Peter sighed as he exited the laboratory and headed for the main hall. He was just finished exploring the lab, and he can honestly say that Red Tornado was not exaggerating when he said that the place was mostly empty.

It was nothing but a large room with a couple of tables.

Walking into the living room, he found Superboy and Miss Martian watching an old sitcom on the TV. "Oh, Peter!" Miss Martian called him out as she saw him walking close by. "How was the lab?"

"Disappointing but not unexpected. That place was completely empty," Peter groaned and looked over his shoulder at the direction of the lab. "I can have more to work with if I went to a science classroom of a local high-school."

"I'm sorry to hear that," M'gann apologised, crossing her arms. "The cave was just renovated for the team. Most of the rooms haven't been used ever since they were emptied out," she explained.

"You have nothing to apologise for. Red Tornado already warned me, as such I didn't have any high expectations of the lab in the first place," Peter replied. He did say that it wasn't unexpected, and he was being honest. "Tell me, when was this team created, exactly?" He asked, sitting down on one of the couches.

"The team was officially formed around three days ago," M'gann replied.

Peter blinked a couple of times in surprise. "That's... far more recent than I expected. Especially with how this team is supposed to be some big secret covert unit," the closest guess he had to when the team was formed was several weeks, at the very least. "How was this team formed?"

"I just know what they told me," M'gann replied with a shrug before she looked at the third person on the couch. "Superboy was there, though. He can tell you."

"Please do," Peter requested.

Superboy seemed caught off guard that he was now the centre of attention. Though he turned his head to look away, he still answered. "Aqualad, Kid Flash, and Robin didn't want to be treated like kids anymore. They went to investigate Cadmus when they discovered me and the genetic experiments going on there. We stopped them together. The League came in, they were angry, but we told them we'll do this job with or without their help. Three days later, the team was made and we got this base."

Peter hummed as he took in the story while rubbing his chin. A few seconds later, he chuckled. "I have to admit, this is quite the sly move from the League," he said which caused him to gain confused looks from M'gann and Superboy. "Considering the League's position and the fact they most likely had to gain permission and trust of the government, it is impossible for them to not have problems with the enemies that have the political power to protect themselves. Creating a covert team to deal with situations where politics can get in the way is a very smart decision alongside being a way for them to keep watch over the growth of possible new heroes," he explained before raising an eyebrow at Superboy. "You said the incident happened three days before the team was formed. That means it happened six days ago?" Superboy nodded in conformation. "That means you're six days old, if we take the days that the team had also been formed. It appears me and Superboy are here for the same reason. We haven't done anything wrong yet, but we could, and they don't know us enough to trust that we won't."

"So, this team is just a way for them to babysit us because they don't trust us?" Superboy's rising agitation was obvious in his voice and M'gann began looking nervous.

However, Peter then shook his head. "No. As I said, they need this team. There's no way they would just use it as a way to monitor possible threats. The fact they placed you here means they either blindly trust those three you mentioned earlier - which is unlikely considering you said they did things out of their own accord - or, which is far more likely, they believe you're really cut out for this hero stuff."

That seemed to catch Superboy off guard as he looked at Peter in surprise before leaning to rest his hands on his knees and look down. "Do you... really think I'm cut out to be a hero?"

Peter shrugged. "I don't know. Mainly because I haven't known you long enough to give an answer. Everything I just told you is theories made from the information given to me," that response was obviously not what Superboy was looking for, but it seemed satisfying enough that it didn't make his mood worse. Peter then stood up from his seat. "Now, I really should find Red Tornado and give him a list of... everything, not just everything I need. That lab was basically an empty room," he said before walking away.

As he walked away, Peter thought on the idea of heroes. He was a scientist, first and foremost, and while his position in the team was unofficial and most likely temporary, that still did not change the fact being on the team alone meant he is likely to encounter dangerous situations.

(I'll have to find ways to protect myself,) Peter thought as he rubbed his chin, a habit he does whenever he's thinking. (Most likely of the non-lethal kind, which isn't so hard since neutralising someone is sometimes easier than killing them. Especially in covert operations. And those three Superboy mentioned. Aqualad, Kid Flash, and Robin? I read some information but all I know is who their partner is and a general idea of their abilities.)

Reaching the main hall, Peter looked around and saw no sign of the red android. Walking up to the platform, he looked up at the giant device that hung from the ceiling and studied it, trying to decipher its purpose.

Gaining a possible idea on what it could be, he called out. "Computer! Show me the local news!" Just like that, a giant holographic screen appeared of a man in a suit talking about the weather with a forecast screen behind him. "A voice operated holographic projector, huh?" Rubbing his chin again, Peter gained another idea. "Computer, contact Red Tornado!"

The holographic screen changed. This time, it took the appearance of three dots going up and down in rhythm with a phone's ringing. Soon enough, the picture of Red Tornado's face appeared on the screen.

"Greetings, Peter. I see you found the Cave's main interface function," Red Tornado greeted as soon as he saw who was calling.

"Yes. It's quite fascinating, though I assume it's not complete yet because of the team's recent creation?" Peter noted, knowing that a system like this couldn't have possibly been finished within three days when the League obviously couldn't be here all the time.

"You are correct," Red Tornado confirmed. "Is there a reason you contacted me? I doubt you did so just because you found the interface function."

"I looked over the laboratory and I have a list of the general things that I'll need. I wanted to inform you but I didn't know how to reach you," Peter explained the situation.

"I am currently outside the cave doing regular patrol. You may write the list down on the interface and I'll have it sent to Batman. Should everything go smoothly, we shall have everything on it by tomorrow or the day after that depending on the content of the list," Red Tornado instructed and a small keyboard and screen appeared in front of Peter. "I will continue on with my patrol now. Red Tornado, out," with that, the call ended.

Peter proceeded to type everything he needed to make the laboratory operational. He doubted he'll get everything he wanted, since the League didn't trust him completely yet, but he believed that just half the components and equipment he's asking for shall suffice for now.

After he finished writing the list, he pushed the 'Send' button as he believed it'll automatically go to Red Tornado. After that, he looked up at the device again and gained an idea. "Computer, give me a recording of a fight between a hero and a villain that was covered by the news," he requested and the holographic screen returned.

He supposed that he should at least watch a few examples on what he's dealing with.

Peter then watched a fight between Flash and Kid Flash against Captain Cold, as the reporter introduced. To say that Peter was fascinated by the fight would be an understatement. Getting to see super powered humans was more than enough, Captain Cold's weapon was just the icing on the cake.

"It's impossible for that gun to be using nitrogen as a source of fuel. It can't hold enough amount to make that much ice and there's no cord or any sign that it's being fueled by something," Peter began observing the weapon through the fight. When the fight was finished, he watched the rest of news recording and his eyes widened as he saw the people that got frozen being simply thawed out. "They didn't die?... oh, now I see," he chuckled as he gained a possible idea on how the weapon works. "The gun doesn't 'freeze' things. It reduces molecules to a sub-zero-like state where they cease movement but aren't hurt, creating a phenomenon similar to freezing. It's not a 'freeze ray' as much as a 'cold sleep ray'."

Peter kept watching and observing similar news reports about fights that included Superheroes. He saw Superman fight what appeared to be a failed military robot project that 'somehow escaped Lex-Corp' as the reporter stated. He watched as Green Lantern - a different one than the one that brought him to the cave - fought q person with a similar Ring, only yellow. He watched as a man named 'Aquaman' fought a giant monster that came from the sea and tried to attack a local beach.

Everything Peter saw just solidified the idea that he needs ways to protect himself.

Hearing footsteps, the scientist glanced over his shoulder and saw Superboy approaching. "Hey," the boy greeted.

"Hey," Peter returned the greeting before turning back to the holographic screen.

They remained in silence for a few moments which Superboy seemed to find awkward.  "Watching the news?" He asked in an attempt to strike up a conversation.

"Recordings," Peter corrected. "I'm getting an idea on what exactly I signed up for."

The silence returned for a few moments until Superboy spoke again. "Why did you... Join the team?"

"Good question," Peter hummed, but didn't tear his eyes away from the screen. "Do you think I did it to help people? I guess that's possible. I've spent so long helping people where I'm from that I would do it out of habit instead of goodwill now. But, not really," that seemed to catch Superboy off guard. "It's a learning experience. There's nothing like the Justice League or Superheroes where I come from. They fascinate me. You're a prime example," finally looking away from the screen, Peter looked over Superboy. "All theories and experiments on genetic experiments I have ever made were on paper. No one truly attempted to make a living, breathing, being. Every breath you take is a statement to how far Science can come in this profession."

"So, you're just here for fun?" Superboy asked.

"Fun?" Peter looked at him as if he lost his mind. "Do they look like they're having fun to you?" Peter asked, motioning to the screen which was showing an intense battle between Flash and a gorilla. "This is not 'fun'. I was already positive that I'll have to take this very seriously, and everything I saw on this screen just solidified that fact. I may not be on the team because of some 'greater good' kind of reason, but that doesn't mean I'll be taking it any less seriously than anyone else."

They fell to silence again and continued to watch the recordings. After another three recordings, Peter asked Superboy for the bedrooms and the latter informed him where he can find many empty rooms and that he can simply pick any of them.

Time Skip:

The next day, Peter walked out of his room looking refreshed after a much needed bath and cleaning. Though, his clothes were the same. He had already had 'new clothes' written with the list of equipment for the laboratory. So, all he had to do was wait for the list to be delivered.

Walking into the kitchen - which was a large open kitchen with a stove, furnace, and table -, he saw M'gann by the stove. "Good morning, Peter," the Martian greeted.

"Good morning," he returned the greeting before looking at what she was doing and seeing that she had a pan with something in it. "Should I be more surprised that a Martian is cooking pancakes? Or that this Earth still uses gas-powered stoves."

"I just thought of trying to make them for once. They're a popular choice for Earth's breakfast," M'gann explained, flipping the pancake with a spatula. She then noticed that Peter was looking over her body. "I-Is something wrong?" She asked, her cheeks turning a darker green.

Peter shook his head. "No, I just find it odd that a Martian would resemble a human so much," he explained.

"Oh, ah, we Martians look different than humans. Me and my uncle just shape-shift to fit in?" M'gann explained as she finished the pancake she was making and put in on a plate with a bunch of others.

"Your uncle?" Peter asked.

"Martian Manhunter. He's a member of the Justice League," M'gann explained, sounding excited to speak of her uncle.

Peter nodded in satisfaction. "I see. I am not yet familiar with all the members of the League," he explained his reason for not knowing who she was speaking of.

Superboy then came in, his nose scrunched. "Is that... pancakes?" He asked, unsure if his guess is correct as he never smelled them before.

"Good morning, Superboy!" M'gann greeted before motioning to the plate she filled with pancakes. "I've made enough for everyone."

"Thanks," both Peter and Superboy said in the same time while taking a seat at the table.

"Hey," Superboy greeted.

"Hey," Peter returned the greeting.

M'gann placed a plate of pancakes in front of each of them before having her own. They all ate in relative silence before the intercoms spoke up.

"Red Tornado to team," the android's voice spoke up from a speaker at the corner of the ceiling. "Peter Martin, report to the main hall. The items you requested are here."

"That was fast," Peter mumbled as he finished his plate before standing up. "Thank you for the meal, M'gann."

"No problem," the Martian replied before the young scientist began walking away.

Once he got to the main hall, Peter saw Red Tornado standing with several large boxes behind him. "Greetings. I hope that your rest has been satisfactory last night?"

"It was good, yeah," Peter nodded and looked at the boxes, immediately noting their number. "Is that everything?"

"Some of the items you've requested has been seen as too dangerous for you to have access to for now. Until we can trust you further, you will have to wait," Red Tornado replied.

"Not going to lie and say you couldn't find them or something?" Peter asked, a little confused that the android did not attempt to sugarcoat the League's reason.

"I find that to be unnecessary. From what I have observed, you are smart enough to figure out the truth on your own," Red Tornado replied roboticly. "There is one item that we allowed because we believe we know why you asked for it. However, I would prefer to make sure. Why did you ask for Tasers?"

"Self defence," Peter replied with a shrug. "The possibility of me getting into conflict, even if it's low because the team's role is covert missions and I'm not an official member, is still there. I'd rather be safe than sorry."

After watching the recordings last night, the young scientist wasn't delusional enough to believe mere Tasers would be enough to protect him or make a difference. However, he should be able to make something that does make a difference out of them.

"I see, so it is as we suspected," Red Tornado turned around and began walking away. "These are yours now. You may use them as you please," he said before he floated off the ground in a collection of wind and entered a chamber in the ceiling.

Peter looked at the large boxes for a few seconds before realising something. "How am I supposed to get these to-" He stopped as an idea popped in his head. "Computer, contact me to the intercom system!" A holographic screen that showed the picture of a microphone appeared in front of him. "Superboy. Can you come to the main hall? I can use some muscles."

(A/N: Thank you for reading this.

To be honest, I didn't intend for this chapter to be a filler, but I thought it would be too early to jump into action.

Again, thank you for reading this. Please comment, review, and give me your thoughts on my story.)

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