🔺 Chapter 11🔻

Good morning guys!!!👋👋

So I finally got attended to at the enrollment center but I was asked to come back in the next two weeks to get the slip. I got back home in the evening, I was tired but I had to write something.

Sorry UbongMine

No double update today ooo🤣😂

I still haven't recovered from standing for two days!!! 😪

Thank you for  your prayers. God bless you guys.

That settled, you can now proceed to reading this chapter!

Chapter 11


Just as Osas's arms remained glued to Osaze in embrace, her grip became really tight the only thing Osaze could perceive was the uncomfortable minty smell of damatol on her hair. He sneezed pushing her slightly and Osas became worried from his sneeze.

She assumed he had cold, but his temperature didn't feel high. "You no well?"

"No. I'm okay... Your hair... It smells" she confessed and Osas felt a bit ashame. She rubbed her hair pressing her hands against her nose.

"Like wetin? Like Mess?" She asked, making him want to laugh but he withheld it.  "Why would you say that? It smells like you rubbed Balm on it"  he answered and Osas laughed.

"You funny oh. Na Ejiro damatol, I come mix am with shea butter, dem say e dey make hair grow" she pushed her hair closer to his face and he moved back the more. "Urgh, it smells horrible" he blurted out then she poked him slightly, "You sef! You dey sabi make person shame, even when she no wan shame. Now e make sense why them say you harsh!"

"Who said so?" He asked and she literally zipped her lips then she  threw the keys away.

He laughed with so much excitement and nostalgia, it reminded him so much of her playfulness, even when he was intentionally trying to avoid speaking to her in the bus.

He didn't realize how much he missed her until now, how can someone miss a person this much, a person he knew nothing about, except her name!

She did made his journey to Lagos less boring and worth while!

His smile waned when he remembered how she left without saying goodbye to him and how she has been rumoured to be a prostitute. 

"How did you find me?" He asked and she smiled, "Find you for where? You think say I carry map dey find you? No oh, na job I dey find when I see the hand bill. I being suspect say na you be the Osaze Benjamin but one of my friend con dey try convince me say there are more than a hundred Osaze Benjamin in Lagos." She smiled now leaning against his desk.

Osaze still wore a frown, "You just left the hospital that way without saying goodbye." He paused clearing his throat, "Not like it's my business, but I get it, we're strangers so..." "No" Osas shook her head vehemently.

"It's not like that. The woman way I supposed stay with no allow me go back. Besides you being dey call that time when I pass, you just busy." She explained staring into his serious face.

He didn't look at as though he was buying the story.  "You gatz believe me. You being dey vex for me?" She asked and he shrugged.

"Why will I be angry? Like I said, it's not my business" 

"Your face be like say you being vex."

"You should get back to what brought you here" he pointed at her mop and bucket and Osas disagreed by shaking her head, "First answer my question. You being vex shey?"

Osaze exhaled, "Five minutes and you're already making me speak more than I usually do" "You want make I keep quiet? Answer my question" "Do your job Osarieme!" he requested and she stood upright now pouting at him,  "You harsh very well" she snapped and Obianuju walked in.

"Mr Osaze, I hope she has introduced herself to you. Her name is Osas and Osas this is our Boss, Mr Osaze Benjamin Briggs" "Biggs" Osas argued and Osaze withheld his laughter.

"No Osas, it's Briggs" 

"It's Biggs, he told me it's Biggs" she turned towards Osaze who was chuckling out loud leaving Obianuju marvelled, did her boss just laugh willingly? She asked within.

"Lie! Lie! Jesus, You said it was Biggs like Mr Biggs"

"Because you were talking too much and I wanted you to shut up but it didn't exactly work" he answered and Obianuju stared at the both of them in surprise.

She didn't understand why they were talking as though they already knew each other. "I'm sorry, I'm lost here. Do you two know each other?" "We met in a bus down to Lagos. You can leave us alone now" he requested and she left.

"You for correct me"

"Well i didn't want to because I needed to hear myself think and you were bothering me. Just like I have things to do now"  he replied turning on his laptop.  "You should start doing your job, it's indiscipline like this that makes me fire the cleaners"

Osas looked around then she moved towards the book shelf. "Mehn, Osaze, your office dirty! How many years since you clean am?" "Don't go close to my shelf." He warned stretching his hands.

"But e dirty"

"Don't go close to it. Please, I keep my things in order and I don't like them arranged without my knowledge." He answered, "And that's Mr Osaze for you. No one goes around calling their boss by their name, even Obianuju doesn't call me by my name"

"Oh. I'm sorry" Osas shrugged then she moved close to his award shelf. "You get plenty award oh"  "Don't go close to that too" "Dust too much on top." 

"The dust is not complaining" "How you dey breathe for inside this office?" She asked.

"I'm breathing fine"

"Dirty man answer" she muttered leaving the shelf and he cocked his brow trying to make out what she just said. "What did you say?"

"Me?" She asked then she shook her head. "I didn't say anything" "You said something"

"I think say you get wetin to do? Face your laptop Mr Osaze, leave me to the cleaning. Abi make we exchange duties?" She asked and he scoffed.

"I have rules and regulations"

"I dey hear Sir"

Osaze stalled, he wasn't comfortable with the way she said the Sir, the emphasis on it sounded wrong in all sense. "I love my peace and quiet. Don't scatter my things whenever you come in to clean my office"

"Just mop the floor and go. I'll clean the remaining myself, like always do"

Osas nodded, "Like you dey always clean am everytime" "I'm a very busy man and I don't owe you any explanation"  "Any other thing?" "I'll tell you when I remember"  "She took out the mop from the bucket now wetting the floor then she began cleaning.

Osaze gazed at the laptop screen, he wasn't sure what he was looking at exactly. Was he being too harsh? Did he overreact? He glanced at her, now feeling guilty about his action.

He was about to explain himself when Osas interrupted him, "Sorry say I no talk to you before I go. If na wetin dey cause your vex be that" she apologized now staring at him.

"Sorry Sir, I go keep quiet now" she resumed moping.

"You know say I being come here to come blast the owner of this place at first. I no being know say na you"  she confessed after moping then she chuckled to herself. "I happy say I come see you. I missed you, even if you no miss me" she confessed walking out the door and Osaze felt his heart sink.

He had questions to ask her, he didn't know whether to call her back to explain himself, what was he going to say? What will be his excuse for being an ass?

Osas got out to meet Obianuju who seemed curious. "Did he fire you?" "No" "Has he given you his rules and regulations?" "Yes. How come he doesn't want anyone touching his award on the shelf? It's dirty"

"One of the maids broke one, he's been grumpy since then"

"And the dusty book shelf? Visitors they even enter the office?"

"They really don't take note of it, some of them. He just loves to keep to himself. Have his quiet time and just think"

"That kain life gatz boring." She leaned against Obianuju's desk.

"No be so him tell me say make i keep quiet inside bus?"

"Did you?"

"For where? Now I have to agree to him condition because say na him be my Oga." She answered then she exhaled. "Him con dey act harsh, fine, him being harsh for inside bus but...." She clicked her tongue waving her hands.

"I no even know say I miss the big head like that!"

"That's your boss you're talking to"

Osas rolled her eyes, "Him no even miss me. Why I dey even dey expect make him miss me sef? Na just one day trip shebi?" She asked and Obianuju began to wonder if there wasn't something between the both of them or something intimate happened in the bus.

"What happened in that bus?"

"Nothing. We.... We just yarn, I mess and the whole passengers left the bus"

Obianuju laughed, "It's a lie!" "Stay there make pant dey wear you and I mean that in a respectable way. You na my boss so I gatz respect you. I mess for real and ...." Osas laughed recalling what happened then she bit her lips.

"Was there any other thing?"

"Like what?"

"Like.... There are crazy times you get Into a bus with someone and you end up kissing him"

Osas laughed shaking her head, "No. That didn't happen. The last thing that happened was Helen's labour, I help her hold the labour" "What? You did that?" "No be say I dey brag but, I'm a woman of many talents" she replied in a boastful manner and they both laughed.

"Wow. You did nursing?"

"No. Na family gift for first daughters" 

"Wow...." She exhaled and Osas smiled. "Can I go out for lunch break?" "Hmm..... Sounds like you have a plan" Obianuju teased and Osas chuckled.



"No. I no get that one yet. I fit go?" "Why not? It's your lunch break, you're free to do whatever with it" Obianuju replied and she thanked her now pushing carrying the mop and bucket out of her presence.

"What will you like to eat?" Kubiat asked and she smiled, "True true? Of I see fufu and one kind sweet Ogbono soup. I for happy" she confessed and he smiled looking at the waitress who was standing by.

"You heard the lady"

"What about you Sir?"

"I'll have the same thing with her" he replied and Osas smiled.

"How was your day?"

"I've been working all morning" "What do you do?" "I work as a cleaner" she answered and she watched his brow twitch in surprise. "You shock?"

"Truthfully, yes"

"Well, I love good hustle. I have responsibilities to carry out and i no go fit afford to slack" "I think it's a good thing. Where do you work?"

"Osaze Benjamin foundation" she answered and he laughed, "Seriously? Osaze found you and he couldn't even tell me!" "Na today we even meet. Wait, you know Osaze?" "He's my best friend in the world. Small world huh"

"Wow. The thing out shock for my body"

"Helen told me it's your first time in Lagos, she has been worried about you"

Osas chuckled, "Ehya. I for really like see her" she wished but she knew it might be difficult because she'll be working two different shifts in different places. "I'm sure she would have loved to see you too" he smiled deeply revealing his dimples and Osas smiled.

"I like your dimple" She confessed, "I don't even know why I said that but.... that's the truth"  "Since we're making confessions, i love your smile" Kubiat blurted out, "And I think you're pretty too"

Osas blushed, "Thank you" "The truth is I've been looking out in search for you since the day we met." He continued making her raise her nose in disbelief. "I'm serious Osas, you can Helen. I thought you looked like a village girl that day"

Osas gasped, "Why that one sound like insult?" She asked and he laughed. "Not just any village girl, I'm talking about the marriage material kind of girl" "How many yards?" She asked and he laughed.

"I like you and I'm not going to beat about the bush. Are you single?" He asked and she nodded.

"Thank God!" He sighed and she shook her head, "But I'm not ready yet. I wan take my time first"

"What does you name, Kubiat mean? Is it a Muslim name?" 

He laughed, "No laugh me now. I dey curious" "No. It's an Ibibio name, Kubiat Bassey, Kubiat means, don't ruin it, don't destroy it or don't spoil it as the case may be"

The waitress along with another, brought their food to the table. Kubiat's phone rang and he avoided picking the call. "Who be that? Girlfriend?" Osas asked and he chuckled.

"I just asked you out right now. Shouldn't that answer the question whether I have a girlfriend or not"

"Guys and their wayo"

Kubiat laughed, "Wow, I'm not that way" "Na the same thing Lion being tell sheep before him turn am to barbecue" she answered and he laughed again. "It's my boss"

Osas raised her nose in disbelief, hence his phone rang again and he showed her the caller ID. "Oh" Osas muttered washing her hands in a bowl. "Pick up now" "If I do, I'll have to leave and I don't want to"

"If you're busy, why did you fix lunch plans then?" She rolled a fufu dipping it into the Ogbono.

Kubiat smiled at how smooth she sounded saying that. "Cause I didn't want to miss the opportunity of seeing your beautiful face again" "The face isn't beautiful. I no even make hair" "You look beautiful the way you are"

Osas swallowed hard, trying hard to act as though she wasn't blushing within. "Thank you. But work is work, who knows? Maybe na person them want make you arrest so"  "No. I doubt, I'm working on a drug case."

"Like cocaine"

"Yes. That was why I was at the bar yesterday, to ask questions but your boss, ex Boss is acting suspicious though" "She's still my boss, I got the job back yesterday"

"Wow. Double shift? That'll be stressful"

"Like I said, responsibilities" she answered and Kubiat scratched his hair. "Do you need help?" "Oga, no. Continue your story" she laughed rolling another fufu into ball and he scratched his head.

"Yeah..... Like I said. It's a drug case do and we're looking for this guy" he removed the picture from his back pocket. "Since you're still working at the bar. If you see this face" he dropped it on the table and Osas saw the familiar face on it; the man at seat no. 8.

"I know this man"

"You do? That means they lied, he has been coming to the bar right?"

"No. We entered the same bus on our way to Lagos" 

"We're looking for him, he's a drugs dealer. Our team almost got him but he slipped away and has been hiding since. If you ever see him, please try to reach me"

"I don't have a phone"

"I have a spare phone at home"

"I don't want. I no think say I fit don't returns when you ask for am"

Kubiat chuckled, "I won't ask for anything in return, I already spewed out my guts that I like you" "Thank you but I'm better this way. I don't like getting things for free or else I'll feel like I'm owing. I'm sorry"

Osaze walked out of his office now turning towards Obianuju. "I'll be heading out for a bit" "Okay Sir" "Where's Osarieme?" He asked and Obianuju smile, "You mean Osas"


"She had a lunch date to catch up with"

"A date?" He asked and she nodded, "She didn't exactly say it was a date, she just..... said she had lunch and it definitely with a guy so...." "Barely a month in Lagos and she already has a boyfriend" he scoffed and Obianuju opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out.

Was that a sign of jealousy she just spotted in him?

His mind wandered back to the possibility of her prostituting and he scoffed, "What's my business? Its her life" He answered leaving and Obianuju's eyes trailed him in interest.


Eniola folded her legs in bed conversing with her friends, Jemima and Queen  "So you two haven't had sex yet" "No we haven't, we're taking our time" "Time wo? (What time?) Enny baby, sit down make pant they wear you! So you're going to wait until he's ready to do the do? Babe, it doesn't matter how many picture you post of that your guy, he doesn't like you!"

"Abeg wetin this one dey talk sef? Why are you trying to discourage Enny? It's her man!"

"What man? She's only forcing herself on him and that's the truth"

Eniola frowned, "Don't make me send you out of my house Jemi, you know how emotional I can't be about this topic. I've tried everything humanly possible to try to get him to make me come over to his house but he obviously doesn't want it"

"If the mountains don't go to Mohammed, Mohammed must then go to where? The mountain, don't dull yourself oh"

Eniola rolled her eyes, "Babes, what should I do? He says he's not ready yet!" "Abegi! Not like he's a virgin, forget that bullshit. You try harder" "You don't know Osaze like I do. Do you know how many times I've tried, do you know how many times I've been rejected? This guy barricades his house" "He definitely has skeleton in his cupboard. Definitely!"

"What skeleton! This is a clear indication that guy doesn't like you. I'm going to be a good friend and tell you the truth. Stop wasting your time on him or else you'll become bitter, that guy can't make too happy" Jemima advised and Eniola rolled her eyes, she didn't understand why her friend had to be the pessimist all the time!

"Mom wants him!"

"Then tell her to date him then!" She snapped and Eniola scampered towards the door then she opened it down. "Out of my room this very moment! You can come back when you're in your right sense" she answered and Jemima scoffed, "I would have given you a word of wisdom but you're so deluded to listen to me." "You're the one who's deluded Jemima, out!" Eniola screamed and Jemima picked her bag zooming out of the room.

Queen rolled her eyes. "As I was saying jare, you have to start creating your stand. Show him you're serious, start making some important suggestions and decisions" "Like what?" "Something like planning a trip between the two of you"

Eniola scoffed, "He won't do it, unless Raymond encourages him to do it. I can't involve him in this" she replied and Queen gave it a thought, "Unless you can" she answered grinning.

"I'm lost..." Eniola laughed nervously, "I wish you can be in my mind. See ehn, you're going to call for a couples retreat, send messages to his friends and plan a couple retreat, weekend things on point! Maybe something that'll stretch till saturday and Sunday. It might next week"

"His friends are single, except Raymond"

"They just have to come with a girlfriend"

Eniola exhaled, she was feeling skeptical about the whole idea, "The Osaze I know will not want to miss a day at work for a silly retreat." "Then tell you mother to put it up to him as a suggestion and see if he can refuse it then" she suggested and Eniola smiled.

"You'll find on of your father's property to use and plan the whole thing. I'll come with my guy I'll be with you every step of the way. The only thing that matters is that you two have to be in a room and the rest will be history.  Are you feeling me?" She asked snapping her fingers and Eniola laughed.

"Queen, you're so brilliant!"

"Yeah Yeah yeah, you can say that again baby" she replied dancing in bed.

Tacha wore a short white gown then she looked into the mirror, clipping a red dangling earrings. Her phone rang and she quickly picked up. "Hey Baby" she said blushing.

"I'm in front of the house"

"You gotta be kidding me. Why will you do that?"

"It's our first official date, it's only pertinent for a man to pick up his date. I just wanted to do it, where are you?" "I'm still in, don't let the security see you or they'll start suspecting and alert Mom"

"I'll just tell them in the Uber guy" he answered and she giggled.  "I'll be out in two minutes"

Chike laughed, "Urgh! I'm pretty sure you're still doing your make up. Take your time!" "I'm done with my make up already!" She giggled, "I promise I'll be down there in two minutes or make it three or five"

"Take your time"

Tacha laughed ending the call then she wore her shoes stepping out of the room where she heard sounds of laughter. Her mind wondered who the visitor was. 

Her heart leapt in fear when she saw Denrele seated on a two seater couch. He grinned on seeing her. Series of thoughts began to rub through her mind.

What could they have discussed?
What if he blows her cover and he mom gets to realize, she hasn't even put a call through to him.

"Hey Denrele!" She waved at him and he smiled.

"Denrele?" Morenike hissed, "Is that what you'll call your boyfriend?" "What?" Tacha asked and Denrele smiled.

"You didn't want to tell me right? What's is it with these children and them hiding things from their parents." Her mother added leaving Tacha, even more confused.

"I don't understand what's going on?"

"Your Mom told me about the several lunch and dinner date we had and how you've been calling me and I had no option but to let her know we're dating" he lied and Tacha immediately shut her eyes.

Son of a bitch! She cussed within.
Why will he tell such an expensive lie! Tacha knew he probably had ulterior motives, but what can it be? She thought.

"When were you going to tell me you two are dating?" Her mother asked and she faked a smile. "Uh..... We were planning on surprising you you"

Morenike smiled, "Denrele is a fine and ambitious young man. You two will make a lovely couple. I see you're all dressed up already, I supposed you have a date"

"Yes we do" he answered and Tacha suddenly felt hot.

"I've never seen her look any more beautiful. If we weren't in front of your mother, I would have kissed you" Denrele held her by the waist.

"Don't be shy, you're both adults" Morenike encouraged and Denrele kissed Tacha on the cheek. "Shall we?" He asked and she faked a smile.

"Sure. See you later Mom"  she answered and they both walked out if the sitting room.

Just when Tacha was certain she wasn't at hearing distance, she snapped at him, "What was that for? Why will you tell Mom we're dating and what was that stunt you pulled there?" 

Denrele dipped his hands into his pocket then he scoffed, "You're funny oh. I just covered your ass, is that what you have to say? No thank you?" He laughed and she scoffed. "Thank you? For what?"

"Would you prefer I go back and let your mother know the truth?"  He threatened almost returning back into the house and she pulled him back. "No! Please"

"Then you have no choice but to cooperate with me" He grinned then he sniggered at the thought of her lies. "Let me guess, you're dating someone your mother doesn't approve of right?"  "It's none of your business. What are you doing here?"

"I came looking for you. Now you, answer your question. Your Mom doesn't approve right? One of those telemundo love stories right?"

Tacha exhaled then she flipped her hair in anger. "It's not what it looks like" "How long have you been lying to your Mom" "She wanted me to call you, I told her that I will. I never had the interest"

"Ouch!" He groaned, "That's really direct and it hurts" he now placed his palm against his chest. "I thought we connected the first"

"There was no connection, I don't like you"

"But I like you and I'm pretty much interested in you"

Tacha scoffed, "I'm pretty sure the only thing you're interested in is the sex. You're definitely a Playboy, I'm sure you have girlfriends at every corner" she snapped and he laughed.

"That's funny"

"Please I have plans with my friend and I have to go"

Denrele scoffed, "You think I'm stupid right? Gosh, you probably think I'm stupid alright! Well I'm not. I'm sure you have a date with your boyfriend"  he retorted and she rolled her eyes at how doubtful he was.

"Okay fine! Yes, he's not a friend but a boyfriend, so what? Please, we have a date and I don't want to bail. Please, just let me go" "Awwn" Denrele smiled sweetly. "That's so sweet" he placed his hands on his chest again.

"That's very sweet and trust me, I'll love to know of your Mom's opinion, that's if she'll also think it's sweet" He threatened turning back and she held her hands. "Denrele, please. I know you're not that evil. Just help me out"

"But we have a date"

"No we don't"

"Think again Tacha, you can't say no or your Mom will find out about you and your secret relationship" he threatened and Tacha gasped, she couldn't believe she was being threatened by him!

"What do you say?" he asked and she agreed. The next plan was to think of a way to explain the whole thing to Chike.

Her phone rang and she picked it up despite hesitation. "You said five minutes" he teased and she rolled her eyes, "I'm sorry Babe, something came up. Denrele came over and Mom thinks I'm dating him. I'm supposed to go out with him now"

"Let him know the truth"

"Of course he does but he's threatening to tell Mom"

Chike scoffed, "What a dick!" "You can say that again. I'm sorry" she apologized, "Yeah..... How long are you going to fake this relationship?" He asked and she shrugged.

"Till I have the bones to tell her otherwise" she answered and he nodded ending the call. "Babe...." She called out letting out a low groan. Then she looked towards Denrele who had already opened the door of the car.

"Ladies first"

Osaze walked into his untidy house kicking a pillow at the door then he locked the door walking past it. He was hungry and needed to eat but he felt too tired to cook.

Mrs Badmus called him, "Osaze dearest" she called out and he bowed his head. "Good evening Ma" "I believe you're doing well" "I am Ma"  "Thank God for that. I have a lovely idea and I know you're not going to refuse it" she began and Osaze rolled his eyes.

This better be good!

"I think you and Eniola are two peas in a pod, you work way too much. I think you two need to take a breather and just rest. That's why I personally suggest a retreat for the both of you, rest is essential to every man on earth"

"With all due respect Ma, I don't have the time for such a thing"

"Your friends will be invited too, they'll bring their dates, it'll be the movies. They'll be fun activities. Sure, I won't be there but I can assure you of that" she answered and he shook his head.

"I'm sorry Ma'am. Goodnight Ma" he answered ending the call and Mrs Badmus gasped, "Ah han," "What happened?" Eniola asked and her mother shook her head.

"Why is this boy this sturbborn? He said he doesn't have time, upon all that I tried convincing him"

Eniola pouted, "I knew he'll do that!" "There's only one last resort then?" "What?" "Morenike" she answered now searching for her contact.

"One shot of tequila" Chike requested for and Osas raised her brow in surprise, went over to the bar pouring him a cup of water into a shot glass then she passed it to him.

"I asked for tequila"

"I never see you drink before" She replied, "Because I don't" "So why do you want to drink today?" She asked and he smiled.

"I just want to feel better"

"And you think say drink go solve the matter? Okay, wetin happen?" She asked and he shook his head, "I don't think I want to.." before he could complete his sentence Osas stretched her hands tickling him underneath his armpit and he laughed.

"I didn't want to laugh"

"Tell me or else I go come there con tickle you" she threatened and Chike chuckled looking up at his mother and Osas looked up too. "Your Mama eyes fit fry person oh" she joked and Chike smiled.

"Tell me, what happened?"

Chike hissed, "So I'm dating someone who doesn't want her mother to know about me and now her Mom thinks she's dating the guy he wants for her" he explained then he noticed the confused look on Osas' face then he laughed.

"Try to make me understand."

"She had a lot list of prospective men for her and now her Mom thinks she's dating one of them. We had a date today, we had to cancel. Now she's on one date with the guy!"

"And you're jealous"

"Not exactly. I know she doesn't like him, I don't know how long we're going to be hiding our relationship In the shadows. She doesn't want to disappoint her Mom"

Osas shrugged, "Why? You na good guy, you even come from family way get money." "She doesn't think her mother will be thrilled to hear that the guy that might be her future in law is an upcoming music artiste" he replied, his words heavy with hurt.

"Music no be for every body, but you, you set die!" She commented and Chike chuckled, "You think so?" "I know" she answered and he watched her closely now scratching his hair.

"That means a lot to me"

"No worry about the matter. Drink up and forget about the matter. E go better" she advised and he raised the glass shot of water up then he drank it.

"Osas, one bloody Mary" one of the customers requested and she smiled, "One bloody Mary coming up!" She replied and Chike chuckled at how popular she had become.

"I'll do it" Derik volunteered to help her sell the drink then he whispered into ears. "Mr Goriola seeks your attention" he pointed and she walked down to where he was with Obinna and two other guys.

"Good evening, what do you guys want?"

"I want you"

Osas hissed, "No dey joke, answer person quickly" she replied and he smiled. "Sorry.... I'm very sorry" he bit his lower lips. "A bottle of champagne" he asked and she gave a nod.

"Yes Sir"

"You can always call me Goriola" "Work rules" "Who gives a fuck about the rules?" He asked and she instantly remembered Osaze's demand to be called 'Mr Osaze'. 

"I really like you Osas and I'm saying this in front of my friends. Just say yes to me"

"Osas, no mind am oh. This one way get babes all over the world" Obinna replied and Osas flashed a smile at him, "Don't listen to Obinna, the guy is a clown!" He snapped and some girls approached them but one immediately sat on Goriola's laps wrapping her arms across his neck.

"Hey baby" she said biting her lips then she waved at the guys. "Hi guys"

A sharp laughter escaped Obinna's lips while Goriola's lips opened in shock. "I can't explain" he replied thinking of a perfect excuse, "I have no idea who she is?" "Geez Goriola!" She snapped and Osas chuckled, she was definitely enjoying the show then he glared at the girl.

"Why are you looking at me that way? Did I do something wrong?"

Obinna laughed, "Babe, you didn't. You just proved a point to someone" he replied and Goriola shot a glare at him. "Not funny Obi, not funny" he snapped then he turned to the girl, "What are you doing here sef?"

"Deji invited me here, I came with my friends" she replied pointing at the other girls and Kubiat approached them, "Osas" He called out and she smiled.

"Hey Kubiat, Mr Kubiat"

"You don't have to..."

Goriola raised his brow in surprise, he didn't get the memo that they knew each other. "How did..." He trailed off and Kubiat smiled, "She's the one I met at the hospital" "The village girl?" Obinna asked and Osas raised her brow at him.

"Village girl?"

Kubiat gasped, he mouthed a few words that came out inaudible. "I can explain.... I didn't exactly put it that way." "That was how I remember it now" "Obinna shut up!" He snapped and Osas laughed softly,   "One bottle of champagne, coming right up" she replied leaving and Kubiat glared at Obinna while Goriola's eyes remained fixed on Kubiat.

He couldn't believe they were into the same girl.

"Abeg wait oh, the same girl you met is the same girl Goriola is trying to knack" Obinna analysed and Goriola rolled his eyes.

"This a very awkward situation"

Osaze went into the bathroom to take his bathe. As the water from the shower flowed down his body, he couldn't help but think of how he coincedentally finally met Osas and a smile curled up his lips.

He immediately composed himself when he realized he was smiling more than usual over the fact he found her. Why was he excited about it anyway? Not like she's an old friend or something.

After all, she's nothing but a stranger he met in a bus, it was she more than that to have spiked up so much interest?

He had a lot he wanted to ask her but instead, the questions keep compounding.  He was interested in knowing how she has been coping with the Lagos life, what happened that made her run out of the hotel in towel, did she really prostitute? Or had she been prostituting?

Will a prostitute be working as a cleaner? He asked himself, something inside of him wished for it to be a rumour.

"Why am I so bothered?"  He asked out loud then he hissed.

His mind wandered back to the lunch date she had earlier on then he scoffed again, he began to wonder who the guy must have been.

He got out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped across his waist. On hearing his phone ring, he checked the caller ID. He hesitated on seeing it was his mother calling him. 

He let out a hiss before answering the call. "Good evening Ma'am" he greeted and she laughed half heartedly.  "How's the evening?" "What do you want?" He cuts in and paused, "Rude. You didn't even answer my question"

"It's fine. What do you want?"

"Mrs Badmus called" she replied and Osaze rolled his eyes, "I told her no" "I want you to reconsider it" "I can't do that. I won't let them determine how I spend my weekend, imagine saying yes to her now? What do you think will happen when I marry Eniola?"

"It's good you actually have that in mind son. I'm glad to hear that, it's only normal for women to be domineering. It's in their nature and it's not just because they want to do it. They know what's best for you"

Osaze rolled his eyes, "That's actually debatable. But you can save the arguments Mom, I'm not convinced." "Eniola is a beautiful woman" "No doubt but it goes beyond that"

"You're not having second thoughts are you? Is there someone else?"

"Can we not discuss this? I'm tired and I need rest. I have an upcoming case and a very tight schedule. I don't have time to deal with some couples retreat"

"You need a time out"

"I believe I wasn't speaking in French when I said I have a tight schedule I'm working with" he snapped and she scoffed, "You're going to call Mrs Badmus or Eniola and accept their idea"

Osaze scoffed, "Don't force this on me Mom" "Remember what's at stake Osaze. I can take it away before you blink your eyes and you know I'm not bluffing" she threatened and he kept quiet now tightening his fist.

"I want to hear the good news from Eniola. Do it before I sign the papers" she further threatened and he hung up.

How was the chapter?

Second time she's threatening him, what's the threat all about sef?🤔

How will the couples retreat look like?

Who will be going with who? 

Guess 😎

Who wants to tag along?

Vote 🌟


Drop your comments in the comment box

Thank you for the love guys and the prayers.  I really appreciate it


You're a darling 😍😍

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