🔺 Chapter 31🔻

Chapter 31


The following morning

5:30 am

Chike was woken up by a loud knock on the door. "Who is it?" He asked, "It's me KC! Come on open up!" He snapped and he stood still, "Who's KC?"

"Chike, this isn't the time to pretend you don't know me. Please open up" he begged. Chike opened up and he rushed inside. 

"Abeg lock up" he demanded and Chike quickly locked the door. "Who's chasing after you? The police?" "No" he answered, "Abeg, you don't have to bother, as long as I'm safe"

"Safe? Am I safe? It's drugs right? You were probably running  one illegal parole and you got caught" "It's like you know these things"

"Better start leaving"

"Guy calm down, no one followed me here"

"If anyone comes here, I swear to God, I'll throw you out"

"Oga, I say calm down. No one is coming"  "KC" "I said no one is coming, chill nah!" He snapped moving into Chike's room and Chike scoffed, "Where are you going to?"

"Where else? The room now"

"What room?"

"See, I'm exhausted and I need to rest"

"Are you for real? You can't just barge into my house like and just go into the room like it's yours" "Well, mi casa su casa!" "You can't be serious!" "I'm damn serious about it! And no dey shout for my head, I no be your mate! Ah Han! Wetin dey do you sef? Small pikin go just dey feel himself on top my brother property, no be say you be him pikin sef!" He snapped and then he shut his eyes in regret knowing Madam Davina will literally have his head for making that spill out.

"What did you say?"

"I no talk anything"

Chike held him by his top,"What did you just say?" "See, I dey drunk, I no even know wetin I dey talk" "I heard you clearly KC!"  "Then why do you want me to repeat it?"

"Dad isn't...."

"See.....all I just wanted was to rest. Don't worry, I'll sleep on the couch"

"KC I know you, you wouldn't have said that if it wasn't the truth" " I don't want your mother's wahala, why don't you ask her if you want to know the truth about who your real father is"

Osas entered into the Osaze's house and a smile curled up her lips when she realized the house had been repainted. "Seriously?" "It was on short notice, but I had the painters from the new building work on it. I wasn't sure what color you'd like"

"I love it" she answered wrapping her hands around his neck and he lowered his lips closer to hers then he kissed her. "So Obianuju?" He asked and Osas laughed as a result of the shocked expression clearly plastered on his face.

"I'm so excited, i feel like we have a lot of catching up to do even though we've been getting to know each other. This time it's different"

"I'm glad you're happy. Mrs Nwosu was right about making you happy first" "What's the use? I'll still have to face reality soon but I can't let reality ruin my happiness, our happiness"

"Vera will be having an ultrasound test to determine the sex of her baby. It's a family affair, I know we made plans but" "Of course I'll love to go"  "Then we'll go retrieve your MTN sim and then out date"

"We have a date?"

"Yes we do, a romantic date" "Where? I hope it's not somewhere fancy, I don't want to embarrass you"  "I already told you, if you do, I'll act like I don't know you" he replied and she chuckled.

"You know I'm kidding right? If you embarrass  me,  we'll just turn it to style." He answered and they both chuckled. "You'll do great" He replied and she smiled.

Chike stormed off to his parent's house, he walked in on an argument between them while the had breakfast. "You can't be serious Davina, so you can have mind" "They're not coming period! How do you think it's going to make me look like when your illegitimate wife and children show up. Dickson, are you trying to shame me?"

Chike wanted to interrupt them, but since they didn't notice his presence, he decided to stick around to get more information. It reminded him of one of the reasons why he left home.

Dickson scoffed, "Na wa oh, did I say they'll be coming" "I saw your message" "Davina, you dey get liver Sha? How did you get my password?"
"I used your daughter's name, I thought I was special" 

"Good morning" Chike interrupted them and Madam Davina raised her brow at him in shock. "Hey dear" she said then she rubbed her fingers along her neck. "I was planning on coming over after breakfast, I really didn't like the way I spoke to you. Why don't you join us? She asked and he scoffed.

"And pretend like everything's okay when they're not"

"How much did you hear?" She asked and he shook his head. "Your father cheated on me" "Like there hasn't been a time when you cheated Dickson, you think I wasn't told the number of girls that kept on patrolling your house after I left Benin to bring my sister's children?"

Dickson rolled his eyes, "So it's convenient for you to cheat" he answered then he turned towards Chike, "Why don't you pick a pen and a note and learn from the best mother in the world?"

"When were you planning on telling me that I'm not your son?" He spat at Dickson who instantly arced in brow in surprise. "Who told you that?" He asked, "That's ridiculous Chike, it's not true!" She answered giving Dickson a look.

"Whatever your mother says, I'm sure you heard wrongly"

"KC told me" he revealed and Madam Davina shut her eyes. "I swear I'll kill that guy" she confessed now avoiding eye contact with him. All she could do was stare sternly at Dickson.

"I thought you said he was leaving"

"So it's true"

"Yes Chike, it's true. You're not my son"

"How come no one has ever said anything about it"

"Because it's believable, it was easy for anyone to believe, you were a baby when your original mother abandoned you and your mother here brought you home. That was after I caught her cheating"

"Oh shut up Dickson!" She snapped shutting her eyes.

What?????? Chike's head almost exploded from anger. He expected to hear a confession that he wasn't his father's son, he didn't brace himself for this part of the confession.

"I don't understand, Mom? Wait...." He laughed moving close to him, "This is a joke right?" He asked but she still looked away. "Mom look me in the eyes and tell me it's all a lie" he begged and Madam Davina looked into his eyes wishing she could actually lie to him but she couldn't.

It's really game over for her then, it shouldn't take him the whole day to figure the whole thing out!

"Sweetheart, it's not a lie but I'm still your mother!" she called out and tears rolled down his eyes. "How is it possible?" "Chike, I'm still your mom. I didn't give birth to you but I took care of you, you sucked from my breast dear!" She rose up trying to pacify him,
"Urgh! That's not the point Mom, the point is that you lied, you lied and I'm so angry at you for it? All my entire life has been a lie" he moved back the more she came closer to him.

"A freaking lie! Would you have told me if I didn't come here?"

Madam Davina shook her head, "No! I wanted to keep it a secret" "Like you did Osas? Wait..... Do I have anything to do with them?" He asked and she kept quiet.

Chike wiped his face with his palm, he couldn't believe it. "God Mom! This is just great, I guess I'm ..... what Uwa or the Efe" "Efe, that was what she named you"

Chike laughed in between his tears, "I'm sorry" she clasped her hands, "Wait so.... Osas and...... Why didn't you tell me? What was the point of lying?" "I didn't want to lose you"

"Well, you just did" he snapped leaving and Madam Davina stared horrified as her son angrily walked away from her.  "Chike!" She ran after him now holding to his hands and he pushed her hands off.

"Mom, or whoever you are, just let me be. I don't even know who you are any longer, don't call my phone, don't ever look for me" he retorted before storming out of the living room and Madam Davina's legs trembled.

Osaze sighted his father as soon as they got to the hospital then he held Osas' hands, "There's someone I want you to meet" he said walking towards him. "Good morning Dad" "Good morning Sir" Osas greeted slightly kneeling down and Osifo smiled.

"I believe you're Osarieme"

"Yes Sir"

"I've heard a lot about you, My sister Avia speaks highly of you"  "Really?" She asked and he smiled, "She only says kind words about you?" He answered in Bini and Osas smiled responding back in Bini.

"I'm so happy to hear that, it's nice to meet you Sir. Osaze doesn't like to speak about his family but it's no secret that you're his favorite" she answered and Osifo chuckled.

"I'm sorry about what happened years ago"

"It's nothing Sir," she waved her hands then she busted into English. "Water under the he bridge, we're putting the past behind us. We won't let it hold us back"  she replied and Osaze gently squeezed her fist.

"I wanted you to know that I'm not in support of whatever my wife does, I wish I have some form of control but I don't" "I understand Sir" she sighted Aunt Avia then she walked away.

"How come she's looking okay about the whole thing? I expect some form of" "Hate? Withdrawal? No, that's not who Osas is, she's simply amazing"

"She's a keeper"

The ultrasound technician lubed up the sensor and started to press it firmly upon Vera's belly and Philip smiled in anticipation as all eyes remained glued to the screen. 

"The baby's heart is beating nice and strong."

"I don't doubt that, she's definitely like her Mom" Philip commented and Vera laughed, "I'm sure it's a boy"  "It's a girl" he argued and she laughed again while the technician moved his instrument around  her belly in circles.

"Dearie, don't make me laugh till i urinate on my body. I want a boy like you, a boy to take after your calmness." She said and Philip smiled suddenly distracted by the technician's laughter. "What's the point of arguing? Isn't that what you're all here to find out? She asked, "You see that over there" she remained still on a spot, "That's a make genital, i guess your wife wins, it's a boy". She announced and Osas smiled.

"Awwwwn" Vera cooed as tears poured down her eyes and Philip held her hands, "My first grandson among many" Osifo answered turning heads at Osaze. "I'm sure Osaze will be giving you soon" Vera teased and he laughed alongside Osas who poked him.

"Can mood swings and anger outburst affect the baby?" Philip asked and Vera pouted at him, "Baby" "I'm just worried, I live to satisfy you. I just want to make sure you and the baby are fine"

"They are both in perfect condition, like I said the baby's heart is beating nice and strong"

Vera exhaled, "Baby I'm sorry" she apologized and Aunt Avia suggested they leave the couples alone and they all did except the lab technician.

"I know I can be hot headed and I know I haven't been in my best behavior lately" "Shhhh. It's fine, we'll be fine, I want the best for our family, our children, i spoke to your Mom and I thought she'd come. I'm sorry"

"You don't have to apologise for that. Babe, you're the best husband any woman can ask for, you're supportive, even when you have the most horrible mother in law, you stil love me" "And I'll love you till eternity and beyond" he replied kissing her forehead.

Osas moved closer to Osaze now scratching her hair, "Can I get my salary for at least working more than half a month?" She requested and he chuckled, "Why will you?" "I'm thirsty, I won't want to be asking for every five Kobo"

Osaze brought out his phone, "Your account number please?" He asked and she smiled. "For reals? Shey I even know where my ATM card dey?" Her eyes rolled in thought.

"We'll open another account." He brought out his wallet and she smiled.

Osas sighted Morenike discussing with a nurse, she only wanted to breeze in and out. "Her name is Vera Philip Oloche, she had ultrasound test today" "Oh. It was scheduled for 9, I'm sorry they're done already and the doctor is currently attending to another patient"

"Oh. Are you sure they're not in session?" "No Ma'am" "What's the gender of the baby?" She asked and the nurse shrugged, "Ma, I don't know oh."

Morenike sighed in disappointment then she turned back to see Osas. "Good morning Ma" she greeted and Morenike looked away, "Ma, if you're looking for them, they're at"

"I didn't ask for you help, I was leaving anyways" she snapped turning back and Osas chuckled softly. "I'm sure Vera will be happy if you show up, it's supposed to be a family thing, I no see the use if Mama no dey there"

Morenike rolled her eyes, "The session is over" she asked still faced back. "Even though, the presence of a mother matters in all situation. You'll be shocked to find out how happy she'll be"

"And who made you moderator over my family affairs?" She asked now turning towards her and Osas cleared her throat. "I....I ..." She stammered, "Wait, just because you think you're dating my son, you feel you can say whatever trash you feel"

You think?


Na wa oh!

Osas exhaled, "That's not what I feel like and I don't think I'm dating your son; i'm dating him" "Oh really? Why? Because he brought you here, you now feel you're special, my dear. You're not, if you think I'm going to welcome you into this family with arms wide open, you're only joking! Cause I won't"

"Instead to find how you go take reconcile with your family, na mother-in-law war you want start with me. I should be the least of your problem" "And who said anything about you being a problem? I don't have problems, cause I take them out"

Osas laughed, "The easy way out, like paying those policemen to cover up what Jerry and Gee did that year. One thing about problem way you no battle the right way na say them go come back again" 

"Oh save the inspirational bullshit. I hope you're aware the same man you're dating today, testified against you, he wrote a statement claiming you weren't raped, according to him, he was present and you lied." She paused and moved closer to her with a grin on her face and Osas felt her heart break again.

"The man you're dating today called you a liar in the past, do you think such a man will get married to you?"

Osas shook her head in awe, "God! Which kain Mama you be? See as you take bad mouth your pikin now now now" she said and Morenike sniggered, "You think I'm lying? You think I'm trying to drive a wedge between the both of you" "No, I don't, I.... Maybe you're saying the truth and maybe Osaze did testify against me, I don't care. I'm willing to forgive him and even you"

"For what exactly?"

"You no even feel bad, no single trace of remorsefulness in your system" "Remorsefulness? Really?" She asked then she looked up at the ceiling, "Oh God Osaze, you can do better than a illiterate!"

Osas felt tears well up in her eyes and she fought to keep it in, "No worry, I no go let Osaze know wetin you talk" she replied leaving and Morenike scoffed, "Oh you're so kind" she said sarcastically, "Am I supposed to feel somewhat indebted to you? You're only deceiving yourself if you think this thing between you and my son will work"

Osas turned back at her, "Yes, maybe i'm only deceiving myself, fine, Osaze brought me here, but it doesn't make me feel special Ma, no, it makes me feel like part of the family. Something they don't see you as!" She replied leaving and Morenike balled her hands into a fist.

Eniola skimmed through the probers newspapers catching a glimse of the headlines; Cankerworms in the Nigeria legal system! Can we rise above this rubbles?

"God I hate this guy!" She muttered under her breathe! Then she pressed the button on the intercom. "Fisayo, please get me coffee without sugar and if I can get any drug for this headache im having, I'll realy appreciate it!" She added then she hung up.

She barely slept the previous night, Jemima sure has a way of pricking her conscience! The intercom buzzed and Eniola answered it, "Is the boss around?" She asked, "No Ma. I just called to let you know that your friend Miss Jemima is around"

"Are you seriously asking that stupid question? Please let her in!Jesus, Fisayo!" She snapped and Jemima walked in frowning.

"Turn that frown upside down"

"Do i have a reason to?"

Eniola rose up, "Babe, I'm sorry about what happened, I have no frigging idea what happened, I barely slept last night, I guess you have a way of pricking my conscience" she answered leaving Jemima to gasp. "Do you have one?"

"Ha ha very funny!"

"I'm serious now, answer the question, do you even have a heart?" She asked and Eniola busted into  Waje's song, "Oh I wish, oh I wish, oh I wish that I didn't have a heart"

Jemima hissed, "Abeg! We all know you're an horrible singer" she snapped and Eniola gasped, "Its a lie, I sing like an angel" "Look at this one?" Jemima asked and they both laughed.

"So, have I been forgiven?" She asked and Jemima rolled her eyes. "Whatever!" "Great! Don't worry, I'll take you out to have banana bread, your favourite" She answered and Jemima smiled,"With strawberry ice cream"  "Whatever you want, its your off day, I'll treat you to an apologetic breakfast, you wont even rememver what you were angry about" Eniola answered and her best friend smiled.

"You know I like this your I don't care about Osaze anymore movement oh"

Eniola hissed, "Its not a movement, I don't care about the idiot!" "Because you have another idiot in your life,the one you're bow transfering all the anger to" "Who?"

"That journalist now"

Eniola laughed sarcastically, "You think its transfer of anger, I call it a direction aggression cause this guy just keeps pissing and pissing me off" She picked up the newspaper opening it to the page where Folabi wrote on then she dropped on the desk close enough for Jemima to read.

"Cankerworms in the Nigerian legal system" Jemima read out and Eniola walked towards her Mini-fridge then she brought out a bottle of water.  "Continue reading it and see why I hate that idiot" she opened and drank from the water. 

"The legal institution is supposed to be a representation of"

"Skip to the third or fourth paragraph"

"Eniola Badmus"

"See! The idiot called my name, he should have just left my name out of it completely. He'll explain to me how my name managed to find its way in his article"

Jemima rolled her eyes, "You still want to challenge him?" "This is a matter of defending myself, this is called bullying, he's using his job as a journalist to bully me and I Eniola Badmus will defend myself"

"I don't see what he wrote here that's bad"

Eniola angrily dropped the bottled water, then she snatched the paper back from Jemima. Eniola Badmus can be seen to be a lawyer who has disregard for human rights, lawyer my foot!" She stopped looking down at her friend.

"That's not the part that even annoyed me" she added then she returned back to reading the paper. "She repeated her name ten more times than she spoke anything reasonable like I'm supposed to be terrified when she calls the name"

Jemima chuckled, "You always do that sha" "Do what? Are you supporting him?" "Was that the part that annoyed you?"  "No, its this his last line, the law through her, took away my freedom to movements through a bias restraining order; they accused me of harassment. You can prejudicially take away my freedom to move but you can never take away my pen oh lady Medusa, Eniola Badmus." She stopped and Jemima laughed.

"He had me at Medusa"


"What?" She shrugged, "Its funny now"  "I'm going now" "Aren't you busy?" "Even if I was, the idiot will see my face" "I thought you were buying me breakfast"

"After seeing the idiot"

Jemima laughed, "See as all your veins are coming out like wetin person never see! This guy is really getting under your skin oh, how is he like?" He asked and Eniola hissed.

"Like one short mad man! Yes! His side burns are not even properly shaved,don't worry, you'll see the idiot"

Chike stayed in doors, his phone was on airplane mode to avoid calls from everyone. He didn't want to talk to anyone just yet, even Tacha.

"You can prejudicially take away my freedom to move but you can never take away my pen oh lady Medusa, Eniola Badmus." Mrs Badmus read out loud to her husband's hearing and he laughed, "Honey, what's funny? This is a serious matter?"

"Its a funny matter"

"What's funny about this? Who does this man think he is to paint our daughter black on papers?" She asked picking up her phone. "You know what honey?I'm calling the editor to let him know he or she will definitely be sued for this!"

"Darling you're not making any call"

"Excuse me? Why?"

"Cause I said so! This is the kind if behaviour you exhibit in front of your children and they end up copying you. Im sure Eniola must be on her way to sue the newspaper company already!"

"And we should help her, that's what family does"

"Families share secrets, they share love, trust and morals, I'm still trying to pretend im not angry you and Morenike hid the secret about Goriola from me. Don't push me Janet" "Oko mi (My husband)"

"E jo e ko (it's not your fault). We've raised spoilt brats,and truth be told, I don't want to be involved in anything that'll make them more spoilt. If only there's a way I can turn back the hands of time but I can't. You're angry that someone is writing about Eniola, did he lie? No! Beeni, she's my daughter and I love her but must one live in sin for grace to abound, no! It's even biblical. You're not even grateful, one week gone and nobody has posted about Gorilla raping somebody or anything close"

"Daddy Goriola"

"Yes? Kilo wa de? You had better drop that phone, you want to sue, have they sued us? No! But you want to sue"

Eniola's eyes scattered around in search of Folabi. "Where is this idiot?" She asked and Jemima rolled, "If you're going to insult him, you can as well tell me to go back" "He called me Medusa, should I remind you the Greek mythology of Medusa?"

"I don't think there's any point to, I'm sure you've said worst to him"

"Why is it that when it comes to this guy, you're always painting me as the bad person, the guilty party, the only one that cab abuse someone?"

A young guy walked up to her, "Mr Afolabi will be with you shortly" "I'll prefer speaking to him in his office, thank you" "I already called him, he's coming" "But..."

"Ignore my friend, thank you jare you've been helpful" Jemima said and the guy walked away leaving her to  glared at Eniola, "You couldn't even tell him thank you"

"She doesn't have manners that's why" Folabi answered from behind and Eniola scoffed, "Its your siblings that don't have manners" she snapped and Jemima gasped, "Eniola"

"What? Oh, you didn't hear when she said I didn't have manners"

"He said it directly to you, not your siblings"

"I guess she's no different from the market women at Iyana paja and Oshodi" he snapped and Eniola flipped her hair. "She's different, she's just temperamental" Jemima answered stretching her hand at him.

"My name is Jemima Makinde, you can call me Jemmy, I'm this girl's best friend" she said and he held her hands softly. "Why are you introducing yourself as though he's my friend?" Eniola asked and Folabi laughed.

"E ma gba wa oh, is it your introduction?" He asked and Jemima laughed. "The pen name is Afolabi Badmus, you can call me, Afola, Fola, Labi, Ola, I go by a lot of names,including Kuti which is my middle name"  he said kissing the back of her palm and Jemima gushed.

Eniola batted her eyes at the both them. "That's sweet,Eniola, you said he's short, he's not that short"

Folabi laughed, "So you guys are gossiping heights now" "I'm almost taller than him" "He has a nice smile and you didn't tell me he was romantic" "Yes, cause I went on that date with him, sorry it skipped my memory" "Who would want to go on a date with you sef?"

"Only a moron will not want to go on a date with me"

"Ah, I'd rather remain a moron oh" he answered plunging his hands into his pocket then he laughed, "To be a moron is far better from the angle, date with you? Iffa hear"

Jemima raised her hands, "Okay guys" "Sorry dear, your friend has a way of getting into my skin" "Abi its your body rash speaking" "Pele Miss dermatologist, can you give me a clue or two how I get rid of the rash?"

"Try taking a bathe for a change"

"What If this rash keeps on coming to my office unannounced?"

Eniola scoffed and Folabi laughed, "In was trying to say you stink" "I got your point but in pretty sure you didn't know you were the rash I was talking about" he added and she scoffed again.

"I didn't come for this. Let's talk in your office"

"I don't have one"

Eniola laughed in mockery then she turned towards Jemima, "He doesn't even have an office" "I'm a freelance journalist. My office is in Benin, I came here to get a job done and you know that I won't leave until I get it done"

"While you're getting your job done, please leave my name out of the tabloids. I hate it when people drag my name in"


"Yes oh. How dare you insult me?

"Madam, it wasn't an insult" "Oh please humour me, what is it called?" "Comic relief"

"Comic relief? Who died?"

"It was funny, admit it"

Eniola laughed sarcastically, "Wow Jemmy,look at this idiot, he said it's funny." "Don't call me an idiot" "You called me Medusa" "At least i didn't use Ayamatanga!" "Oh praise God! Aren't you a good man? I guess that should make me grateful to you. Keep my name off your news, the next time you list something stupid about me, I'll sue you and I'll sue this company. Rubbish!"  she snapped leaving and Jemima rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry about that, I actually thought the news was funny but Eniola can be ..." "Temperamental?" "Exactly, she feels insulted and she gets this way when she does. Well, she gets this way most of the time sha. Its nice to meet the journalist she has been complaining about"

"Maybe the idiom about show me your friend and I'll tell you who you are is wrong. Nice to know you're not like her"

"Hey! Eniola can be unbearable but she's not bad, she's actually nice in her own twisted way sha. She's just being our little ice princess,building walls of ice around her. Someone just needs to melt thst ice to see the real princess in her" she answered, "Bye Folabi" she waved leaving him then she found outside the building Eniola leaning against her car.

"What was that for?"

"What was what for?"

"All those 'why didn't you tell me he was romantic crap'" "I was just joking. This your on and off mood swing is not worth it, not even for Banana bread and ice cream" she turned her back to leave and Eniola held her back.

"I'm sorry. I think it's my period!"

"This your everyday period ehn!" She snapped entering into the car and Eniola entered. "I'm sorry" "Are you not done apologising? Its getting old, with this kind of behaviour Eniola, you'll be remaining single for a very long time" she added looking away and Eniola nodded.

"I'm sorry" Jemima apologised, "I shouldn't have said that. I didn't mean it" "You meant it, remember you're Jemima and not Queen, you're always freakishly saying the truth even when I don't want to hear it!"

"I didn't mean it to sound that way. I think you a little behavioural management or readjustment will not hurt anyone. You called that guy an idiot, I'm sure he's older than you"

"Even if he's older than my uncle. Am I suppose to apologise to him?" "Whatever, its in your body!" She hissed and Eniola started the car.

"The guy is not that short and his side burns are not bad"

"He looks like a mad man"

"He's fine sha and he has a cute laughter"

Eniola scoffed, "Cute kor, cute ni" she hissed driving off and Jemima laughed. "Your hate is blinding your eyes" "Ive seen better guys" "Be seeing better guys, don't work on yourself so they can actually last with you!"

"Jemmy, you do know you have a way of chipping insults and you're so good at making them look like advice!" "Madam eyes on the road! My Banana bread is waiting for me!"

Matthew pleaded with the doctor once again to see George but he kept on giving the same excuse, that George isn't mentally fit to receive visitors as he might get violent.

"Let's the visit be at visitor's risk now! I'm willing to sign anything"

"You can't see him period!"

"Don't force my hands oh" "And you too don't force my hands or else, I'll put a restraining order that'll stop you from entering into this institution. I am the doctor here and even when Mr George will get better, you won't be able to see him for poor behavior so I'll advise you behave yourself. You are mature man, let's not argue over this like kids"

After an hectic day, Osaze had Obianuju team up with Omo and Ejiro to take Osas shopping for clothes. Ejiro brought in Chika who had been longing to see Osas.

"Your face never even change, I think say with all this AC way you don't swallow your face go fresh set" she was the first thing she said on seeing Osas in the boutique. "Abeg who bring this Ibo girl come?" She asked and Ejiro laughed. "She missed you oh, that was why I brought her along"

"Miss fire!"

Osas smiled placing her palm on her chest, "Awwn. Obianuju, Omo, meet Chika, I don't know if she's a friend or not" "Waka for where you stand so" Chika snapped and Osas laughed.

"Your thunder still dey carry weight. Well, Chika meet Obianuju, my sister, I know say Ejiro for don give you gist." She paused pointing at Omo, "This is my best friend, Omo"

"Una welcome oh. Well, I'm Chika, CEO of Chika Hair and style" "Company way no get location" Osas continued and she chuckled looking around the store. "Imagine Osas that was buying 300 naira clothes last month. Mehn this place looks expensive oh"

"Its where I usually shop for things" Obianuju answered and Chika smiled, "Ah! Osas, your Mama do you bad, you come suffer poverty when you suppose..... Na wa oh" 

"There's probably a reason for everything. What if the rich Osas ends up being a snub or something like that" Obianuju asked and Ejiro shrugged while Osas walked towards a blue gown.

"This one is nice"

Obianuju moved closer, "Of course it is, you guys can feel free to pick one or two things, courtesy of Osaze"

"Oshey" Chika yelled throwing shanku moves, "Oya make we Max your boyfriend card" "Max wetin?" Osas asked, "Max kor, go TV Max ni. Abeg! You don ever max anything for your life"

"It reminds me of one funny incidence" Chika pointed out, "It better be funny" Ejiro answered and Omo laughed. Crazy people! She loved their spirit. "There was this time, I bought somethings more than usual and I had 2k outstanding debt to pay so I called my guy that year to help me clear it so he came to my rescue and he gave me his card, so I decided to buy some extra things on it. O swear I maxed his card, he only had 4500 something in it" she explained and Obianuju slapped her face laughing.

"Chika you be witch" Osas shouted and she laughed, "And it was his last money home and abroad, I swear his face grew red that day, the rescuer now became a rescuee in need of another rescuer" she continued and everyone laughed.

Chika wiped some tears off the edges of her eyes from laughing too much. "But I love the cloth too" she added examining the gown. "I for like wear like black tube inside" she added and everyone laughed.

"You're not wearing any tube"

"Haba, e go too show my breast now"

"That's the idea Osas, It's a date, you're supposed to look special...." Obianuju trailed off and Omo picked up from where she stopped. "Dressed to kill, keep his eyes locked on you. You know what I mean?"

"Why won't she understand? After the date comes the hm" Chika winked at Osas and she laughed. "You no well I swear."

"I make and sell wigs oh in case you guys need some" "What kind of stupid wig is that? Wig that you'll use cheap weavons on one stupid closure like that" Ejiro snapped and everyone laughed.

"Is it not the money that determines the services I give"

"Remember that wig I paid ten k for and it had fly overs and that one that refused to come down and you told me you could flat iron it. Babes, that hair was more synthetic than nylon bag"

"Jesus!!" Omo screamed unconsciously, "That was a one time thing Ejiro, why you dey spoil market for me now?"

"If you guys want Chika for any other hair styles, she's your go to girl, but if it's wig, the Igbo girl in her will just come out, she'll go and buy Aba hair"

Everyone laughed and Chika laughed as well. "Well, my hair are usually imported" "From Aba" Osas agreed and the laughter continued.

"Na wa oh, Aba don suffer!"

"So Omo, you for like leave your life for Benin, live for Lagos?" 

"Yes. Why you ask?"

"Na talkative I be, no vex. Do you have a boyfriend in Benin?"


"Seriously, so you're hoping to find someone here" "I don't know, as long as the person is smart, very smart. Someone that'll have my back and I can have his back too, someone whose intentions are marriage-base,  no chewing gum guys! I'm tired of them!"

"I have less than an hour to be at work so let's just do the shopping real quick and go, I'll really like to see how Osas will look after the make up"

"Let's get her sexy undies too" Omo suggested, "Just like Chika said, after the date comes the Hm" she sang to the rhythm of Harry song 'After the regae play the blues'.

"The hm, the hm" Chika answered and Osas laughed. "Mad people everywhere"

Raymond walked into Osaze's sitting room looking around. "Oga what's the emergency?" He asked, "I'm the room!" Osaze yelled and he walked in to find him raising two suits up, "Should I go grey or black"

"Black anyday. Grey dey always make you look...." He trailed off on noticing Osaze's look. "Look like?"Osaze asked and Raymond laughed.

"Is that the emmergency? Dude, I didn't even make a stop at home. I just drove in because you called it an emmergency. I sha like what you've done with the place" "It's temporal" "Temporal as how?"

"The place is temporal, it's not mine. When things get serious between me and Osas, I won't want our children growing up in a house they'll get used to, only for them to change afterwards."

Raymond smiled, "This one that you're thinking this way like this...."

Osaze brought out a ring and he opened his mouth wide in surprise. "Wow" "I know, it's too early right? It's too early" "Did I say anything?" "You didn't need to"

Raymond exhaled, "See, it all depends on yourself. Are you doing this out of guilt or because... because you really want to get married to her" "I love her and it's fate right?"

"Are you asking me? Dude, it depends on you to search yourself to know exactly what you want. There's no doubt you love her but if you want to propose, it better be for the right reasons!"

Just as Eniola walked out of the law firm towards the parking lot, she heard a familiar voice call her name. "Eniola!" He called out and she glared at him. "That's Barrister Eniola" "What's so special about the Barrister in front"

"Try going to law school and see how easy it is to have it"

"Have you ever tried writing an article that will keep people glued to the last full stop, all profession have the same difficulty"

Eniola scoffed, "Profession?" "No, occupation" "Really? Journalism" "No, Photography" "I think you would have been better as a photographer" "I would have loved that" "What happened? You realize you were too short to take coverage of tall people" she asked and he chuckled.

"I realized I was too talented. Why take pictures of obnoxious, insensitive women when you can actually write about them?" He asked and she scoffed. He knocked her speechless then he chuckled.

"Okay, let's not go at this again cause you're not going to win, so don't bother. The Edo hot training in me will not allow you win so let me cut to the chase"

"What do you want? Are you following me now?" "Why will I do that?"

"What do you want then?" She snapped folding her hands and he exhaled, "I swear, I'm this close to going back without doing this. There's something I do after every conversation with anybody, even with the most insensitive person on Earth. I go through a self reflective process where I start to think of places I reacted when I shouldn't have and I realized I was just as rude as you are and I shouldn't have brought myself down to that level"

Eniola scoffed, "Is that an apology" "No, this is the apology, I'm sorry in anyway I must have spoken out of turn. I'm also sorry for calling you Medusa but you have to admit, it was funny" he laughed staring at Eniola who was still frowning.

"Where's my apology?"

"Are you serious? What will I be apologizing for?" "I just fed your ego and you can't feed mine, wow! Well, that said and done. At least I can sleep knowing I've done one more thing right, how do you sleep at night?"

"I sleep perfectly"

"Your bed must be so used to Injustice cause it's my sister's blood and a whole lot of others on the head of the man you're supporting" "Osas must be lying" 

"How do you explain the fact they tried to bribe me into leaving?"

Eniola lifted her "Who did?" "It was courtesy of Chief Akinola and his wife" "I'm sure it's to stop you from writing rubbish about him" she answered and he scoffed.

"Mehn, you're hopeless! That's what you do right? You pretend things are okay so they can appeal to your conscience and judgement. How many cases have you taken on that requires you being on the wrong side?" He asked and she kept quiet.

"I'm ask again, how do you sleep at night?" He asked then he walked away leaving her to slowly enter into her car.

Osaze smiled on seeing Osas walk into the house while Obianuju and Chika brought in her shopping bag. "Uh....." He stammered. "Awwn see as you you left him speechless" Chika said out loud then she waved at him.

"Hi, I'm Chika and I'm leaving, thank you so much for the gift. I know I was a plus one but, we didn't max your card so don't be worried. Bye Osas, Bye Nuju" She chipped in running off and Osas smiled.

"I better leave too." Obianuju said passing the card back to him and he chuckled. "Thanks" "You're welcome. You two enjoy" "Thank you Edosa"  "You're welcome sis" she answered walking out of the door and Osaze resumed staring at her.


"Sorry.... Uh..." He face palmed himself. "I'm so sorry, your look, it's breathe taking" he commented and she twirled. "Shey? I even asked myself out when I saw the result in the mirror" she answered and he chuckled then parted her lips with his and a moan escaped from her lips then she pulled away wiping the lips stick off his lips.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked and she bit her lower lip, her excitement about the day continued and on an impulse she reached for his hand and squeezed it.

"Yes" She replied, beaming with joy.

How was today's chapter? 😍

What do you guys think of Folabi  as a person?

What about Jemima?

The next chapter is sweetening me in my belly 🤣😂

I never start, e dey sweet me for body

Can't wait  🙏

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