🔺 Chapter 26🔻
My birthday was great, for those who are curious to know! It was my best do far!💃😊
Thank you for the love guys!!!!
I didn't type at all! I was running around cause we had visitors!
I'm sorry the update is coming in late, for those who chatted with me on Whatsapp, I showed them evidence of my busy-ness today. We had to peel cassava and also grind them to make garri.
Enjoy the chapter and vote 🌟!
Chapter 26
Osas blushed, her face heated as a result of the kiss. "Wait, does that mean... We're dating?" She's inquired and Osaze raised his brow in shock at how stupid the question sounded, "Are you seriously asking that question?" He asked and she laughed.
"I just want know now, I just want to know where I stand and set things, you know straight"
"Okay, we are"
Osas smiled, "So I don't have to call you Mr Osaze again" she moved her lips close to his and he chuckled, "Yes"
"Can I call you Bengee?" She asked and he stalled, "Don't! Please don't, besides you're supposed to have a pet name for me" "What's my own pet name?"
Osas laughed, "Make I no go far now, yours will be Osaze" she answered and he chuckled. "I'll think of something and since we're setting things straight, you don't have to work at the foundation again"
Osas shook her head, "Huh huh, I need a job." "You don't, not when you have me, I'll take care of your needs" "I need a job, I no fit dey make I no do anything, so If i need to cook food now, I go meet you for every ten kobo" he shook her head, "No. I'm not a lazy person and I have responsibilities"
"Like returning Omo's money, paying Osato and Zuwa's school fees...." He trailed off and Osas raised her brow in shock. "How? How you...?" She asked then she folded her hands.
"Lie like! Shebi you say you no carry the paper"
"I'm sorry, I saw everything and I'm ready to help you."
Osas bit her lips, "Thank you but I'll still work" "What do you think people will say when they find out the lady I'm dating still cleans in the foundation? They'll think I'm being unfair"
"I'll have to do something, I need to do something" she answered kissing him and he kissed her too. "What did you have for lunch?"
"I'm just feeling like swallowing. That's the.... what's that thing called, it was in my head a while ago" "Cravings" "Yeah. I'm having cravings for Ogbono soup and one nice fufu" she shut her eyes and he smiled.
"I'll order for it"
"No, I'll cook"
"You can't go out, remember?"
"But you can"
Osaze shook his head, "No!" "Why? You never go market for your life before?" "Not exactly, except to buy things for rice, I don't do soup" he answered and she laughed.
"So you don't cook soup"
Osaze laughed, "I can't cook soup, I don't cook most times, my food usually tastes like crap" "Well, you're lucky I'm here then" she answered and he chuckled then he shook his head, I'm not going to the market. I won't want to buy the wrong stuff"
"You did well with the pad" she answered and he laughed harder. "I'll just write down what we need, okay?" She asked and he moved his lips closer to hers, "Yes Ma" he replied kissing her on the lips and she chuckled into his mouth moving backwards.
"If we want to go into that business ehn, I go die of hunger. If I die, which lips you go come kiss?" She asked and he laughed. "Get me a pen and a piece of paper"
Esther slammed the door angrily on arriving home. She moved over to the wine bar, poured herself a drink then she downed it all. George's phone rang and she opened her bag looking at the caller's ID; it was Matthew.
"What?" She snapped on picking the call, "Can you give the phone to your husband, It's him I want to speak to" "You can't even greet"
"I'm sorry. Good evening Esther, can you now give the phone to George, please?" "George isn't around at the moment"
"Where is he?"
"He's not around"
"When he comes back, tell him that I have a very important information for him"
Esther rolled her eyes, "Well, he won't be coming back anytime soon" "Why?" "George has run mad" "I... I... I don't understand, how is that possible? I spoke to George, he was alright. People don't just run mad that way"
"Well, it's a tragic occurrence, if the nurses didn't appear in time, he would have strangled the life out of me"
"I'll be in Lagos this evening"
"Where were you before? Well, don't waste your trip, the doctor specifically noted that my husband won't be taking visitors for now" "Why? How did it happen?"
"Wo, erm Matthew abi whatever your name is, I am not in the mood to answer stupid questions. You don hear, my husband has been admitted into a psychiatric hospital and he's undergoing treatment so please and please don't ask me questions! Thank you!" She snapped hanging up, while she pulled down the notification bar to put the phone on 'do not disturb' mode, she noticed a message from Matthew.
I finally spoke to the Imade, she said your daughter is in Lagos and I already got her number. Please pick up my calls or return them!
Tasha wanted to feel better after what happened at the wedding. She switched off her phone to avoid being called by her mother. That moment, only two things could make her feel better, seeing Chike and the drugs; of the effect doesn't last forever but at least it made her feel better about herself.
She needed it, she could feel it in her bones. "God I need a drink" she said driving to the club.
Chike entered into his father's office, "You sent for me" "Yes I did, have your seat" "Do I really need to?" "Have your seat boy and stop being disrespectful!" He snapped and he did.
"I've been meaning to discuss this music something with you"
Chike rolled his eyes, "You know it's good oh, the music but I'll have to let you know that the only way you can excel in this business is through doing other things"
"Don't say drugs, please don't say drugs" Chike muttered and his father laughed. "That is exactly what I wanted to say! See, the earlier you get into this business, the smarter you become"
"For the umpteenth time Dad, I'm not interested in drugs and I'll never do drugs"
"What's wrong with you sef ehn? Always doing as if pushing drug is a sin" "It's a crime, if the police catches you, it might incriminate you and Mom"
"Crime?" He asked then he scoffed, is it not the same drug money that saw you through school? This same money puts a roof over your head, it pays your bill!"
Madam Davina barged in frowning at Dickson. "Chike dear, you can leave now, your father and I need to talk" she requested and he left.
"How many times will I warn you to desist from having this discussion with our son" "Point of correction Davina, your son, he's not even your son"
"Shhhh" She whispered, "Are you crazy? Do you want him to hear?"
"Were you eavesdropping on our conversation?"
"You were loud enough! If there was a Policeman coming, he clearly would have heard you talk about your drug business!"
Dickson gritted his teeth, "See, I've endured that boy's insolence for long. It's high time I cut him off" "Cut him off what Dickson? It's our money, not just your money, you'll do no such thing! I've worked my ass for years to have you cut my son off"
"He's not your son"
"The same blood flows in our veins, he might not be my son through birth but I raised him. Let this be the last time you ever try to cajole him into doing drugs, he's not interested, cant you get it?"
Tacha walked in taking a seat close to a guy. "Hey" Derik waved at her, "Chike just went in to meet his father. He'll be out shortly" "Thanks" she answered with a forced smiled while tapping the surface of the table then she scratched her neck.
"I'll take a glass of whiskey" she ordered and he quickly poured her a glass and she took a sip of it.
The guy watched her then he smiled, "I'll pay for the lady. Bills on me" he said and she chuckled, "I think I can foot my bills personally" "Fine, then buy me a drink then now" he answered and Tacha raised her brow at how shameless the man was.
"Whatever he wants" she muttered and Derik turned to him. "I'll have what she's having" he answered and she rolled her eyes now drumming her fingers on the flat surface.
Derik gave him his order then he walked away to say attention to another customer. "Thanks for the drink, you are generous" "Not like you left me with any choice"
"You look like an ajebutter"
"How can you tell?"
"Your dress, your smell, your necklace and wrist chain. You're definitely an ajebutter" "Okay!" Tacha exhaled looking at the man, she was already getting infuriated by the fact she was even engaging him.
"See, I have a boyfriend and I actually came to see him, he's the Chike Derik was referring to so whatever you have in mind, it's not gonna work"
"Did I say anything about trying to woo you? I'm just trying to sell my business now" "What business?" She asked, "My name is Kelechi, you can call me KC. The way you're drumming on that thing, it's either your really nervous about something or you're into coke" he replied and she looked around to see if anyone was around then she sighted Chike coming down the stairs.
"I take it it's Option B then"
"I have no idea of what you're saying"
"Let's not pretend here"
"My boyfriend is coming, I don't want to do anymore"
"I have the good stuff oh and I can give you, all you have to do is pay a good amount for it, you're a rich babe now, you can afford it" he answered removing a card dropping it on her lap.
"Just give me a call" he requested leaving and Chike walked up to Tacha. "What are you doing with KC?" "Who? Oh him?" She asked holding the card from falling off.
"Nothing to worry about, I already told him that I'm not single, that I'm waiting for my really handsome boyfriend" she answered and he smiled.
"You had me there" he gushed and she smiled. "I thought he spoke to about drugs"
"That's his job?" "Yes, he works with my father"
Tacha blinked her eyes in shock, "Your father?" "Yes. I'm not proud of, in fact I hate it with all of my guts." He answered with so much hate then he exhaled. "I don't even know why I'm even worried, you'll never do drugs"
She faked a smile, "Yes, sure, I'll never, ever do it"
Obianuju walked into the house while Raymond watched football match with Obinna. "Hey dear, good afternoon Obinna" "Good afternoon Obianuju" "I just asked your husband if there's anything in the house and he gave me groundnut"
"Sorry, I wasn't able to cook. I left the house in a hurry"
"Which time did you guys now finish the gist?" Raymond asked and Obianuju walked past him. "Is your wife okay, it's like she's angry"
"I'll go check her out" he replied walking into the room where she was seated in bed. "Hey" he sat close to her and a worried look spreads through his face.
"Are you okay?" Did anything happen over at Osaze's place?"
"No" she answered sharply, Raymond could see the tears in his eyes. "Uju is this one of your depression again? I thought I said I don't need..."
"I don't why they have to go, I acted like I was okay with it but I'm not. Maybe I'm just going to be alone, I'd rather be alone that be so attached to someone only for the person to leave you when your getting used to them"
"That was how I got separated from my sisters honey, that's why I don't have friends, that's why I try not to have friendsor attached to them cause they'll end up leaving you hurt! It's painful" she busted into tears and Raymond hugged her.
He finally managed to put her to sleep then he called her mother's number. "Good afternoon Ma" "Good afternoon my dear, how are you and how's your wife doing?"
"It's one of those depression again. Her friend Osas will be leaving for Benin and she just kept on ranting about how everyone leaves gets separated from her and how she's not going to make friends again."
"I'll be there shortly, don't you worry"
"Yes Ma'am"
Eniola stared at the couples, they looked so in love and she wished to be in their shoes, having someone love her back, and having her dream wedding and honeymoon, her mind wandered back to her break up with Osaze and tears rolled down from her eyes to the table top. She looked around, hoping no one saw what happened. She wiped her tears off using an handkerchief.
Mummy Temi sat down pushing the chair close to her. "Eniola my dear," "Hey" "Why are you crying on a happy day like this?" "Did you see it?" "Yes I did. What happened? It's a happy day"
"For them, not me, I don't even know if I'm attractive, even Jemima and Queen have been taken away by men" "I saw two men talking to you"
Eniola rolled her eyes, "They were not my type" "See! How will you know? Isit that one that broke up with you that's your type? Be using him as criteria to search for men"
"I'm not using Osaze, I'm just heart broken for now"
"If it's not your own, it's not yours and it can never ever be yours. Sho ti gbo mi? (Have you heard me?)" "Yes Ma'am"
A young girl passed besides them and Mummy Temmy called her back, "Have you greeted Eniola?" She asked and Eniola flashed a smile at the unknown family member. "Why should I greet her, mummy, a o se gbe nah (We're not mates)"
"At least, she's your cousin? When last did you see her?" "Mummy, don't be offended but this one is not my cousin oh, I'm not even related by blood with her"
"How dare you?" Eniola stood up, "You know I can take a lot not this insult from you"
"Insult? Wo, be there deceiving yourself. You still don't know the truth, cousin ko, cousin nii" she hissed walking away and Eniola returned back to sitting on the chair then she tightened her fist.
"What does she mean by that?" She asked and Mummy Temmy shrugged, "I have mean distant families. That's why I don't relate well with them! God, so local and annoying!!!"
Osaze quietly watched Osas take out food stuff from the bag. She raised a stock fish up, "How much did you get this?" She asked and he scratched his head, "Huh..... The woman said.... It's a thousand naira"
Osas placed her hands over her head, "Osaze don kill me. This shikini stock fish, the woman for get luck if I buy am 500 naira for her hand."
"Haba! You just carry money dash the woman like that." "She said everytime is costly now and I agree" he tried to justify his purchase with a serious look but she kept on laughing. "They all say the same thing. How much did you now buy the meat?" She asked and he laughed, "Wait oh, I don't understand this interrogation, do you want to return the money back to me?" He asked and she chuckled, "All this market women have use your wallet. They have mugulize you" "That's not even a word" "That's the only word that qualifies you right now"
"Remind me never to buy anything for you again"
Osas continued laughing then she brought out the grinded Ogbono raising it up at him. "Let me guess, you got this for two thousand naira" "No, it's ten thousand" he answered and she continued laughing and he joined then he exhaled, "Laugh now, he who laughs last, laughs best"
"You don vex?"
"No. When it's safe to go out, I'll give you some money to stock up the kitchen" he cleared his throat and she smiled. "Thanks"
"Let me leave you to your cooking then"
"You're helping me'
"I can't cook"
"You can call me your home economics teacher. Wash the stock fish"
"Yes Ma"
Obianuju wearily walked into the sitting room with Raymond behind after being told that her parents were around. "Daddy, Mom, good afternoon" "Good afternoon my child" "Good afternoon dear"
"What are you guys doing here?" She asked then she turned towards Raymond. "Did you let them know?"
"He had to my dear, he was worried about you. Have your seat let's talk" Mrs Nwosu answered now looking at her husband.
"Let me at least get you guys something to drink"
"No. Please sit" she begged and Obianuju sat down.
Mrs Nwosu held on to her husband's arm then she exhaled. "Remember the first few days being with us? You might not remember but you were four and it was hell, so much we began to think that maybe it was a mistake adopting you. You woke up everyday asking for your siblings, it went on till your depression began" she paused.
"Obianuju, your father and I have made a decision to let you know the full truth. We've never kept anything hidden from you but we just feel it's high time you know this" she looked at her husband so he could continue from where she stopped.
"Know what?"
Mr Nwosu cleared his throat, "We don't know where your siblings are, we don't who they are but we know the person that should know where we can find them"
Obianuju smiled, "Who?" She asked and her mother took over, "The one who you called Aunty Uyi when you were a child." "Who was she to me?" "She didn't say but you seemed close to her. Perhaps you knew her in Benin, I refused to think she's a family member. A family member wouldn't have the mind to...."
"My mother gave me away, didn't she?"
"The only thing I'm interested in is finding my siblings, that above everything will make me happy, it'll satisfy me."
"We know where you can find her" "I thought you said you lost contact with her" "Well, that's what the closed contract entailed, but when Raymond called us, we decided that it'll be in your best interest if you know"
"Where can I find her?"
Mrs Nwosu exhaled, "She and her husband owns a club in Lagos, Club High" "What?" Raymond asked in shock, "Madam Davina?" "That has been her brand name right from the start"
"Shit" he cussed then he apologized for it. "I mean, that's the only club my friends and I patronize. How is it possible that she's the same person who put up for adoption. This world is just...... God! Na wa oh"
Obianuju turned back at Raymond, "Please take me there" "Right now?" "Yes, I need to see her, I need to know where my siblings are" "Not today" "It's not even late, please, I normally would have gotten over this depression but hearing this, I won't be able to sleep in peace if I don't satisfy my curiosity. Please Raymond"
"Babe, at least cook something, I'm seriously famished. I promise to drive you over later"
Eniola sat in bed dressed in nothing but her night wear. She swiped through pictures of her and Osaze, then she pressed the delete button. Mrs Badmus walked into the room, "Are you busy?" She asked and she shook her head.
"Are you still sobbing over that idiot?" She asked and Eniola shrugged, "I'm just deleting his pictures from my phone. I don't want to have anything to do with him ever!"
"Did you see Mr Tuyo's son at the party? I mean he's all grown up"
"I'm done with men for now, I handed in my resignation letter to the ministry of relationship already. I'm not engaging in anything relationship too further notice.
"You can't say that my dear"
"It'll take more than an handsome man to make this heart tick again. Remind me never to attend any party hosted by Dad's family" "What happened?" "So Mummy Temmy called some girl to say hello to me, she acted so rude! I have never seen anyone so rude and I know that I'm rude most times but hers.... takes the crown! She said I'm not her cousin, i really didn't understand what she meant but I guess she was drunk"
"She was definitely drunk! Ignore them, shey I've always said it now, that's how your father's side is, all of them with their madness. Your father is the only normal person in the family"
Obianuju walked into Madam Davina's office and she raised her brow at her. "They said you wanted to see me" "Yeah" "What's your name?" "Obianuju Peters but the Peters is my husband's surname, I was previously Obianuju Nwosu or you can call me Edosa" she answered and Davina was in shock but she managed to keep a straight face.
"Doesn't ring a bell" she answered and Obianuju scoffed, "My parents Mr and Mrs Nwosu, they told me where to find you. You gave me up for adoption 25 years ago. I was four years old, my memories are faint, the only thing I'm sure of is my name Edosa and I'm also sure that you're the person who handled the adoption. My parents couldn't have been wrong"
"The essence of them coming to me was that I'll never ever see them again. That's how it's works!" "Who were you to me, were we family?" She asked and Madam Davina shook her head.
"No. I was a friend of your mother" she lied, her heart breaking in pieces.
"Mum said I cried a lot, I wanted to see you and Efe. Well, I need to see my siblings"
"What siblings?" Madam Davina feigned oblivion, "The ones I came with uwa and Efe." "How come you remember their names?"
"My adopted parents, they've been great and patient with me"
"I can't help you with that"
"Because I don't know where they are. That's the essence of the adoption" "Please" she clasped her hands kneeling down and Uyi felt tears build up in her eyes. "I don't know where they are"
Chike walked in and Obianuju turned back at him. "Mom" he called out looking down at Obianuju. "What's going on here?" "Please I need to find my siblings and your mother knows where they are. I need her help"
"I have no idea what you're saying"
"Aunty Uyi, please" she begged and Madam Davina struggled with the tears. Still the same importunate Edosa! She hasn't changed a bit!
"Please I'll need you to go out now. I can't help you"
"Please! I'm on my knees"
"Please leave the office, I'll like to be left alone, that goes to you Chike. Please, I'm really busy" she replied clearing her throat. "Please"
"Leave before I call security"
"That's shouldn't be necessary Mom" Chike answered holding her by the hand and she rose up now staring at Madam Davina. "With or without your help, I'll find my siblings, I don't know how but I definitely will" she answered leaving and Chike glared suspiciously at his mother. "What was that for?" He asked and she shrugged.
"I'll like to be left alone"
"Please Chike! Please" she begged through gritted teeth and Chike got out of the office leaving her to bust into tears.
Chike sighted Obianuju seated on the floor, she was sobbing quietly, her high hopes has been crushed.
Chike sat down with her, "See, I don't know what the hell is happening but you look like you could use a hug" he answered and she hugged him now sobbing loudly. "I'm sorry"
Osas leaned against Osaze watching a movie, "I'm sorry, it's not a cinema" he apologized and she chuckled, "Have I ever been to a cinema before? Why are you apologizing?" She dipped a palmful of popcorn into her mouth.
"Cause...." He trailed off looking at her, "You're eating like a village girl" "Are you not the one who decided to date a village girl?" She asked and they both laughed.
"What was I even saying before I got distracted by"
"My villageness"
"Yes, your villageness" he answered laughing, "After all this is over, I'll take you on a date" "Awwwwn, my first date. Are you sure I won't embarrass you?" She asked, "Easy, I'll just run off when you do" he answered and she laughed, "I shouldn't be laughing like this, I'm mourning Adetutu"
"I haven't laughed like this in a very long time" he answered and they both exhaled at the same time then they busted out laughing again.
Osaze returned his gaze back to the movie, "Let's return back to watching the movie" "I don't know about you but I already lose... lost interest in the movie. I would rather watch you" "Seriously?" He lowered his head, his mouth was open. He looked like he wanted her and her eyes fluttered open focusing on him in expectation.
His lips brushed over hers. Then his mouth pressed down, pulling hers open to him. She released a soft moan placing her hands on the back of her neck, pulling him even closer.
"I need water" Osas said rising up and Osaze rose up too. "I'll go get it for you"
"No, you don't have to"
"I'll get it for you"
"You go fit continue?"
"Who said anything about continuing anything? It's just for today" he replied going into the kitchen and she chuckled dropping he popcorn. When she noticed he was out of sight, she shut one of her eyes, raised her buttocks slightly and a loud fart escaped her buttocks.
She shut her eyes, hoping he didn't hear the sound. This was followed by the foul smell. "You have done it again" she waved her hands, when she couldn't stand the smell again so she walked away from the place. That same moment, Osaze walked into the sitting room quite surprised to see her standing.
"What are you doing there?"
"Stretching my legs" she answered and he nodded dropping the bottled water then sat on the couch looking at the television then the sniffled now groaning.
"Jesus Christ, Osas!" He called out and she busted out laughing, "Did you smell something?" She asked and he rose up shaking his head, "No wonder you decided to stretch your legs, you could have told me not to sit. I would have gladly stretched my leg too. Why will you do that?"
"You already left now, I thought the smell will have reduced before you...." She answered and he rubbed his forehead, "That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard"
"It's no longer smelling now. I swear, e no smell again. I swear, you can sit down"
Osaze sat down then he looked at the pop corn on the table. "Was that pop corn on your lap when you did it" "When I did it" Osas laughed, "Just say mess or fart" she answered and he laughed.
"Was it?" He asked and she shook her head, "No" she answered, "Assuming you allowed me get the water myself"
"Ah I see, so you would have done it in the kitchen. Either way, it's still disgusting" he answered and she laughed touching her tummy. "I don laugh sotay my belle come dey pain me" She confessed then she exhaled loudly.
"You didn't answer my question that day when I asked why you're moving from the former building was it for rent?" "The land Lady needed her building back"
"You didn't pay early?"
"I couldn't pay my dues"
"Like how much?"
Osaze laughed, "Are you going to give me?" He asked and she chuckled, "It's not money" "What is it? Wait, your land lady want make you...." She trailed off and he laughed in understanding what she was implying then he shook his head.
"No! She's my mother"
"Why will your Mom....." She trailed off and Osaze exhaled, "If there's something you should know, my mother and I, we're not on good terms." "Why?" "For a lot of reasons"
"You know Wetin motherhood be? Mama no be who pikin suppose dey vex with. You know the pain mothers go through during labour? If you know the pain, you go respect motherhood. I swear, mothers should be respected and pampered"
"Mrs Briggs isn't that kind of person"
"Shuu? Mrs Briggs? E reach that level"
"Mom isn't exactly the nicest woman, she's annoying, she wants to control everything I do, who I date, who I get married to, when I was 25, I was gifted my own house and a building, Mom took it away and I had to rent this one. Now because I told her I didn't want to be with Eniola any longer, she sent me a quit notice, now tell me, is that kind of person worthy to be called a mother?"
Osas scoffed, "My mother had four of us, I, Edosa, Uwa and Efe. When I was six, she gave them to her sister Aunt Uyi, there were rumors that she sold them but I didn't believe until I came to Lagos. My mother, gave me away when I was twelve years old to a woman called Mummy Loveth. I suffered greatly, I went through hell, there were days when I would be locked outside in the cold, there were days when I would be starved, some days I only eat the soured soup. I hawked Zobo and buns so Mummy Loveth can pay her children's school fees" she sniffled, "There was this time I was even....." She trailed off blinking her tears and Osaze felt guilty knowing exactly what she wanted to say.
"It was enough for me to hate her but I no fit, when I hear at she don die, I cry like say.... Na me singlehandedly sponsor her burial. You never see anything, nothing way your Mama do you suppose reach for you to hate her. She's your Mom"
"Easier said than done. I'm sorry you had to go through that"
"Inside life but still we gatz de grateful to God. Which church do you attend?"
"I don't have a specific church. It's a seasonal worship, I go in when I feel like it." "Why? People who don't go to church are people who feel like God doesn't exist because of the things they've been through. No matter what I go through, I'm still ever grateful to him, if not for his mercy, I for don die tay tay" she snapped her fingers, "What about people who feel like their sins are too grave and God might be angry with them?" He asked and she disagreed.
"What kind of sin that God can't forgive? See, no matter the sin, God no wicked like that way him no fit forgive as long as we accept our wrong" she answered and he forced a smile. "What kind of sin is it?"
"I....." He trailed off, "I... Don't know, I really don't want to be one of those hypocrites"
"You're not. Tomorrow, we're going to the nearest church here, we'll go and thank God for his mercies, if you're not grateful, I am. I just survived what could have led to my death. My only problem lies with telling Folabi and Omo"
"Do you want to do it now?"
Osas fell in deep thoughts, "I'll do it tomorrow, I don't think I have the liver for it yet" "Tomorrow, you're going to say tomorrow again" "E no go pass tomorrow."
"On Monday, Chief Akinola will be arrested and there's going to be a serious case ahead of us cause I'm sure he's not going to back down without a fight" "I'm scared"
"Don't be" he assured, "He'll go down, him along with his coyote"
He held her hand and brushed his lips over her knuckles.
How was today's update? 😁
Osas and Osaze, issa love thing oh😍😍 💓 💓
Obianuju's scene with Madam Davina was really emotional for me😢😫
More intense chapters coming up!
Thank you for reading!
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