🔺 Chapter 27🔻

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Chapter 27



Osaze gazed at the Policemen then at Osas who was standing at a corner. She waved at him again and he exhaled now looking at his mother then he returned his gaze back to the policeman.

"You don ready to give your statement?"

"I was at home when she came, there was no rape, no one raped her, she's just seeking attention because she knows we're wealthy. She probably wants us to pay her or give her some incentives" he answered.

"So what you're saying is that she lied"

Osaze returned his gaze back to his mother who nodded gently at him as an encouragement to continue from where he left off. "Yes officer, she lied"


1:29 am

Osaze gasped out from the nightmare , panting Osas woke up running her fingers on his face. "Are you okay?" "Sorry, I'm really sorry. It was a nightmare" "Why are you always having nightmare?" She asked and he stalled, "It's complicated, I can't begin to put them into words"

"It's not spiritual problem is it?"

"No. I need a drink" he said unconsciously, "Water?" "No... Sorry, normally I would wake up, take a drink, get angry at myself"

"And then turn the house upside down. You no sleep for night, na why your eyes dey always be like...." She trailed off touching his cheeks. "Osas.... I've done some really bad things and....."

"I no want know this night, all I know is that you're going back to sleep with me" "I don't feel sleepy" "Well I do" she answered and he chuckled lying back and Osas laid on his chest.
"Make I talk till you sleep?"

"I thought you said you were feeling sleepy"

"Make I tell you story till you sleep because you be tata (baby)" she replied busting into laughter and he chuckled, "That sounds good" "Are you serious?"

"I'm damn serious"

"If I finish the story and you no sleep, I swear to God, I go sleep leave you"

"Why don't you tell me about your family?"

"Well, my mother is dead, I don't have a father. They said he's in Lagos, those were my main reasons for coming to Lagos, to look for for him and my siblings, Edosa, Uwa, Efe" she smiled, "But I haven't seen them yet so ..... I guess I don't have any family for now"

"Do you have memories on them?"

"I was six but I remember somethings, Edosa is always copying what I do, she will just watch me do somethings and then she'll copy me. Uwa, Uwa likes food and sleep, she can cry too. She and Efe, they like crying but Efe was a baby so ....." She trailed off in tears.

"Don't cry"

"I just dey think of them, and I'm wondering, are they even alive? Wetin I go give to see them again"

"What about Osato and Zuwa? Their names were on that paper"

"My mom's other children from another father."

Sunday morning

Osaze picked up his phone putting a call through to Raymond, "Hey, Good morning Ray" "Osaze, good morning how far?" "Your voice sounds somehow" "Make we no even go there yet, that one na another topic entirely. What do you want?"

"Send me the address of that church you attend"

Raymond laughed, "Whaaaaat? Did I just hear you say Church? Like a place of worship" "What's funny?" "When last I've you gone to church? What do you want to go and do there sef?"

"I woke up feeling like bombing a church, I personally feel like bombing the one with you inside"

Raymond laughed, "Okay, jokes apart, do you have to charity mission?" "No. Osas wants to attend a church service and.... I don't want to take her to some place strange place"

"Is she still leaving on Monday? Obianuju fell into depression getting home because for some reason she feels like everyone she becomes attached to eventually leaves her" "Osarieme won't be leaving anytime soon"


"We, finally made a decision" he said smiling, "We're dating now"

Raymond chuckled, "Wow, that's good news, so you finally had the balls or who pulled the first move" "Oh shut up!" Osaze snapped and he laughed harder.

"I'm happy for you man, I'm sure my wife will be happy too. I'll text you the address" he replied and Osaze watched Osas come out of the guest room dressed in a yellow gown, one of the gowns he bought the previous day, her hair packed up.

"Yeah..uh.." He stammered mesmerized, "Yeah, do... Do that" he hung up dipping the phone back into his pocket. "Wow, you look...." He trailed off and she smiled, "At least your eyes even try find the one way size me, no be like that pant"

"Don't you ever forget something?" He asked and she shook her head, "The only thing left is scarf, I don't have scarf, no be say I get wig sef" 

"Shit, I forgot that" he shut his eyes then he opened it. "You too dey feel bad. Don't I look pretty this way?" "You do" he replied and she  turned her back at him, "Check" "Check what?" "The pad come out?" She asked and he groaned.

"I'm still waiting for the day you'll try to do things that are less embarrassing" he answered and she chuckled, "E show?"

"No... Wait" he observed it again, "I no say make you look my yansh, just see if the pad show" "It's not showing" "But the line of my pant is showing shey?"

"Are you ready to go? I already told Raymond to send me an address to their Church"

Osas smiled, "Not yet" she answered raising up her phone, "One picture" "I'm not a picture person" "Make I hear word"  she stood beside him raising the phone. "You're holding the phone like a village woman" he complained grabbing the phone from her then he took a picture.


"Another one" she requested placing her hands on his chest and he looked down at her smiling. He took another picture and she collected the phone looking at it.

"It's nice. Thank you" she replied now taking single picture of herself. "That reminds me, where did you download those songs from yesterday?" "From play store" Osaze answered with a serious face.

"Oh." She swiped through the phone, "Where is the....." "Let me show you" "You don't have to show me, I've seen it already" she clicked on play store. "Your WiFi is on right?"  "Yeah, turn on your own WiFi" 

"Do I look like a village woman in your eyes? I'm not stupid, I know. So what next?" She asked and He withheld his laughter. "Did I say you are? Just search the title of the song you want"

"Okay .. infinity" she searched and he smiled walking towards the room. "What I'm seeing here is infinity loop, Infinity Reddit, I don't understand"

"Just..... Keep on searching it, it'll come out eventually"  his phone beeped and he glanced at it picking up the call. "Good morning Aunt Avia" "Good morning my boy. How are you this morning"

"I'm fine"

"I'll be coming later in the day, will you be around?"

"Yes Ma'am, there's someone I'd like you to meet"

Raymond entered into the bedroom where Obianuju was doing her makeup. "Hey Babe" he smiled and she turned back at him. "I'm sorry for the delay, I'm doing a little make up, I don't want people asking me questions"

"I get it, guess what?"

"I'm not in the mood to guess"

"Osas isn't leaving for Benin" "What?" "Yes. I'm serious! In fact, she and Osaze are kind of like together together" "What?"

"Yes. It happened yesterday"

Obianuju smiled, "You're not pulling my legs are you?" "I'm not" "Oh my God! That's good news" "They'll be coming to church, I already dropped Osaze the address"

"I'm so angry with Osaze! Why didn't he tell me?" She asked and Raymond laughed, "You just said Osaze right now"

Obianuju laughed, "I guess it's because of the excitement" "Hmm, I don't understand this bond between the two of you, so she can make you this happy and me that I'm your husband, I've been trying to make you smile since yesterday"

Obianuju smiled, "Let's delay a bit so we'll seat together. How about that? Thank you dear"


The day Osaze made the statement, he rushed off to Aunt Avia's house in Benin weeping endlessly. "Explain to me what's going on?" Aunt Avia asked him, "You're scaring me your Aunt Osaze!" Her husband answered and but he continued crying.

"Ive just done something I can never forgive myself for" 


"Promise me you won't tell Dad"


"Mom said I shouldn't, I'm not supposed to" "I promise Osaze, now out with it!"


Chief Akinola went into his room clad in his wine agbada to answer a call from Simone. "Sir, there's no word on her yet"  "No word ke? Have you search very well" "Sir, we've been going to the house frequently to check but still, we even stationed boys to give us information."

"That girl must be found and caught. Have you heard?"

"Yes Sir. Dead or alive, we can kill on the spot"

"Alive, she needs to learn some lessons first"

"Okay Chief.  Do you need girls Sir?"

"Yes, just three pere" he answered and his wife entered, "I'll call you later" he answered hanging up. "Daddy wa, three what?" "Three million pere that we're giving for the building of the other branch in Epe, we are building the ministry and also another's three million for you my beautiful wife and the mother of my children as a pre buyday (birthday) gift"

"Ah, Daddy wa, you are one in a million!" She hugged him and he smiled. "Ah! Wo ma gba, I'll throw the kind of party that the whole of Lagos will be in awe! Wo yii to ri nkankan (They haven't seen anything!)"

Madam Davina cried into her palm and Mathias passed her a glass of drink. "It might not be expensive but it can at least, do the trick" 

She received the drink then she sipped it then she held the glass with both hands, "I can still see the look on her face. To think the brother she's looking for walked right that moment. Why is fate playing a damn trick on me"

"Uyi, if you don't play smart, this whole thing will blow up on your face in a very terrible way, it'll even leave scars" "How do I play smart?"

"Letting them know the truth, each and everyone of them, they deserve it!"

Madam Davina hissed, "I thought you were going to say something smart" "Ouch, I feel insulted. It might not be the smart move to you, but for me, I think those ladies deserve to know the truth"  "And Chike? How do I explain to him that I'm not his mother? How?" She asked shaking her head.

"I can't. I'm sorry but I can't do that!"
Mathias scoffed, "Why did you bother coming to me in the first place?" "I didn't come for word of wisdom, if I wanted one, I would have gone to church" she snapped and he laughed.

"What did you want? Someone to lie to you and tell you what you're doing is right? No be go do that kain thing" "Comfort, I needed comfort Dickson will never provide!" She barked then she looked away then she rose up picking her purse.

"I made a mistake coming here" she snapped leaving and he held her back. "I'm not sorry Uyi, I just think your nieces and nephew"

"He's my son"

"They deserve to know the truth"

"I know but I can't breach the Badmus agreement. I really can't" she answered and he cupped her chin, "Wipe those tears you should never taint that beautiful face with tears" he complimented and she chuckled then he cupped her chin moving his lips close to hers but she looked away.

"Good day Mathias"

"I'm sorry"

"I said good day!"

🎶 Anywhere I go mo n' lati pada si ile mi
('Cause mama mi won wa ni ile mi)
I no want make person tell me say I too lazy
(Oluwa Burna of la la ni)
As I dey hustle like Adebayo Ogunlesi
(No go talk say me I too lazy)
Anywhere I go mo n' lati pada si ile mi
('Cause mama mi won wa ni ile mi)🎶

Burna boy's wonderful played from Osas' phone while she cooked stew. "I'm happy you're not leaving again" "This is the third time you're saying It"  "I mean it. I'm really excited, you're more like a friend now, I don't want to lose you yet"

"You won't"

"Is there a sim on the phone?"

"No. I've been using Osaze's WiFi, we're planning on retrieving my number tomorrow" "Oh. That's be better. You know what I think, you're starting to get comfortable with speaking English, which is great"

Osas smiled, "Thanks. You get Olamide, infinity for your phone. I've been trying to download it on play store, it hasn't been working. It keeps on showing infinity loop and one Red something"

Obianuju chuckled, "Play store? Who told you that?" "Osaze" she answered and Obianuju shook her head, "I'm sure you're wrong, are you sure he said play store?" "Yes" "You don't download music from play store, you download apps from it" she enlightened and Osas bit her finger nails.

"Osaze!" She muttered running out of the kitchen now glaring at Osaze who was engrossed in a conversation with Raymond on the couch. She moved in front of him now folding her hands.

"What's going on?" He asked and she scoffed, "Pretend like you don't know. Seriously Osaze? Play store? You use my head wash beans" She answered and he rose up raising his hands.

"I can explain" he answered and Osas moved closer to him. Just when he made move to run off she caught him by the waist and he laughed.

"Lie! Lie!" She chanted and he turned towards her laughing. "You just allowed me waste my time for nothing" "They you were laughing at me when I got back from the market yesterday. I guess it was my turn to laugh"

Osas poked him on his chest, "Can I still call someone like you boyfriend?" She asked and he lowered his head kissing her on the lips and she kissed him too.  "Can a friend do that?" He asked and she smiled.

"For your mind you dey feel yourself"

"Awwwwn" Obianuju cooed.  "I love love"

This was followed by a knock on the door. Aunt Avia walked in smiling looking around the house, "What happened to this house or am I in the wrong address?" She asked and everyone laughed. Her gaze soon fell on Raymond and Obianuju then Osaze and Osas. "Good afternoon Ma" Raymond and Obianuju greeted and  she smiled widely. "Good morning my darlings"

"Good morning Aunt Avia"
"Good morning Ma" Osas greeted with a smile then Aunt Avia moved closer to the both of them. "Good morning dear, good morning son. Who's the lady?"

"This is Osarieme, my girlfriend. Osarieme, this is my Dad's sister Aunt Avia"

"I am most welcome to meet you Osarieme..." she held on to her hands. "Ovbiokpomwan" she completed and Aunt Avia raised her brow looking up at Osaze.

"The girl you came all the way to Benin to render help to?" She asked and Osaze looked down at Osas, "Yes Ma, see, you have been using my head ever since"

Osas laughed poking his chest, "Who has been using your head?" She asked and he chuckled. "How is it possible you two met? Osaze told me he didn't speak to you"

"Maybe he was in..." She trailed off looking at Osaze, "What's that word, in.... like you're scared of me" "Intimidated" Osaze answered and she snapped her fingers.

"Yes. Maybe I Intimidated him"

Osaze laughed, "You were acting like a village woman outside that police station. It wasn't intimidation, it was shame" he answered and she pouted her lips angrily. Osaze smiled deriving joy from it, he thought it was cute.

"We met in a bus, got separated, and then she came working as a cleaner at foundation. Personally I think she trailed me"

"I don't understand this man, trailed who?" She asked and Aunt Avia laughed as their display of affection like two old friends.

"This is where I'll shock the both of you. Aunt, do you know she was also at Charles wedding?"


"Which wedding is that?" Osas asked and Osaze grinned, "She was the server who poured wine on the guest"

Osas shut her eyes then she gasped in shock. "Jesus! You were there?" Osas asked, "I was watching you"

Aunt Avia pressed a palm against her chest. "This is so amazing, it's like fate. I am so excited you found her, I'm sure she arranged the house" 

"I helped out"

"For where?" Osas asked, "He told me he'll clean up but he didn't, I haven't seen him touch a broom." She snapped and he laughed. "Are you sure? That time when I....."

"When you ......." She raised her nose in disbelief and he laughed. "Okay, you didn't see me now"

"Maybe he was invisible when he did it" Aunt Avia chipped in and Osas laughed, "Maybe be oh" she agreed and Osaze rolled his eyes. "I give up" he raised his hands in surrender and his Aunt exhaled.

"I am delighted to see my boy laugh. I've always prayed for him to meet a woman, this is fate and I don't care that Yoruba woman might think but..... you two have my blessings" she wrapped her arms across the both of them.

"God bless you Osas for putting a smile on my boy's face. He has been sad for too long. Osaze, one word please" she held him away, "She's pretty" "I know"

"She looks like a good girl, from a good home"

"She doesn't have a home, she came all the way from Benin in search of her family, her mother's dead. She doesn't have any education, the only one she could have had, Jerry and Goriola had to take it from her" he answered, "Osanobua meh"  Aunt Avia shut her eyes in realization then she opened it, "Are you saying she's the ......" She trailed off then she groaned.

"Does she know?"

"Not yet"

"Why? You should tell her"

"I'm scared"

"You didn't do anything wrong, you weren't the one who raped her" "I did make a statement to refute her claims. I saw when Mom bribed her and when she stood by her ground"

"Tell her, she deserves to know"

"I'm worried Aunt Avia, I'm really worried"

"Does your mother know about her?"

"No, I'm not planning on telling her, Osas has been through a lot, I won't want her going through drama. She's the woman I want to make my wife" she turned towards Osas who was now talking to Raymond and Obianuju.

Aunt Avia smiled, "Wow" "It took one weekend to help me realize that" "And you're not saying it because you feel guilty and you feel you've put her through a lot and..." "No Aunty, I really do like her"

There was a knock on the door and Vera rushed in, "I am most disappointed in you Osaze, I'm the one who wanted to do the match making but it took you till the next day to inform me about your relationship?"

Tasha quickly rushed Into her room while her Nana suspiciously watched her. She knocked on the door pushing down the door knob and she quickly held the door from opening.

"Who's that?"

"It's me Nana"

"Oh. I'm busy now, come back later"


"I'm naked"

"Kini mi o ti ri tẹlẹ? (What haven't I seen before?) Wo, open the door, you're wasting my time" "Nana, what do you want?" "I want to talk to you"

"Well, I'm busy please, just leave. Please!" She snapped shutting the door and Nana scoffed, "Tacha?" She muttered then she walked towards the study where she knew Morenike was.

She knocked and entered into the room. Morenike lifted her head up from what she was reading. "I already made it clear that I don't want to be disturbed" "So me that I've come here already, I'm here to disturb you shebi?"

"What do you want Nana?"

"I'm worried about Tacha" "She's angry I chastised her for slapping Denrele" "It's not that, she's not herself anymore, she's been distant. She doesn't talk to me anymore, I just tried entering into her room and she didn't allow me"

Morenike grew interested, "Why? Do you think she's hiding something, maybe she's with the boy again" "Wo, that's not what I'm talking about jare!" "Do you think she's masturbating?" She added and Nana hissed.

"O o serious! O n ṣere pẹlu nkan to ṣe pataki bi eleyi (You're not serious. You're playing with something as serious as this)" "She's not dying is she? She's healthy, I raised healthy children"

"See, something is happening to that girl, the earlier we pay attention to her, the better it'll be" "I am way too busy to focus on her, Tacha is a grown up woman and I possibly can't tell her not to masturbate" she answered laughing to herself.

"So you can make jokes about this?" Nana asked and Morenike groaned, "Please, Nanny, I'm begging you, I'll like to get back to what I was doing"

Osifo walked in and she rolled her eyes, "I'm busy" "Did you think I was coming to talk to you? I just wanted to let you know that Avia called and I'll be going to her place, the maids shouldn't make dinner for me too. I don't think I'll be eating" she moved closer to her then he kissed her on the cheeks, "See you later, your u should take a rest from all this" he advised leaving and Nana smiled.

"Ọlọrun bukun fun ọ pẹlu ọkunrin kan ti o fẹran rẹ, o ko fiya je (God blessed you with a man, a good man that loves you but yet you suffer him)" "I'm not suffering him"

"When last have you been a wife to him?"

Morenike scoffed, "We're legally married, doesn't that make me his wife? I've been this wife for the past 36 years"  "Ah," Nana raised her nose, "Oshey, Barrister Morenike Briggs, I'm talking in all ramifications, when last have you been a wife to that man? When last did you sleep with him?"

"Nana, you're beginning to cross boundaries"

"Fire me now! If you don't want to hear the truth, I'll always tell you he Truth! What you're doing is bad! If you're not ready to commitment, you could have just let the man be! I'm sure he would have been happy been married to another woman, I'm even surprised that 36 years with someone like you, he's not cheating!"

Morenike cried, "I can't believe this is coming from you" "Yes, it's coming from me, let me tell you the truth, you're doing this out of wickedness. I always have your side but it's been years and still, you're doing as if..."

"Please leave this room. Nana please...." She pointed at the door and her Nana walked away.


Morenike frowned at her mom, "Why are you frowning at me as if I'm the cause of your problem?" "Mom, what Dad wants for me ridiculous. I'm the only child, I deserve to have everything!" "Yes it's ridiculous but you know your late father, may his soul rest in peace, he can be sturbborn, frankly you two are the same. I've been trying to talk him into that idea since the first day he suggested it but now that he's dead, you don't have a choice"

"How am I supposed to wait till I'm married till I get what's rightfully mine? I'm his only child for crying out loud!"

"What's there in getting married ehn, see, I need grandchildren oh. You might not be getting old but I am" 

"I don't want it!"

"You don't want children?" "I don't! I don't want children, I don't want any stupid man laying their filthy hands on me!" She snapped and her mother moved closed to him, "It was because of this stupid habit that your father made his last will that way! People are beginning to say you're a lesbian or should I be scared?" He asked and she looked away crying.

"I'll go and call your Nana oh, it's like you don't like listening to me, maybe you'll listen to her" "Don't involve her in this Mom, I'm not just interested in getting married. I haven't even seen any man that has caught my interest" She cried.

"Morenike, my dear, see, you just have to do it anyhow, would you rather the law firm being handed to someone that isn't even family? Haba! I have some potential people and I can fix a date but if I know you, you might end up pouring pepper on their faces. Are you interested?"

"No. I'm going right now to Barrister Olamide and I'll go through the will again, maybe there'll be a loophole" she walked out of the house and her mother groaned.

"Morenike you will not kill me oh, I didn't kill my parents, you will not kill me. What will I do about this girl?"

A week later Morenike sat in the office reviewing the will with an older colleague. "Is there any point, your father was an excellent lawyer, do you think he would have left loopholes , that man was king of all cunny practices"

Morenike groaned, "So I'll have to get married, to who then?" She asked, this was followed by a knock and 28 years old Osifo walked into the office. "Good afternoon Ma" he greeted and Morenike gazed at him with interest, her first time ever been interested in any man.

"I was asked to drop this document to Mrs Morenike"

Morenike grinned looking at her colleague, "Who is he?" "This is Osifo Ighodaro. He just got employed, it's his first day" "Yes Ma, it's my.... My first day" he stammered and she rose up, "Have you ever worked in any firm, Sifo, am I permitted to call you that? Yes I am, thank you" she answered her own question even before he did.

"I've not Ma, it's my first time in the field but I'm willing to learn, I promise not to disappoint the firm" "I'm sure you won't" she bit her lower lips stretching her hands at him.

"My name is Morenike Briggs and it's nice to meet you Sifo"

Osifo held her hands, "It's nice to meet you too"


Osifo knocked the door and a young lady about the age of thirty three, Tiffany opened up smiling at him. "Good evening Sir" she greeted. "Good.... evening. Who are you?"

"Huh ..... I'm Mrs Avia's tenant, I live down the stairs, there was a problem with my electricity, I came here to charge my phone. You must be her brother, she told me she was expecting her brother" she opened the doors widely and he walked in then she shut the door.

Osifo walked in then he sighted his sister preparing the table. "Good evening Avia" he greeted and Aunt Avia turned smiling at him. "There you are, come and have your seat, I prepared you best, groundnut soup. I hope you told your maids not to cook for you, your sister is ready to spoil you"

"I thought you said you wanted to talk"

"Yes I did but I want you to eat first"

Osifo scratched his hair, "Now I'm scared. It's like you have something to say but you know I might get angry about it" "You know me so well, brother" she pushed the chair out for him to sit and he did.

Then she pulled a basin with water for him the she unveiled the food, "Smells great right?" "You're always praising your food like mom usually does" he replied and they both laughed.

"How's your husband?"

"He went on a ministerial trip in Kumasi, he'll be back next week. How are you brother?"

Osifo washed his hands then he rolled a fufu, "I'm fine" he dipped into the plate of soup now swallowing it.  "Your mouth is saying one thing but your face is saying something else"

"Vbèè óye hé? (How are you?)" Aunt Avia sat close to her, "Òy' èsé  (I'm fine)"

"What did she do again"

"She didn't do anything, I'm serious, lately we've living like strangers. She has been sleeping in the study. When she comes in, I'll already be asleep. I'm tired, can you believe, we're still...." He trailed off and she exhaled.

"What's her problem?"

"I honestly don't know! That's the truth. I'm worried for my family, the rate this is going. Osaze just got kicked out of a building that was gifted to him and my hands are handicapped, I can't do anything about it. Tacha is acting strange, I won't blame her, with everything that has been happening, who will be happy?"

"I just got back a few hours ago from visiting Osaze, he seems fine"

"My son isn't fine, his house is still scattered and he still doesn't want to see a therapist or go to London"

Aunt Avia, "Believe me when I say our boy is doing great. I just got back, the whole place was looking spick and span!" "Thank God! He finally hired a maid" "It'll be highly derogatory to call her that. Osaze has someone in his life"

"Someone? A woman?" He asked with a smile and Aunt Avia nodded, "This is where the bad part comes in. First, I'll have to apologise in advance for not informing you when I should have. Osaze made me promise"

"What happened?"

Osaze stretched out a whit shirt and boxers into the bathroom while Osas had her bathe and she laughed at how silly he was acting. "Get the cloth before I change my mind"

"Come in now" "Yes, so I can see blood everywhere. Yeah, thanks, but I think I'll pass" he answered and she chuckled.


Osifo entered into Morenike's office dropping a document on the table. "I finally went through the whole thing" "And?" She asked with a smile and he shook his head, "I'm sorry I can't do it"


"I have a girlfriend"

Morenike walked towards him, "I'm giving you a deal of a lifetime, my name is Morenike Briggs and I'll stand on my word. You'll have my wealth, your family will not have to suffer or live in that wretched home in Benin"

"How?...." He asked in shock and she rolled her eyes. "Have you been looking into my life?"

"No! You're not that important, I just took a guess but I guess they live wretchedly, think of what they'll say if they find out their son had a way to turn their whole lives around ehn, think of it" she moved even more closer and he shook his head.

"I'm sorry, I can't do it" He snapped walking towards the door and she rolled her eyes. "Please" she begged almost bitting her tongue off. It's not everyday she lowers her pride.

"Please I need your help. I don't like any guy and you're the first I've take interest in, if I don't get married before the year runs out, I'll have to forfeit my inheritance. Please help me" she clasped her fingers.



Osifo slowly got out of the building
towards his car in thought. He was still shaken by his sister's confession. He was quite disappointed in Osaze for not letting him know the truth, but most disappointed in his wife for persuading Osaze to keep it away from him!

I don't even know my place in this home anymore!

Tiffany walked towards him with a smile on her face. "Are you leaving already Sir?" She asked and he raised his brow at her, he was obviously leaving.

Tiffany giggled, "I'm sorry, ish.... Stupid question." "It's okay. I'm heading home right now" "I just want to get something at the mall by the gate. If you don't mind me entering into your car" she asked and he agreed.

She entered and he drove out of the building. "What's your name?" "The name is Tiffany" "Is that your real name?" He asked and she chuckled, "Truthfully, no, the name is Nkoyo Essien. It's an Ibibio name"

"I realized. Sounds like a beautiful name"

"You think so? I don't think so, my little sister was named Ikwo, these names are names we don't like. Ever since I came to Lagos, I practically grew up in Lagos so I took up the name Tiffany"

"Do you even know the meaning?"

"Nope" she answered laughing, "What does Nkoyo means?" He pronounced rightly and she smiled, "Hmm, good one. Are you sure you're not an Ibibio man?"

"I'm a core Benin man"

"And attractive too" she answered biting her lower lips and he chuckled nervously, of course he knew flirting when he sees one. "Something you're seeking for, like treasure"

Osifo laughed, "I don't understand when people like English name over their traditional names, you know when I had my way, I named my first son Osaze. The second and we're supposed to be Adesuwa and Eseosa but my wife gave them English names"

"Isn't the man supposed to make the decision?" She asked and Osifo sighed sighting the mall, "Should I drop you off here?" He asked and she smiled.

"Yes Sir, just there."

He pulled over and she bit her lower lips, "Sorry to say this Sir, but I couldn't help but overhear your discussion with Mrs Avia. I honestly don't think a man like you deserve such a treatment from your wife"  she answered leaving him to wonder how much she heard.

"Please don't involve yourself in my family's business, I'm begging you. I don't want to be rude"

Tiffany scoffed, "Well, I still stand on the ground that no man deserves to be neglected or sex starved, especially a man as handsome as you are"

She picked his phone from the dashboard , lucky for her, it wasn't locked so she inputs her number saving the contact as Tiff. "If you ever need to feel loved and appreciated, I'm just a call away" she replied winking at him.

"Good night" she slowly moved her lips close to his cheeks then she planted a kiss on it.

Soon Osas got out dressed up in his shirt and boxer. "Why didn't you just buy me night wears at once? I feel guilty wearing your boxers all the time" "I didn't think of it, we'll make plans tonight or tomorrow"

"It's a busy day tomorrow"

"We can still make time" he answered rising up and she moved closer to him, "What will you like to eat tomorrow?" "Whatever you want" "What's your favorite food?"

"Beans and Bread, it's a classic, it's either that or you're dicing ripe plaintain in it"

"Okay...." She trailed off and he looked down at her, "Your Aunty looks really nice" "She is" "I hope I didn't embarrass you when I didn't know the right word to use in that sentence"

Osaze chuckled, "No. Not at all" he answered and she smiled, "I can't believe you saw me at that wedding" she said and they both laughed.

"Why did you do it?"

"The woman was being rude, one of the server spilled drinks on her by accident" "You can say accidentally" "Thank you" "We apologized but she  called me swine. She was complaining that the stain on her clothe was big, I had to show her the real definition of stain"

Osaze chuckled, "I actually thought you were an attention seeker" "I'm not, I've never been, at least not intentionally. Although I like the attention way your eyes dey give me so"  she confessed before pressing herself against himTo me, it felt almost like we were in a dream. They stood there together, his arm now encircled around her waist and her hands across his neck, both gazing at each other, taking in the view and feeling the electric sparks of romance.

He leaned in for a kiss. It was gentle and passionate, yet urgent at the same time. He rested his hands on her waist, his fingers moving restlessly on her skin, . Their lips parted and she whispered, "I know wetin for happen if no be period way I dey" she confessed and he exhaled, "Osarieme, I... See, you can take your time"

"Why?" She asked and he shut his eyes then she scoffed, "I'm not a virgin oh, if that's what you think. I'm.... I'm sorry, I'm not" she added and Osaze kept quiet, of course he knew! That wasn't exactly what he meant.

Some rape victims usually need time before having sex. Some of them undergo therapy for it. Osas covered her palm over her face in shame. "You being really think say I be...."

"No. I just want us to take our time, it's a fresh relationship"

"Sorry, I being just talk my mind as I take feel. I'm sorry"  "Osarieme, it's okay. I get It, I want the same thing too, I really do."

Osas exhaled, "You're right, it's a fresh relationship and as I take advise Obianuju, starting relationships with secret is bad and I don't want to start mine with secrets." "Osarieme" "Wait Osaze, I need to tell you, it's really necessary"

"I don't care about.."

"When I was sixteen I was raped by two guys. They were students in Uniben, then I was selling Zobo and buns." She cried and Osaze stood still frozen.

"You know I like calling you Bengee, there's this guy, Bengee, that year, he called me to his house and..."

"Shhh" Osaze pulled he close hugging her and she cried.  "It's okay" he sniffled and she pulled back looking up at him. "You dey cry for me?" She asked and he wiped some tears off her face.

"The thing pain me but I take Bengee Mama advise, rape no be the end of the world. I moved on and I'm okay with my life, you're the first guy I've ever felt comfortable taking this decision with and you're the only man I want to do it with..... After my period" she answered and he laughed.

"No element of surprise at all" he answered and she chuckled in between her tears and he wiped them off. "Are you still going to call your friend?"

Osas rolled her eyes, "Ok fine but when Omo, comes to drag me back to Benin, you'll have her to face. You think I'm sturbborn, you haven't met Omo" she answered. "Isn't she taking care of Osato and Zuwa?"

"She is but she already promised me already and I know she'll do it, even if it means bringing them here too"

Osaze picked his phone from the bed now handing it to Osas. "Do I have to do this?" "You can either run away from it or....choose to do it today, once and for all" he answered wishing he had gut to follow suit with his advice to her; just confess the whole thing to her once and for all.

She dialed the number and it rang, her heart thumped in fear. How was she going to begin? "Hello, good evening, who am I speaking to?" Folabi asked, "It's Osas" she answered and he exhaled.

"Thank God finally! Argh! Do you know how long I've been trying you and Adetutu's number. What happened? So your guest couldn't afford a simple generator to charge your phone"

"It's not like that"

"It's like what then? Whose phone are you using?" "My boyfriend's phone" she answered, this was followed by a short pause. "Boyfriend? Osas, are you sure you're not being coerced, you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend"

"No one is forcing me to do anything, he's my boyfriend because I like him" "Wow, so someone has managed to steal your heart shey? I hope he's handsome than I am" he joked and Osas chuckled.

"So where is that sturbborn girl? I hope she didn't give you tough time" he asked and Osas kept quiet, "Her number isn't going through, what happened to your phones?"

Osas busted into tears, "Okay what's going on? Osas, is everything okay?" "No" "Okay.... Okay....." He blurted out nervously. "Osas, is everything okay? Where's Adetutu, Osas you can tell me anything"

"Folabi, I'm sorry, I'm really really sorry, I know I was supposed to protect her but..... The ushering gig was not real! They were ritualists"

"Where's my sister?"

"She's ... I'm sorry Adetutu is dead"

What do you guys think about today's update? 😫😊😍

I can't wait to start typing the next chapter, a lot will be happening! Pray for NEPA to be merciful cause my phone is currently on fifteen percent (15%).

I know I was pretty sure down days ago and I really appreciate the love.
They were my motivation while typing this chapter.

Thank you. I'm much better now, I'll eventually get over it so....

Love you guys


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