The Nerd Messed Up...
--Dipper's POV--
ARRGH! I can't find Bill or Ghost at all! Not even a trace! Every once in awhile, I do hear this creepy laughter, but it always stops the moment it starts. I might as well go back and find Grunkle Ford to tell him I lost them. I sighed and pulled out my compass, the town seemed to be behind me instead of the way I was going. I turned around to start walking back when I saw a dead bird lying on the ground, stained scarlet from its own blood. I didn't know what to do, not many Gravity Falls creatures go as far as to kill, and if they do, they never leave behind much of a trace. I crept toward it, trying hard to stay quiet, and when I got close enough, examined the body.
It's left wing was fine, but its right wing and chest had a multitude of deep wounds and the almost-gone sun's dramatic sunlight didn't help it look any better. I looked closer, the wounds weren't jagged like I thought they were, but smooth and parallel, there were just so many that they collapsed upon themselves. "They look like knife wounds..." I thought to myself, poking it with a stick. I looked around a bit, for anything, even footprints, but I saw nothing hostile. I clicked on a flashlight so I could see better and began walking back to town, ignoring the sinking feeling I had and the pit in my stomach.
I made some pretty good progress in a couple minutes. I could see some lights through some of the trees. It was then I noticed I was being followed.
I kept hearing some chuckles and someone humming, but every time I turned around, nothing was there. "This is worse than the hide-behind..." I mumbled as I turned back around, almost running into a man in a blue/red hoodie. "Sorry, sir," I said, not looking up.
"Don't be sorrryyyyyyy" He chuckled, "I've been looking for you!" I looked up and was greeted by a slightly familiar face. His eyes were blood red and stretched wide like a maniac. His hair was so dark it was almost black, and his mouth was stretched into a long smile. This was the kind of guy I wouldn't ever want to be looking for me. I've clearly never met him before, why did he look so familiar?
"Haha... Really?" I said, trying to move around him, "well I don't know who you are, really, so I'm going to go now. I'm actually looking for a couple of people right now, myself." I smiled, cautiously.
"Really? Have we not met yet? Huh..." His smile faltered momentarily, "I need to get out more. Maybe stab stab stab some things more." I almost froze when he mentioned stabbing and looked at his hands. The red on his hoodie looked more like blood, now and in his right hand he held a knife. "Well I know who you are, and that's alllll that matters. Most my relationships are one sided anyways." He said, laughing a bit.
"Okay... I really have to go now, Mister-"
"Jimmy Casket! At your stab-vice!" He chuckled, "I've been soooo boreddd, Billy Bill is so mean, keeping me all locked up and outta Ghostie's miiiinnd! I wanna play now. Do you want to PLAYYY with me?" I began to panic, squirming past him, I made a break for the town, only to run into a tree. I started to get up, but I met his eyes again, they were harsher this time, and still more familiar.
Wait, did he mention Ghost?
"Where's Ghost? What do you mean Bill kept you out of his brain? Are you another demon?!"
"A demon? ME? HA, I wish!" He laughed, "a lotta people see me as a demon, though. Maybe it's cause of Knifey." I froze then.
"Your the one who wrote that letter..." I gasped slightly, trying to shuffle away from the crazy person.
He stopped to think about it, "Oh, yeahhh, that." He smiled wider, which I didn't even know was possible, "Yeah, that was fun, seeing your spooked little faces the next morning, AHAHAHHAHHHAHAHA, I KNEW I SCARED YOU BAD, BUT NOT BAD ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU SLEEP DEPRIVED!"
"I'VE NEVER SEEN YOU BEFORE HOW DO YOU KNOW ME?!" I said, still backing away, but he was stalking closer to me. Every step I took back he took a long step forward.
"HAHA! YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE ME IF I TOLD YOU!!" He shrugged slightly, "might as well humor you, though." He straightened his posture a bit and stuck the knife in his pocket. He closed his eyes as if concentrating, and then started talking in a different voice.
"Greetings! I am Johnny GHOST!" He chuckled, "I'm Ghostie Ghost! I can't live without the one person the psycho in my head can't kiilllll!" He went from impersonating to mocking. "I don't even remember most my childhood 'cause of-" He paused there, "... Ghostie, what did you do." His smiled shrank, "did you seriously make us forget our childhood? Some of us ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT HAPPENED GHOSTIE! GHOSTIE I'M GOING TO STRANGLE YOU!"
I just paused as he yelled at himself angrily, but I was too stunned to run away. This made so much more sense than everything else I was thinking. He kept shouting when suddenly, a gun sounded and Jimmy fell back, possibly wounded, more likely dead. A giant velociraptor trotted over to me, and off popped a smiling Sally Acachalla.
"Biwwy said you wewe wif Maxwell. How'd you get away?" She asked, looking me up and down. "Oooo, wazat?" She pointed to the memory gun.
"Nothing. I forgot I was carrying it..." I said, quickly.
"We've been wooking fow you and Maple all over the place! whewe wewe you?" She asked even faster, keeping a close eye on Jimmy.
"Do you mean Mabel?" She nodded, "well, Maxwell took a liking to Mabel and is now hanging out with him back at the shack. Ghost and Toast rescued us from a cave Maxwell stuck us in a couple hours ago, but it looks like they both got possessed..."
"Jimmy's a big meanie!" She huffed as if the corpse could hear her.
"... I take it you two have history?" I said, she sadly nodded.
"He... Killed evewyone in my famiwy..." She shuffled her feet, "Weww, awmost evewyone, but aww the suwvivows are eithew dead or weawwy weiwd-y." She shrugged, "I'm good wif Mama Gewtwude and Papa, though. Hey, you should come back wif me so they know I've found you!"
"Sorry, I have to go find my Grunkle Ford. There's a demon running around in Toast's body right now and this-" I held up the memory gun, "is the only way to stop him."
"... Is the demon a twiangle?"
"Yes... How'd you know?"
She paused, "We made a deal..." She was broke off by some shouting in the nearby clump of trees.
--Spencer's POV--
"SALLY WHERE ARE YOU, YOU ABTHOULUTE NERD?!?!" I yelled into the forest, "IT'S GETTING DARK! ACACHALLA SAID WE CAN CONTINUE LOOKING TOMORROW! Personally, I don't want to look at all..." I mumbled.
"I'm over hewe, Spensew! I found Dipper!"
"Hey, Spensew?"
"Did that twiangle thing twy to make a deal wif you?" She asked, walking toward me with Dipper following cautiously.
I shrugged, "yeah, but I didn't trustht him, so I didn't take it. AND IT'S THE MIGHTY SPENTH TO YOU, MORTAL!" I paused and looked at her fully, "did he promith you waffleth or something?" She nodded. "YOU ABTHOLUTE NERD! WHAT DID HE ASK FOR FROM YOU?!"
"Fow me to go aww waffwe demon whenevew he asked..." I just walked over, grabbed Dipper, and speedwalked away.
"What was THAT all about?!" Dipper asked as I yanked him into town, "what's a Waffle Demon?!"
"Not somfing you'd want to deal wif, you abotholute nerd. Do you know where your sisther is?" I said, marching ahead of him, which was pretty weird considering he wasn't much younger (or smaller) than me.
"Uh... Yeah, she's at the Mystery Shack, hanging out with Maxwell." He paused, "wait, won't Maxwell try to kill you?"
"Pfft! I'm not technically an Acachalla, I'm jutht 14 and I live in their bathement, I'll be fine." I grimiced, "so wathts your relathionthip wif Bill?"
"I helped kill him last year..." Dipper said as I kept leading me back to the shack, "and he's possessing Toast right now."
"The Ghost Hunter guy? Theriouthly? Thathts thomthing I'd never expect..." I said, almost face palming, "anywayth, motht the Acachallath were dumb enough to acually accept hith dealth, tho if you want to get rid of him, stay away from them."
"Wait, so you're going to help me get rid of Bill? Why? You don't even know him." he asked.
"YOU ABTHOLUTE NERD! DO I NEED TO KNOW AN EVIL DEMON IN ORDER TO WANT TO KILL HIM?!" He shook his head, "Exthactaly. Pluth, anything that wanth to bend the laws of everthing is really dangerouth..."
The rest of the way to the shack was silent, until we actually got there. There was a load of comotion and a couple of the windows were broken. We ran inside to see Toast running out a door with Maxwell covering him. Ghost was there, looking extremly confused, and Ford, Stan, and Suess were all ducking for cover and/or trying to eat something off the floor (Suess) Dipper instanly joined the comotion, while I bolted around to look for a back entrance. I found it, and Toast. He was holding a weird jar thing with a purple/blackish thing wriggling inside of it. Not thinking, I ran forward and tackled him.
The jar broke.
Bill started laughing.
I think I just messed up.
--Ghost's POV--
"WHAT'S TOAST DOING?!" I shouted over all the everything going on.
"YOU REALLY DON'T REMEBER HIM GETTING POSSESED?" Dipper shouted from the entrance.
"He's possesed?! SERIOUSLY?! HOW?!"
"I see he went Casket..." Maxwell mumbled as he shot another bullet at Ford. I don't know what he's talking about.
Suddenly the sky grew orange and everything seemed to loose its color to a black and brown color sceme. There was screaming, outside and inside. Everyone but Maxwell and I was horrified.
"What's going on?!" I shouted as things suddenly began to float off the ground.
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