🔺 Chapter 42🔻

My Oliver twist geng!!!!

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Its a long one guys!


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Chapter 42


Tacha positioned her camera with her mask on, she was live on Instagram. "Hey guys, it's your naija wonder woman and I'm live on IG and I already uploaded a video on my you tube channel,you should... You should check it out. For those dying to know the woman behind wonder wowan, there have been guesses but I'm here to ascertain those guesses" She paused and took off the mask. "My name is Tacha Briggs, my parents are Mr Osifo Ighodaro and Mrs Morenike Briggs. I'm sure from the surname, its easy to denote that i come from a complicated family. My mom is a super woman whose super power is controlling everyone's life.  I'm a lawyer to everyone who knows Tacha Briggs, and secretly a video vixen and a dancer because my mother won't agree to it, there's no more hiding in the shadows, no more cowering under her, this is me, Tacha Briggs, and my passion is dancing"

Nana held Osaze's hands, "Osas and I spoke about you leaving and we already reached that conclusion, you should stay" "Maybe but if I do, your mother will feel like I'll still jump back into he life. Even me too, I need a break from the drama, at least for one week, let me just go to my house and breathe fresh air"

"Ouch, so there's no fresh air here"

Nana laughed, "That wasn't what I meant. I just need to see my people and then I'll come back with enough strength to beat nonsense out of that your mother"

Osaze laughed. "Good luck with that" he answered and she hugged him, "Come and drop me at the park" "Let me let Osas know" he left walking into the room to  Osas looking beautiful in a white crop top on a peach print trousers and a black jacket hung over her shoulders.

"Whoa" he commented, "No come inside yet" "Why? It's not as if you're wearing a wedding dre..." he trailed off after perceiving the foul smell.

"Osas" he cringed his nose and she laughed.

"You can still be fine like this and be shooting this kind of thing from your anus" he said and she continued laughing, this time she touched her belly.

"I already told you to get a sticker that says don't come in yet, then I'll respect your privacy" "When I asked for privacy yesterday in the bathroom, why didn't you give me one?"

"There are some kind of privacy that are necessary, this is very necessary."

"I was just flitting the house, too much mosquito"

Osaze laughed, "Anal fumigation, wow Osas, I hope I don't wake up dead in my room someday, they'll say he died of suffocation, they won't know it's been long since I breathe in Oxygen cause it has been exchanged with your fart"

Osas laughed, "Wow, you're on fire" "No wonder Nana said she needed a breath of fresh air" "It's a lie" "She sad so, but not in that context. She's leaving, she said she'll be gone for a while to see her people but she'll be back later on"

"Ehya. I need to spray" she hurried to get the perfume then she sprayed it underneath her armpit and Osaze kept on staring at her, "Maybe what we need is to seal your anus so that that horrible thing never comes out again"  "Like say you sef no dey mess"

"Have you ever caught me in the act? No, why? Because I'm always careful not to let you walk in, I'm always calculative of where I dismiss it"  "Oh God, see the kind English way you dey use, person no go know say na mess you talk about oh"

Osaze chuckled. "I've laughed too much, my cheeks are already burning.  Where are you going to?" "Erm..... why do you want to know?"

"You look too pretty to go out"

"So your fiance can't look pretty again"

"I'm scared someone might steal you away from me" he grabbed her by the waist and she smiled wiggling her waist, "Do you seriously want to go there this morning?" She asked and he laughed.

"Nana asked me to drop her off  at the park and I still have to go to work"

"I want to see Dad and then see Paulina Igwe from Real TV. Don't you worry, if anyone asks me  out, I'll  let them know I only have eyes for one guy and that's you" she quickly locking her lips in his.

Mood fm studio

"If you're you're just tuning in to the radio, its your morning show on mood FM and we have a very interesting segment packed for the day. Yesterday I told you all I'll be having a very interesting personality in today's show. Well, there you have it, right in the studio with me is Chike"

Chike smiled, "Hello Yemi" "Yeah Baby, the shocking part of this all is that you all probably don't know is the fact we kind of attended the same secondary school" "Another shocking fact is that she probably wouldn't have said so if I wasn't getting popular"

Yemi laughed, "Tah! Let's hear word! What are you trying to say?" She asked and he laughed. "That it's funny when people only associate with you because you've grown popular. The world is that wicked so is this OAP sitting opposite me"

Yemi gasped, "You're very stupid" she mouthed and he laughed, "This guy just wants to turn the show to his, maybe I should have had this rehearsed." "Do you guys know how she got me here?" He added and she laughed.

"Somebody should off this guy's mic" she looked around and everyone laughed.

"She slipped in my DM on Instagram and begged me, remember how I always begged you for answers in school and you'll use your whole body to cover your book?" He asked and she laughed covering her face.

"You are not permitted to lie against me in my own show. Someone should off his mic"

"No one is offing any mic. So this young presenter begged me" he laughed and she chuckled, "They got that part, moving on!"

"It became so obvious she didn't have my number again" "Some cult guys jagba-ed (collected) my phone in the university. I lost a lot of secondary school contact" "Facebook kor?" He asked and she stalled. "Funny thing I still had her number after she chatted me on Instagram so I called her up and I was like, so you were saying?"

"Yes, that was when I realized, ah,asepe Chike is now proud now" she thickened her Yoruba accent. "In secondary school, this guy was the headlights of music club that time with his amazing voice" "I'm shocked she just said amazing cause she was always telling me my voice was ugly"

"Oga cooperate with me here"

Chike chuckled and she smiled, "The good thing was that he came through and he's here today so we have the full right to bombard him with as much questions as we like"

Chike laughed tapping his laps, "I hope I'm ready for this"  "Tell us about Chike, who is Chike?What's his music style, is there anything that makes him different from others?" "Every artists is uniquely different, Erm... Chike is... I can't say I'm good I'm nice, I tend to let people judge me personally."

"Our guy does not want to raise impression and break hearts"

Chike chuckled, "Exactly so basically, my style of music is .... I do a little blend of everything, more blend of alternative, a little of RN B, afro pop, hip hop, highlife, name it" "Now he's just bragging oh" she chipped in and he laughed.

"Wow. That's amazing, what will make you stand out in the industry? What do you have to offer" "Versatility. I think that's what will make me stand out and of course my amazing voice"

"Shey I said it now, this guy can brag, bragado!"

"Someone's just jealous"

Aunt Avia knocked on the door and Tiffany opened up, wrapping toeing a bath robe but she already saw a glimpse of  the peacht wear that stopped at her thighs and exposed her cleavages. "Good morning Ma" she greeted and Aunt Avia nodded.

"Where is my brother?"

"In the room, sleeping"

"Can you get him for me, there's something I need to speak to him about" "Okay. Why do I keep getting that vibe like you don't like the fact that I'm with Sifo" "That man you're calling Sifo is old enough to be your father"

"Does it look like I care? I loved this man from the first day I saw him, I'm not out for anything, his wife doesn't even appreciate him the way I do. I wouldn't mind making him the father of my children"

Aunt Avia scoffed, "Sifo wouldn't be that stupid, he's old already" "He's a man, a man is never old to do anything. I mean, he looks agile and I'm sure he must be equally good in bed, prepare your mind Ma, you're going to be having your next niece or nephew from me"

"My brother doesn't love you"

"He will eventually love me, Ma'am, you know me, I am usually blunt but right now in restraining myself, not because of anything but because I respect you Ma'am, please don't offend me this morning. What do you prefer, to see him suffer? You should be appreciative of the fact that I've been making him happy for weeks now unlike a certain woman."

"Just let my brother know that I'm waiting in the house for him" Aunt Avia snapped leaving.

Morenike raised a frame of her 13th birthday photograph, she looked at it with contempt as tears rolled down her eyes. "I can't do this, I can't stay here crying all day" she muttered to herself.

She then took her bathe, dressed up and went straight to the office to get some form of distraction away from going insane.


"The test results came out positive, she's pregnant" the family doctor announced. Mrs Briggs shut her eyes, hitting her head against the wall and Nana stopped her, "Stop!" "She's pregnant, my thirteen years old daughter is pregnant"

"Ki la ma se ni nsi yii? (What are we going to do now?)"

"Why don't we ask the almighty Briggs? Ah han, shebi he's the one with the final say"

"She mustn't know about it"  Mr Briggs declared, "Won't the pregnancy grow?" His wife asked and he shot a glare at her, "She'll abort the baby"  Mr Briggs announced, "She won't know what will be happening, no one will let her know"
"Morenike is not that stupid, she's so small to go through such an experience" Nana argued, "But she's big enough to have the child right? No child of mine will give birth out of wedlock" "Whose fault is it Sir?"

Mr Briggs tightened his fist, "Nike, I respect the fact you love my daughter as though she was yours but I won't take any form of disrespect from you. I refuse to. She's having an abortion done and that's it"
"Your majesty has spoken" his wife replied, "Kabiesi o!" She added and Morenike walked In, her eyes welling with tears.


Vera laid in bed fiddling with her phone. Her belly was bare while Philip watched the baby turn in different directions. "Mehn, he's hyperactive" he complained, "Are you sure you're not feeling pains?" He asked and she laughed.

"No. He's fine, he's just so happy that his Daddy will be spending time with  with him today"

"About that.... I have to go out a bit"

Vera frowned, "Where?"  "To see a client's shoe size, I'm supposed to design something and .... I promise I'll be back by after twelve or there about and after that, it'll be the three of us the whole day then he can talk about our baby shower plans"

"I can't wait."

"Where's Tacha?"

"She was in her room, she posted a video on her you tube channel. Mom will freak out, Mrs Briggs, will freak out. She has a meeting with  Dr.  Joke today." "How long do you think you can keep up with the whole Mrs Briggs thing?"

Vera showed him a picture of a baby's room, "Aawwwn, look at the decoration, I'm so in love with it. Look at the baby cot, its so lovely and cute" she replied and he exhaled tiredly knowing she was trying to o avoid the question.

Eniola sat at the dining table with her parents, "Good morning Dad ,Mom" she said blushing incontrollable and Mr Badmus gave his wife a familiar look. "You seem happy this morning"  "Is it that obvious?"

"Yes" her mother replied.

"Have you seen the probers newspaper this morning?" Chief Badmus asked and Eniola nodded.


"Now I know why she's blushing"

"Did you guys see what Folabi wrote about me?"

"What did he write?" Mrs Badmus asked and she smiled, "The caption was an advantage for Osas, one looking at it will think, he's talking about evidence but the news cantered around Osaze and I. You should have seen the nice things he said about me, he even apologized for the old post about me"

Mrs Badmus gasped, "Eniola Badmus, you don't like that guy do you?" She asked and Eniola frowned, "No I don't" she replied and her mother exhaled in relief. "Thank God" "A little" she answered and her mother stared at the father.

"Are you listening to this?"

"Mom, I'm not sure if I like him, he understands me and with him I can be myself, and a better version of myself. Mom, I want to learn how to cook his favourite meal, I don't know what it is yet but Mom gir the first time in my life because of him, I'm having perspectives that isn't selfish, perspectives that goes beyond just my family, I'm learning to care about others and I'm making more friends, learning to adjust my sharp tongue because of him. I'm in the state of denial and I know that I'm denying what I'm feeling right now, I just hope I have the strength to deny it forever"

"Eniola Badmus, Daddy Goriola, are you seriously listening to this?"

"She has the right to do whatever she wants. Besides, I like the young man"

Mrs Badmus coughed, "Daddy...." She trailed off, "Eniola dear" "Mom,its not like he'll like to date me anyways" "What's wrong with you?"  "For starters, Mom, I can't cook, I lack good manners, so have been told. He complains about everything I do"

"Then he doesn't deserve you. Eniola Badmus, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you, if he loves you, he'll accept your excesses no matter what like your father accepted mine" she replied and Mr Badmus opened his eyes in shock, "So you know"

Mrs Badmus hissed, "That's the truth, a man doesn't like you for who you are.... Marriage can't work out.Not like I'm agreeing to anything but if that's what he wants, then he doesn't deserve you"  "Just because I didn't insist you should learn how to cook doesn't mean another man shouldn't. Learning other skill will be a plus to her and her children when she starts having one, she'll have a story to tell them and something to pass to them, you that didn't learn like this, you didn't have anything to show to her"

"Daddy Goriola"

"I'm not trying to criticise you my dear, I have married you already and I love you the way you are but my point is, I don't think the young man is wrong for having such preference"

"He's not rich"

Eniola felt bad, "Mom, don't say that. Now I feel like I understand how it feels like to be in Osaze's shoe" "Its better when the guy is rich and the girl is boy, it's romantic that way but when the girl is the rich one?...." "Janet"


"Mom, I'm not saying I'll date him but if the opportunity arises, I'll want your support like your full support or else you'll be going head on with me and you know me, it won't be pretty. I'll just run off to stay with him in Benin or somewhere you'll never find me" she threatened.

"Only Dad will know and visit us" she chipped in.

Mr Badmus laughed and Mrs Badmus hissed knowing it wasn't just a threat, knowing her daughter so well, it was a warning.

Osifo walked in to hear Aunt Avia arguing with her husband,  "Of course I have to tell him!" She whispered then she turned towards him folding her hands. "Do you know how I usually feel when I heard the tenants taking about you?"

"I'll excuse you two" her husband left and Osifo nodded.

"Are you tired already?"

"God forbid! I am not, I can never be tired of  helping you brother. It's your relationship with that young woman that I don't fancy. Tongues are wagging and it's shameful, I already told you but still you keep on spending the night there"

"Nothing happened, I slept off when Nkoyo was telling me a story. I didn't plan to sleep there. It just happened. They said you wanted to tell me something"

"This was it"

Justice Lateefa's husband walked into the his wife's study smiling. She was going through reports. "There she is she."

"Good morning my dear" she greeted taking her eyes off the report and he smiled. "Happy birthday to you" "Thank you." She replied looking at it again.  "Eleyi ti o rayé laaro Yi (This one you're so busy this morning)"

"Jiji ti mo ji, omo Osas yen ni mo n ronu nipa e, mi o le sun rara (I woke up thinking of this Osas girl, I couldn't really sleep)"

"Ni opo ịgba o ma n ni ero buburu si alaise,eyi ti o fa ti eleda awon alaise fi ma n damu e ni ojuala (You usually have those kinds of feelings when people are innocent, somehow, their spirit usually disturb you in your dreams)"

"Shebi? Yesterday she openly denied the testimony of one of her witness who wanted to exaggerate to help her" "Wow"

"Personally I feel she's saying the truth but I might just be clouded by my hate for pot bellied politicians especially those that have faces like Chief Akinola's own" she answered and her husband laughed.
Haneefat and her children walked into the study singing, "Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you Grandma, happy birthday to you" 

Justice Lateefa smiled, "This is beautiful. Thank you all"

Yemi strolled out of the studio with Chike smiling, "Awwwn, thank you for coming through. I really appreciate it" Yemi said and Chike chuckled. "You know when I become a big time superstar, you might have to pay oh"  "You didn't accept my token" "I didn't need it, come on, you were my friend that year now"

She smile, "I can't thank you enough for showing up on short notice"  "Don't thank me again, you're making me feel uncomfortable"

"I don't blame you, shebi I'm the one swelling your head now"

He laughed then she exhaled, "On a serious note, I didn't think you'll show up with the way I always call you big head in school" "That was because you were crushing on me that year now" "What is this guys saying sef?" She asked pushing him away and he laughed.

"Just kidding"

"I honestly didn't think you'll show up"

"I'm not that bad. Or was I bad in school" "No. I'm happy for you Chike, I really am"


"I wish you the best in this journey"  "You too"

"How's your Mom?" She asked and he exhaled, "She's fine" "And your.... father? Is he still into drugs?" "Before nko?"

"What about you?"

He glared at her and she laughed, "Just say yes or no" "I'll never do drugs" "This one that you're a celebrity now" "What about you, how are you?" "Last born of the family, of course I'm doing fine, can't you see as I'm dan bayii? (shinning like this)" she asked and he smiled.

Two teenagers walked towards them and she smiled, "Chike meet my nieces, Julie and Janet, they are your biggest fan"

"Oh my God, we....my twin and I, love your music and the covers you've done, I Julie, i am seriously, seriously seriously, crushing on you." She held him by the hands and he laughed nervously.

"Can we take a picture with you?"

"Sure. Why not?" 


Nana held a spoon of rice to Morenike's lips but she refused opening her mouth. "Sweetheart you need to open your mouth and eat something" Nana said to her and she groaned. "I don't feel like eating"

"I know but you need to force yourself, O tie fowakan ogi ti mo po fun o lati aro, sé o fe pa ara e ni? (You haven't even touched the pap I made in the morning, do you want to kill yourself?) Talk to me, how is doing you?"

"Nana, has the baby gone?" She asked and Nana nodded, "Yes" "Will I be able to have another?"

"Why not? As many as you want, nothing is wrong with you, you hear?"

"If you commit abortion, it's murder right? I killed a baby"

"No, you didn't kill the baby"

"A murderer should be locked in jail, so also a rapist but we're not in jail. Dad is right, there is no Justice in this world"

Mrs Briggs paced left and right, "Our daughter has gone mental, she has refused to eat, she has refused to sleep, she has refused to talk to anyone except Nana, honey, we need to do something real fast"

"Like what?"

"Why are you asking me? I thought you were the Almighty God, think of something now"  "Don't test my patience"

"I want to test that patience cause all this is your fault!"

"My fault, it's your fault cause you failed as a mother to take care of your own daughter, you should have been watchful instead you were being careless as usual"

Mrs Briggs cried, "I hate you so much" "Will you two stop this?" Nana asked and they both stared at her, "Your daughter needs you two more than ever and the only thing you can do is fight and argue like children!"

"Nike... You're passing boundaries"

"Let me pass my boundary Sir, what's wrong with the two of you? I have never met any more inconsiderate people in my life! None of you care about Morenike the way I do, not at all. What Morenike need is therapy! I don't know how I'm going leave her in the hands of the two of you"

"Leave?" Mrs Briggs asked, "What do you mean by leave?" Mr Briggs added and Nana cried, "They've called me, my second suitor is around"

"Second suitor? I never knew there was a first"

Nana looked away, she didn't want to leave but she needed to start up her own family. Time wasn't on her side, she can't be raising another person's child when she can also have hers.

"I'm getting married"


Briggs law firm

Morenike walked through the halls dressed in a navy blue and white gown. She had a black shades on to conceal her swollen and red eyes. "Good morning Ma" employees greeted as she passed.

"Good morning" she responded meeting her secretary who looked up at her in shock. "Ma?" "Did you spot a ghost in the room?" "No Ma" she replied rising up, "Good morning Ma, I'm sorry I was shocked to see you..."

"I had a need for it. Any message for me"

"Tons Ma"

"Any specifically from Chief Akinola Bello?"

She shook her head, "No Ma" "Okay" she replied entering into her office then she dialed Chief's number. "Good morning Chief" "Good morning Barrister, this one that you called, I hope you've found break through."

"I was expecting a parcel from you"


"No. The video I requested to see, the one that Olumide gave to you"


"Yes, you're delaying it more than you should"

"What do you want to use a stupid video for? I have burnt the video" "Why will you do that?"

"Because I don't want anything to be used against me, yes I said it. I burnt it, see Wo, Morenike, I don't have the time for all this. Good bye" he hung up and Morenike scoffed calling him back. "I hate it when people end the call on me that way, i am Morenike  Briggs, I am not the kind of person you speak to that way, I'm the last person you want to make an enemy" she snapped ending the call.

He called back twice but she ignored the call. She then transferred some money into an account.

Shortly after, a number called her,  "Whenever you're this generous, I know you're always up to something wicked and extremely impossible". "Is there anything impossible with you?" She asked and he laughed.

"I'm not God oh. Good morning Morenike"

"Good morning General" "It's been a while, I wonder what you want now" "I need an in-depth investigation done on a whole lot of people and I don't know where you're going to get the information from even if you have to search in the grave, I want it before next week"

"Name and pictures please?"

Osas knelt before her Dad, "Wetin we go do about this Mama Ernest case?" "Wetin we wan do before?" "Haba now. I know you're still very much angry with Mama Ernest but, we need to think this through"

"Osas no try to change my mind, she deserved what she got, what of she had harmed you guys"

Osas exhaled in frustration then she looked at the time on her phone. "I no get time to argue, if another day, I go argue, I have a lot planned for the day so, I have to go. I just came to see how you're faring" "I'm fine" he replied with a smile.

"We need to talk to the lawyer one of these days. All of you guys"

"We'll fix a date someday soon, alright. Right now I have to rush out"

Tacha dialed Kubiat's number and he picked up. "Hey" "Hey dear, how are you?" "I'm good and you?" "I'm doing better, can we see? At you at the police station?" "No. We just rounded up some criminals, I'll be there but don't go,  Ken is there, I don't think he'll be too thrilled to see you"

"Where can we meet to discuss?"

Osas walked into the lobby and then she sighted Philip who was seated at the lobby. "Philip" she called out and he raised his head at her. "Oh my God, Osas" he rose up in shock.

"Wow, you look ... You look good"

"Thank you, you're not looking bad yourself"

"Thanks. I almost didn't recognize you oh. That reminds me, I heard the court case is going well" "We thank God, all we need is a strong evidence against them and we are good to go"

"I'm sure you guys will prevail"

"Amen oh"

"What are you doing here?" "I came to speak to my mother in law." "Same here. I've been here for the past thirty minutes, I haven't bee attended to but I know it's intentional sha but I have the time"

"Let me try my luck now. I can't sit and do nothing about what's going on, the whole family being apart" "The same reason I came here for, wow, it's amazing we bumped into each other"

"Osaze too stubborn" "Vera too, it's all in their blood. The truth is, Vera will be due in December, I really don't want my child growing up in this unhappy environment, she's not completely happy, and I notice it. A mother is supposed to be by her daughter after her first issue, whether she wants to admit it or not, that single attention from her mother will make her feel okay"

"I told Osaze that I didn't want to be married into a family where I'll have to explain to my children why their parents are divorced"

"Exactly and then someday you'll grow up to advise them that divorce isn't good. That's when they'll say why is Grandpa sns Grandma divorced? You know children, I can't even begin to ....." He trailed off and they both exhaled.

"I don't know if she'll want to see either of us but I'm willing to wait." "I'll tears this place down until she sees me, forget the fact that I'm dressed this way, if she doesn't want to see me, I'll turn this building upside, she never see anything" she answered walking towards the receptionist, "Hello good morning" she greeted and the lady gave her a look, "Good morning Ma, you look familiar" she stated and Osas smiled. "I get that a lot" "Oh. I love your dress" "Are you serious? Thank you, I love your make up and dress too"

"Thank you Ma"

"Months ago, I'm sure you wouldn't have given me this comment or even called me Ma"

"Why Ma?"

"Let's just say i didn't look this way"  "I guess God is good then" "He is very good.  I'll like to see Mrs Morenike Briggs" "Do you have an appointment with her?"  "No, I just want to see her and discuss over some matters"

"Let me give her a quick call, please what's your name?"

"Osarieme Ovbiokponwan" Osas answered. It then washed down on her who Osas was. "Oh" she picked the telephone then she quickly called her. "Good morning Ma"  "What is it? You know I don't like direct calls from..."

"I'm sorry Ma, there is a direct request to see you"



"I won't be receiving her visit"

"Okay Ma" she answered hanging up then she turned towards Osas, "I'm sorry but my boss said she won't be receiving visits from you"

"I told you!" Philip said from behind.

"I being expect am, you know wetin you go do? You go help me call her again, you know wetin, forget am. I go call her myself" "You have her number?"

"I stole it from Osaze's phone for a time like this"

"Wait.... Osaze still has his mother's number?" He asked and Osas chuckled dialing the number, "E shock you?" She asked, "It's ringing"


"Good morning Ma" she greeted and Morenike scoffed, "Osas?" "Yes na me and don't even think of hanging up yet cause if you do, I'll create a scene here"

"And I'll get the security to throw you out of my company"

"And I'll make a scene outside, my point is, I won't leave until we talk okay so you better start calling security cause I wont move an inch from this place"

Morenike exhaled! It wasn't exactly the distraction she was wanted! "Um.... I'll give you five minutes alone" she hung up and Osas smiled looking at Philip. "Let's go. I don't know where the office is"

Osas walked towards the stairs and Philip pointed towards the elevator, "Let's use the elevator" He suggested and she moved close to him, "You wan shame me? Please let's use the stairs" "Its a three storey building and Mrs Morenike's office is at the senior partners floor. You can make your choice"

Osas and Philip walked into the office and Morenike stared at the two of them. For a moment she couldn't help but compliment within on how pretty she looked on that wig and dress!

She looked completely different, she didn't even look that good in court, it feels like which each passing day, she gets even more beautiful!

Definitely money Magic!

She instantly shot a look at Philip, "I didn't ask him to come in" "I told him to follow me" "That wasn't the deal" "He wants to talk to you, he does not deserve the posting, we both want to talk to you"

"Five minutes, your time is ticking already."

"Philip talk wetin you want talk"

"Osas and I didn't plan on coming here, somehow we bumped into each other and it appears we both have the same thing in mind"

"And what's that?"

"Peace and unity"

Morenike scoffed, "I'm not at war with anyone" "Are you sure?" Osas asked, "You might not see it but you are at war with all of your children. They've all turn their backs on you, even Nana left. Is that really what you want?"

Morenike blinked her tears in, "What are your points?Why are you here? Stop beating about the bush, I hate it"  "We want to plead for reunion among us. We need that kind of love, I want a family where my children will get to know their grand parents"

"Where they always visit their grandparents and spend time with them at will without Vera stopping them from coming."

"A home where the the parents can shower their children and grandchildren with love, a home where we can all be happy"  Osas continued and Morenike scoffed, "Sounds like an advert for FCMB bank, I'm just waiting for the voice over to end the advertisement"

Osas folded her hands,"Why are you both talking about children?" She shot a suspicious look at Osas, "Are you pregnant?"

"Not yet"

"So you have plans"

"The last time is checked I'm engaged to your son and I'm also having sex with him"


Felix passed her an envelop then removed a sonogram image from it. "You weren't around for the test, that's your grandchild, forget about the fact you don't like me and the fact my sperm created that baby, your blood also flows in her. Our baby shower is coming soon and you know what that means Ma, a mother should be close to her daughter and grandchild after delivery. Don't you want to see your grandchild? Cause I'm pretty sure the only thing you'll be seeing from that boy is the picture of his sonogram cause the Vera I know will never let you get even close to them" 

Osas leaned her hands against the chair, "What do you want Ma? You want your children hating you, is that what you really want?" "I want to be left alone, please." "Which kain Mama you be? We still talk things way go melt your heart you dey do odechi! Even ice block dey melt," she snapped then she exhaled.

  "See ehn..." Tears poured down her eyes, "I know no wetin life done do you way make your heart strong, I no know the fire way you pass through way burn you but I want make you know say no need only you pass through fire, the fire burn me but i try make the scar no even show for my body. I no make some people life miserably because one fire burn me, I just leave my life jeje that way"

Morenike blinked her tears in, "Why are you saying this!" "I don't know, but I know say every mama get that concern for their children, no matter how their heart strong reach. Families stick together and they fight all obstacles and battles that comes that way, it's easier that way. You family is divided because of you! Your children needs you to be a mother, for once in your life Ma, be a mother and not an enemy, you're not the enemy, stop acting like it! You said you want to be alone, aren't you alone now? Well you have your wish!"

Tears poured down her eyes so she looked away wiping them off, "Out of my office" "Ma" "Out! Get the hell out" she swung her hand and Philip walked out leaving Osas alone. "What are you waiting for? You want to see me cry, get out before I call security"

"If you ever need someone to talk to, you get my number, call me anytime" She replied leaving and Morenike cried looking into the image on the desk.

Tacha sat with her legs crossed in an open restaurant while two guys watched her carefully. "I say na she" one of them argued, "Na lie, na look alike" the other said, "Oya make we go ask now"

They both walked towards her smiling, "Excuse me oh, you're Tacha Briggs right? Wonder woman" he asked and she nodded not sure what their response. "Shebi I talk am! Wow, we on behalf of the community of guys, love especially in that video with"

The other closed his mouth, "He's going to say something stupid, we saw the video and we are glad you chose passion instead of law"  "Who would have thought the girl I masturbate to is also a lawyer"

"Guy, why you no get shame?"

"Jeez!" Tacha slapped her face witholding her laughter while the other guy dragged his friend away.

As she laughed to herself, Kubiat sat on the chair opposite her, "Who are those guys?" "Fans" "Fans? Of law?"

Tacha brought out her phone showing him a picture of wonder woman, "Who's this?" "Naija wonder woman" "Nigeria is bringing out their own super hero film, Jesus, how is that one going to look like?" "It's me, that's what I've been doing secretly. I've been dancing, I revealed to the world today, I'm no longer under Mom's control"

Kubiat chuckled, "Wow, so you all have gone rogue. How's your Mom taking it?" He asked and she shrugged, "I don't know and honestly, I've never felt so much freedom in my life." "Are you still using?"

"No! I'm not, I am clean, it's not been easy but when you have a boyfriend like Chike and a hard handed sister like Vera, you should know what I mean" "I trust Vera's ministry sha" he chipped in and they both chuckled.

"Why did you call me Tacha? What is it you want to talk about?"

"Catching Kelechi, what if I help the police catch him?" She asked and Kubiat raised his brow, "How?" "He trusts me, it'll be easier that way"

Kubiat shook his head, "After what happened, it's going to take more than that for him for to trust you easily" "I'll just get drugs from him, pretend I'm a friend, get information for the police.... I mean he likes me so, it should be easy"


"Are you even listening to me?"

"No. You know why? This shit gets dangerous, what if they find out or you slip"

Tacha scoffed, "Is that what this is about? Me slipping" "Its about Osaze having my head if anything happens to you" "You're no longer on the drug case again now, he won't be mad at you and besides nothing will happen to me. Kubi, I just want to do something that makes sense for the first time in my life. I'm used to messing up, acting stupid but with this, maybe I can look like a hero in people's eyes. They can finally said, Tacha finally did something that made sense" she muttered and Kubiat chuckled softly.

"Does Osaze know?"

"I'll let him know after I've made my choice"

"He should know"

"No! No one is going to influence what I do any longer. I want to make my own choices, I'm a freaking 26 years old woman, I only want you professional advise that's why I'm here, can I talk to the detective about it? Will he agree to it?"

Kubiat exhaled, "I'll talk to Ken"

Folabi sat in his cubicle, typing on his laptop while listening to his female colleague complain about the spoilt generator. "Abeg, they should do and turn on the light abeg, the heat wants to kill me" "My battery is reducing sef"

She sighted Eniola coming from behind, "You will not do and buy yourself another laptop" she replied and Eniola blind folded him. "Eniola" he guessed and she gasped taking her hands off.  "How did?" "Your smell" he replied and she smiled.

"You know my smell?"

"Why won't I? You're always trying to choke everyone with it"

"I'm not trying to choke everyone with it, It smells that way because its expensive. Unlike you guys that will empty the whole can, upon all, nothing will stil smell" she snapped and he lifted his eyes at her.

"Are you angry already?"

"Wait, so you're not smelling anything on me as it is"

Eniola lowered her head  against his shouler then she sniffled, the scent was there but she wanted to prove a point. "The difference is, with expensive perfumes, you try less harder to sniffle because its everywhere"

She laughed and Folabi glared at her, "Erm...." She cleared her throat, "I better check if Joshua made that print out before the light seized" she said walking away.

Eniola sniffles again and Folabi laughed, "Someone should come and chain this dog beside me oh" he replied and she chuckled. "Good morning" "Young lady, good morning, what are you doing here?"

"To see you"

"Are you that jobless?"

"I am jobless" she replied and he chuckled, "True, so what does your jobless ass want from me?" "You just had to chip that in right?" "I couldn't help it" he replied and they both laughed.

"Thanks for what you said about me in the papers"

"I said you the draft via email"

"I've read it four times already" she giggled and gushed, "Thanks, it means a lot of me" "It's a lie, you cant help it when you're being given a compliment" "True, do you want to have lunch? You must be hungry"

"Yes, but I have to finish this thing off and..." He trailed off on looking at her disappointed face. "You know what ? Let's have dinner instead "Really?" 

"Yes. I refused you yesterday, let me not look like the bad guy"

Eniola smiled, "Dinner sounds perfect, I know this expensive restaurant. It's where we usually, my parents and I." "Mo ti gbo. (I've heard) Expensive kor, expensive ni. I'm picking the restaurant"  "I hope it's not a buka"

Folabi smiled, "The restaurant at the hotel where I stay, it'll cuts cost for me"  he answered and she bit her lips reading a different meaning to it. "You are a stingy man Folabi" "My head is already calculating cost as I am right now" he replied laughing to himself then he looked up at her.

"I'm not stingy, I spend wisely"

"See you tonight. Better be on suit and tie"

"No oh, I should kukuma wear tuxedo cause I'm going to colllect award at the Oscars" he replied, making her bust into laughter. "Maybe I should just wear my vintage shirt"

"I'll kill you" she replied and he chuckled.

"You will not go, be thinking of what I'll wear"

"Please don't wear the vintage"

Folabi laughed. "I'll shock you"

Obinna walked up to Omo, "Omo, how far" "Good afternoon Sir, what do you want?" She faked a smile, "I don tell you say make you no dey call me Sir" "No be say the thing sweet me for body, according to Edosa AKa Mrs Obianuju, it's only ethical. I hope say you no come today to come disturb me"

"No. I just... I... I come see Osaze"

"You for enter" she answered then the phone line rang, "Hello, this is Osaze Benjamin foundation"

Obinna walked into Osaze's office. Osaze's jaw dropped. "What happened? Has someone finally raped you?" He asked picking up a form while Obinna nodded in defeat then he sat down on a chair across from him. "Please fill that form, when and where did it happen?"

"In your father's parlor"

"Who did it?"

"Your father" he answered and Osaze laughed, "Did someone assault you" "No be only assault" "Don't say assugar, that'll only sound cheesy and archaic" Osaze laughed.

"Shine your shine Osaze, its your time to shine"

He exhaled after being satisfied with the laughter. "But come oh, on a serious note, why are you here?" "I've been coming, i just never enter your office. I always stop for Omo table"

"Oh. I see what's going on"

"Its good that you are seeing oh, its very good. How can one girl be intimidating a whole Obinna, Lord of women! Go everywhere and ask around, you know me, all these woman business, its not today that we start it but one woman like her will be intimidating me, a whole me Obinna. You know that I never get that serious liver to even tell her say make we go out"

"Even your liver is unserious"

"I...." Obinna paused, "When person serious, you go dey do like .." "Continue, no vex"

"The babe is intimidating me, e come be like say if I near her, she go beat me. Mehn, it's sick, I dey see her, I no fit talk, her face sef dey send fear enter my spine"

Osaze laughed, "That's funny, you like her" "No be say I like her, I just like her personality, the thing just go with my own" "What do you want me to do" "Help me run this show now, I need all the help I can get now" "Obinna, should I remind you that Omo isn't any kind of person. Quite honestly, she's just like Osarieme, she's a no nonsense person, if you're out to just use her for the sex alone, think again"

"Make she even give person try, she no dey even dry give me face at all. If I dey talk to her, e dey even be like say I dey irritate am. I just taya"

"I'm not going to intefer in this, if you like her just go for it, tell her what you have in mind, after all, you are Obim,you're not scared of anyone, you're Lord of women"

Obinna smiled, "You mean am abi you just dey whine my nipples?" "Why I go whine your nipples? You're not my girlfriend?" He replied and Obinna smiled rising up. "My moral don high" he replied, "Good luck"

"Thank you" he answered walking out the door looking at Omo who was taking a picture on her phone. "Hey" he called out, "Good bye Sir" "I was going to ask you something"

"Okay, what is it?"

"Your....  phone dey charged?"

Omo stalled, "Uh..... Is it" "Na Snapchat you dey use?"  He asked and she laughed. "Yes, which kain question be this? E be like say you don start again" "Why don't you just use your natural camera? I'm sure you'll still look pretty without filters" he replied and she laughed.

"Na me Omo, you dey use that line for?"

"You don start again"

"Start what?"

"Your intimidation now"

"Wait, so I don turn to ojuju calabar ( masquerade) way go dey fear people anyhow"  "Your own pass ojuju calabar, your eyes dey make me freeze"

Omo laughed, "No be small" "I serious, I get things way I wan talk but you go just intimidate me, na rubbish go just come out"  "No be rubbish dey always come out for your mouth?" She snapped and he kept quiet.

Omo looked away then she rolled her eyes in guilt. "Sorry" "No, I just take time reflect, its called self reflection. I dey also wonder which soundtrack  for make sense, aye le o ibosi oh or e don happen I don tell am"

Omo laughed. "Sorry, I'm sorry" she exhaled, "Obinna, I know una type, I don see una type die, we don date una type die! I'm not interested, I'm not one cheap slut you can use and dump, no" "Test me"


"Just test me"

"Test you, how?"

"Date tonight with me, feel free to use and dump me afterwards. If I fuck up, slap me, no ever call me again" "I no get your number before" Omo withheld her laughter and he smiled grabbing her phone then he dialed the number on it.

"Your account is too low for the destination..."

"Sim 2" She chipped in and he dialed the number and his phone rang. "See as I take smooth, I feel like Ramsey Noah"

"I never agree you dey feel fly"

Obinna exhaled looking at her, "Abeg" "When and where?"

Briggs Law firm

"Ma'am Mrs Avia, is here to see you"  Morenike's secretary announced and she rolled her eyes. "God help me, let her in"  

Avia walked in, "To what do I owe the visit?" "Morenike, Morenike, Morenike, I just called you thrice for emphasis. Go and correct your wrongs" "Oh God! Have you all been sent to me? First it was Osas and Philip and now you"

"I heard everyone had left you. What do you have, your empire, who's going to inherit it when you're gone, who's going to plan your burial cause I doubt if any of your children will do that for you? Aren't you concerned about your children or husband, you've wrong them you need to bring yourself down to apologise"

"My father never apologized to me, not once in his life even after everything I went through. Why should I apologize to them? They should apologize!"

"For what Morenike? Your sins are worst than theirs. They only rebelled, think of them, Vera will soon give birth, think of her, think of Osaze who will soon get married, think of your husband Osifo, the man who spent 36 years enduring you. Do you want him to remarry, is that what you want Ehn?  Cause if you keep this up that's what will happen, I how you know a woman who has him in her paws and she's giving him all the attention you never gave him. As much as I don't like you Morenike, I don't want this marriage destroyed. You can make it rise again, it's your hand and no other. Good day!" She snapped leaving.

Philip entered into the sitting room where Vera was already asleep on the couch. The television was on. He dropped a basket of fruits on the dinning table. Then he moved over to where she was kissing her cheek and she hugged him. "I was pretending, I heard when you wgere opening the door, I even saw you drive in"

"I bought Avocados, lot of it"

"Awwwn, thanks" she replied kissing him on the lips, "How was the outing" "It was...Sorry I lied I went to see your Mom. I knee you won't agree to it that was why I lied"

"How was it?"

Philip groaned, "Your mother is more stubborn than.... I think she's competing with Patience Ozorkwo" he answered and she chuckled, "You're both the same, she cried at the end but she ended up chasing Osas and I out, we clashed coincendentally and we gave her a piece of our mind. I'm sorry I lied but I just needed to try again"

Vera struggled to sit up, "Its okay" she cried, "Sometimes I don't know how I got so lucky to find a man like you. I mean, you've endured a lot from me, my mother, I brought my sister here and you accepted it, you didn't even complain about it"

"Its cause I love you"

"I love you" she kissed him and he returned the kiss.

Osas sat in her living room when a call came in from Folabi. "Good afternoon Kolonbi master" "What kind of nick name is that? Goof afternoon, I just called to check up on you" "I heard you're going on a date with Eniola"

"She said that? I didn't call it a date, its just dinner"

"Hm hmm....deceive your ancestors"

"We're just going as friends, nothing more"

"Whatever you say. Even Omo dey go date with Obi"

"I think she hate am"

"Love naim dey reign oh. Have you fun!"

Eniola picked a red dress, "He choose the hotel, I mean that's a sign right? Maybe he wants sex after the date" "Folabi doesn't look like that kind of guy"  "What guy doesn't want sex? Who will see sex and reject it? Abegi! Babes, you are on point. I'm sure this guy has been digging you like ... He fixed it in the hotel he stays in, he definitely wants fuck, the question is do you want?"

"Are you kidding me? This guy has been making me horny for a while now, I'll jump into his bed just to quench the heat in between my leg, the heat is rising sef"

Jemima laughed, "Now she's admitting" "Yes I'm admitting it. I haven't had sex since my ex, when he said that thing, I just felt, this is it Eniola, its happening. Should I wear this red jumpsuit?"

"Jumpsuit ke?" Queen asked, "How will he pull it? You want to give omolomo time before taking off your clothes, its sexy when you're trying to tease but its waste of precious time, I don't like wearing jumpsuits when I'm going for the business oh"

Jemima raised her hands up, "I think we shouldnt jump into conclusion until he makes the move. Folabi doesn't look like the kind to have sex with a girl on a first date. Just saying, I'm not saying that your hope shouldn't be up, just slow down and wait till he makes the move"

"Okay. I wonder what he's wearing" Eniola immediately out a call through to him. "Are you done?" He asked and she smiled, "I'm almost done. Give me an hour" she replied and he laughed, "You said fifteen minutes the last time and you got out 50 minutes after, see you in two hours then. You that haven't even started making up, have you even carved your brows?"

Eniola laughed, "Keep your doubts to yourself, I'm a pretty woman and I have a reputation to keep up with"  "Madam reputation, okare (weldon). Sha allow me know when you're done"

"What are you wearing? I don't want to be over dressed"

"Madam is it a date? Just come out quickly, I'm the room waiting, once you're at the restaurant, let me know" he ended the call and Eniola dropped the phone.

"He said he's in this room waiting"

"Maybe he's preparing the room for what will come next" Queen guessed, "This guy is a bad guy sha" she added and Eniola squeaked. "I don't even know why I'm excited, why am I excited? God I'm suddenly nervous"

Eniola walked into the restaurant in a green gown that showed a tiny bit of her cleavages. Folabi who wore a white shirt and a half jacket on a black trousers rose up breathlessly from the chair, "Hey"  he muttered and she smiled from the expression on his face. Of course she looked lovely!

"I think you're dressed for the Grammies" he finally said and she giggled, "And you look like you're dressed for lecture, it's not bad. Its not everyday you find someone rock a half jacket."

"Thank you"

"At least you're not wearing your vintage shirt"

Folabi chuckled taking his seat, "You're supposed to pull the chair out for me" "Its not a date" "If you're not even romantic, at least be a gentleman" she snapped taking her seat and he chuckled to himself lifting the menu and a waitress walked up to them with a smile on her face.

"Good evening Mr Afolabi"

"Evening Sonia"

"Your girlfriend is pretty"

"Thank you"

"She's not my girlfriend"

"You wish I was!" She snapped and he witheld his laughter.

"What do you want?" He asked and she flipped through the menu, "Um.... I'll just take the...." She trailed off looking at Folabi, "I love the list of red wine but I think it's pricy, can I take the mouton cadet?" "Madam take what you want"

Eniola smiled looking up at the waitress, "I'll take that and the fried rice, what about you Folabi?"

"What's your full name?" Obinna asked in a restaurant after they had eaten and Omo smiled, "Omosé" "Even better. Omo, you too fine, no let anybody tell you otherwise" Obinna complimented and Omo chuckled,  "I be like who dey listen to wetin bad belle think?" She asked then she sighed, "Thanks" "Tell me about Omo" "Why don't you tell me about myself, I've heard that I'm pretty much predictable"

"You're pretty"

"Apart from the obvious..."

"You're fearless, you seem like a go better, you are honest. and let me not forget this part, even God no go forgive me if I forget this part, you're a Prayer warrior" he chipped in and she laughed. "I mean it, the first day you prayed, I couldn't help but laugh, it was really hilarious. E make sense"

"Thank you"

"So am I just making assumptions or there's more to Omo than the surface"

"You're not wrong though, that's all about me"

"Tell me something I don't know"

"I'm an orphan"

"Ouch, i'm sorry"

"The matter don tay small, there were two of us, we were twins actually but he died while we were growing up so...." She trailed off, "Jesus..... I'm sorry"

"Its okay... I've moved on, I mean my parents died before I completed my ND. Thank God I met Osas, she made everything easier for me" "I'm sorry, my parents are alive, I'm not trying to mock you but I no for imagine losing my mama, I go just die"

Omo blinked her tears in, " What about you Obinna, is there anything more than the surface cause if I want tojudge you base in your surface, I go score you one"

Obinna laughed, "Jesus! Calm down now, I'm not all that bad" "So you're not a womanizer?" "Yes I am a womaniser big time womanizer, you fit ask Osas. I am stingy but if there's anyone I can't spend money on, its women. In fact in the university, I was usually called Director of women affairs"

Omo laughed, "What did you study?" "Civil engineering" he replied and she laughed again, finding hard to swallow.   "I don't look like a science student right?" "No, you look like a clown"

"Jesus....at first school wasn't even in my mind, it was show biz, I wanted to be a comedian cause I usually play MC in people's show. My parents wanted me study, my first plan was to study then pack the certificate to meet my mom and then focus on show biz then I realize I can do professional job and mix it up with MC business. Well I studied civil engeering, the course is not bad"

Omo covered her lips, "I'm shocked" "People get that way too, I'm not surprised"  "So what do you want with me? You want make I open leg for you, give you free access and then that's it"

"I just want to have a real relationship for the first time in my life"

Omo laughed, "We've heard that line before" she replied then his phone vibrated on the table.

My woman my everything calling.......

Omo caught a glimpse of the name then she scoffed assuming it was one of his girlfriend. "So you were saying.. ." she trailed off and Obinna lowered his head, "She's calling, I think you should pick up" "Erm....." He trailed off, "It's not what it looks like"

"Please answer your call, let me not stop you"

He picked up the call, "Mommy, good evening"  "Good evening, are you at home?" "No, I'm not" "Where are you? You are with woman ba, which asewo you dey with now?" "I'm in the church Mommy, it's bible study and I just quickly came outside to pick the call, I'll call you later" he whispered and Omo shut her eyes.

Mommy's boy! She cried out within then she held her bag tightly, "I'm sorry about that, it's my Mom and I just had to lie to..." He trailed off after Omo rose up, "Uh.... I have to go" "Why?"

"Sorry Obinna, this is not for me" she replied leaving the restaurant.

"You said you spent all your life in Benin, how come you have that Yoruba way go speaking?" "My birth parents are not exactly from Benin, I hope you know but Dad has a Benin heritage"  "It doesn't exactly explain your accent"

"Dad speaks this way and when you grow up with your parents, you tend to speak like them."

"Why did you choose journalism?"

"This one that we're talking about me this night, you'll pay for the interview"

"You're not even happy that I'm asking, you look like a banker"

"Banker kor"

"Have you ever opened the newspaper to read as a child and you're feeling like all these newscasters on television?" He asked and she giggles, "I don't think there's anyone that hasn't done that but it exactly make me decide to be one. Did it influence your choice?"

"Somehow and you know that moment when the teacher asks you to write the names of noise makers and you give that report and you have that joy," "And you call me wicked? You're the meanest" "I'll write your name even if you're my crush or best friend, some people will hate you for it but you feel at ease because you know you've done the right thing. That's journalism for me, I find joy when I give reports in respective of who it hurts, as long as its the right thing to do. Do you know the story of Ivie Mommoh"

Eniola sipped her drink, "Of course I do. Why won't I? The infamous woman who travailed and prevailed in Benin, capturing those who killed her father and restoring balance in Benin politics"

Folabi gazed at her as she spoke then he cleared his throat, "Huh.... I'm probably boring you" "No, you're not" she replied her heart racing as his eyes drilled into her, they both suddenly felt hot. "I'm enjoying every bit of the conversation. So that made you pick journalism"

"Yes it did"

Tacha sat on Chike's belly, "Urgh! Its like you've added weight" "Its a lie!" She tapped his arm, "You're exaggerating. How was your day?" "Didn't you listen to the radio?" "I did. You didn't tell me Yemi was an old friend" "Oh. Sorry I missed that part"

"So.... What kind of friend was she?" She asked running her fingers on his belly. "A secondary school friend" "Friend or girlfriend?" She asked and he laughed.

"Wait, is that a jealous tone I just denoted?"

Tacha laughed, "Nope! It's a curious tone" "That sounds like a jealous tone" "Okay, it's a jealous tone. Now answer my question, friend or girlfriend?" "She was a friend, not girlfriend. Although there was this time I was secretly crushing on her oh"

She cleared her throat, "Let me get ready for this one, secrets are spilling already. So how big was the crush? Remember you also crushed on a certain wonder woman who you ended up dating"  "Well, it was just a secondary school crush and it ended after secondary school, we all went our separate ways. Why are we having this conversation?"

Tacha smiled, "I don't know.... Apart from being jealous, I noticed you were happy on air with her. The way you laughed, I was just jealous not exactly because of her, but I don't make you laugh that way"

"That's a lie, I just laughed right now right?"

"I don't know, the laughter felt so real and I realized that all I've done since we started dating is disappoint and make you unhappy"


Tacha cried, "Worst, I'm pregnant with a child that isn't yours because I got raped" "Shhhh" he rolled over now on top of her, "Its fine, stop dwelling on this, it's not good for you, I don't want you depressed again." He wiped her tears off.

"We'll be fine"

"I called Kubiat earlier, I told him that I wanted to help him catch Kelechi"  "What?" "I already spoke to Detective Kenneth Okojie.... I told him everything, I told him I was into drugs, that I'm currently working my way out of it and. ..... I want to do something meaningful with my life by catching Kelechi. For the first time in my life, I want to do things not because its Mom's choice but because it's mine. I've been stupid for too long"

Chike fell in bed, "Won't it be dangerous?" "I don't know, as long as I tread smartly" she replied and Chike gave her a look and she chuckled. "I know that most of the times, I'm always stupid but I'll be doing what the police wants from me, get the information and that'll be it"

"How are you going to get information from him, will he trust you enough to just hand private information to you?"

Tacha grimaced, "Not when I'll be playing his girlfriend" she answered and he scoffed, "Seriously?" "Yes. I'm sorry, I'm really really sorry"  "He can't vw that stupid" "Actually he's not but he has hots for me, I just want to use it to my advantage, you know"

Chike exhaled, "Are you sure its because you want to help or you need an excuse to be close to the drugs again?" . Tacha felt insulted, she shook her head, "Why will you say that?" "It's a question" "I just explained why I'm doing this" 

"As long as you're not kissing him, fine"

"But it's necessary if I'm faking dating him" she replied and he turned his back at her. Tacha exhaled then she kissed his neck, "It won't go further than that, I promise you, huh? Boo boo"

Osas opened the door and Omo walked in angrily a bit down drenched by the drizzling rain. She sat on the chair close to Osaze. "Good evening" "Good evening" "This one way you dey vex like this, why you come?" "I needed a friend, if you want make I go, tell me" "Madam, calm down. Wetin happen?"

"I take it your date with Obinna didn't go well"

"Well.... " She trailed off taking off her shoe, "It was going well, like more than I expected then my woman my everything called"

Osaze laughed, "That's his Mom" "I know, he picked the call and told her he was in church. Huh huh, I no do oh, that kain mummy's boy. They are the worst!" She leaned against the chair watching the movie on the television.

"Abeg make I just use this film delete my experience tonight"

The rain became quite heavy so Folabi requested she follows him back to his hotel room, till it stops, Eniola's heart fluttered as assumptions popped into her head. The rain was the perfect excuse, it better not stop anytime soon!

"Any plans to get a job soon?" He asked and she gave a modest smile, "No. I'm kind of enjoying the vacation, its giving me the chance to spend quality time with my siblings to discover my hidden talents"

"What hidden talents?"

"Look at you, i can be a really good cook oh"

"Besides not like not having a job can make me broke, my father is a multi-billionaire" she teased and he chuckled, "why did you bother having a job?" "Because I love my profession, and besides, Dad will always say its good for us to work so we can know how it feels to make our own money so we can use it wisely"

"Did it work?"

Eniola laughed shaking her head, "Not at all" "You're in a good mood" "It's the result of chatting with you, lately it just..." She trailed off and they both stared into each other's eyes. She moved her lips closer to his and she felt his lips brush hers, and felt her eyes fluttered, that was just the go ahead she needed to kiss the sense out of him.

She kissed him while her arms wrapped tighter around his neck, her cheeks were flushed. God knew her entire body was! They both leaned on the wall and Folabi broke the kiss both catching their breathes. "Where the hell is your room?" She asked moving her lips closer to his and he pushed her slightly to the back.

"I can't, this is a mistake" he replied, "What's the mistake?" "This... I don't know what came over me"

"Folabi, I like you,wasn't this why you fixed dinner?"

"No. I'm sorry"

"Is it just me or... Don't you like me"

"I don't want just a relationship Eniola, I want a wife and...."

Eniola scoffed, "I'm not one" she completed moving backwards. "Wow Eniola, you just made a full of yourself" "Eniola" "Let's just pretend this didn't happen. Good night Folabi"  she added leaving and He exhaled.


Eniola walked into Osaze's house in tears, Osas locked the door. "What happened, are you okay?" "I need a drink. Something really strong to knock me out till the next day" "What's up?" "Is it not Folabi?" "What did you do?"

"Seriously? It has to be me right?"

"Okay, what happened?"

"We kissed okay, we kissed and I liked it. I felt butterflies everywhere, full on wetness!"

Osaze raised his hands, "There's a man in the room" "Suck it up! Then I asked him where the hotel room was cause the way I was feeling, cause I was this close to tearing off his clothes and then he started giving me this speech I didn't need to hear, he needs a wife and I'm not ....." She broke down in tears.

"Waste of wetness!" Omo muttered laughing and Osaze turned towards her, "Abeg make I laugh, me sef suffer today. Seriously oh, Folabi is not a heart breaker, he was just being honest"

"Screw him and his honesty! I'm tired of this one sided love, I made a fool of myself with Osaze and now I feel like a fool again" she sobbed and Osas hugged her, "I'm sorry"

Osaze stood up, "I think this is my cue to leave. Good night Babe, Omo, Eniola" he turned towards Osas who signalled for him to leave. "I'll handle it" she mouthed.

What do you guys think of today's update? 😃

What do you guys think about Obinna and Omo?

I feel bad for Eniola

I don't know when I'll post again, I have a wedding and a burial function to attend and minimal time to type, I had to dedicate the whole day to typing this.

I hope you enjoyed it

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