🔺 Chapter 34🔻
Hello guys, sorry for the delay!!!!
I had a little home accident with my fingers and I couldn't type. I had about two thousand words or so before the accident. I couldn't post it that way.
Vote 🌟 and Enjoy!
Chapter 34
"Is your mother Okay?" Osas asked Osaze on phone, "Yes. Vera called, she's fine" "Thank God" "The woman doesn't even like you"
"It doesn't matter, she's your mother and I'm glad she's okay"
Tacha walked into the studio where Chike was singing then she exhaled thinking of how she'll break the Bad news to him.
🎶If they wanna be the Pharaoh
If they wanna be the Judas
Me I cannot lay low
Me I’ll never do that
Now they know
Now they know
Now they know
What’s going on
Muna gi so
Muna gi so
Muna gi so my baby boo
I’ll be a fighter for you
I'm getting better in chi fu
You should know I gat you
But you don’t need to gat me too
I'll be right beside you
In anything that you do
And if you ever need saving
I will be running to you
Running running running to you
I'll be running to you
Running running running to you
Anywhere that you go to
Running running running to you
I'll be running to you
Running running running to you
Anywhere that you go to🎶
He winked at her and she forced a smile. God help me! She exhaled.
After the studio session, he walked out flashing a smile at her. "Hey Babe" "Hey Boo" she called out without energy. "How's your Mom?" He asked and she busted into tears so he took her out before attracting unnecessary questions from the studio crew.
"Is she okay? I hope nothing happened"
"Nothing! She's great, she's better"
"And you? Why are you crying? Is it the drugs? I mean, you haven't done drugs for like......" He trailed of studying her,he noticed she bowed her head more than usual as though trying to avoid staring into his eyes. "That wasn't the only one right?" He asked and she shook her head.
Chike stretched his hands at him,"Okay... Where's the rest?" "Uh....." She exhaled, "Remember Mom and I had an argument which led to her heart attack? Well... She made me promise to leave you"
"And you did"
"I just hope you understand, I really don't want to. Chike I love you but I..... Mom, I don't want her to die" she answered and he scoffed, "Wait, help me understand this,was it her request?" He asked and she kept quiet.
"She suddenly had an heart attack and her request just ends up being this, come on, doesn't that tell you anything?" "You think Mom is lying? She once had an heart attack right in my presence. How can someone fake that?" She asked and he move backwards,
"Boo" "It's funny how easy quick you always are to walk away from our relationship. This is the second time Tacha"
"I'm sorry" she apologised and he walked back into the studio.
"Chike!" She called out leaning against the wall then she sat on the floor.
Osas opened up the door to find Chike standing in tears. "Efe, wetin happen?" she called out and he fell against her body busting into tears and she held him tightly.
Shortly after, she passed a cup of water to him, "Thanks" he said to her collecting it and she sat besides him raising her laps upon the chair. "You being fear me oh" "I'm sorry. I was just broken hearted and I had no one to talk to. Mom was my ... Aunt Uyi...."
"Hey! She's still your Mom, I go tell you the same thing way I tell Osaze, no matter what they do, they're still your Mom. She might not be your..... blood mother, what's that word for it"
"Yes. God bless you! Biological mother but.. but.... She took care of you when there was no one to. Mama wouldn't have taken care of you thing way, I swear!" "Why are you supporting her, you should be angry? Why aren't you?"
Osas blinked her tears in, "Wetin I go come gain from am? I was angry, the anger don pass time, I don leave the matter for God hand" "She knows where our sister is and she's not ready to spill. Is that the kind of person we're supposed to forgive?"
"So if Tacha come back, you no go take am back shey?"
Chike hesitated, "I don't know but that's different" he answered and she laughed, "See him head!" She pushed his head backwards and he laughed then tears slowly found it way down his cheeks then he sniffled wiping his nose with the back of his palm.
"I know you're feeling hurt right now, from everything and I'm sorry but do you know how I get over these hurts? I just let go of it, I don't let them dwell too much in my chest, when you commot person or problem for your chest,you can do whatever you want. You'll end up with at peace with yourself and others. I no dey even dey time make something dey my chest tay" she advised and he sniffled the more, "I love her Osas, I really do" he confessed and then she she pulled him close for a hug.
"Its going to be fine, if its meant to be, it's going to be"
Chike sat down on a chair in front of a keyboard to try out a new song he just wrote, he pressed a chord then he exhaled now playing the intro:
🎶Though they broke your heart so many times oh
You can't forget
And they made you cry so many times oh You still regret
To make enemies wasn't the goal But you lost your friends long time ago
I'm just here to let you know That its time to let it go
If true peace is what you want And if long life is what you need I'm just here to let you know
That is time to let it go
Please, forgive oh. Onye jin madu chukwu meya Please, forgive oh. Onye jin madu chukwu meya Please, forgive oh.
Onye jin madu chukwu meya Please forgive oh oh If you hold person, you hold yourself too Halle! Oh oh oh Halle! Halle! Oh oh oh Halle! Halle! Oh oh oh Halle! Halle! Oh oh oh Halle!🎶
Goriola knocked on Osaze's door and Osaze opened then he tightened his fist. "What do you want?" He asked and he raised his hands in surrender. "I just want to talk to Osas, that's all and I'll be out of your hair"
"How dare you come back?"
"You're just as guilty as I am you know! You testified against her" "Because Mom made me too and you know very well how it made me feel!"
"She forgave you right? I was shocked when I got informed. I just..... I'm leaving Lagos and I just want to speak to her before leaving. Please?" He requested and he felt Osas' hands against his back.
"Its fine" she whispered and Osaze retreated into the sitting room.
"Can I come in?" Goriola asked and she disagreed. "Sorry" she apologised and he nodded in understanding, tears welling in his eyes. "Osas.... I know I'm sorry doesn't even begin to cut" "Why you do am? I no being even know you well, but na you start"
"Peer pressure but its not an excuse. I shouldn't make it an excuse. I'm sorry, I can't make up for what happened, I can never...." He trailed off. "I didn't even knew it was you"
"That's life for you" she sniffled and tears ran down her cheeks. "Are you going to press charges? I just want you to know if you want to, I deserve it"
"I doubt if you want that. Every man should be careful of the choices they make in life,you know after the rape incidence, I seriously prayed to God to punish you and Jerry, I'm not going to do anything, I'm not going to press any charges, no! I'll leave the two of you to Karma" she answered and tears found its way down Goriola's face.
"You're lucky to find him" he added and she chuckled, "Why you come dey bad mouth am that time?"
Goriola scoffed, "I'm an asshole, that's why! That's why I'm leaving"
"I being hear you when you tell Osaze but why? Is there any use?" "I'm looking for some sort of solitude and personal tranquillity"
Osas exhaled,having no idea what 'solitude' meant. "Okay.... I hope say you find wetin you dey find" "Why does that sound like a curse?" He asked and she broke out chuckling.
"Goodbye Goriola" she added shutting the door then she shut the door breathing a long heavy sigh. "Are you okay?" Osaze asked and she smiled looking around for her phone and quickly passed his phone to her and she saw the word solitude there then she chuckled.
"How did you know?" She asked and he chuckled. "The way you said the okay...." He added and they both laughed.
"Can you help me get Jerry's address?" She asked and Osaze hesitated. "Osas.." "Please"
Ejiro stood in front of Kubiat's porch after knocking then she looked around the environment busy with children playing then she examined the Ankara top and black trousers she wore.
She hoped she wasn't overdressed, Chika had forced her to do a little make up. Kubiat opened up and she quickly turned towards him. Her eyes instantly fell on the apron he wore.
"Hey, good morning" she said and he smiled.
"Good morning" he replied then he laughed. "You were not supposed to show up until an hour time"
Ejiro laughed, "I shocked you right?let me guess? The house is a mess right?" She asked and he laughed again, "The house is never in a mess! Never!" "Ah! Wait, you're a neat freak right?" She questioned walking into the house and he chuckled.
"Well, I've always been accused of it"
"So...." Ejiro stalled looking around the sitting room, "So people actually accuse you of something" "They always say my own is too much, I love good food and I love it delicious"
"I pity your future wife"
"I pity her too" he answered and they both chuckled. "Nice house, smells homely" "Thanks. You look amazing, the make up is nice, sorry its coming late"
"Thanks" she blushed, , "It's actually my first time seeing you on make up." He added and she covered her face in shame. "Jesus, you noticed?" "Haba, I have eyes now" he answered and she bowed her head.
"It's Chika! She literally assaulted me with this make up?"
"Thank God I'm a policeman, do you want to press charges?" He asked and she chuckled staring into his eyes then she inhaled the aroma of boiling stockfish and me at stock. "Something smells nice. You're boiling stockfish right?"
"Yes and now I must return back to the kitchen. I was actually about slicing the waterleaf" "Can I help out?"
"Its my treat, besides, I've done everything. But you can sit, learn and take notes" he suggested winking at her and she laughed.
Aunt Avia knocked on Tiffany's door and Tiffany opened up, she had a short gown on. "Good morning Ma'am" "Good morning dear. I was looking for my brother and Ekene from the other flat told me I could find him here"
"Yes Ma." She replied turning her head to the back. "Baby!" She called out and Aunt Avia stood still bewildered. Baby?
Osifo walked towards the door and Tiffany left them alone. "Avia" "Baby? When did this rubbish start?" She asked and he bowed his head.
"I can explain" he answered and she walked away. "Avia!" He called out following her till she got into her house. "Avia, its not what it looks like"
"Really brother?" She turned folding her hands, "Why don't you let me know what it looks like though, no, let me tell you exactly how it looked like! I come back home only to find out my brother is cheating on his wife with my tenant! My tenant! Tell me that doesn't look like what I just saw"
Osifo exhaled, "Avia, we are together, Nkoyo and I" "You even have a secret name for her" "Its her name. We're not even having sex, we've kissed but it hasn't gone beyond that" "Its still cheating and Morenike will think I put you up to it! Do you even like her?" She asked and Osifo stalled.
"She loves me and If I have to admit, it feels nice to finally have a woman who isn't my sister show me that kind of love. I want to try something else for a change, try someone else"
Goriola walked into Morenike's office while she was having a conversation with Eniola. "Thank God, someone finally showed up for work after what? Infinity years?" She asked and he chuckled softly. I dropped a letter on Morenike's table and she creased her brown wondering what it was. "That's my resignation letter Ma"
Morenike scoffed, "You can't be serious, you've been away from.work for a week and now you're here to drop a damn resignation letter. What has gotten over you?" "I can't stay in Lagos"
"Why? Because of her?"
"I can't stay when she's here, I've been a bad boy all my life and I've never cared about my actions, now I do. She's not pressing charges, as relieved as I am, I'm just seeking for some sort or solitude. Some time to think or try to redeem myself. I'm very sorry, it was a pleasure working alongside a great woman but I've come to learn the softest way that every actions has it's consequences. The people we've defended, the innocent ones we've persecuted knowing fully well they're innocent. Maybe it isn't too late for everyone of us to find that redemption" he added leaving the office and Eniola folded her hands.
"That was great. It's my first time eating afang, but i think it tastes amazing" Ejiro asked while doing the dishes. She was standing side by side with Kubiat who was putting the utensils in the plate rack.
"I know right?" he asked and she smacked him on the belly, "Brag much?" "What? I mean what a woman can do, a man can do better right?" He asked and she nibbled on her lower lips.
"What else can you do well apart from cooking afang?" She asked and he smiled, "A lot" he answered, "I'm a good policeman, i've been told that I'm a pretty good kisser as well" he replied and she laughed.
"I meant food and you knew!" She snapped and he laughed. "There's no food I can't cook, no bragging. I'm even open to learning more, if you can teach me a few Delta state delicacies"
Ejiro laughed, "I left warri many years ago,I don't even remember..." "How many years?" "Eight years" "What brought you here?" "The hustle, I was trying to prove to my parents that I could make it here"
"They wanted a different life for me, my father practically had my whole life planned out"
"Wait... You're from a rich home?" He asked and she laughed, "Not rich per se, just a small middle class Christian family. Dad didn't have his dreams so the man wanted to use me to live his dreams"
Kubiat groaned, "I hate those things" "Not as much as I did! He wanted me to be study law so I could work in his brother's firm. There was this guy I was also bethroted to, what's that his name again, Michael. God I hated that guy!" She rolled her eyes and he laughed.
"They'll always talk about how they want me to be established in life but I knew the man wanted to use me. After the first jamb I failed, I rebelled,DSD said I won't make it in Lagos but i left Warri anyways and since then I haven't gone back"
Ejiro laughed sarcastically, "With what? I can't, going back will only prove that they were right all along. I'm just a bar girl with no educational qualities" "Don't say that" "But it's the truth"
She exhaled, "What was your plan before the whole...." "Nothing." "You can't say nothing" "I guess I was rebelling way too much that I forgot to ask myself what I really wanted. Hustling has been the way for me ever since I came to Lagos"
"Define hustling" "I have never done prostitution if that's what you think but there was this time I slept with someone to get my job" she answered then she shut her eyes , "Shit, I shouldn't have said that, I have no idea why I said that!"
Kubiat chuckled, "It's okay" "No! Now you're going to start viewing me as that girl who slept with someone to get a job. It doesn't nakenne different from a prostitude does it?" She giggled nervously and he shook his head.
"I wasn't even thinking in that direction!"
"Are you sure?" "You know, thinking of it, it does make me look like a slut and you know Lagos was tough that year and" His lips descended to hers in a kiss so tender and making her swallow the remaining words.
What was it she wanted to day again? She didn't even remember. After what seemed like a minute kiss, she withdrew arcing her brow at him.
"What was that for?" She asked and he laughed. "Girls! Your species can ask questions! I just kissed you, what do you think that means?" "You tell me? Are you trying to prove a theory?"
Kubiat scoffed, "What theory?" "The slut theory" "No! I don't even, I wasn't even... Remind me never to be romantic to any Warri girl" he answered and she raised her brow again.
"Yes ...the whole kiss on the lips 'you don't have to explain yourself' move that I pulled just now. It's always romantic" "How many girls have you tried it on?" She asked and he chuckled. "Maybe two" he answered making her laugh.
"I'm not proving any theory, I don't even view you that way." "How do you view me then?" "You're just like Osas, down to earth, you're sweet and caring, selfless too. I'm not going to beat about the bush, I know you like me"
"Is it that obvious?"
Ejiro slapped her forehead, "Jeez! God! I'm like scarred for life now" she answered and he laughed plunging his hands in his pocket. "I like you too" "No you don't, you like Osas remember?" "Liked Osas, a whole lot has changed these last few weeks and you can testify to it, the connection between us, the moments. Deny that you don't feel it, I do too and I don't want it to go off without exploring the possibilities" he suggested motioning his face towards her and she thrived her arms around him, kissing him deeply. He returned her kiss with fervor as she pressed herself into him.
Chike opened up his door seeing his Mother with her hands clasped. "I miss you" she confessed, "I miss you so much, all I ask is your forgiveness." "I thought forgiveness was easy" he scoffed, "I don't know what you think or what's going on in your head but Chike I'm still your mother no matter what happens!" She cried and he exhaled.
"Are you willing to let us know the location of out sister?"
Madam Davina groaned, "Don't make this any more difficult for me"
Chike closed the door and more tears poured down her face.
Osaze Benjamin Foundation
New location
Omo walked into Obianuju's office rolling her eyes. She had a chiffon blue top tucked into a black high waist trousers. "Some people from save the girl's child foundation just called and they were talking about some stuff I didn't really understand and then they said, the old secretary would have understood" she paused and Obianuju laughed.
"Come and take your job back oh, I don't want anyone starting a bring back our Obianuju protest" she continued and Obianuju continued laughing. "You'll get a hang of it later. Trust me! I did"
"All these rape cases be making me angry" "Trust me, it's really sad and it's the drive to help these people get justice that drives this foundation, that's what drives Osaze. You should be at your duty post"
"Shebi?" She asked then she took steps out of her office down to her table. She walked into Osaze's office,he was on a call. He rushed through the call so he could attend to whatever Omo had to say.
"Hey, is there anything...." He trailed off and she shook her head. "Folabi called, sorry Mr Folabi, urgh! It's so hard being official" she answered and Osaze laughed.
"A man from save the girl child foundation called, there was one that called, she started speaking in Ibo first, when she noticed it wasn't Obianuju, she loved all form of interest. I probably suck at this job"
"You don't..... entirely suck" he answered and she laughed. "Honest, I like that" "You don't exactly suck like the old ones I had, they were inefficient"
"Even though I'm inefficient, you still won't fire me cause you're dating my best friend" she answered and he chuckled. "That's funny" he chipped in and she chuckled too.
"Do you want anything Sir?" "No, thank you, I'm fine. Do you like the job?" "Its my first time working in an office, first time ever looking this serious for work! My first white collar job and even though it makes me feel like customer care agent, taking calls every minute" She paused making Osaze laugh.
"I'm grateful, I think what you do, what you're doing for Osas, it's amazing and I just want to say thank you"
"You're welcome Miss David. I'm sure you'll do better with time, just do your job well." "Yes Sir" She replied walking out of the office where she sighted Chief Akinola Bello along with his P.A and security guards.
Her mood turned sour immediately, of course she recognised him from the papers. "Can't you greet?" The PA asked and she scoffed batting her eyes at the man. "Ah han! What kind of stupid reception is in this stupid foundation sef?" He asked and Omo kept quiet.
"Good afternoon, you're welcome to Osaze Benjamin foundation. Do you have an appointment with the boss?" She asked and Chief grinned drooling over her body. "Are you stupid ni? Don't you know who you're talking to? A whole Chief Akinola Bello? Do you think someone like him needs to book appointments"
"I simply asked a question Oga Bingo! All this bark way you dey bark since you come dey itch me for body, no allow me enter you" "Do you know who I am?"
"I know you're not the President of Nigeria so you can go ahead and sue me? What's your problem?"
"My problem?"
"Wo keep quiet? Didn't your mother teach you how yo treat a woman nicely?" Chief snapped glaring at his P.A. "Wo, erm...." He trailed off now looking at Omo. "Ignore my P.A, what he's just trying to say is that i have an appointment with your boss and I also won't mind having an appointment with you too" he winked at him and Omo fought to hide the irritation she felt that moment.
How can someone be so irritating?
"Excuse me" she sat down putting a call through to Osaze. "I honestly don't need anything Miss David, if I do, I'll let you know"
"That's not why I called Sir, Chief Akinola Bello is here to see you, should I let him in?" she asked and he hesitated, "Is he alone?"
"No" she replied lifting up her head, he came with his PA and some men that look like guards. Should I let them in?" "Let Chief Akinola in, if he doesn't want that, he could as well leave"
"Okay Sir" she replied hanging up and Omo faked a smile, "Only Chief may enter" "What?" The P.A asked and Omo rolled her eyes.
"If you don't agree, you can as well leave, Mr Osaze's word, not mine. Choose one" she answered, "This is disrespect of the highest order, Chief, let's just go, the insult is too much" "Its okay" he raised his hand.
"I'll go" he whispered to his P.A, "Iwo duro ni bi, (You, wait here). While you're at it, get the woman's number or give her my other business number" he flashed a smile at Omo.
"Awelewa! (Beauty) Ah! Miss Ebony, I'll be back jare" he winked at her before entering into the office.
"The reception here is poor"
"What kind of reception? Phone network or what?" "You know what I mean. You're a very rude girl, I bet your mother didn't train you well"
"Likewise yours cause if they did, you'll know the proper way to treat a woman not to start barking like a dog in someone's office. "Me? Barking like a dog? Careful before I slap you"
"You sef no go wan try am. You think say I fear these guards way they here? Just rey rubbish, I go treat your fuck up, Warri style!"
Chief walked into the office shamelessly smiling. It took the grace of God to keep Osaze calm, he felt like his anger slowly brew. He had his recorder on, all he needed was to keep calm and get as much information he wants. "Good morning" he greeted, "You may have a seat" he added and Chief sat down looking around the whole office.
"You have a nice office, but there is a need for improvement"
"Ill have to cut you off there Sir, can you just go straight to the point!" He requested and chief laughed. "Just like your mother, sharp sharp. Well I agree cause I have to meet the deputy governor as ww speak, he is a very good friend of mine. I'm sure you must have heard about my influence in the whole of Lagos"
Osaze kept his mouth shut.
"I am well known, I give to the needy, u give to the homeless, my wife and I have made a covenant to God to give to charity at least ten times in a year and God is helping us to do it! You know..... We're marching forward"
Marching forward indeed! With blood of innocent victims!
"To the point Sir"
"That's where I'm driving at my dear. erm, It's because of these reasons people say all sorts of things about me to tarnish my image"
Osaze raised his brow, is this man for real? He asked within, he was trying yo present himself as the victim.
Shameless politicians everywhere!
"Lawyers like yourself needs to be careful of those you defend. I've been hearing rumours that you want to make a case out of this thing. I want you to know that there is no case at all, that girl, Osas abi Osa, abi whatever they call her name, she's trying to set me up. She's just one political whore they're using to tarnish my image"
Osaze sniggered, "Are you aware that you just called my fiance a whore?" He asked and he laughed nervously. "Did you just say fiance? Now I see what she's using to hold you. Wo, you have not carried your eyes to better market oh. That girl is an asewo, yes! I'm the one that said it"
"Any more insult from you Chief will not be tolerated, I might just ask you to leave" "But it's not an insult, she's a prostitute" "And you know because?"
"Because she was brought as a slut to warm my bed"
"And you tried to rape her and she escaped. I'm quite aware of this" he answered firmly and Chief Akinola, "Are you recording this?" He asked and Osaze scoffed, "Why should I? Does my Mother know you're here?" He asked to avoid dwelling on the topic. He wouldn't want him playing smart, he needed him to be as careless as ever.
"No she doesn't. Wo, oya let's go down to business, let me kukuma say what i have in mind. I want you to desist from defending that girl,since she's your fiance, you can do something about it. I don't want to go to court, court cases are waste of money and time ehn, understand me, I'm trying to win an election here"
"You deceived poor girls in the name of ushering and you had them murdered for some ritual" "I am willing to pay you 50 million naira to the foundation so you can brush this matter under the rug, there's no case here, even if there is, you can't win oh"
"You can take your 50 million naira blood money elsewhere, I don't need it"
"Ah! You are making a wrong decision oh. A very wrong decision! You should think deeply on this, do you know what this money can do for you? For this foundation?" "Please leave my office Sir"
"Is it me Chief Akinola that you're chasing out of your office?"
"Leave before I call security"
"Osaze!" He muttered in shock then he slowly rose up from the chair making his way to the door, he turned back at Osaze beating his chest, "Emi, Chief Akinola Bello?" He asked then he walked towards the door which he slowly opened.
"Chief Akinola Bello" Osaze called out and he turned back hoping he had changed his mind. "See you in court" he added and Chief walked out shamefully.
Jerry's secretary walked into Jerry's office, "Sir" "What? See, I don't want any disturbance abeg!" "But" "Abeg go" "Okay Sir" she bowed her head leaving then she turned back when he said, "Oya what is it you want to tell me?"
"There's this woman outside, she wants to see you"
"What's her name?"
Jerry groaned, "Tell her to come in" he replied and she walked out and soon Osas walked in clad in a pink gown. He lifted up his eyes looking at the pretty looking woman before her while Osas observed the man sitting on his seat.
He looked different than the Jerry from fifteen years ago! His head was completely shaved off and his sideburn was fuller, Jerry didn't have those that year!
"Hello sexy" he said with a grin and Osas arced her brow in fascination.
Hello sexy?she shook her head and he chuckled, "What? My secretary said your name is Osas, I don't know where we met or where I gave you my card but one thing I know and one thing I'm 100% sure of is the fact that I'm in love! You can call it love at first sight" he chipped so smoothly and Osas shook her head.
"You don't remember me do you?"
"No. I don't but I know I will eventually" he moved closer to her and she pushed her head backwards. "Isn't that why you're here? I mean, I must have met you in the stripping club or...." He trailed off and she scoffed.
"Why don't we just cut this short, I take you out for lunch and let's say we.... meet up at night" he held her hands and she slapped him on his cheeks.
She never intended coming there for war, but the slap made her feel so good. Osaze got a slap, even Goriola got a slap, why shouldn't the mastermind get one?
"How dare you?" He asked and another one landed on his right cheek and he balled his hands into a fist raising it up and Osas laughed. "You wan beat me? Ah! You go see madness today. Jerry try am!" She yelled and he cleared his throat.
"Whoever you are, whatever I did to you and you're probably looking for a way to rub my father's name in the mud. I just want you to know that what's done is done!" "I'm guessing you've wronged a lot of women, you don't even recognise me"
Jerry scoffed, "Its not my fault I'm handsome and girls fall in love with me. So fine, I just because I broke some hearts, does that make me a bad person? No! It makes me human! When will you girls get it into your thick head that I'm not ready for marriage yet?" "And who wants to gey married to an idiot like you Jerry, i didn't actually come for this, violence was not even apart of the plan but the fact say you still be the same idiot naim dey vex me!"
He pressed his intercom in order to call his secretary, "Hello Izzy" he answered, "The same idiot way rape me fifteen years ago" she added and he ended the call.
He quietly stared at Osas, his legs trembled as she drew close to him. "Now you remember me shey?" She asked and he fainted on the floor.
The secretary knocked and walked into the office, "Sir you...." She trailed off on seeing Jerry on the floor.
Osas wasn't allowed to leave the hospital as the secretary suspected her of doing something to make him faint. Osaze had to rush to the hospital on hearing the news. "What did you to my son?" His mother asked in tears and Osas exhaled.
"I should have you arrested"
"With all due respect Ma, no one will be arrested" Osaze answered and the woman turned towards. "Osaze? What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to get my fiance" he answered and Osas rose up from the chair. "She can't leave just yet, we don't know what she did to Jerry"
"I'm pretty sure she didn't do anything"
"How do you know? She was alone with my son and according to the testimony of the secretary, she found him on the floor. Jerry couldn't just have fainted just like that?"
Osaze walked toward her, "Maybe it was because he never anticipated meeting the same girl he raped fifteen years ago" he whispered and her eyes widened in surprise.
"We'll take our leave now" he said out loud holding Osas' hands away. "You shouldn't have come" he answered and she laughed. "What's funny? What if they had arrested you?"
"What do I have my handsome fiancee for?" She asked then she resumed laughing then she bent down laughing until tears poured down her eyes. "What's funny?" He asked, her laugh was beginning to get infectious.
"I wish you saw the way he fainted" she wiped her tears off, "I swear, I wish someone filmed it, I swear, if I feel the need to laugh, I'll just watch it" she answered and he squat close to her.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes. I slapped him, twice and I've never felt more satisfied" "Are you sure? Babe, if you feel weird" "I'm okay. This one that we're bending down like this in someone's hospital, they should not come and say we're going mad" she answered and they both laughed rising up.
"Chief Akinola came over to the foundation today"
"What did he want?"
"To bribe his way into me not pushing for a case. He's scared, that only means that he knows he's vulnerable and we need to dig on every damn thing that will make him vulnerable to the jury and member of the public"
Osas exhaled, "What did you tell him?" "What he needed to hear, I told him to prepare for a case and that I'll see him court"
Briggs law firm
Eniola raised the probe newspapers glancing at all the headlines:
ASUU suspends strike!
Federal government presents record budget to kick start the economy
10 dies after bombing in Borno
Chief Akinola Bello to face law suit against Osarieme Ovbiokpomwan.
Osifo threw some documents on Morenike's desk and she picked it up. "What are these?" "Divorce papers" he answered and she scoffed.
"You're kidding me right?"
Osaze Benjamin Foundation
Osas walked into the office then she ran her hands on the desk. "Hey" "What are you doing here? I thought you had lessons?" "I did but when I went online, the only thing I could see is my news all over and part of me they wonder If I go fit do am" she passed her phone to him."I don receive messages from some Facebook friends way I no know. They say I'm lying that I'm only looking for popularity, they're even calling me family destroyer, they say I'm trying to create a rift between mother and son and the messages goes on and on. Call it off"
"No way!"
"Shebi na me get case, call it off. I'm tired already"
"You don't want to get justice for Adetutu again?"
"Will always talk! Call it off today they'll still talk,I'm disappointed, I didn't expect this from you"
"Osaze, you'll be going against your Mom"
"If that's what this is about I don't care! She made her choice and I'm making mine, what's your choice Osarieme? Where do you stand?" He asked and the intercom buzzed.
Osaze pressed the button and Omo's voice came blaring out. "Sir, the reporter from real TV wants to see you" "Let him in" "Her actually" she corrected and Osas exhaled.
"I should leave then"
"You can stay"
"We're not done yet Osas"
An elderly woman in her early fourties walked in smiling, "Halleluyah, i finally got to see you today. You this Mr Osaze, you've been playing me wayo" she said and Osaze chuckled softly, he expects
The woman sure had a warm spirit. She smiled on seeing Osas, "This must be the Osarieme, your fiance"
"I see you've done your assignments"
"Assignments? She's the talk of the town" she flashed a smile at her, "My name is Paulina Igwe, I'm one of the co-owners of real TV. I hope you guys watch it on you tube?" A asked taking note of their faces.
"No you don't. We have interesting shows there, sometimes we try to unravel rape cases the police tend to ignore. I learnt Chief Akinola Bello attempted to rape you"
Osas raised her brow in surprise, "I'm a reporter, I try to be update to date with information. Chief Akinola Bello is not a new name to our channel, but we have no proof, i would have loved to help you but I cab try to dig up whatever I can"
"In exchange for what Ma?" Osaze asked, "You can't just come in here and start acting all nice, volunteering to help without wanting something"
"I've heard of your good works Osaze and i admire it, I admire the fact you help this people fight their case, and they also get therapy for their mental health. My husband and I want to feature you in our sixth edition of our yearly programme against rape coming up first week of November" she brought out a handbill handing one to Osas then to him.
"This year's edition is titled, Speak up or forever remain traumatize. We need you to be one of the speakers. We have a lot of rape victims hide underneath that trauma because they're scared. These people need to be reassured that rape isn't the end of the world and they can bring justice to whoever traumatized them" she requested and Osaze glanced at the paper.
"We're willing to pay"
"Can I speak too?" Osas asked and she turned towards her, "Actually, there's only one slot for a speaker" "I'm not doing it for the money, you can keep it. I was raped when I was sixteen"
"Osarieme" Osaze cuts in and she held his hands. "Maybe this was the reason God brought me here,I don't think it's a coincidence that I came and suddenly she's here talking about rape"
"She's right"
"She's going through a lot already, a while ago she was talking about how people have been talking about her." "Then they'll say she's only trying to get more attention but it can also be a good thing cause I know the pattern in these rape victims, when someone speaks up especially against Chief Akinola on national television, others will too. It'll be a plus for you, It's a brave thing your fiance is trying to do, the question is will you permit her"
"Is Osaze in?" Eniola asked Omo and she nodded. "Yes but he's busy" Omo answered and Eniola in turn rolled her eyes. "Who cares? I'm going in anyways" "I care, its my job" "See, you might not know how things work around here but Obianuju knows that I don't wait, I never wait"
Omo rose up, "That was Obianuju's era, now its mine, my head no dey always correct sometimes oh so if you know what's good for you Ma, I don give you that respect, take a seat there and wait till you're called" she demanded and Eniola scoffed turning looking at the chair.
"You can't be serious?"
"Do you want to try me?" She asked and Eniola tightened her fist and Mrs Paulina got out smiling along with Osaze and Osas. Eniola rolled her eyes on seeing Osas, "Are you seriously thinking of going against your own mother in court?" She asked and Mrs Paulina raised her hands up.
"Goodbye guys" she waved leaving and Osas folded her hands. "Babe, I don waka" she added and Eniola scoffed. "This concerns you as much as it concerns Osaze! What kind of person are you to let a son go against his own mother?" She asked and Osas exhaled.
"Do you think it's my fault? Like I intentionally planned for it"
"Didn't you? With all of your made up lies about some nights that don't exist"
Osas rolled her eyes, "Eniola, abeg no push my last button abeg! I use God beg you. So somebody can just lie about rituals anyhow or how he attempted to rape me" "Lies"
"I swear to God, your teeth go fall if you venture tell me say I dey lie again. I go beat like say I dey beat my junior sister"
"Its okay" Osaze got into their midst, "Eniola I think you should go" "Why? What is she going to do?" She asked moving closer to Osas, "All youve been telling is Lies upon lies, lies, lies,lies, what are you going to do?" She asked and Osas slapped her cheek twisted her hands backwards then she gave her a loud slap on her butt cheek before pushing her away and Eniola groaned in pain and Omo laughed out loud.
"Bitch!" Eniola snapped moving towards Osas who had already taken off her wig and Osaze held her, "You ladies need to stop this" "Leave her make she come, I don endure her rubbish, I go beat nonsense commit for your body!"
"Is this who you left me for Osaze? A complete savage! A screwed up bitch!"
Osas motioned towards her and Osaze blocked her. "Stop this!" "Osaze...." Osas trailed off as though warning him. "You're a liar! That's what you are! A damn liar and you're going to lose in court!"
"We'll see about that!" Osas yelled and Eniola walked away touching her cheeks.
"Why did you slap her?" "I'm just angry at everyone!" "What will you do in court then? It'll be worst then, you have to keep your composure no matter what!"
Eniola bumped into Obianuju who just got out of her office. "What happened to you face?" She asked and Eniola hissed walking past her.
"God I hate this girl!" She groaned.
Morenike held out a cigarette in her hands while stared at the divorce papers. Nana walked in cringing her nose, "I thought you quit smoking" "Bad habits can be picked up again"
"Are those the divorce papers?"
"Are you going to do it?"
"No! I'm not giving him that satisfaction, I won't" she pressed the cigarette against the paper. "What are you doing here Nana? What do you want?"
"I have come to beg you as a woman you can call a mother. Morenike I took care of you even more than your mother did and you know it. Please, drop this case against Osaze, there are other law firms, let Chief use his money to buy any lawyer he wants. Please?" She begged, "You can't go against your own son like he's some stranger" she added and Morenike shook her head.
"I already made my choice, I can't go against my promise to help Chief out"
"So you're really choosing Chief over your son?"
"Stop making it look like i'm trying to persecute my son, when he realises his foolishness believing that girl's lies, he'll come back to his senses" "Do you really believe that girl is lying?"
"I believe whatever my client tells me"
Court hearing, Day 1
4: 52 am
Osas woke up alone in the room then she walked into the sitting room where Osaze was reading. "Good morning" she said to him and he looked up at her smiling. "Hey, good morning" he replied and she kissed him on the lips.
"How long have you been awake?"
"I haven't slept"
"I'm trying to get everything in place, piece your statement your gave the police to see if there are loopholes, I'm trying to enter into Mom's head and see what she'll probably bring up. She can be sneaky, she'll try to make you slip and say what you don't want to"
Osas climbed on him pushing the documents aside. "I'll be fine, I promise to stay composed, to think before speaking. We'll be fine" she kissed him taking off his top and he kissed her back running his hands into her nightie.
Nana entered into the Tacha's room surprised she was still sleeping then she tapped her lap. "Tacha!" She called out and Tacha groaned. "Wake up! It's past seven already, I'm shocked you're still sleeping"
She sat up, "Really? I'm not feeling too well, I have headache, and catarrh" "Why won't you have headache and catarrh when you've been crying over your break up! Wa se ara e le se oh! " You'll only injure yourself)" Nana warned and she covered her lips, "What's wrong with you?" Nana asked and she ran out of bed into the bathroom where she threw up.
"Ah han!" Nana said behind her, "What did you eat?" She asked and Tacha stood up while her Nana examined her, "When last did you see your period?" She asked taking Tacha by shock.
"I can't be pregnant"
"Why? Weren't you having sex with Chike?"
Tacha shut her eyes, they've never been careless! Not even once!
"Oh God!" She groaned sitting on the floor.
Raymond watched Obianuju put on her gown, his eyes not leaving her for a second. She suddenly felt uncomfortable with the stare. "I shouldn't be uncomfortable when my husband stare at me while I change but I wonder why I am now. You're looking at me somehow, you have something to say right? Oya say it now? What did I do?" She asked and he hesitated, how was he going to tell his wife he thinks she's pregnant without spurring up dark clouds.
Obianuju has been unbelievably happy without the baby talk. There was no clear symptoms but he obviously recalled that the last time Obianuju saw her period was in August. There has been moments in the past where she missed her period for a month only for it to resurface the following month so he has been keeping his observation to himself.
Another disappointment might just break her heart all over again!
"What is it now?" She dragged and he shook his head, "Nothing, let me help you with your zip" he volunteered and she turned ger back while he struggled with the zippers. "Honey, I think you've added weight" he complimented after succeeding to zip the gown up and she laughed. "Are you whining me?" She asked and he chuckled.
"I'm serious. There's just something different about your body" "Different how?" "You've added, your boobs are fuller" he chipped in, "Awwn. I guess you're taking care of me then"
Raymond gave up, its either Obianuju's pretending about seeing the signs or she just doesn't want to give herself any hope!
"Will you be going to the court?" Obianuju asked and Raymond shook his head. "Apart from work, I've never liked court cases so.... I wish Osas all the luck in the world"
Badmus residence
Mrs Badmus brushed arranged the collars of Eniola's shirt. "Mom!" She groaned, "I have to go" "The court proceedings doesn't start until 9, at least have breakfast" "Mom! I'm really not hungry, I promise to eat when I get back" she answered kissing her cheeks.
"Daddy Goriola, you're not saying anything" Mrs Badmus turned towards her husband who was no challantly about the discussion.
"I'm sure she'll eat out"
"Exactly. That's why I love you Daddy" she blew kisses at him then the door bell rang. "Are you guys expecting anyone?" She asked and Mr Badmus shook his head, "Bye Mom, bye Dad" she waved her hands opening the door.
"Hello Eniola" Madam Davina said and Eniola creased her brow, "Do I know you?" She asked and Madam Davina nodded, "I suppose you do"
"Who's that?" Mrs Badmus asked moving close to the door, she almost peed in her pant from seeing Madam Davina with a grin on her face.
"Hello Mrs Badmus"
Wahala be like rollercoaster 😂
What's do you guys think about today's chapter? 😊
It's long shey?
It's a compensation for the delay
Is Obianuju and Tacha pregnant for real?
How's the first hearing going to look like? Will it be in Osas' favour or not?
Let me give a little sneak peak
Next Chapter on your darling Packaging Osas .....
"I Osarieme Ovbiokpomwan swear by the almighty God that the evidence I shall I give shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" Osas said her heart racing fast as she stared into Chief Akinola's face.
"God help me" she muttered.
See you all in the next chapter jhoor
I said a little sneak peak didn't I? 😂
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