🔺 Chapter 30🔻
It's a very busy busy day! I'm still very much busy but I don't want to fall hands
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Chapter 30
After what seemed like a very long kiss, Osas turned to everyone flashing smiles, "Why una con dey look me now, now I'm shy?" She covered her face and they a laughed.
"Make I hear" Omo waved her fingers in disbelief then she moved closer to Osaze, "I guess say una go go there go house continue una romance" she whispered and he shook his head.
"No! Osas won't be returning today right?" he asked out loud and Osas smiled, "Why? You dey pursue me?" She asked and her smile waned on realizing why he doesn't want her home yet.
"You don scatter house way I arrange. Osaze!"
"Okay...." He moved back laughing, "It's not bad, it's not bad at all. It's just a bit.... Well, how about tomorrow?"
Osas rolled her eyes, "You'll be the only one arranging it this time" "Yes ma'am, not like I'm asking for your help" he answered now moving close to her. "What's your plan like tomorrow?" "Let me see..... I don't have any, we still haven't retrieved my sim and I'm tired of using Omo's phone to make calls"
"Even me, I'm tired of giving her my phone when she has her own phone" Omo answered and Osaze chuckled. "Let's make that a plan, and then Chief Akinola"
"Okay!" Osas shrugged and Mrs Nwosu shook her head, she didn't subscribe to the idea of jumping into Chief Akinola's case just yet.
"No, no, no! This is where I'll come in as someone older, I know the tension of law suits and hearings. I know she's a strong woman, take her on a date, you two need to smell the roses. Why don't you guys just take some time to enjoy each other's company, you Osaze, you need to spoil her, she has been through a lot." she advised in and Osaze nodded withsmiled.
"I couldn't agree more" Omo answered, "We'll be leaving tomorrow then"
"Awwwwn, why?"
"You have him now, you're okay. No forget say Osato and Zuwa gatz go school"
"There are schools here"
Omo scoffed, "You don't understand the kind of school on me and Osas budget" she answered and Osaze cleared his throat looking down at Osas. "I'll take care of the fees, the kids don't have to be far away from you"
"So they'll be staying with you, no! No privacy, nah!" She waved her fingers to the front, "Just say you'll miss them!" Osas raised her nose in disbelief and Omo chuckled, "I admit it, I'll miss them, a lot! But...."
"You don't have to go too"
"Osas listen to yourself! So we go con jam-pack ourselves inside your boyfriend house like sardine. You try! We still don't have anywhere to stay"
"It hurts me when you say that," Mrs Nwosu snapped and Omo shut her eyes in guilt. "Where have you been staying for the past week?" "Ma, I don't want to inconvenience you"
"I've studied you Omo, I see the way you're uncomfortable to do things around the house, to even go into the kitchen or even serve yourself. You don't have to feel uncomfortable, since Obianuju left, only a few of my family members come here to stay, even the ones that come here to stay are usually...not as easy-going as you all are . This week has been great, its been busy and hearing the noises of these children has been quite nostalgic. I'm sure my husband will agree"
"Thank you Ma" Omo moved close to her pressing her body against hers then she withdrew, "God bless you but I left my job in Benin" "God Omo, you're really sturbborn. You can always get a job here, do you have a certificate?"
"ND, Auchi polytechnic but she works in an eatery" Osas answered and Omo glared at her, "You know, if I can lay my hands on your resume, I can talk to some of my friends"
"Thank you Ma" Omo replied, "I'm happy Osas has good people around her" "Even with the troubles surrounding her life, she is really rich in friends" Mrs Nwosu replied holding on to Osas' hands.
"You deserve to enjoy to the fullest"
Briggs' law firm
"Ma, there's someone who wants to see you" Morenike's secretary announced arousing her interest, could it be Osifo she thought then she noticed that look she gets especially when it's someone she doesn't want to see.
"Who is it?"
"Mr Philip, your son-in-law"
"What does he want?"
"I don't know"
"Let him in" She answered and her secretary exhaled walking out of the office. Philip walked in shortly, "Good afternoon Ma" "What do you want?" She asked sharply and he looked at the seat.
"Can I seat?"
"Knock yourself out" she answered and he sat down. "How are you Ma?" "Urgh! I hate preambles, you know I love to go straight to the point. It's a busy day and I'm not in the best mood"
"You're not always in a good mood Ma" he teased and she glared at him. "It's a joke"
"Sorry.... Straight to the point, um..... So last week, I know Vera came and she probably said some things that..." "Is that what you came here to talk about? My daughter's disrespectful behavior? You know what? I'm used to it"
"She's has been calling you Mrs Briggs for a week now and I find it disturbing, we've been having arguments over this and I think what you two need now is a kind of reconcilation"
Morenike scoffed, "Reconcilation? Really? Shouldn't you be discussing that with your wife?" "Actually I have" "And? Why don't you tell her I need an apology and it better come in letters too"
Philip bowed his head, he wondered why he thought it was possible to make them see reasons. Morenike laughed mockingly and he lifted his head at her, "What I think is, you and Vera, personally I think you're cut out of the same clothes, two peas in a pod and the only way to battle this is to shift boundaries"
Morenike scoffed, "So I should apologize to my own daughter?" "I'm not saying that, I'm just.... " "Vera doesn't want to apologize right? That's why you're here, you want me to apologise" "No Ma, if you can listen to me"
"I just wasted ten minutes of my time. Please leave my office "
Philip shut his eyes, "Ma" "Don't let me call security on you, leave now" she demanded and he exhaled. "I don't want my children growing up in a broken home, I don't want to have to explain to them why we can't go to Grandma's place. That's my greatest fear Ma, what's yours?" He asked leaving and she leaned back tapping her pen on her desk.
Tiffany folded her legs on the chair watching Osifo speak sadly about Morenike. "It's totally normal if you don't want to go back home. Your sanity matters a lot, it's advisable to stay away from a home that makes you sad, maybe this is what you need this time. A break to figure out what you want for yourself, let me ask you one question Sir, what do you want?"
Osifo exhaled, "The best for my children" "Hm hm" she shook her head, "No, what do you want for yourself?" "To be happy"
"Happiness is free, and it depends on you not holding back from doing the needful" she answered and Osifo smiled.
"You're not a motivational speaker are you?"
"No. But I listen to a whole motivational shit" she answered and he chuckled, "Especially those ones that tell you to go for whatever you want no matter how crazy it is" she said moving her lips close to his then she kissed him and he moved back.
"I'm unapologetic about it, I won't apologize cause I've always wanted to do that from the first day we met. I'm pretty sure you know that too, I haven't been exactly low key about my intentions. I like you Sir and I wish more than anything to make you happy. I'm just some steps away from here, if you want some company. You know where you can find me" she answered leaving the house and Osifo covered his palm over his face then he exhaled.
Nana knocked on the door and Vera opened up. "Good afternoon Nana" Vera greeted walking in and Nana followed her. "How are you?" "I'm not fine, my cravings have gone mad, I've been licking food spice for the past weeks, specifically Maggi star and before I can even eat anything, I'll have to sprinkle the Maggi on it. I can't wait for him or her to be out. It's just two months, three weeks left!"
"Him or her? I thought you guys always go for ultrasound test during your trimester?" "Well.... I wanted it to be a family affair, I was even going to call you. We'll be going tomorrow, I already informed Dad"
"And your Mom?"
"Your Mom"
"You mean Mrs Briggs?" She scoffed, "She's the last thing on my mind right now" "Vera" "Nana please, please don't insist. These days haven't been easy for me, I'm trying to live my life, trying to forget I have a mother and I've been quarreling with my husband" she cried and Nana hugged her.
"I pray to God everyday to touch her heart, I'm sure that God himself is tired of her" she added and Vera chuckled.
Kubiat rubbed his chin staring at the boards on which he pinned up and plot out all their clues pertaining to the drug case. "What's the pattern? How do they manage to get past our radar?" He asked a guy on his team and he shrugged in response.
"The usual way, you know these guys will always plant moles everywhere. They're making bastard money so they'll definitely use their money to command silence, inside life sha"
Theo walked into the room with a print out, "They finally emailed me his information. Kelechi Dickson, that's his name, hails from Anambra State"
"Wow, I wonder why that surname sounds familiar" Kubiat asked sarcastically and Theo chuckled, "Dickson, Club high. These guys are doing drugs, it's obvious, we all know, let's just have them arrested"
"Remember the last search we ran on them? Mehn, it was embarrassing oh, if only we can catch them red handed."
"The question is how?"
Club High
4:30 am
Madam Davina walked into her husband's office then she took a seat. "Hey, do you have a minute?" "Even if I say I don't, you'll still impose it on me. Just say whatever you want"
"What do you say if..." She trailed off taking a seat opposite him. "If we expand this business?" "Expand?"he raised his brow and she nodded, "Yes" "Expand?" He repeat again and she scoffed.
"Yes Expand, I believe I spoke in English! Expand"
"What's your definition of expand?"
"Another Branch where I can solely be the owner"
"Why do we need another Branch? This is place is doing well, business nis going great" "That's what growing businesses do!"
"See! It's waste of money"
"It's an investment!"
"I don't have such money"
"But you have money to lavish on your illegitimate wife and children" she snapped and he exhaled rubbing his forehead. "Maybe if you had children of your own, I wouldn't have to spend the money on those illegitimate children! At least they're more legitimate than Chike"
"Oh shut up!" She snapped. "I want my own club away from this place" "Why?" "Cause I have a feeling your downfall is near"
"It's your downfall that's near. Are you planning on snitching on me?"
"No! But if your cousin Kelechi keeps coming to the club, the police will get noticed. I don't want to go to jail please!" "And you won't go to jail, none of us will."
"I still want another Branch"
"I'm not opening anything based on what you want. Feel free to start elsewhere, with another name" "I can't do that" "Why?" "Club High wasn't your idea"
"Who cares whose idea it was? I know the money I pumped into this business" "And what about mine?" "Do we have to argue about this every time? I'm tired, what happened to us Uyi? We used to be good together until you went back to Benin and you brought that stupid man here"
Madam Davina scoffed, "That's the least and you know it!" "Was it because I shot him? That was ages ago, you're lucky the guy survived it, or was it because I had affair, you also had an affair too, I mean you sef reason am, do you expect me to be childless in life all because you can't have children? I couldn't now, my generation must continue"
"The last time I checked, I didn't initiate this topic"
"Uyi, I still love you. If I don't, I wouldn't have been able to put up with you, it's because of my love for you that I'm able to put up with a guy that isn't my son. Can you please just do this my own way. If it's Kelechi, you're worried about, See, I have him under control, the last deal he did was the last, you shouldn't be worried about him. In order not to raise police brow, he won't be involve. I already prohibited him from coming here, in fact, he should be on his way to Anambra as we speak"
Kelechi walked into the office and Madam Davina scoffed, "What are you doing here?" Dickson asked and he smiled. "I came to make deliveries" "What delivery?"
"This one's personal"
"Per..... I don't understand."
"It's a girl I like, it's not even a serious something. The police won't even suspect" "What if she's working under cover?" Madam Davina asked, "You'll stand to put everyone in trouble"
"Abeg! Abeg! Save the lecture for your son who isn't even your son. I don't have the strength for lectures abeg!"
A loud sigh escaped Madam Davina's lips then she glared at Dickson, "Fix this!"
Tacha sat in her car and then Kelechi entered into the car and they both made an exchange; drugs for money. "Why you are you dealing in little quantity? You're a rich babe" "I'm planning on stopping soon"
Kelechi laughed, "Why? You're starting to have cold feets right? Don't you like how you feel after taking it?" "I wish the euphoria doesn't have to end, it just doesn't take my problem away."
"Move away from where the problem is then" he answered giving her a flirty look, "Or you find a better distraction" he placed his hands on her exposed lap and she slapped his hands off.
"Out, now!" She shouted and he laughed, "Small play, you're taking it personal. You're a really pretty lady" "Out! Don't make me more angry than I already am"
Kelechi walked out and Ejiro, who was just resuming work sighted him, why does this face look familiar, he asked and he turned towards her walking into a truck and then he drove off.
Morenike kicked off her shoes after the maid opened the door. "God I'm so exhausted" she confessed and Nana walked in. "You're in later than usual" "It was a busy day at work" she answered looking around.
"Where's Tacha?"
"She's not home"
"By this time?"
"She's a grown woman, let her do whatever she wants"
Tacha walked in and she shot a glare at her, "Good evening Mom, good evening Nana" "Evening My dear, Ba wo ni? (How are you?)" Nana asked and Tacha forced a smile, "I'm fine Nana"
"Where were you?" Her mother asked and she shrugged, "You haven't even answered her greetings" "I was with friends" "Friends? I hope you're not back with that boy" "What's your business even if she is Morenike?"
"I'm her mother!"
"And she's a grown up woman" "I'm looking out for her welfare Nana, and that's my business as her mother not yours!" "It's okay!" Tacha screamed, "Please don't argue, I just went out to meet my friends and I'm not with him, you two don't have to argue" she replied walking away and Nana shook her head staring at Morenike.
"Sorry about the way i spoke" Morenike apologized, "Ah! Siooor! Sorry for yourself"
"Is Sifo back?" She asked and Nana shook her head. "No" "What kind of husband stays away from home for a week?" "One that is angry with his wife. Have you called him?"
"No! Why should I? He's the one staying away from work. I'm his boss, he owes me a lot of explanation! I should fire him!" She snapped taking her seat on the couch and Nana hissed. "I hope you don't destroy your home with this your stupid ego"
"Nana, I just got back. The last thing I want is you nagging me! I'm tired as it is" "I went to see Vera today" Nana chipped in and her heart jumped. "What?"
"They don't know the sex of the baby yet"
"It's six months already"
"Yes. She hasn't checked yet because she wants it to be a family affair but since it's not looking that way, she has an appointment tomorrow by 9" "I have an appointment by 9"
"Who's asking you to come?" Nana scoffed, "I was just informing you. I'm sure no one wants your bad spirit there sef. Will you eat?" "I will" Morenike groaned touching her neck, "I could use a massage right now" "Too bad Osifo isn't around, he would have gladly given you that massage and more" she answered leaving and she dipped her hands in her bag removing her phone then she dropped it back.
Obianuju stood by the door hearing laughter from both Omo and Osas then she pushed the door open, "Hey! Good evening guys" She waved with a smile. "Good evening" they both replied.
"Can I speak to Osas alone, I hope you don't mind"
"I don't" Omo replied leaving and Osas smiled. "I heard the good news and it's reeking all over you. I'm so happy you're both back together" she expressed her joy now taking a seat on the bed.
"Thank you. Mrs Obianuju, I no fit thank you enough"
"Please call me Obianuju, you don't have to thank me any longer. It's fine"
Osas moved closer then she hugged her, "God bless you" "Amen." Obianuju replied then she pulled away letting out a heavy sigh, "Osas....."
"What? E be like say e get wetin you want talk"
"No, it's crazy"
"You better talk before I tickle you" she moved her fingers underneath her armpit and she laughed pushing her body backwards.
"I ... I.... How was your life in Benin?" She asked and Osas creased her brow puzzled, "Why.....?" "See, I told you it was crazy" "It's not, I'm just shocked you asked. My life was..... "
"Sorry I asked, you must be remembering the whole rape"
"Water under the bridge" she replied waving her hands and Obianuju laughed, "Where did you learn than from?"
"African magic" she replied and they both laughed.
Tell me about your family"
Osas shrugged, "My mother gave birth to four of us that year" "Oh....." Obianuju swallowed hard on disappointment. It possible can't be her!
"You, Osato, Zuwa and who?"
Osas laughed, "No oh. For where? I just found out about Zuwa this year when Mama died." "How's that possible?" "Well, my Mom gave me to someone Mama Loveth so I can live with her but I ended up being her servant. I was away from her for nineteen years, I didn't know she remarried"
"You didn't look for her?"
"She left her old place, there was no way to find her and I just felt like maybe she didn't want to see me, so I didn't bother. I was only waiting for the day she'll come and take me back but I left Mama Loveth's place after some years. Osato came knocking on the door and that was how I found out I had other siblings"
"So.... There are others?"
"Yes. My mother gave them away to her sister, that's one of the reason I came to Lagos, to look for them. I learned they were adopted" she explained and tears formed across Obianuju's eyes.
She was beginning to confirm her suspicion. "What are their names?" "Edosa, Uwa" "And Efe?" Edosa asked and Osas raised her brow in shock.
"Wait.... I don tell you before?" She asked and tears poured down her eyes as she shook her head.
"No! Those are the names of my siblings too," "You be Igbo now" "I was adopted, my elder sister's name is Osas, I don't think it's a coincidence" she analysed and Osas covered her lips.
"Wait.... Edosa?" She asked and Obianuju nodded, "That was my name before Mom changed it to Obianuju"
Osas hugged her like she has never before, both cried in each other's arms. "I can't believe this" she withdrew touching her cheek as though she was seeing her for the first time.
"Jesus! Edosa!" She called out, she was beginning to have goose pimples all over her skin. "See as my head dey swell" she added and Obianuju smiled. "So na my junior sister I dey Ma, since!" She continued and they both laughed.
"This life ehn!"
"When Osaze fired his secretary and I took the job, I actually thought it was crazy. It was actually the craziest thing I've ever done, I didn't know it was fated to bring us closer"
"God works in mysterious ways"
"I believe he does. So Osato and Zuwa....?"
"Our brothers from another father"
"What about Uwa and Efe?"
"The last time I did any investigation on you guys was when I visited one woman called Lisa, she managed to discourage me. I was actually looking for Aunty Uyi"
"Aunt Uyi? The heartless woman who gave us up for adoption"
Osas shrugged, "Aunt Uyi was always nice when we were little, she'll always buy us bread and chinchin whenever she comes to Benin." "Was she Mom's friend?" "No, she's Mama's sister"
Obianuju scoffed, it finally made sense why she hugged Osas that way. "Two weeks ago, Mom told me where I can find Aunt Uyi, they didn't exactly know who she was to me and it makes a lot of sense now cause if they did, they wouldn't have adopted me, judging from who my parents are. I went to see her but she couldn't help me, you won't believe who our precious Aunt is"
"Madam Davina"
"Is a lie! Wait, it can't...." She stalled remembering how she reacted when she found out her last name was 'Ovbiokpomwan'.
"Jesus! Which kain person.... No wonder.... that time that.... And ..... Notm wonder she started being nice to me! She fired me, paid me and then advised me to go back to Benin" "I'm sure she was trying to save her ass, maybe she was avoiding this from happening" she answered and Osas tightened her fist in anger.
"Why didn't she say anything? What's the use of keeping all these secrets? I'm sure she knows where Uwa and Efe is"
"Definitely. What about our father"
"He's here in Lagos, he left us when we were little. According to Imade, someone came looking for me, he said my father wants to see us" "After how many years, our real parents are not even worth it!" Obianuju scoffed disappointingly.
"Heys!" Osas snapped, "No dey talk like that without finding out the main story first." "You said it yourself, our mother gave us us up be adopted and you out to slavery" "And I singlehandedly gave her the best burial that I could, without any grudge, you have every right to be abger but i want you to know that Mom wanted the best for us. She thought we could have a better life. That was what she told me that day in the bus before she abandoned me"
"And you're not mad at her? She could have taken care of us!"
"Why are you even angry? Imagine say them no adopt you, you for sabi speak good English? No! Or you for go university? You for no get education sef. Things were hard. Eating was difficult, paying of fees nko? How much debt way Mama being dey owe"
"How was she like? Mom...."
"I had her picture but they already burnt it in that fire. Mom was pretty, nice, she had the brightest smile, she has gap teeth" "Like Madam Davina" "Yes." Osas sniffles, "Why don't we pay Madam Davina a visit, or better yet, Aunt Uyi"
"Hello Enny baby!!" Queen called out on entering into Eniola's room, she had two shopping bags in her hands. Jemima walked in afterwards. "Hey, you guys went night shopping" "Iffa hear" Queen responded letting out a scoff. "I can't remember the last time I bought anything with my own money." She snapped her fingers.
"You'll be accepting gifts from every kunle and Dele, yet you'll still be forming as if Goriola is the love of your life." "Actually, he is but, what should I do? A girl gotta get on another train! Besides this one is courtesy of Jemima's boyfriend" She snapped her fingers again then she noticed Eniola's eyes lit up in interest. "I thought you said that one no follow"
Jemima laughed, "E no follow now, you that guys can be funny a times, maybe the only thing the guy's interested in is sex, maybe he's only playing nice till i give in. Besides, I didn't even collect anything from him, except dinner."
"If you're not interested, tell me let me snatch him oh"
Jemima laughed. "Let's see the guy's intention now," "At least you have a love life! My life these days ehn!" She groaned still holding on to the newspaper.
"Did you guys buy anything for me?"
Queen hissed, "Out of the both of us, who is the daughter of a multi millionaire?" She asked and Eniola laughed, "Is that how it is?" "Yep!" She answered, "Why are you reading newspapers this late? Do you have a case you're trying to get information?"
"No"Eniola exhaled then she rolled her eyes. "What are you reading?" Jemima asked, "Its nothing" she answered and Queen dragged the paper from her. "Can you even read?" She asked and Queen laughed.
"Haha very funny!" She replied, "Afolabi Badmus, wait, why does the name sound familiar?" She asked and Eniola hissed, "Its that guy that was rude to me at the police station. He's been harassing the Bello's family and today issued a restraining order against him and...." She shut her eyes.
"He said somethings and I just didn't know whether to believe him or not"
Jemima sat close to her, "Like?" "He said his sister was killed, used for ritual and Is as noticed it" "Lies!" Queen shouted, "Its not only ritual, its ritualist!"
"That's bad"
"Ah! Jemmy baby, don't tell me you're falling for this. That's why I don't like you. Jemmy is gullible! She can believe anything!" "It's not the matter of believing everything! Did you guys watch the video on you tube? Someone cannot just lie like that!"
"Erm, Jemmy, are we going to make this a conversation?"
"You don't like that girl period! Hate can make you lose perception. It messes with your ability to decipher what is real" "Oshey! Miss psychologist, abeg make we change topic"
"So he said his sister was killed"
"He almost cried"
"He must be an actor! Let's just hand him Oscar award!"
Jemima observed Eniola, her calmness only meant one thing, "You believe him?" "No! If I do, then I'll be doubting Chief Akinola Bello, that's not professional. Queen is right! Maybe we should hand him an oscar award"
"This is just pretense! You're acting out of hate so you don't see the truth before you! All you just want is to win the damn case, the more you dwell on it, the more annoying its becomes for me! Abeg good night!" She snapped leaving, "Jemima!" Enny called, "It's not even worth..... What did I even say?"
"Abeg leave her!"
Ejiro dressed on her white polo and black trousers uniform walked up to Chike smiling, "Where's your girlfriend? I don't see her around" "She's not around, why did you ask?" Chike asked chuckling and then she shook her head in understanding. She probably didn't come to see him.
"I saw her outside the club in a car and there was this guy that got out of the car. He looked familiar, or maybe I didn't see right, or maybe she wasn't the one." "Maybe"
Kubiat took a seat opposite Dickson then dropped the picture on the desk. "Does that face look familiar to you?" "Why?" Dickson asked looking into it. "Am I suppose yo recognise the face?" "What about the name Kelechi Dickson, does it ring a bell?"
"Are you sure? He hails from Anambra, the same place you come from" "Anambra is a very big city, I can't possibly know everybody"
Kubiat rolled his eyes, "So you don't have any distant relative with the name Kelechi Dickson?" "No I don't, I have two brothers and two sisters, none bares the name Kelechi," "This man does drugs and I believe if we have him, we can have have one of the major distributors here in Lagos. What's that your name again? Chinedu Dickson or what?"
Dickson scoffed, "Why does it sound like you're accusing me. Oh wait, because he's name is Kelechi Dickson, that autimatically makes him what? My brother? I don't see why you choose every second of your time to point me out as the bad person. I'm not, you already did a round up check the last time, was it not enough for you? You think I'm doing drugs here? Like I use this place as some form of office for drugs"
"I don't exactly think so"
"I know so and some day, I'll prove it"
"Good luck detective. You'll need a lot of it"
Kubiat rose up leaving then he turned his back, "You'll be seeing me real soon" "Anytime my friend, anytime!"
Kubiat walked out then he sighted Osas and Obianuju, "What are you two doing here?" "Good evening" the both greeted, ",I'm sorry, Good evening. What are you two doing here? It's not safe to be wandering around"
"We know, we just came to pay a visit to our Aunt" Obianuju answered and grimace spreads through Kubiat's face as the reply left him confused. "Our Aunt works here? Raymond never mentioned it"
"It's a long story Kubiat and I wish we can explain to you right now" Obianuju replied looking at Osas who continued from where she left off, "We can't. But we definitely will, now we need to meet our Aunt"
"Now I'm confused"
"Later Kubi" they both walked past him walking towards Madam Davina's office. Osas knocked then she entered along with Obianuju. "Good evening Madam Davina" she greeted and Madam Davina stared at them completely horrified.
"I can't believe you can still greet her"
"What are you two doing here? Osas aren't you supposed to be in Benin?" "That would have made you happy right?" Obianuju snapped and Madam Davina shrugged, "What do you mean by that" She asked and Osas forced a smile, "Aunty Uyi" she called out and Madam Davina shut her eyes.
Game over! She has been found out already.
"How we take find out?" Osas asked withholding her tears, "So.... If Obianuju no been suspect, you for no tell us say we be sisters" "I didn't even know you two knew each other until the day I visited"
"What stopped you from saying something then? I came to you, I came to you expecting some form of answer. I cried and you were not even move by it, what kind of person are you?" She asked and Madam Davina opened her mouth to speak but she closed it when she realized nothing she'll say will justify or pacify their anger.
"The day way Simone being dey find me and you find out my real name, why you no tell me who you be?" "I had my reasons"
"What reason? Wetin do your mouth way you no being fit open am talk?"
"That's my job Osas, I give children out for adoption and I stay quiet about it! It comes with the damn job description! I'm supposed to keep my bloody mouth shut, forgive me if I'm trying to be too professional!"
"Professional or heartless?" Obianuju asked, "You separated three siblings when you could have given them to the same parents. My parents would have willingly adopted them!" "I gave Uwa up first, it's not my fault your parents came in late!" She snapped and Obianuju scoffed.
"Why didn't you adopt us yourself?" Osas asked, "You all were little when this happened and therefore you had no idea what happened. I had no choice! Your mother gave you all up for adoption, i already received half payment and I gave it to your Mom, so if you want to see me as the horrible person, then you should also see Ese as the worst! It was business and I had to reach the end of it!"
"Mama collect money?" "Yes she did! It was business"
"You for at least let me know, at least I for know say Chike na my cousin" she replied and Madam Davina cried.
"Oya where Uwa and Efe dey? Na who adopt them?"
"I don't know where they are" she lied and Obianuju scoffed, "Oh and you think we'll be stupid enough to believe that?"
"And does it look like I care and what you think? I said I have no idea where they are, period!"
"You don't deserve to be called an Aunt, that's just the truth"
"Edosa!" Osas shouted and Obianuju tightened her fist then she pointed at Madam Davina. "Argh! I'm just so angry with this woman!"
"I know say Edosa body dey hot and she has every right to be angry but I dey try dey calm for the two of us," "I don't know where they are"
"Just like Edosa, I don't believe you. I want the truth Aunty Uyi, where we fit find them?"
"I can't tell you that and that's the truth"
"Please Aunty Uyi, we carry God beg you. We need to see our sister and brother. It's been years, we need to reunite with them, please." She begged and Madam Davina quietly watched the two sisters.
"You don ever consider say, what if one of us don meet come date each other like those movies" "If that's what you're worried about, well that's not the case. Uwa and Efe are fine"
"You know what Osas, it's useless, let's leave; she won't help us"
"Aunty Uyi abeg"
"Listen to Edosa, she's right. You can beg me from now till..... I won't breach the contract by telling you where Uwa is"
"What stupid contract can be compared to our families reuniting again? We've been apart for too long!" Obianuju snapped and Osas exhaled, "Aunty Uyi"
"Don't call me that"
"Nuju, come make we go" Osas snapped leaving and Obianuju followed her. Chike got out of his rehearsals room staring at the both of them.
"Wait ... you two know each other?" He asked and Osas nodded pointing at Obianuju, "You know her?" "Yeah.... The other day, she was crying in Mom's office"
"We're sisters"
"Wait .... Really? Since when?"
"We just found out today"
"Wait, how?"
"Long story made short, your mother is a wicked person!" Obianuju snapped. "I really don't appreciate that metaphor, whatever you think Mom did. I'm sure there's an explanation for it"
"Chike, what do you know about your mother?" Osas asked and he laughed nervously, "She's my mother, I know all there is to know about her."
"Do you know her heritage?" Obianuju asked, "Yes, she's a Bini woman"
"Do you know if she had nieces or nephews?" Osas asked, "No! She doesn't"
"Well newflash Chike right? Newflash Chike, she does have nieces and nephews. We're your cousins"
Chike raised his brow, "Cousin?"
"Yes, your Mom is my Mother's sister, Aunty Uyi" "I heard you call her that the other time" he pointed at Obianuju, "That was why I came here that day, to find out about my sisters. Your mother knows more than she's spilling, we still have to look for Uwa and and our brother Efe. If you can help us talk to her" she added and Osas exhaled walking up to him, "We really need to see them, if you fit help us" "I'll try my best"
"Our Efe sef suppose don be about your age. How old are you?"
"Twenty five"
"I'll see if I can talk to Mom"
"Thank you" she placed her hands on his cheeks.
Kubiat sat on one of the empty stools at the bar stand and Ejiro flashed a smile at him. "Good evening detective" "Good evening Ejiro" "You don't look so good," "Urgh! I look ugly right?" He asked and she shook her head.
"I think stressed is the word." "I just saw Osas and Obianuju, they were just saying a whole lot gibberish I didn't understand" "Trust me, I'm shocked too"
"About what?"
"They're sisters" She answered and Kubiat laughed, "That's very funny" "I'm serious, Osas lost siblings, one of them is Obianuju. They just found out this evening, turns out their Mother's sister, the one who ran the whole adoption package, she's no more than Madam Davina" she explained and Kubiat blinked his eyes in shock.
"How.... How...." He stammered and she laughed. "I'm yet to find out the main gist. You look like you could use some drink"
"I could use something really strong. This is the craziest thing I've ever heard this year, this wins it for me!" He groaned wishing her could lean on a chair than moment but there was nothing to lean on.
"God I'm just tired"
"Of the situation?"
"No!" He replied laughing, "Osas must be happy, I'm not angry about that, I'm still shocked but I have a whole lot of things to be tired of"
"Hectic day at work?"
"No. I'm tired of the world and the liars that live in it" he answered and she laughed. "Not everyone are liars" "I know but in my field I've seen more liars than people who actually speak the truth. A perfect example is your boss"
Ejiro looked around in worry, "Do you think I'm scared to say what I want?" "No. I'm scared to be the employee who gets fired for speaking for too long with a customer" "I'm sorry" He apologized.
"It's okay" she replied walking away and he scattered his eyes in search of Kelechi. Ejiro returned with the drink, "Are you looking for someone?" "Yeah, the guy I told you I was looking for?"
"Wait.. the drug guy. Do you happen to have a he picture with you?" She asked and he raised his brow giving her the ,'are you really asking that look'. "I carry this guy's picture ad though I'm dating him" he replied taking out the picture from his pocket and Ejiro laughed.
"It's death do us part till I catch him" he continued and she giggled again now covering her lips and he smiled at how cute it was.
She grabbed the picture, observing it, "I knew that face was familiar" "Wait..... You saw him?" "Yeah. Today" "Where?" "Outside the club, he was with ....."
"With..... I told Chike that I wasn't sure but I saw him with Chike's girlfriend" "Chike?" "Madam Davina's son" She answered and he exhaled. "Where is he?"
"He should be in his rehearsals room" he looked around then Obianuju walked up to him lifting Kubiat's glass thenshe gulped the whole drinking slamming the glass on the surface of the stand.
"We're leaving"
Chike entered into his mother's office to find her arranging the desk, something she does when she's ready to leave. "Leaving already?" "Yes" "I just saw Osas and the lady from the other night. How do you explain the fact they're my cousins?"
"It's a long story and I don't have the time as it is to explain everything to you"
"You're not always having time to explain anything, always secretive! What are you hiding?" "A lot of secrets" "What secret" "That's why they're called secrets, they're supposed to remain that way. Those two weren't supposed to even meet each other!"
"Mom, do you realize how you sound right now? Would that have made you happy?"
"No, but it'll save me some heart ache and explanation."
"How is it even possible you're their aunt? We've been in Lagos for as long as....... We never visited Benin" "My sister gave her children to me to be adopted. It's not my fault, I was acting according to her wish"
"How long has it been?" "Twenty five years"
"Wow. All these..... while you knew, you knew Osas was your niece and you didn't even take care of her like any normal family member would. Now I understand why they called you wicked."
"Watch your tongue! I didn't know she was my niece until the night I fired her, that was why I did what I did. To keep her safe!"
Chike shook his head, "She deserved some form of explanation" "I couldn't" "Why?" "Because I knew she'll get inquisitive, I knew she'll want to find out about her other siblings and I didn't want that"
"Urgh! Stop with all these questions" "Where are the others?" He asked and she scoffed, "I can't tell you" "At least tell them! Twenty five years is a lot of years to be separated from your loved ones, if I was the one separated from my sisters, I wouldn't be too thrilled. Just help them out, I'm begging on their behalf"
Tears rolled down her cheek, "I need to get some air" "Mom" "Please, I really need it" she picked up her car keys.
Folabi heard a knock on the door then he went out to get the door only to find Judas by the door. "Who are you?" He asked and Judas smiled, "Can I come in?" "Am I mad? What do you want? They've sent you to kill me shey?"
"Leave before I raise alarm"
"I came bearing gifts, Chief doesn't exactly like the fact you've been printing bad articles about him so....." He trailed off opening a briefcase containing money.
"That should be enough to take you back to Benin, get you a more decent life" "Who told you my life in Benin wasn't decent, wait, in your mind now, I look like one poverty striken journalist abi?"
"I didn't say so"
"See, let's be sincere, my life is as decent as can be, if there's anyone who needs this money, it's you. I'll advise you use it to get yourself a decent trade, not going around guarding ritualists, how many women have you killed and how many rape incidence have you covered up? You bodyguards and your bosses, birds of the same feathers!"
"This is a million naira"
"Ah! Asepe Chief is a very stingy man. If he wants to buy me with own sister's blood, he should at least increase it" "Is that what you want?"
"If he increases it to 10 or 20, I'll never be bribed from writing the truth! God and tell Chief and his wife that I won't be bought, I got their restraining order and I'm willing to adhere to it but nothing is taking me away from Lagos, not until I see him and his Coyotes rotting in jail, then will I sleep freely, knowing my sister's blood has been avenge. Now take this filthy money away from my face before I'll raise alarm"
"Think deeply"
"Everybody oh!" He yelled and Judas gasped, "Wait..." "Awon ara adugbo!" "You're in a hotel!" "Eyen nko? (And so?) Erm, is anyone around?" He raised his voice and Judas scurried away.
"Bloody idiots!" He slammed the door, "I blame you?" He hissed afterwards then he wished he had carried his phone along.
"Damn it!"
Edo connection Spot
🎶 1,2, 3 Giodogiodo🎶
Victor Uwaifo's Giodogiodo played and and Madam Davina made way in Mathias' local bar. A wide smile formed across his lips when he sighted her in the crowd of dancing drunk men.
After wriggling her way through she finally met him. "Third time in a week, to what do I owe this surprise?" He asked then he noticed her eyes glistened with tears.
He held her hands walking into the corridors. He stretched his hands and she fell against him crying.
"Wonders will never cease" Omo said chewing biscuits and Ejiro joined her. "Who would have thought you'll be working for your own little sister? This life en!"
Obianuju chuckled. "I wonder where Uwa and Efe might be" She asked, "I can't wait to see them" she added.
"What if we've seen them before, maybe one time or so" she asked and Omo chuckled, "That'll be crazy" she answered, "Don't you think it's strange Chike's 25 years old?" Obianuju asked and Osaze scoffed.
"I don't think"
"I know it sounds crazy but my mind is opened to a lot of possibility right now."
"Uwa was the prettiest among us, I was the ugliest! I'm sure she must be so pretty. Aunty Uyi said they're both fine so..... She's definitely alive and doing well. I wonder what she's working as, or if she's married" she bit her nails nervously and Obianuju smiled.
Edo connection Spot
Madam Davina leaned against the wall, she wiped her tears as soon as she saw two persons walking towards their direction. They both passed in between them and Mathias apologized for not having a office so they could have their privacy.
"It's okay. I just needed to see and speak to you"
"What happened this time? Did you see the two of them together again? Or Edosa came challenging you again" He asked and she shook her head.
"They now know the secret, Osas and Obianuju. Somehow they figured it out" "Smart girls, you have to it hand it to them"
"Chike wants me to help them find his cousins"
"Oh boy"
"Yes Oh boy."
"Uyi, you need to"
"To what? Don't even complete it! If Chike finds out I wasn't the one who really gave birth to him, he'll hate me for life" "It's better he finds out from you that from someone else's lips. You need to let Uwa know it's her sister she's against. These children deserve a reunion, Osas, Edosa, Uwa and Efe"
"You should have seen the way he was so enthusiastic about the issue, he's even carrying the whole thing on his head" "Have you ever heard the phrase blood is thicker than water? What's meant to be will be meant to be, they're siblings, no matter how much you want to hide it, they'll surely meet each other. Isn't this proof enough?"
"Mrs Badmus will never agree, I've never breached a contract"
"That was the old you, you're no longer involved in this business. That was the old you, the more you keep on hiding this, the more unhappy you'll become, I'm tired of seeing you cry, you know I hate it" he moved closer to her and she exhaled. "Thank you for being there for me these past few days"
"Anything for the love of my life" he replied and she kissed him on the lips and he kissed her back then he pulled back, "I'm sorry" she apologized, "I seriously don't know what came over me. Dickson will kill you"
"I don't care, as long as we're doing things the proper way. Who are you telling first? Uwa or Efe?"
"I need time"
"Twenty five years is a very long time, if you want someone to support you, I'll be more than willing to be there" "I still need time"
"I don't have expensive wines but i have beer or fresh palm wine and bush meat, if you don't mind" he asked and she smiled, "I'll take the palm wine"
What do you guys think about this chapter?😁
Do you think Madam Davina will open up? 🤔
See the way Osas and Obianuju are fantasizing about their little sister 🤣😂😂 if only they knew!
Thank you for reading guys! 😍😘
I hope you enjoyed it. 😁
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