🔺 Chapter 12🔻
Chapter 12
Osaze stared at his phone in contempt. He couldn't believe his Mom cajoled him into doing what he didn't want to do with that stupid threat again! The sound of Eniola's happy shriek after he had passed the information to her echoed several times in his ears then he slowly buried his face in his palm letting out a frustrated groan.
Is it worth it Osaze? He thought to himself, just damn the consequences and call off the damn retreat! He added then he heard his phone ring.
He turned his head to check the caller ID, it was his Mom, probably calling him to gloat! He scoffed ending the call then he put a call through to Vera.
"Hey Osaze"
"Hey" he replied, Vera could sense the sadness in his tone. Anyone could! "Are you okay?" She asked, "Yes" h raised both his brow in response to this and Vera scoffed.
"You don't sound okay"
"Where's your husband?"
"I have cravings for avocado pear. The man is probably driving along the road in search for it" She replied laughing. "So what's up with you now? I know you're not fine so don't even start lying. What's up?"
Osaze exhaled and she scoffed, "It's Mom right? What did she do?" "Eniola's mom thought Enny and I needed a break. Like a couples retreat among friends and I declined"
"Mom called out of the blues"
"Tell me you stood your ground"
Osaze shook his head, "She threatened me Vera, I couldn't" he answered and she scoffed, "What? She ..... Wait she used that same crap on you?" "This is the third time this year, she's using that crap on me"
Vera groaned, "Osaze.... You can't keep on doing this" "I don't want to move, I moved out of my own house because of her, I don't want to move yet" "I think you have to start looking for an agent. She's going to keep using this crap on you!"
"Appears so. That aside, I found Osarieme"
"Where?" "Right at the door step of the foundation, she's working as a cleaner"
Vera scoffed, "And you're making that happen why?" "I wasn't the one who offered her a job. Besides, I don't think she has any certificate" "She can be a secretary"
Osaze exhaled, "She can't speak in English" he answered, "It's beyond my power" "You can make her speak in English" "How?" Osaze askedand Vera shrugged, "I don't know, you can think of ways to help her"
"Because it's what you do Osaze, you help people, and don't think for a second that she's just there based on coincidence. I mean of all business organization, she managed to end up in yours? All of busses in the park, you managed to be seated close to her"
"What's your point Vera?"
Vera exhaled, "My point is, maybe God brought her to you so you can help her out. Don't misuse the opportunity" "I acted like a complete jerk to her yesterday. I spewed the whole rules and regulations and I felt bad for the first time and I don't know why?"
"Because they're stupid."
Osaze groaned, "You know I'm right. You should apologize" "I can't, she's an employee and you know I hold certain rules, apologizing to an employee about something she did wrong will only encourage her the more."
"If what she did was wrong? Then why do you feel guilty about it?"
Obianuju got out of the bathroom, she was dressed in a blue nighties. She found her husband in bed, on a phone with someone, but her best guess what Obinna. "That must be have been hilarious! Anyhow e be, just let me know. I have to go now" he answered ending the call then he laughed.
"Who was that?" She asked, "Obinna" "I knew it! What's funny?" She asked sitting on the bed with him and he smiled. "Something happened at the club. Did I tell you about Kubi claiming to be in love with one village girl?"
"Are you sure?"
"You're always too tired when you get back home, I'm sure I would have remembered if you had told me." "Oh, well, Goriola has been trying to get this girl called Osas. We just found it's the same girl, Obinna said it was so weird!" He laughed and Obianuju furrowed her brow in thought.
"That's her name, she works at the bar" "Remember the lady I employed yesterday? Her name is Osas, are you sure she isn't the one?" She asked and Raymond shrugged.
"I don't know. Unless I see her face"
"Mr Osaze knew her, apparently they met in a bus on their way here"
"Shit" Raymond cussed, "Kubi met her at the hospital while visiting his colleague. Mehn, this world is small. Osaze has been looking for her, how did she find him?"
"Osaze has been looking for her? I don't understand"
"He told me that two days ago. How did she find him?"
"She didn't. She acctually she came to fight with him over the fact finding out how harsh he has been. Courtesy of Goriola"
"Wait, wait.... What does Goriola have to do with this?"
"He made some shitty comments on Mr Osaze"
"Are you sure?"
"Osas said it herself. Didn't I tell you?"
"No. You've been too angry about your periods to let me know. This is the longest we've discussed in months" he revealed and she exhaled.
"I'm sorry" she apologized, "I've been cranky, I don't know. This pregnancy stuff is really getting to me, I want a baby, I want to be a mother badly but... I can't"
"Hey, it's okay. Let's not dwell on this topic, the baby will come at the right time okay?" He assured and she smiled. "What if Mr Osaze likes Osas too?"
"What??" Raymond laughed, "Mehn, that'll be bloody and funny. All three friends falling in love with one girl, come on, let's not pray for it abeg" he waved it off and Obianuju chuckled.
"So let's face our business" he chipped in kissing his wife and they both shared a long kiss and Raymond's hands ran underneath her nightie.
"Babe, I'm on my period and you know how uncomfortable I am about it"
"Its not sex, let's just play a bit"
Obianuju exhaled falling into depression once again. "Goodnight" she snapped laying in bed and Raymond rolled his eyes. "Me that I'm the guy, I'm not even complaining that I need children, you're just carrying this thing on your head. Obianuju I don't care!"
"Good night too, Raymond" she snapped and he gave up.
1:30 am
Osas stayed awake looking up at the ceiling. It hasn't been long since she returned from the club. She had a lot in mind, she was accessing her salary and her plans for the month.
Then she remembered Kubiat and Goriola and she rolled her eyes at how crazy life could be atimes! Of all people, life had to make her meet the friends at different intervals.
To think both of them have asked her out!
Then she remembered Osaze and how he had treated her the previous morning and she rolled her eyes.
"What are you thinking of?" Ejiro asked, "Damatol" Osas answered and she laughed. "I don't understand. Besides you haven't given me gist about how your first day of work was"
"My boss turned out to be the guy I sat down with in the bus."
"Are you serious?"
"I'm serious."
"I should be careful what i do in this life, this world is so small. You think no one will ever know that bad thing you've done, only for your to meet the person years later."
"Life just full of tricks, two guys ask me out and now I con find out say them be best friends."
Ejiro laughed, "You con come this Lagos come be hot cake. Who them be?" She asked propping her elbow against the bed. "Goriola" "The Playboy, let me guess the other one, Obinna shey? That's another womanizer oh"
"No!" Osas laughed, "No, the one way I meet for hospital, the day way I come Lagos, Kubiat" she blushed, the smile on Ejiro's face slowly reduced. "Na that one still look like person way nice, I like him dimples" she commented now turning her face to Ejiro.
"Wetin you think?" She asked and her friend shrugged, her heart breaking into different pieces. She didn't know how to respond to the news?
Why does she always have to face this all the time? Her roommates were always stealing her man from her, although the case was different. She wasn't dating Kubiat and neither was Osas aware of the fact the guy she had been crushing on was him.
She consoled herself but it didn't stop her heart from breaking!
"Wetin you think now?"
"I..." She trailed off then she cleared her throat. "Do you like him?" "I no know who I like oh, I don't really know. I know even know how person take dey know say him like person."
"When you're in love, the person will be all you think of. Your judgement becomes clouded, even when he makes you angry, you don't care. You're willing to forgive him, you want to see him all the time, he makes you smile, and you find that inner joy every time you're with him and that crazy feeling telling you he's the one" Ejiro answered then she scoffed.
"It's just one big scam! I've fallen in love thrice and they're usually filled with disappointments!" Ejiro turned her back behind Osas.
"Good night Osas"
"Sleep never worry me"
"Some people need to sleep Osas, good night" she snapped and Osas noted the iciness in her voice. "Wetin happen? You dey vex?" She asked and Ejiro kept quiet, now shutting her eyes.
"Ejiro, wetin happen?" She asked then she began to recount what she must have said to annoy her. Or maybe the topic about love raised some dusty memory.
Osaze gasped out of his nightmare, he sat up sweating profusely. He shut his eyes in guilt. "I'm sorry" he muttered brushing his hands through his hair. He got up removing a drink and a glass from one of the drawers.
He poured the drink the he gulped it, shutting his eyes. As much as he didn't want to go through his usual night routine, he couldn't help himself but throw the glass against the wall.
That's how it all begins! Then it ends with him throwing everything away.
6: 35 am
Ejiro remained in bed even when Osas had dressed up to leave for work. "Ejiro" Osas called out and she quietly turned towards her. "Ehn?" "I don dey go"
"Okay, go. What are you waiting for? Transport?" She asked and Osas quietly stared at her.
"I just want say....." She paused tears already building up in her eyes and Chika entered with a scarf tied around her head, she just got back from a church vigil.
"Abeg I fit sleep here small? That idiot way I live with no open door for me" she quickly dropped weak in bed. "Sorry oh, I no greet. Una good morning!!!" She added then she looked over at Osas.
"You dey go out?"
"Your cleaning duty. Shey I tell you say you go nail the job? But babe, i see that guy way con find you day before yesterday, if I be you ehn, I go just cooperate, accept the guy and change my destiny" she answered letting out a sigh when she imagined being in that position.
"No be money be my problem" Osas snapped and Chika laughed. "Babes, no deceive yourself, na money be our problem."
"Chika, I no get power for all this arguments. I just want say I dey go and Ejiro, if I don say something this morning way make you vex, just open mouth talk, no keep quiet na your house I dey stay and I don dey feel bad already!" She snapped in tears leaving the house.
Chika immediately lifted her head staring at Ejiro. "You dey fight with Osas? Wetin she do?" She asked and Ejiro shook her head. "Nothing" "But...."
"Chika I know what I'm saying. It's nothing, I'm just angry over nothing. I'll get over it but I'm just hurt" she sniffled. "Wetin happen?"
"The guy i like, likes Osas and I think she likes him too"
"Mad oh" she laughed and Ejiro shot a death glare at her, "Which one be mad oh? It's not funny"
Aunt Avia knocked on Osaze's door for the third time then she turned her back at the door while waiting for him to open up. "Osaze!" She called out to no avail. Then she looked at the food flask in her hand.
She wasn't too thrilled about taking the food back home. She had hope of meeting him at home.
Meanwhile Osaze was in the room looking into his reflection in the mirror while his knotting a red tie, then he groaned looking at the bruises he got from one of the shattered glasses. Then he heard his phone ring.
"Good morning Auntie" he greeted on picking up, "Good morning my love, are you at work?" She asked and he shook his head.
"No Ma, I'm at home"
"So you're at home and I've been knocking for the past fifteen minutes" "Really?" "No, fakely. Will you come and open the door before I get angry" she replied and Osaze scratched his head.
"Huh.... I don't know"
"The house has always been scattered. You can always open up" she consoled and he walked into sitting room opening the door for her to walk in.
She looked around the sitting room then she scoffed, "I haven't been here for months. You still haven't hired a maid" "Aunt Avia" "Marry a wife instead" "I don't have that in mind for now" "Your father told me your mom linked you up with a lady and you're currently dating her. What about her?"
Osaze hesitated, "You don't have to be with her if you don't like her." "It's complicated, if I leave Eniola, I'll risk losing the organization and I'll have to move and you know how I feel about moving. A whole number of contacts that knows the address already..... But I already called the agent already. I'm reconsidering leaving, I'm done with the threats"
Aunt Avia exhaled, "That woman is so sturbborn! I'm done trying to speak sense into her" "I brought food" Aunt Avia dropped the food flask on the center table. Osaze smiled, "Thank God. You're a lifesaver, I didn't even eat before sleeping last night" he answered then he realized he just made a mistake by giving such a reply.
If he knew his Aunt so well, she'll only return back to the marriage topic. "That is the importance of having a wife at home"
Osaze chuckled, "You say it like it's the job of a wife to only do household chores" "That was not what I meant, you need a good woman Osaze, a good woman organizes the home, a good woman organizes the man himself, especially when he's as disorganized as you are"
Osaze exhaled and his Aunt shook her head while waving her index finger at him, "Hen hen, don't even start to fall into depression. You'll be fine, all you just have to do is open up to somebody and you'll feel better"
Aunt Avia smiled, "You look like you need a big hug" she stretched her hands and he hugged her now busting into tears.
"My boy" she patted his back, "It's okay, let it all out. Let it all out"
Osaze Benjamin foundation
Immediately Osaze walked into the office, somethings felt different. There was something sparkling about it but he paid no attention to it.
He opened the blinds of his window then he sat on his seat. He looked at his documents which he dropped the previous day on the the right side of the desk.
It was now at the right part. He didn't remember moving it, he wanted to wave it off then he remembered he kept the last text book he read on the desk too .
He pressed the intercom, "Mrs Obianuju, did you allow anyone into the office? I can't find the book I left on the desk"
Obianuju shut her eyes, she clearly warned Osas not to tamper with his things, she was supposed to clean up and leave his things as they were.
"Mrs Obianuju"
"Yes i did." She replied in a shrill voice, "Osas did the clean up, I told her not to touch the.... Please don't fire her" she begged and Osaze rolled his eyes.
"Where is she?"
"I'll call on her"
"Do so" he replied ending the call then he rose up walking towards the book shelf, it had already been cleaned up. He finally glanced towards the direction of his award shelf and he scoffed.
He didn't even need to move close to it. It was shining from where he stood. But he needed to move close to know if any was broken or chipped.
He sighed in relief when he found them in perfect shape. Suddenly he looked around the office and the thought of leaving struck him. He remembered the first day the building was handed to him.
It was on his 25th birthday, he had no purpose for it until he got back from London, deciding to put a good use to it!
Osas walked in with a smile, for no reason in particular, she was just excited to see him. Osaze turned towards her frowning, "You didn't knock" "Sorry Sir" she answered opening the door to go out, "You don't have to..." Before he could complete his sentence, Osas was out already now knocking.
"Should I come in?" She asked and he rolled his eyes busting into a small laughter. "You haven't said anything oh" she answered and Osaze opened the door.
"You knock, wait for a few seconds and then enter. You don't wait to be told to enter" he replied walking in and she followed him in. "What if something dey happen inside office?"
"Like?" He asked turning towards her and she shrugged giving him a familiar look and he scoffed, "Offices are meant for official things. There's a need to be professional in handling any business" he replied and she nodded noticing a big leaf in between his teeth.
"Wetin you chop today?" She asked and he shrugged wondering why she asked, "Wetin you chop get leaf?" She asked, "Big leaf dey inside your teeth" she answered and he looked down in shame now using his tongue to search for it.
Osas withheld her laughter, when he lifted his head up, "What about now?" He asked and she moved closer to him, "Make I help you commot am" she volunteered.
His lips parted and Osas dipped his fingers into his mouth now removing the leaf. "You're not supposed to use your hands oh"
"True talk, I don even use the hand wash toilet sef" she answered and Osaze pulled back shutting his lips, she almost laughed at how irritated he felt.
"I even use am scratch nose too but you know what they say, dirty no dey kill African man" she answered and he smacked his lips, "I don't think I'm ever using this lips again" he replied and she laughed.
Osaze dragged his phone close, then he checked to see if there was any more leaf in the teeth. "Nothing dey again" she answered then she looked around the office.
"You don see how your office take clean. I sure say when you enter, you first wonder if na another person office you enter" she teased and he chuckled softly making him forget he called her in to chastise her for moving his things.
"I warned you"
"Yes and I find out from Mrs Uju say na because person being break your award one time and I was really careful with it. I no rough- handle the thing." She moved closer to the award.
"Everything dey fine" she smiled and he scratched his hair.
"Not everything. I kept a textbook on the desk. 'Spirit of law', I was reading it, I already told you, I don't like people moving my things. I usually keep my documents at the left side of the table, you changed it. It makes me cranky when I try to find my things and I don't see them"
Osas walked towards the book shelf taking the book out then she gave it to him. "I'm sorry" she apologized, "I no intentionally do am. Since you keep all textbooks in that shelf, I just think that I should also put it there that you'll find it there"
"Thought" he corrected and she raised her brow, "Huh?" "I just thought, not think" "It was in my head, I wasn't sure like that" she replied laughing then she exhaled.
"No vex. I promise, I no go clean up again"
"You don't have to..... You can clean, just don't move my things without my .... without my knowledge" he stammered through and she smiled poking him on the arm.
"Shebi you like as the place take clean shey?" She asked still poking him and he held her fingers. "Sorry Sir, indiscipline, I dey forget body sometimes" she answered then she she noticed the injury on his fingers.
"Jesus, wetin do you?"
"I.... I broke a glass and...."
"You supposed dey careful" she warned looking up at him and he nodded."It was a mistake" "You get first aid?" She asked and he nodded again, "It's in the last drawer" he replied and he watched her get the first aid box.
"Sit" she demanded and he did.
She took a piece of cotton wool soaking it in spirit then she rubbed it against the wound and he groaned in pain. "Sorry" she replied, "You be baby way glass go dey tears your hand like this?" She snapped and he rolled his eyes.
"I wasn't.... thinking" he excused and she shook her head now putting two plaster around two of his fingers. "You no still sleep, your eyes still be like who no sleep. Life important, you fit stay awake for night because say you want make money but you go con die the next day. Wetin con be the use of the money? Money is important but rest is importanter" she teased and he chuckled softly.
"What if I can't rest? What if guilt doesn't allow me rest?"
"You dey feel guilt? You way your heart strong!" She assumed and he scoffed, "I'm human aren't I?" "Wetin you dey feel guilty about?" She asked and he exhaled, "I can't say it"
"Problem way dem share be like yards of wrapper way them share, before you know, na only small years for scarf go remain. I no say I just be cleaner and I no even be your friend, I no even go school reach where you go, but if I get advise or how I fit help you, I can actually do it" she answered and he looked down fighting the tears that was building up already.
"Thank you for helping with the hand.... You're free to go now" he commented and she smiled leaving.
"Before you leave" he chipped in and she quickly turned towards him, "Did you learn child delivery from the pharmacy?" He asked and she raised her brow in shock.
"How you take know say..." She trailed off. "I meant, did you learn it from a pharmacy?"
"No. It's a gift, my mother had the gift, so also my grandmother. Na every first child gift" "I think what you did for Helen that day was amazing. You didn't wait for me to say it to you"
Osas moved closer to him, "Na why you being vex shey? I'm sorry but Mama Justice no gree me come back" she replied and he cleared his throat. "You can go back now"
"You no also tell me say you get foundation. You only tell me say you na lawyer"
Osaze exhaled, "Because it wasn't necessary. I was trying to keep the discussion at minimal but you just kept on talking" he answered and she chuckled.
"I'm a human rights activist. I fight for what's right, growing up, I made a mistake, I made bad decisions and now I'm just trying to correct it. I mean a whole lot of people need help to seek redress against encroachment, against rape" he answered and Osas nodded, "If fighting for their right is the only thing I do, I'll be happy" he confessed and she smiled.
"Thank you" she responded and he wondered why she thanked him. "Why?" "Nothing. I just appreciate people like you, una few for this world." She replied in tears then she wiped it off with her fingers.
"Are you okay?"
"Sorry. Wetin you just talk, touch my heart deep, thank you" she answered and he smiled, both quietly looking at each other.
Osaze broke the stare now clearing his throat, "Shouldn't you be going?"
"Wait first, how do you spell champagne?" She asked, leaving him to wonder where the question came from.
"Spell it yourself"
Osas rolled her eyes, "Na why I no like you be that. Just help me, no shame me" "I can't help you, If you can't help yourself. Spell it" he requested and she shook her head.
"No worry, I go ask person" she answered almost leaving then she exhaled turning back at him, "S-H-A.." she paused looking at the blank look on his face.
"I correct? Your face no even give me hope"
"You're somewhere there, continue" he answered and she smiled. "S-H-A-R"
"Go on" he encourage scrolling through his phone, "P-A-I-N?" She asked and he stretched the phone at her for her to look at the spelling.
Osas laughed on seeing it, "I swear Osaze, you be witch. Sorry...." She apologized, "Mr Osaze" she corrected. "Why you come dey motivate me? My morale being high" she laughed and he withheld his laughter.
"Remember the story of Jesus, feeding five thousand?"
Osas leaned against the desk, "Ride on Pastor" he praised and Osaze laughed. "I just wanted to know what you had first before I can help you. It's a French word"
"Okay" she replied handing the phone back to him.
"Spell it again"
"Shuu? I don enter class be that oh"
"Spell it"
"C-H-A-M-P-A-G-N-E. I'm not stupid, I learn fast. I just no being get opportunity to go school" "Say it in English" "Jesus! Oga, which one na?" She asked then she rolled her eyes.
"Don't laugh me." She exhaled laughing at herself. "Sorry. I just didn't have the opportunity to go to school. I stop for twelve years when my Mama send me commot"
Osaze chuckled, "So you don't have any certificate?" "I stop for JSS2" "Now say the previous sentence in English" he demanded and she thought it through. "I stopped school in, I stopped school at twelve years when my mother sent me away to.... another place" she paused then she laughed.
"What did I just say?" She asked and Osaze laughed. He just couldn't help it"
"Sometimes, this English dey commot easily for my belle, some days e dey be like say my village people dey work against me"
"In English"
Osas laughed throwing her head, "Please. I'm tired, my head dey hit already. Let me not kill you with grammar before person go faint here" "You know what I think? I think the problem with you is that you speak way too much pidgin"
"Because he easy. No present tense, no past tense. You flow in your own way"
"Maybe if you stop speaking pidgin, you might actually improve in speaking English but I don't think you can do it" he assumed and Osas scoffed.
"Is that a challenge?" She asked and he smiled and Vera's words from the previous night washed down his mind. If he made it a challenge, maybe he could actually help her get better.
"Okay. Make we make am interesting, if I go one single full day when I dey around you, without speaking pidgin. Wetin you go give me?"
"Two weeks without using pidgin when you're around me and I'll double your salary, screw it, I'll triple it and I'll get you a good phone" "iPhone 13 pro"
"There's no iPhone thirteen pro"
Osas laughed, "I just dey joke. Two weeks, without pidgin around you. I accept the challenge, e don be for you. I go chop your money clean mouth"
Osaze laughed, "I'll like to see you do that. I doubt you'll be able to go a day without speaking in pidgin. Starting now" "E don be for you" she snapped.
"It has be for you"
"That doesn't even make sense in English"
She rolled her eyes, "How person go interpret am for pidgin?" She asked and Osaze laughed. "I win"
"No! We never start yet"
"I already did"
"Let's start it now."
"I..." She trailed off, "I have work to do. I'm supposed to go back to it" "Okay"
"If you need me, just call me" she added walking towards the door then she turned back, "Do you bring your toothbrush to work?"
"Your mouth is smelling like crayfish and vegetable" she snapped leaving and Osaze shut his eyes in shame.
Someone should remind him never to eat anything with vegetable before coming to work!
Brigg's law firm
Eniola entered into Goriola's office with a smile on her face. "Good morning brother" she greeted and he smiled. "Hey dear" he replied and she kissed him on the cheek.
"How was your night?" She asked then she rolled her eyes, "I'm sure you spent it with one random girl like you usually do" she answered and he sniggered.
Yeah right like he did!
The awkward memories of the previous day brushed through his head and he frowned. How angry he felt when he found out Kubi's dream girl was no other than Osas and how Osas smiled at him as and the glances they shared between each other.
"Funny thing I didn't sleep with a random stranger"
"At least you slept with someone. You definitely were with a friend, one of those your friends with sexual benefits" she answered and he scoffed.
"I didn't"
"You slept with something"
"Yes i did, my pillow"
Eniola scoffed, "You can't be serious" "I no longer sleep around with women" he and she laughed at him now bending her head towards his face. "It's a lie, I know you very well. You're my brother and I know you so well. You're just playing nice to woo a girl. Who's the unfortunate woman?" She asked and he chuckled.
"I knew it!"
"You're wrong"
"You wish I was! Well, good thing I'm organizing a couple's retreat next week. Bring her along with you, maybe if you make her feel special, she'll accept and maybe let you see the color of her panties" she answered and he laughed.
"You don't believe me"
"You're a Playboy Goriola, you've never been serious about any girl in your entire life! I'm sure this one is giving you tough time! Just wanted to inform you of the retreat. Later big brother" she answered kissing him on the cheek and he watched her leave.
Morenike rubbed her forehead looking into a document. She couldn't concentrate when she remembered her discussion with her son the previous evening. She hated herself for having to bring up the topic again, she also hated Osaze for pushing her to saying it.
The intercom buzzed so she reached out her finger and presses against the intercom button and pitchy voice blared out of it. "Ma, your daughter is here to see you" "Which?" "Mrs Vera" she answered and a small smile crept through her cheeks.
"Let her in" she replied. She thought of reasons that could have made her come here. Maybe it was to get advise on pregnancy. She might not like her husband but the thought of being a grandma has been exciting.
"What kind mother are you?" Vera snapped on entering and Morenike bowed her head, exhaled then she lifted her head. "Have you suddenly lost your manners? You come into my office without greeting me. Can you enter into your boss' office without knocking? Can you?" She snapped and Vera scoffed.
"E Pele Ma (I'm sorry Ma), Good morning to you. Now that we've settled that, what kind of mother are you?"
"A good one!"
"Oh please! How could you use that on him again? The threat? Seriously Mom, I don't know why I still call you Mom. Do you remember why Osaze stopped calling you Mom? Or should I remind you? Osaze left a house you rightfully gave to him because of your stupid threat, now you're going to make him move his organization because of what? You want him to get married to a girl he doesn't even like!"
"How are you sure she doesn't? Do you think in going to seat and let my son get married to an ordinary person? Not when I'm alive"
"Sometimes I wonder if truly you gave birth to us" She snapped and Morenike rose up slapping her on the cheek and Tacha. "How dare you? Such impudence! You'll watch the way you talk to me cause I'm still your mother, whether you like it or not! Even adopted children still have loyalties to their parents, how much more you!"
"Will you two stop fighting?" Tacha asked, "Must you always argue? I hate it?"
"Good day!" Vera snapped leaving the office and Tacha followed her. "Sis" "What?" Vera shouted turning towards her. "We can't keep on fighting all the time. We're one family"
"Mom is the only problem we have"
"We all know she tends to act in some particular way, even though they're usually extreme but she's still our Mom"
Vera shook her head, "She's manipulating you Tacha, I'm pretty sure she is. She's controlling and urgh!!!!" She grunted, "I'm sure she's already making more decisions for you already, didn't she make you read law even when you didn't want to? The men she's been introducing you to, how many do you like?" She asked and Tacha shook her head.
"That's where it all starts until she starts planning a wedding on your behalf. If you don't break out, you'll be left broken for making choices you might leave to regret. Don't let her make decisions for you, the sooner you come out of her web, the better for you" she advised placing her palm over her little sister's cheek, "Take care Tacha" she added leaving and Tacha returned back into the office where she found her mother wiping some tears off.
"Are you okay?" She asked and Morenike sniffled, "Yeah, I am. What brought you here?" She asked trying to keep a straight face and Tacha exhaled.
"What happened?" She asked and her mother shrugged.
"I thought my daughter came in to seek my advise or counsel about pregnancy but rather she came to insult. All I ever try to do is look out for the best interest of my children. What's so difficult to understand there?" She cried and Tacha felt sorry for her.
"I'm sorry" she moved close hugging her mother from behind.
A few hours later, a fair woman walked into Mrs Briggs office, she had a blue lace gown on and a black hand bag hung over her shoulder. "Good day Mrs Briggs" she greeted and Morenike smiled.
"To what do I owe this August visit in August?" She asked and Mrs Esther scoffed taking her seat. "Well.... What can I say? I'm choice less, that's why I'm here"
"I don't understand. Is everything okay?"
Esther scoffed, "I wouldn't have been here if everything was okay. We all know my husband is sick and will soon die" "Your husband is as strong as a horse"
"Even horses die at some point in time" she replied and Mrs Briggs quietly stared at her, she wasn't sure if she was reading the signs correctly.
Was the woman in front of her planning on killing her own husband?
"I don't see how that's going to be a problem"
"His will. That's the problem I have, I want to know what's in it"
Morenike scoffed, "I can't do that. It's unprofessional" "Oh please! Abeg leave that thing Morenike, we both know you're all but professional" "I am professional! Even my unprofessional practices are professional. Don't insult me"
Esther hissed, "I need to have access to his last will and testament" "Why? You're his only wife and and you have children. Children who will definitely be heir to his properties" Morenike assumed and Esther hissed.
"I'm not his only wife Morenike. Well legally I am but he had a concubine in Benin and four children. Four good children Morenike, I have a feeling he's going to give everything to them"
"Where are they?"
"Who cares? I don't know"
"Why will George give everything he owns to children he didn't raise, it doesn't make sense. You're only making a mountain out of this molehill" "You won't understand Morenike, his eyes is becoming clear and besides I cannot dive into details yet! I need to get my hands on that will and I need to do it fast. Will you help me or not?"
Hm...... More plot are beginning to unfold 🤔🤔
What are your thoughts on it?
What's kind of skeleton is Osaze keeping in his cupboard? 🤔
Do you guys think Osas will win the challenge?
Couples retreat coming up in the next chapter 😎🤣😂
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