we go now?" He asked and she smiled.
"First, how is your Mom like?"
"She's not bad. I'm sure she'll love you"
Osaze knocked on the door and Osas opened up clasping her hands, "I can explain" she began and Osaze scoffed, "Really Osas? What's there to explain? You found out my sister got raped and you couldn't let me know" "She made me promise, no be my fault. I wanted to tell you, I never find better time yet, besides I wanted her to do it herself"
"How could you hide such a thing from me" "Really? Wait, Osaze, na me you wan follow vex for because of that tiny secret? You knew I was the sixteen years old girl that got raped yet you kept quiet about it now you have the effrontery to criticise me for keeping that secret."
Osaze scoffed, "Are we seriously bringing that up" "Well, you made me bring it up and I did because I want make you analyse the situation, you knew I was the one that got raped but you didn't tell me, we were even in a relationship, I was already in love but you kept quiet about it but I forgave you. That's just the point I'm trying to create. E reach make you vex but I'm sorry. I'm sorry for hiding it but it wasn't in my place to tell you"
"Good night Babe" Osaze muttered walking past her and she rolled her eyes, "I already served your food at the table" "I'm not hungry" "But you said...." "I don't have the appetite" "Osaze if you no chop that food I no go happy with you oh" she pouted and he walked away into the room.
Osas tightened her fist as tears formed in her eyes.
Osaze took out his phone calling Vera, he wanted to confirm if she was also withholding the truth from her. "Why are you calling at this ungodly time?" She asked laughing and Osaze exhaled worriedly and she immediately became worried.
"Is everything okay?"
"I just found out something"
"Were you aware Tacha was raped?"
Obinna and Omo walked into the house, and his mother, Mrs Kalu gasped. "You scared me! You could have knocked" "I called you when I drove into the estate" "And I left the door opened for you but still, you could have knocked!" She snapped then she answered literally looking down at Omo; she assumed Obi had brought in another prostitute just like he usually does.
Omo instantly felt uncomfortable with the look so she exchanged looks with Obi for strength and support.
"And who is this?" She asked and Omo cleared her throat to speak when his mom switched instantly to Ibo, "Do I need an introduction? She's one of those prostitutes right?" She asked and Obinna shook his head.
"No, she's.." He trailed off on seeing a young fair lady walk up to the both of them. The smile on his face slowly waned on seeing the familiar lady. "What's she doing here?" He asked in Ibo and his mother folded her arms, "What do you think?"
"Welcome home" She greeted turning towards Omo with a frown. "I see you brought company who's she?" She asked and Obinna gritted his teeth.
"What's going on?" Omo whispered and he laughed nervously. "An introduction will do right now" "That's what I'm trying to sort out"
"Sort ... Out? Who is the lady?" Omo asked suspiciously, "She's my cousin from Enugu"
"Cousin what? Stop that rubbish oh, what cousin? I am his wife-to-be" She gesticulated twirling in front of Omo and then she scoffed snapping her fingers everywhere.
Omo glanced at Obi, he wanted to hear him say it with his own lips. "Who is she Obi?"
"You heard her right, she is my son's wife" Mrs Kalu affirmed, "Mommy stop this now, whose wife? When did I propose?"
"The question is when will you propose? Since you don't want to do it, I'm helping you with it do suck it up Obinna and marry Ada, this time I'm not taking this one back, she's here to stay. Stop wasting time with prostitutes like this" she pointed at Omo and she waved her hands.
"I can't deal with this" she muttered leaving and Obinna followed her out.
"Omo" he called out but she kept on walking away, he held her by the hand and she slapped him on his cheeks, "If you ever touch me again, I swear to God I'll punch you silly" she sniffled wiping her tears then she covered her face.
She didn't want to cry in front of him but she couldn't help it!
"You had your last chance and you blew it, don't ever call me, don't ever look for me, ever!" She snapped leaving. Obinna's palm left his cheeks as he waved his hands on his head. His heart broke as he watched her leave, he couldn't really do much.
"I don fuck up " he muttered to himself.
He returned back into the house and his gaze met with his mother's glare.
"You chased after a prostitute, I called you and you didn't even answer. If you think I'm sending Ada back, you are in for it cause you might have to choose between still having a person to call a mother or getting married to her cause I'm not going to be sending another woman back"
"Mommy, I'm not getting married to her"
"What's wrong with me"
"I don't like her"
"So it's prostitute you like ehn? You want to keep on jumping from one to the other" "Omo is not a prostititue, If she was, would I have chased after her?" He snapped back in Ibo, "No!"
"Who's she then?"
"My girlfriend! We just started dating this night"
"And she's following you to your house already"
"Because I wanted you to meet her!"
His mother raised his brow in shock, "You have never ever introduced any girl to me as your girlfriend..... Ewo and I called her asewo!"
"I wish I knew, I wouldn't have even suggested it. I didn't know we were having an unwelcomed guest" he snapped at Ada while his mother shut her eyes in regret. "You should have said something now! Oya call her now"
"She won't pick up my call, I'm sure she has already blocked me." "Block you for this small misunderstanding?" "You don't get it, Mommy, this was my last shot and I just blew it with your help" he replied walking away and his mother held his hands.
"Wait, are you angry with me? It's me your mother oh, your woman your everything. Let's talk this out, Ada is still very much available" she begged but he glared at Ada pointing his fingers at her, "She had better not be in this house before i get back from work" He walked past them while his mother watched him.
"Obim! It's me your mother oh!"
"I've kukuma said my own"
Osas opened up the door and Omo walked in busting into tears. "What is it again? Another bad date?" She asked and Omo turned towards her. "See why I no dey like attach myself to any guy?" "Wetin Obim do this time?"
"So after the date, we kissed and we started dating. So Mummy's boy took me to his house to meet his mother" "The mother didn't like you?"
"She called me a prostitute! She assumed I was one of his prostitute, I felt so ashamed. To worsen it, his betrothed wife was there! I haven't felt this embarrassed in a long time!"
"Ehya, sorry" Osas hugged Omo as she sobbed, "Wetin dey pain me pass na say I don come dey like am!"
"Sorry". She muttered slowly patting her back.
The following day
6:20 am
Osas walked into the room after spending the night at the guest room. She found Osaze already dressed in a white shirt tucked into a blavk trousers. He was on a call so leaned on the door with her arms folded staring at him, ready to snap at him whenever he drops the call.
She has been bottling the whole thing since the previous night.
"I'll be there by... Let's say 10 or eleven am, depending on the traffic. I had plans before this...." He trailed off now looking at Osas, "What time will the girl be brought in?" He asked waiting for response.
"I should be in the office before then" he replied, "I'm sorry about your niece Ma" he replied then the caller hung up. "Good morning" Osas greeted, "Good morning" he responded and she exhaled.
"You notice say I no sleep for here shey?"
"I noticed in the middle of the night so I checked up on you and I saw Omo, I didn't even know she stopped by last night. I must have slept off!"
"And you couldn't even wake me up"
Osaze sighed, "Where are you going with this this morning?" He asked and Osas blinked her tears in. "I'm waiting for my apology" "What?" "You heard me right, I apologized last night for being wrong but you didn't and we haven't even cleared the air yet. Let's do it this morning"
"Babe, I have plans"
"No babe me when you still dey carry me for mind. We need to talk this out cause I dey so, I'm so angry at your reaction yesterday"
"And we'll talk about it when we get back but first I have plans, I have to be at the office"
"I thought we had plans to check the building out"
"Something came up"
"More important than finding out evidence for tomorrow's case?"
Osaze groaned, "I want to see Tacha, and a six years old girl got raped by a neighbour two days ago" "Oh my God" Osas closed her lips with her palms in awe, "Jesus Christ!" "They arrested the guy but he has been released so she wants me to help her out. We should be there in the afternoon, as long as no one knows we have plans to head there, the element of surprise will still be there so...."
Osas nodded, "I can go alone" "You're can't go alone" "Of course I can. I'll go with the policemen and the photographer from the other say, what's his name again, Ezekiel or Abraham? Shey you've called him?" "I have but I wanted to come along with you guys"
"Osaze I can handle it. No be just to go inside, search again, I'll have policemen with me. I'll be fine, you just have to trust me"
Osaze exhaled, "I'll call Kubi" "Let's talk about your sister" "I have to start preparing" "Should I make tea or should I warm up the soup since you skipped dinner yesterday." "I don't have the appetite" he replied and Osas scoffed, "You're skipping breakfast too"
Osaze laughed, how was he going to explain to her that apart from the fact he noticed she wasn't sleeping close to him, he woke up at midnight in order to find something to eat. He ate the egusi soup, it was a sweet one and he would have hated himself if he had missed out from eating it.
"Babe I'm not ski.." His phone rang and he gave Osas a look, "I have to answer this" "It's your belly, do whatever you want with it, after all, before I come, na so you being dey starve yourself" she snapped leaving and he groaned answering the call.
She walked into the guest room where she heard Omo muttering some prayers. "Baba before I forget, spirit of reconciliation move around this house, reconcile Osas and Osaze" "Baba God, and also Omo and Obinna" Osas replied and Omo scoffed.
"Abegi! Old news"
"Old news? All those tears way you being dey cry kor? Something way you feelings dey spark everywhere like wire way enter water. E don cast for you, no deceive yourself" she sank in bed sighing.
"What's up with you and Osaze?"
"He's clearly still angry with me"
Eniola and Folabi laid in bed and she ran her hands over his chest, her fingers played with his chest hair. "Are you a virgin?" She asked and he laughed, "What kind of question is that? Do I look like a virgin?" "No but you're too reserved" "Because I don't want to have sex shey!"
"Yes and maybe its me that's not attractive any longer cause I slept on the same bed with Osaze at the couples retreat and nothing happened"
Folabi planted a kiss on her forehead, "I know for sure that I'm attracted to you. I've dated a lot of girls, having sex like that has never been my style, you can call me old school" he replied and she blushed, "What he asked and she looked away" "Sorry..... I'm just happy" She kissed his chest then she glanced directly at him before teasingly giving him a lick at his nipples and he gasped moving back.
Eniola bit her lower lip. She definitely hit a good spot!
Obianuju turned her back to her husband so he could help her zip her gown up and he did. "Thank you" she replied moving to the large mirror in the room, she sat down on a wooden stools so she could do a little make up.
"Any symptoms today?" He asked and she shook her head.
"None. I'm just so excited about today though, maybe it's because It'll be my first ante natal class, I've waited two years for this day." She placed both palm against her belly.
"By 9 am right?"
"Should I drop you off or something?" "I'll order a ride, don't stress yourself, I won't want you to be late because or me. You should go" she said to him and he smiled kissing her forehead. "Take care"
"Take care too" she replied then he saw an incoming call, he removed his phone from his pocket glancing at the caller ID. "This is strange" "What?"
"It's ....Obi's Mom"
Aunt Avia's house
Vera folded her arms against her belly bump, "How can one woman be so secretive? First she keeps the whole drugs and pregnancy saga to herself now....." She complained and Aunt Avia's husband exhale. "When she comes, there is a need to approach this situation wisely. It's evident your sister has been throught a lot. Let's take it easy with her."
They all heard a knock on the door and Osifo opened up. "Good morning Dad" she greeted kissing her father on his cheek, "I was quite surprised when I got your call" she walked into the room walking into the sitting room to find Avia, her husband, Osaze and Vera present.
"Dad...." She tutned back at her father, "What's going on?" She asked and Osifo gestured at the seat. "Have your seat" "What's going on?" She asked and Aunt Avia walked close to her. "Good morning Auntie,"
"Good morning my dear. Just have your seat and we'll talk"
"Is this about me playing cop? No one is changing my mind, I'm this close to getting the bad guys, the deal goes down tomorrow evening"
"Its not that" Aunt Avia answered, "We.... Got to find out you were raped" "Oh my.... Osas told you guys right? I can't believe she..." "She didn't tell me, I heard from another source and you have no idea how angry i was about it" Osaze snapped and Tacha's brain racked in calculation.
Who could have.....?
"Why didn't you tell us Tacha? Must we always find out every information bits by bits" Vera asked trying to be as calm as possible, "What could you have done?"
"We could have done our best! We're supposed to be family"
"Oh please, Save me the crap! When last have we been a family? We haven't been one in a very long time. Dad is filing for divorce,technically he's cheating on Mom, Mom is alone at home, My two siblings have completely turned your back on their mother so no one should give me the damn crappie conversation about been a family cause I'm not going to listen to irt" She snapped fuming and everyone could see her anger.
"If there's anything I want the most, if there's anything I ever wanted, it was for us to be a family and there's anything I want, if I'm to make a last wish, it'll be for us to be family once again but no, we're not! No one ever listened to me, no one ever cared about what I had to say"
Vera shook her head, "Don't pin this on us Tacha! Heaven knows that I always want to know what happens in your life, I always say that after every of our conversation but you're just secretive"
"I got raped. What would you all have done?"
"Who did it?" Osas asked and Tacha shook her head. "I don't want it public"
Osaze held her hands, "I'm sorry" he sniffled, "For not being the best big brother. I fight against the whole community of rapist, my sister got raped and I didn't even know" he cried and she cried too.
"Tacha I'm sorry but you have to understand that these men must be caught" "Goriola and Jerry wasn't caught" "It was Osas' decision." "What if I make my own decision?" "Rape has different effects on victims, for some it leaves physical damages, others become disturbed emotionally and mentally. Are you okay with the fact he's roaming free?" She asked and Tacha shook her head.
"Some days I wish I can kill him" she confessed, "Not everyone's case can be like Osas. Some people usually find more peace from having the rapists arrested. All I need is a name"
"And then It'll be on the news and the whole Nigeria will start buzzing about it. I think I'm fine just the way I am, thank you" she snapped walking back towards the door when she heard her father call her back.
"We just want to help you"
Tacha shut her eyes turning back at all of them, "Just like our messy family life, I'm beyond you guys saving me, the only thing I'm searching for is self redemption and personal development. Thanks for offering but sorry, it's too late" she replied leaving and Vera cried and Aunt Avia hugged her.
8:12 am
Outside Osaze's compound, Judas sat in a car observing the police officers leaning against the patrol car, besides them was another guy fiddling with his phone. Chief Akinola called him so he quickly answered the call.
"Have you caught her?"
"No Sir. I'm in front of the house and there are two police officers" "Find out what they're doing there, pay them if you have to. You must find a way to corner and catch her before it's late. What about the bait?"
"Lamar should handle it"
"Make sure this plan doesn't fail" "Yes Sir" He replied. Chief ended the call so he got out of the car called the attention of the Officer Solo and he majestically walked up to him.
"You get mind, you see officer of the law, you get mind dey command am make him waka come meet you. I should arrest you for disrespecting an officer"
Judas brought out wads of five hundred naira notes and Oga Solo scratched his neck. He counted four of it handing it over to him. "That one is for the disrespect" he paused and Officer Solo laughed.
"You na better person, wetin you dey find here? Abi you be suspect? All these kidnappers?"
"No. I live around the street, I being shock when I see una dey patrol. I hope say no problem?" He asked and he hissed. "Nothing oh, na just....." He hissed again, "Them just position us to escort one woman go one place"
"Where?" He asked and the Officer raised his brow, "Why you wan know? How the matter take concern you?" He asked and Judas dipped the whole money into the police officer's front pocket and he laughed.
"I'm just a curious neighbor, I like to know what's happening in my surroundings"
"You are a good neighbor, a very good one" he replied.
"Well... You know that woman way dey sue Chief Akinola go court? Na she we want escort go.... Na long story but e get one building way we being do round up check for. She wan go do check again"
"Oh. That's where she's going"
Judas nodded, "You've been helpful Officer, make I drive go work now" he replied entering into his car. He instantly puts a call through to Chief Akinola. "Chief" "Have you caught her?"
"No. She's about to make a move to the building Sir, there are two police escort on uniforms and another man. What's our next move Sir?"
Osas got outside the house to find the photographer and two out of the four policemen who followed them over to the house the other time. She almost hissed on seeing Officer Solo, "Na you again'" he said and she rolled her eyes. "Good morning" she greeted and he smiled.
"Good morning. See as your face dey shine like one Madam, you don touche up since the last time"
"Thank you. I hope you all know what we're going for?"
"Detective make us know say we want go search that fine house again. Shebi we don check before? Why we still want go disturb another man peace?"
"I no get time to dey give explanation, tomorrow might be the last day before the judge go declare Chief innocent. I need proof that'll help me prove that Chief Akinola truly dey guilty."
"Can we leave already?" The photographer asked, "I have plans later in the day"
Folabi called Osas while she was in the police patrol car, "Hey, have you guys moved?" "We're on our way, stucked in traffick." "Has Eniola called you to give you any information?" He asked and Osas laughed.
"You don finally Kolonbi (have sex) my sister shey?" She asked and Folabi scoffed. "Nothing happened"
"Go online, I forwarded a link to you" "What link?" "It's a video, its not an evidence but I think you should see it. It'll definitely make you smile"
"Who is Osarieme Ovbiokponwan?" Ivie Mommoh asked on a telvision interview, "She's my homie, over the month, this name has been consistently coming up and ringing in our ears,at first she wrongfully accused for prescribing abortion drugs then she was seen outside a hotel in towel, her reason being that she escaped being raped. She has been popular even before the court case with this Chief Akinola Bello who is a politician. As a journalist I decided to embark on a research to get consensus on who this Osas is, I did a short video on Instagram about her, this is the compilation I got"
"My name is Hilda, Osas is a brilliant pharamacist, I had an issue and she helped with it with just a single prescription"
"My name na Mama Ibinabo, Osas na good woman oh,if she tell you say ba like this the story go, na so the thing go, nothing way you do that girl way she carry for mind, na she help me deliver all my children"
"My name is Ken, Osas is brave woman, she no get fear, anywhere, she no dey see bad make she waka pass, she na fighter, she na street girl and the street stand with her"
Ivie Mommoh appeared on screen again, "In summary, I think this Osas is an innocent woman who has been through a lot is more like me , I stir up trouble wherever I go to and I seek to solve them, she deserves justice. When this case began, one of my finest journalist travelled in to help the situation, I have stayed quiet about this issue hoping it'll pass but it still hasn't. I don't want to get involved because its beyond my jurisdiction but if it does persist, I and the whole institution crew might have to fly into Lagos and it's not going to be pretty, buried skeletons will be dugged out. Osarieme Ovbiokponwan, the entire Benin community respects and support you Osas, we believe you're a winner, you'll definitely prevail"
Osas smiled on after watching the video then she placed the phone against her chest.
9:34 am
"Mrs Peters, does your family have a medical history that I might need to know of?" The doctor asked Obianuju but she shrugged instead. "I don't know"
"No medical history of hypertension, diabetes, asthma, TB, epilepsy, HIV and mental disease"
"I don't know doctor. I was adopted,I really don't know anything about my mother. The last time I saw her, I was just four years old, she died during child delivery while trying to deliver the baby herself; apart from that, I don't know anything"
"Any family history of twins, congenitals?"
"My elder sister should know or ....." She trailed off thinking of Aunt Uyi. "How will she know?"
"She wasn't adopted, its a very long story"
"Most times it's good to know your family medical history. How have you been feeling of recent? Any irritation, nauseau, heart burn?"
"No even a morning sickness. If the hospital test result didn't read positive, I would have had my doubts. The only difference is that I added weights"
"Any cravings?"
"Do the cravings come now?"
"Pregnancy differs for every woman"
Outside the hospital, Judas parked his car at the parking lot, he got out of the car then he made way into the hospital.
Osaze Benjamin foundation
"Osaze Benjamin Foundation, what can I do to help you?" Omo asked a caller then she noticed Obi's Mom coming her way. She picked up a pen to pen down the appointment on her note pad "Hm hm, Hm hm, okay..... I'll definitely let him know. Thank you for your patronage, we are always at your service. Have a nice day ahead" she replied ending the call.
"Good morning Ma. Can I be of service to you?" She asked and she gave a gentle nod. "Yes you can. Can I have a seat"
"Of course you can Ma" she answered and Obi's Mom sat down.
"Would you like to see the Boss?"
"No. Don't act like you don't know that i came to see you"
"To see me? How did you know I work here?"
"Raymond told me"
"Oh. Why are you her Ma? I've seen this scence play out in one thousand and twenty Nigerian movies, if you're here to warn me to stay away from your son. I don't think there's any need for that. I'm not even with him"
"Obinna told me you two started dating last night"
"Its over"
Omo scoffed, "For a whole number of reasons, one, its so he's a Mama's boy, two he's already betrothed, I practically met his future wife and his mother called me a prostitute. Three strong reasons to change a girl's mind" "I'll have to apologize for calling you a prostitute. I actually thought you were one of those girls. I am very very sorry"
Omo wondered what she could be her true intentions for coming here. "Do you love my son? Do you love Obi?" "Whaaaat?" "It's a question, I think it'll be better to respond" "I'm not in love with Obi, that's what I've been avoiding, the last thing I want is giving my heart to a man and he ends up choosing the woman his mother wants for him. I'd rather save myself that stress" she lowered her head and a smile crept through Obi's mother's face.
"I've been trying to get Obi to get married or be in a serious relationship for a whole year now and not once have I ever seen him take any woman side like he did with you. I messed up yesterday and this is me trying to clean my mess up. Forgive my son, he likes you and I can see it"
Omo folded her hands. "Are you sure?" "Why won't I be sure? He's angry with me because of what happened. Due the guest for ehn, my son likes a woman which is good fit me cause. I'm sure he'll b be considering marriage now, all those last nights with prostitutes meanwhile lying that he'd in Church will finally change"
Omo chuckled. "What if he isn't serious about me?" "Simple, we'll do it the way I wanted Ada to, trap him with pregnancy" his mother replied so she busted out laughing. "I think it should Obi's decision to get married, we won't want to force him into it. I might not even be the woman for him" Omo replied and she smiled.
"I like you already"
Just as Obianuju walked through the hospital halls, she bumped into Vera coming out of a room with other pregnant women. "Good morning Mrs Vera" she greeted and Vera rolled her eyes. "You do know you're free to call me Vera right? Over respect will not kill you" she replied and Obianuju chuckled now staring at her protruding belly.
"You came for antenatals?"
"Yes. I did, you?"
"Same. It's my first antenatals"
"Awwwn. Congratulations, you've got like 8 or more sessions to go. It actually does pay to do regular check up in order to detect irregularities, not like anyone is praying for irregularities but at least so they can be sorted early"
"The obstetrician already gave me the preamble of it. I know i have seven months to go, i can't wait to have my belly all swollen up so everyone can see it" she confessed while Vera laughed. "You'll still be the one to complain, do you know how i manage to sleep? There are times I wish I can just give the pregnancy to Philip to take just for the night only." Vera confessed and Obianuju busted into laughter.
"Pregnancy has changed virtually every thing about me, sleeping positions, I no longer eat my favourite food or favourite fruit, this was this day I woke up craving for Agbalumo and the annoying thing was that, it wasn't even the season for it. Don't worry, you've already started feeling yours right, the process goes on and goes on till delivery day"
Obianuju chuckled, "I haven't even started feeling any symptoms yet" "What?" Vera asked, surprise and she laughed harder, "I swear I haven't had even anything close to morning sickness and I really want to experience it. I've waited this long to be pregnant and morning sickness is doing shakara with me"
"Trust me Babe, you have no idea how lucky you are. My first trimester was horrible! What about the cravings, urgh! Thank God for Philip, there are day I have to wake him by 2 am to get me suya"
Obianuju laughed, "I'm serious. Where are you going to?" "To work." "I'll drop you off, I'll just use that style to see Osaze" "That's great"
Judas stopped in front of them, "Good day ladies" "Good day" they both replied then he looked at Obianuju, "Kindly follow me Ma" "Why?" The both asked and he scoffed.
"Just follow me Ma, this way" he pointed at the free hall and Vera rolled her eyes, "See Mr Man, we are both married" She showed him her ring, so did Obianuju.
"I'm not looking for any side boo, even if I am. The guy is not even my type"
"Shey you have heard, you're not even ..."
Judas raised his shirt to reveal a gun tucked into his trousers and Obianuju gasped in fear! "What the hell is going on?" She asked and Vera laughed, "This has got to be the joke of the century, Uju, why are you being scared? We are in one of the best hospitals in Lagos and as it is, there are cameras in the hall. This man won't do anything"
"So what if the cameras spot me? Not like there's anything like face recognition in Nigeria." He replied turning towards Obianuju. "Come with me and no one has to die"
"You won't do shit, don't be frightened, it might just be a blank bullet. We'll scream for help and people will come out" "By the time they do, you two will be dead on the floor, what's the use of violence when we can solve this amicably"
Vera scoffed, "Amicably? You're threatening us and you have the audacity to say use the word amicable?" .Judas tightened his fist, Vera was getting on his last nerves, he wasn't ordered to kill anyone, it was supposed to be a peaceful capture without drawing unnecessary attention but if she persists, he might have shoot someone! "You're beginning to get on my last nerve. See this is my job, I've done this a thousand times, I can kill the two of you right here and still make it out of here before anyone calls the police. Its either you two preserve your lives by following me or you die here, pick one"
Obianuju exhaled, "What do you want with us?" She asked, "He might be a ritualist sent to kidnap any pregnant woman" "How will he know I'm pregnant? He's particularly interested in me"
Two nurses chattering and laughing suddenly approached them and Judas smirked, "Do anything stupid and you all will die miserably. Your sister Osas went over to the building to have it checked right?" He asked to her shock. "She's outnumbered right now," he grinned looking at Vera, "I didn't come for you but you're following us Madam. You can either play stubborn or adhere to my rules and everyone will stay alive"
The nurses passed by and Judas smiled noticing the cooperation between the women on being told the truth. Obianuju scoffed, "Chief sent you right? They can't kill Osas, it'll just be obvious and you guys are already compromising yourselves"
He sniggered, "I'll take your phones now thank you"
So we're here already!😌
If you guys were in their shoes, what will you do?
What do you guys think of the update?
Will Chief plan work or it'll be his undoing?
We'll find out in the next chapter!
Packaging Osas is slowly coming to an end
Author's Note
🤦 I just had the time to check my previous author's note and I realized it wasn't what I intended to update. I had issues updating earlier in the day, however, I made a wrong update 🤦
I've been breaking promises lately! It's unlike me but it's not my fault! Everyone knows when it comes to frequent update, I've been delivering but lately I've been preoccupied! I expect people to understand and just put themselves in my shoes.
Mom got back two days ago, all glory to God!
My final year clearance began last week Tuesday and I can't just come home and start typing after hours of probably walking around the whole school and standing on queues.
Please bear with me!!!
I was planning on starting my new book after this, now I think I'm just going to pack well😅
Thank you
I love you guys
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