🔺 Chapter 41🔻

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I've been busy

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Chapter 41


Folabi stared at Eniola who stood in front of the of press gesticulating.

"The fact the meeting has been adjourned doesn't make us discouraged, yes we are disappointed but we will move and win. I have a feeling the next meeting will be our break through."  "Weren't you on opposite sides?"

"Until I found out that she's my sister, I can't even begin to explain it's a long Mexican soap opera but the point is that we found each other and I'm willing to support her till the very end." She sighted Chief Akinola leaving then she grinned at the camera.

"Excuse me" she walked past the press, "Chief Akinola Bello" she called out and he turned back at her. "You back stabber" he snapped and she scoffed. "I doubt If you even know what that word means cause I'm pretty sure it's your daily life, your wife doesn't even get an ounce of loyalty from you so where is the meaning in that?"

"You're barking on the wrong tree"

"If I want to put that in record Sir, I'll call it a threat."

"You're on the wrong side"

"Look again Chief Akinola, I know I'm on the right side, you're the one on the wrong side and soon we'll prove it" "How? I am innocent"

"Wow, it's amazing how you keep a straight face while saying it. You're nothing but a bloody liar and I'll prove it" "Bloody liar? Weren't you guys the one ready to make me lie in front of everyone in cour, didn't you support the idea"

"Oh I did, when I was still in the world"

"So you repented"

"Yes I did, there's still room for repentance, God isn't exactly picky about who he calls redeemed, trust me, just admit to your wrong and who knows, you'll appeal and get a lesser sentence but of course, personally, I think you deserve to rot in jail"

"You're the one that will rot in jail"

"For what? I'm not a criminal like you, you deserve an award Sir"

"You don't know what you're messing with"

"Oh I know what I'm messing with and I don't work well with threats, in fact i find it aggravating. I know you guys had contact with that idiot Olumide and you had the footage for whatever price you paid, we might not have those footage but I know we're going to drag you down, we won't stop until you go to prison, you and every damn associate"

Chief swallowed hard, "You're barking on the wrong tree Miss" "You can't do nothing Sir, see, I'm not an idiot you can mess with, I'm way smarter and I'm bloody rich too. I have this conversation on recording, try to do shit to me and that'll be the end of you, of course you're close to your end already but if any thing happens to me, anything close to a scratch on my very beautiful skin, my father who is a multibillionaire,not a bloody ritualist like you, will tear you limb to limb" she stated and Chief Akinola scoffed staring at Folabi who was behind her. 

"Enjoy the rest of the day Chief, I'll be seeing you in cuffs, sorry in court next time" she replied and Chief Akinola walked into his car then she laughed to herself.

"What was that for!" Folabi asked and she rolled her eyes before looking at him. "Hey.... How long have you been there?" "Enough to hear you threaten him. Are you trying to make him angry?"

Eniola chuckled, "Chill, I was just trying to gloat a bit and send fear into the hearts of the opponent, it's a tactic I learnt from Morenike, sometimes you just have to remind the enemies that you've got their eyes on them and there's no winning side for them. Besides I had the conversation on recording and he definitely won't use it against me. Don't be scared, I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself" she winked at him and he plunged his hands into pocket.

"I wasn't scared, we can't afford to be reckless"

Eniola folded her hands, "Do you have plans after now?" "Yes, I'm kind of going to work, tomorrow we'll be publishing this" "Oh. I was famished and I was wondering if you'd like to get lunch" "Like I said...I'm" "Busy. It's fine, I'll call Jemima or queen" she replied walking away and he exhaled watching her leave.

Not like he couldn't squeeze time for Lunch, he didn't want to ignite a fire he couldn't quench. He felt it was better to remain neutral than start up something he wouldn't be able to see till the end. 

"I'll have to go now" Favour said and Osas pouted, "At least you'll wait for us to go home , cook so you can eat" "I already told Mom and Dad that'll come back once I'm done. For some reason they think I'll get arrested after giving the testimony"

"Awwwn. Thank you for showing up, I really appreciate"

"You do well" Omo replied and Osas reached for her bag, "At least take transport" she chipped dipped her hands in her hand bag and Favour smiled.

"See levels" Omo yelled and Osas paused shaking her head.

"I have to go back to work" Ejiro chipped in hugging Osas and she smiled, "Awwwn, thank you. No be like Chika way never show face even once" she hissed snapping her fingers.

Morenike walked towards her car then he heard Osifo call her name. She rolled her eyes and then she turned towards him, "I'm not signing the papers Sifo, don't expect me to" she snapped and a smile curved his lips.

"I didn't come because of that"

"Are you here to mock me because my children have all turned against me?"

"No. I just wanted to say that ......" He trailed off and she waited eagerly to hear what he was going to say.  "That?"

"I told you so"  he answered and she rolled her eyes, "Seriously Sifo? Now you're just rubbing salt all over the injuries" "Salt are good for injuries, they stop the blood from rushing." He answered and she scoffed, "Wow, now you're just trying to be funny"

"What did you expect? Some romantic speech? I warned you Morenike, I warned you but you didn't listen, look at what's happening now?"  He snapped and she scoffed again entering into the car, she slammed the door hard then she took a deep breath.

"Be strong Morenike, please be strong" she slammed the steering breaking into tears.

Eniola had a disappointing look plastered on her face as she walked up to Osas and Obianuju. "What's up with the long face?" Obianuju asked and she shrugged, "I couldn't help but notice you speak to Chief Akinola and then Folabi.

"Technically,I was threatening Chief and then I asker Folabi out to lunch and he declined bluntly. The only guy I ever threw myself on was Osaze and I feel like I'm still throwing myself at him even when I don't want to"

"Hm, are you now admitting you like him?"

"You guys have a way of asking questions that can piss someone off, will I ask a person I hate to go out for lunch with me? No, obviously!" "Madam, don't even try to transfer the anger at me"

"Sorry. I'm tired of one-sided attractions, I think I'll go on a month vacation if this thing doesn't click"

"You don forget say Folabi no want woman way no sabi cook"

Eniola rolled her eyes, "I can't be a pro in a day, it can take a year, I'm not even too interested yet, it might take a year" "Wait till next year now, maybe by then him for don't find one beta Bini girl marry" "Super wife material" Omo added, "Folabi has good eyes for those kind of women and once this case is settled, I'm sure marriage is the next thing on his mind"

Osas scoffed, "Marriage has always been on Folabi's mind since now" she tapped Omo, "Remember those times now, he was ready for marriage but I clearly didn't like him"  "True and he wanted kids too" "Let's not leave that side out, Folabi loves children" Omo agreed and then both stared at Eniola who seemed pressured already.

"No pressure Eniola" Osas added, "Feel free to learn at your pace, no one is pressuring you"

"You guys are wicked" Obianuju mouthed from behind, "I'm not pressured at all" Eniola's voice got out in high pitch. "It's good that you're not pressured"

Osas phone rang and she quickly picked it up. "Hello Papa" "Saying Dad will not kill you" "Are you okay? Do you need something?" She asked then he informed her about what had befallen Esther.
"Oh my God" She gasped, "How are they now taking the news?"  "Jessica was just crying, she wants to bring her all the way to Lagos so she can be admitted in a ward here but I don't care, personally I don't even want to put my five kobo into any institution for that woman"

"That'll be unfair, she's still the mother of your children"

"I'm sure it's her wickedness that has caused this, why should I bother?"

"You know what Papa? We'll talk better later, I'm tired."

" Good afternoon Dad!" Obianuju yelled, "Hello birth Daddy" Eniola chipped in and Osas glared at her. "Edosa and Mumu Uwa dey put voice for you oh"  "Tell them I love them"

"Love you too Papa" she added and he ended the call batting her eyes at Eniola, "Birth Daddy?" "You for use baby Dada make e just complete now"

"Abeg wetin happen?" Omo asked and Osas exhaled, "Our Papa wife don mad for Benin, the pikin, Jessica dey find our them go bring her come back"

Omo smiled, "He has given us victory, I will lift him higher" she sang clapping her hands. "Person mad oh" "So what?" "Osas, are you really feeling sorry for the woman?" Obianuju asked and Osas nodded.

"Somehow, she na mother of three"

"Even if she was the mother of the world" Eniola snapped, "I can't pity her, it's what she gets for such height of wickedness. This is what we call, good riddance to bad rubbish. She's mad, I hope she chews acid and die once and for all" 


"I'll have to support Eniola this once, Person dey mad like that? You no know wetin she being dey plan way God catch am, abeg, let's be grateful to God that this one don't commit for our neck, na this case be our real challenge now"

Morenike stepped into Joke's office where Tacha was seated having her therapy session. "You were supposed to knock" Dr Joke said and Morenike turned back, "There was no one on seat to tell me not to go in, besides, you called me to come, I didn't know you had a client" "I do and as you can see, I'm busy with her"

"I'll leave" Tacha said rising up, "You don't have to" "I'll guess I'll stop by tomorrow Ma"

"No problem dear"

"Tacha" Morenike called out and she rolled her eyes, "Mom, I'm really not in the mood to speak to you" "I think we need to clear some things out, I need to talk to you about some certain things" "Or lie to me about them, isn't that what you do best? You know what Mom? I've spent years believing all you say, trying to make you happy when I should have made myself happy. When Osaze and Vera turned their backs against you, I didn't. I stood by you, I was ready to bring us back together but now, I realize they're right. You're not worth our love, you don't love us because you're selfish,that's what you are mom, I've been blind for years but now I realize it"  Tacha confessed in tears walking out of the room and Morenike slowly moved to take her seat on the chair.

"Oh my God, oh my God" she cried covering her face. "What have I done to deserve this?" "I've always said you're going to use your hands to destroy your own family and that's what is happening now, it's the peak of my prophecy. Soon you're going to be alone"

"Nana won't leave me, she can't leave me alone"

"For how long? Till when?"

"You know you and Tacha, you're the same in many ways, treading on same path"

"Why is she here?"

"Vera brought her"


Dr. Joke laughed, "Vera and I, we have a relationship, I consider her to be a daughter and I counsel her on what to do, like when I told her to follow her heart and get married to the man she loves" 

Morenike scoffed, "I came to you and you didn't..." "I didn't what? So you could have found a way to destroy the union? What God has joined together, no man should put asunder. It's not everything you feel you can control" "What's Tacha doing here?"


"Why does she need therapy"

"I owe my client confidentiality but if you want a hint, the reason is not far from the bitch sitting opposite me right now"


"No, me. Have you ever taken time to ask your children what they'll love to do with their life, when last have you been a mother to them? You're like that cruel man you call a father, remember you didn't want law, you made Tacha follow the same path and it's so unfair. You're broken Morenike, unless you heal and stop shoving that dirty secret under the rug, you'll continue walking that same path your father did. You're better than this"

Morenike brought out a cigarettes from her handbag, she took out a stick then she lit it, placing her lips on it then she Inhaled deeply then she puffed it out.


Morenike's mother held a burning cigarette in her hands exhaling deeply. "You shouldn't let your husband see this" Nana warned "What's my business if he does?" "He'll get angry, is that what you want?"

"No, the truth is I'm tired of that man, I'm tired"  "You have married him already, what do you want? To divorce him?"

"My parents won't agree, I don't know what I'm going to do with my husband. It's like he gets worst every damn day and it makes me insane"  "Why are you asking me? I am nothing but a nanny"

"Nike, you know you're more than a nanny. You're practically family and a second mother to Morenike, I just want to get your advice on what to do"

Nana exhaled. "Caroline, I don't know what to say" "It's the fourth miscarriage he's causing." "Maybe when you get pregnant again... You'll travel to the states" "Like he'll allow me. I'm not going to put myself through that shit again. I'm planning on poisoning him"

"God forbid. Put the cigarette away before your husband or daughter sees you"

Thirteen years old Morenike walked in with a doll then she sighted her mother smoking, "Mom" she called out and her mother looked away. "Don't I always tell you to knock before entering into this room?" She said snappily and Nana looked down at her in shock.

"She's your daughter, in case you have forgotten"

"I was bored"

"Go and play in your room or play with Laura in the next building, I'm seriously not in the mood" 

"I'll be at Laura's place" Morenike said leaving and Nana glared at her mother. "What's wrong with you" "I am not in the mood"

"Your daughter needs your love, I cannot be helping you to do that every time. Don't you love her?" "I don't have love, how can I give what I don't have? Ehn how?"

"If not that I am just an employee I would have said you're stupid for what you just said. Ah han, oko lanu so oshi (you just had to open your mouth to spill rubbish). You don't have love so you can't love your own daughter, that's the most stupid thing I ever heard and I've heard a lot if stupid things from you"

Mrs Briggs cried, "I'm tired"

Morenike knocked on a door and Hon. Lawrence opened up smiling at her. "Morenike dear" "Good morning Sir, is Laura around? I was hoping to play with her" "Yeah she is, come in dear" he said so innocently and she walked in smiling.

"Where is she?"

"In her room playing with her little sister" he replied locking the door and Morenike smiled.
"Thank you Sir" she replied walking towards the direction of the room.



Chief Akinola called a meeting of two of his friends who will always support him in anything he does, "How's the case going?" "Not smooth, I must confess, the prosecuting sides are not ready to back up and I'm scared. I am scared to the point that I'm desperate. E o le gbagbọ ohun ti omoọobinrin Eniola Badmus yen naa so si mi (You won't believe what Eniola Badmus said to me) .She had the guts to threaten me, we need to work something real fast cause as I'm seeing this, this guys might have something big planned out. I also can't afford to go to prison, cause if I do, you all will. When have we ever used the front door in achieving things? I think it's high time we do something drastic to show this people that we're not people they can toil with"

"The same thing I wanted to say to you. I don't care what Chief Kolade says, personally I think we are too relaxed about this thing. If we had taken the right action, the matter wouldn't have gotten to this stage. If we had kidnapped one of the families put them under gun point and make them promise not to go on trial, we would have by passed this"

"It was Barrister Osaze Benjamin that was involved so the club didn't want to be reckless, i personally understand from that angle but the question is, are we still going to fold our hands and wait till trouble comes calling or we take the bull by the horn?" The other asked and Chief Akinola smiled.

"Exactly what I said before and that is why i called you two here, I need your best ideas"

"I think we should kill Chief Akinola off" Dr. Kingsley suggested and Chief Kolade exhaled, "You have forgotten he's one of us and we've already shared blood oath among ourselves. That kind of betrayal has never been done"

"With the way he keeps on threatening us that if he goes down, we all go down and as I'm looking at this thing so, I don't think he has a chance of winning, if he loses, we'll all go down with him cause that selfish idiot will refuse to go down on his own. My thoughts is that we kill him now that it's early. No one will be able to link this to us but they'll think its the opposing side that killed him, its Luke killing two birds with one stone, a win win for us, we get rid of the reckless one and we still get to maintain our position and the club"

Nana entered into Morenike's study where she found her searching through her library, "Morenike mi" she called out and she turned her head at him. "I don't have the appetite Nana" "I wasn't going to tell you to eat, but you do need to eat, you have emanciated."

"I'm not hungry"

"I never had children but I took you as my own child Morenike"

"Why are you saying this?"

"I'm leaving"

"Leaving? To where, I don't understand"

"I have other families you know and I have a home I built"

"Are you going for a vacation? Wait, let me get my cheque book, how long will you be gone? One week, Three days?" She asked and Nana exhaled, "For good" "What?"

"Morenike, I can't stay again. The house is empty"

"Just take it like they all got married, that's how I'm seeing in it my head"

"If it's that way, I would have been happy but its not, the house is empty because it's your fault. We can't even call for a proper family gathering or family dinner because there'll be one quarrel or the other. I am tired" Nana cried moving back and Morenike moved close to her, her eyes moistened with tears.

"Nana, please, I'm begging you, please stay, I can't do this alone, I can't stay alone, I'll go mad"

Nana turned back shutting her eyes, "Before Mom died, you replaced her, after she died, you replaced her completely. It was easier for me to forget because with or without her absent, you've always been my mother. You watched me give birth to my children and you practically raised them and showed them more love than I ever did. Please, don't leave me, Mom" she called out and Nana wiped her tears off shaking her head.

"Goodbye Morenike" she said walking away and Morenike fell to the floor wailing after which she covered her lips so the house help do not hear her voice.


Morenike walked towards Laura's room and Hon. Lawrence walked behind her  looking at her buttocks as they moved in the gown she wore. She walked into the room and he followed her in.

"Morenike!!!!" Laura and her little sister yelled and Morenike smiled.

"You girls have fun" Hon Lawrence said and Morenike nodded.  "Thank you Sir"

Osaze watched Osas move her fork across her food, "I was planning on talking to Vera about meeting a wedding planner for our wedding. Of course, after this thing is over but we could still meet the the wedding planner and make plans" He said but Osas wasn't paying attention. He realized she was deeply in thought, therefore he wanted to know what it is she was thinking of.

"Osarieme" he called out bringing her back to earth.

"What were you thinking of?"

"Where make I start from?" She asked sarcastically and he chuckled, of course she had a lot to think of.  "What were you saying?" "I wanted Vera to refer us to a wedding planner, so we can start making plans"

"Plans? This court thing is still on our neck. What's the rush?"

Osaze shrugged, "I know... So we could at least make plans, what colour to choose, the venue, it mustn't be till after Chief Akinola gets charged before we can have that plan" "True, what about your Mom?"  "What' about her?" "Won't she come for the wedding?"

"I don't care. I stopped caring years ago"

"Are you sure Osaze?"  "Osarieme, why are you speaking as though you don't know what's going on? This is the same woman who we're going against in court, she doesn't give rat ass about any of us"

"She's your Mother"

Osaze rose up, "We're not having this conversation Babe " "Do you know what I was thinking of? I was thinking of everything, everyone, myself, my problems, other people's problem and how I really wish I can just wave my hands and make everything okay. Yes, my own too much I know, my father's wife probably tried to kill me before she got mad but instead being angry, I'm reconsidering putting her in a mental institution to be cared for, my mother abandoned me and I still didn't care, is it your Mom that didn't even do up to what they did that'll be angry at? Some day I'll be a mother too, before that I'll be a wife and it'll be bad of me not to do the right thing as a wife to  bring peace to this family!" She replied and Osaze walked away.

"If you like vex, I don talk my mind. If you like eat, na your belle go hear am"

He returned back into the dinning to pick his plate of rice then he carried it away to the kitchen. Osas rolled her eyes then she exhaled then the door bell rang. "Who is it? I'm coming" she yelled walking towards the door.

She opened it to find Nana by the door with two luggages, "Good evening Ma" she greeted and Nana smiled. "My dear, good evening" "Come in Ma, i hope there's no problem"  "None, where is my boy Osaze?" "In the kitchen" "Osaze!" She yelled and Osaze got out.

"Nana, good evening"

"Good evening my dear, Bawo Lara? (How are you?)"

"I am fine Ma" "I can see Osas is taking care of you, it's showing all over your face, look at how you're shinning, I gioe you're equally taking care of her"

"He is Ma" Osas replied and Osaze cleared his throat, "If I don't, who will?" He replied and they both chuckled then Osaze turned towards Nana now taking cognisance of her luggages. "Why are you with your luggages?"

"I left"


"I left the house"

"Where will you go to?"

"Back to my family. I do have a home you know? A house I built with my sweat" "What happened? What did mom do this time? You know what? Mrs Briggs is just impossible! I'm sure she must have said something" he snapped not turning towards Osas, "Is that the person you want into our family?"

"Well ... I..." Osas stammered, "Mama na Mama" "Again with the Mama na Mama speech" "Ah.... I see na me dey give speech shey? No wahala"  "That wasn't what I meant"

"Oh please I'm listening Babe, what did you mean?"

"Okay what's going on?" Nana asked and Osaze exhaled, "Mrs Briggs happened" "I was just telling Osaze here that we need to patch things up between ourselves" "Among... ourselves"

"Thank you"

"Why are you being angry about it? I correct you every time"

"I'm not..." Osas trailed off, "I'm not angry Osaze, what's there to suggest that we get together as family? After we get married, people are going to say, the son doesn't visit the mother again, even though he didn't used to and then they'll say, don't you know, it's the wife's fault? They're going to put a lot of blame on me. E no make sense but na the kind world way we dey live for"

"I don't care"

"But I care, I don't want to raise my children in a separated home" "Should I remind you again everything that woman has done"

"Well, I would have loved to but I'm in the mood to listen to your own 'she took everything away from me' speech" she twitched two fingers from each palm for emphasis and Osaze nodded, "Wow... Seriously you had to use that one on me"

Osas exhaled turning towards Nana, "Will you like to take something Ma? Or eat something? I'll go prepare the bed" "Okay, i already had dinner, I only came to spend the night so I can inform Osaze, I'll be leaving. Vera and Tacha already know of the plan. Couples fight all the time, it's normal, why don't you two talk this out?"  "I don't have anything to say to him." Osas folded her hands then she turned towards him. "You know, if this is the kind of family my children will grow up in, I don't even want to get married to you" she snapped walking into the room and Osaze shut his eyes.

"Won't you follow her?"


"You had better go and meet her, you see that woman there, she's a good woman and you should apologise to her" "She's has been insisting on..."

"Go. You don't have to worry about me, I am not a stranger, I'll help myself out"

"Let me clear the table first"

Osaze walked into the room then he heard the shower running. He knocked and walked into the bathroom,quickly adoring her body and she turned towards him. "A little privacy please?" She requested and he laughed. "Seriously?" He asked and she withheld her laughter then she turned off the shower.

"There's just something seeing you that manages to turn me on, see as I'm already blushing like one idiot"  he teased scratching his hair. She gave him a blank look, "I take God beg you, make I baf in peace"  "I'm not going to let you bathe in peace until we resolve this issue. I thought you don't keep grudges?"

"I don't. I just want to process"

Osaze bit his lower lips,"Let's process together " he moved closer, "Like it worked out in the dinning" "Not that kind of process, I meant..." He trailed off leaning in for a kiss and Osas pushes his head slightly, "Don't bring kiss into this fight, you just want make i melt like icecream shey? So that I'll forget about this"

"Maybe I do want you to melt" he winked and she scoffed. "Oga, try again cause this number" she touched her body, "Is temporarily not available" she took off her hands and he laughed, "At least it's temporal"

"Osaze!" She snapped and he chuckled, "See, don't try to ....to cajole me into making love, nah,  let's talk, mouth to mouth"

Osaze moved his lips closer, "I love the sound of mouth to mouth" "Osaze" she frowned, hiding a laughter that was about to bust out. She needed to prove a point but he was proving difficult.

"Or mouth to any part of your body" he teased staring at her breast and she glared at him, "Osaze, na who spoil you?" She snapped and he raised his hands up.

"Okay, I'm just trying to ease the tension here"

"I'm being serious Osaze, I can't do this, fight here and there, it has to come to an end one day. I don't want to have to explain to my children why their grandfather doesn't live with their grand mother or why they can't visit their grand mother, it's not fair. I don't want that for them! Your parents are on the verge of getting divorced but deep down you don't want it but you're still pretending about it"

"What ..." He covered his lips then he exhaled, "What do you want me to do? Wave a magical wand and change my mother for good? She's beyond saving, the woman only cares about herself, she doesn't care about her children or whatever happens to them, all she has ever done is hurt us and for some sick reason she says she's doing what's best for us. How is making choices best for anybody? How? I don't want my children growing up this way too but it is what it is"

Osas shook her head, "I'm still not happy about it"  "Osarieme, please, let's change the topic. We just had a fight because of Mom, please, I'm begging you in the name of God" "How will you explain to your children that you hate your own mother?"

"Urgh! Back and forth" he rolled his eyes then he chuckled, "Let's deal with Mom after the court case, now is not a good time. I promise you, after this is over, we'll do whatever you want. You have my word"  he promised and she suck in her lips, sobered at his statement then she looked away.

"Okay" she let out a low groan, he cupped her chin turning her face to his gaze. His arms slid down her waist pulling her naked body towards his then he kissed her lips making her blush.   "I'm sorry for walking out on dinner" "I'm sorry for insisting"

Osaze laughed, "Whaaat? Is that reason enough to apologize" "Since you're apologizing, I had to apologise for something" she answered and they both chuckled staring into each other's eyes. "God you're so persistent Osas!"  "And you're stubborn too and I love you that way" she grazed her lips against his and his smile grew wider, "I love you too" he replied kissing her lips and she kissed him too.

"You can leave now"

"No, I want to make you melt" he replied taking off his top then she laughed. "Osaze, you too spoil" she retorted and he laughed turning on the shower.

Osaze kissed Osas deeply and they both collapsed on the be with their arms around each other, holding each other as they both calmed down from their orgasm. "Was I stupid for telling the truth in court?"  "No you weren't, you were just being the woman I fell in love with Osas. From the judge's reaction, I'm it left an impression on the Judge.

"Thank you. I think Nana shouldn't leave just yet" she suggested and he nodded.

"Same thing I had in mind, thank you" he held her hands and she smiled.

7:02 am

Morenike sat on the floor when Dr. Joke walked into her room, "I rushed out of the house the moment I got your call. Why are you on the floor Morenike?" "Nana left, she left, I'm all alone" she cried and Dr. Joke held her hands.

"God you're burning up, have you been crying all night?"

"I never thought Nana of all people will leave. I feel like I just lost my mother the second time"

"Its obviously your fault, you are alone and it's your fault"

"Stop blaming me Joke, everything is not my fault and you know it!"

Dr Joke shook her head, "Are you going to blame your father for the monster you became? No, your father made his choice, you could have made yours, instead you decided to take after him, don't blame anybody oh, it's your damn fault. You  pushed Osifo away, you pushed Osaze away, you pushed Vera and Tacha away,now you've pushed Nana away. The sooner you start to do the right thing, the better for you"

"Get out of my  house Joke"

"Gladly! I didn't come all the way from my house in this rain to sympathize with you, no! I came to tell you the bitter truth, it's your fault, you better own up to your wrongs!"

"Out before I call security on you"

"You know what Morenike, don't call my number again, don't ever come to my office or I'll have my security kick you out too. I'm blocking you from all social media, and my life too from today and it's for good so have a nice life dear"


Morenike knocked on the door again and Hon Lawrence opened once again, he was dressed in a white singlet and boxers. "Morenike princess" "Good morning Sir, is Laura at home? I heard she'll be going to the state pretty soon, I just want to know" "Yes dear, in her room" he answered so she quickly rushed into the house. "It's my birthday Sir"

"Happy birthday princess" he answered as he watched her back side vibrate from  the gown she wore.

She was quite disappointed  when she found out there was no one in the room then she turned back at Hon Lawrence who had a smirk on his face. "Where is she?" "Actually... Laura and her mother already left this morning" "But.... You said..." "I know what I said, you wanted to play right?"

"Yes Sir, with Laura and Filda"

"Why don't you play with me"


"Yes, let's play a game together"

"What kind of game?"

"I'll take your clothes off and you'll take mine off and then I'll show you something"

Morenike shook her head, "No Sir, I'm sorry I don't want to play, I'll go back home"  she moved to the front and he shut the door locking it then he dipped the key into his pocket. "Its a very interesting play"

"I'm not playing, I don't want to play"

"I promise I won't hurt you, all you just have to do is cooperate" he replied undoing his belt and Morenike shook her head unbelievably, "No Sir, help!" She screamed and he laughed.

"The house is big, no one will hear you scream, you can scream all you want. In fact I want you to scream, i'll really enjoy hearing you scream!" 

Morenike cried as she watched him take off his boxers, his manhood was now staring at her right in her face so she quickly looked away. "Look at it" he wiped his belt against the air. The whip sound scared her so she quickly glanced at it.

"Please Sir, you're my father's friend, please don't do this"

"Don't do what? You'll really like it, I promise you"

"Mommy, Nana!!! Help!!!" She screamed again all to no avail, "On your knees Morenike! On your knees!" He shouted and she knelt down in tears.

"Please Sir"

Nana walked into Mr and Mrs Briggs room after an hectic day from the market, " She found her rolling a red lipstick on her lips. "You took so long in the market" "Why won't I? I mean, there was this fight and I had to use another route"

"Fight about what?"

"The just concluded Biafran war, so someone was saying they should kukuma separate the country and another person who didn't like what he said punched him."

Mrs Briggs laughed, "Country yii ti wa sun mi (I'm tired of this country)" Nana continued and then she exhaled. "Where is the birthday day girl, I got something for her"

Mrs Briggs turned towards her, "Daddy Morenike hasn't even wished her a happy birthday and you say I shouldn't poison the man" she hissed letting out a sigh. "Where is she?"

"Laura's place or Joke's place, one of those places. It's better than being bored with me"

Nana scoffed, "Which Laura is that one?" "How many Laura do you know that Morenike play with?" "Laura that already travelled with her mother to the US"  "When?" "They left this morning, didn't you see them?"

"How is it my business?"

"Jesus! Let me go and call her, she should be at Joke's house"

"Be fast about it, we have a birthday party to throw before guests from the estate start showing up, Morenike is thirteen, I'm just so excited"

Morenike sat on the floor naked and Hon. Lawrence wore his boxers then he moved closer to her. "Now you're a woman, I just made you a woman in a blink of an eye" he touched her and she flinched.

"Do you still want to go again?" He asked and she glared at him.  "Happy thirteenth birthday Morenike my princess, you know, my kids and their mother will be going for a long time, you can come and I'll be your play partner. Your father doesn't have to know, I can make you feel better"

Morenike wiped her tears, "I want to go back. They'll be looking for me" she replied and he picked up her clothes giving it to her. "You had better not tell anyone, they'll just laugh at you, think of how Laura will feel knowing you slept with her father."

"Nanny, have you heard what's going on?" 15 years old Joke asked Nana who creased her brow in interest, "Laura, her sister and her mother have all gone to the states and they didn't tell someone. Am I the witch that will make their plane crash?" She asked and Nana hissed.

"This your mouth ehn!"

"Nanny, I'm just saying my mind, it's bad"  "Where is Morenike?"

"Morenike is not here oh"

"Where is she then?"

"I saw her entering into Laura's compound, I was even wondering why she entered since they travelled, hasn't she come out yet?"

Nana shook her head, "Are you sure she......" " Yes, I'm certain she did"

The moment Nana stepped out of the gate, she found Morenike in front of  Hon Lawrence's gate, limping. "Morenike, what are you doing here? Didn't you know Laura already left?" She asked, "Her daddy said so. Why are you limping"

"I fell down"

"Are you....." She trailed off looking at the gate, "What have you been doing there?" "Playing with Laura's toy"

"You're lying"

"I'm not lying"

"You are! Morenike you know you can tell me anything right? What happened in there?"  She asked and Morenike busted into tears, "Oh God" Nana muttered kneeling down, "Did he touch you?" She asked and Morenike nodded.

Nana shut her eyes.

Briggs law firm

Hon Lawrence dropped a briefcase containing cash on Mr Brigg's desk. "What's this?" "A gift, with this, you can change your life, develop this firm better than this, that house you have that you're living with your family, I'll buy the house for you, put it on your name."

"What's the catch?"

"Something has happened, I didn't mean for it to happen but. ... It did and I regret it and I don't want you make it escalate more than it should, your wife came to my house already and she's ready to create a scene"

"What happened?"

A few children troop into the living room.

Mrs Briggs inhaled and exhaled in her room. "I'm cancelling this party, I can't do this"  "Should I ask the help to share the cake and gift and then send them away?" Nana asked and she gave a nod, "Do that"

"You won't do such" Mr Briggs sounded off walking into the room and Mrs Briggs scoffed, "Oh perfect timing, do you have any idea what your stupid friend did?"

"I heard, he came to see me in my office"

"Have you had the damn idiot arrested? I hope he dies In prison!"

"He's not going to prison"

Mrs Briggs smirked, "Please tell whoever will be doing the job to please aim the bullet into his forehead"  "I'm not having him shot either?" "Will he be thrown in a canal?"


Mrs Briggs paused then she scoffed, "How much did you get for your silence?" "Enough to buy us this house"  "Tell me you at least had the decency to give the idiot a punch on the face?" She asked but he quietly plunged his hands into his pocket.

"I didn't want blood on my hands"

She scoffed, "It has always been about the money for you right?" She asked then she turned towards Nana, "Dismiss the guest, the party is over"

"The party just began, we won't want the neighbors suspecting anything would we? He'll be leaving the neighborhood, Hon Lawrence won't be here again" "What does that change? Does it change the fact he raped our daughter, our only daughter was raped"

Morenike walked in and her father turned towards her, "Welcome Daddy" "How are you?" He asked and she busted into tears and he knelt down before her. He wanted to touch her so she flinched.

"Look at what that perverted fool has caused!"

"Laura's Dad...  " She trailed off in tears and he nodded, "I know, I heard. Wipe those tears off" "Dad"

"Wipe them off dear, you're a soldier, you're a fighter, you are strong and not weak. Only weaklings cry over mistakes and this was one and I want you to forget it ever happened. You are fine, nothing is wrong with you. This will pass soon and someday you won't remember it, you're still young."

"Sir!" Nana called out and he glared at her, "Don't interrupt me!" "Won't they arrest him?" "No. It's a mistake that needs to be covered up."

"But.... But what he did was bad"

"Daddy knows what's best, listen to me carefully. He did what you would have eventually done when you grow up, it was a mistake and he's paying a huge some of money for it. He's paying to cover it up but he'll pay very soon, every man will definitely pay for their sins, even me"

"Wow, such an inspiring speech from the best father in the world" His wife snapped and he exhaled,  "No one must breathe a word of this to anyone, we don't want to make a public show of this or victimize our daughter by making it public. We don't want everyone talking. Right now, she'll return back  to the party, she'll take a picture and give a big smile like nothing is happening. Have you heard?" He asked and she agreed.

"I'll do it"

What do you guys think of today's update?

The man is unbelievable! 😤😤

Now it's a bit clear why Morenike acts bittered and bitchy most of the time, we'll know the remaining reasons in the next chapter

Belated Happy birthday to Queen enny and Happy birthday to those who have their birthdays today!

I'm laughing at Chief Akinola right now, you all must be wondering what kind of drastic move he'll make 🤔

What next?

Is Packaging Osas slowly coming to an end? 🤷

Thank you for reading 💕💕

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