🔺 Chapter 43🔻

So I took like five days before the next update!

Whew! Sorry guys!

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Chapter 43


Folabi felt so uneasy, he couldn't sleep, he woke up that morning calling Eniola but she didn't pick the calls.

Folabi calling ....

Eniola glanced at her phone in bed then she sobbed silently. "Maybe we should run a single parade?" Omo asked making her chuckled softly. "I didn't even want to even know give interest at all, my antenna just got turned on but it's me Omo, I know how to turn it off" she answered shutting her eyes.

"Please teach me"

"How? You're clearly in love with Folabi but babe, maybe you're disappointed because your expectations were high and you were horny,  a horny girl without satisfaction is an angry person, just saying, you have your right to be angry but I don't think it's worth it"  Omo replied then she turned towards her phone ringing, Obi calling.....

"And you, what's so bad about a Mummy's boy?"

Omo gave her a look and and they both chuckled, "A mummy's boy whose mom feels the need to know where he goes to and what he does, the thougt of it scares the living daylight out of me. Mehn, abeg!"  "Over 10, how was the date with him?"

"Going to six until that call came in"

Eniola's phone rang again and Omo held it in her hands, "Folabi is our guy, I think you should talk to him" "I don't feel like it, I made a fool out of myself" she replied and Omo picked the call. "Hello Folabi" "Omo? Wait, what are you doing with Eniola's phone"

"Well, my date also went bad and we all came here instinctively. Bad date service at Osaze's house" "One, it wasn't a date and two, did she say it was bad?" "No, it was actually what happened after the date"

Folabi stalled, "Okay, can you give her the phone so I can talk to her" he asked and she stretched out the phone to Eniola, "No" she disagreed shaking her head violently, "She said she doesn't want to"  "That's just childish! Tell her if she doesn't speak to me, I'll never call or talk to her again"

"Folabi said if you don't talk to him now, he won't call back or talk to you again"

"Maybe it's for the best" she answered and he heard, "Maybe it's for the best then, he replied ending the call and Omo gave Eniola a 'Are you sure about this?'  look.

Osaze and Osas laughed in bed, "Love is a complicated it, it way it comes down on people is amazing" He stated his observation and she smiled. "I swear, e be like jazz, imagine Obi? The way I dey look am sef, Omo don't use style catch some feeling but I trust Omo, give her two days, she don delete the matter commot for her mind. She tries not to get too attached to bad relationship, she leaves this kind of life where she let's go first because she can get easily emotional"

"Same Omo? Emotional?"

"You'll think Omosé is tough until a guy messes with her her. She's scared of heart breaks"

"Aren't we all?"

Osas placed her lap over him, "Don't be scared, I definitely won't break your heart, if you break mine, its your head I'll break" she confessed and he laughed biting his lower lips. "I love you too much to do that" "You know I had a dream, and then in this dream. We had children and it seemed so real, I was happy, everyone was there"

"Was my hair grey?"

Osas laughed, "No, you were as handsome as ever, everyone had their children around them. It was so beautiful. I don't even remember how the children looked like but, we were happy and it was so great" she muttered and he smiled.

"Are you on pills?" He asked and she shook her head, "Why will you..." She trailed off finally getting his point then she shook her head, "No. Don't even think of it"  "Why don't we work on those dreams" he replied kissing her lips and she chuckled shaking her head.

"Its past five already, you have work"

He kissed her napes down to her chest and she shut her eyes, moaning in pleasure, "Oh my God, Osaze, yes" she bit her lips as his teeth's found her nipples.

Omo and Eniola knocked on Osaze's door afterwards, "Come in!" She yelled and they both walked in. "I hope it's clear to enter oh" Eniola said out loud, "Why won't it? Its morning" "Its morning, with the sound we were hearing this morning"

Osas gasped, "Jesus, was it loud?" "Na who no get hear no go hear" Omo replied and Osas chuckled. "Where is our Oga?" "Brushing his teeth in the bathroom. What do you guys want?" "Clothes, something I can wear to work"

Osas opened the drawer,  "Come look which one you for like wear" she called Omo and Eniola moved closer, "Do you have anything that can fit my bust. I have bigger bust" "Wahala for who get big bust"

Morenike sat at the table having breakfast alone when her phone rang, she quickly dragged her phone close to see if it was Nana but she hissed on realizing it wasn't her. Quite frankly, it managed to put her off breakfast.

The call dropped so she wiped her lips cleans with a towel, pushed the food away, afterwhich she leaned her head against the table in thoughts. Can she bear the loneliness for another day?

The phone rang again so she picked up, "Good morning Mrs Alakija" "Good morning Mrs Briggs, how are you this morning?" She asked, her tone laced with mockery, she has definitely found out about her misfortune and has decided to rub it on her face.

All these fake friends she keeps in the name of social class!

"I've never been better"

"All these that I am hearing that your husband has divorce you like this? Is it true?" "No, it's a fake news" "Why isn't he staying with you? I heard he's now staying with his sister"

Morenike rolled her eyes, "I wonder where you got that from" "Ah, we have eyes oh, and I also heard that all your children have left. Is everything okay? Let us know so we will intervene on your behalf" she replied, provoking a laughter from Morenike.

"Mrs Alakija remember 2010 after your husband's numerous cheating episode? Or should I remind you of it in case you have forgotten" "Why are you now bringing it up now, ki la gbe, ki le ju, ko to yen now (It hasn't gotten to that level)"

"Remember you had to stay in your mother's house for almost a year before you went back to your husband's house because you wanted a break, well newsflash Annabel, all couples need that break and in case you want to go around spreading gossips, why don't you find someone else to pick on and not me"

"Wait now, its not as if"

"Don't ever call my number if you're calling to say crap about me, next time I won't be this lenient!" She snapped hanging up then she exhaled dropping the phone. 

Her phone rang again, it was another call from one of her socialite friends, she knew they were definitely together turning her into a topic of gossip! She answered the call trying hard to control her growing temper. "Why don't you all just cut the crap, I know you're all together gossiping about me"

"We just wanted to inform you about what our children saw about your daughter"

"Which of them?"

"Tacha oh, you know all those people that always dance naked in all these musician's ehn video, that's what your daughter has been doing under your nose, she revealed it finish on Instagram and you tube. Ah Morenike, there's no name that she didn't call you in her confession oh. The thing just came as shock to us, if you want to see it just search your naija wonder woman on you tube and you'll see  everything" she chipped in and Morenike ended the call.

Nana walked around her house and she felt empty, she felt like she had left her life behind. More than half of her life has been given to taking care of the Briggs family. Though her sister and her children occupied the house, it wasn't the same, they were strangers compared to the children she raised.


"Adenike, this is Adebowale Lewis, Wale is a public servant, well I can go on and on to tell you about him but I think it's better you hear it from the horse's mouth" Nike's aunt said looking at young Nana with a smile on her face.

Shortly she left and Wale smiled at Nike, "My name is Adebowale, people call me Wale" "I think I prefer Debo" she replied and he smiled, "Strange choice but... It sounds nice coming from you" "Thank you. My name is Adenike, you can call me Nike or Nana as I've grown to adjust to"


"Yes Nana"

"I prefer Nike"

"Your choice"

"I'm a public servant" "Under what parastatal?" She asked and he raised his brow in surprise, "What? I actually went to school you know, even though I didn't complete my secondary school education, at least I had the basics"

Wale smiled. "Wow, when my mother told me they found me a wife, I thought it'll be one of those uneducated women, I'm surprise" he replied and she smiled. "Why? You didn't want an educated wife, most men don't, they don't want their women intimidating them"

"No, actually, its a plus for me. I work in the Nigerian immigration service, what about you?" ""I work as a nanny in Lagos, I've been working for 13 years now, Morenike's first word was actually Nana, she has been calling me that even till she grew" she smiled.

"You seem tied to her"

Nana folded her hands, "As though I gave birth to her, her parents are not exactly the best in the world, I don't even know how she'll survive when I'm gone" "She'll definitely survive, how old is she?" "13" "She'll be great"

"I don't know"

"I'm sure she'll be. So, Nike, how do you feel moving to Abuja?"


"I live in Abuja. After my 37th birthday, I realized I needed a wife and I've gone through series of match making, I've met a lot of women but I've never seen any like you, I loved your spirit from the moment I saw you and hearing you speak was a confirmation from God." He brought out a ring, "Will you marry me Adenike, we'll have our wedding next week and we'll be gone the following week"

Nana suddenly became emotional, "Abuja is really far" "I have a beautiful home there, I'm sure you'll love it" he smiled and she shook her head. "I'm not sure" "Why?" "I can't leave Morenike alone, I really can't" "She won't be alone, she has her parents" 

"You don't understand, it's more or less like she has no one. She needs someone to guide her, she needs someone to talk to her, tell her everything will be alright and I'm that person"

"What are you saying now?"

"That I can't, I'm sorry, I can't do this. I can't get married to you, Abuja is far away from Morenike" "You can still visit her" "I won't be the same, I'm sorry" she replied leaving and he scoffed.

"She's not even your daughter and you're acting this way. We'll have our children and I'm sure you'll be a great mother to them"

Nana halted in tears, "Till when are you going to keep saying no to suitors huh? Till when?" He asked then she turned back at him, "I can't leave Morenike alone"


"Why are you back Adenike?" Her junior sister said behind her and she gasped, "You scared me, I thought you left" "I'm just about to leave" "Nothing, I just needed time out to visit my family"

"Family you don't even know, how often do you visit? She has done something shey?They've chased you away, they don't want you again right?"

Nana laughed, "What are you saying gan? Who will chase me away? In my own house, how can a daughter chase her mother out of her house? Morenike did not do me anything oh, it's me that had decided to come and visit"

"Will that much load? Are you planning on staying for the year?"

Nana scoffed, "Should I remind you it's also my house and I can as well pop in any time I feel like, or am I not welcomed again?" "I'll be ungrateful to say that, ever since my husband died, this has been my refuge and I'll be forever grateful for it"

"Do you think I would have had this place if not for Morenike and her family? Why do you speak illy of them?" 

She sighed, "Aunty mi, you know my point, you probably would have had this house with other suitors if you had gotten married. Brother Gbolahan would have given you what you wanted, you would have had children" "And who said that I don't have children? Me that have so much children, I'm even expecting a great grand child, beeni, (that's right) didn't you hear that my grand daughter Vera is pregnant and will soon give birth. We are planning her baby shower soon. Vert soon it'll be Tacha and then Osaze, even Osaze's wife, Osas, Vera's husband,Philip, they are all my children, having children is a mentality of the mind, when you occupy yourself with these positive mentality, you get by with life without worry. Morenike is my first daughter, whether you or not, she sometimes acts irrational, she's my daughter and it's in my place to caution her when she has done wrong and if she doesn't want to listen, I punish her, we are not fighting oh, Sara, God forbid that I fight my own daughter, I am just punishing her, soon I'll go back and ask her if she has learned her lesson like a good mother will"

Her sister shook her head unbelievably at her, she was left speechless.

After Eniola left, Omo followed Osaze to work. So Osas decided to while away time by picked beans in the kitchen. A call came in from the hunter's son so she answered as quick as possible, "Good morning Hunter" "Good morning Osas" "This one way you call this morning like this?" "Abeg, e get where we go fit meet? E get wetin my papa and I wan follow you talk"
"Oh......" She trailed off and almost sighed in relief.

Perhaps they've changed their minds or maybe not.

God let it be so, God let it be so, she chanted within.

"Okay" she finally spoke out, "I hope no problem"  "No problem oh, where we fit meet?" He asked and Osaze's foundation crossed her mind.


The family doctor walked up to Morenike with a sad look on her face, "We've lost your husband, we couldn't save him" he announced and Mrs Briggs wiped her eyes,  "May his soul rest in peace"

"Don't pretend in front of me, apart from the heart attack, it was the poison that finished him off" he announced and Mrs Briggs' heart thumped in fear. "I'm not a fool, don't take me as one"

"Doctor.... I swear I didn't do for the money"

"Shhhh, I'm not going to report you, quite the opposite. See, I don't agree with your methods and how my friend died but at least, Morenike is free to do whatever she wants"

She let's out heaved a sigh of relief then she clasped her hands, "Thank you doctor. I just hope Morenike will get better" "Give her time, she's like an injured lion, I'm sure when she gets married and start having children, she'll forget everything"

"That's if she even gets married, she's completely broken"

A week later

"Can you believe that Daddy Morenike had the guts to put a clause in his will?" Mrs Briggs complained shaking her head then she hissed. "We all heard it"  Nana replied then she exhaled. "Who would have thought, you just killed him for nothing"

"Shhhh" she looked back, "What if Morenike hears? What I did was for her, I just didn't expect him to out such a clause in his will. All we just have to do is pray for a man to come Morenike way or we find a man for her"

Nana scoffed, "Listen to yourself, wasn't that the same thing your parents did to you." "Time is ticking, i don't want Morenike forfeiting her father's properties because she can't get a man. Please help me talk to her" "Let's not force this on her. She's still very much tormented by the whole thing even though she puts up that strong look, let's give her time and hope one day a man that will make her forget comes into her life. That's my every day prayer, I don't know about you"


Morenike barged into Avia's living room where he found Osifo all dressed in a up and down native ready to head out. "Are you going out?" She asked and he curved his brow, "Isn't it obvious?" He asked and she tightened her fist. "You knew Tacha was a video vixen and you couldn't tell me"

"Why? So you can destroy her happiness"

Morenike scoffed at his reply, "Wow..." "Isn't that what you do? Destroy your children's happiness. Tacha didn't want law but you forced her to study it, we both know the job was never for her!" "Dancing is not a job" "It was her passion. As parents, we're supposed to support our children's good choices"

"Dancing naked and shaking your buttocks for the while world to see? Osifo you know the opinion I hold about these ladies, they're always sleeping with the music artiste"

"Our daughter is different"

"Who will know?" She cried taking her seat, "It'd like all of my children are just bent on making me go crazy" "We need to support our children's choices" "Even their poor taste in who they date"

"Wasn't I a poor choice ? I'm sure there were there other rich and wealthy men but you chose me, other men could have done your biddings but you chose me instead" "Other men were not Osifo Ighodaro, other men wouldn't have lasted this long with me" she replied wiping her tears. 

"Why did you choose me then? I've asked this question a lot of times but you've never answered me"

"You took my breathe away the moment you walked into that office Osifo and I just felt it that moment you were the man that will make me better" she confessed, "Okay...." He knelt down before her, "Just like you said, according to you, I took your breathe away, what makes you think Philip, Osas and Chike didn't also take our children's breath away?"

Morenike scoffed, "You don't believe me right?" "I don't, I don't think you're capable of love, you never treated me like I stole your breathe away, it was from one misery to another. You made my life miserable"

She sniggered bringing out a cigarette and he . "Morenike"  "What?" She asked liting it up then she smoked it. "This is my only companion lately, my addiction, it makes me feel okay"

"Are you aware Tacha's doing drugs?"


"Yes, under your roof"  "Why?"

"Did you just ask that question? Tacha is an emotional person, imagine someone like her in a dysfunctional family like ours, you are at fault and I also blame myself for not being aware of what was happening, if we had spotted it earlier, if you had supported her choices, maybe she won't be going through therapy to fight off the drugs"

Morenike quickly took out a pill container, turned two pills into her palm then she swallowed it taping her chest. Osifo went into the kitchen, then he came out with a glass of water which he bent down and handed to her to drink.

"How's your heart?"

"One day I'm going to die and it'll be my children's fault" she confessed drinking the water then she passed the glass back to him , "All I wanted was the best, before my parents died, I did everything they wanted, I went on every date with every guy my father planned for me, I didn't refuse even though I never started anything serious with them. I won't be surprise if I wake up some day and I find out Tacha's pregnant" she snapped staring into her husband's face, he looked away and get heart almost gave away.


"Calm down Morenike, it's going to be fine"

"Did you just say fine? Our daughter is pregnant out of wedlock for that guy and you just said it's fine, so conveniently"  tears ran down her eyes, "I just wish I can meet who I offended so I can beg the person to please leave me and my family alone!"

"Your children are grown ups, they want to make their own decisions, you're expected to support them and not manipulate your ways to making their lives unbearable, I still can't forgive you for it Morenike!"

Morenike looked away, "I was just trying to prove a point" "That you're all high and mighty, Morenike you lost every chance of ever winning your son's heart, that boy despises you, he doesn't even want to hear anything about you" 

Tiffany walked in and they both turned towards her, "Don't you think you've stayed for too long?" She asked and Morenike scoffed, "I saw her when she entered and its been more than fifteen minutes now" "Nkoyo" he called out in a warning tone but she folded her arms and then batted her eyes at Morenike, "Baby, she's staying longer than she should."

"I'll take my leave now" she rose up planning to leave without paying attention to her, she didn't want to stoop low to her level, she had more class than her! "Thank you, please leave, Osifo's mine"

"You do realize you're talking about a married man, should I remind you that we're still very much married" she raised her finger up revealing her ring and Tiffany hissed, "The only reason you two are still married is because you don't want to sign the damn divorce papers. In my Baby's mind, you two are through"

Morenike smirked, "Are you sure? Why does it bother that I'm here then?" She asked then she scoffed leaving and Osifo rose up frowning at her, "What was that for?" "I'm marking my territory"

Eniola pushed the door opened welcomed by laughter from her mother and her friend.  "That wedding dress is so nice, if it was Eniola that was getting married I would have picked that. It's so elegant" she smiled gazing at her.

"You're not a bastard my dear, I was just talking about you." "Morning Mom, morning Mommy Feyin"  "Morning my dear"

"Guess who's getting married? It's Feyin's wedding and" "I'm less interested in whose wedding it is, mom I just got back and I need a rest" she replied walking away.

Mrs Badmus waved her hands at Mommy Feyin, "Definitely her period hormones acting up. Eniola I hope you're okay" "Mom, please no questions" "Shey Iwo ni iya re bawii!"

"Is it the date? What did that man do? He hurt you shey?"

Eniola stomped her foot like the spoilt brat she is, "I said I don't want to answer any question. Okay fine, the date went well, he didn't screw up but maybe if you had taught me how to cook, it would have been perfect, maybe I would have had a chance" she snapped leaving and Mummy Feyin scoffed.

Tacha stopped her car in a ghetto. She got out, locked the car and some children stared strangely at her. She didn't even know where she was going to find Kelechi in such a street. She called him up immediately, "Are you really serious? I'm here and you are nowhere to be found. If I wasn't in need of this, I would have"

"Babe, you need to be calming down once in a while. I was busy, I've seen your car already sef" he replied and she entered into the car on seeing him. Kelechi moved close,observed the entire environment to see IG there were policemen around in case Tacha was just trying to set him up.

Then he entered into the car.

He didn't trust her enough and she noticed.

"You kept me waiting"

"In was busy with something"  "What's more important than giving me what i want?"  "See ehn, Tacha, I was busy and that's it. Why did you call me out of the blues? I thought you were mad at me"

"A girl in need of drugs can't be mad any longer, I couldn't keep up any longer. Please I need it" she requested and he stretched out his hands, "Cash" "I don't have cash"

"I don't understand"

"Did you see the viral video of me?"


"My parents and siblings cut me off, Chike and I are no longer together. The only thing I have is this car and the drugs and I need it badly, please? Even if it means taking the car. Will that prove how badly I need it?" She begged and he exhaled, "Tacha, you know I like you right?" "How much do you like me? Why don't you prove it now" She asked and he kissed her.

Tacha quickly withdraw, stretching her hands and a smile plastered on his face. "I didn't bring it" "Seriously KC" "I had this feeling like the police will be somewhere waiting to catch me that was why I didn't bring anything. We're shipping somethings, that was why I was busy doing. I'll get back to you, you just have to hold on a bit"

Tacha planted a kiss on his lips then she withdrew touching his cheeks, "I really need it KC" she exhaled and he nodded, "I know, come with me" "Where?" "Trust me" he replied leaving the car then she rolled her eyes praying for the strength to fight the urge to take the drugs.

Mrs Badmus walked into Eniola's room, "Mummy Feyin left" "I'm sorry" she apologized. "I'm sorry for doing that in front of her. I'll call her later to apologise and congratulate her. I was just sad" Eniola explained and Mrs Badmus sat on the bed.

"Did he say that you're not good enough or something?"

"No..... He said he wants a wife, I assumed I wasn't wife enough so I left .... Mummy I like him, I don't think he likes me the way I do, we kissed and it was magical"

"I'm sorry for not teaching you. I don't even know how to cook" she replied and they both laughed. "My mom was a good cook though, I was never interested in learning and your father never complained so......."

"Folabi is an African man."

"You do know that there are ways you can actually learn how to cook. You can watch food channels, you tube or enroll in one of these cooking schools, what do you think?"

Dr. Joke's office

Joke's secretary's looked into Morenike's eyes, "You can't go in Ma, I have strict orders not to let you into this.." Before she could complete her sentence, Morenike barged into her office. Dr. Joke lifted her eyes in shock, she didn't expect to see her a day after their altercation.

Normally she'll take a long period before seeing her, she finally saw a glimmer of salvation for her friend. "What are you doing here?" She asked with a frown and Morenike sucked her teeth, "I can't believe you gave orders to your secretary not to let me in"

"I ask again Morenike, what are you doing here, leave before I call security"

Morenike nodded, "I get it, I also threatened to call security when you came in yesterday but I needed a friend to talk to" "You already made it clear that we can't be friends, you keep proving that every damn time!"  "Joke..... Can you just cut me some slack and just listen to me"

"Like you cut your children some slack. Morenike, I don't even want to listen to you right now, you deserve the worst, you deserve to be alone, you're not deserving of my friendship, right from the start, right from when we were kids, all I've ever tried to do is be a friend but all you've done is push me away each time"

Morenike clasped her hands in plea, "I'm sorry, I'm really really sorry"  "Are you in trouble?" "No." She wiped her tears off taking her seat,  "I miss my Mother" "Oh, your Mom, may her soul rest in peace" "Not Mom, I meant Nana, she has always been more of a mother than my real Mom, I just never acknowledged it until two nights ago"

Dr. Joke smiled, "Okay..... Have you called her?" "She hasnt been picking up. She's angry for real this time" she cried, "I went to see Osifo, why didn't you tell me Tacha was on drugs and she's also pregnant? Why?" "You don't see me going around telling everyone your secret right? I owe my clients that"

Morenike kept quiet, the expression on her face was completely blank! "What are you thinking of now?" "The damages done and how to right them. Where do o start from? Where?"

"You want my opinion, start with the court case, throw a reunion party and apologize to all of your children and those you've wrong, its not totally impossible to right your wrongs, it takes a move, just start somewhere"

Osifo walked into the room where he met an old friend Barrister Lawson, "Long time no see Barrister Lawson, how is everything? How are the family and children?" "They are fine and yours?" "They are fine, soon I'll be a grang father and I'm so excited about the whole process" "Congratulations" he replied.

"Where is Mr George"

"He only went in a while ago, he'll be out shortly"

George wheeled himself into the room smiling, "Good morning Mr George" "Good morning Barrister Osifo or should I call you my in law at once" he replied and Osifo creased his brow in confusion. "I take it that your son hasn't done much explaining to you as much as my daughter did. Well,it's a really small world and I'm glad we're not enemies cause this moment would have been strange and awkward."

Osifo still squeezed his face while George continued laughing, "It's a long story but ill try to be as brief as possible. I'll explain called you today so I can explain things better to you why I needed to change lawyers among other things and also so we can sit and talk pertaining the enemity and a way forward for our children and the problems confronting them as it is right now"

Jess watched her mother sit on the muddy floor after being tied down. Tears filled her eyes as she tried reaching Ernest all to now avail. He finally picked up and she heard the sound of thunder from the other end.

"Is it raining there?"

"It's been raining since last night, is it raining over there?"

"The rain stopped a while ago. I've been calling"

"Sorry I couldn't pick up, I was driving"

"You're being too quiet about this Mom issue, what are we going to do?" "What's there to do?" "Please don't make me angry this morning , isn't she your mother? I wish you can see it right now, its bad. Each time they move to her a dry place, she'll shift and then end up rolling all over in the mud. She prefers being in the mud, these traditionalist says it calms her down. Its sad"

Ernest kept quiet, "You said something about admitting her into an institution right? Do it"

"I need support and no driver wants a mad woman in his car, you know mom now, she was even mad before she got mad, imagine how magnified it is right now. Its been fruitless. If I finally find a driver, what should be her destination? Lagos or Abuja" "Do you think a treatment will work? This spiritual"

"Maybe I should take her to her church, get a pastor to pray for her or find all this traditional places for her there. I'm totally clueless. What she did was wrong, I just wish there was a way out. I followed Mama Jerome to a place, the man there said I'm supposed to take some sacrifices down to where Dad's mistress was buried and then ask for forgiveness"

Ernest exhaled, "Every man must reap what he sows, don't tread the same footstep she did. Going places, doing things you're not supposed to do, don't you watch movies? What if something goes wrong? Just let it go, we just have to accept what happened and accept the fact we owe our siblings some apologies on behalf of Mom."

Tacha walked through a back door into a room. KC shut the door while Tacha observed the small room, "So, I've been staying here for two days now, I don't usually stay in the same place for too long but there's something that will be happening and ...." He trailed off, "Why am I saying too much already, maybe it's the excitement" he kissed her on the lips again then he moved towards a drawer taking out drugs from it and a guy walked in.

"K....." He trailed off on seeing Tacha, "Who is she?" "My girlfriend" "Are you that stupid? You brought your girlfriend here?" "Mouse calm down" "Calm down? What if the police followed her down here?"

"She's not with the police calm down. She's here alone, I made sure of it"

"Wetin the Boss go talk"

"Dickson no go do anything!"

Mouse moved close to him whispering, "No wonder them say, when a man falls in lovebeholda new  mugu has been born. You get mind call Boss name in front of the babe" "Many people dey bear Dickson" "Don't compromise this mission" "Have I ever compromise any mission?" He asked turning back at Tacha, "She na user" he whispered and mouse turned towards Tacha then he scoffed, for some reason, he didn't trust her.

"She no even look like. You had better be right or else Dickson go fry your ass, this time for real!" 

Kelechi rolled his eyes and Mouse left.

He sat on the flower patterned carpet pouring the cocaine on a steel plate on the table, he laughed staring at Tacha whose eyes were on it. "It's good stuff" "I'm sure it is" she nodded. He sniffled it then he pressed his nose looking away then he threw his head backwards now laughing.

"You need to try this out"

"Really? I think I'll be comfortable, doing it in the comfort of my home or in a bathroom without an audience" "Come on, it's just me" he stretched his hands, "I know you want to"  "Seriously KC"

"Didn't you want this?" He asked and she suddenly began to sweat. Slowly she settled on the floor staring at him seductively, "Of course I do, why won't I?"

Osaze waited in the office for Osas who left to escort the hunter and his son into the office. They all walked in shortly so he rose up.  "Good morning Sir" He greeted, "Good morning" the son replied then he gestured for them to take their seat.

"Arabinrin Benin, o da lati tun ri oju re (This Benin girl, It's good to see your face again oh)" he repeated even though he has been saying right from outside the building.

"My Papa still dey say e happy as him take see you again"

"Awwwn, me sef happy as i take see una"

Being left out, Osaze cleared his throat and Osas chuckled moving close to him, knowing what he wanted was a formal introduction. "Make I do better introduction, this here na my fiancé Osaze, that man way I call that day, na lawyer him be, na him get this foundation sef"

"O ni okunrin you, o je afesona re, okurin na je agbejoro ati oludasile ile ise ti a wa ninu re ti. (She said, the man here is her fiancée, he's a lawyer and he's the owner of this company we're in." 

"O da gan, ma ti bere lowo re bi o sé n sé, sugbon bi mo sé n wo, oju e n dan"(Very good. I would asked  her how she's doing but I'm sure she's okay from the look of things, she as her face is shinning)"

"My Papa say him for ask how you dey but you dey shine already"

"Thank you. So, Hunters, i hope say everything dey well as you take come so"

Akanni laughed. "The last time way we talk, I no being talk my name, my name na Akanni, my Papa name na Babatunde, them dey call me Akanni, omo Babatunde" "Good to know but as you being take call me for phone say you want talk to me, the thing just come as shock to me, you know that kain shock now?"

"I understand." Akanni replied then he turned towards his father, "Mo fe sé alaye ịdị ti a sé wa sibi ki won le mo (I want to explain our reason for coming so they can know)" "ko si wahala, ma ba oro lo (No problem, go ahead)"

"See ehn, my father say him mind dey disturb am, him say your eleda (Creator) dey call him own eleda"

"I no understand" she replied turning towards Osaze, "It's Yoruba for creator, sometimes they say it and they make it look like everyone has a different creator"  

"Your matter don dey disturb am for days"

"Sofun pe ni ojo melo yi ,mi ọ si ni alafiya. (Tell her that I haven't been able to rest in peace for days)"

"Him never fit rest for some days now, the thing dey disturb am, even when we suppose just let am pass, we no fit"

"What is it you want to do now? Are you guys willing to testify on her behalf?"

"We go ..... We go do am but we want they sure say them no go arrest us"

"You guys won't be the first hunters to kill defaulters of the law, you two were saving lives so, you won't be arrested"

Akanni's father tapped him, " Sofun won pe a ma Jeri ni île ejo ko de bere lowo won boya won ma mi wa (Tell them we'll testify on their behalf in court and also ask if we will be arrested" 

"Baba,mo ti bere lowo won , won ni won o ni mu wa (Baba, i've already asked, they said that we won't be arrested)" "Sé o dawon loju? (Are they sure?)"

"Una sure?"

"We are certain but I'll need you and your father to tell the court what you know about that building"

Obinna knocked and walked in, he pushed his head in then he waved at everyone, "I no mean to disturb anybody, I being dey find Omo" "Photocopy room" Osas replied then he pushed his head out, shutting the door.

Obinna walked into a photocopying room where Omo was making some copies of a report. She sighted him then she rolled her eyes, took out the print outs. Her only plan that moment was to make a run for it, even if it meant pushing him away. 


"Osaze is in his office with Osas in case you want to see them, just go in" "I don't want to see them, its you I was looking for" "How did you find me?"


"What do you want?"

"To make photocopies now, what else will I want? You see me for here, you still dey ask wetin I want. I'm sorry about what happened last night"

"There's no point apologizing"

"My woman my everything is my mother, maybe you thought I was lying" "I didn't think you were lying, I reached a conclusion about who you are and that's the last thing I need in my life right now"

"What's that?"

"Falling in love or being attached to a Mummy's boy. God forbid!" "What's God forbid?"

Omo scoffed, "I'll never be good enough for you, I probably won't cook better than your Mom, your mom will be the one to make virtually all the decisions in our life, I'm not cut out for that oh, my head no dey always correct sometimes so, I'll save you the stress of having to pick between me and your mother cause that moment is going to come and I won't want to be sharing my man with his mother, if your mother was that good enough, why isn't she the one making love to you"

"Another date is all, one last date"

"That was what you said when I gave you a try"

"This is the last try, please?"

"Why are you insisting, if you're out for the sex. I won't be giving it to you, just be rest assured about that?" "We can't be too sure about that"

Omo frowned and he laughed, "Just kidding, I just dey play, small joke all your muscle done get muscles. What do you say Omo? One chance, if I blow am, just forget I exist, I won't disturb you ever again. One last date?"

"One last date" she replied and he smiled.

Briggs law firm

Board room

Morenike along with two lawyers and a client sat in the board room, brain storming and making deliberations while her secretary typed the minute on a laptop.

"The plaintiff is suing our other client who is a fashion designer for ruining her wedding dress, she request to be given 20 million nair as compensation for the emotional trauma she experienced during the wedding and for the dress which according to her an original Vera wang dress which cost about  2,900 dollars which is equivalent to 1,103,450 naira"

"My name is Vanessa Adeferanti, I'm the CEO of Feran Fashion house, one of the popular bridal house in Lagos. I'm a fashion designer and I've been pretty much doing this job for over ten years"

"How did the dress end up with you?"

"Well, Felicia added a little weight so, she gave it to me to make a few adjustment a day before the wedding only for it to get stained. In the process of using bleach to wash the whole thing,the cloth got ruined, I don't know how it happened."

The lawyer passed the pictures to her, " I didn't mean for it to happen, I have apologised but she's still bent on getting her 20 million naira compensation and she's going around ruining my image on social media. It's uncalled for!"

"Do you have the money?"

Venessa cried,  "I don't, I have two millionaire and i still have to pay the law firm, where am I supposed to raise 20 million? I'm a mother of two, I still have to pay their school fees, how can Felicia be this heartless?"

"She clearly said she won't receive less"

Morenike felt pity for her, "Okay, I'll personally have this investigated before our next meeting with the newly wedded bride." "Thank you" "You don't have to pay a dime to the firm account until after the investigation" she answered and the lawyers and the secretary opened their eyes in shock.

On a normal day, Morenike will never joke about money! She never joke withe money! It had to be an abnormal day!

"I've heard a great deal about you, its always pay first before service"

Damn right it is! Both lawyers kept on staring at Morenike in awe.

"Well, everything in life shouldn't be about the money"

Did she just say......

Morenike shrugged, "Besides I didn't say that I won't get my money, just after the investigation, I'll conduct" she replied and Vennesa smiled. "Thank you Ma, you're different from what they say you are,you're very nice" she replied and her secretary coughed looking away from Morenike's piercing gaze.

It actually felt nice hearing someone say she's nice!

Osifo knocked on the opened the door so Morenike turned back. The happy smile on the lawyer's face was completely priceless! Osifo returned the smile, "Good afternoon Sir" they all greeted and Morenike smiled within. Perhaps get visit earlier on has made him change his mind, could he be planning to return back to work?

"I'll like to be left alone with my husband" she said and Osifo raised his brow in surprise. Morenike has never used the term husband in front of the colleagues.

They all left and she gave a half smile, "Are you planning on coming back to work?" "Not yet" "Sifo"  "Why are you acting all changed?" He asked and she cleared her throat. "Who's acting all changed?I'm still the sane Morenike, just.... My tiredness acting up on me"

"What are you here for then?"

"You wanted to know where I was going to this morning?" "Okay..... Where?" "Mr George George's home"  "Esther's home? Why? I thought Esther succeeded in locking him up in a mad home"

Osifo laughed,  "Its obvious you're still stucked in the past, brace yourself for what's about to come next. What I got to find out" "Wait, you didn't stop being his legal adviser did you?" "I did, actually I did. Is your heart ready for this?"

"For what?"

"Esther has gone mad"


"Its the reward of being wicked, George finally found his children, Osaze didn't mention it"

Morenike scoffed, "Tell me its not Osas" "Its Osas, Obianuju, Eniola and  Chike" "Isn't it funny how we managed to be in the moddle of all of this,Osaze and Osas were fated to meet. I just came to tell you that she's not poor any longer, there's no need fighting against the union, those two are in love with each other"

"What about Tacha and Chike, two those will be in laws, am I supposed to support that too?"

Tacha got into Detective Kenneth's office where Kubiat was. "Thank God you're both here" she said leisurely dropping her bag on Detective Ken's desk.  "Tach, you're not supposed to come directly to the police station, what if you were followed?" Kubiat asked and she shrugged. "I needed to speak to you"

"You could have done that with the phone!" Ken snapped, "She's stoned" Ken noticed, "Look at her she's stone! I knew sending in a junkie was a bad idea, I knew it was a bad idea, I wonder why I agreed to this in the first place" he glared at Kubiat, "Oga calm down!"

"Don't tell me to calm down! She's stoned!"

" I'm not stoned, I just took a bit because I needed to be in character, i'm not stoned "

"This is crazy! We're calling this off, I refuse to work with a drug dealer."

"We know where they are, why don't we send our men there to arrest the men there?"

"They're planning something big" she announced stealing their attention. "You can have your men raid the place or we can wait to catch the bigger fish, Dickson. He said it in front of me after a guy saw me in the room"

"Someone saw you?"


"That's dangerous"

"It's not, KC had it under control because I have him under control too. He slipped and he's going to be slipping even more, all I need is your trust and time. I can do this" she smiled and Kubiat shook his head.

"I think it's time to let Osaze know, I don't want Osaze up my neck if something goes wrong, not like I'm praying for it"  "Fine, i'll let Osaze know. I can do it, you two have to trust me enough"

Kubiat stretched out his hands, "Where's the drugs you got from him?" He asked and she grudgingly gave It to him. "I wasn't planning on using it" "Yeah right! Let's leave, we're letting Osaze know right now"

"I already know what he's going to say"

"No!" Osaze shouted in his office, "Why?" "One, its dangerous, two, you'll be more closer to drugs than ever! How will you get better when every now and then when you have to sniff some?" "We'll be killing two birds with....." She stalled looking away from her brother's stern stare.

"My answer is no! You're not jeopardizing your life and that's it! Let the police and the NDLEA handle their problem not you! What you should be focusing on is building your career"

"Well I didn't come here to get your permission, I already made my decision. I'm done with everyone thinking they can control my life. So you can think whatever you want big brother but decision remains." Tacha carried her handbag walking out of the office and Osas followed her out.

"Tacha" she called out and Tacha halted then she turned towards her.

"I already made my decision"

"And I'm not trying to influence it, I just want you to understand the point your brother was coming from. He's just worried about you, with everything that has happened, with the pregnancy, it's only normal for him to be worried. Nobody like to they involve in dangerous thing like me, I never see the person sef, but drug matter na another dangerous thing, if their cartel just venture sniff am say you dey act as spy, them go just delete you"

"But if I eventually get this done, it'll be the first good thing I'll ever do. I'll be happy with myself that I didn't screw up, I'll be taking out one less threat out of this world"

"Drug cartel plenty oh"

"Yes and there are a lot of ritualist but if you take Chief Akinola down, won't it make you happy?" She asked and Osas nodded, she does have a point. "Drug is bad and I'm just a living witness to it as much as you were a witness to those ritual. This is my own way of fighting against it, I hope you understand"

Osas smiled, "I do, I really do but the way you spoke to your brother was bad" "I'll apologize later. I just want him to understand, if you can help me talk to him. Let him know I have this under control, this guy KC, he likes me already and I can use that to my advantage, I can really use it!" 

"You dey feel like actor shey?"

Tacha chuckled, "Well, I'll try to talk to Osaze but I just want to give you this advice, if you notice its getting dangerous, that thing way Yoruba dey call Japa, abeg, Japa. Na only once person dey live oh and I no go like see you die, Osaze will be so devastated. That man loves and cares for you"

"I know"

"You should also think of the baby" she added and Tacha rolled her eyes, "Not like I actually care" she muttered and Osas wondered why she said so. "Why will you say so?" "Its nothing, I should be going"

"No" she held her back, "I know say our relationship dey complicated but that baby is my nephew or niece" she replied looking into Tacha's eyes and tears ran down.

Osas scoffed, "No be Chike get am shey?" She asked and Tacha moved back, "I have to go" "You no dey go anywhere" "Osas" "Shhhh" Osas held her hands away into an empty room. Tacha leaned against the wall and Osas held her by the arm. "Does Chike know it's not his?" She asked and Tacha nodded.

"Na who get am"

"I don't want to talk about it"

"Na rape?" Osas asked and Tacha busted into more tears, "Them rape you abi?" She asked and Tacha slowly sat on the floor and Osas squat opposite her. "You can talk to me,virtually everyone knows I've been raped before, there's no one better you can speak to."

"I'm ashamed of it"

"Why? No be thing of shame, na the mumu guy way do am naim suppose shame, him no shame ba you wan dey carry shame for am?"

"I was stupid"

"Tales by moonlight! Me sef being stupid, the good thing about making stupid mistakes is that we learned from it not to make a mistake so stupid again. Na how e happen?"  "I was at party with this guy mom wants me to date and I was drugged"

"Why you no report am? You na rich babe, you get mouth, you be lawyer"

Tacha raised her brow, "Do you really consider me as a lawyer?" She scoffed, "I didn't report him because I didn't want the whole issue blowing up, I don't people looking at me with that look" "Na them get their eyes make them look. You could have told your mother"

"She won't care, its a guy she wants me to marry. The only thing mom cares about in this world is money"

"A mother can't do that"

"Well, I can't vouch for Mom. She's unpredictable"

"Your father and brother are lawyers, they could have"

"Blown things out of proportion" Tacha completed, "You were raped by Goriola and Jerry right? The last I checked, none of them is rotting in jail for their crimes"  "Because I left them in the hands of karma"

"As much as I want Denrele paying for his sins, I don't want anyone finding out, please don't let my brother know or Vera, please, I'll tell them at the right time"

Osas exhaled, "I don't want to keep secrets from Osaze" "Please, just for a while; please"

"Men are despicable!" Obianuju snapped her fingers, "Are you not married to one?" "What do they really gain from rape?" "If you ask, na who I go ask?" Osas replied exhaling. "Are you going to tell Osaze?"

"I don't want to hide things from him but I don't want to break Tacha's trust either"

"I think you should tell Osaze, remember what happened between Raymond and I? Thank God you were the one who settled the fight, these men..... They can keep secrets but you're the one keeping it, they don't take it lightly!"


Jemima walked into Eniola's room taking off her shoes before jumping in bed by meet Eniola who was seated with her legs crossed. She had a laptop on her lap and a sad expression on her face. "Guess where I'm coming from?" "Boo's house?"  "No. Folabi's office, I thought I should see him, hear his side of the story" "And what's your conclusion"

"I warned didn't I?"

"Enough of the i told you so saga, I'm not even down for it"

Eniola lowered her gaze at the laptop. "I know I had my hopes raised but it's the way he said the whole, I want a wife that just threw me off. Within me I was like screw you! On second thought, he does have a point so I'm not going to do anything."

"You've given up, just like that? The Eniola I know is not a quitter"

"She's not but she knows when to back down when it comes to the matter of the heart. I mean I lashed out at mom today in front of her friend because of this issue and it wasn't pretty."  She turned the laptop revealing the online form she filled on a cooking site. "So I took a three months cooking course online, it's online but I have to visit their school to do the physical training. I already paid advanced for the school"

"Wait, why didn't you just pay me?"

"You have work, am i supposed to wait till your off days before I learn how to cook? Or I'll only learn in the evening. Osas or Obianuju would have been an option but she is busy with all the madness. It's my cross to bear"

Club High

🎶I'm rolling on your wheel now

I'm drinking Hennessey now

I hope you see now🎶

Tacha looked into the transparent glass of whiskey as the thought of drugs crossed her mind, there she was earlier on deceiving herself about been able to fight the urge!

Fight kor, fighter ni!

With the way she was feeling that moment, if Kubiat didn't get the rest drugs from her, her nose would probably would have been swimming in it!

She let out a frustrated sigh then she hissed feeling like crap!

She downed the whole drink and Chike collected the glass from her. "Take it easy, what's up?" he asked and she exhaled, "Nothing" "Something is definitely up, you can't possibly lie to me, come on, out with it"

"You're not suppose to be close to me, I told KC we already broke up, I don't want to look like a liar" "Oh. Something is bothering you and im not leaving you until I find out what it is" "Your eldest sister realized that I was ...."


"She just figured  the whole thing out, I made her promise not to tell Osaze or Vera until I'm ready"  she turned towards Derik, "Another shot" "No shots" Chike waved his hands, "I just want to get drunk and forget"

"Forget what?" He asked and she surveyed the club, "We kissed" she replied and he nodded, "Okay...... Is that just it?" "I had to take in the drugs"

"Great" he rolled his eyes, "That's just superb" he added sarcastically. "Just end this before it gets out of hand"  "There's something big they're planning, like a big deal, i think I can"

"How long will you keep taking the drugs"

"I only took just taking a bit and I haven't even taken anything since then. Chike, I'm clean"  "No you're not, that's why you need the drink to make you forget. I know you way too well, stop this madness before it gets out of hands"

Tacha shook her head, "I can't okay? If no one supports me, at least my boyfriend should" "How long till you get caught? How long till you have sex with him to buy his trust? How many more drugs are you going to do?" Chike asked rolling his eyes.

"Good night Tacha"

"Where are you going to?"

"Have you forgotten? We've broken up, hence you shouldn't be seen coming to my house"

Osas stared at Osaze while he took off his clothes and he chuckled, "What?" "What?" "You're not staring at me seductively, its obvious you have something in mind, what is it" "Nothing" "Are you sure? You can speak now or forever hold your peace" he replied and she chuckled nervously.

"Its nothing, many things dey run for my mind, no blame me. You know na so i take be, i go dey carry my own load for head jeje, if I see person dey carry him own, i go come drop my own carry another man load for head"

Osaze chuckled, "Does this problem have a name that sounds like Tacha" "Maybe you should give her a benefit of the doubt" "Benefit of the doubt, what if she gets killed?" "Don't be negative, I no go lie, na the same thing I tell her but she don make up her mind, all you just have to do is support her as a big brother"

"Ah, as a big brother. My answer still remains no, see, I'm not willing to support her and then mourn over her, I'll be so damn angry with myself"  "Your sister has been through a lot"

"Drugs? It's self cause, you know why ? Cause everyone has a choice to say no to it but she didn't. I'm supporting her through rehabilitation but not this! What else is she going through? She's not even putting her baby in consideration

Rape trauma! Osas answered within.

"See as you take fall my hand after I tell her say I go talk to you"

Osaze exhaled, "She should leave it in the hands of the police but she's proving stubborn. She has grown wings so, I'm letting her to fly solo, she's not getting my support" he replied entering into the bathroom. A call came in from Ejiro so she quickly picked it up.

"Hey dear"

"The worker! How you dey? All the missed calls way I don leave you"

"Sorry, I was working and since I got back this man hasn't made me rest" she chuckled and Osas  left the room. "I just needed some advice on this issue that's bothering me. I already asked Obianuju and Omo, Obianuju said I should tell Osaze so I don't cause a strain in our relationship, Omo thinks since I promised her, I shouldn't say anything"

"Okay, I'm in suspense already. What's happening"

"Osaze's junior sister, Tacha got raped"

"Jesus! How? Who raped her? Is it something she experienced a long time ago" "No e happen for one party way she go. Na one of the reason she enter drug sef" she turned back to make sure Osaze wasn't behind. "I don't feel comfortable hiding this from him but I already promised her"

"Why doesn't she want to tell her brother know?"

"She no wan make am public"

"You don't hesitate to let anyone know"

"It works differently for different people, na mentality they guide rape victims, with the right mentality, you'll scale through, with the wrong one, you'll feel like a victim for the rest of your life" "Are you sure you're not going to save that speech or record that for Real TV, the advise is legit, 100%"

Osas chuckled softly, "What should I do?" "Follow you heart" "Really?" She raised her brow, "Na me you just dish that follow your heart crap for?" She asked and Ejiro chuckled.

"I'm feeling guilty already"

"I really don't want to be in your shoes right now. I have to go"

"You're avoiding me"

"I'm not, I just have to get back to to my Baby"

Osas pouted in disappointment, "Good night Ejiro" "Good night" Ejiro ended the call looking into Kubiat's face. "Who got raped?" He asked and she bit her lips. "Tacha"  "What?"

Club High

🎶I know I'm a bad boy, I no get work, I dey smoke cigar, I dey blow skunk and I know I get boys wet dey do wrongs, we dey tie jigga and we dry shoot gun🎶

Dickson leaned against the pavement looking around the club in search for Madam Davina. He called her number but it was unreachable. "Where the hell is she?" He asked and  Mouse walked up to him. "What's the update?" "Everything smooth" "But" "KC came in with a girl today" "Asewo?" "Girlfriend" he answered then he pointed at Tacha who was still drinking whiskey.

"The girl KC came with, he said it's his girlfriend"

"Isn't she too good for him?"

"Same thing I thought, what if she's undercover working for the police? We can't have anything messing with our plans" "Have someone keep their eyes on her" he replied then he tried Madam Davina's number again.

Tacha staggered into her car then she exhale looking at the other cars parked beside her, her head was spinning. She knew she wasn't in the right frame of mind to drive do she picked up her phone dialing Chizoba's number.

"Madam spy, how far? How market?"

"I'm at Club High, I'm drunk and I can't even see anything, can you drive me to your place?" "Babes, do I look like someone that can drive car?" Chizoba asked, "I thought you have a drivers license" "Its not everywhere I can drive oh, before I will now leave my place and then beat traffic to where you are, that means we'll get home by after 1 today. I think you should call your boyfriend"

"I'm not supposed to be seen with him"


"Its a long story.

"Ehn, call your brother or your sister's husband."

Tacha groaned, "Vera will freak out" "You want to use your own to affect someone as if I'm the one that sent you to drink. I'm coming with someone!"

Obianuju leaned against Raymond while they both watched sports on TV. "Can you believe Tacha was raped?" She asked and Raymond arced his brow, "How many Tacha do you know?" "Tacha from big brother Africa?" " No!"

"Wait.... Little Tacha?"

"Yes, not so little Tacha"

"Honey we practically watched that girl grow to the woman she is now, she's still little in my eyes. Who's the idiot that raped her? How did you find out? Is it recent?" "Osas figured it out today. It's kind of the reason she went into drugs"

Raymond exhaled, "God, what kind of rubbish is this? Who raped her?" "A guy the mother wanted her to date, they went for a party, she got drugged" "What's the name?" "Osas didn't mention any name, do you want to go and punch the guy?"  "If I have my way, I'll be doing more than that! Let me just leave it to Osaze"

"That's the problem, Tacha made her promise not to tell him until she decides to"

"That's just messed up, what do I do now? Keep quiet and act like I don't know anything when i know Osaze can have that pay for his crime"  "The real truth is that no one's paying for their crimes any longer, Goriola didn't, Jerry is still free,Chief Akinola'

"Goriola and Jerry was Osas' decision. The increase in rape lately is annoying" "To think that she's having the guy's child"

"Wait the..? Oh man, That's just messed up"

The following morning

Tacha walked into Dr Joke's office with a black shades on and a extra large free gown. "Why to you look this why and why are you on this over sized free gown. " I got drunk, slept over at my friend's house, she's fat and I didn't want to wear what I wore yesterday, i think I puked on it"

Dr Joke cleared her throat, "What happened?" "I had drugs in my system again, although I'm clean for now." "For how long? Are you sure you don't want to go back into it" "That's the problem, I want to, but at the same time I don't want to. Chike is angry and I don't even know what part made him angrier, the fact that I kissed KC or the part where I did drugs again."

The doctor laughed, "You and your lethal relationship, I just pitu the poor boy" "What do you mean?" "You how I always say you remind me of your mother? You mother was just like this when she married the man she made suffer for 36 years, if you don't heal quickly, you're going to keep hurting that poor boy"

Tacha cried, "But I love him" "I know you do that's why I call it lethal, its called a toxic love. Its common among people that are usually too emotional, they end up loving those they love the most or those around them.  One day you might have to let him go to he'll end up like your father when he's tired of bearing your shit!"

Mouse stood in front of the therapy centre then he put a call through to Kelechi. "I just trailed your babe to one place" "Are you mad? Who gave the right to" "I think its my time to tell you to calm diwn, it's a therapy and rehabilitation centre. Shey you said she's using, what then is she doing in a rehabilitation center?" He asked and Kelechi kept quiet.

"I don't trust that your babe and I swear to God, if I find out anything fishy about her, I'll kill her on the spot. You don hear me?"

What do you guys think of today's update? 🤔

What do you think about the issue arising, let me know your opinion!

Do you think Osas should tell Osaze? 😏

Do you guys think Tacha is being unreasonably stubborn?

Let the comments roll!



Teasers on the next chapter of your darling Packaging Osas

Obianuju walked through the hospital laughing with Vera. "I swear I haven't had even anything close to morning sickness and I really want to experience it. I've waited this long to be pregnant and morning sickness is doing shakara with me"

"Trust me Babe, you have no idea how lucky you are. My first trimester was horrible!  What about the cravings, urgh! Thank God for Philip, there are day I have to wake him by 2 am to get me suya"

Obianuju laughed, "I'm serious. Where are you going to?"  "To work." "I'll drop you off, I'll just use that style to see Osaze" "That's great"

Judas stopped in front of them, "Good day ladies" "Good day"  they both replied then he looked at Obianuju, "Kindly follow me Ma" "Why?" The both asked and he scoffed.

"See Mr Man, we are both married" Vera showed him her ring, so did Obianuju.

"I'm not looking for any side boo, even if I am. The guy is not even my type"

"Shey you have heard, you're not even ..."

Judas raised his shirt to reveal a gun tucked into his trousers and Obianuju gasped in fear!


I know what's running in your mind right now, 'WTF is going on ooooooh😂'

Who can guess what happened?

See you in the next chapter! 😜

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