🔺 Chapter 17🔻

Chapter 17



Fifteen years ago

University of Benin, Edo State

Osas held two transparent plastic pail with bottles of Zobo in one and buns in the other. "Cold Zobo drink! Buy your hot Buns" She shouted after entering into the lecture room. 

One the student preaching in front of the class shot a glare at her. "Uncle Mike" she hailed, "No vex, I just wan sell small before lecturer enter" "And I want to preach the word of God before the lecturer comes in"

"Abeg now" she negotiated, "Even  Bible talk say do business till I come" she answered and everyone in class laughed including the preacher.

"Try not to distract people's attention from the word of God" he answered and Osas turned towards the students who were already making noise from different corners.

"Which people?" She asked and students started whistling her name from different corners.

"Osas! Two Buns and Zobo here"



"Osas!" Vera called out to Osas who was in the kitchen lost in thought. She turned back at her then she smiled. "I'm sorry, you say?"

"I was greeting you. I said good morning"

"Oh. Good morning.No vex, I was.... I was thinking?"

"About what?" She asked picking up an apple then she bit it. "Nothing..... Nothing" she shook her head opening the pot of boiling rice but Vera stared at her in disbelief.

"I can be really persistent" she replied and Osas chuckled closing the lid then she turned towards her. "I being dey remember something"  "Like the kiss between you and my brother?" She asked and Osas laughed.

"No! Why I go dey think that kain thing?"

"So you haven't actually thought of it. Wow Osaze, you must be a very bad kisser" she answered and she shook her head, "No be so" "So he's not a bad kisser?"

"Not that"

"He is? The kiss was that bad, wow"

"No! The kiss was not bad, it was good" she replied biting her lower lips and Vera smiled. "No be say I even know how good kiss take be like sef"

"So you haven't had someone kiss the sanity out of you. You haven't had someone kiss you till your body melts, you can't even think well" she explained and the experience reminded her of how the kiss felt like yesterday.

"My husband makes me feel that way, everytime. The guys still gets to my skin"

Osas smiled,  "Have you ever been in love Osas?" "No" she answered, "Are you a virgin?" She asked and Osas quickly shook her head. "No! Just that I've never been in a relationship before"

"And you're not a virgin" she answered and Osas began to feel uncomfortable. "Guys can be that way sometimes, I'm sure he was an asshole"

Osas nodded, "You can say that" she answered thinking of ways to avoid the topic. "Who senior between you and Osaze. Who's older?" She asked and Vera chuckled.

"If I say we're twins, will you believe it?" She asked and Osas opened her mouth in awe and Vera laughed. "Just kidding, I'm not his twin sister. I'm his little sister, I don't act like it. I can be too caring and bossy too in a good way..... what can I say. I took that part from Mom" she replied.

"He's a year six months older than me"

"Wow. Why you dey act like say you know me?"  "Of course I do?"


"In Benin, when you were wrongfully arrested for giving abortion prescriptions"

Osas raised her brow in shock, "Jesus! How....?" "It was all over social media and once it's Opera mini carrying the news it spreads like wild fire. You're popular in a kind of way"

"Mr Osaze know?"

"Yes he does. Didn't he tell you?" She asked in pretense. "No. So he knew me before we met in the bus and he didn't tell me" "He even went about looking for you. Maybe you should ask him, seems like a good way to start a conversation. He owes you an explanation"

"Oh he definitely does!" She answered sharply then she exhaled. "Why didn't he tell me?"

Vera shrugged biting the apple again then a grimace spreads across her face. "Are you okay?" Osas asked and she chuckled. "Yeah. The baby kicked, that's why, its the third time today"

"How many months?"

"Five months" "Your first issue?" "Yes. I got married late, not like I haven't met the man of my dreams just that I have a sturbborn mother. She didn't want me getting married to a shoe maker"

"Shoe maker?"

"I was in love with a shoe Maker and I got married to him. It wasn't easy but I did anyways" she confessed then she chuckled. "I don't even know why I'm telling you this"

Obianuju walked in dressed in a night robe. "Good morning to the both of you" "Good morning Uju"
"Good morning Miss Obianuju"

"I'm hungry. What are you guys cooking?"

"Rice and egg sauce.... I wanted to fry the egg sauce before....."

"Before she started thinking of he kiss with Osaze" Vera answered and Obianuju raised her brow in surprise. "I wasn't thinking about that" Osas answered smiling.

"How was your night Uju?"

"It was horrible!"

"Don't let what Eniola said get to you. It's just a child's word, you should be older than her"

"I'm two years older than her! Some day, I'm definitely going to slap some sense into her head. What does she take me for? She thinks just because I can't get pregnant, she can mock me"

"Hey!" Vera warned, "Don't speak that way! You can get pregnant, you're just experiencing delays"

"I can't! I've been trying" Obianuju shut her eyes, "I'm reconsidering adopting a child"

"Does that mean you've given up?" She asked and Obianuju shrugged. "I got married before you Ma, when I did I had hopes, now I just want to look past somethings and just move on. Do a close adoption and just move on"

"Close adoption?" Osas asked remembering smsm's word.

"It's a kind of adoption where you adopt children and they severe ties from their parents or relatives. Mom says, it's actually preferable" She answered and Osas scoffed, "But e dey unfair, what if her elder sister con decide to see her again?"

"Sister? I don't think it works that way. What kind of mother will separate sisters?" Vera asked, "I know it happens in movies but what the hell? If you're putting a sibling up for adoption, why not put them together? Why separate them?"  She asked and Obianuju scoffed, "Well, it's the selfish mother's fault! Why give birth to children when you know you can't take care of them?" She asked with so much resentment and everyone noticed.

"Are you okay?" Vera asked and she rolled her eyes, "Adoption discussion usually puts me in a bad mood" she replied leaving the kitchen.

Queen walked into Eniola's doing  light make up in the room then she slowly shut the door. "Is he around?" She whispered refering to Osaze and Eniola shook her head. " Okay.... Give me the full gist, don't even tell me all those i don't kiss and tell bullshit. How did it start and how many times did you two go at it? One, two ,three?" She asked and Eniola hissed loudly.

"Zero times"


"We didn't did anything. Like nothing happened, we slept like siblings"

"You didn't put on some sexy moves that'll make me go Gaga"

Eniola waved the concealer brush in her hands,  "Abeg! I was naked under the sheets and he knew. Can you believe Osaze told me to dress up or else he'll sleep on the couch in the sitting room? I just had to adhere before I'll end up embarrassed. I'm so angry but I don't want it messing with my mood today. It's my couples retreat and I want it to be successful, Eniola Badmus never holds a dull party now so....." She shrugged, "I still have tonight to exert my plans"

Tacha opened her eyes, she was in a strange room and she had bed sheet over her. She turned to see Denrele asleep besides then she shut her eyes in shame. She lifted it up the sheets to find herself naked. "Geez!" She muttered, finally confirming that something definitely happened between them.  How come she ended up being in the same bed with him and she doesn't remember a thing.
She quickly tapped him and he grudgingly opened his eyes. "What?" "Wake up!" She exclaimed and he finally managed to keep his eyes open, "What happened last night?"

"It was my cousin's birthday party"

"Not that.... I mean, what happened between us?"

Denrele laughed, "Is that a question?" He asked moving his face close to hers and she pushed it off. "We had sex and you loved it, every bit of it" he answered and she scoffed.

"How come I don't remember? I mean I only had just one drink!" She answered and then it all came rushing down on her. "Did you spike drink?" She asked and he sat up hesitating to respond to the question then he finally shook his head.

"Why will I do that?" He asked afterwards and she instantly slapped him. "How dare you?" She asked when she raised her hands to slap him again, he held her hands up then he pushed it off.

"Don't you ever!"

Tacha cried, "You raped me, I hope you know you know that's an offense and I can have you sued for it!" She threatened and his heart skipped in fear, will she really have the guts to do that?

  "On what grounds? How can you prove it?" "A test will confirm it"

"Feel free to whatever you please. All I just have to do pay your Mom off and she'll brush the whole thing under the rug. Come on, what are you even complaining about? You like it, dont deny it! Everyone heard you moaning loudly, it was obvious you enjoyed every moment, abeg stop forming just admit it" he snapped and she shut her eyes in tears.

"You Mom called and I told her. We were together"

"Did you mention to her that you raped me?"

"I think it slipped from my mind" he replied sarcastically then he sniffled pulling his nose. "See, we can choose to be normal about this act like it was a consented sex, I was drunk and so were you or you can choose to be delusional and feel like you can actually win this case when you can't" he asked.

"I'm still very much interested in making you my girlfriend" he ran his fingers on her arm and she pushed it off getting out of bed covering the sheets over her. "You pig! You disgust me!"

Raymond walked into the sitting room where Goriola and Obinna where seated watching football on Television then he hissed. "What's your problem? Uju again?"  Goriola asked and he hissed.

"She just walked in angrily, I asked her what's going on and she didn't answer me. I asked her if I was the one that made her angry, she still didn't say anything to me. I just had to leave the room for her"

"My ideology still remains that marriage is overrated and unnecessary" Obinna noted and Goriola raised a glass while his date sat close to him.

"That's a lie from the pit of hell" she countered Obinna's point and Obinna rolled his eyes. "Why do you say so?" "Marriage is necessary, don't you plan on having kids someday?"

"When has getting married ever been a prerequisite for giving birth? Why do we have baby Mama's? The day I'm ready to take that step, I'll just find one hot babe like that and get her pregnant without marriage"

Kubiat entered into the sitting room, "Good morning guys, how far?" He asked shaking Raymond's hands, then he moved to Goriola who refused shaking him.

"Ah han, what's up? Are we cool?"

"You tell me" Goriola answered and Kubiat laughed, "Did I do anything wrong?" He asked and Osas walked in.  "Breakfast is ready" she announced and Obinna cleared his throat.

"Thank God"

Osaze on a bench sat in the stable staring at two horses and Philip walked in. "I never knew this place was a ranch too. All these rich folks wasting space for two horses" he joked and Osaze laughed.

"Should I join you?" Philp asked and Osaze agreed and he sat close to him. "The guys are out there having a discussion. It's better you join than stay secluded here. Of what fun is it?" He asked and Osaze gave him a familiar look meant, Goriola is there.

"Goriola or no Goriola, that thing, whatever it is, must have happened, happened years ago! I'm a guy also and we have guilts too, there are things that I've done and I know that I'm guilty but I try not to let it weigh me down. It's no't your fault"

Osaze rose up and he exhaled, "I know I should respect boundaries but your sister is really worried about you. She wants you to get better, and she and Aunt Avia wants you to find a wife ASAP" he answered and Osaze chuckled.

"What's the big deal about getting married. Is there any special thing you should let me know about getting married?" He asked and Philip laughed. "For starters, they get to clean up after your dirts and the right woman in your life makes you the happiest man alive and I agree with them"

"I don't want to be with a woman who I can't tell me my secrets"


Osaze scoffed, "She's not an option" "Why are you still with her?" "Hopefully, maybe some part of me can someday fall in love with her"  "Dude, you're a guy oh. Don't deceive yourself, do you think you can ever like her?"


"I think it's better you don't waste your time and her time. Call the whole thing off, Eniola is pretty, she has better chances"

"She's in love with me, but for some crazy reason, I only see her as a little sister" "Ouch!" He blurted out and Osaze chuckled softly. "Is there someone else, is there someone you like?"  He asked in interest and Osaze hesitated then he shook his head.

Philip's phone beeped and he glanced at it.

"Breakfast is ready"

Osas entered into Obianuju's room with a plate of rice and egg sauce. She gave a faint smile on seeing Obianuju in bed. "Wetin happened now?" "Hey" Obianuju said in a low voice and Osas sat dropping the food on the bed.

"Wetin do you?"

"I'm just depressed"

"Na God dey give children, you go get one day"

Obianuju busted into tears, "I'm depressed for a lot of reasons" she sniffled, "Una don go for test? You and your husband?" Osas asked and she nodded.

"We're okay"

"Your womb dey okay"


"You know say I don deal issues like this before. Sometimes na heat fit make you no fit get belle" "Heat?"

"Internal heat"

"Yes, internally heat. Some doctors no go tell you, sometimes, their mind no dey go there" "Wow, you think that might be the issue?"

"It might be. I no wan give you hope"

"How does it work?"

"Sperm no like too much heat, when the thing want enter, e go just die. W no go fit work as e supposed work" "How do you know this?"

"From my Mama when I young very well, I was like 12 years old when she took me to live with another person but I being just apply my natural knowledge to the thing."

"Wow. Is there any remedy for it?"

"Yes. Traditional method dey work like magic"

"Traditional? Like juju?"

Osas laughed, "No. Agbo, you gatz to pump your belle too?" "So I have to meet agbo sellers" "No need for that. I'll do for you" "Seriously? How?" "I make Agbo, it's one of my gifts"

"How many gifts do you have?"

"Agbo making, I dey deliver labour for pregnant women, I do spiritual things, like spiritual cleansing, I see ghost too, sometimes Sha" she answered and Obianuju opened her mouth in shock and Osas laughed.

"You're not joking are you?"

"No. Na my curse and gift too but... How I go do?"

"How much do I pay for the Agbo and whatever you're going to need?"

"No pay me"

"That'll be unfair. It's your gift, I possibly can't exploit you that way" "What if it doesn't work?" She asked and Obianuju exhaled.

"Can abortion prevent one from having kids?"

"That's if the thing no work well"

"It worked. The doctor said I was fine" she revealed and Osas gave her a look, even though she didn't want to appear judgemental. Her face left her no choice!


"Yes. I was young, really young, I was fifteen"

"Them rape you?"

"I wish! A teacher talked me into having sex with him and I did. She forgot to mention I needed protection" she chuckled to herself then tears trickled down her cheeks. "I did it just once and I got pregnant, it was boarding school and..... When I returned back home, Mom realized it and she wanted me to keep the baby but I didn't want to. I was scared and we had it removed, I almost died of guilt. Mom pulled me out of boarding school and that was the end of my journey with sex until I met Raymond." She sniffled and Osas moved closer.

"Him know?"

"No!" Obianuju shook her head, "I can't bring myself down to tell him" "Why?" "It's my dark secret, do you have any idea how it feels to have a dark secret?"

"I do! I get my own secret but I no care to tell person when the opportunity call for am. When I was sixteen, two guys rape me"

"Oh my God" Obianuju covered her lips, "I'm sorry"  "Na my past, e happen fifteen years ago and I dey try move on with my life, I no want make rape hold me back from wetin I supposed do. When I find that person way my heart go beat for, I'll let him know the truth. You shouldn't have built your marriage on lies"

"I didn't lie. I just didn't open up about that part of my life"

"Na your husband him be, him supposed know. It's a very serious matter"

"I'm scared he won't look at me that way. Whenever people look at me, they see this good person but deep down, I've had this guilt eating me up. I feel like it's God punishing me for killing what could have been my first child" she cried and Osas hugged her. "Crying will not solve anything. After this retreat, I'll go look for those leaves and ingredients you need and we'll try the internal heat treatment first." She pulled back then she held Obianuju hands.

"Thank you" she sniffled wiping off her tears.

"I've never said this to anyone, ever. I don't know why I'm telling you"

"Sometimes I dey get that effect on top people" she replied and Obianuju laughed. "Now eat your food"

Tasha sat in the bathtub crying and her Nana walked in. "You didn't come back home and now that finally did, you came back crying. Ki lo wa sele?(what happened?)"

"Nana, I'm fine"

"You're fine and you're crying. If you're fine, then don't cry now!" She moved closer but Tacha still kept on crying.

"What happened ehn? Tell me now, abi is it not me again? It's me oh, Nana. Jo ni tori Olorun, (Please, in the name of God) just let me know what's going on"

"Nana I'm fine. I'm just sad"

"Is this about your break up? If you're still hung up about this boy, do the needful and go back with him?" Nana advised and she kept quiet.

"Tacha" she called out but she ignored her, "Tacha"

"Nana, I'm fine"


Osas stood by the window watching a lecturer give a lecture on Nigerian legal system.  She stared at the students in the class and her heart yearned to be just like them someday, seated in a lecture hall, receiving lectures and taking notes.

What she'll give to seat there someday! Instead she had to hawk buns and Zobo only for the money to be spent on the upkeep of Mama Loveth's children.

"Class rep, please tell that strange looking girl to leave that window this instant."

"Yes Sir" Twenty years old Osaze who was clad in white shirt and black trousers rose up walking towards the window.

"Excuse me please, if you don't mind leaving the window, you're distracting the lecturer" he answered and she smiled. "Sorry...." She scratched her hair.

"No be say I know know do am, I just like to dey look people they do lecture when I dey pass" she answered and Osaze wondered what she was giving all those reply for.

He only asked for her to leave the window. "You be law student shey?" She asked and he nodded. "You're supposed to tell the girl to leave but instead, you went there to pick converse with the young girl. If you actually ask her for her number, it'll save us time" he answered and the whole class busted into fits of laughter.

Osaze shut his eyes in shame while Osas felt bad for embarrassing him.

"Madam don't you see that you're constituting nuisance? Will you get out from that place before I decend on you!" Dr. Uzo shouted and Osas quickly picked up her two pail running off.

Osaze returned back the his seat and Goriola tapped him laughing and he glared at him.


After Philip informed Osas that Osaze refused coming in for breakfast, she went to the stable holding on a tray containing food flask and a bottled water laid on it.

He found Osaze running his hands on the horse's body while talking to a man. "Good morning Sir" she greeted and Osaze turned his head at her.

"Good morning Osas"

"Good morning oh" she waved at the man besides him, "Good morning" he replied tapping Osaze by the arm. "I go dey outside" he said to him and he gave a nod.

"No wahala, if I need your help I go let you know" he answered and Osas gasped after the man left.

"So you can speak pidgin"

"Of course I can, I'm a Nigerian aren't I?"

"Can you speak Bini?" She asked and he shook his head. That was one thing he was horrible at! "I understand it though"


"I understand it perfectly, just like how I understand Yoruba perfectly but I can't speak it." He answered and she raised her nose in disbelief.

"Try me"

"Are you trying to trick me right now so that I'll lose?"

"No I'm not. Even if you speak in Bini, you won't lose, the agreement was pidgin. It had a clause" "What's a clause?"

Osaze brought out his phone searching for the meaning then he handed it to her. "A cl

"Not that"


"That's it. Now test me and see I'll fail"

"Will it kill you to just tell me the meaning of a word instead of letting me read it?" She asked in Bini and he smiled, "You don't easily forget what you see"

"Or maybe it's because you don't know it and you're trying to refresh your own memory" she added and he laughed. "That's funny." He paused then he continued laughing.
"Of course I know it, I'm trying to help you get better" he answered and she smiled.

"Breakfast is ready. Do you like rice and egg sauce? You must be hungry?"

"I don't have the appetite"

"I'll force you to eat" she proposed ,"It stinks in here" "If you know me very well, I won't stop until you eat. Remember you were hungry this morning?" She sat on the bench dropping the tray on it and he joined her.

See him face! Dey form for where hunger dey!

"What do you want to say? You have that look like you have something you wanna say"  "No need, It's only sweet in pidgin" she replied and he laughed hard. Another suspense-filled moment.

Now he had to guess whatever might be in her mind!

Osas opened the food flask, "I said I don't have the appetite" "Why did you sit down then? Stop doing shakara for food!" "Shakara?" "What? Okay, interpret shakara in English" she requested and he gave a thought.

"Wait..." He demanded and she withheld her laughter.

"English professor" she whispered and he chuckled, "Wait..." "I'm waiting" she answered then she laughed out loud and he joined her.

"Crap I know this one"

"And you say pidgin is not good"

"Its bad when it's been spoken too much. We all know too much of everything is bad" he answered and she scooped up a spoonful of rice and egg raising it against his lips and he laughed.

"I'm not indisposed. I have hands and feeling quite fine, I just don't have the appetite"  "Eat!" She demanded slowly dipping the spoon into his mouth and he chewed the food in his mouth.

"I thought that time in the bus was the first time you met me. Why didn't you tell me you already knew me?" She asked and the food choked him making him cough out.

"Sorry" she apologized passing him the bottle water which he opened and then drank from It. "Who told you?"

"Your sister"


"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't think it was necessary"

"How did you meet me?"

"Didn't she tell you the whole story? I thought she already spilled her guts"

"She didn't go past that, I'm supposed to ask you." She answered and he exhaled thinking of where to start from. "Okay..... Vera brought your case to my table to see if I can help you out, help you seek better representation. I watched some videos online about you and also a video in court, I knew you were toast soI made a few calls to my friend in Benin and that was when I decided to look into the case myself"

"Awwn" she cooed and he nodded, "I went over to Benin the same day you were released, I was at the police station when you got out" 

Osas chuckled remembering the man who dodged when she looked towards the direction of the grey car. "You're the man in that car that grey"

"I thought you saw me"

"I didn't"

"Why did you then assume my face was familiar when we In the bus. You told me my face was familiar" "I didn't see you that day but I'm happy knowing you came to help me, to help a person you didn't know anything about. That's ......" She trailed off thinking words to describe it.

"So I heard you also looked for me" she added and Osaze cleared his throat, "I was worried something bad may happen to you" he answered then he thought whether to ask the question he had in mind.

The first on the list was why she was at that hotel that night and what made her end up in towel?

Osas dropped the tray on the floor then she hugged him busting into tears. "Thank you" she sniffled and she wondered why she was being emotional all of the sudden.

Definitely her period! She assumed, her period was definitely at the corner.

She pulled away and they both held each other's gaze, both coincidentally having flashes about the kiss. She looked away and they both cleared their throats.

"No wonder you were laughing when I was joking about that lawyer because you knew the lawyer"

Osaze laughed. "The man was horrible!" "I swear, I could have represented myself better than he did" she answered and they both laughed then she exhaled then she resumed feeding him.

"You look better when you laugh"

"So I look ugly when I frown" he chewed and she smiled, Na you talk am oh, she said within then she chuckled.

"Yes Sir. How old are you?" She asked and he chuckled. "Why are you asking?"

"I just want to know"

"I'm 35 years old"


Osas knocked on a door holding on to two pails half filled with Zobo and buns. Osaze opened up and a smile curled up her cheeks on seeing him. "Hey, you" he muttered and she smiled. "Good afternoon" "What are you doing here?"

"One guy, give me this address. Him say make I come sell my market give am"



"Oh" he answered then he rolled his eyes reading another meaning to the the market. His room mate Jerry has always been the kind to sleep around with girls; he has always been the kind to see women as conquest!

"And you came"

"Yes. Abi you no understand pidgin? I say I want to sell my market, he being buy for my hand and him like am so..... Him give me the address"

"You don't just walked into a stranger's lounge that way. The world is a dangerous place" he warned and she chuckled pointing at the upper building, "Na upstairs and downstairs building, I no get fear. Besides, Jerry be like good guy"

Osaze scoffed at her naivety. Jerry was far from being good! "I need to return back to reading, I have a test coming up" "No vex say your lecturer being embarrass you that day"

"It's no problem. What were you doing by the window anyways?"

"Na so I dey look students from window oh. I dey use am tap anointing for the day way me sef go join them go school"

"You're probably in secondary school now, don't worry, maybe in a few years"

Osas laughed, "That kain thing. I no get hope oh" "Why?" "No money to take me finish secondary school, how more to start university" she answered and he pity for her.

He wished there was something he could do for her.

"I'm sorry"

"Nothing. Some people get cap but no get head, some people get head and cap, me I get head, I no get cap. Na part of life sha" she answered forcing a smile.

"What do you want to be in future? What will you like to be?" He asked and she smiled, "Wetin I like to dey do, my natural gift. To be a doctor and chemist and to help deliver children. Abi wetin then dey call am?"

"Gynaecologist or a pharmacy, your plans are kind of wide"

Osas nodded. "Anyone way click for me. Maybe if I go secondary school now, in ten years time, I go con be doctor for one hospital like that"  "Sounds like a good dream"

"Na if e go come to pass"

"I'm tired of standing, I'll bring a seat so we could sit outside or you can come in if you want to" "Okay" she answered entering into the house and Osaze shut the door.

"How can you trust someone blindly to enter into his house?"

"Nobody dey to help me for this life. Sometimes, I dey like appreciate anybody way for like help me, like Jerry"  she dropped the two pails on the tiled floor.

"Like Jerry?" Osaze laughed at the irony. "Wow, that's funny. It's a fresh year and jamb class will still start" "You no understand wetin I mean, I stop school since JSS2. You dey talk jamb class! I never carry ladder, you dey tell me make I cut light. Who go pay my money for me?"

"I know of a jamb class in school. I can enroll you in one"

"Seriously?" She asked walking close to him with a big smile that made him smile too. "How you go pay? You get money like that?"  "I use my money for less important things, I wouldn't mind investing it on someone for a change. You have to attend the classes when I pay for it"

"I dey mad? Why I go miss am?" She asked and he laughed then Jerry walked in smiling at Osas. "Osaruese is here"

"I don talk say i no be Osaruese, call me Osas!"

"Apologies" he placed his arm around Benjamin. "I see you've met my friend, Benjamin" he winked at him and he rolled his eyes.

"I fit call you Bengee?" She asked and he nodded. "Water dey hungry me, where una drum dey?"

"There's bottled water in the kitchen, check the fridge"

"Fridge? Una dey live off camp and una get fridge?" Her popped out in shock, "Wow"  she muttered and Jeryy pointed to the kitchen and she walked in.

"How far, Gee dey house?"

"No! What do you want with the girl? You're not exactly Saint Peter" Osaze answered and Jerry laughed. "I just want to help her, symbiotic relationship now"  "She's just a girl"

"How is it my business? You think these little girls are little any longer? Do you think she's stupid and doesn't know exactly what she's entering into. I'm playing my cards well, don't worry, I won't do anything she doesn't want me to do. Don't worry, I'll let you have your share too" he tapped his back walking towards the kitchen.

"Have you seen the bottled water?" 


"Good morning to everyone, I'm pleased to inform you that today is all about blending with your date. Having that lone time with him or her.  We're going out to the beach. So if we all can look on our best." She said looking at Osas, "So we don't have to embarrass her date." She answered then Osas remembered she came in with Ejiro's black braid wig and a gown she was reserving to wear the next day being a Sunday.

She looked into the mirror after wearing the wig then she exhaled letting out a hiss. Vera and Obianuju walked in and she turned towards them.

Obianuju had a red crop top and a jean bum short on while Vera wore a short gown.

"How do I look?"

"Not bad" Vera answered and Osas raised her brow.

"I'm not comfortable on it. The braid wig is heavy. I don't think I'm going” "Why? Is it because of what that bitch Eniola said?" Obianuju asked and Osas exhaled.

  "Make I no embarrass Kubi"

"Do you like him?" Vera asked and Osas shrugged. "I don't know" "Kubi is a good guy" "My friend said your heart beats for that person you like" "Your heart doesn't beat for him? He's likable, Kubi is hot too"

Osas bit her lips, "I like am, not that way sha" "Is there anyone in particular you like that way?" Vera continued and she shrugged. "I no sure"

"I have a good wig you could use" Vera suggested, "And I have something that could wear, since we're all on the slim side" Obianuju answered and they all laughed.

While everyone waited outside for  Vera, Osas and Obianuju, Vera and Obianuju stepped out smiling, "Why were you ladies taking time?" Goriola asked and Vera smiled, "Perfection takes time darling" she answered and Osas who wasn't comfortable coming out finally did and every jaw dropped.

Osaze stood in awe, she looked different, beautiful and hot and thoughts. He shut his lips when he noticed he drooled for a second there. "Tell me she doesn't look pretty?" Vera asked him and he smiled.

"Imagine how she'll look like if she's been rebranded, repackaged?" She whispered giving her brother something to think on.

"The power of wig" Raymond commented and Obinna tapped him, "Not just any wig, a really good wig! You don see some kind wigs was girls dey put?" He asked and Raymond laughed.

The way the guy stared dreamily at her, including Osaze made Eniola furious and whatever dislike she had for her increased!

"Sorry say I waste una time" Osas apologized and Kubiat walked up to her smiling, "It was worth it" he held her hands planting a kiss on it and Gorriola rolled his eyes in jealousy!

"Please, let's go already! We didn't come to worship her" Eniola yelled.

While everyone entered into the bus,  Osas requested to speak to Eniola and she permitted giving her a minute of her time.  "I dey feel like say you no like me, maybe we start for bad mode and I just want say, anything way I don do to make you vex, I'm sorry. Can we be friends?"

"Awwn, that's sweet. The village girl wants to make friends. My answer's no"


"I see the way you look at my boyfriend and the way he looks at you. I no trust you"

"Wait.... If na the kiss of that day, I'm sorry. Shebi it was just a game"

"Was it Osas? Was it just a game? Was it?" She asked, "Okay, do you have feelings for my Osaze? Yes or No and we can be friends?" She asked and Osas scoffed.

"Mr Osaze na my boss"

"Yes or no" she asked again and Osas opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out, "Yeah, I thought so too" she answered  walking away and Osas exhaled beating herself up.

Why didn't she just say no? 



George wore his shoe and Osas hugged him from behind. "Daddy stay" she begged and he laughed looking at Ese. "Please help me out here now"  "No look me oh. No even carry eyes look me, na your pikin, beg am yourself"

"I need to go. I have a meeting I have to catch up with tomorrow"

"Daddy don't go"

George knelt down before her, "I'll just take a month and then I'll be back" "What if you don't come back?" She asked and he stammered now looking at Ese.

"Abeg help me now"

"Osas, come, leave am make him go like e don always do everytime"

"Hey" George stood up holding her hands, "Ese, don't speak this way. If it was up to me, I'll stay with you"

"I don taya, make i  just speak my mind. I taya! You know how stressful e be to dey always try to remind our children of you. No picture of you and the questions way I dey answer when you don go for more than two months!"

"Hey. I have plans okay? And I'm working towards it. When I come back, I'll be taking you all to Lagos with me"


"Yes. I promise you, I won't take long I promise you" he stated kissing her on the lips and she kissed him too. "Take care of yourself"

"I will" He answered kneeling in front of Osas. "I bought biscuits for you. It's with your Mom, I wasn't expecting you to be up this early."

"Biscuits?" She asked turning towards her mother and Ese laughed.

"Take care of your sister and take care of your mother for me, okay?" He requested and Osas nodded playfully. Then she planted a kiss on her forehead.


George's ring tone, brought him out his flashbacks. He shut his eyes, took a deep breath before answering the call. "Good day Matthew" "Good day George." "Any hope?" "Huh......" He stalled, "What happened?" "Is your wife home?"


"Where is she?"

"She's like the devil, going to and fro. It's none of my business, don't try to divert. You probably called to give me information, now spill!"

"I've been thinking of a way to tell you this"

"What happened?"

"Remember I told you I went to the address you gave me and I fought out she moved already. Well.... She remarried and.... George I'm sorry, Ese is dead"


"I had to go to her family house to confirm it. She died and was buried in a cemetery" "My Ese was buried in a cemetery when I'm alive?" He asked in tears and Mathew gave a gentle nod.

"I'm sorry"

"What about my Children? Osarieme, Edosa, Uwa and my last child"

"I don't even know how to tell you this"


"Don't have a heart attack please, please in the name of God"

"Go straight to the point!"

"They said she sold them out long ago, with the baby"


"She gave them out to her sister,"

"Uyi, find out where she is"

"I asked, they don't know, she didn't even turn up for the burial. Although Ese didn't give up all the children, she left the first daughter but then she sent her to go work for someone but she's alive. She was in charge of her mother's burial."

George sniffled. "Find Osarieme" "That's what I'm trying to do, they don't have her number" "How can they not have her number? What can if stupid family is that?"  "I'm trying to reach one Imade to find out necessary information about your daughter. I'll let you know as soon as I find any information on this"

"Mathew, as soon as you find my daughter, let me know. Please"

"I definitely will" he answered and Esther who was standing close to the door shut her eyes worriedly then she stealthily walked away from the door.

"He's looking for his children. God, what can I do, what can I do? Esther, will you fold your hands and watch the house crumble on you? No! I have to do something quickly"


Queen intentionally made her own date converse with Goriola's date while she held Goriola away and his eyes instantly fell on Osas who was seated on a mafia swing with Kubiat.

"I noticed you haven't even spoken to me since the retreat started." "Why will I speak to you?"

"Why didn't you ask me out?"

"Aren't you like dating?"

"You do know that the only person I want to date is you. You know that but you keep pretending, like I always say Goriola, I'm still young and I'm willing to wait till you're ready." She answered and he rolled his eyes still staring at them.

"Why? Because you think I'll preserve you as wife material?" He asked and she turned back, "What are you looking at?" She her gaze fell upon  Osas and Kubiat. "Wait.... Are you looking at her?" She asked and Goriola hissed.

"Do you have anything important you want to say?"

"Do you have plans on getting married ?" Kubiat asked and Osas smiled slurping on a fruit juice. "Someday, definitely when I fall in love"  "You have to fall in love first,"

"There are a lot of things I want to do before marriage. I want to have my own money, like have a place my money comes from"  "An income?"

"Yes and I won't want to be a ..... what's that word, e get bility inside"


"Yes, liability"

"Osas you don't have to stress yourself with those words. I don't care" "I'm trying to get used to it, Mr Osaze is trying to help me and I appreciate it, even though I'm doing it to get triple of my salary" she answered with a smile that made him a bit jealous.

As much as he wanted to brush the thoughts off, Osas seemed to like Osaze. "Before I do this, I want to ask this question and I want a sincere reply"

"What do you want to do?"

"Do you like Osaze?"


"Do you like him? I know you two were together in the bus and I have no idea what happened. Maybe there was a kind of chemistry or something similar" 

"Nothing happened. I don't like Mr Osaze, he's my boss, wouldn't it be an act indiscipline to like him? He hates indiscipline"

"He really does" he answered and Osas felt her heart break on saying that. Was she lying to herself? Why did it suddenly feel as though her sank into her belly on uttering those words.

"What is it you wanted to do?" She asked flipping her hair and Kubiat leaned in kissing her on the lips.

Osas wanted to pull away but she decided to be a little bit experimental about the kiss. She wanted to know if she'll feel the same way she did when she kissed Osaze so she kissed him back.

Eniola tapped Osaze then she pointed the Kubiat and Osas. "Love in definitely in the air" she wrapped her arms across his neck. "I love love" she confessed with a smirk.

Osaze looked away, he couldn't stand the sight then he peeped again.

The kiss felt nothing like the one with Osaze, Osas looked towards Osaze's direction and their eyes met. She literally felt her heart skip a beat, maybe out of shame from being seen kissing another or a result of seeing him; she wasn't sure.

Then she had a flashed back of when she asked Ejiro what it felt like to like someone, Ejiro's voice resounded in her head!

"When you're in love, the person will be all you think of. Your judgement becomes clouded, even when he makes you angry, you don't care. You're willing to forgive him, you want to see him all the time, he makes you smile, and you find that inner joy every time you're with him and that crazy feeling telling you he's the one"

Osas oh, you for no come this retreat, babe, you don dey fall for your boss already!

What do you guys think of today's update? 😁

onyijiofor, ladiwisdom, Wunmyak
Is this one long enough ?🤣

Sorry it's coming late oh. I'm working on a research for someone oh! I'll soon head to the library so I just decided to drop this one!

Hope you enjoyed it 😁

More drama to come and more secret to be revealed.....😳😳😳

We'll be digging into some people's past🧐

Please vote, comment and share!

Thank you you all for all the wonderful comments. I really appreciate all of them!


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