🔺 Chapter 20🔻

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I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday or on Valentine's day. I wasn't kidding when I said I had my weekends planned out already 😪

Calm down guys, I know it was Valentine's day but it's not what you
think 🤣---- I was preoccupied with church thingz

Now that I've apologized for it, please vote and continue reading

Thank you 🙏😊

Chapter 20




Davina entered into the sitting room after walking Mr and Mrs Badmus to their car. They left Uwa behind, because of the need to legally finalize the adoption.

She met Mathias doubtful look and she grew concerned. "What's up? Are you okay?" "Davina? Why did that woman call you Davina? The last I checked Uyi, your Maale no give you English name. How you come about that one?" 

"Were you eavesdropping?"

"I couldn't help it"

"Mathias, I already told you. You're going to find out things about me, things that might not make you happy"

"Do me a favor of telling me then before it blows on my face!"

"Davina is an Alias. It's my name here in Lagos, it's been my name since I left the adoption agency"

"Since when?"

"Does it matter?"

"Does Ese know about it?"

"No! How am I supposed to explain it to her?"

"How does this your work operate?"

"I find mothers who aren't ready to take care of their children or babies and I bring their children in for adoption. These mothers don't have access to me so they can't have access to whoever will end up adopting the children. They rely on this method because it's been working and I'm the Davina who helps them actualize this"

Mathias nodded in understanding, it finally made sense to him.  Then he exhaled and she moved closer to him. "It's just unfortunate that my sister had to fall victim to circumstances" she turned heads at Uwa who was frowning at her.

She was still very much hungry!

Edosa walked in, "Aunty Uyi, I'm hungry" she answered and Uyi sighed. "I'll be with your guys shortly"

"What's going to come next?" Mathias asked, "I mean the adoption thing.... Now this is over, what will come next?"

"The legal process, signing her over to them"

"I can't believe Ese subscribed to this crazy idea"


Ejiro entered into her already scattered room, it was literally turned apart. Her rack had been pushed down; the mirror on the wall, broken. Osas eyes roamed in search of the bag she brought from the couple's retreat.

She couldn't find it so she assumed it has been burnt down along with the wig Vera gifted her.

She felt extremely guilty for everything that had happened.  The thugs even made way with their money too. "Osas!" She muttered her own name while Ejiro leaned her head against the wall crying.

"Na my fault" she admitted but Ejiro kept on crying. Everything she ever worked for has been destroyed!  Osas admittance of the obvious wasn't going to make everything okay!

"Ejiro abeg no vex for me. I no get bag or clothes again, i for just park my things commot"

"Oh God" Ejiro cried, maybe it was a mistake housing her! She thought then Osas tapped her and she pushed her hands off, "Please, I'll like to be left alone"

"I'm sorry" she apologized again now removing the envelope from her handbag then she placed it on the bed. "I know say the money way dey there no reach to replace everything but I swear, I go try help you replace am." She promise now leaving the house with tears in her eyes.

She knew she had to make done readjustment and then add another thing to her budget list after winning the challenge

☑️  Give some money to Ejiro to buy more clothes for herself

She looked into her bag to examine the money she had in it will be enough to cover her transport. "God help me make I no trek"

Kubiat called her almost immediately. "Hey dear" "Kubi, how are you?" "I'm on my way to work. You?" "Same here. We were robbed last night" "What?" "They burnt our clothes, made away with our money"

"Have you called the police?"


"I'll be there to investigate the issue"

"I'm not at home, only Ejiro"

"How can someone break in and burn your clothes and no on could stop them. It's highly suspicious"

"Something happen lady night. I no fit talk am on top phone. No be phone discussion"  "Stop by at the police station then, I'll send you the address"

Osas rolled her eyes, she wasn't comfortable with the thought of seeing him and having to kiss him and act like she's comfortable dating when in reality she isn't.

"I have work, I'll let you know when I'm free so we can talk but you can check out the house. I don't know if Ejiro will go out today"

"Hey, don't worry, I'll investigate the issue and I'll do all in my power to bring down whoever is responsible for this" "Thank you"

"You're welcome"


Osaze handed some money in a brown envelope to a four hundred level, medicine and surgery student and he smiled. "Wait oh, you serious about helping that Osas girl oh" "Everyone deserves an opportunity in life. I think you can mentor her"   "Wow... Are you sure you're not doing this because you want something in return"
Osaze shot a glare at him,  "I'm sorry. I was just kidding. Person no dey play with you again? Wait.... Okay I wasn't kidding, I was being serious. You don't want anything from her, why are you helping her then?"

"Because she doesn't have a cap" he answered, "What?" A confused look spreads across the guy's face, "It's just something she said, I just want to be the cap on her head. I made a promise to myself"

"Wow, I wish there are good guys like you in this world"

Osaze glared at him again, "Guy, if you can't do this without wanting something from her, I'd rather take her elsewhere" "Dude, you're paying me already. It'll be strictly business, no fear. I no go do the babe anything. How were you able to convince your parents into giving you money to get her the form? Abi they don't know. Why am I even asking? Your Mom owns a law firm in Lagos"

Osaze smiled, he couldn't wait to give her the good news but how was he going to do that since she had no line he could reach her through. "How I go take tell her now? If you see her around school, just tell her to drop by at the house. Although I have tutorials with some of my colleagues but.... I'll definitely be home"

"I hear now or you fit go Jerome photocopying stand give am the information too. She dey like sell for there too"

"No wahala now"

He brought out his Sony Erricson, "Make I collect that your number in case...." "08028.."


Osaze sat on the couch in his sitting room. He searched 'Chief Akinola Bello' on his laptop and Chief Akinola's picture appeared among others on the image search.

Looking through the profile among others, he clicked on a news about a generous politician who gave six bags of rice alongside other items to an orphanage home.

He picked his phone putting a call through to an IT guy who works in the police station. "Hey Segun" "Da just man! I hail thee" he chanted and  Osaze rolled his eyes.

"I've warned you to stop calling me that. I'm all but just"

"Dude, you're an advocate of Human Justice, it's on your tag! What do you expect. Most times I dey admire your zeal to dey do the right thing"

"I need your help"

"Segun at your disposal. What do you want?"

"Anything you can get on Chief Akinola Bello"

Segun laughed, "Wait.... There are hundreds of Chief Akinola Bello in Nigeriaso you have to be specific. This Chief Akinola, he's a politician right?" He asked and Osaze nodded.


"Just a wild guess. Send me a picture via WhatsApp so i can confirm"

"I'm not sure he's the one, I just search Chief Akinola Bello and several profile appeared but I'm particularly keened on this profiles that reads politician.  I'll try to confirm from Osarieme" he answered then he remembered his plans to fire her!


"Is the case associated to rape?" He asked and Osaze shrugged, "She said he wanted to force her but she escaped" "Ehya, she's lucky. This man has been accused a hundred times, it's like he wears bullet proof to wave it off. Are you planning on pressing charges cause I bet you won't win oh"

Osaze scoffed, "Well I love a good challenge. Just so we're clear, what exactly has he been accused of?" "This man has been allegedly reported for a lot, we're talking from money rituals to charms....This man is into all sorts, from Juju, I mean this man has money to buy the judges. Just saying, I know you're a good lawyer, you na pro for your work but like I said, he's bullet proof. The last lawyer that attempted to open his yansh barely made it alive"

Osaze scoffed, "What do you mean by barely?" He asked and Segun laughed. "The made him more or less like an imbecile. That's if it's the same Chief Akinola we're talking about oh, just google on Barrister Ade Norbert and you'll know what I'm talking about"

"Thanks Segz,  I'll let you know if he's the one or not." "You're welcome" "Bye" "Wait Osaze, if he's the one, please in the name of God, don't push for a case, please" he added and Osaze ended the call.

Just when he typed Barrister Ade, he heard a knock on he door so he rose up walking close to the door. "Who is it?" He asked and the person kept quiet. "If you don't say anything, you're going to remain outside"

"It's me" Morenike answered and he looked around the sitting room before opening the door. Morenike cringed his nose on entering, "Does someone live here or you actually do share the house with a dog?" She asked and he kept quiet.

"What are you doing here Mrs Briggs?" He asked and she scoffed, "Why does the house look unkept" "Don't ask when you actually know why. Weren't you paying to find out about how I was doing during therapy in London?"  He asked and she raised her brow.

"You knew?"

"I'm not stupid Ma'am"

Morenike exhaled, "Throwing things away, breaking things are my way of transferring my anger, I anger I hold towards some certain people; the injustice in the world" 

Morenike scoffed, "Injustice has been in the world right from time and it won't stop yet, it'll never stop! Get it into your head! No matter the bottles you break, turn the house upside down, it won't change what happened many ago! It won't take it away, the only thing that can change it is if you can actually move on from it."

"Like it's easy to move on"

"Oh it is!" She snapped, "I listen to people say crap like, they can't move on, they can't move on, they can! Anyone can! I did! I moved on!" She yelled, "It wasn't so easy but it did!" She then she turned back taking deep breaths while Osaze wondered what she meant by those words.

She turned towards him, "The past should make you strong and not weak. What happened wasn't your fault. Stop beating yourself up about it."

"Cause you did a good job pushing it under the rug" 


"What are you doing here?"

"Eniola called me yesterday. She seemed pretty hurt" "I wasn't in the mood to talk to her"

"You have to try Osaze, she's your future wife"

"I haven't made that decision yet"

"You don't have to, I already made it on behalf of you. That girl is pretty, she's from a wealthy family, she has prospects, you'll both have lovely children!" 

Osaze shut his eyes, "I don't want her, i can't love her" "She'll help you heal" "I don't want her, I can't keep on pretending I like her when I don't"  "Osaze, you keep forgetting what's at risk"  "I don't care anymore. I don't love Eniola and I don't think I can ever."

"Is there someone else?" She asked and Osaze looked away. "Where's she from? What's her family background like?"

"Please leave my house" he requested opening the door and she scoffed. "I'll send you the paperwork" 

"I'll be expecting it" he answered watching his mother leave the house then he shut the door touching his chest.


Mr and Mrs Badmus' along with Morenike sat in the living room with Lisa, Mathias, Uyi and her lawyer. Morenike skimmed through the documents presented then she dropped it on the center table.

"All you just have to do is sign, I don't see the use of reading it all over again. This is what I do, I don't double cross my clients, you can ask around"

"No one is doubting you Davina" Mrs Badmus answered, "Just that she's my best friend and my personal lawyer and I want her handling all the legal proceedings"

"Don't you trust me"

"Oh far from that Davina, it's not trust that's the matter. It's fact she's your niece." She answered looking at Morenike who continued from where she left off.

"I've done all the research I can about you Miss Uyi, your surname, I can't even begin to pronounce and I know you're trustworthy but We don't want future surprises, when Janet signs that document, Eniola becomes hers and hers alone,  you're not to ever show your face around her . I don't care if she's your blood, you are not to come close even three meters close to her"

"I don't have a problem with that. "

"Great then but if you do so, you'll regret it"

"Is that a threat?"

"Take it however way you want"


Mummy Temi entered into Badmus compound where she found Eniola making way towards her car.  "Enny Enny" she chanted and Eniola smiled. "Mummy, good morning. I wasn't aware you're in Lagos"

"Ah Han, didn't your father mention it to you?"


"I came Saturday night but I had to leave out of anger. Your mother made me angry! I was so angry I said I will not come back again but you know I can't stay away from you all. After now, I'll be going to meet Goriola"

"Goriola should be at work now"

"Then I should have just met the two of you at work instead of coming here where I will see your mother's ugly face"

"Awwwwn, Mummy! Why will you say that now? Mum has the most beautiful face. I have her face" she held her Aunt by the arm and Mummy Temi hissed.  "Siooor, your mother is too rude!"

"Okay. Let's go inside, I'll be your judge and reconcile the both of you"

"Reconcile kor, recognize ni, wo! Leave me and that your mother! She doesn't want to do the needful and as long as she doesn't want to, I don't have any business with her. Your father doesn't even know that I'm here"

"And what's the needful Ma?" She asked and Mummy Temi exhale. "I wish it was in my place to say it but I can't" she placed her palm on her cheeks.

"Mummy, I don't want to be late for work. Do you have plans for today?" "Hmmmmm..... I don't know Sha. I want to go and visit my cousin's daughter, the bride whose wedding we're going to this weekend"

"Oh. Okay, I'll call you up when I'm free so we can at least chat and have lunch somewhere really expensive. I want to spoil you" she answered and Mummy Temi laughed.

"I have children everywhere oh"

"Shey you're going to the Law firm to meet Goriola, get into the car. I'll drop you off"  "Ose omo mi (Thank you my child)" she answered and Eniola signaled the security to open the door but he walked towards her instead.

"Madam, you called for me"

"Why will I call for you? I said you open up the gate"

"I think say you want see me"

"Musa, why will I want to see your ugly face? Are you stupid as well as you're blind? I signalled you to open the damn gate and you walk here to say...."

"Eniola! Calm down"

"Mummy! That's how he does? Boya it's the name that's affecting him, I don't know! Stupid old man!"

"Gbenu oshi dake jare! (Shut your dirty mouth)" Mummy Temi snapped, "How old are you?" "Mummy!" "Answer me before I forget my palm on your face"

Eniola pouted, "I'm 27" she looked away batting her eyes, "You're not even 27 yet, you're raising shoulders, who does not have shoulder? You think this man does not have shoulder to raise? Or because he's at the gate, you think you can step on him? He's not your mate"

"Mummy, you don't understand"

"Eniola, Gbenu dake!! Ah! I don't blame anyone, it's your mother i blame" "Mummy! Stop blaming Mom!"

"She spoilt you all oh. She's the one, she didn't know how to raise children. Let's just get into the car and go. I don't want to have his discussion and I'm serious"

"You'll reap whatever you sow Eniola. You need to give respect to whom respect is due or else you'll one day live in regret because, oma ba e ni be! (You shall face the consequences)"

Club High

Ochuko who was smoking at a corner turn heads on seeing Osas walk in. She walked up to Derik who was cleaning up. "Good morning" "Good morning Osas, what are you doing here?" "I came to see you" "Those guys came this morning in search of you. It's not safe at all"

"I know. Why you dey do clean up?"

"It's the hustle life Osas, a man gotta what a man gotta do"

"I was fired, for real"

"I'm sorry Osas, but that option seems better for now. You have to keep your self safe from all these hungry lions looking for the next antelope to devour. It's sick but the same thing keeps on happening, I knew you were trouble right from the first day you started work"

Osas chuckled, "I was trouble right from the day my mother gave birth to me. I'm tired" "Hey, don't be. Don't ever get tired, you haven't even started. You have to keep on pushing till you get there dear. That's the essence of hustling, we're all trying to reach our peak. Don't stop till you reach yours Osas, just stay away from danger"

Osas hugged him, "God I go miss you oh" "Yeah ... I'll miss you too" he confessed and she pulled away crying.

Ochuko walked up to her, "Wait, you dey mad abi you dey find death?" He slurred and she scoffed while Derik went about his business. "None of the above"

"Wetin you come dey find here? You no know day Simone guys dey on the look out. If them see you, your yansh ho tears for this Lagos and I doubt if you go survive am. Wetin you dey find?" He asked and she hugged him.

"Thank you" she muttered pulling away. "You dey sabi do like mad person but you get sense small" she commented and he laughed.

"Madam Davina don fire me"

"I hear. Na for the best"

"I being think say I go see my night shift partners make I just greet them small" she sniffled, "No dey cry like Mumu"

"You sef mumu!" She snapped then she turned back leaving. "Osas" he called out to her and she turned heads at him.

"Stay safe"


"Good afternoon Mr and Mrs Nwosu" Uyi smiled and the free-spirited couples smiled back at her. "Good afternoon Davina" They both smiled at her.

"Please have your seat" she answered and they both did.  "We apologize for coming in later than we promised." Mr Nwosu apologized, "We wanted to be sure if this is what we want" he looked into his wife's face.

"For seven years I have been looking up to God's face for children but I haven't had any. I've come to realize that I want this" she smiled and Uyi smiled too. "Where are they?" Mrs Nwosu who was very much excited asked and Uyi cleared her throat.

"I'm sorry, something happened and ..... Another parent took her sister away"

"What? Didn't you tell them they're siblings"

"I did. They wanted just one"

"That's very bad. Refund their money, we'll pay whatever"

"I'm sorry. I can't do that, I already signed an agreement"

"Oh God! Honey, can you believe this? It's like the soap operas, separated sisters. That's very tragic, I'm so disappointed in the mother than birthed those children!"


"No! They shouldn't have separated them, no! I would have adopted them. I wouldn't have mind. Where is she?"

"Edosa!" Uyi yelled and Edosa ran out of the room with joy, she thought Uwa had been brought back. She frowned on seeing two strangers in the sitting room.

"Where Uwa?" She asked and Uyi shut her eyes, "Who's Uwa?"

"Her little sister but she'll definitely forget her eventually" Lisa answered and Uyi agreed.

"Edosa, where are your manners, say hi to your parents" she added and Edosa ran back into the room.
Uyi rolled her eyes, "I'll talk to her" she muttered following her into the room where she laid in bed crying. "If you keep crying, you'll get sick" "I never see Mama and Osas, Uwa don go too. I want see them"

Uyi cried, "Will you stop acting like a brat!" She snapped then she shut her eyes in guilt then she sat on the bed. "I know say you miss Mama, I know! Those people out there, them go replace your Mama and Papa"

"Why?" She cried and Uyi cried too. "Your Mom wants you all to have a better life. You're just four years old, you won't understand yet. When you're grown up, you'll understand better."

"I go stay with you and Efe" she leaned against her and Uyi shook her head. "You need to go" "Efe go go with me?" She asked and Uyi hesitated then she walked up to Efe withholding tears in her eyes. She wasn't sure if she was ready to let him go yet. She was becoming used to him.


Obianuju watched Raymond knot his tie then she walked towards him. "Let me help you" she volunteered but he disagreed. She then helped him arrange his collar.  "It might be internal heat issue"


"The reason I can't get pregnant. Osas said she'll make some concoctions for me" "What if they end up having bad effects? Don't bother yourself"

"I want babies Babe, I want a mini you" she bit her lower lips. "What if it's the effect of the abortion, maybe we should start getting used the idea that we might never have children?"

Obianuju blinked her eyes, "I can't believe you just said that" "See, I don't know about you but I'm trying to get used to the idea, I think you should too"

"You're still angry"

"Obianuju" he gritted his teeth then he carried his briefcase. "Goodbye" he chipped in leaving and she cried.

Madam Davina sat in a small local restaurant with a black shade on and Mathias walked in, he smiled on sighting her then he proceeded to sitting on a chair opposite her.

"You're late as usual" she snapped and he laughed.

"And you're always nagging as usual" Mathias laughed, "Remember how we used to come here after I figured this place out?"  "I didn't come to reminscence. Let's talk elsewhere, somewhere private. I won't want my husband's men finding me here with you" she suggested and he smiled.

"I know a place we can talk"


Mathias got off Uyi and she busted into tears. She had just finalize Edosa's papers. "What's going on?" "I don't know, it's the way Edosa looked at me when she was in that car. The way she cried, and I just had this guilt in my heart like maybe I should have just screwed the whole thing and just take care of them myself"

"What about Efe?"

"I don't think I can give him up. I can't" "Let's raise him up together. He'll be our first son, first of many"

Uyi smiled, "Do you think I'll be a good mother?" She asked and he shook his head then she laughed out loud. "I think you'll be horrible, I'll be horrible too but we'll try to raise them in the best way possible"

The following morning

"Uyi!" Chief Dickson called out and Mathias who was in the kitchen with Uyi raised his brow in shock. "Who's that?" "What?" "I heard someone call your name"


"Jesus!" She gasped looking at Mathias, "Oh my God." She muttered rushing into the sitting room where Lisa was then she peeked at the window seeing two vans.

"How in the world did he find out I'm in Lagos?" She asked Lisa and her looks betrayed her. "You told him" "Yes I did! He's your husband and you should stop leading other people on!" She snapped and Uyi slapped her.

"You're very stupid!"

"Husband?" Mathias asked, "Am I missing something here?" "Yes, Uyi only used you to bring her nieces and nephew to Lagos. She is engaged to Chief Dickson, in fact sef, they're almost married. That's the husband outside, he's a well known gangster in Lagos"

"But....but" He stammered, "What about us?" "Mathias......." She trailed off, "I was going to tell you"

"When? Uyi I warned you"

"Why did you do it?" "Do what? Your husband saw me and he asked, he was really persuasive"

"Persuasive my ass! You told him yourself because you wanted me to end whatever I had with Mathias so you can have him for yourself! You're an idiot!"

"Uyi! Dont make me angry, you won't like it when I am"

Lisa rolled her eyes, "Your husband is calling you" "Shut up!" She barked turning towards Mathias who was beginning to feel used. "You used me" "Mathias, yes I did but......" She paused, she didn't know how to open up to him that the past weeks with him had been her best. She has never been the kind to get too emotional, even when she's attached.

"Uyi, please don't go. We can run away"

"I need to go meet my fiancee, I'm sorry. I need to talk to him before he kills you"

"He won't" Lisa replied, "We already agreed" she added and Uyi scoffed. "You're very stupid if you think Dickson will spare Mathias. She got into the room carrying Efe in her arms."

"Uyi wait"

"I'm sorry Mathias" she answered icily getting out of the house to meet Chief Dickson. "Who get the bastard?" "He's my sister's property, now mine"

"In whose house?"

"Let's not have this discussion here"

"Where's the bastard you're sleeping with?"

"Let's discuss about that Dickson"

"If no be for this baby way dey your hand, I for do you something" he answered then he signalled his men to enter and they did.


"Shut up. You can hate me today but we'll definitely make up later"

A gun shot was fired and Uyi's hands trembled. Mathias had been shot.


Madam Davina stood behind Mathias in front of a house. She could hear the sound of children, she wondered if he had kids over the years.

He walked in and she joined him. Her mood turned foul on seeing Lisa. "What's she doing here?" Lisa asked and she scoffed. "You're married to her?" "What if he is?"

"No I'm not. We're just friends"

"Friends huh?" Madam Davina gave him a look and he laughed on denoting jealousy in her voice. "I said I needed a quiet place we could talk and you brought me to a school"

"Uyi, please, take your leave"

"Lisa! It's been years, you two should drop this beef"

"Never! She's a bitch"

"Me? You sent Dickson coming after me even when I told you not to, yet you choose to hate me more than I do you."

"Oh, you're such a pretentious bitch! 1996, those people you sent to beat me, you think I overruled as a coincidence? You sent them!"

"Because I needed to teach you some lesson"

"That's enough! Look at the two of you embarrassing yourself in front of little children"

"I'm not the one being embarrassing, she is"

"God i hate you"

"You said God I hate you, thank God I'm not God" she answered throwing a look at Mathias. "Is there anywhere we can communicate?"

"My room" he answered going in and she followed her.

Lisa tightened her fist.

"You live with Lisa?"

"She has been a tight friend right from time. And she has been helpful"

"What if she tells Dickson again?" "She won't" Mathias assured and she exhaled, "How long have you known about Osas? Why didn't you just go straight to point last night?"

"You found out, how?"

"I asked for her name" she busted into tears. "I can't believe this is happening. Why will she come?" "She told Lisa she's out to find you, her siblings and her father"

"Does she thinks life is a soap opera?"

"She found you didn't she? Destiny is messed up in that way. Help her out"

"I can't go against the agreement, I almost did because Morenike crossed her boundary by beating my son up"

"The obnoxious lawyer?"



"My son was dating her daughter"

"As big as Lagos is? Wow, the world is really a small place" he laughed and Davina cried, "It's not funny, I'm just confused, I don't know what to do or who to speak to. Yesterday Osas got into trouble and some men were out to get her, I was scared for her and I just started reflecting on everything and I realized that I failed as a sister to my sister" she sniffled, "Dis you tell her?"

"No. I can't, if I tell her she'll want to find out about her sisters on way or the other. She's a very sturbborn type, I need to see Ese"

"After twenty five years" Mathias scoffed. "Even the prodigal son went back to his father" "Ese is dead" "What?"

Mummy Temi walked into Goriola's office while he was scanning through some case file. "Good morning Ma" "Morning my dear, bawo ni? I hope you are doing well" "Yes Ma"

"And your work, how is it?"

"Never been better and you Ma, how are you?"

"I'm not fine rara (at all)." "What's the issue?"

"When are you all going to tell Eniola the truth? She needs to find out the truth" "I can't do that, it's in Mom and Dad's place to do it"

"You know she has a sister right?"

"Yes I do"

"Don't you think she deserves to know?" "The secret isn't hurting anyone, everything is going fine" "Weldon! Just because it's a secret doesn't mean people are not suffering from it! It doesn't make it right!" She hammered and Goriola scoffed. She knew the direction the parable was coming from.

"Secrets are meant to be buried"

"I'm sure you learned that from your mother. She's not training you guys well, there's something called pay day in this world, I hope you know that. For every seed you sow, you shall reap. I told your sister this morning!"

"Let's not turn this around to be about me"

"When will you tell her?"

"I'll never do it! I'll repeat it again, some secrets are meant to be buried" "What about the woman that did the adoption thing, where can I find her? Your father will not tell me, your mother, that one will not mind me"

"I know where she is but I won't tell you, don't insist Mummy, there's a reason why sleeping dogs are allowed to remain asleep"


Osas knocked on the door dressed in a short peach top gown. Jerry opened up and she smiled. "Good afternoon. Bengee dey around?"

"Ouch, I'm seriously hurt right now. You didn't even say hi to me"

"I'm sorry. Abeg no vex, shebi I greet you"

"You didn't even ask me how I was"

"Sorry. I just dey in a hurry, I hear say Bengee pay for tutorials and jamb for me. I just come appreciate am"

"Oh. Yes we did"


"Yeah. We actually do care about you Osas"

"Thank you. I think you should come in and wait for Benjamin to come." he answered opening the door wide and she entered.

"Hey Gee, guess who we have here?" He asked shutting the door and Goriola grinned looking at her. "This is the last occupant of the house, I know you've not met him in person. Gee, meet Osas the girl of my dreams" he commented and Osas laughed dropping the two pails containing zobo and Buns at the usual place.

"I should turn on the generator so you can watch something. Make yourself comfortable Osas"

"Thank you" she replied taking her seat and Goriola sat close to her and she smiled, "You dey read law too shey? Jerry say you dey read law"


Osas walked towards Obianuju, "Good morning Miss Obianuju" "Good morning Osas, how was your night?" She asked and Osas shrugged, where will she even start from?"

"How was your own night?"

"It was horrible. I packed my stuff to my parents house"

"Why? E Don bad reach that level?"

"I was just being dramatic and he came over to pick me up. Mom actually called him but .... What the hell? He came and it hasn't been the same. He's looking at me differently"

"I'm sorry. It's my fault"

"I did blame you yesterday but I'm happy I finally got to tell him. There are times we have discussion and he chastise women fir having abortion and I just keep quiet about it. I'm free, even though he's still very much angry with me." She handed a nylon to her.

"I brought your jacket from that day. I keep forgetting to bring it" 

"Seriously? Thank you"

"No, thank you." She answered observing her for a bit,  "You don't look cheerful as usual"

"Things just get as e be"

"What happened?"

"I no want cry, if I start to explain, I go cry" she answered busting into tears. "Are you okay? You're late today, which is unlike you"

"I being trek small"


"I no get transport"

"I'm sorry"  "Oga dey around?" "No. He's not around, he's at the hospital" "Why? Him no well?" Osas asked worriedly, "I don't know. What happened Osas?" She asked and Osas leaned against the wall.

"Yesterday I was almost caught by a man I made angry because I didn't sleep with him. So we didn't sleep at the house. Some people entered into the house, they both all of our clothes, even the wig Miss Vera gave me and they stole our money." She cried and Obianuju hugged her.

"I'm so sorry"


Jerry handed a glass of juice to Osas for her drink. Shortly after,  she suddenly began to feel drowsy. "Are you okay?" He asked and she shook her head. "Sleep, make I dey go. I go come back later" she rose up and Jerry dragged her  back and she fell on the couch.


"Aren't you going back to school? How will you sleep there?" Jerry asked, "Relax here" he said kissing her neck and she pushed his head away. "Wetin dey do you?"

"I want help you relax. Relax Osas, I just want to make you feel good" he rubbed his hands around her thighs lifting her gown up and she pushed him away but her strength was useless because of the drugs spiked in her juice.

She glanced at the juice on the table then it finally made sense why she felt sleepy all of the sudden. She has heard stories of girls getting drugged and raped but she never thought for a second she'll emd up being a victim too.

"Jerry abeg" she begged and he rose up laughing at her. "Osas relax jare," he answered looking at Goriola who was standing behind with just his boxers on, "Will you go first?"



Osaze buttoned his shirt after his check up and his doctor shook his head. "Is it possible that I can have a heart attack?"   "You're too young but it's very possible judging from your extreme high blood pressure, you have to take things easy on yourself. Maybe lay off working for some time"

"It's not work" he answered and the doctor exhaled in understanding. "There's nothing a little therapy cannot fix, it's better than the issue getting worst. You're not even married yet and you're on your way to having your first heart attack. Osaze, you're way too young, hypothetically, if this situation persist, your life span will eventually become shortened, God forbid. Whatever it is, whether it's an emotional trauma or not, it needs to be treated. I'll put you on medication but I'll still stress the importance of therapy."

Chief Akinola frowned at Simone, "I am highly disappointed. So you just allowed that small girl to escape like that." "I'm sorry Sir" "This weekend is around the corner oh. I hope you're ready and you won't disappoint me"

"No Sir, I won't"

"I hope the girls are ready"

"Yes Sir"

"I don't want anything that will trace them back to me oh, se o ti gbo? (Have you in heard?)" "Yes Sir, nothing will be tracing them back to me, neither will it be traced to you Sir"

"Oda naa. The club will reward you after the success as usual" he laughed and Simone laughed too.  "I hope you're still looking for that stupid girl"

"Yes Sir but if i want to advise you Chief, maybe we should give up finding her. I know girls like that, they're trouble. You won't want her to be your undoing"

Chief scoffed then he hissed, "Over my dear body, Instead, I'll be her undoing. It's me, emi Chief Akinola  Bello, that'll end her miserable life"

What are your thoughts on today's update?

Hope you enjoyed it🤗

Next chapter is going to be really intense, I'm sure you won't be able guess😏

Thank you for reading  🙏

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