Within Star Labs, Michael and Peter oversaw the android parts as they were in a tube with scanners running over them, having already began analysing the parts to safely dispose of them.
"Are you excited about what we'll find?" Michael asked, attempting to start a conversation.
Peter scoffed. "Hardly. I've already seen and figured out how this thing works. I've lost interest," he stated, reading through the results of the scans on the tablet he was holding, which only served to prove him right in his mind.
"Yes, I heard you ran into... complications," Michael said, before raising an eyebrow at Peter. "Can you enlighten me on what you discovered?"
"This thing doesn't replicate abilities. It just uses technology to replicate the EFFECTS of abilities," Peter explained.
Michael rubbed his chin. "I see. The inside is mostly hollow to allow the machines inside to be rearranged to fit whatever abilities it copies," he stated, reading through the data and putting the pieces together from Peter's explanation.
"Yes, and the power source is just awful," Peter's frown deepened. "Ivo must have favored longevity over power output. The power source lasts quite a while, but it doesn't give enough for the android to use more than one ability at a time."
"You seem really disappointed," Michael commented, pressing a button to stop the scanners on Amazo's pieces now that they have the data.
"Because I am," Peter practically growled. "I was expecting an actual, ability copying android. Not Batman's utility belt in the form of a robot. Red Tornado is far more impressive with his sentience alone. The ability to reconstruct its inner mechanism is impressive for this Earth's technology, but I can make something like this in a week, and that's if I'm being lazy."
"Don't let Batman hear you," Michael commented, knowing how the Dark Knight viewed his belt as iconic. "Speaking of making stuff, I heard you made that eye of yours in less than a day," he said, looking directly at Peter's prosthetic eye.
"I thought Batman would give you the details with the rest of the League," Peter replied, deciding to simply stop playing games and call out Michael's identity. "Speaking of, is this your part time when you're not working with them? Or did they assign you to Star Labs just to watch me?"
Michael chuckled. "If it makes you feel better, we never really believed you wouldn't figure it out," he commented before shrugging his shoulders. "And to answer your questions, some details and important stuff are only kept to the founding members of the League, not every one. And, as for me being here, I do actually come to help around occasionally when they really need me."
"I'd like to point out that, while I did know someone from the League would be here, I expected they would at least send someone that keeps their identity from the public," Peter raised his hand and activated his CPU Glove, making a screen over his palm that appear and show a newspaper with Michael in a red uniform and silver face paint. "By the way, don't you think 'Mr. Terrific' sounds a bit egotistical?"
"It's a mantle. One I carry with pride," Michael answered.
Peter shrugged and closed his hand, causing the screen to vanish. "That's fair. Now, how do you propose we dispose of these?"
"Well, I'd like to hear your ideas," Michael replied.
Peter raised an eyebrow. From what he can tell, Michael was very intelligent, and was unlikely to not have a few ideas himself. The only explanation for passing the question back to Peter was that Michael was testing him.
"Well, first off, we'll have to remove the power core. Faulty as it is, it could be dangerous if left unchecked. We'll have to personally remove the hardware and see which of it has programs worth salvaging, though I doubt there is any. As for the parts themselves, they are made of simple materials such as titanium, steel, and silicon. A simple melting and incineration should be enough to remove them safely," Peter explained the steps he had in mind.
Michael nodded. "That is what I had in mind. We'll personally overlook it to ensure that all the pieces are gotten rid of."
As Peter pulled a drawer open to take out the proper tools, he turned to Michael. "I have to ask, are you experienced with shrinking technology or nanotechnology?"
Michael, who was pulling the pieces out of the scanner and placing them on a table, blinked in surprise. "That's rather random."
"Remember what you said about my eye? You were right. I did make it in less than a day, but admittedly, it was a rushed creation. I'm hoping to create a better one, but my ideas require the two things I just mentioned," Peter explained without giving any actual details.
Michael hummed, crossing his arms in thought. "While I do know those types of technology, I don't specialise in them. But, I do have a friend that specialise in shrinking technology. Though, they are not part of the League."
Peter raised an eyebrow. "They're a civilian?"
Michael shook his head. "No, they're a hero. They're just not part of the League and was worried that would be a problem for you," he explained his reason for pointing it out.
Peter shrugged his shoulders. "A scientist is a scientist. If you trust them, then I'm willing to give them a chance."
"Alright, I'll write down his number for you and tell him you'll be giving him a call," Michael stated, taking one of the blank papers on one of desks and writing down on it with a pen he had on his coat pocket. "They're called The Atom, by the way. They're usually on the clock at late afternoon to midnight, so I suggest you call on those hours because I'm giving you his 'work' phone."
The message in Michael's words was quite clear. Peter would only be able to talk to the Atom in his hero persona, and Michael was unlikely to reveal any information about their identity. Of course, Peter didn't mind, as long as he can work with this person.
Michael handed Peter the paper before a peeping was heard. Looking at his watch, the older scientist smiled. "Looks like it's lunch break. Wanna grab a bite? My treat," he offered.
"And just leave the parts like this?" Peter asked, questioning his initial judgment of Michael's intellect.
Michael smiled before pressing a button on his watch. Across the laboratory, drawers and boxes that were unused during the process of scanning Amazo's pieces opened up and out came robotic orbs of silver color with a red 'T' in their centre.
The robotic orbs floated in the air and started hovering across the lab, with two staying over the pieces. "These should keep watch," Michael stated, his chest swelling with pride.
Peter looked at orbs with fascination. "Multi-task hover droids? Interesting. Do they use anti-gravitational system or a simple hovering one?"
"Just hovering technology for now," Michael replied as he began walking to the exit. "I didn't find a way to use anti-gravitational technology without it consuming too much power. I wanted them to carefully manage their power output between their tasks considering I might end up needing them to stay on for as long as possible."
Peter hummed as he followed Michael. "I might have a few ideas that can fix that," he stated, smiling at the older scientist. "If you're willing to trade a few ideas you already used on them, that is."
Michael chuckled. "Sure, a good old exchange of ideas between scientists."
Time Skip:
"Recognised: Peter Martin. B-07," the Zeta Tube in the cave lit up, teleporting Peter into the Team's HQ.
As he walked out of the Zeta Tube, Peter glanced over his shoulder. The urge to dismantle the tube and understand its inner functions was nothing new to him, and the only reason he had not attempted it was because he was sure Batman will be on him if he removed as much as a single screw.
"Peter, you're back!" Looking ahead as M'gann called for him, he saw the rest of the team playing air hockey again, this time with Superboy being present and the match being between Robin and Kid Flash.
"How did analysing the robot go?" Aqualad asked, walking away from the match to greet the team's scientist.
"It was... disappointing, to say the least. There was hardly anything worth salvaging, and the disposal wasn't that difficult," he replied, stopping at the other side of the air hockey table.
"Yeah, it's not like you were studying a robot that had the powers of the entire League or anything," Kid Flash sarcastically replied, stopping another shot from Robin before sending the disk back.
Peter scoffed. "It didn't have their powers. It just copied what those powers do," his reply caused looks of confusion and for Kid Flash to miss the disk as it went into his goal, giving Robin a point.
Groaning at the Boy Wonder, who smirked at him, he looked back at Peter. "And the difference is...?"
Peter sighed and shook his head. He was already missing talking to someone as intelligent as Michael. "Basically, it didn't copy their abilities. It just saw what those abilities did and it did the same. To copy Black Canary, it gave itself a super sonic speaker in its mouth. To copy Superman's heat vision, it gave itself lasers in its optics. It just used gadgets to give the impression it had super powers. Batman can do the same if he wanted. Heck, Robin could do it right now," he explained, still feeling irked at the rather disappointing nature of the android.
"Isn't that a good thing?" M'gann asked, shrugging her shoulders.
"It is," Aqualad agreed with her, giving a firm nod. "It means Ivo can't create an an android that actually takes powers."
Peter sighed. "I guess you're right. I just had my hopes up, I suppose, which is more than Ivo deserves with that shabby work," he walked around the table and started heading out of the main hall. "I'll be in the lab."
"You just came back from a lab," Robin stated, groaning as Kid Flash scored a point against him.
"Yes, but it wasn't MY lab," Peter responded just before he entered the hallway.
Entering into his laboratory, Peter didn't waste time to walk towards his usual table. On the table was a large device shaped like spider's head, which Peter connected with a cord to his CPU Gloves. Opening a holographic screen, Peter pressed a few buttons and a wall of data covered his view.
"Hmm, the communication relay is mostly finished and the core program AI is halfway done," Peter hummed, his fingers blurring as he began typing down and writing programs. "A few simulated tests should be all that it needs now. Though, if anything pops up, we'll have to resort to on-field testing," his trail of thoughts was cut by the sound of the lab's doors opening. Looking over his shoulder, he saw the resident Kryptonian clone walk in. "Superboy?" Turning off the screen after saving his progress, Peter turned to his guest. "Do you need something?"
Superboy looked around the lab, sparing a confused look to the device that Peter was working on, before finally looking at the scientist himself. Much to Peter's surprise, Superboy looked both uncomfortable AND hesitant.
"You... You studied the android and how it had Su- The League's powers, right?" Superboy asked.
Instead of questioning Superboy, Peter opted to simply see where the conversation was going. "Yes, though again, it didn't really copy their powers as much as imitate them through technology."
While Superboy seemed disappointed, he didn't turn to leave, and instead looked even more hesitant. "Can... Can YOU make something with the League's powers?"
Despite the question being an obvious red-flag, Peter still answered. "That depends. I'm still not aware of all the resources this world has to offer, so the answer I give can very much change," crossing his arms, the scientist asked his own question. "Why do you ask?"
"Nothing," Superboy shook his head and turned to leave.
"You just asked a very dangerous question, for you, me, and the League. Don't I deserve an explanation?" Peter asked, causing Superboy to stop before reaching the door.
"Why do you care?" The Kryptonian clone agitation was evident in his voice.
However, Peter paid his mood no mind. "It's not a matter of me caring as much as deserve SOME explanation. As I said, that question you asked was dangerous for various reasons."
Superboy remained still for a few moments before turning around and grabbing one of his elbows with his other hand. "I... I should be as strong as Superman... But I'm not. I can't fly. I don't have heat vision. But, I'm still Superman's clone. So... I should be able to have them."
Peter hummed in thought. He read the reports and heard the story from the team members. By all accounts, Superboy should have a copy of ALL Superman's powers, even if weakened compared to the original, and on that Peter agreed with Superboy.
"Do you want us to find out why?" Peter asked.
The question caught Superboy completely off guard. "You... You can do that!?"
Peter sighed, realising that Superboy doubted that was possible. "Let me tell you something, Superboy. There is no such thing as an unsolvable problem. If you can identify the cause of the problem, then you can find a solution. Anyone that believes a problem can't be solved either doesn't see or understand the cause," the scientist's face soured. "However..."
"What?" Superboy looked confused at how Peter sounded so confident, but now hesitant.
"It requires for me to take a sample of your blood and run a few tests," Peter replied, causing Superboy to flinch.
Past experience has proven that Cadmus had left a very bad impression on Superboy, including his experience with laboratories and testing, which made Peter hesitant on bringing up this part of the conversation.
"I'll... I'll think about it," To his credit, Superboy did not outright reject the idea, but he did leave right after saying that.
Peter stared at the door for a few moments before turning around to the device. The scientist turned on the CPU Gloves and was just about to start working again, but was stopped by the intercom system turning on.
"Peter, can you come to the main hall?" Aqualad's voice called out.
Holding back a sigh, Peter shook his head and connected to the main hall with his CPU Gloves. "I'll be right there."
Turning off the screen again, Peter disconnected the cord from the device and walked out of the laboratory. Heading back to the main hall, Peter was really hoping the reason for not giving him ten minutes of peace and quiet in his workspace was worth it.
The first thing Peter noticed was that the team wasn't playing air hockey, most likely having finished and went to do their own things, the second thing he noticed was that Aqualad was standing next a guest that wasn't part of the team.
"Oh, John," Peter identified the guest.
"Hey, Kid," the Green Lantern greeted with a short wave. "Heard you went on your first mission. How was the first day on the field?"
Peter shrugged his shoulders. "I expected a lot, including being attacked by robots, but not by robotic monkeys," he stated, still wondering why anyone would pick that as a theme for their troops. Though, at this point, he was fully convinced Ivo is an idiot.
John chuckled. "Yeah, first day on the job surprises everyone," Reaching behind himself, he pulled out something. "Anyway, here. Finally got this out of Batman."
Peter took the object he was handed and saw it was a box the size of his hand, though it felt heavier than it looked. Opening the box, he saw a dense, incredibly clean lense.
"Ah, it finally came," Peter smiled at the Green Lantern, his disappointment for leaving the laboratory now gone. "Thank you, John. This really means a lot."
"Don't mention it," John shrugged his shoulders, returning the smile. "Mr. Terrific said you did a good job, so this is pretty much a reward, I guess."
"Ah, right, pass my regards to Michael. I really enjoyed talking to another scientist," Peter said, believing he should show his gratitude.
"Sure thing," placing his hands on his waist, John raised an eyebrow at Peter with his smile still present. "Gotta say, Kid. For an unofficial member, you sure seem to be enjoying yourself."
Peter chuckled. "I guess I am," closing the box, the scientist turned around and began walking away. "And that 'unofficial' part might not last, if I'm being honest."
Location: Earth ???
Away from the city, an abandoned building stood. The building didn't appear to have been abandoned for long, and was just beginning to show signs of dusting and broken glass, but no one would dare come close.
The inside of the building looked worse than the outside, however. Many machines and furniture were scattered around, left unattended, or simply lay broken, but the largest mess was in the deepest parts of the building.
Inside a large open hall is the ruins of an equally large tube-like machine. The machine was both broken and melted. The hall's ceiling looked like it was broken off rather than being built that way. Many other devices remain around the hall, but all look to be out of working order.
In front of the machine, on a lone chair and covered with a blanket, was a woman that simply stared at the entrance to the large tube machine. She looked like she lacked both sleep and food, despite the fact there were meals placed around her, brought to her by those who visited her to check on her.
However, all those meals and drinks remain unopened or touched. The woman didn't even seem to acknowledge them. Instead, she simply stared with dead eyes at the giant machine, as of waiting for something to walk out.
Hearing something fluttering, the woman's eyes finally moved from the machine and to the ground. She saw a piece of blueprints with the edge burned. The woman started staring at the piece of paper just like she stared at the machine.
Then she glared.
Getting off the chair, she threw the blanket over her off and bent down to take the piece of blueprint. She then started running around the lab, gathering similar pieces of paper until her hands with full.
Marching towards a table at the back of the hall, the woman slammed the papers at the table and began sorting through them. Once she found some order within the papers, she pulled open a drawer connected the table and took out a few tools before turning back to the machine.
The woman began her work.
(A/N: Thank you for reading this. Please comment, review, and give me your thoughts on my story.)
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