🔺 Chapter 40🔻
Thank God it's Friday!!!!
I'm on medication and I'm doing better guys, thanks to all those who reached out and those who had me in their mind 😊
Brace yourself guys, another long one 💃💃💃
Assuming I was dividing this chapters like other writers, I for don reach Chapter 65 oh 😂
Vote oh
Vote 🌟 and
Chapter 40
Obianuju walked into the doctor's office with her heart in her throat. It was time to get her test results, "Doctor good morning" "Good morning Miss Obianuju. Please have your seat" She requested and she did. Her heart still pounding with a lot of 'what if' questions running through her mind.
"How are you this morning?"
"I'm... I'm fine"
"How was your night?"
"It was great"
"And your husband?" "He's fine."
"Have you been sleeping fine?" "Yes" "No issue with your body?"
"None doctor, I've been fine, why are you asking? I came for the"
"Test result I know" the doctor answered handing the result to her, "Is it positive?" Obianuju asked, "Am I pregnant?" "Why don't you look at it for yourself, I can't say it" she replied and her face fell.
"I know how much you've wanted this"
"God!" She exhaled dropping the paper on the doctor's desk. "Is there any need looking at it?" She asked and the doctor nodded, "Why? So I can be more disappointed?" She asked busting into tears.
"Jesus, Miss Obianuju! You're pregnant, the result came out positive, I was just pulling your legs. Just a take a look at it"
Obianuju widened her eyes, she reached for the result and opened it then she exhaled in relief placing it on her chest, "Congratulations, you're two months gone, that was why I was asking if there has been any signs"
Obianuju shook her head, "No" she sniffled, "You scared me" "I'm sorry" "Is that even professional?" She asked and they both laughed. "I'm so happy right now"
Vera unlocked the door to Tacha's room then she walked in. "I'm not a prisoner" Tacha complained and Vera smiled faintly, "I know but its necessary" she answered. "I spoke to a therapist, Dr Joke, I feel whatever you're facing, it's more psychological, you need rehabilitation and therapy, you'll talk to her and she'll talk you through what to do"
"I don't know"
"I know I've harsh but the truth is, you keep acting stupid and making mistakes, and hence disappointing me. I've been in my own dark state too. A part in my life where I needed to talk to someone, you're being secretive but I think Dr Joke is the right person to talk to"
George's house
Osas sat in her tutorials taking notes from her tutor while George watched her. She turned towards him and a smile curled up her cheeks. "Are you hungry?" "No. I'm sorry, let me not distract you" he answered and her phone vibrated for the fifth time.
"You can pick it" David said and she shook her head.
"I've missed classes already, today I promised myself, no distraction, I need to focus"
"The truth is you don't even need much concentration"
Osas frowned, "Na so my head block reach? You know how I being dey take carry first that year for school?" She asked and he laughed. "Calm down, I'm not arguing with you. My point is, you're rich, your boyfriend is rich, las las, na money go help you through school"
She shook her head, "I want to do everything through my power" "Let me not deceive you, you have the talent already, the only thing you need is the certificate or else people will look down on you. Its okay if you want to go through the school system but you're going to have to use money to pass through some things and that's the ugly truth about the University system. You can pick your call, we'll take ten minutes break" he said walking out of the house and her phone vibrated again.
Obianuju calling....
"Hey" she began after answering the call, "I've been calling forever, where did you keep your phone?"
"I was having my lesson"
"Oh. Sorry, I just can't keep this news to myself"
Osas chuckled, "You're pregnant" she replied and Obianuju chuckled, "You didn't even give me the pleasure of announcing it" "I'm sorry, congratulations" "Thank you. I'm so excited"
"How you go wash am? Let's celebrate tonight"
"No, maybe tomorrow. This night is for Raymond and I, I haven't told him yet, please don't tell him, I want to surprise him"
"Awwwn. I'm so happy for you sis. This is all you ever wanted"
"This and my whole family together and we're all together"
Osas scoffed, "Not entirely together,you and Eniola..." she trailed off and Obianuju clicked her tongue, "I'm not interested" "She's your sister, and it's not fair, why don't you be the bigger one?" "And apologise first?" "Edosa, you no one even give her face"
"I'm still angry"
"She's trying to change, why don't you give her a chance, huh?" She asked and Obianuju exhaled. "Later Osas" "Edosa" "Love you" she chipped in hanging up and George wheeled towards her.
"Edosa's having a child?" He asked as though he hasn't been listening in to her conversation.
"Yes. Your first grandchild, I'm sure she'll be dropping hers before Chike" she announced and he smiled instantly wiping tears of joy off his face. "Very soon the whole house will be packed with a lot of them" he replied and Osas smiled.
"Were you trying to reconcile her with Uwa?"
"Yes. She's stubborn, they're both stubborn, we're all stubborn in our own way but those two" she sgook her head unbelivably, "Obianuju is bent on not forgiving Uwa insrespective of the fact she's her little sister" "I'm sure she'll get over it soon and learn to forgive her sister. Don't you want to go back home?" He cuts in and she chuckled, "I do, spending time with you is important too"
"I'll be fine, I have the maid, Osato and Zuwa will be staying till Sunday, you should be with him. You don't have to worry about me"
Folabi knocked on the door then he walked in. "Good afternoon Sir" he greeted bowing his head and George smiled, "Good morning Folabi, I'll leave you two alone" he replied wheeling himself out and Osas flashed a smile at him.
"You have a court hearing in three days from now and you're not even looking like it"
Osas placed her hands on her hair then she began faking tears and Folabi laughed, "Abeg stop" "No now, shebi you said I don't look like it, let me.do you expect me to be in tears?" "No, I expected you to be working with Osaze on answering questions" "You only live once Folabi, I can't come and die because of this case. Besides, Osaze is already doing the heavy lifting for me"
Folabi smiled. "Your own beta" "Jealous much?" She asked and he laughed. "Have you heard from Eniola?" He asked then he slapped his forehead on realising he had just asked a stupid question. "Of course you have"
"I thought you two are now pals, why are you asking?"
"We haven't actually spoken since the whole tech guy episode. She tried calling the tech guy but he didn't pick up. Since then...."
Folabi shrugged, "I don't know" "Have you called her?" "You tell her what? Hey, I'm calling to check up on you, how are you doing?" "Wetin come bad for there? You call me every now and then" "My point exactly! That's something you do to a friend, okay fine, she called me a friend the last time we spoke."
"Our friendship is not that type of friendship, its complicated"
Osas laughed, "No be small. Sure say you never fall in love with my sister like this?" "Love is a strong word" "You like her" "No. I don't, should I remind you the kind of person Eniola is," the thought of being in love with her scared the crap out of him and he shook his head, "Huh uh .... No! I don't like her"
"Then what do you feel for her?"
Folabi hesitated,for some reason, the questions were beginning to make him sweat. "Why does this feel like an interrogation?" He asked and she shrugged, "There's no harm in answering a few question, why you come dey fear?" "I no fear" "Are you sure? Cause e be like say you dey for who wants to be a millionaire and your 500,000 naira is on the line and all your life lines have been used up"
"I don't"
"Is that your final answer?" She asked and he hesistated again,"I feel she blames me for not realising the whole thing. That's why she's angry" "You don't know that for sure, she's just angry at herself for being played"
"We were actually distracted when he fooled us, we were having the sweetest conversation ever. She was so...." He trailed off, "Maybe you two need to sort your feelings out"
"What do you mean?"
"The other day I being ask Eniola if she like you, babe no waste time to run commot for house. I didn't fall in love with Osaze here in Lagos, no, it was in that bus in Benin, when you start to spend time with someone, no matter how bad they appear and you start to understand them, its normal to develop that feeling so my advise is for you two to sort this out, whatever It is"
Badmus' house
Queen walked into Eniola's room shaking her head, "Eniola Badmus, you're the most heartless bitch I've ever known" she snapped and Jemima smiled at her. "As if you don't know" "Can you believe she didn't even call me, not even to ask of me, haba Eniola! I thought we were supposed to be friends"
"I'm letting go of dead weights" Eniola responded and Queen folded her hands staring at her in awe. "I can't even begin to express my disappointment" "You called me obnoxious"
"Because you are!"
"Shebi you said I wasn't"
"Well I lied! Eniola you're not just obnoxious, you're a classy stuck up bitch just like me but I love you that way. I don't know why you're acting differently"
"I'm acting differently because I'm tired, I'm tired of being stuck up, how many enemies do I have to create for myself all in the name of being classy. I need a different mirror, when I look at you, I see myself"
" isn't that what a mirror does?"
"I need someone that will let me know when I'm doing something wrong, you don't always do that. Only Jemima does"
Queen sat on the bed with the both of them, "It's because of that guy shey?What's his name again Folabi?" She asked and Eniola rolled her eyes, "Why are you guys making the same assumptions? Please, my world doesn't revolve around him!" She hissed waving her hands carelessly and Jemima scoffed.
"I don't believe"
"I don't believe it too. Eniola, you like him!"
"I don't like him, he's still short" she pinched her finger nails, "Short but handsome, just a bit, and he has this way of...." She smiled, "He's smart, really smart, he has all this sick punch lines and ways of just arriving at conclusions that leaves you speechless" she paused chuckling. "And he's funny too, really funny" she replied biting her lower lips.
"And you were saying?" Queen asked them she scoffed, "You can't like a person in a week"
"I don't think you started liking him this week, you two have always had that I hate you chemistry going on,those kinds in movies where the girl will be putting on initial gra gra until love comes knocking, I think love is knocking. Can you hear it Queen?"
"Ko ko ko, I can hear it oh but I don't want you to open,"
"I'm not planning on opening any time soon"
"Why? Folabi is a sweet guy"
A grimace spreads across Queen's face, "The guy is.... He's not Eniola's kind of man, Enny loves rich guys.... He's just a journalist, I'm sure his salary a month should be 50k only" "Do you really want me to send you out again?" Eniola asked and Queen scoffed.
"I'm just making an analysis"
"Keep your analysis to yourself!" She snapped then she exhaleed turning towards Jemima. "Queen's kind of right. This life is a bitch, I mean you meet all the rich guys in the world and a common journalist steals your attention " "So you're admitting you like him"
"Jemmy, I'm not admitting to anything, I'm just saying he has my attention. We haven't spoken since that idiot pulled that stunt on us. I wish we weren't so distracted"
"Were you two kissing?" Queen asked and she shook her head, "We were just having a conversation, one of those conversations that feels like a moment"
"Babes, take it from your girl here, you already like this guy"
Jemmy folded her legs, "Enny, I think what you should do now is sort out your feelings, what you really feel for him" "Even if I do like him, do you think he'll like me? I mean he's always the one to say I'm not dateable, I'm sure he has his own standard and he probably wont want some rude, obnoxious spoilt brat"
Raymond walked into the room to find Obianuju in bed with a sad expression on her face. She had a paper in her hand. "Hey babe, the door wasnt locked, I was kind of surprised since you always lock the door.
"Hey, how was guys night out?"
"It wasn't the same without Goriola, somehow I moss the big head"
"Are you alright? I don't like the way your face is looking"
"What's hm? Are you .... Are you angry at me? Did I do something wrong? Is it because of the guys night out? Nuju, I didn't even drink much, I had just a glass only" "Not that" "What did I do? Is it because I didn't call you today? I was busy at work" Raymond knelt before her.
"Babe, whatever I did, I'm sorry"
Obianuju withheld her laughter,keeping a serious look. "I went to hospital to get the test" she said in a low voice and Raymond shut his eyes in assumption. The result had to be negative to have her looking sad.
"Honey" he held her hand her hands, "It's not the end of the world, we'll survive, we'll keep fighting till the end. Who cares if it doesn't come now, it will come soon, soon might be in two months, five, a year later, two"
"Or now" she replied busting into laughter, "Save your speech for a movie script cause....we're having a baby Hun, the doctor confirmed it, I'm two months pregnant" she announced and Raymond looked up at her in surprise then he laughed looking at her belly.
"I knew it! I knew it can't be normal"
"Orrh, you knew what? What happened to all those speech you were giving?" She asked and he laughed kissing her on the lips. "Don't ever pull such stunt again"
"That was what Doctor Monica did, it kind of gave me the inspiration"
Raymond laughed again then tears poured down his eyes, "I'm pregnant Hun, I'm pregnant" "Point of correction, we're both pregnant." He said and Obianuju lowered her head laughing, "You're not the one that's going to face all the irritation when they come" "I won't but I'll be here every step of the way" he replied kissing her on the lips, "Showing you love cause I love you"
She placed both palm against his cheeks with a sweet smile on her face, "I love you too"
Wunmi sat on her bed watching the video of Akinola on Olumide's laptop. She couldn't believe Olumide died because of this damn video! There goes the fucking 2 million naira! If only she had convinced him more, she blamed herself for his death.
Part of her wanted that money, now her boyfriend is dead because of it. Tears trailed down her cheeks so she wiped them off.
Her mother walked in clapping her hands so she closed the laptop. "So you're still crying, you will kill yourself because one man is dead" "He's not just a man, he's my fiancee , a man I was going to get married to! A man I wanted to have my children with, why can't you be considerate?"
"I am considerate! Wunmi, I have always told you that guy was useless, always up to no good! Shebi he almost led you to your death shey, nitori 2 million naira"
Wunmi rolled her eyes in regret! Maybe she should have kept the story to herself! That's all she has been hearing ever since the incidence; they even refused her going out or even reporting the issue to the police. "I'll like to get my phone back Mom" "Nibo?(Where?) So you can answer questions of where Olumide is," At least, let me tell his parents what happened to him, they must be worried"
"I am not ready to lose my daughter yet! Have you heard? You had better stay here and stay safe, you're lucky you escaped death, kanipe (What if) I did not call you nko? Asepe, (Unknown to me), my spirit was just telling me to call you, I didn't know that that Oloriburuku boyfriend of yours was leading you to your death"
Her mother was right and she knew, she couldn't even argue with her. If not for the call, she would have been shot dead like that poor driver!
Raymond's home
Osas opened the door and Eniola smiled, "Good morning" she greeted and Osas smiled. "Welcome. Thank God you're here, we need helping hands in the kitchen"
"Huh?" Eniola asked raising her fingers, "Do I look like I can cook?I don't cook" "For where? Abeg enter kitchen, you'll cook today. Even the men are in the kitchen"
Eniola walked in, "Why?" "Because you need it. Every man likes a proper home made food, I'm sure Folabi will not want to buy food outside when he has a wife in the house"
Eniola moved back in shock, "Why did you make such an example?" "Be deceiving yourself, you think I don't know, or I don't see it" "See what?" "That you like Folabi" she answered and Eniola covered her lips. "Shhhh. Is he around?"
"Not yet. Its an in-house party, just the siblings celebrating this good news"
"What good news?"
"We're expecting our first niece or nephew"
Eniola's gaze immediately fell on her belly, "Already?" She asked and Osas pushed her head, "Not me, Obianuju, why will be celebrating it here then?" "Why wasn't I told?" She asked them she folded her hands. "Maybe I should just go, Obianuju probably doesn't want me here"
"You're family so, you have no choice than to be here. Come let's go" She led Eniola into the kitchen. Osaze, Raymond and Obianuju were in the kitchen wearing aprons.
While Obianuju was busy cutting up the carrots and green beans in cubes, Raymond was cutting up the chicken they just killed. "Technically we men shouldn't be in the kitchen" Raymond complained, "Now that you're here have you died?" Osas asked from behind and Obianuju chuckled turning back, her smile disappeared on seeing Eniola.
Was it even healthy to feel this way for her own sister?
"Hello guys! Good morning" Eniola waved at Raymond and Osaze. "Good morning Enny" they both replied.
"Good morning Obianuju" She greeted and Obianuju cleared her throat. "Morning" she answered through her teeth and Raymond cleared his throat. "What are you guys cooking?" Eniola clapped her hands, "Fried rice"
"My favourite"
"Can you even you even cook?" Raymond asked and she shook her head. "I don't even know the first thing about cooking real food, I can make noodles though"
Raymond busted into laughter, "You and Osaze are on the same level" he answered making Osaze laugh. "I can cook beans" "I can't cook beans, those are the worst, they take forever to get soft"
"Ah she knows what beans is" Osaze answered and Raymond continued laughing, "Thank God it wasn't your parents who adopted my Obianuju, I would have died from food poisoning"
Eniola glared at the both of them, "Really guys? Really?" "Its your husband I pity" "We'll hire maids, those are what maids are for" "Whaaat? Eniola, that's ...that's ridiculous. The way to a man's heart is through his belly, forget sex, that one comes after it. Every man needs a home cooked meal once in a while now, take our dear Osaze for instance, ever since our wife started taking good care of him, look at how fresh he has become, look at his cheeks"
"Are you guys whining me right now?"
"I was going to say the same thing at the office" Obianuju chipped, "My sister is definitely doing a good job"
Osaze smiled, "I'm asking because I noticed it too but I didn't want to say it." "The best part is that you're no longer coming to work with those black saggy eyes" Obianuju commented and everyone laughed.
*It's been great with her, she's the mother I never had" "Don't say that" Osas pouted, "You have a mother" "Whatever, thank you baby" "You're welcome" she leaned into him kissing him on the cheeks and everyone chuckled.
"You guys are free to move into the next room" Raymond replied and Osas smiled.
"To think you would have ended up with me" Eniola chipped in and Osaze cleared his throat, "I would have died of malnutrition"
"We'll hire a maid, I and my future husband"
Obianuju hissed now pointing the knife at her, "Until the maid helps you win your husband's heart, Raymond is still advising you on what to do, instead of taking time to have a resolution to know how to cook, you're not. You're still insisting on getting a maid"
"I'm a God damn lawyer and I'm usually too busy to be any man's cook"
"I'm a God damn lawyer and I'm usually too busy to be any man's cook" Obianuju micmicked her, "Bullshit! So we're the ones that are jobless"
"Yes. That's my point, unlike you we don't sit around all day as wait for charity cases to pop up"
"Say rubbish there and I'll cut off your lips with this knife"
"Edosa, Uwa!" Osas screamed and Eniola felt hot tears run down her cheeks. "Sweetheart, I don't think it's necessary to overreact" "Overreact? Are you telling me that?" She pointed at him, "Just know where you're pointing that knife to, I'm too young to die, i haven't even seen my baby yet" he teased to make her laugh but she didn't, she was just too angry to smile.
"Didn't you hear what she said?"
"Edosa drop that knife!" Osas yelled and she did. "I wasn't going to use the knife on her, she has a way of getting into my skin, ah!"
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way" "Oh Eniola, you actually did meant it that way! You've always been that way, remember, one certain Eniola who insulted for being just a secretary? That same Eniola who mocked me for being married without an issue, you're just impossible!" She snapped and Eniola tightened her fist then she blinked her tears in, "You know what? I don't even know why I'm here, I shouldn't have come" she ran out and all eyes fell on Obianuju.
"Really Edosa?"
"Did you hear what she said?"
"Because you provoked her, Uwa is not going to use one day in changing, no, it's going to take time. She's our sister and she deserves a chance, why don't you give her that?"
"Osas is right" Osaze chipped in, "I know you two have had your differences but it is what it is, you're sisters now and there's no going back from that, why not make things right? Give her a chance"
Obianuju walked out of the kitchen then out of the house where she found Eniola opening the door to her car. "Where are you going to?" "Where else? I'm not welcomed here so I'd rather go back to my home" she snapped then she shut the door.
"I'm sorry" she apologized busting into tears, "I'm totally sorry, I know I can be a bitch most of the time, I'm sorry for those things I said, I'm just a proud, obnoxious bitch who was heavily spoilt my her parents"
"We choose our path, I chose to be nice to people"
"I'm sorry. I want to be better for my family, for you guys but you shouldn't expect it to be quick, I can't pretend. This is me, I can only get better by the day"
"I'm sorry too."
"Why are you apologizing?"
"I haven't been exactly quiet too. It's just hard to forget all and forgive you. I don't know how Osas does it" "She's good, that's why she's our big sister"
"I know"
"Can we start all over again?"
Obianuju stretched her hands, "Come here" she demanded and Eniola embraced her crying, "I'm sorry" she apologized and Obianuju exhaled rubbing her hair then she pulled away.
"Let's go in"
"I'm not promising to be good cause I don't even realize when I say the wrong things most times, all I need is for you guys to correct me like Folabi and Osas does, a little hint, here and there"
"Or I can just slap your head"
Eniola laughed shaking her head, "O don't want that one. Just say it to me and I'll try to adjust" "For starters, learn how to cook"
"I never thought it was necessary, I've never seen Mom cook, we have a cook for that" "It's never too late to try, we're parboiling the rice, you can watch and participate"
Eniola suffered a burn from frying the chicken. After the uneventful event. She had to sit the whole cooking adventure out. Osas had to rub engine oil on the back of her palm as first aid treatment.
The door bell rang and she quickly ran to open up the door with her left while lifting her right palm up. Chike walked in with Tacha. "Hey Sis" "If it's not my super star handsome brother." she hugged him and he walked in. "Let me close the door before paparazzis flood the whole place"
"Now you're just whining me"
"You're a celeb already now. You should even sign me an autograph"
Chike noticed her oily palm. "What happened to you" "Is it that noticeable?" "You were practically raising your hands up for attention, it was unmissable" "I would have killed you if you didn't notice" she replied and they both chuckled.
"What happened?"
"My first attempt to cook, I resigned on the first job, I'm never ever cooking again, read my lips, never ever"
Chike laughed, "You know what they say about when life knocks you down" "There's no getting back up from this one. Its a sign from God" she replied and he laughed the more. "You seem too tough to let a simple burn change your mind"
"I'm going through pains, I never knew existed, your sister almost died!"
"Now you're just being funny" "I heard about Tacha and since you're dating her, drugs is really bad, she's on rehabilitation right? It must be hard for you.... See I suck at being sympathetic, I didn't even know I could be this nice until days ago so..." "I get it. Thanks for the concern"
"You're welcome"
There was another knock on the door and she rolled her eyes, "I hate this job, the guys are all in the kitchen. You should go" She announced and Chike went in. She opened the door and literally froze from seeing Folabi in a blue polo strip shirt and black jean trousers. "Hey....." She trailed off, "Hey" he replied examining her hand.
"What... What are.... What are you doing here?" She asked, "Osas told me this was strictly for blood family"
"Don't be too excited, i didn't come to see you"
Eniola cleared her throat, "I didn't say you came to see me" "I came to get something from Osaze" "I'll go call him" "What happened to your palm?" "You noticed?" "Weren't you raising your hands in that manner so everyone can noticed?" He asked then he chuckled to himself.
"I'm sure there's a story to it"
"My first attempt to cook! I'm so angry!"
Folabi's eyes tripled in shock, "Your what?" "My first attempt to cook, the oil was just flying everywhere and it landed on the back of my palm,twice,one even landed on my face" she complained and Folabi laughed hysterically then he turned to the back, "Ah Folabi! Ti e ba e" He muttered.
"What did you say?" She asked and he shook his head, "I'm just lamenting at how lazy a woman can be" "At least I made an attempt at it, it burns" she raised her palm now blowing air from her lips to reduce the burning pain.
"Is it not just a drop of it"
Eniola pouted, "It's not, look at it" she urged and he held her hands examining it while she groaned, "Why are you pretending now, that side isn't paining you" "Its burning me" she continued blowing air even as he held it.
"Worst Osas had to use engine oil on it, I don't even know the effect of that engine on my skin color" she complained and he laughed, "Its not funny" she complained in between her giggles.
"Sorry" he found himself saying, "You just have to becareful next time"
Eniola smiled, "Thank you" "Now you're smiling, I knew you were pretending" "I wasn't, but sorry is a soothing pain reliever. I just literally broke up with cooking, I'm never ever cooking again"
Folabi dropped her hands, "Didn't you feel even an atom of shame when you said that?" "I just got burned" "Is that how you give up in reality?" "Look at my hand" "Why are you showing me again, sioor, its your husband I pity" "Stop it! We'll a hire a maid"
"We? Did I miss something? Are we dating?"
"No we ... Whoever the husband will be, I can only make noodles"
"Ehya.... Pele, so you're going to use your husband's destiny to practice boom sha sha! No wahala, it's the poor guy that I pity, I seriously pity him"
Osaze walked in, "Hey Folabi, what are you doing here?" "Aren't you aware he came here to get something from you?" Eniola asked and Osaze raised his brow confused. What the help is Eniola saying.
Osas walked in, "I heard the name Folabi and I just wanted to confirm if my ear heard right. Awwn, you didn't tell me you'll be coming"
Folabi almost bowed his head in shame, Osas' response was the worst,he needed to bust into Bini, "I had no idea I was going to come, I didn't even know I showed up until I knocked." He explained and Osas laughed. "Love makes us do stupid"
"Osas! It's not love, I don't even know what kind of law of attraction brought me here and I don't even like it"
"Hello guys, are you guys trying to sell me? Dont leave me out. I don't understand the language"
Folabi turned towards her still speaking in Bini, "Can we all just play along and act like you knew I'll be here" "I've already messed up already" Osas replied now looking at Osaze.
"You didn't tell me Folabi was coming" she said in English now poking him and he chuckled clearing his throat. "We kind of spoke about getting some articles to publish from me. I thought... I would email it but Osas stopped by yesterday and I forgot. I have here with me, I was going to stop by at the hotel"
"I didn't want you stressing yourself"
"How thoughtful of you, I'll go get it now" he replied, "We'll go get it" Osas chipped and they both walked into the kitchen.
"Why are they entering into the kitchen?" Eniola asked and Folabi shrugged.
Osaze and Osas laughed cautiously after they had walked in while Obianuju, Chike and Raymond stared in wonder. "What's funny?" Obianuju asked, "Love" Osas replied, "I don't understand, speak in plain English"
"Folabi came here to see Eniola, but he doesn't want her to know, he didn't even know he when he got here"
Raymond laughed, "I know those kind of things, remember those times Nuju?" "The worst thing is that he still denies not liking her" "The more you deny it,the more real it becomes, I speak from experience" Osaze replied and Raymond agreed.
"True but i don't blame the guy for being in denial, if its someone like me that found himself liking someone like Eniola, I'll be in denial" he answered and everyone laughed.
"True sha" Osas agreed, "I'm sure he's wondering God why? Folabi has always been the type if guys after wife material kind of women"
Raymond laughed, "Eniola is not even wife material" "Heys don't insult my sister there oh" Osas chipped in and Chike laughed, "Is she that bad? She doesn't look that way, personally I like her vibe"
"Assuming it was last week, you would have hated her like i did." Obianuju replied and Raymond picked up from where she stopped.
"But Enny sha, personally I don't think she can change oh, its going to take the special grace of God from a special man to change that girl"
"Do you have extra files so I can just put anything in it and give it to Folabi?"
Eniola rubbed her neck, "About the...footage" "What about it!" "I didn't call you back because I felt like it was" "My fault?" "No.... Actually I thought it was our fault. I needed time to think" "I wasn't bothered by it" he answered plainly and Eniola's heart broke then she exhaled as though it'll make her feel better.
"Good to know"
Osas walked in with a plate of fried chicken then he handed it to Folabi, "Oooh" Eniola picked one then she took a bite and Osas glared, "Its for the guest" "Aren't I a guest?" "So you're not too angry to eat the chicken but you're quick to break up from cooking. How come your hand is not paining you now?"
Eniola laughed, "She's lazy that's why" Osas busted into Bini, "Its not fair, I don't understand this language" "Learn it" "How many things do I want to learn, I'm learning how to be nice, I'm learning how to cook and you want me to add Bini to it, come on"
"I thought you said you broke up with cooking?"
Eniola moved close to him nibbling on her lower lips, "Well, I've never been the kind to give up easily, besides, I'm doing it for my future husband, so you don't have to pity him any longer" she replied going into the kitchen and Osas folded her hands.
Folabi closed his eyes, "I know what you're going to say Osas" "But you're going to deny it right?"
"You know me Osas, you know what I want in a woman, Eniola isn't it. Maybe it's just attraction, I don't know, the only thing I know was that when I called you this morning and you told me about this party, I knew shell be here and I had that feeling telling me to stroll so I could at least see her face. I don't want this"
"Osaze is right, the more you deny it, the more real it becomes"
"She doesn't even know how to cook"
"She's willing to learn and I'm sure you had something to do with it. Eniola wants to be better and I know its not just because of us, most of her decisions comes from speaking to you"
"What's your point"
"If anybody dey way go humble that diva queen, na you be the person. No pressure but... That's just my opinion"
Tacha and Vera walked into Dr. Joke's office and she smiled. "Awwwn, our little Tacha has grown into a woman" she said and Tacha shrugged turning towards Vera in wonder, "How...."
"My name is Dr. Joke, I'm an old friend of your Mom"
Tacha turned back, ready to leave. How can she put her trust in her mother's friend? She can easily on pay to extract information from her, no way!
"You can trust her Tacha, believe me when I say you can trust her." "I owe my client confidentiality, whatever we talk on will be our secret. Your mother will never hear of it" she replied and Vera nodded. "Believe her"
"Okay" Tacha replied and Vera bowed her head walking away.
"Have you seat" she requested. Immediately she did, her hands vibrated so she began to drum on the desk as a distraction away from the urge for drugs.
"Why are you here Tacha? I'm sure you must need counselling, feel free to talk to me Tacha, you might not know me all that well but I knew you from when you were given birth to, I've been your mother's on and off friend for years. We fight a lot because she doesn't like hearing the truth. You and Vera, you look very much like her, Osaze took after your father, the structure, the food looks"
Tacha chuckled, "Feel free with me. How long have you been using drugs?" She asked and Tacha shut her eyes, "A month now" "Okay ... Does Morenike know?" "No, She'll kill me"
"Why? I know Morenike is a pain in the ass, a big big pain in the ass but this? It's better you speak up than go into drugs, this will only ruin your life" "You won't understand"
"Vera at some point in her life was confused on what to do, I told her the same thing I'm going to tell you now, take the bull by the horn, never let your mother make decisions for you, you are a grown woman for crying out loud"
"I.." She trailed off in tears, "I ... First, I never wanted to be a lawyer" "Okay.... Okay, what were you plans?" "I wanted to travel out of the states, study in one dance academy or movie academy, be a dancer or an actor. It was all I ever wanted, it has been a passion but Mom wanted me to be a lawyer"
"And you chose it why?"
"What was I supposed to do? I was sixteen years old, who would have paid my bills? The mother I know wouldn't have hesistated to throw me out of the house with such plans for the future. Besides, she'll always tell me a mother is always right. I had to study lawyer, I managed to scale through, there were times when Mom will have to pay to. ... It was never in my plan.Then I realized I could actually double the whole thing up, I became a dancer in my second year in the university, i wear mask so no one knew my personality. I didn't want anyone running to tell Mom, I go by the name wonder woman, only a few people know what I do"
Dr Joke wrote some points on her book, "Continue" "I'm not happy with my life" "No one will be happy doing something he or she doesn't love. When you're passionate about something it brings joy, there are no two ways about it."
"Mom doesn't support my current relationship, we've broken up and reconciled but part of me is scared she'll have an heart attack again and it'll be on me" she cried and Dr Joke shook her head.
If only she could tell her the heart attack was faked.
"But I love Chike and he's the only thing sane thing in my life right now and i'm pregnant" she revealed, "This one will definitely kill Morenike and maybe for good"
"Please don't tell her"
"We're still under doctor- client confidentiality. Does the father know"
"Why? Your boyfriend deserves to know"
"He's not the owner,I'm even considering abortion"
"You cheated?"
"I was raped by the same man Mom wanted me to date, Denrele Awolowo" "Does you mother know?" "No" "And you didn't have him reported to the police?Why?" "I didn't want to make it public"
"Are you even a lawyer?"
Tacha scoffed,she didn't have a answer to the question. "He deserves to pay for his crime" "Now I'm having his child" "How sure are you? You were having sex with your boyfriend right?" "Chike has never been careless and I've been careful too, except that one night he drugged me. It was that night I was introduced to drugs but I didn't take it instantly. Chike wants me to keep the child but I don't want to grow up hating my own child" Tacha cried.
Twenty years old Joke came visiting the Briggs mansion for one of her holidays from school, she jumped on the couch where Morenike was seated reading, "Are you not tired of reading?" "Dad says...."
"Blah blah blah, is there any time your father doesn't say something?"
"Shhhh," she turned back, "Whatever" "How is the university like?" Morenike asked and Joke chuckled, "It's wonderful, i didn't even want to come back home. It's a whole new world of freedom there, you're free to be who you want to be, free to wear what you want without your Mom yelling at you. Its my first semester so, I'm yet to explore more possibilities"
"I can't wait for next year"
"Have you finally made a choice what you want?"
"Dad wants Law"
"What's your business with what your father wants, are you not tired of doing what Daddy wants every time?" "What do you expect me to do, disobey him? God forbid, I can't do that"
"Maybe it's time to start thinking of what you want? With the way you are like this, some day you're going to suffer major psychological break down, so much it can't be repaired and it's me that will be trying to repair you. I mean it's your joy and happiness we're talking about"
"Who's going to run his company? I'm his only heir"
Joke grabbed her arm shaking her, "What do you want Morenike, what is it you want?" "I was thinking mass communication, be a newscaster or a lecturer taking an art course in the university. Those were my"
"Morenike!" Mr Briggs deep voice resounded and her leapt, she froze at the spot, hoping her father wasn't listening in to their conversation. "Dad?" She called out already panicking. "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus," "Will he kill you? Abeg calm down"
"No! I don't want him to complain" she whispered then she ran off to meet him. "Dad? You called" "Where's your Mother?" "She went out"
"Without informing me?"
"She's with my Mom!" Joke replied and he finally walked in to see the face of the person who replied, "Why didn't she tell me she was going there?"
"Sir, it's just the next compound oh" she replied and Morenike walked close to her and tapped her. "She won't be gone for long Sir" she added.
"I see you are back"
"Yes Sir. Good morning Sir"
"I learnt you went to the university"
"Yes Sir"
"What course are you studying?"
"Psychology Sir"
"What's that one?"
"Psych.... chology"
"What will you become?"
"A psychologist Sir"
"You did not see Medicine to study?" "I love the course that way, I wouldn't change it for anything" she snapped, "Do you think you'll make it in this life studying the course?"
"Shebi I heard there was a time Morenike was taken to see a psychologist, if people didn't study the course, would she have gone? No"
Mr Briggs tapped his chest, "Is it me you're talking to like that?" "E ma bi mi (Be asking me) Wo Sir, I have said my own, i don't care what you say or think about it. Its none of my concern"
"Out of my house this instance! I don't ever want to see you with this insolent girl or any of you with her insolent family"
"Please don't drag my family into this oh, you're not the one paying my school fees. Morenike, bye oh but before I go, Sir, all courses are Important, none is more inferior than the other. So with this few point of mine, I hope I have been able to convince you and not to confuse you that you are a tyrant. Good day!"
Vera's home
Morenike knocked on the door and Vera opened up, "What are you doing here?" "Is that how you'll train your child, not to greet elders when they see one" "Well, I'm pretty sure I'll train them better than trained me" she answered and Morenike tightened her fist.
"I'm here to see my daughter, the only daughter I have" she walked in then she heard chatters at the dinning. Osifo, Philip, Nana and Tacha were at the table.
Nana face her, "Morenike, you're here, come and join us" "No thank you" she replied staring at Osifo.
"Good evening Ma" Philip greeted, "Good evening Mom" Tacha followed.
"What's going on Tacha? It's been days, what are you still doing in your sister's matrimonial home?"
"Getting the attention she needs" Vera replied, "I don't understand" Morenike answered and she scoffed. "I don't feel like getting into details"
"No one asked you too, Tacha, what are you still doing here? Its normal to stay for a day or two not....."
"Mom, I don't want to go back home yet"
Tacha shrugged and Nana rose up to intervene, "There is a reason Morenike but we don't want to communicate it to you yet but we will let you know. Just give her time, ehn, for my sake"
"I don't have the time to waste Tacha, go into that room, get your bags and follow me, we're going home" she demanded and Tacha almost cried.
"Don't make me repeat myself"
"Morenike repeat yourself all you want, Tacha is not moving an inch out of this house" Nana replied, "Ki lo de gan? (What is it?) And I'm begging you, you're still being adamant, what Is it with you? So fi se e ni? (Are you curse?). Wellington followed the same path, Iwo naa, the same thing, ah han! Enough is enough! Tacha is not going anywhere"
"If she doesn't come.."
"What will you do Morenike? What will you do? What haven't you done before? You took what rightfully belongs to your children because they couldn't do you biddings, Morenike what kind of mother are you, Ika ni o (You're wicked!) No regards for anyone, not even me, Ika! What kind of mother doesn't want her children to be happy?"
"You know that i..." Morenike touched her chest in pain, "Mom!" Tacha screamed, "Don't believe her she's pretending!" Nana yelled and Tacha raised her brow in disbelief, "Wait... there was no heart attack?" "She has heart problem but the last one was a complete lie so that you can leave your boyfriend alone, I'm sure she's faking this one"
Tacha shut her eyes as tears poured down, "Mom...." "I can explain Natasha" "You faked it?" "Tacha" "All my life Mom, all my life, all I've ever tried to do is satisfy you, make you happy, it's not fair that you did that, how many more manipulation have I stupidly gone through"
"You're stupid alright, that's why I try to make you better, make you stronger. A weak person can never succeed In life, all I've ever done is try to make life better for my children! What's wrong about that? I strived to give you all the best but you've all betrayed me, Osaze, Vera, your father, now you and Nana! What will I ever do right? Ehn? What!" She screamed and Tacha ran her hands through her hair.
"You know what Mom, leave!"
"Tacha" Osifo called out, "No Dad, she has overstayed her welcome. Please leave" she stretched her hands and Morenike placed her hands on her chest, "Me?" "Leave! I said leave!" She screamed and Morenike walked out of the house.
Tacha hugged Vera sobbing loudly while she ran her hands through her hair. "Shhh, its okay"
Nana sat down crying, "Ah, Morenike!" She clasped her hands on the table then she leaning her head against it.
"How was dinner?" Tiffany asked, "Horrible" Osifo replied entering into the homer house and she shut the door. "How? Did your ex-wife show up?" "Yes, Morenike did"
"I knew it. What was she looking for?"
"Tacha, she was being in control and Nana told Tacha about her faking the heart attack. She got angry and sent her mother out of her sister's house." "That's good for her"
Osifo gave her a look. "What? I mean she deserves it for being a bitch" "It was really bad, I pitied her though, I know in between that toughness, she was really hurt, I do feel bad for her" he sat down and Tiffany rolled her eyes.
"Truthfully, she doesn't deserve your pity, she's reaping what she sowed"
"Are you sure you're taking your medication? Let's hope your case doesn't move to the stage of stroke and then it'll get worst and then you'll die"
"All i've ever done is try to make life better for my children! What's wrong about that? I strived to give you all the best but you've all betrayed me, Osaze, Vera, Tacha, their ather, now Nana! What have I done wrong?"
"You're going about it the wrongly that's why?" Doctor replied and Morenike cried.
Haneefat, Justice Lateefat's daughter walked into her mother's study smiling. "Good evening and Happy birthday to you in advance Mom. Two days from now and this young woman will be 61" she said in a British accent and Justice Lateefa laughed. "When did you arrive Nigeria?" "A while ago, the kids and I were stucked in traffic for three hours"
"And you couldn't tell me!"
"I wanted to surprise you. Its your birthday in two days"
Justice Lateefat laughed, "I am surprised all right! Where are they?" "They're outside goofing around with Lukemon. What are you doing Mom? Is there ever a time you rest?" "Working, I have a case tomorrow and I'm making my personal review of the previous hearing" "What's it about?" "A 31 years old lady called Osas and a politician, she's accusing this man of attempted rape and involvement in the murder of some girls who were used for rituals"
"Oh my God."
"According to her, she witnessed it, what I dont get is the fact she got an information from a ghost an information which forms the basis of her conclusion that Chief Akinola is guilty of the murder"
"What's your opinion?"
"This Osas appeals to my judgement, I like her spirit and I believe her"
"Are you sure it's because you hate politicians" her daughter assumed and she laughed, "I really do dislike them!"
Nana walked into the house and Morenike walked close to her. "Good evening Nana" "What is good about the evening Morenike, good evening, le nu e (from your lips). Your family is divided and you have the guts to say good evening." She hissed walking past her.
"Where are you going to?" She asked and Nana turned back, "To pack my things out of this house,"
"Really? You're asking again, where should I start from Morenike, I am tired! I am tired of your nonsense, iwa buruku, iwa jati jati, (bad character). I have decided to go my own way, back to where I came from"
"I'm sorry. Nana, I'm sorry I didn't mean it, I swear, I didn't. I was just angry"
Nana batted her eyes at her, "You didn't mean it, is it your first time? Amoye igba! (Countless times). I have endured and endured and I'm tired of enduring." She moved away and Morenike knelt down, "You can't leave me alone, will I stay alone? I can't"
Nana continued walking and she grabbed her legs busting into tears. "Please don't go, please. I already said I'm sorry, please. I don't want to be alone, please" she sobbed uncontrollably and Nana looked up the ceiling busting into tears.
Morenike looked at the mirror in her room, "I'm strong, I'm not weak, I refuse to succumb to weaknesses, you're an overcomer, you've always been one Morenike, you're going into that court and you're going to kick ass"
Everyone held hands outside the court as Ejiro prayed seriously, "Lord you said the family that prays together succeeds together, God we have no one to look up to except you, we ask that you're show up for Osas today" "Amen" "I don't know how you're going to do it, let everything, I mean everything turn in our favour in Jesus name we pray"
Everyone chorused amen and Obinna and the Omo laughed. "I don't understand, what's funny?"
"We dey follow God talk, we still lie give am on top him word. Abeg, for which bible passage them talk say family that prays together succeeds together?" "The thing shock me" Omo replied and Osas withheld her laughter.
"Ejiro chapter what verse what?"
"Next time, Obi should be the one to pray"
"We reject a next time again" Omo snapped her fingers, "After today, there will be no case again, God go send proof like elijah time, Mr Osaze get ready, fire will burn your mother today"
"Omo, Haba!"
"My name na Ochuko, AKA royal highness"
"Who are you to Osas?" Osaze asked, "Her friend, we both worked at Club High before she was fired"
"And why was that?"
"That night ehn, e get this guy Simon, him come run small parole for the club. Him bring babes to come introduce give some men cause an him job be that, the guy na asewo contractor. That night ehn, the guy just sight Osas, him ask, if her na Osas, I being think say na attraction, before him tell me say him get person way want chop her raw. Him pick phone call one Chief, before you know this guy come dey after Osas life. I being just rush up, try cover things up come join with the effort of one girl way home bring come and the effort of Madam Davina and Chike, na so she take escape that day"
"Simone was sent by who?"
"Chief Akinola Bello"
"How you take know?"
"I hear the guy talk am by himself as him dey make the call"
Osas shook her head, "You no hear am!" She shouted, "Simon didn't call Chief Akinola's name" she answered and Eniola batted her eyes at her so she could keep quiet.
Everyone murmured in court and the judge slammed the gavel. "Order!" She yelled, gradually there was silence.
"Miss Osarieme, are you trying to say the witness is lying" "Yes. Simon only told him the story and when he informed me in Madam Davina's office, I was able to....de.... there's this word, deduce from his story who wanted me dead"
Morenike rose up, "Your honor, the witness lied, I suggest his testimony be considered invalid and stricken from records"
Justice Lateefa exhaled, "No counsel, we'll proceed"
"My name is Oyetunji Lateef, I am the owner of the building this woman has labeled a ritual house" "What do you do for a living Mr Oyetunji?" Morenike asked and he smiled. "Estate management is my forte, I'm a land Lord and I also give buildings out for events, you see that my building, they've used it for wedding, for burial celebration, for political event but never has it been used as a ritual place. No!" He shrugged as though it was an abomination.
"I will never involve myself in something so diabolical"
"Do you live in the house"
"Sometimes I decide to chill in there with my family, but they all moved to the states years ago"
"On the 21st of August"
"I was in my home in Egbeda"
"Was there event here that very time"
"There was, like I said, I usually give this house out, they said they were going to throw a party from three days and they did, there was no reported form of ritualism or anything. Nothing of such occurred, I got the keys from them and they left, if they were ritualist, would they have been there till the last day? No, they would have ran away knowing someone had escaped, i want everyone to take time and think of this now, imagine that I am a ritualist, someone escaped from us and we will now stay there till the end of the party, ah Han! They would have ran away tipe tipe"
"Do you have any ties with these people"
"No I don't, I don't usually keep that kind of relationship with people I rent the building to"
Osaze shut his eyes, he knew instantly understood his mother's move, she was definitely playing on a win-win mode. Chief Akinola gets to be released as long it can't be proved that he was in that building that day.
Smart move!
He shared a look with Eniola who had the same thought in mind.
"Are you familiar with Chief Akinola Bello?" She asked and he nodded, "Only from the newspaper, we're not friends though. I have never had any face to face encounter with him"
"Are you familiar with Osas?" "Not until the day she came with the lawyer and some policeman to come raid the place. I allowed them scour the entire room but they didn't find anything and I actually thought it was over, I still don't understand why she'll have to take this to the news and lie about my building, she is obviously trying to spoil business for me. Madam" she turned towards Osas' direction, "What do you stand to gain from lying? You're wasting people's time and energy, trying to spoil business for people, se wo sepe fun o ni? (Are you cursed?)"
Justice Lateefa slammed the gavel, "Watch your language Mr Oyetunji" "I'm sorry your honour, I am most sorry"
"Your honor, from the testimony of the witness, the building was never used for rituals and the testimony of Miss Osarieme is nothing but a hoax. Defense will rest at this time your honor" she bowed her head returning to her seat.
"Prosecution will like to cross examine the witness your honour" Osaze rose up, "You may proceed" Justice Haneefat replied.
"You honor, may I approach the witness?"
"You may"
Osaze walked close to him, "Mr Oyetunji Lateef" "Yes, that's the name" "You said you've never seen Miss Osarieme's face before" "Before the day you guys came in"
"Are you sure? Cause the look you gave that day was deep, more like you've seen her face before, maybe you were among the hood men in that room that day"
Morenike rose up, "Objection, Your Honor. The question calls for inadmissible opinion testimony and speculation on the part of the prosecution"
"Objection sustained"
"It's obvious this man has judged me already. For your information Mr Lawyer, I don't know this girl from Adam! That day you came here with the police was my first time ever seeing this face" "Where were you on the 21st of August"
"I already answered the question, I was in my house in Egbeda"
"Can you prove it?"
"Yes. I was at home after a hectic from work. My security and personelle at home can bear me witness to this"
"You said you rented the building for three days and you weren't around, how come you were suddenly around the following Monday"
"To get my keys, that was when you guys came in. You already did a round up check, what else do you want?"
"Your honour,according to Miss Osarieme, she was taken into a room they used as a shrine,and we however went into the room" Osaze walked towards the table picking up an envelope then he approached the witness handing the envelope and he opened it, they were pictures of the room the photographer snapped that day.
"What's in the exhibit?"
"It's one of the many rooms in the house"
He flipped through the pictures and then Osaze walked up to the Judge handing the picture to her, "Your honour, this is the same room Adetutu Badmus along with the other girls were murdered. We got in only to find out it had already been turned into a bedroom with a bed, wardrobe and everything you can think of In a room but what struck me was the smell of fresh paint, the paint were barely dry. Those are upclose pictures of the walls and the bed still had the new coating, they weren't even smart enough to take off the nylon"
Justice Lateefat gazed at it then she turned towards Mr Oyetunji, "How do you explain this?" She asked, "It's a normal thing for people to buy new things in their houses or paint their houses, when is that a crime?" "Just when a search was about to be conducted, sounds suspicious don't you think so Mr Oyetunji, unless you have a reason for it"
"That room has always been that way"
"With the new paint?" Osaze asked and he scoffed. Balls of sweat ran down his face, "How can one tell the painting are new from the picture without an expert?" He asked and Osaze grinned knowing he was already getting nervous, hopefully his nerves will make him flop.
"I was in the room with other policemen and they all held the same opinion that the room was freshly painted."
"Is that now a crime to paint your own house?"
"It's crime when you're trying to cover up something; perhaps blood."
Morenike rose up, "Objection by lord, the counsel is asking the witness to assume facts which are not in evidence" "Your honour I believe these facts are already in evidence based on the witness' testimony"
"Objection overruled, you may proceed counsel"
Morenike sat down.
"When did you arrive from from house in Egbeda? Was it on a Sunday or Monday?" He asked and Mr Oyetunji kept quiet. "Your Honor, I would ask the Court to please direct the witness to answer the question which has been asked"
"On Monday"
"Who painted the room then?That room was freshly painted, how do you explain it? In your words, is it now a crime to paint your own house? If you didn't, who did then and how come you didn't notice the room was painted ?" He asked and Mr Oyetunji kept quiet.
"I refuse to answer any more question cause this man is just confusing me"
"No further question for this witness Your honour, I'll ask that the witness be excused"
Justice Lateefa tapped her gavel repeatedly, as the crowd buzzed over Mr Oyetunji's reply. "Order in this court!" he demanded. "I will have order in this court!"
The noise died down and the judge continued.
"Due to the events we all just witnessed, I am calling a recess of one hour for lunch."
An hour later
Favour stood in the witness stand.
Formalities were done by the bailiff and then Osaze walked up to her, "What's your name?" "Favour Anthony" "Who are you to Miss Osarieme?" "I'm a friend, my family's house was the first house she stayed in on reaching Lagos until.... my parents sent her out"
"Because my father assumed she was a witch"
"I got to find out Osas had a gift" "You know this because?"
"My elder brother has been experiencing spiritual problems being attacked at night by witches, there was this night Osas chased out of them out. We all witnessed this"
"Objection your honour, I fail to see the relevancy of this question to subject at hand"
"Counsel, please proceed to subjects that are relevant to the case"
"Your honour, Miss Osarieme on that fateful day journeyed along with three ladies she was well familiar with, names, Uche, Ud and Adetutu so work as ushers in what they thought was a political event. They were killed and only Osas survived, Miss Favour Anthony, how well do you know Uche?"
"She's a neighbour"
"When was the last time you saw her?"
"August 21st, I saw her in the morning, later she went out with her friend and since then, she hasn't come back till now. I can still remember the color of the gown she wore, it's sad to know she's dead and some sets of people who are roaming free are actually responsible for it"
Morenike cross examined her afterwards. "How close are you to this Uche?" She asked and Favour shrugged, "We're not that close, my mother is a religious fanatics, I can even call her an extremist, she doesn't let us go close to her"
"Because... She's a prostitute"
"Ah I see,has there ever been a time she stayed away?"
Favour hesitated, "Yes" "What's the longest you've ever experienced" "There was this time she stayed away for a week but she always allow the landlords know, no one knows where she is"
Morenike smiled in satisfaction. "Your honour, members of the jury, permit me to paint this picture in your mind, Two prostitutes set out on a Friday and didn't return. What's new? For what we know, they might be out of town or even out of the country"
"I hate that woman" Favour muttered outside the court room and Ejiro exhaled. "Join the cue" "See as she just made me look stupid. I feel bad"
"It's fine" Osas answered. "At least you came,according to Osaze, every hearing leaves some kind of impression on both the judge and the jury so.... Let's just keep hoping"
George's phone rang and he answered it, "Jessica?" "Good afternoon Dad" she greeted in tears, "What happened? Are you okay?" "No. Dad, something bad just happened" "What?"
Jessica called Ernest on phone with tears in her eyes, "Hey, good afternoon" "Good afternoon, what's wrong?How is Benin and Why are you crying?" "I just got off a call with Dad" "What happened? You're scaring me. Is Dad okay?"
"Yeah... It's Mom"
"What happened this time?"
"You know how I've been worried so I decided to come look for her. I found her" she answered and Ernest held his breathe hoping it wasn't her dead body that was found. Hopefully, the next sentence wont be, 'Mom is dead'.
"Mom roaming on the street mad"
Ernest shut his eyes in shock then he exhaled, "Why do you sound relief?" "At least she's not dead now" "Whaaat? Here I am crying over this news and the best you can say is that?" "What do you want me to say Jess, she asked for it and now she got it"
"What if they did it, what If it was them that made her mad"
"Listen to yourself Jess, you know the truth, why can't you just accept it and not try to create more enemity, Mom has done her worst and now it has backfired, what's the point of trying to accuse our siblings for it?"
Jessica sobbed, "At least come get her" "Get who?" "Who else? We need to move her from this place to a good facility where she can be taken care of" "I'm not coming" "Brother Ernest!" "You heard me right Jess, I'm not coming, when I warned her to come along with me, she didn't, now you want me to accompany her back to Lagos, thank you very much Jess but I have far far more important things to do" he hung up pushing his phone away, tears slowly rolled down his eyes.
What do you guys think of today's update?
Someone has gone mad oh😂😂
We have touched the surface on Morenike's life, we'll dig in deeper in the next chapter.
Expect another on Monday.
Thank you for reading
Love ya'll😘
Thank you!
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