Kavita and Saahil caught. Yashoda was debbared from village to the outskirts due to her deeds. Swara doing the ritual.
Swara's top was wet as water had dripped while climbing. She was about to reach the temple premises. As swara felt disbalanced she closed her eyes and stood in one place tightly holding the pots on her head. She could feel Sanskar and smell his cologne. As she opened her eyes she sensed his smell is just her imagination but now she could sense the pain he was going through and she was determined to complete the ritual for her life which depends on him.
She reached the temple premises and pouring all the contents from the pot she was ready to go down for a dip in the river. She started walking down but the steps were wet by now due to downpour of rain as well the little contents that had dropped while she came up. She was cautious because there was one more life inside her whom she needed to care for.
She came down and took a dip and was climbing the stair back to complete the third line of the ritual. She went on her knees lit the diya and then slid it on her palms and started climbing on her knees. The climate was clear but the light showers had made the stairs wet.
She was remembering Sanskars words, while coming for ritual she went to his room to make him drink water got from her father's house which was first step.
Sanskar(joining hands): please don't do this ritual jaan.
Swara: Its about your life and i can do anything for you.
Sanskat: Let me die...
She placed her hand on his mouth then slowly lifting his hands she kept it on her tummy. Sanskar had a smile on his lips.
Swara: Baby also doesn't like talking about this word.
He could feel the movement under his hand.
Sanskar: You know I am going to.... Still
Swara: Promise me you will fight and be with us like you were always.
Her eyes by now were wet.
Sanskar wiped her tears.
Sanskar: Every moment thinking the risk you are going to take I am hurting. More because i won't be around.
Swara: Who said so, you are always with me ( she said holding her chain)
She found sanskar dozing off due to Medicine and pain she lovingly closed his eyes with her palm and rushed out without looking bback at him.
She had immense pain as her palms were burning. She reached the sanctum and lit the diya. She was tired but still last ritual was remaining and sun was about to rise. She came out and lied on the floor and completing the rounds she was completely drained her body was aching while blood oozed from the scratches she got. Finally offering her prayers she went on to tie the thread on the banyan tree.
As she finished and was about to step down with the holy water and thread. She got frightened and shock off her life. Her emotions were at par she didn't knew how to react. Her one hand was holding the plate. While other hand was on her tummy.
Sargam stood infront of her with loaded gun in her hand.
Sargam: You won't allow me a good life. You are my sister and keep on snatching my happiness my husband, my sanskar.
Swara(angry): He is my husband, my life, father of my child only my sanskar. You are not my sister, i know you were also involved with Kavita di in her plans. I loved you whole heartedly and thought you were my well wisher but you kept on playing your dirty games behind my back.
Sargam:(smiling) Good that you know everything now i don't have to pretend. You are nobody to me except being my uncles mistresses daughter.
Swara: Hold your tongue, my mother was betrayed she was not the names you gave her.
Sargam: What is difference between your mother and you. I am Sanskars legally wedded first wife and you are just like your mother a keep.
Swara: Enough not a word against my mom.
Sargam: Ohh, got hurt haan. Now, handover that plate to me and get out of our lives forever with your unwanted child.
Swara:{smiliing} Stop joking, I am going to Sanskar and no one can stop me. I know you don't love sanskar you just want to be the queen and enjoy the pleasure. You won't have endangered his life by leaving the ritual everytime you were given the responsibility.
Sargam slowly walked around swara and switched the position so she gets clear view of people coming from stairs.
Sargam: Even if i did so i am his wife and no one can turn this truth.
Swara: We both know the truth di.
Sargam: Which truth? There is only one truth that sanskar is my husband and you his keep. If he dies i will be his widow.
Swara (imprinted her fingers on her cheeks which turned red and swollen): Not a word against Sanskar. He will live hundred years more.
Sargam observed someone coming so she changed her tone immediately shedding crocodile tear.
Sargam: Swara forgive me, I realised my mistake therefore i came back to you take this gun and kill me.
She said( keeping the gun down, joining hands) but don't take rana sa from my life. You know we are married and i have just thought about him forever. I promise i would give rana sa name to your child and look after it as mother.
You can live your life peacefully. Swara i would never ask anything more please. swara i have put my life in completing this ritual.
She went on her knees joining hands dramatizing everything as she had observed someone climbing the stairs
Swara: ( Painful smile) You are asking my life my husband my Sanskar who is my only reason to live, my breath my baby and then presenting me an empty life and telling to live peacefully... Applause di
Sargam was in dilemma as she wanted to turn the table on swara or else everyone will know her true colours. She decided to make an last attempt. She took the gun and placed it on her own temple closing eyes and shedding some tears in most dramatic way.
Sargam: I will do as you say swara go and feed this to rana sa and save his life i will shoot myself and fall from this temple cliff never to return again. Just take care of rana sa.
Swara was confused when she heard mocking sound.
Waah baisa waah
Swara: Badi rani sa
Ap: Yes me
Sargam had a smile on her face as badi rani sa crossed swara and walked towards her. She had a proud smile sensing she had played the game well. The happiness was short-lived as complete surrounding ecohed with the sound of slap that badi rani sa placed on sargams cheek.
She disbalanced and fell on the ground much to the surprise of swara. Swara felt a hand on her shoulder and it was sujata who assured her through eyes.
Badi rani sa: Its rightly said only wife knows value of husband's life. I trusted you with my sons life and you betrayed our beliefs.
She said showing her video of Sargam dropping the pots which was captured by laksh when they came with swara.
Swara smiled looking at laksh who signed at her through his eyes.
Badi Rani sa: You kept on breaking our trust at every point. I was not in my senses. My eyes were blindfolded in the name of culture and rituals. I never realised its not the name of family which makes a person but it's their upbringing their inner quality. My son was right in loving swara he saw what i could never see.
Swara: Rani sa i would have to leave i need to feed this water to sanskar and tie this thread.
Rani sa: (caressing her cheeks) Call me Maa.. thakurani sa.
Swara's happiness had no bound she looked at sujata who had her in side hug. She stepped ahead and touched badi rani sa feet.
Badi rani sa held her you should not bend down in this condition.
Sujata also joined in " sahi kahan jiji"
Now you need to be extra careful, you are soon going to be mother to our princess/prince.
Badi Rani sa: (looking at Bade Raja sa who just arrived,): I ask forgiveness and request permission to disclose everything today.
Bade Raja sa: Kaho ke kehna chaho so Rani sa. ( say what you want to say)
Badi Rani sa: Swara is Sanskars legally wedded first wife.
Everyone was shocked with this revealation.
Laksh: What are you saying maasa?
Badi rani sa: The truth.
Sujata: She is saying the truth which was covered by me, jiji sa and lakshmi jiji sa.....
Swara gasped at this revealation.
Badi rani sa: When you people got married there used to be community marriages in this temple. So when royals married all royals of same age married at same time.
In a sanctum filled with around 30 couoles pairing was Sargam - Sanskar, Swara - Saahil, Kavita being the youngest was not in the list but she had liking for saahil.
On the day of marriage Sargam being the lazy one slept out of tiredness to escape scolding from her mother she made swara the scape goat. She asked her to dress up in her clothes and jewellery. She told her to wake her up but she didn't wake up even at the moment of ritual and finally her mother got swara to mandap thinking her as sargam.
Swara being kid got married to sanskar as she didn't have other way out. If she informed us respect of their family would be at stake. Talking to her mother was no option because if shekhar sa knew it would be an uproar knowing how much she is hated.
Kavita was in same room and observing everything from closet as she had planned to take swara's place. This became more easier for her. Knowing this Kavita took swara's place beside saahil. When all rituals got complete and we left swara in the room. Sujata and I went back to do the muh dikhai then only royal mothers were allowed in this ritual. We were shocked to see swara in place of Sargam. Similar was Lakshmi's situation seeing no one in the room as Kavita eloped not letting anyone know about it. We knew about Kavita much later.
We made their mother promise this would never be disclosed to the girls.
So, Sargam was declared Sanskars wife and swara was declared Saahil's wife. Saahil and Kavita both knew about their alliance.
Ragini: The night Sanskar left everything it was swara di with whom he spoke across the cover of the curtain and the id sleeping angel it belongs to kavita di but was used by swara di. I and laksh were under the bed when sanskar jija sa and swara di spoke. Therefore we were sure kavita di was not pushed by sanskar jiju sa.
Laksh remembered Ragini telling you know the truth just you don't remember.
Laksh: Hence swara spoke to village authorities in bhai's favour.
Swara had hint about this but now she was sure why she cared so much and her love towards Sanskar. Her glimpse of marriage and forever her heartbeat raising at sight of sanskar.
Laksh: Please let her go she would be dying to meet bade bhaiya.
Swara got shy. In the mean time arjun had arrived with jai, arnab and others. All heard the confession and were happy for swara and sanskar
Arjun: Therefore we got the person with us.
They saw sanskar standing with much difficulty he was still pale and weak but these people lost infront of his adamance and got him here.
He was beyond happy that it was always swara who was his partner. God had got them together and it would be forever. He closed eyes and gave a mental thanks to God.
Swara nodded her head in dismay and walked towards him, feeling her near he gentlu opened his eyes. She made him drink water he coughed a little she caresses his back with all love and concern. He also fed her she saw him dizzy and securely entangled his fingers of the hand in cast into hers. She side hugged him smelling his cologne it was soothing taking away all her pain.
He caressed her face while his eyes shed tears seeing the wounds on her body. She wiped his eyes and gave a bright smile.
Swara: All this will soon end and it will be our happily ever after.
She winked and passed on a naughty smile. Her happiness had no bound once he got well she was sure of keeping him always close to herself.
While on otherside Laksh was proudly bickering with others.
Swara held sanskar carefully so he doesn't loose balance as they stood on the starting stairs.
Sujata: We should take them home. Swara is looking very tired her wounds also need cleaning. In this condition she has taken so much of pain.
Badi Rani sa: We bow down infront of the power of your love.
Laksh: Yes, also soon I am going to be chachu of tiny miny Maheshwari's.
Badi Rani sa: Yes and also soon your responsibility is going to be increased.
Laksh: Maa I am already working hard with baba and handling everything related to business. As now adarsh bhaiya bhabhi are not in town I am already having so much work to do.
Badi Rani sa: Bas bas i am not telling about this responsibility i am talking about your marriage.
Laksh and Ragini both lost their smile.
Rani sa: caressing his face: I am not so bad. You will marry the girl you love. I will myself go and talk to shekhar raja sa.
In all this talks everyone forgot about the person whose blood was boiling on failure of her plans. She was angrily staring at happy sanskar and swara who stood near the stairs. As sanskar stood taking support of railing behind. Swara stood on the surface just above the stairs.
Sargam: (murmuring in anger) If not me rana sa won't marry you either. Swara i will kill you.
Sargam: I am the one who has right on rana sa. Kavita di she wanted to disclose the truth when she knew about her baby. Therefore it was me who called her on pretext of rana sa and then pushed her from palace terrace. She was saved by swara therefore i kept her son close to me so she keeps on pretending to be in deep sleep.
Then when they came back( pointing at swara and sanskar ) saahil bhai proposed a plan and i agreed. I was there in everything with them. I was the one planning to break your relationship. Now, as I can't so its your turn to die swara.
She looked around and found the gun lying. She picked it up and aimed it at swara everyone gasped in shock but before anyone did anything Sargam shot at swara.
(spoke out loud) One bullet and story finish. She was laughing like a maniac but before anyone reacts to her madness.
The bullet sound echoed and clinked on the ground. Pooja plate fell from swara's hand on the ground making cringing sounds tumbling down the stairs. As she was immediately turned by Sanskar and pushed. Swara's eyes blinked and her hand was tangled loosely into Sanskars finger as he kept the support so she doesn't slip the stairs he pushed her towards the upper space.
As she was about to fall down because her hand slipped from Sanskars wet hand, Arjun was quick to turn and hold her supporting gently on her stomach saving her from falling on ground. He made her stand straight with support she felt little dizzy her breath went heavy with fear.
Arjun assured she was not hurt but she was shivering looking at
blood on her hands. Her eye's then moved on to sanskar who had moved her in time from the range of bullet. He disbalanced, his fingers lost grip on her hand and he rolled down the stairs.
Jai had aimed a stone at Ragini making gun fall arnab held her in the meantime. She was caught by security while she was vigorously wriggling they hit on her head making her faint.
Arjun immediately rushed behind rolling sanskar and Jai also ran in full speed and they held sanskar but damage was done he was bleeding profusely bullet had pierced the layer of skin turning his clothes red.
Swara shivered in fear she was also about to run in full speed but both mother's held her just to make sure she doesn't slip from stairs or get hurt. She saw drops of blood dripping over Sanskars eyelid as arjun rested his head against his body. Sanskar gave a last glance at her and shut his eyelids.
Swara: Sanskaaaaarrrr
Swara and sanskar were in car he was awake in spells.
Swara: Keep your eyes open...look at me sanskar...
He softly touched his finger to her lips.
Sanskar: shh.. don't stress it's not good for you and baby. Jaan, i think this is what was destined we would never be together.
Swara: No, we will be together forever. Even destiny can't deny this. Tum mere passbaan ho( Your are my protector). I would die without you Sanskar.
Sanskar: The day you entered my life i had already accepted the defeat. It was you who gave me the zest to live. I cannot see you broken.
Swara: Sanskar please see I am still very strong I know nothing would happen to you.
Sanskar: If it's so then please don't cry for me. (He raised his hand with difficulty) promise me to take care of our baby give it all the happiness of life. Promise me your survival with a tyrst to do something in life.
Swara promise me aahhh...
Swara: Sanskar... Saaans pls don't do this.
Sanskar: Swara take this as my last wish i want you see on top of the world be a role model.swara please...
Ahhhhha...his screams broke her in quest to make him quite she pressed her hand against his. He held it firmly close to him.
She at once wiped the tears but it kept on pouring somehow. Sanskar felt his babies moment as his face was near swara's tummy on her lap.
Sanskar: baby, your father is very unfortunate but you won't be your mom will love you a lot. My dream of giving 5 mother's to my baccha would be completed and you my dear would have all the comforts of the world by your feet.
Lucky love my baby like a father just like bade papa did for me.
Laksh: Bhai, please we will reach hospital in sometime.
Swara: Shut up I don't need any comforts i just need to be secured in your arm...Just one thing imagine your kid being growing without a father please fight for it. She was gently caressing his face as he was unable to hold it in place. Immense pain ran through his body.
Sanskar: Can i steal a kiss jaan?
He raised his body in pain and swara's breath hitched. She bent and captured him in a loving kiss pouring her love into it. On not finding him responding she raised her head but she couldn't understand anything she closed her eyes in shock.
They reached the hospital swara was sent in ward while sanskar was taken into emergency ot.
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