🔺 Chapter 4🔻

Chapter 4


"What wedding?" Osaze asked and Mrs Badmus laughed, "Let's not scare Osaze just yet, we haven't even sat down properly to discuss about when we'll hold their engagement party. When will it be Osaze?"


"Your engagement party of course? When will it be?" 

Osaze blinked his eyes, "This has to be a joke right?" He asked now looking at Eniola who was blinking her eyes at him, of course it meant, 'help me play along' but he wasn't ready to do that!

"Engagement party? I'm sorry Eniola, I didn't get the memo that we were dating. What's going on here?"

Eniola continued blinking her eyes but he hissed instead,  "Is something wrong with your eyes cause I really don't understand " "Osaze please!"

"What's going on Eniola? I thought...." Her mother trailed off now understanding the situation and then Osaze scoffed.

"I actually thought you two were dating"

"Yes they are, I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding, right Osaze?" Morenike asked now giving him a look and Osaze sniggered.

"I'm sorry Mr and Mrs Badmus, Eniola and I are just friends, nothing more"

"For now" Eniola chipped in and he scoffed.

"I'll take my leave now, Sir, Ma, Dad....." He called out before leaving and all eyes fell on Eniola. 

"I'm sorry about Osaze" Morenike apologized, "I'm sure he's just upset over something, he'll definitely come to his senses afterwards"

"It's okay. Let's not ruin a wonderful dinner, let's enjoy"

"Hello Osas, it's me Hilda" Hilda said to Osas on a phone call that evening.

"Hey, how far, how you dey?" "I'm good. I'm calling concerning that stuff we discussed about, she said the spot hasn't been filled yet but I already gave her your number, I'm actually at her house her house this moment and she'll definitely give you a call, so yes, you have the job"

"Wow. Thank you"

"You're welcome, don't mention"

"Why are you helping me? E no just make sense to me"

  "It's just a case of one good turn so.... Good night Osas"

"Good night"

Mrs. Badmus walked into her daughter's room where she was in bed reading a case file. "Drop that book, I'll like to have a word with you?" She requested and Eniola closed the file then she looked up at her mother whose hands were now akimbo on her waist.

"What kind of stunt did you play in there Eniola Badmus?" Mrs Badmus asked and Eniola bowed her head and folded her hands. "I'm sorry Mom" "You're sorry? I was embarrassed! You embarrassed your father and I"

"And I'm sorry. I already apologized, I'm sorry. I know how much you guys want me and Osaze together, I had to fake it. I've been trying to get into his heart and get him to date me but it hasn't been working! Osaze is sturbborn!"

"No man can be that sturbborn. There's always a weak point, all men have one! You just have to find it, if Osaze doesn't want to agree to your terms, then I might have to talk to Morenike so we can work something out"

The following morning

Osaze woke up from a bad dream breathing fast. He pulled his phone close to check the time, it was just twenty minutes past the hour of three. He picked up his pillow pressing it against his face then he screamed out.

While Osas walked through her street in order to go job hunting, she bumped into Imade, she was walking with a mature-looking woman in her early fifties, although she didn't recognized her.

"See person wey we dey find sef!" Imade exclaimed and Osas groaned. "No be better time, you come oh, I dey go out, I get plans"

"You no even fit great person, na bad news you dey drop"

"Which one be bad news?"

"E get one important thing way we need to talk about"

"You for call me for phone now"

"All the missed calls wey I leave but you no call me back"

"Which time?" She asked then she remembered her blurry phone screen then she exhaled. "Sorry, my phone don spoil"  "Ehya...."

"So na Osas be this?" The woman finally spoke up and Osas wondered who she was to have said that. The woman definitely knew her but she had no idea who she was.

She laughed on noticing the look on Osas' face. "I no say you no fit recognize me" "Aunty Uyi?" Osas asked in excitement and the woman shook her head.

"No oh." She replied then she busted into Bini, "My name is Aunty Paulina, I was one of your Mother's friend and neighbor that year until I went to Lagos. I bumped into Imade at the market place where she told me all about you."

Osas faked a smile at Imade now giving her the 'amebo' look. "I for like make me talk inside house, if you no mind Osas"  "No wahala now" she replied and they all head back into her one room apartment.

Osaze Benjamin foundation 

Morenike walked towards the secretary's seat and Obianuju rose up bowing her head, "Good morning Ma" "Is Osaze in?" "Yes Ma but he's with someone but I'll call him to let him know you're here"

Morenike scoffed walking in and Obianuju rolled her eyes. "The day somebody will literally freeze because of this woman ehn!"

Osaze along with the man who was with him in the office turned back at her. "Can we talk?" She requested and he shook his head, "You might have to wait outside please, I'm busy with...."

"I refuse to wait for my own son." She replied turning towards the man, "If you don't mind, what I have to say to him is very very important" she added and the man cleared his throat now turning towards Osaze.

"I'll come back"

"There's no point Sir. I'll definitely look into the boy's situation, a thorough investigation will be carried out. Thank you very much Mr Ajao"  "Thank you Sir" he replied leaving the office.

"Ma, you can't just bust into my office without my notice, there's a reason why I have a secretary" "I'm your mother, I don't need to book appointments"

"You do need to book appointments, next time I won't be so kind"

"You do realize you're talking to your own mother"

"What do you want?"

"Do you have any idea, what you did yesterday Osaze, do you have a single clue?"

Osaze feigned not being aware what he did. "What exactly?" "You humiliated Eniola in front of her parents" "What was I supposed to do? Accept her preposterous claims about us dating. She's just a friend!"

"You were rude yesterday"

"She was being ridiculous. Why will she like about something so serious like that"

"What other reason? She's in love with you, she likes you" "I don't like her that way"

"Well, you had better start liking her!"

Osaze's face contorted in irritation."What does that mean? Are you going to force me?"

"Exactly what it sounds like Osaze. Eniola is the right woman for you and you're going to get married to her, whether you like it or not!"

"Or else what?"

His mother grinned placing both palm on the desk then she leaned closer to him,  "You know what's at stake Osaze, you know very well what I can do. I don't need to make noise about it. Come on, Eniola is pretty, sweet, from a good and wealthy home. She's without fault,"

"Speak for yourself Ma'am, she's just like you"

She smiled, "True but what's more better than a woman who knows what she wants and is ready to go for it. You're more than due for marriage Osaze and I know very soon, you'll have plans for it. I don't want you falling for the next tramp that comes your way. I want you getting married to a good family like the Badmus"

"Not everyone of the is good"

"Whatever dispute you have with Goriola must be resolved before your wedding day. I want you to think deeply on this, give her a chance,  what do you have to lose? What do you have to day about this dear?"

"You're right Mom, I have nothing to lose give her a chance but my answer remains no, I refuse to be blackmailed Mrs Briggs. I have a lot of work for the day, please Ma, I'll like to be left alone now if you don't mind" he begged stretching his hands to the door.

Imade and Paulina sat on a short stool while Osas sat on the bed. "When did you travel from Lagos?" She asked in Bini and Paulina smiled. "Three years ago"

"How long were you there?"

"About twenty years, I sold yams at Ojota market, it's a popular market there until I realized I needed to come back to Benin city. No place like home oh"

"Lagos no good?"

"No get me wrong, Lagos no bad but ...."  He stalled busting into Bini, "It's good for those whose destiny are tied to the place, my destiny is here is Benin"

Osas gave Imade a look, then she responded back in Bini. "You said you had something you wanted to talk about. What is it?" She asked and Paulina replied.

"Information about the whereabouts of your Aunt, Uyi and..."

Osas smiled, "Aunt Uyi? Where can I find her?" "She's in Lagos" "Of course we know she's in Lagos, where exactly, if I can have an address, at least I'll get to see her and see my siblings"  her smile grew wider at the thought of it.

"I don't have the address oh"

The smile on her face disappeared almost immediately, "Which information you con get now?" "I... I know the adoption agency wey she dey work for, if you fit go there go ask of her Uyi akskk, them go give you address to her house"

Osas smiled again, "You sure?" "Yes" "So I fit go Lagos go find her shey?" "Eh hen, not so fast" Imade exclaimed raising a finger up. "You want go Lagos sharp sharp like that? How you go take survive?"

"Why you come carry Aunty Paulina come of no be to go Lagos"

"Lagos no be where them dey rush go. You gatz to plan! Get money"

"But na just to see my Aunty, from there I see my sisters and I go come back"

"Osas, you no get anything again oh, the last time we I check, you no even get job. How you go do?"

"Lagos sha no easy but opportunities dey there. She fit see job there" Paulina and Imade arced her brow in disbelief.

Osas creased her brow now puzzled, "But you say Lagos bad" "Eh ehn, no quote me wrong, Lagos na for who him destiny dey tied to the place. Na wetin I talk be that. The luck way you get, i fit no get that Kain luck"

"Osas laughed nervously, "Me wey no con get luck like this. My luck sour!"

"Your Papa, Theophilus dey Lagos too" She announced and Osas raised her brow in surprise, her mother has never liked having any conversation relating to her father.

It was even her first time knowing his name. "I never see that man before" "Haba! Na lie! You don see am! You see am when you small, maybe you no too remember am.  Man way dey always come drop in once in a while until him no show face again." 

"Na one Papa naim born, Uwa, Imose, and me?"

"Before nko? Your Mama no be prostitute now. Na condition make her be like that, but I warn her oh. I being suspect say her man na married man but she no hear my own!"

"He just stopped coming"

"Before the final belle enter naim him go. Him no show face again"

"You know where him dey?"


"So Mama Henry, wetin you expect make I go dey do for Lagos now, carry Torchlight dey find find people up and down"

Mama Henry busted in Bini, "I assumed you'll want to know" "Not this kind of half information" "Once you find your Aunt, everything go, go well" "What if say she don die, I no even know how she fit look like"

"The last time I jam Uyi for road, that was several years ago! More than seventeen years ago, she got out from inside a eatery with her husband and her son. She told me she would have spoken to me but she had to meet her husband and son in the car. That was the time I just newly arrived Lagos so I needed help rather than just being someone's help. I collected her number but she never picked up my calls, neither did she return it. I just left everything in God's hand. One thing I'm sure of is that if you find Uyi, it'll be easier to look for the rest"

Osas smiled, "You're not seriously thinking of it" Imade asked in Bini and Osas replied back in Bini too,  "What choice do I have? Not like I have any job here, I could go there to look for a good job, maybe I'll find one and then find my sisters and brothers. I'm so excited"

"I dey go Lagos oh" Osas announced to Omo after she got back from work and she laughed assuming Osas was joking or teasing her. She stopped laughing when she noticed her friend was being serious.

"You serious?"


"Who you sabi for Lagos?"

"Aunty Uyi"

Omo scoffed, "You don't even know where she is" "Mama Henry came today" "Who in the world is Mama Henry?" "My Mama friend one time like that!  Na Imade carry am come"

"Wetin she come talk?"

"She say if I see my aunty, I don see my siblings. You know how much I want see those people" "They might not even know you exist"

"I go just need to see them. Mama Henry also talk say my our Papa dey Lagos too"

Omo rolled her eyes, "You don't have to go!" "I no get choice"  "No dey open mouth dey tell me that I no get choice crap, I don taya to dey hear am. You have a choice to stay here and hustle! Where are you going to stay?"

"Imade get one person wey...." She trailed off and Omo scoffed then she rolled her eyes on realizing her friend had already made her choice already.
Tears ran down her eyes, "I no fit change your mind shey?" "No." "You don see transport wey you go use? Money way you go use take survive kor? Who go take care of your brothers for here?"

"Abeg Omo, I have to do this, I promise to come back the moment things gets worse!"

Charles' wedding

"This wedding is going to be filled with dignitaries, you're expected to smile, don't be rude to anyone, serve as we have trained you to and most importantly, don't forget to wear your smile, it's very important"  A woman addressed the ushers and they all nodded.

Osas flashed a smile at the woman, it was her third ushering gig for the month of July.

Soon they were all about serving the guest at the party. Osaze, being the best man, raised his brow in surprise on seeing her serve a customer.

One of the ushers served a table drinks and the drink accidentally tilts and an insignificant amount poured on the white lace gown a woman wore. "Jesus!" She exclaimed and the young girl gasped.

"Ma'am I'm sorry, it was a mistake. I didn't mean for it to happen"

She instantly rose up to slap the girl on her face attracting some attention in the big event hall. Osas quickly rushed towards the young girl who was now rubbing her cheeks.

"Wetin happen now?"

"I poured a little drink on her, I apologized but she still slapped me" 

"You call this a little?" The woman raised her gown up showing Osas the stain on the cloth. "Madam na small thing" "You're a very stupid girl for saying that! Can you afford this?" She asked and Osas scoffed.

"Madam, don't insult me, please. Okay..." She clasped her hands together, "We're very sorry. No vex, enjoy the rest of the party" she turned her back to leave when she heard the woman say something she found irritating.

"Swines! Look at how she messed my clothes up and that idiot had the guts to say it's a little"

Osas turned back to her, "Madam i said it's okay, shey we have apologized, why are you still complaining? Please I no go accept insults"  "You're a very stupid girl! Insolent and rude. It's obvious you have no home training, I'm sure you're a disappointment to your entire family"

"Mom!" One the guys on the table called out while Osas pick one of the red wine pouring it on her gown, "Yes" she pointed at the stain, "Na that one be the definition of stain!" She snapped  leaving, her boss gasped looking at her, "Osas!"

"Yes? No point to shout my name. Yes, I'm fired, I know! I don even fire myself before una fire me! Una bye bye oh"  She snapped leaving the party.

Osaze watched her leave, for a moment he wondered what kind of person she was, could it be that she's just a woman who's used to attracting attention?


The following morning, Osas watched Osato carry her bag to the roadside while Folabi and Omo walked sode by side with her. "You can still change your mind" Folabi said to her and she shook her head.

"I can't. I'm sorry"

"Don't even bother, you know Osas, when she has her mind fixed on something, there's no changing it!"  "True but Osas, I want you to promise me something"


"When things get bad, come back to Bini, I've been to Lagos and I'm not assuring you that things are going to be better there, I just wish you good luck"

"Thank you for everything and thanks for the support, I promise to repay you back"She hugged him then she pressed a hug against Omo who only rolled her eyes.

Osaze was seated at the back seat of a car with his mom and sister Natasha, while his father sat in the same the driver sat in the front seat. They were all heading to the airport, they had a flight to catch up.

"I do wish Charles a wonderful marriage life, he found a good girl and I hope someday Osaze finds a good girl from a good home" Mr Osifo wished and Tasha smiled.

"That'll be nice" "Another wedding from our family, then it'll just be only me left to get married"

"Remember Senator Sani's son?" She asked and Natasha scoffed, "No, I really don't"  "Maybe some of this day, I'll introduce him to you to the handsome young man"

Natasha tried to maintain her smile while tightening her fist. "But mom, I'll really like to fall in love and marry a man of my choice" "Like your sister did or like Charles did"

"There's nothing wrong with the woman Charles married, she's a pretty woman"

"No doubt she is but when has it ever been about beauty? Did you guys see what she wore? She didn't even have the decency to dress expensive or even wear an expensive shoe. What's that thing she wore again?" She scoffed and Osaze scoffed too.

He couldn't wait to get to get to Lagos so he could go his own way.
"I'll never let a child of mine get married to a family like that, did you see what her mother wore?"

"Stop the car this instant!" Osaze yelled and the driver did. "What are you doing?" Morenike asked, "Leaving" "We have a flight to catch up to" his father answered, "I'd rather take a bus that listen to this" she got out of the car then he opened the boot taking out his bag.

"Osaze!" She screamed all to no avail.


Osas entered into the bus sitting close to a pregnant lady caller Helen, who was groaning and holding her belly. "Good morning" she said flashing a smile at her, "Good morning" she responded retuning the smile.

Osas' gaze immediately fell on the woman's belly. "Weldone oh"  "Thank You" "How many months?" "Eight months, one week" "Oh, the thing don really come down, as I dey look am so, e be like say you due already"

"No, I'm not due till two weeks. I already did the scan"

Taking care of women who were  close to giving birth or helping them with the delivery was one of Osas' natural talent.  She gave Helen a look, she wanted to touch her belly in order to make an assertion when she'll really give birth but knowing she was only a stranger, she didn't want anyone looking at her like she was a witch.

"You no supposed to dey travel for this kind condition"

"I just came to see my mother for a week"

"You base for Lagos?"

"Yes, you?"

"It's my first time" "Seriously? What's your name?" 

"Yes. My name is Osarieme, you can call me Osas"  "My name is Helen.  So, do you have a particular reason why you're going to Lagos?" "My siblings left me a very long time ago and I just want go look for them"

Helen raised her brow in surprise, "You can't be serious, how long are we talking about? Three years, five?" "Twenty five years ago"

"What!" She exclaimed.

"That's not possible"


"Take it from a policewoman,which I am. You can't find them!"

"My Aunty took them away, if I can find her, my problem don small" "Do you know where she stays?"

"I know where she dey work"

"Twenty five years ago, are you sure such company or organization still exists, that's if they haven't folded up. This is mission impossible! Do you have any family in Lagos?"

"No. One of our family friend, connect me to one woman house"  "Lagos is very big place do you have another place to stay if things turn bad?" "No. As you dey talk, you dey discourage me already. Besides I need job too"

"I'm sorry for that, I'm really really sorry. Without family, things can become hard, it wasn't easy for me even though I had people. I ended up being recruited as a police officer. There are recruitment forms you can fill, I can link you up"

Osas shook her head, "I no like the job" "Why?" "Police men, na the same them be for everywhere. Liars, you go report something give them but them no go do anything about am"

"Not everyone acts that way. I'm not saying I'm perfect but I clearly stand on the side of Justice, I collect bribes but I don't wear blindfolds when it come to doing the right thing. What's your story?" She asked and Osas shook her head.

"I no dey like talk about am, besides I dey inside bus"

A man stood by the bus then Osas  turned to him with a smile "Oga, good morning oh." She greeted and the impatient man quickly looked at his wrist watch.

"Abeg which time this first bus go move?"

"Shuu? You just enter you dey ask which time first bus go move." She chipped and chuckled busted out of people's lips.

"Na my seat be that oh" he pointed and Osas gasped, "How e take possible?"  "Check your print out, mine says seat number 6" What's your number?"

Osas quickly removed it from her handbag looking into it. "Seat no 12" she replied then she gave Helen a look then she pouted at the man. "Oga you no fit give up your seat?"

"I booked online, please Madam, I don't even have the patience, go to your seat"

"Oga, you no get heart oh. Upon say I use pity face, na wa oh." "Madam," "The name is Osas, not Madam, no be me born your Mama, I no old pass as I be" she replied and everyone in the bus laughed.

"Don't Madame me!" She added rising up to her seat.

Moments later, Osaze got to the park with a small sized luggage in his hand, he felt lucky to have met with the first bus. In attempt to enter into the bus,  he sighted Osas sitting alone at the backseat.

He finally made his way in sitting at the last seat close to her.

He wondered why he had to bump into her again. First time meeting her incidentally was at the wedding now they're in the same bus, was it just a coincidence ? What the hell? He asked within while trying to make himself comfortable on the seat.

"Oga good morning" she greeted looking at him, "Why your face be like say you no sleep for night?" She asked afterwards but Osaze kept quiet. 

He wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, coupled with the fact his mother just made him angry. This was a perfect time to keep to himself and think of a way forward for the organization and how he could remedy some pending issues.

"You no sleep for night?" She asked and he kept quiet still. The fact he didn't want to answer made her press on with more questions, she was pretty determined not to give up without hearing him speak or at least respond to her greetings.

"Why your face look familiar?" She asked and he cleared his throat, why could she have seen him before? Did she get a glimpse of him the other day when he was in the car?

Thoughts began to run through his mind. "You never answer my greeting oh" she poked his arm and he cleared his throat. "Good morning Miss" He answered.

"What's your name?" She asked and Osaze bowed his head. "Osaze Benjamin" "Benjamin na your surname" "No. It's my name" "Oh.... So Osaze na your surname"

Osaze rolled her eyes, he couldn't understand why she was asking so much questions. "No!" He replied, a bot exasperated. "Ah Han, which one can be your surname now?"

"It's.... Briggs" he didn't even know why he was answering!

"Biggs? Like Mr Biggs? The popular fast food joint shey?"

"Yes like Mr Biggs" he replied to avoid being asked further questions.

"Mr Biggs" Osas laughed to herself, "I wonder how your primary school or secondary days been be? Them for don use you laugh die, I for don use you do jokes" she said to him and scratched his head.

"I dey disturb you shey?" She asked and he nodded.

"So you no fit even deny am, na wa oh. This bus full with heartless men!"  She snapped letting out a sigh then she looked over at him. "My name is Osarieme Ovbiókpomwan, people call me Osas, you can call me Osas, of you like" Osas chipped in, it was his first time hearing her speak English and it sounded great and he wondered if she couldn't make it more prolonged.

"Osarieme, I prefer Osarieme"

"Can I call you Bengee?"

"Don't you dare!" He snapped and she chuckled. "E get one person" "I'm sorry, I'll like to have my peace" he cuts it, "I really don't like it when people talk too much"

Osas withdrew feeling bad, "Sorry, I talk too much. It's my first time going to Lagos, I am shaking like ... what's that word...." "Nervous? Anxious"
"Anxious, na the word way I dey find me that. No blame me, I no too Sabi the English" she replied then she exhaled.  "Sorry, make I no disturb you again"

Osaze stared deeply at her, he had lots of questions he wanted to ask her like her reasons for taking a journey to Lagos but he hesitated, he didn't wanted to equally be as inquisitive as her.

He was one of those who holds dearly that every man deserves his peace and privacy. He looked away now bringing out his phone swiping through it. "Na iPhone be that?" She asked quietly, "Omo, you na big man oh, if you fit get iPhone, why you go dey use bus? You for use flight now" she asked then she noticed Osaze give her a look and she used her fingers to pressed her lips together and this forced a small laughter out of him and she laughed too.

"Wetin I go do con do now? The trip go boring"

"You can fiddle with your phone" he replied and she removed her phone from her bag showing him her blurry phone screen and he raised his brow in horror and a laughter escaped his mouth.

His second time laughing that day, it's not everyday he laughs about anything, he barely laughs unless around his Aunt's company.  "The phone don blind finish, I no say I supposed repair am but......" She trailed off looking outside then she exhaled.

"How long you don spend for Lagos?"

"Basically all my life, except when I was admitted to Uniben"

Osas laughed, "You being dey Uniben? Wow, wetin you study? Wait, make I guess....." "What makes you think you can guess?" "What makes you think I can't?" She asked and he chuckled.

"Okay..... What do you think I studied?"

"You too serious, Lawyer"

"It's Law, not Lawyer. Your don't study Lawyer, you study law"

"I know, I no stupid reach that level. I just... Na the job I dey talk about" she answered and he raised his nose in disbelief. "Shuu, see this man, him no believe me"

"I obviously don't"

Osas laughed, "Why do people have that misconception about all lawyers" "Miscon.... What?" She asked and he scratched his head swiping his phone to Search the word on his dictionary then he gave it to her.

"Check it yourself"

"E go kill you to just tell me?"

"I really don't like talking too much, I've said more words than I usually do. It's okay if you can't read"

Osas grabbed the phone, "Mis-con-cep-tion, a view or opinion that is incorrect because based on faulty thinking or understanding." She read out then she passed the phone back to him.

"Yes I can read, even though my English has kwashiorkor, I can still read. Even primary school pikin Sabi read, why will I be exempted?" She asked with a smile and they both gazed at each other.

"How many lawyers have you met?"

"Um..... Four, I being meet the first two when I been young...." She replied and her expression immediately changed into a sad one. "That mumu lawyer wey represent me for court" she added and Osaze laughed.

Osas gave him a stupid look as she wondered what could be his reason for laughing, not like he knew who the lawyer was. "You dey laugh like say you sabi the lawyer"

Osaze let out a scoff afterwards he kept quiet. "You're the Fourth Lawyer I've meet, met"


"Thank you" she smiled, "For what?" "Correcting me" she replied opening her mouth to speak then she realized Osaze was going to resume gazing upon his phone then she pressed her lips together.

"Sorry. I'll stop talking now"  she whispered looking out the window and Osaze glanced quickly at her then he returned back to checking his mails.

Just when the bus was about to move, one of the passengers, requested everyone closed their eyes for a short prayer.

2 hours later

Osaze gasped from having a bad dream and Osas pressed her palm over his chest. "It's okay" she muttered, "Na just dream, okay..... It's a just a dream." She whispered and he rubbed the back of his palm against his eyes.

"When did I sleep off?"

"Thirty minutes ago. Which Kain dream go make you fear like that, is it spiritual something?" she asked and he looked away.  "It's nothing"

Osas raised a banana up, "Do you want?" "No" he replied then she stretched a native egg at him, "Native egg" "I'll pass," "Sweet banana and native egg? You'll miss oh"

"I don't eat while travelling" 


"To avoid emmergencies where you don't have to start telling the driver to pull Over so you can either urinate or defeacate"

Osas laughed peeling off the banana, "That kain thing dey happen?" She asked then a foul smell hits her nose. "What's that smell?" Osaze asked her and she frowned tapping the seat on the guy in front of her.
She leaned in whispering into his ears, "Oga, sufree (careful) on top the bomb wey you dey throw since we start journey. I'm too young to die!" She teased pulling back and Osaze chuckled.

Thirty minutes later, Osas began to feel uncomfortable and her belly made funny noises so requested for the driver to pull over so she could urinate but he didn't. "How many hours journey way person go dey piss again? No be ore we just pass? Just two hours left, abeg madam no vex, you go hold that piss until I find convenient place to park"

"Driver I go piss for inside bus oh" she threatened but it all fell on deaf ears!

"Driver!" She called out and Osaze gave her a look, "Driver abeg you need to stop the car, oya no be piss, I need to do something" she announced but he kept on driving with great zeal, not planning on stopping.

Osas gave her an 'I told you look' and she scratched her neck and hair, "Driver"

"Wetin be your own problem now? Even if na shit, I no stop"

"I ...." She stalled, "I wan mess" she answered and everyone laughed. Osaze almost covered his face in shame. How come he's the one feeling the shame and not her?

"Driver no be laughing matter, I no dey like to mess where people dey. My mess get respect and intergrity, abeg stop the bus make I go down go mess"

"Abeg madam! Mess like the way every normal person don dey mess since for this bus! You know how many times I don mess since I start to drive?" He asked and Osaze raised his brow in irritation.

He didn't know which was more disturbing, the fact Osas just announced to the whole passengers, she wanted to fart or the fact the oxygen he has been taking in has long been corrupted by multiple farts emitting from the passengers.

Jesus Christ!

"Mess no get toilet, mess jhoor" the driver continued and some passengers chuckled.

"Make e no smell sha" Helen joked and Osas ran her hands through her hair.


"Abeg leave me!"  He snapped and Osas exhaled looking at Osaze who clearly seemed embarrassed.

She shrugged preparing her mind to do the inevitable!

If I perish, I perish! After all,  not like she'll get to ever meet any of the passengers again.

The world can't be that small!

Osas squeezed her face raising half part of her buttocks up and Osaze shook his head in horror, "Make e no make too much sound" she whispered to him, as though Osaze demanded for an explanation.

"Oh God" He covered his lips in amazement, then he looked away.

Who asked her? He could live without hearing her say that!

The fart came out silently and Osas exhaled, the foul smell that swept through Osaze's nose made him wish he had superpowers to snap his fingers and appear in the front seat with the driver or in another bus entirely!

Could it have been better to endure his mother's complains than end up in this situation? That moment was a perfect time not to have a nose! He couldn't really make out the smell but the smell of egg was more concentrated.

Damn those native eggs!

Osaze pulled his shirt forward, dipping his nose into it but it was useless! The smell in there wasn't good either, it was competing with his perfume.

At least it was enough for him to survive this disaster.

"Jesus!!!" The guy in front of her shouted now covering his nose, "Abeg e smell oh!"

"Madam, you sure say you commot that Kain thing for your yansh and shit no stain your pant"  the man at seat number 8 asked and Osas witheld her laughter.

"Driver please pull over, we have a pregnant woman on board." He added and another passenger snapped his fingers, "Abeg who say mess no get toilet? This one suppose get barricaded toilet!"

"I no even know where I wan keep nose. E dey smell for everywhere, before you know, person go die, wetin dem go say kill am, na mess. Driver please, for the love of God, stop the fucking bus!"

What do you guys think about today's update? 😂🤣🤣

Who has ever been in this situation before?

Me: 🙋🤣😂

Osas thinks the world isn't that small

Issoryt, Let's see now!🧐

Have a lovely day ahead!

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