🔺 Chapter 19🔻

Happy Valentine's day in advance! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

Every good act of love counts, so...... please

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Moving on! 😏

Chapter 18


"Obianuju, mepee uzo (Obianuju open the door)" Obianuju's Mom yelled after knocking. Obianuju opened the door then returned back to laying in bed while Raymond walked in.

She gasped in surprise on seeing him. "Hey" she said sitting up and Raymond stared blankly at her. "You came for me" "I didn't. Your parents called me"

"So you wouldn't have come if they didn't call you"

"I didn't ask you to leave"

Obianuju rose up folding her hands then she sniffled. "Is this about the abortion? Now I'm filthy because I've committed abortion" "It's not about the abortion Nuju. We made a pact"

"And I'm sorry for breaking it. I thought it was best if I keep it. This was exactly why I kept it to myself!" I didn't want you judging me from my past mistake"

"You still don't get it. You could have told me when we met! We were best friends"

"Would you have gotten married to me"

"Yes! Because I love you! How many times do I have to tell you? I'm angry you kept it away from me! I'm angry you didn't trust me enough to tell me just like you don't trust me enough to hang around my friends without thinking I'll cheat on you. Realizing this at this point of our marriage is heart breaking, I'll have to admit! I'm seriously heart broken and I don't know how I'll come out from this" he sniffled wiping the tears that had began to roll down his cheeks.

Obianuju cried moving close to him, "Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't think it was important until Osas said it was" "So if Osas didn't advise you to tell me, you wouldn't have" "I wouldn't" she confessed and he turned his back at her.

Obianuju wrapped her arms from behind around his waist. "Baby I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry. I never knew you felt that way. When I was fifteen, my literature teacher talked me into having sex with him and I did. At the age of fifteen, I was already having sex and I got pregnant from it, I have never been proud of that action and I don't even look it. You were the second person I opened up to, I swear on my life. I was just scared you'll think differently of me and I was getting to like you, I didn't want to ruin things"

May 1995

Benin bus park

The cries of a baby filled the entire park as Uyi tried to control the baby from crying. "Shhhh, please" she begged rocking him but he kept on crying. "Madam give the baby breast now" one of the women in the park yelled and Edosa who was seated with Uwa walked up to her stretching her hands at the baby.

"Go back to your seat" she demanded and when she did, Uyi placed the baby  on her lap and she struggled to hold it and he kept quiet. "Efe, Efe!" She called out and he smiled.

She made funny noises just as Osas will do to make him laugh and he laughed. One and half years old Uwa laughed too.

Uyi watched her in envy, her worry was how she was going to separate them all.

She bit her nails nervously as her eyes scattered in search for Mathias. "Where are you Mathias?" She asked then she heard a loud cry, she turned back to find the baby on the floor.

"Edosa!" She yelled then she rushed to carry the baby.

"What kind of mother are you? Why you go give that kain small girl pikin hold? Abeg put breast for him mouth quickly!" A passer by advised but she kept quiet patting the baby who wasn't ready to keep quiet.

She sat on the bench dragging her bag to remove his feeding bottle. She fed him milk but he refused to collect. "Madam!" A police officer on uniform called out, "You need go give this pikin breast?"

"I'm feeding him already"

"Give this pikin breast, abi no be you born am?" He asked and her heart raced in fear. "Na una breast?" Mathias asked from behind and some people chuckled.

"You dey worry oh! On top breast way no be una own." He added and Uyi gave him a look that meant a lot. One was relief, the other was anger for coming late.

"Abeg make una leave my wife jhoor" he answered, "The baby dey cry now" "Him no well, Na why" "At least tell your wife make she breast feed am"

"So that everybody go see her breast?" he joked and everyone laughed. "If the baby no well, make them carry am go back house"

"We dey travel go back Lagos, we go treat am for there. Thank you Oga police, you do well"

"I hear. Una safe journey oh"

"I hear" he waved his hands at the police officer then he walked close to Uyi, "Before you get angry, I had my reason for being late and I'm very much sorry for it"

"What happened?"

"Small shit hook me, I just need go back to avoid embarrassment for road" he answered and she chuckled rolling her eyes. "You're crazy!" She commented looking at the crying baby.

"How do I stop him from crying?"

Mathias carried him and he instantly stopped crying. "See, when I say make you come make we born children, you say no. I'm a naturale" he winked at her and she giggled.


Madam Davina walked towards him and he smiled. "I actually thought you were going to ask that I come into your office" "As what? As a friend or a client?" She asked and he laughed.

"As someone who knows so much about you Uyi"

"Don't call me that"

Mathias laughed, "What do you want me to call you? Davina? That fake name, that's your Alias, you don't even know what it means" he chipped in Madam Davina glared at him.

"You being see names like Helen, Portia, Alice, you come use Davina. What's Davina? It's sounds like a devilish and the clothes you're wearing isn't even helping issues"

"What do you expect I wear, Kampala?"

"To used to rock those Kampala that year and when you hit those black shades on it, damn the always make you look so good" he commented and she chuckled, even when she frowns, even when she finds his presence irritating, he usually manages to make her laugh every damn time.

"Even when I don't want to smile"

"You look amazing when you do and those gap teeth, what are you closing them for?" He asked and she laughed out loud. "It's the same here Uyi, even when I think I'm angry at you, even when I think I can never forgive you, I see you and my heart still melt, you still have the emotional blackmail thing going on"

"I didn't even say anything"

"You're now using your eyes, it melts my heart everytime and you know it" he confessed and she exhaled sadly, "What do you want Mathias? It's been years"

"Six years since we saw each other. I swore, I'll never see your face again"

"And what are you doing here then?"

"If you ask me, na who I go ask?" He chipped in and she chuckled, "I know, not my best line of jokes but....." He trailed off and she laughed.

"Must you always be silly?"

"Silly for you."

"You're like what? 62?"

"Hahaha very funny, I'm 59 years old"

"What difference does it make?" She asked laughing and she noticed Chike look at her then she cleared her throat. "Mathias, you can't be here, My husband doesn't agree with"

"Ah .... Your husband, I thought he travelled, went out of town"


Mathias scoffed, "News everywhere" "He's back and you know he doesn't like to see you" "Whatever." "Why are you really here? I'm sure it's not because you miss me" "I do miss you a lot"

Madam Davina rolled her eyes, "Were going in circles, help me here" she begged and he laughed. "Um..... Someone visited Lisa some weekends back,I was contemplating whether to tip you off but I knew how much my presence irritates you so I....."

"Who did?"

"How's Efe? He asked and she rolled her eyes looking towards Chike and he trailed the look then a smile curled up his cheeks. "He's an handsome young man already. The last time I saw him, he was in... was it SS2?"

"He was writing his WAEC. Don't try to divert Mathias"

"We do have a lot to talk about" he placed his palm on hers and she pulled away. "Mathias" "The girl you were speaking to the other time, do you know who she is?" He asked and she fell into deep thoughts.

"The one you asked to call me, Ejiro?"

"No. The one you were speaking to when you leaned on that .....".

"Oh Osas?" She asked then she gave him a look. "I see you have eyes on her"

"Don't be jealous Uyi, I only have eyes for one woman and that's you. I just want to know if you know her" "Do you?"

"I asked first"

Madam Davina rolled her eyes, "She's just a girl we hired about three weeks ago." "Do you know her name?" "Osas" "Her full name" he asked and she shrugged. Then it occurred to her that she has never cared to find out.

"I've never asked"

"And she's an employee"

"I didn't employ her, Ochuko did"

Ochuko sat beside them tapping the surface of the table. "Madam Dee, we fit talk" he requested and she rolled her eyes then two guards approached Mathias.

"You have to go"

"How dare you?" Madam Davina asked and he bowed his head at her. "Orders from above Ma" he answered and Davina looked up at her husband whose hands were folded. He had a smirk on his face.

"We have orders so move or be moved"

Mathias grinned looking at Davina, "Goodbye" he answered leaving and she exhaled looking up at her husband again.


Uyi opened her eyes in the bus to find Mathias staring at her. He had collected the baby from her just so she could sleep. Uwa was also sleeping in her arms.

She looked down at the baby who was still then she sighed in relief. "Thank God he's still sleeping" "How are you going to do it?"  "Do what?"  "Sell the children" he whispered and Uyi shrugged.

"Clients are ready"

"I mean, how you go get mind release the children? Them go cry definitely" "it's for a better course"

"Do you know the family they're entering into?"

"They're wealthy family, that's all that matters"

"What if na money ritual them one use then do?"

"Children finish for Lagos to use?"

"Adoption agency sef finish for Lagos for them to go adopt?"

"They don't want anything tracing them back to the organization. Over the years people have been able to trace their children through the agencies. That's why they let Davina do it for them"

"Who's Davina? The name of the organization?" He asked and she exhaled. "Mathias, there are a lot you'll find out about me in Lagos, some might be disappointing but you have to trust me" she answered and he kissed her on the lips and she returned the kiss back then she gasped slapping his arm.

"We're in a bus"

"Why you dey fear? We're at the back. No one will see us" he grinned and she giggled. "God, you irritate me" "And I love you too" he answered And she giggled again and the baby cried in Mathias' arm.

"Oh my God"

"Madam put breast for that pikin mouth!"

"Honey, give am breast now" Mathias joked and Uyi glared at him, "Nothing will come out" she whispered and he smiled, "At least he'll keep quiet. I've seen my late Mom do it to her grandchildren in their Mother's absence"

Uyi grabbed the baby while he carried Uwa who was still asleep.  She looked at her breast then she shut her eyes at the thought of breastfeeding in front of Mathias.

"Don't be shy, it's nothing I haven't seen before"  he whispered and she pulled out her breast giving the crying baby to suck and he sucked while muffling small cries and Mathias smiled whispering into her ears.

"It's rehearsals for when we start having ours" 


"That was uncalled for" Madam Davina said as soon as she walked into her husband's office. I thought we agreed that punk doesn't have to show his ugly face here"

"He had an information"

"Are you seeing that punk behind my back?"

She scoffed, "Wouldn't that be great seeing that you're sleeping with every slut across the country" "Davina" "I never question what you do when you leave to wherever you go to, don't ever question what I do! You know very well, I'm much more faithful than you'll ever be! I have scruples"

Chief Dickson scoffed while Madam Davina glared at him.  "Why did you have the employees surrender their phones?" "Because I'm the boss, it's what bosses do"  "Dickson" "See, I don't want them poking their nose into my business"

"You mean your drug business"

"Business is business and it's booming"

"How many times have I warned you to stop using the club to push drugs? "How many times will we keep having this discussion. We both know it has no head nor tail. It's completely useless"

"It's a joint business Dickson, if you get arrested, I'll get arrested too! Is that what you want? Remember the police came here the other day"  "See, I own the police"

"Apparently not every of them! to detective was here the other time  and from the movements tonight, I know that something shady will be going down tonight"

"Yes! Yes something is happening, that's why you need to face your business and let me handle mine"

"Dickson, for how long? For how long? What if something goes wrong?"

"Nothing will go wrong. Stop being scared for no reason" 

Davina scoffed walking out of the office then she saw Ochuko leaning against the wall. "Madam Dee" he called out and she hissed, "What?"

"Wahala dey. I for warn Osas but her trouble don fix eyes on top her, any small mistake, him go think say I don snitch am"  "I don't understand"

Eniola knocked on Osaze's door, she waited to get some sort of response from him but he did nothing. "Osaze!" She called out then she kicked the door storming out of the building.  The moment she got into her car, she picked up her phone calling Morenike.
"Good evening Ma'am"

"Good evening dear"

"I've been at Osaze's door for the past thirty minutes waiting for him to get the door but he hasn't" "Maybe he's not home"

"He is! His car is packed outside and I already asked his neighbor. They said they haven't seen him leave the house, the told me Vera visited. It's my second time and I'm tired" she busted into tears.

"I don't know if I have the strength for this! It's not turning out according to plan, it's not!" She hung up busting into tears then she leaned her head against the steering of the car.

Simon fixed his eyes on Osas and a fist complexion lady about 24 years sat on his laps dancing. "Happy birthday" she whispered to him. "Its not my birthday" "I'm going to make it feel like it's your birthday"

"Your client will soon be here"  he answered and his phone rang again. Chief wanted to find out if she was still around. "Yes Sir, I'm staring at her now" he answered looking at Osas and Adetutu also turned towards her.

"Fuck, it's Osas" she muttered, "We can't grab her like that. People are much but i already made calls already. My guys are outside ready to catch her once she steps out. There's no way she can escape Sir"

"Don't harm her oh, not a single scratch on her body until I'm through with her"

"Yes Chief" he answered and Chief ended the call on him.

"Fuck" Adetutu muttered again then she thought of hiding from her before she goes around spreading news to big brother Folabi but then again she knew if she didn't find a way of  warning Osas, she might be in trouble for real.

She chewed a gum then popped it, "Since I'm still waiting for my client, I better get a drink" she said looking at the two girls besides her. "Do you girls want?"

"We're fine"

"Okay then" she shrugged walking off. "How the hell I'm I going to talk to this woman without Simon seeing me? Which kain Osas be this sef?"

Osas returned back to counter smiling. "Madam Davina wants to see you" Derik announced and she dropped the tray walking up the stairs to her office.

"Good evening Ma" she greeted Madam Davina for the second time that evening then she looked at Ochuko who was on a call.  "Ma, whatever him say I do, na lie oh" 

"He's not here to accuse you, quite the contrary, he's trying to save your life. There's a customer down there seeking your life and you need to get the hell out of the club"


"You heard me right Osas"

"Wetin I do?"

Ochuko ended the call, "Him say you do something against one Chief for one hotel, the Chief want your life" "Jesus! Chief Akinola Bello" Osas placed her hands on her head.

"Which kain wahala be this?"

"Osas you need to get out"

"Na only me dey for this world?" She cried and Matthias' question ran through Davina's mind. Why was he particularly concerned about Osas? What does she know that she doesn't?

"What's your name?" She asked and Osas stared at her in disappointment. "Ah, Madam, so somebody can be working for you"

"Your full name?" She asked, "Osarieme" Osas answered and her heart leapt. "Osarieme what?"

"Ovbiókpomwan" she answered and Davina felt her legs go weak.

A knock on the door interrupted them, "Who is it?" She asked and Adetutu walked in and Ochuko stretched a gun at her, "Jesus Christ!" She and Osas screamed.

"Ade?" Osas called out, "Wetin you dey find here? Who tell you say na here I dey work?"

"No one, it's just a coincidence that I'm here and I came so I can save your ass. There's this contractor that's after you" "How you sabi the guy?" Osas asked and Adetutu kept quiet.

"Jesus, Ade, wait, na asewo job you con do for Lagos? Folabi expected so much" "Please don't tell him, I wouldn't have come here if your life wasn't on the line."

"Osas, you need to leave now"

"The entrance has been surrounded by boys" Ochuko answered, "That was the call I was making, it's not possible to escape"

"Except through the exit" Madam Davina answered. "Simone has his eyes on Osas" "If Osas escapes, he might even pin it on me. I have to be beside him when you escape" Ochuko answered and Osas exhaled.

"Wetin we go do now?"

"I can distract him" Adetutu suggested and Osas shook her head, "No put your life at risk for my sake" "How? He doesn't even know that I know you. Just make sure you're safe"

"I'll drive you out" Madam Davina volunteered and Chike entered. "What's going on here?"


"Where Osas?" Edosa asked as soon as they walked into a house. "Osas is still in Benin" "When she go come?" She asked and Uyi shut her eyes.

"Soon" Mathias answered carrying Uwa in his arms.

"Welcome back" Lisa welcomed everyone with a smile. "Mathias, meet my friend Monalisa, you can call her Lisa, Lisa meet Mathias"

"Her future husband" he wrapped his arms around her neck and Lisa laughed nervously. "Also meet my nieces, Edosa, Uwa and...." trailed off rocking Efe, "Efe" she smiled at him.

"Where's the one you said was six years old?" She asked, "She didn't come with us" "When you go carry the children go the adoption agency?" Mathias asked and Lisa scoffed, "What adoption agency?"

"Davina" He answered and Lisa requested to speak to Uyi alone. "Who's he?" "My ex boyfriend" "He doesn't know you're married right? He doesn't even know you're Davina. Why will you bring him all the way here with lies? When will you change?"

"I'm not cut out for one of your lectures. I'll tell him at the right time"  "You just used the poor guy" "Lisa, if you don't want me firing your ass, stop annoying me cause honestly that's what you're doing and you don't know"

"Mrs Nwosu specifically said she wants two, children. One of six years, none of them look like they're six" "My sister withheld her because of some premonition and I had to respect it according to her it's not yet time for her to come to Lagos yet"

Lisa scoffed, "What kind it stupid premonition is that? Na wa oh, village people and their ways of thinking Sha" "Hey, don't insult my sister. If my mother had made me trade places with her and not make me go to Lagos when I did, I would have been worst than her and she would have definitely had a better life so don't ever insult her"

"Whatever. Have you called the client?"

"I just got back and I'm taking time to process this whole thing"

"You're having second thoughts"

"I'm not, I don't know how I'm going to separate the children. Osas isn't around and Edosa is playing the big sister and she's just four" she placed her finger on her head, she was coming up with a headache.

"Does Dickson know you're back?"


"Are you going to tell him?"

"I'm not in Lagos yet and you're going to keep shut about it"


Osas intentionally spill drink on a customer shirt and he rose up throwing tantrums. All the while, Simone watched with keen interest. Adetutu on the other hand, trailed her finger nails across Simon's thigh while giving him a flirty look. She looked down at the erection on his crotch then she bit her lips. "Shouldn't we do something about that?" She asked and he rolled her eyes.

"You won't want to get tired before the client come"

"Try me" she whispered to him and he smiled. He loved a good challenge. He flashed a smile at Ochuko then back at her.

Osas entered into the car letting out a sigh of relief while Chike drove off. "Thank God!" She exhaled, "You're safe now" he assured. "Are you okay?" "I just escape whatever Chief Akinola being get for me. I feel lucky"

"Thank God, we were able to think of a plan"

"Thank God. Thank you"

Chike smiled a bit, "For what?" "Helping me" "It's nothing, I was looking for a way to leave the environment. I was looking for something interesting to do and you gave me that excuse" he answered and she chuckled.

"Your babe matter?" She asked and he shrugged. "Cheer up, e go better" "I just wish she can just make her own and not live in her mother's shadow." He confessed then he hissed.

"Sorry I didn't even ask, where should I take you to?"

"Where I live Ejiro's house, not too far from the club"

"Are you sure it's safe to go home for now? You should stay at my place for the night. I've seen a whole lot of gangster shit from my father and I know when these guys mean business. They do all in their power to achieve their goals"

"I don't think Ejiro should sleep at home too now. Please help me call her, I can't make calls on my phone"

Simone's phone rang in the toilet and he smiled looking into the phone. "Your client's here" he announced smiling at Adetutu. "Something tells me you want more" she said to touching his cheeks and he laughed.

"You had better save your energy" he snapped leaving and she instantly called Osas' number. "Tell me all these fucking exercise I did was not for nothing. Tell me you're far far away from this damn club"

"I am" she answered and Adetutu exhaled in relief.

"I won't want my brother's crush getting killed"

"I'm not dying tonight"

"I'm glad."

"Ade why asewo?" Osas' chipped in and Adetutu rolled her eyes. "I'll give you a call tomorrow. Good night Osas'" she said ending the call then she brough out a cigarette from her handbag then she lit it up.

Simone got out, his eyes in search of Osas. "Where's she?" He asked then he walked up to the bar tender Derik, "Have you seen that Osas girl, one of the servers?" "Oh. She just got fired" he answered accordingly as Madam Davina had asked him to.


"Yes. She got fired for spilling the drink on a customer"

"Who fires someone for such a thing?" He asked and Derik scoffed, "Why are you asking me? If you have a bone to pick, ask the owners."

"Where is she?"

Derik looked around, "Maybe she left already" he answered and Simone walked towards Ejiro. "Where's Osas?" He asked and she shrugged. "She supposed dey around, e never say way I see her" she answered and he pushed her walking away.

"Oga take it easy with the pushing, about which one?" She asked now giving Derik an anxious look and he shrugged.

Simone walked towards Ochuko, "You help me see that babe?" "Which babe? The one way you follow?" "No. Osas'" "Oh. No, guy, many fish dey river. That babe carry wahala, she no go gree for you"

"No be...." He trialed off punching his fist against his own palm. "Damn it!" He cussed quickly putting a call through to his boy outside the club.

"Any black lady don leave the club?" He asked, "Boss, some black lady don leave, shebi you no drop picture now"

"Damn it! Damn it! Chief is going to be mad!"

"Boss if you fit find out where she live, just leave the rest to us"


Mathias and Uyi laid in bed trying to catch their breathe. "Wow, you haven't lost your touch" he commented and she laughed out loud. "Shhhh, you'll wake the baby"

"I was going to say the same too" she answered and he smiled. "Marry me Uyi, let's get married once and for all"

"Don't ruin this"

"I'm serious. Whenever I raise this marriage issue, you always want to dodge from it. I'm not getting younger oh, my mates for Bini bon born first quarter of their children finish" he answered and she laughed.

"What's first quarter?"

"You should get my point. I want children with you, I for don do any other girl for village but na you I want. Uyi, you dey feel my point?"

"You're jobless" she confessed and he laughed. "Straight to the point, no cutting corners, that's the more reason I fell for you. I have a job in Bini"

"You call driving a business, seriously?"

"I have plans okay? I want to start a bar, a big bar, a club. I just need investments" "What will you call it?" She asked and he slowly caressed her.

"Club High"

"What's your inspiration?"

"You. The way I get high on you like I'm on drugs" he answered and she laughed, "All these punchlines, I'm sure you're stealing them from a movie" she retorted and he laughed kissing her napes and she shut her eyes, biting her lips.

"You know I can never get enough of you shey?" He asked and the Efe cried.


Ejiro and Osas folded their legs on Chike's bed. "Are you sure this need sheet is clean from the last time you.... Hm hm on it?" She joked and Chike laughed. "You guys can feel free to sleep on it if you like. I'm giving up my bed and you can't even appreciate" he replied and they all chuckled.

"I can't believe we're laughing after the James Bond series that just happened" Ejiro answered and Osas chuckled. "I was so scared, e don tay way fear grip me like that"

"I was sincerely scared for you"

"I'm happy everything's fine" Osas exhaled now smiling at Chike. "Thank you for making us sleep here"

"It's the least I can do"

There was a loud knock at the door and Chike requested they keep their voice down and then he rushed to the door. "Who's it?" He asked and the person at the other end kept quiet.

"Password please"

"Will you open the damn door?" Madam Davina's voice echoed and he opened up the door. "Hey Mom" he answered.


Mrs Badmus took a look at Efe then she shook her head. "No! I don't want a boy, I already I have a boy. I need a female that was what I told you"

"I just assumed since you want a baby..."

"Are there other babies?"

"None for now Ma"

"Gosh! What did you bring me down here for then?" She snapped looking at her husband. "Honey can you imagine this insolence? After we already paid a down payment. I have a hundred thing I should be doing right this moment but you"

Uwa ran into the room leaning against Uyi's laps. She was hungry but didn't know how to put it in words. "Hey" Uyi ran her hands in her hair.

Mrs Badmus walked towards her then she knelt down, "Oh my God, whose child is she?" "My niece" Uyi answered and she almost fainted from disappointment. "Oh. I thought she was one the adoptees"

"She is actually"

"Are you serious?"

"Yes but she was reserved for another who wants to adopt two. They're actually sisters" "I want just one"

"How old is the other?" Mr Badmus asked, "Four years Sir" "We'll take the both of them"

"No we won't. How are we going to explain the fact we have a grown up child?"

"What about her?"

"How old is the girl?"

"A year and six months"  Uyi answered and Mrs Badmus smiled,

"I've been in the state for almost two years Honey. I can sell this story, I can't sell the story of a four years old girl. Honey, look at her, she's the most beautiful I've ever set my eyes on. What's her name?"

"AbieYuwa, you can call her Abbie, Yuwa or Uwa. It's means born into prosperity"

"I'm a Yoruba woman Davina, I Can't let my child bear such a name. I've always wanted to name my first daughter Eniola. I'll name her Eniola, a person of wealth, it's almost the same thing." She held on to her hands, "Eniola baby. Honey what do you think of her?"

"She's the sweetest thing I've ever laid my eyes on, I'm sure she'll be sweet as well"


Madam Davina walked into Chike's room. Ejiro and Osas rose up to greet her. "Good evening Ma" " I can't count how many times I've heard that this night" she complained and they both apologized as though on cue.

"Osarieme" she called out and Osas wondered why she decided to use her full name. "You were lucky tonight. How did you get yourself in this mess?"

"I was homeless and I needed a place to stay so..... one babe connected me to the hotel. I was supposed to spend the night alone but then I found out I'll be spending it with one Chief Akinola Bello"

Madam Davina rolled her eyes, "That pig!" She snapped, "You know him?" "It's a small world" she answered.  A very tiny world! She answered within then she cleared her throat.

Tears suddenly formed in her eyes when she realized what a horrible person she has been. Cutting off ties from the village, while her poor sister and her niece suffered!

She fought her tears from pouring down. "You're fired Osas"

"What? Ma, I think say na acting we dey do for club now"

"If those guys come back, they'll definitely find you"

"They can also find me anywhere. I can't lose my job Ma"

"You're getting good in your English, improve more, maybe you can get a job easily elsewhere"

"Ma! I no fit afford to lose my job" Osas cried and Ejiro supported her notion, "It's true Ma, getting a job isn't easy"

"I won't want you dying in my club, not on my watch Osarieme. You're safer away from the club"


Madam Davina threw a brown envelope on the bed. "That's your severance package and more. I think you should go back to Benin, you'll be safer there" "Ma, abeg" Osas knelt down and she looked away walking out of the room then she met Chike who was in the sitting room.

"Take care of her, take care of yourself and lock the doors" she demanded he gave a gentle nod.

"We'll be fine" he answered and she left the house.

She lost all cool when she entered into the car. She busted into loud sobs, not caring who heard her. "I have wronged you Ese, God I've wronged you!"

"Come back Benin" Omo demanded after Osas explained her ordeal to her. "Na why I no dey like tell you things be that" "Shey na until I come there come drag your yansh naim you go know say I serious?"

"I dey fine"

"Till when? Shebi you say your Madam pay you"

"I no fit go yet" she answered thinking in Osaze's direction. "Why?" "I still get my afternoon job and.... I never win the challenge yet"

Omo scoffed, "Babe, are you sure you're not developing feelings for your boss?" She asked and Osas kept quiet. "Osano..... Osas!"

"I no get any feelings"

"Iffa hear! Feelings way I dey feel from Benin way I dey. Osas, which kain mistake you make so? Oya e no too late, come back"

"I go come back, no be now. Just talk say you miss me" Osas teased and Omo laughed. "Iffa hear say I miss you" she lied then she exhaled.

"Osas, promise me say one more kasala, you go come back Benin" she asked and Osas exhaled. "One more kasala, I go come back Benin"

Omo exhaled. "Take care of yourself Osas, nothing must do you oh. Remember say your brothers dey there." "I hear, you sef take care of yourself and my brothers." She chuckled and Omo laughed.

"See as I do good come turn to nanny finish" she joked and Osas laughed, "Thank you" "You're welcome. Do repair your phone abeg!" She snapped hanging up and Osas chuckled.

"I really need to repair this phone." She admitted, at least she would have made some calls, she wanted to call Osaze and find out why he left that way. She also wanted to call Obianuju to know if her husband had forgiven her but she couldn't because of the damn phone.

"I really need to!"

Osaze poured himself a drink then he exhaled as the thought of Osas filled his mind. He was seated on the floor in the sitting room. He hissed sipping the drink,  Monday was just hours away! How will he remedy the situation?

Will he be able to look her in the face or will he die of guilt? Maybe he should just relieved her of her job, that'll be selfish Osaze! He concluded gulping the entire drink.

Karma's a bitch alright!

His heart ache like it was about to burst out of his chest so he leaned against the chair taking deep breaths.

Monday morning

6: 40 am

Ejiro and Osas went back to the house the following morning only to find Chika by the gutter with a few neighbors. She had a white satin sleeping cap with a white nightie on.

"Chika how far? Which time you join Cele?" Osas asked and Chika hissed, "Na Olumba olumba I join" "Ehya, how's the ministry" she asked and Ejiro laughed.

"Make una no even laugh. If una know wetin happen, laugh go commot for una lip" Chika answered and Ejiro and Osas became alarmed. "Wetin happen?"

"Those guys way Ejiro call me warn me about, them break una door, enter una house"

"Jesus!" Ejiro and Osas shouted, "No be only that one, them pack una bag come outside. Them don burn una clothes oh" Chika announced pointing towards the burnt clothes at the corner of the house.

"No! No! no! This can't be happening to me" Ejiro complained stomping her feet on the floor. She moved closer to the burnt clothes then she sat on the floor crying. "No!"

What do you guys think of this update? 😁

What do you guys think about Mathias as a character in this book?

Who feels sorry for Ejiro? 😪 I do🙋

Can Osas be blamed for what happened?

To think she hasn't said anything about kissing Kubiat, I wonder what will happen when she does? How do you think Ejiro will feel coupled with her loss?😫

Two secrets fully revealed, we'll be finding out more in the next Chapter.

Eniola huh? Sweetest thing ke? 🤣😂

Abi what do you guys think?

I'm asking a lot questions shey? 🤣😂

I don't know when I'll be posting again sha, I have a busy weekend ahead and I don't think I'll have the chance to even type.

So..... Until.....

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