🔺 Chapter 18🔻

Chapter 18


Tacha was seated in bed with her pink robe on when she heard her phone ring. She dipped her hands in her bag and the first thing she brought out was the cocaine Jazmine gifted her.

"Trust me when I say this, it'll take your pain away. It's my second Jesus, for Jazmine so love you that she gave her precious Jesus to you so you might have everlasting joy and happiness."

Her words replayed in his head and she shut her eyes dipping it back. By this time her phone had stopped ringing.

She removed the phone and it began to ring again.


She dropped it then she covered her lips busting into silent sobs.

Raymond walked hand in hand with Obianuju as they strolled through the beach. "When last have we had a time out like this? I can't remember" Raymond spoke up and Obianuju smiled.

"You're always busy"

"Huh huh, don't even pin this on me. I'm always willing to shift our schedule if you're open but you've been distant lately. Always depressed, I don't like it. You're way in over your head with this pregnancy thing"

"Don't call it pregnancy thing"

"Babe, we'll have children someday. I keep on assuring you everyday, you're lucky you have a husband who doesn't pester you to give him kids. Even if we'll have this kid when you're fourty, I don't care"

"God forbid. I'll just adopt" she commented and Obianuju folded her hands waiting for a reaction from her husband but he didn't say a word so she decided to make a topic.

"I'm really reconsidering adoption"

"What? You can't be serious"

"I'm serious. We'll adopt a little child"



"I.... It's not mine, I don't think I'll be able to love a child that isn't mine" "But my parents did, they loved me even though they didn't give birth to me."

"Oh great, so we'll just let the cycle continue"

"We'll learn to love the child'

"I can't do it Nuju! Let's not have this discussion before you end up being angry at me. I'll wait for you, I'll wait even though I grow grey hairs, I'll still wait because I love you. We'll definitely have children"

"I'm scared"

"Of what?"

"That I might have problems"

"You're perfectly fine, we had a test done and it confirmed it"

"I had an abortion when I was a teenager" she revealed and he turned to her in shock. "What did you say?" "I had an abortion when I was I fifteen and I'm scared it might be the reason why we can't have children" she answered and he scoffed walking away from her.

"Baby! Baby, Raymond!" She called out but her calls fell on deaf ears.

Osas sat on the sand in the beach in thought. Was she really in love with Osaze? "If you weren't happy about the kiss, I'm sorry Osas" Kubi apologized and Osas shook her head.

"It's not that I wasn't happy" she answered thinking of a response to give. How was she going to let him know the only reason she's feeling bad is because she just realized she likes her own boss!

"What happened?"

The moment she sighted Osaze, this time, he was almost shirtless, his shirt was unbuttoned till the fourth. She leaned in kissing Kubiat's lips and he kissed her back now smiling. "I should get us more drinks"

Queen called Eniola away and Osaze soon stopped a man who was riding a horse then he made negotiation with him. He mounted on the horse and Osas smiled walking towards him.

"What's up?" Eniola asked Queen and she hissed. "I officially hate that bitch!" She snapped and Eniola creased her brow in thought. "Who?" "That Osas"

"What did she do?"

"You won't believe what I just found out. Goriola is also into her, in fact, he thinks she's wife material"

"What? That's a lie! All he wants is to probably use and dump her but Kubiat is doing that already" "Babe, it looks like Goriola really likes her. We need to be very careful about this Babe before she starts doing major damage" Queen snapped her fingers and Eniola scoffed.

"Goriola can't be in love with that.... I'll go speak to him, you'll see." Eniola said with certainty.

"Hey" Osas waved at Osaze and he smiled, even though he was hurt at the sight of her kissing Kubiat for the second time. "So you're riding horse"

"Really?" He asked looking at the horse, "I thought it was a cow" he answered and she raised a brow at him feeling insulted.

On top simple conversation way I wan start.

"I was starting a conversation" she pouted her lips and he laughed out loud. "What does it look like before, of course I'm riding a horse. Haven't you seen one before?"

"I have seen, she I saw one in that room you were in today"

"Have you ever rode on one?" He asked and she shook her head, "No." "Wanna try it out?" He asked and she hesitated. "What?" "I don't want that die yet, what if I fall?"

"Why don't you trust me then?" He requested stretching his hands and she smiled climbing the horse with the support of the man.

In attempt to sit well, she almost fell off and held on tightly to Osaze. "Jesus!" She screamed and he withheld himself from laughing. "I want to come down, put me down" she requested shutting her eyes and he turned his head at her busting out in laughter.

"Calm down"

"Calm down? I almost died now now now and you're saying calm down"

"You won't fall off" he assured while keeping one hand on the reins, and she pressed her body against his back and wrapped her arms around his chest.

It felt good. The warmth, it felt so right, she felt safe.

Her subconscious began to question if her actions were the right one. She was beginning to have second thoughts. "You'll be fine" he assured again and she nodded in agreement and then used his lower legs to squeeze the horse lightly behind and the horse began walking.

Vera sat on the beach sand leaning against her husband when she sighted Osas and Osaze riding on the horse. "Awwwn" she said tapping her husband who instantly looked their direction.

"Look at how cute they look together"

"Your Mom wouldn't agree with the two of them dating. She'll freak out and that'll be like provoking more war" "There's a war on ground already and I don't care. As long as Osaze is happy, if Osas makes him happy fine! Mom can blow her trumpet if she likes. Who cares?"

"I do." He answered playing with her fingers. "I want my children growing up in an harmonious home where they can go see Grandpa and Grandma without issues"

"Your parents are very much alive to fill that spot and if they want a Grandpa, fine, but my Mom can never agree to be their Grandma. I won't want her bad mouthing my husband right in our presence."

"My Ernest prayer is for God to change her heart, some kind of miracle from God." He wished rubbing her belly, "Don't waste your prayer baby" Vera advised lifting his fingers then she kissed it.

"Thank you for clearing your plans for my silly plans" she appreciated and he smiled. "Anything for you Babe"

Kubiat returned back with two bottles of Fayrouz, only to find Osas behind Osaze on the horse. He shrugged then he decided to go meet Obinna and Goriola.

"How long have you been..... doing this?" Osas asked referring to Osaze's horse riding and he chuckled.

"I haven't done this in a long while. The last time I did this was when I was 19. We had a family picnic, when we were still a family" he answered and Osas eyes squinted in interest.
"What do you mean by that?"


"What? You think say ...." She stalled on realizing she was about to bust into pidgin. "You think you can put me in suspense and go free?" She asked tickling him and he laughed.

"Stop it or we'll both fall off"

"Tell me. You've never spoken about your family"

"Because I don't like speaking about it. It's a sad topic"

"I love gist, any kind of gist. Just tell me"

"I'm sorry I can't"

"Okay" she replied then she exhaled,
"You look amazing today" he complimented and she blushed. "It's not my clothes oh, it's not even my hair. It's borrow-pose oh"

"It's Vera's hair but it looks better on you than it does on her" he confessed and her smile widen. "Vera must not hear a word of this"

"I'll tell her" she joked and they both laughed.

"Thank you" she answered and he smiled. "I have questions I've always wanted to ask you but I just didn't know how to ask you"

"What kind of question?"

"The kiss ....." He whispered softly and she nodded in expectation. They haven't said a thing about it since it happened.

"What happened to the kiss?"

"Was that your first kiss?" He asked and she shut her eyes in shame, "Was it that bad?" She asked and he turned heads at her trying to get a clear look of her facial expression.

"Was it really your first kiss?"

"No, It's not. Was it bad like that?"

"It wasn't, it just felt like it should be your first kiss. I'm not saying it to make you feel bad"

"I feel bad already" she answered and he chuckled. "I haven't kissed much guys, it was just a one time thing." She answered and he became more curious.

One time thing? Is a virgin? Why was she at the hotel then?

"Are you and Kubiat ... together?" he asked, then cleared his throat. "I don't know...." She answered with a shrug. "You don't kiss people casually, it only means you're together"

"I kissed you. Does that mean we're together?" She asked and he nodded his head to the left side, "Good point but our was on the basis of the game. You two kissed twice"

"Maybe were together then" she answered. The reply managed to leave him disappointed.

"That night at Phoenix Hotel, what took you there?" He asked and she gasped, "How.....?" "Vera forwarded the news to me on Whatsapp. I got there and I got a different story. They told me you're a prostitute, you came in with two other prostitutes. They said you refused having sex with the man because the price was too low"

It finally made sense why he was so damn serious when they spoke about prostitution the other day. No wonder he didn't believe her! "What happened? They said you followed a man home"

"I want to come down" she requested angrily and he wondered why. "What?"

"Please put me down or I'll jump oh" she threatened then she begged a guy below to help her when she tries coming down.

She walked back towards where she was seated at first and Osaze handed the horse back to the owner before chasing after her.

"Osarieme! Osas!"

Oga leave me alone! She said within, "Stop right this instant and I'm asking that as a boss and not just anyone." He requested and she turned towards him. She folded her hands then she squeezed her lips, looking away.

"You know for someone who doesn't like talking, you're saying more than you should. In fact I'm eager to meet that person again. You win, I don't feel like talking anymore. You have succeeded in leaving me speechless. Please Sir, let me go in peace"

"You're angry and im not letting you go unless you tell me what I did."

"Why won't I be angry Sir? Tell me, you've been looking at me that way shey? No wonder you thought i was a prostitute!"

Shey I resemble asewo for your eyes?

"Do I look like prostitute? You could have said something to me do I clearify myself"

"It's clarify"

"English professor, thank you very much"

"Why are you suddenly angry over this? It was my opinion" He asked and she turned back at him, "I.... I am not just angry, I am very angry and I swear, I'm tempted to rush you with pidgin"

"Okay, screw the competition, speak in pidgin. Why are you angry? At least let me know"

"When...... When I heard that one man who owns a foundation was harsh. I was angry and I wanted to blast his destiny. When I saw it was you, I gave you doubt benefits, everything made sense because I studied you in that bus and I knew your kind of personality that's why no matter how annoying you act, I still bear with it. I don't even.... hold grudges! No! Not one day or minute.

"Because say, even till now you still think I'm a prostitute. You should have given me doubt benefits"

"Okay you're right. I could have given you benefits of the doubt but I didn't cause I had two testimonies"

No matter the testimony I hear about you, e no go make me change how I feel about the person, unless say the person use him mouth confirm am.

"You should have confirmed from me first"

"And I'm sorry for not doing it. I'm sorry"

"I didn't follow any man home. Ejiro helped me"


"Ejiro is a girl and She helped me. I didn't go home with any man" "What happened then? Why were you on towel in front of the hotel"

Osas folded her hands, "The woman I was asked to live with, she sent me packaging and I needed help so I called a friend to help me out. She gave me keys to the room, I thought I was going to stay alone but then I thought it was strange when she told me not to shut he door that room service will come for me. I just had my bathe when I saw the man on the bed"

"In bed" he corrected and Osas squeezed her brow in doubt. "When I added two plus two together, I realized it was a set up and the man was my meal ticket for the night. Chief Akinola Bello, he said he's a politician and he had money, but I wasn't moved by it. He wanted to force me so I ran out of the room with my luggage"

"I'm sorry"

"It's nothing"

"I could have helped you when I could in that bus. I'm sorry"

Osas lifted her eyes up at him and she could see compassion glimmer in his eyes. "I'm sorry you had to go through that" "It's okay.... It's part of life and I'm used to bad things happening to me"

"Don't say that"

"I'm used to getting into trouble. It's like everywhere I step in, there's always someone who hates me or someone who can't wait to see me fall."

"Hey, don't say that"

"I'm serious Sir, nothing good ever happens to me" "Something good can happen, you can't be totally pessimistic about life"

"Pessi what?" She asked and he brought out his phone again then the familiar eye rolling expression made him stick the phone back into his pocket.

"Negative feelings towards life and living as a whole" he answered and she exhaled, "Well I have my reasons. I'm not too negative, I don't like carrying my hope up"

"Raising your hopes up"

"Raising" she said with a sigh then she shook her head. "Nothing ever works for me, all of my dreams, my plans for life, not of it has come past and you tell me not to be pessi.. pessi..."



"Exactly, now try saying it faster"

"Pessimistic" she replied with a smile and he smiled back at her and they both shared a look after which she flipped her hair to the back. "My head is feeling heat, I want to remove the hair but with all these comments I've received, it's doing me like as if I won't be fine anymore"

"You're still look pretty without the hair" he confessed.

Will you shut up? He asked himself, he wondered what was making him act different. Is it because they're closer now that ever? Or was it the kiss? It definitely had to be the kiss!

The blush on Osas' face was visible for him to see. He didn't want a situation where he'll only be leading her on. He already had enough on his plate, Eniola, his mother.

Osaze cleared his throat, "If there's an alternate universe where everything work out as we plan, what would you have been?" "A doctor. I've always wanted to be doctor who deliver children that's my natural gift. To be a I believe it's called a gynaecologist" she answered and he could immediately replay sixteen years old Osas say it in his head.

"I also make Agbo, when I was young, I always think maybe I can mix the two, being a pharmacist and a doctor. I said I was going to do anyone that worked for me but it didn't work"

Osaze suddenly felt hot even with his shirt buttoned till the fourth. His heart in began to race fast and he could hear Osas scream him his name "Bengee!"

"No" he muttered,




It can't be! Can it be a coincidence? God let it be a coincidence!

"What class did you stop going to school again?"

"JSS2" she answered and he turned back, "Jesus!" He muttered, "Mr Osaze, what happened? Are you okay?" She asked and he turned back staring at the women in front of him and he just couldn't believe it!

Crap! He said within then he raised his finger up, his heart was racing fast, it seemed like he was about to have a heart attack. "Excuse me" he said leaving her alone.

"Mr Osaze!"

"Osas!" Obianuju called out witholding her tears and Osas turned towards her. "What's up?" She asked Obianuju fell against her busting into tears.

Raymond gulped the entire bottle of beer and Obinna widened his eyes in surprise. "Guy slow down, remember your wife doesn't like you drinking. I won't want her accusing me of being the bad influence."

"I really need the drink. Bar man, another one" he requested and Obinna rolled his eyes now staring at Goriola who was quietly drinking his in beer.

"Abeg, I no understand why una just dey dull"

Eniola tapped Goriola, "What is it I'm in hearing about you liking that.... girl" she asked and Goriola looked away. "Is that a crime?" He asked and she scoffed. "So it's true"

"How did you and Kubi end up liking the same girl?"

Kubi walked towards them exhaling loudly then he dropped the bottle of fayrouz on the surface of the bar counter. "Hey Eniola, Obi, Goriola, Ray, how far" he asked then he requested for the barman to give him the same drink Raymond was drinking.

"I don't know about these big heads here but I'm doing well"

"What's wrong with Ray?" He asked and Raymond hissed. "Your wife doesn't like you drinking" "Same thing I told him oh"

"Goriola how far? You sef join?" E asked and Goriola hissed, "Okay what's going on? I don't need to educate you guys about what they say about a problem shared"

"Don't pretend like you don't know why"

"Know what?" Kubi asked and Goriola scoffed, "It's pretense like that makes me angry"

"Wait.... Is this about me coming to the retreat with Osas or me kissing her?" He asked and Goriola sniggered, "What did you think will happen? You think you can just bring her here and everything will be normal? I like that babe and you knew it!"

Kubiat scoffed, "Dude, we've all been together since secondary school. The only thing that separated us was University. You, Goriola Badmus have never liked any girl in your life! All you've done in your entire life is use girls, I like her Goriola and I asked her out if you don't like it, you can go fuck yourself!"

"Fuck you!" Goriola rose punching him in the face and he punched him back.

The two friends fought while Raymond and Obinna tried separating them.

The drive back to the Badmus crib was a quiet one. No one said a word, the silence made Osas regret even more, why she came for the retreat.

"I should have just stayed back" she said on entering into the room and Kubiat scoffed, "You don't have to regret" "I do regret It Kubi, my mind was warning me that I shouldn't come since Goriola asked me out already but I still did" she complained removing the wig and placing it on the bed and he pulled her back. "I'm sorry" he apologized holding her hands, "It's my fault too" he admitted and Osas kept quiet touching his swollen brow.

"Ouch" he groaned, "I'm sorry" "I've had worst and it was worth it. At least something good happened from it" "What?" She asked and he kissed her lips once again, she kissed him slightly then she turned her face away.

How was she going to get herself out of this mess she just created? She was ready to date yet, she wasn't even sure if she wanted to date him since she was having her emotions flying everywhere.

"Its going to be fine Osas" Kubiat promised pulled her close for a hug her mind wandered to Osaze, she wondered why he reacted that way, she tried to remember her last words, maybe it made him angry.

Or maybe it was something she said, but what could it be? Osas refrained from rolling her eyes. He can say a dozen thoughtless word and she'll forgive him, why cant he just do same for her, or better still, open up about the exact thing she said that made her angry!

She couldn't believe she was thinking about another man while in the arms of another one.

Obianuju watched her husband pack his clothes into a bag. "Are you leaving?" She asked, he didn't respond he only continued with what he was doing as though she was invisible! "Babe, you're drunk, you can't possibly think of driving"

"We'll be leave first thing tomorrow"

"Okay...." She exhaled, relieved to hear him speak. "Let's talk Babe," "I don't want to talk" "Why?" "Because....." He trailed off tightening his fist.

"Forget it"

"I won't"

"Obianuju forget it! Not tonight, I don't want to say anything I'll regret" he zipped up the bag keeping it in the wardrobe. "We'll leave very early in the morning"

"I should have just kept it to myself. I don't even know why I listened to Osas" she folded her hands as she watched him go into the bathroom to have his bathe.

Eniola knocked on Vera's door and she opened up. "Hey Enny" "Hey. Have you seen Osaze, I haven't seen him" "Have you checked the sitting room?" "He's not there"

"Let her check the stables, that was where I found him this morning" Philip's voice echoed from Inside the room.

"Check the stables. My husband said he found him there this morning"

"He left already" Obinna who was walking by announced, "That's impossible" Eniola answered, "He would have informed me as his girlfriend"

"Or me as his sister"

"I saw him, take his things out, I asked him what happened and he said he needed to think then he drove out. Ask the man at the gate now"

Eniola dialed his number, it rang but he refused picking up. "Urgh!" She groaned leaving and Vera shut the door staring at her husband who was staring into the mirror. "This is strange, why will Osaze leave that way without informing me?"

"Well.... He's a man of his own. Maybe he got tired or maybe jealous. Your plans worked then"

"Are you sure it's the plan? Whenever he goes AWOL, we all know that it's worst" She assumed then she picked up her phone dialing his number.

While Osaze drove, he debated the reality of the situation. Maybe it was his imagination drawing conclusions from guilt. He actually wish he could make himself believe that but the truth was staring right at him in face!

Osarieme was the sixteen years old girl he met fifteen years ago. He wondered why fate had to play such a cruel game with him by bringing her directly at his door step.

Was this his own karma?

"Bengee Please!" He heard Osarieme's voice and he lost control of the car crashing into a truck in front.

"Shit" he cursed shutting his eyes.

The owner of the car got out ignoring the damage in front of Osaze's car, "You most be a very mad man!" He spat.

Osas knocked on Vera's door, she had already taken off the cloth she wore to the beach and was now wearing a gown in order to return the wig Vera lent her.

She had packaged the wig in a black nylon. Vera opened up the door forcing a smile. "Hey Osas" "Good evening oh. I brought the wig and I've come to say thank you for helping me out"

"It's nothing. You can keep the wig, it looks better on you than it does on me" she answered and Osas gasped in surprise, "You mean am?" She asked and Vera nodded.

"Thank you" she answered hugging her tightly. "It's nothing" "God bless you, she added pulling away and Vera smiled.

"It's nothing. What did you and Osaze discuss about last? I don't mean to pry, they said he left already, I'm just worried"

"I was just letting him know what I wanted to be that's all"

"That's all? Just that?"

"Just that Ma"

Osas knocked on Goriola's door and he opened up. "Can we talk for a while?" She requested and he opened his door wide for her to walk in and she did.

"How are you?" She asked and he scoffed. "Are you seriously asking me that? I have a broken nose and my face hurts everywhere" he answered and she moved closer examining the nose.

She pinched it and he he groaned in pain. "Aw. Do you think I was joking?" "Sorry, you should have it checked out" "It's not my first time, I'll be fine. I've learned my lesson today"

"And what's that?"

"Never think of starting a fight with a man in the force, you'll definitely lose or end up with a broken nose" he answered and she chuckled. "You looked really pretty today"

"Thank you"

"I was really angry when I saw him kiss you, it should have been my lips on yours?" He answered and she cleared her throat bow feeling uncomfortable. "I have to go now. I just came to say I'm sorry for coming with Kubiat after saying yes to you. Assuming I no come now, this fight for no happen"

"Are you sure that's the real reason you're here" he moved his face closer to hers and she slowly moved back then he held her by the waist and pushing his lips close to hers and she slapped him on the face.

"Wetin be your own sef? Wetin dey do you?" She asked and he rubbed his cheeks.


"Na by force to come kiss you? Abi them bring me come to come kiss all the guys way dey here?" She asked letting out a hiss and he clasped his hands.

"I'm sorry." He apologized, "I've never had a girl make me jealous before. I hate it to admit it, I'm jealous and you know what that means. I'm not going to stop till i win your heart Osas, until I win your heart" he promised and she went out of the room leaning against the door.

"Which kain kasala I don enter so?" She muttered then she noticed Eniola and Queen staring at her. "What game are you playing at?" Eniola asked and Osas almost rolled her eyes.

"Kubi, Osaze, now my own brother. Don't you have shame or you're just clearly unsatisfied"

"Maybe she's just a Glorified prostitute in disguise of a village girl" Queen answered and Osas scoffed walking towards her, "You know... On a normal day, I for don vex rush the two of us and two slap each but I just want give una warning. Don't ever call me a prostitute"

"And if we do, what will you do about it?" Queen asked and Osas walked past her and Eniola hissed, "Osaze is not picking my calls and I'm tired"


5:30 pm

Mr Badmus welcomed his elder sister, Mama Temi into his house after picking her up from the park. "My son was saying that I should stay in a hotel and I told him, why I should I when I have my brother's house to stay in, till the end of the wedding. I hope you'll come for the wedding"

"Yes Ma'am, we're all going to the wedding"

"Oda naa (That's good)." She answered ans Mrs Badmus walked towards her. "Mummy Temi, good evening" "Evening my dear. Bawo ni?"

"I'm very fine Ma"

"My husband has used Oyinbo things to spoil all of you. Simple response in Yoruba, you cannot give"

Mrs Badmus refrained herself from rolling her eyes. "Well sha, anyways, Goriola mi nko? How is he?" "Oh he's fine" "And Eniola, where is she?"

"Oh she went out for a couples retreat"

"In church?" Mummy Temi asked and Mrs Badmus shook her head, "No. It was her idea, she went with her boyfriend who will soon be her husband" she answered with so much pride and Mummy Temi took her seat.

"Husband ke?"

"Yes, husband. Our Eniola will be getting married" she flashed a smile while Mummy Temi scoffed looking at her husband.

"Have you guys told her the truth yet?" She asked and Mrs Badmus looked away. "Gbadamosi?" She called on her brother and he shrugged.

"Wo, sister mi, it's not as easy as it seems. We all know Eniola is hot tempered and telling such a secret to someone like her can be difficult. She'll hate us"

"And you think keeping it away from her is best. Janet!" She called out and Mrs Badmus tried her best to avoid eye contact with her sister in law.


"Oh please Mummy Temi! No offense to you Ma, but honey that's why I don't like her coming to the house. She's always do bent on my daughter knowing the truth as though it's profiting to her. How is it her business?"


"Oh please darling! I'm fed up of her always insisting on the same the thing. I'm not letting her know whether she likes it or not! Eniola is my daughter and no one else's"

"You're not going to let her know her origin before she gets married"

"What does it matter? She's getting married to a Benin man and she's damn right having a Yoruba wedding!" "She needs to know the truth"

"And who's going to tell her? You? Mummy Temi, don't provoke my wrath"

" Emi? Ah!" She gasped then she laughed to herself picking up her bag, "My son was right about staying in the hotel" "Sister mi, ma se bayii (My sister, don't act this way)"

"I won't stay in this house with you all hiding the truth from that poor girl" she snapped leaving and Mr Badmus glared at his wife, "Let her go" she mouthed and he ran after his sister.

"Sister mi!"

Morenike walked into Tacha's bathroom. She had the intention of chastising her for not showing up at work and maybe talk to her about Denrele but she found her seated in the bathtub with her eyes looking up at the ceiling.

"You missed work today. Do you have a good reason for that or were you lost in the throes of passion you forgot you had a job" she asked and Tacha kept quiet.

"Are you deaf?"

"I forgot" she answered. The reply made her angry. "What do you mean by you forgot"

"I wasn't feeling too well Mom, I needed think" she answered and Morenike exhaled, "Sweetheart, I know you're not all that into the idea of dating Denrele but you have taken a step and I just want to say, I'm proud of the woman you're becoming" she complimented and Tacha faked a smile.

"Good night dear" she added leaving and Tacha busted into more tears, she was beginning to entertain suicidal thoughts of submerging into the water till she drowns.

Sunday morning

Vera knocked on Osaze's house and he refused opening up. "If you don't open up, I won't go to church and ouch, I'm having pregnancy cramps already. I can't stand any lon....."

Osaze opened the door and she smiled walking in. "There wasn't any pregnancy cramp right?" "I don't what that is" she laughed looking into his ugly face. His eyes were blood shot and his eye bags bolder than ever.
"I saw your car outside, it looks ugly as you do right now. Did you sue whoever did that to the car?"

"I didn't. I was the one at fault"

"Did the driver sue you?" She laughed then she stopped on noticing his bloody knuckles.

"Jesus Osaze!" She exclaimed, "Oh my God, it's becoming worst" she took out her phone from her bag, "What are you doing?"

"Calling Dad"

"Don't!" He shouted grabbing the phone from her. "Why? Osaze, you need to travel out and get help ASAP" "I'm fine"

"You're not fine! Stop saying you're fine, you're not! What's going on? When you left yesterday, we assumed you left out of jealousy. What happened?"

"I can't explain it"

"Did it have to do with whatever discussion you had with Osas yesterday?" She asked and he cried and she felt pity for him. "Osaze, I want to help me, but how can i help you if don't let me into his big secret." She asked now busting into tears.

"I'm worried about you, you're all I think if and I have my marriage and my baby to think of but all I do is worry about you and it's not fair! I don't even worry about Tacha the way I do about you!" She held his hands and he pulled back out of pain.

"What happened? What's that thing that keeps you awake at night?"

Osaze cried throwing his head backwards. "Please Osaze, just let me know. What's going on?"


Obianuju pulled her luggage into her parent's house and her mom's eyes widened in surprise. "Ogini? (What's up?) What's with the bag?" "I'm coming bag home"

"To which home?"

"Where else? My home of course"

"The last time I checked, you're married. What happened?"

"I just need a time out." Obianuju cried, "We both need a time out" she added sitting on one of the chairs in the sitting room. "Time out? Like I always tell you my dear, marriage is a life contract and you signed it already. Whatever shit you think your husband is giving you. You have no choice but to eat it, till your full and then you'll defecate it. It's your home, leaving will no solve the problem on ground. I've always told you to leave your husband to be with his friends, if you keep pestering him, he'll get tired eventually"

Obianuju hissed inaudibly, "Mom you're already giving me advice already, you don't know what happened"

"What happened?"

"I told him the truth about the abortion and he got angry"

"Did he beat you up?"


"Did he insult you?"


"Did he send you packing?"


"Then why did you pack your bag?"

"He hasn't said a word to me since we got back home. Mom, I want him to speak, I want him to say anything but he's not and there's nothing I hate than silence. Mom you know me, maybe I shouldn't have told him"

"Maybe, maybe not but the deed has been done. All you just have to do is pray to God"

"Like I've been praying for him to give me a child" she replied sarcastically and her mother snapped at her. "Meshie onu Kita (shut up) how many times I've warned you not to utter those blasphemous words"

"Mom, I'm tired. I suggested adoption but he said he doesn't want it. He said he can't bring himself to love a child that isn't his. He doesn't want it but I want a child. Any child" she sobbed and her mother pulled her in for a hug.

"Adoption is a viable option when both couples agree on it. I waited seven years before I found you, you were my blessing. You two can still wait, God will definitely hearken to your cries"

Vera knocked on Tacha's room and she opened up. "Good evening Vera" "Good evening little." She replied walking in. "What's up"?" She asked and Tacha wondered she meant by the question.

"Nana called me, she said I should talk to you. She suspects you're not feeling too well. Is that true?" She asked and Tacha shrugged. "I'm fine"

Vera exhaled, "She told me you broke up with your boyfriend because of Mom. Tacha, you know you can always tell me anything. We're both sisters and you can't trust me
to talk about things like this. What can you trust me with? " "I can't tell you cause I know exactly the only advice you can give and it's not what I want to hear. Vera you can't help me out"

"What do you want Tacha? To keep quiet and so whatever Mom wants for peace to reign. Being there, done that! I tried it and it didn't work. Osaze tried it but it didn't work! Rebellion is the way"

"It doesn't have to be the way"

Vera exhaled, "I know it getting tiring but, I'm looking out for my happiness and not Mom's that what you should be doing. Do you love him, whoever he is"

"Chike" Tacha smiled, "That's his name" "Awwwn,my little sister is in love"

"Mom doesn't want him, she caught him and had him beaten up. I'm scared for him"

"Don't be. If you love him, fight for him. It's not a crime to fall in love, don't make Mom force you to do whatever you don't want to do. Fight for him"

Club High

🎶 I no come this life to suffer if I follow politician, you go hear an for paper, them go call am prostitution🎶

Osas entered into the club and Ochuko blocked her, the toothpick in his mouth danced rhythmically. "Ochuko, which one again now. I think say you don't get agreement" she asked and he smiled.

"Boss don come back. Him don cut those people way no resume yesterday night" "Why? But I tell Madam Davina say I no go come now"

"Na me you dey explain for?"

"Make I enter now"

"Na orders I dey follow"

"Abeg now, Ochuko. Oya, our Royal Highness, allow me enter. Abeg now" she begged when she sighted Madam Davina by the railing then she instantly waved her palm at her and she signaled Ochuko to let her see her.

"Drop your phone"

"Why?" Osas asked removing her phone from her hand bag then she pressed it, and Ochuko laughed. "See as your phone take be, you no know wetin you don miss"

"For where? For your body? Wetin you fit give me?" She hissed walking away and Ochuko hissed too.

Mathias walked in looking around, he situated himself at the bar stand. "Give me something strong" he requested and Derik nodded. "No problem. Good evening Sir" he greeted and he smiled.

"Good evening" he replied looking around then he spotted Madam Davina up the stairs by the railing.

Osas exhaled in relief then she walked up to Ejiro. "Why you no tell me say dem don fire me?" "When did you get back?" "I got back in the morning, you weren't around"

"I was at the mall. I just found out this evening. Chief Dickson asked us to drop our phones" "For why now?" She asked then she looked up at Madam. Davina who was beginning to get impatient.

"Let me talk to Madam Davina, I'm coming" she answered running off to meet her. "Good evening Ma" "Good evening"

"Ma... Them say"

"You still have you job, if that what you're here to ask about"

Osas sighed in relief. "Thank you Ma" she hugged her then she withdrew flashing a smile at her. "Thank you Ma"

Mathias watched the both of them in interest.

Obianuju's Mom opened the door staring at Raymond then she smiled at him, "My son, God bless you for harkening to my voice. Your children will also harken to your voice" she prayed and Raymond nodded.

"Amen Ma" he replied entering into the house while she shut the door.

"What should I offer you?"

"Nothing Ma"

"Are you angry with me?"

"No Ma, I'm not just hungry"

"Who said anything about food?"

"I don't want anything Ma, I'm not just in the mood for it"

"Obianuju told me everything that happened. Abortion at that tender age, I can't say there's an excuse for it but we had to do it. It was her decision, it left her depressed for years but when you came around you turned things around for her, I must confess."

"She could have told me. We made a pact not to hide anything from each other and she broke it"

"I know you must be hurting just like she is right now. I called you so you two can speak like mature couples.

"We called you cause we have no space for any occupants, come and take your wife away." Obianuju's father answered from up the stairs and his wife laughed.

"Good evening Sir" Raymond bowed his head at him and he smiled.

Ochuko walked up to the guy who contracted Uche and Ud then he shook his hands. "Simon how far?" He asked and Simon's sighted Osas serving drinks to some men.

"Is that Babe by any means called Osas?" He asked and Ochuko laughed. "She don get you too shey?" "No" he answered, "I get person way for like collect pound of flesh from her" he answered instantly making a call.

"Hello Chief. Sorry to disturb you Sir" he paused and waited for his response. "Oh, you're with your family. I'm sorry Sir, I.... I just wanted to let you know that I have found the babe that embarrassed you at the hotel"

Ejiro, walked into Madam Davina's office. "What do you want?" "Ma'am, someone wants to see you" "I don't want to see anyone. I'm not in a good mood" "Uyi" she called out and Madam Davina glared at her.

"Where did you hear that name from?"

"He said if I call the name you'll be interested. Maybe it's his name" she assumed and Madam Davina's hands trembled.

"You can go" she replied and Ejiro walked out.

She walked out leaning against the railing where she sighted Mathias wave at her then he winked.
"Damn it" she cussed under her breath.

Mathias 👆

What do you guys think of today's update? 😁

It's becoming clearer right?🧐

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Is Osas in trouble?😨🙆

Find out in the next chapter 😉

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